str4wb3rrycakez · 3 months
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Ship so good one of them died 😞🙁
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monstrous-ideas · 6 years
Homebrew Race: Dragonkin
This took me long to make. And I still have more racial feats to make for it. So the idea behind the dragonkin is to make them like an in-between of offical Dragonborn and Kobold PCs. Theres nothing saying that Draconic humanoids must be strong other than obvious fact they descend from giant dragons. But well, some may say dragons are also super resiliant and extremely fast (especially flying). This is why dragonkin has +2 to one of physical, ability. Second thing I had in mind was to make them with many Variants, becouse they may be as diverse as Elves, Dwarves and Orcs.
The dragonkin descends from hybrids of dragons and humanoids and bare traits of both. They can have three or four fingers, some grow tails, spikes or back sails. Their bodies are mostly covered in scales, but many have feathers, fur, amphibian skin or in rare cases gemstone-like growth. In their adult life some undergo a mutation that might give them features of different type of dragonkin or wyrms themself, like wings or ability to exhale elemental energy. Because of their wide heritage traits that one bares depend mostly on region that dragonkin origins from.
Dragonkin Racial Traits
Size: Your size is Medium or Small. If You chose behemoth type, Your size must be medium.
Speed: 30 feet
Draconic Ancestry: Choose one dragon colour from the table below as kind of dragon You are most related to.
Dragonkin Type: Choose one type from Behemoth, Serpent or Salamander
Perilian Provenance: Choose one origin from Wildland, Nomadic or Enclave.
Draconic Resistance: You have resistance to damage type indicated by Your Draconic Ancestry.
Languages: You know Common and Draconic.
Draconic Ancestries
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Dragonkin Types
Behemoth Type
Behemoths are the mightiest of the dragonkin. They are very proud people, often living in region of mountains. Behemoth’s bodies often show similarities to ancient beasts like Triceratops, but commonly grow partial fur that resembles armoured bear.
Ability Score Increase: Strength +2
Powerful Build: You can push, drag or lift twice as much weight.
Serpent Type
Serpents are recognized by their long tails proportionally large to their lean builts. They are skilled crafters and cunning skirmishers, as they grow more agile form other types. Their claws allow them to attach to surfaces of trees or rocks and tails help them keep balance while climbing.
Ability Score Increase: Dexterity +2
Climbing Speed: 30 feet
Salamander Type
Salamanders have amphibian features such as gills or webs between fingers and underneath arms. Not totally covered in scales this type of dragonkin is actually more resilient than most. Salamander’s vitality allows them to mend grave wounds and even regrow lost limbs over time. Being adapted to life above and below water, they settle on riverbanks, swamps and coasts of Perilia. 
Ability Score Increase: Constitution +2
Amphibious: You can breathe both air and water
Swimming Speed: 30 feet
Perilian Provenance
Originating from dense jungles, deep swamps, rocky wastelands or underground caverns, half feral dragonkin are more suited for survival than others. They often are nocturnal, hunting during the night and hiding from bigger predators.
Ability Score Increase: Wisdom +1
Darkvision: 60 feet
The traveling dragonkin that live on the edge of barrens and civilized lands meet with different cultures. Some walk ancient routes through the continent. Some traverse the seas around Perilia and even across oceans to other continents. Nomadic Perilians often deal with trade and tend to solve problems with persuasion rather than force.
Ability Score Increase: Charisma +1
Bonus Language: You learn two languages of Your choice.
Living in ancient cities, under the rule of dragons or independently of them, those Dragonkin cultivate and improve old techniques of art, magic and science. Those Perilians aren’t any weaker than those from harsh wilds and will protect their safe havens with aid of magic and technology. Occasionally Dragonkin from the cities send out expeditions for research or to widen their influence.
Ability Score Increase: Intelligence +1
Bonus Skill: You have proficiency in one extra skill of Your choice.
Alternative racial feat rule: You gain Breath Weapon or Dragonkin Provenance Feat at first level, but lose traits from Type and Provenance other than increases to Your Ability Scores. 
Dragonkin Racial Feats
You have acces to Dragon Fear, Dragon Hide and Dragon Wings racial feats and gain acces to the following.
Breath Weapon
Prerequisite: Dragonkin
You gain ability to concentrate elemental power from within Yourself and exhale it as a devastating breath. You can use Your action to create a area filled with Your destructive breath. Shape of that area and type of damage it does depend on Your Draconic Ancestry. If it is Fire, Lightning or Acid damage, each creature in the area must make Dexterity saving throw. If it is Poison or Cold targets make Constitution saving throws instead. The DC of saving throw is equal to 8 + Your proficiency bonus + Your Constitution modifier. Each target takes 2d6 damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. The damage You deal with this feature increases by d6 when You reach 6th, 11th and 16th level.
Secondary Element
Prerequisite: Dragonkin
You gain connection to another type of dragon You are descended from. You have additional option of Draconic Ancestry and gain its damage resistance. Your new option must correspond with different damage type than Your first one.  If You have access to Breath Weapon You can choose to use breath weapon of either type, but You don’t gain more uses of Breath Weapon.
Dragonkin Provenance Feats
Pack Hunter
Prerequisite: Dragonkin (Wildland Provenance)
You master methods of fighting in groups, using help of allies with maximum effectiveness.
You gain Pack Tactics trait, gaining advantage on attack rolls against targets within 5 feet of Your ally, as long as that ally isn't incapacitated.
Prerequisite: Dragonkin (Nomadic Provenance)
You gain proficiency with one Skill, one set of tools and learn a language.
Choose one skill You are proficient with. You double Your proficiency bonus for that skill.
Arcane Study
Prerequisite: Dragonkin (Enclave Provenance)
You know Shield, Identify and Magic Weapon spells, each of which You can cast once per long rest, without using a spell slot.
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s-xint-archive · 7 years
Tagged by: @nadiwayagari​ (Thank yooou!) Full name: Ve Ga Xila  Other names: Vega, Commander. Occupation: Pirate Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Origin: Peri Lus, District #23  Current location: Somewhere in space probably Nationality: Asht Ethnicity: Perilian  Spoken languages: Ashi and Base Religion: Areligous Height: 6′5″ Body type: Lean muscular  Eyes: Dark blue Tattoos: Small inverted red star on forearm Piercings: Black ring on the bridge of his nose  Social media: None Smoking: No Drinking: Yes Drugs: No Athletics: Mostly weight lifting  Hobbies: Weapon collecting and making sculptures out of scrap Virgin: No Favorite drink: Any kind of soda Favorite food: Any red meat Favorite music: Electro-dance Clothing style: The best way to describe it is cyberpunk meets nu goth Underwear type: Semi-long underwear that stops just about the knee. Tagging: @danielmeyumi @sighsandshouldershrugs @portalipsis and anyone who wants to do this.
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str4wb3rrycakez · 3 months
No one gets them like I do...
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str4wb3rrycakez · 3 months
I wanna write a Perilian fanfic but I don't have the motivation rn :(
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flady-blog1 · 7 years
Perilian | Cara Menampilkan Penggaris (Ruler) di Microsoft Office Word - Hai kawan, kali ini Mas Peril akan membagikan tips sederhana mengenai Microsoft Office. Kebanyakan orang yang masih awam menggunakan microsoft word pasti belum mengetahui cara mensettingnya, yakni cara menampilkan penggaris atau ruler pada  aplikasi Microsoft Word. Ruler atau penggaris pada aplikasi microsoft word sendiri berfungsi sebagai pengatur panjang dan lebar pada lembar halaman microsoft word sesuai yang kita inginkan. Oke langsung saja berikut tips sederhana yang akan kami bagikan mengenai  Cara Menampilkan Penggaris (Ruler) di Microsoft Office Word.
Cara Menampilkan Penggaris (Ruler) di Microsoft Office Word
1. Pertama, silahkan masuk ke menu View, lalu pilih Ruler dan centang pada kotak Ruler
2. Maka secara otomatis fitur Ruler / Penggaris pada Microsoft Word akan tampil untuk membantu teman-teman dalam mengatur panjang dan lebar halaman kerja microsoft word
3. Selesai
Baca Juga : Cara Enkripsi File MIcrosoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
Demikian yang dapat Mas Peril bagikan untuk teman-teman mengenai Cara Menampilkan Penggaris (Ruler) di Microsoft Office Word, silahkan dicoba dan semoga bermanfaat kawan :D
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