#perhaps i think he's 🥰🥰🤗🤗
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years ago
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MMATAband: Bestie moment
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sansaorgana · 1 year ago
So I loved the way you wrote Buck with his scars! My heart was breaking! Could you maybe write one where he hates them and the reader comforts them and kisses his scars?
hi, sugar! 🥰 I am trying to write these requests chronologically but I couldn't wait to write this one, especially after seeing today's episode because domestic Buck is something I just NEED 😍 I added a whole plot around it, so you can also expect some of jealous Gale 👀 basically, his wife befriended some man when he was away and now he's jealous and insecure that he's not so handsome anymore lol like it's even possible
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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Buck stepped on the stool to take off the last of the Welcome Home signs as his wife stood below with her hand gently put on his thigh, making sure he wouldn’t fall. She didn’t want to miss any opportunity to touch him ever since he had come back.
Buck smiled to himself. It still felt odd to be back home and to be around his wife’s comforting presence, surrounded by her love and affection.
He furrowed his brows at the ceiling’s colour, though. It was oddly snow white and he remembered that it had been needing a renovation when they had moved in a few weeks before his departure to Europe.
“The ceiling’s been painted,” he pointed out as he handed his wife the paper sign and she took it from him to put it away.
“Yes. Ritchie’s done it,” she answered casually.
Buck froze for a second before stepping down from the stool and taking a better look at his wife. She didn’t look as if she was hiding some secret, though.
“Who is Ritchie?” He tried to remain cool. He had no right to be jealous. He didn’t want to be one of those husbands who didn’t want their wives to have any male friends.
Still, he was jealous.
“Oh, Ritchie, he’s just a… Just a friend, I mean…” (Y/N) chuckled and he could see her eyes sparkling. Buck’s jaw clenched at that reaction. “He’s a doctor, a local doctor, you know.”
“Do I know him?” Buck asked, trying to remember if he had known any Ritchies.
“No, no, honey, he was sent here when you had been… away,” she sighed. “I met him at the party…” (Y/N) got nervous explaining and Buck furrowed his brows at her. “I didn’t want to go, my friends forced me, I swear, Buck. It gave me no pleasure to dance and have fun knowing that you were… at some camp, I…” She shook her head and her eyes filled with tears.
“Shh,” Buck put his arms around her and brought her closer to place a kiss on the top of her head. “I hoped you would go out sometimes and have fun. I never wanted you to sit at home alone and cry all day and night. I hoped you’d know that, baby.”
“I know… Well, Ritchie was there. He wasn’t sent to Europe because we need doctors here, too,” (Y/N) sniffed her tears back and looked up at her husband. “He offered me help around the house. He painted the ceiling and took care of that spare room that might be a nursery one day… He fixed the drain and helped to mow the grass. You know, that sort of stuff,” (Y/N) explained. “I don’t know what I’d do without him, Buck. And he did that all for free!”
“For free, you say?” Buck raised an eyebrow. She looked so sweet and innocent, he didn’t want to accuse her of anything but he didn’t trust other men as much as he trusted his girl.
“Completely!” She assured him and nodded her head. “I wanted to pay him, I really did. But he told me that my husband was serving the country and it was his duty to help. He’s a sweetheart, really, Buck,” she tried to convince her husband. “In fact,” (Y/N) took a step back and smiled, “I think you should meet him. I think you’ll adore him! And you should thank him, too.”
“Thank him?” Buck asked, surprised. Perhaps she was right. He should. After all, that man had helped his wife enormously. But the ugly jealousy was too overwhelming.
“Of course!” (Y/N) gave him a scolding look. “Don’t you think he deserves to be thanked? Let me call him! I’ll invite him for dinner. He’s usually free on Sundays,” she ran to the telephone.
Buck only watched as she excitedly dialled the number she had memorised by heart. After a short while, someone on the other side of the line picked up and she smiled widely.
“Hey-ho, Ritchie, darling!” She started and Buck chewed on the inside of his cheek. He leaned on the wall, trying to look cool about it but he was exploding inside. “I was thinking that perhaps you’d join us for dinner tonight? I’d make that lasagna you like so much!” (Y/N) told her friend.
Buck tried not to look surprised that the mysterious Ritchie had his favourite dish already.
The truth was, Buck didn’t have any favourite dish (Y/N) made. And he hadn’t done much around this house before his departure either. They had gotten married two months before. He had been away for more than a year. That Ritchie guy had spent more time with his wife than he had. And it was killing him inside to realise that.
His wife had been everything that made his will to survive so strong. To see her again, to smell her, to touch her, to hear her laugh. She had saved him hundreds of times without even realising. And of course, as he had said to her, he hadn’t wanted her to spend all her days crying after him. But it still stinged his heart that she had some gentleman friend around. Cooking for him, renovating the house together, God-only-knows what else…
“Oh, no, you won’t be a bother!” (Y/N) shook her head to the receiver. “Buck wants to meet you and thank you for everything,” she turned around to smile at her husband. “Well, in two hours perhaps? Great!”
She put the receiver down and approached Buck to hug him and kiss his cheek.
“I can’t believe you’re here with me again… It feels so surreal,” she admitted.
He only hugged her closer, trying not to say anything. All he could feel was jealousy and he didn’t want to open his mouth and accidentally hurt her with his words.
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Doctor Ritchie Nelson was older than Buck had expected – around 40. And much more handsome, too. Buck had naively hoped it would be some senior man living down the street or something like that. But no, he looked like a fucking actor. He had shiny black hair and bright blue eyes. He was a few inches taller and his clothes were very elegant.
Buck shook his hand to greet him when he opened the door.
“Major,” Ritchie saluted and then he gave Buck the most wonderful smile. Buck swallowed thickly.
Fuck me, he thought.
“Just call me Buck, doc,” he only said.
“And you call me Ritchie, son,” Ritchie walked inside as if the house had been his.
Buck closed the door behind him. He didn’t like being called son by that man even if he was older. But he didn’t want to start an argument and make his wife sad. She seemed to be very excited about the two of them finally meeting.
“(Y/N)’s in the kitchen now. She will serve the food in a moment. Follow me,” Buck headed to the dining room, painfully realising how stupid his words must have sounded. Of course Ritchie knew where to go.
But Ritchie didn’t say anything to that and took his place by the table.
“Hello, (Y/N)!” He raised his voice in the kitchen’s direction.
“Hello, sweetheart!” (Y/N) greeted him back and Buck took a seat across the table so he could face the man.
Before he could open his mouth to ask about something, his wife went inside with the plates. She put the food on the table and joined them, sitting right in between. 
“So, your wife told me that you went down over Bremen,” Ritchie started so naturally. He had to be born with this charm and charisma. “That was hell of a mission, I’ve heard on the radio.”
“Oh, Ritchie, let’s not talk about the war, can we?” (Y/N) batted her eyelashes at him. “Please,” she laid her eyes on her husband and Buck nodded at her.
He also didn’t want to talk about the war. Especially with a man who had not been there.
“Of course,” Ritchie cleared his throat.
“I’d rather listen to your stories,” Buck told him. “What did I miss ‘round town?”
He quickly regretted asking that question. (Y/N) and Ritchie were telling him all sorts of stories and gossip about local women, drunkards, policemen, priests, divorces and marriages, new children getting born... He wouldn’t mind that itself but the way they interacted with each other made his heart sink deep in his chest.
(Y/N) was mostly looking at Ritchie and her eyes were sparkling whenever he said something funny. She would often touch his wrist when she was laughing and they had a ton of inside jokes that Buck didn’t even want to ask about.
“Oh, you tell that story. You tell it the best!” She would say often and then she would interrupt Ritchie all the time to add her own details. But Ritchie didn’t seem to mind.
Buck couldn’t handle it anymore. He stood up suddenly and they looked up at him, questioningly.
“Are you alright, darling?” (Y/N) asked him, worryingly.
“Yes, I just… I want water…” Buck said and she nodded her head.
He went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass before leaning on the counter and watching his wife still talking to Ritchie. They looked so natural together, so comfortable around each other.
In fact, she looked more relaxed around Ritchie than around Buck. The truth was that things had been awkward between them. When they were alone, they would sit in silence most of the time. And she didn’t look as relaxed as she did now.
Buck clenched his jaw and joined them by the table again, even though he felt as if he was a third wheel.
“Oh, Buck, baby, I forgot to tell you,” (Y/N) grabbed his arm and then she pointed at Ritchie. “Ritchie used to be a model.”
Fucking wonderful, Buck thought. But he pretended to be surprised as he laid his eyes at the other man.
“Oh, please,” Ritchie rolled his eyes and chuckled.
The worst part of Ritchie was that he was not mean. He wasn’t teasing Buck or trying to show off. He really was a nice man... who just happened to have a good relationship with Buck’s wife.
“I mean it! Back in the 30s. He was on the cover of the magazine!” (Y/N) finished the story. “I mean, look at him,” she laid her eyes on Ritchie. “40 this year and face so smooth,” her voice sounded almost dreamy.
Buck moved uncomfortably in his seat. His face was far from smooth now with a few scars scattered on his cheeks. They were not deep but he could see them every time he looked in the mirror. A painful reminder of what he had been through. He would never have a face like Ritchie fucking Nelson. He had already been uncomfortable with the scars but now he hated them.
He took a better look at his wife. God, she was so pretty. So full of life. She deserved someone like her. Not a man broken by the war like him.
“I actually could sign a contract and go to Hollywood,” Ritchie confessed, a little shyly.
“But he chose to refuse and become a doctor,” (Y/N) shook her head and looked at Buck. “Can you believe that? I’d choose Hollywood,” she joked and Ritchie laughed.
Buck forced a chuckle. He couldn’t focus on her words anymore anyway.
“It’s getting late,” Ritchie took a glance at his watch. “I’m opening my cabinet tomorrow in the early morning. I should be going now.”
“Of course,” (Y/N) nodded and stood up to walk him to the front door. Buck remained in the dining room and waited for her to be back.
It took her quite a long time to say goodbye to her friend. He almost stood up himself to check on them but that was when she finally joined him and sat back by that table.
An awkward silence occurred between them.
“Isn’t he lovely?” (Y/N) started as she played with the food on her plate.
“Yes,” Buck nodded. “Damn, I forgot to thank him.”
“It’s alright. He doesn’t really expect that. You can do that next time, too,” she took his hand in hers and caressed it gently.
He hated to see her more stiff and awkward around him than she had been around Ritchie.
“I’ll wash the dishes,” she sighed and stood up, taking the plates from the table.
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Buck stood in front of the mirror in the morning and looked at his freshly shaven face. Last night he had a nightmare again and he didn’t get a lot of sleep. His eyes missed the spark he had had before his departure to Europe. They were tired now and sadder, no matter how much he tried to be the same man as before. There were a few new wrinkles on his forehead, too. And those awful scars on his cheeks. His face was definitely not smooth.
“Knock, knock, baby,” (Y/N) opened the door gently. “What is taking you so long? I thought you were shaving,” she smiled softly at him. “I started to worry.”
“I got distracted, sorry,” he reached out for the towel to wipe the remaining shaving cream off of his face but (Y/N) approached him to do it herself.
“Aw, look at you, my handsome husband,” she gave him a warm and loving smile.
He hated that little voice in his head telling him that she had said that out of pity.
“Not anymore,” Buck chuckled nervously and put an aftershave on.
“What are you talking about?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows as she stared at his reflection in the mirror.
He only shook his head, scared that he would start crying if he said something now.
“Gale?” She asked softly as she delicately put her hand on his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, look at my face now,” he turned around to face her as his voice trembled.
“I am looking, baby,” she bit on her lower lip and placed her hands on his cheeks to caress them gently with her thumbs. “Do you mean those scars, love?” She asked, nervously.
Buck only nodded as his eyes filled with tears.
“Can I be honest with you, my darling?” She asked and he nodded again. “Well, I didn’t want to mention them when you came back home. I didn’t know if I could, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or sad… But I wanted to tell you…” she hesitated for a moment and his heart skipped a beat.
He expected her to tell him now that they were indeed ugly or making him less attractive. Of course, she would later tell him she loves him despite them and all that jazz. What else would she say?
“I know that they’re on your face because you’ve been hurt and in pain, so I don’t feel good saying this but… Well, I think they make you look even more handsome,” she admitted and Buck’s eyes widened a little. “Am I a bad wife for thinking that?” She asked, nervously. “I’m sorry if I am. But you look so brave, my darling. And so handsome. They make me feel so proud to be your wife when I see them,” she leaned in to place small kisses up and down one of his cheeks and then the other.
“I thought you liked Ritchie’s soft face…” Buck muttered out.
“Wh-what?” (Y/N) took a step back to look deep into his eyes, her hands still caressing his cheeks. “Oh, you’re jealous?”
“Well, how can I not be?” Buck held her wrists gently and moved them out of his face to place soft kisses upon her knuckles. One at the time. “He spent more time with you than me. You’re so comfortable around him. I’m glad you had a friend when I was gone. But I can’t help not to be jealous,” he confessed. “He’s not as broken as me.”
“Gale,” (Y/N) shook her head. “You’re the only man for me. I’ve been waiting for you here, each day and night. And those silly scars you’re so bothered about? Goddamit, I was praying to all the gods in the world to bring you back to me, even without arms or legs, so what do they even matter? They’re nothing. I just wanted my husband back with me!” She began to tear up.
“I know,” Buck brought her closer to hug her. “I’m not accusing you of anything, I know.”
“Oh, you’d be an idiot if you accused me,” she chuckled through the tears.
“Why?” He asked and rubbed her back.
“Because Ritchie… He…” She tried to find the right words. “Well, he doesn’t like women, if you know what I mean.”
What a burden had just left Buck’s heart. He chuckled out of relief.
“Yeah, I should have… I should have known. There was something about him,” he admitted.
“He’ll be flattered that you thought of him as competition. It means you find him attractive,” (Y/N) giggled and Buck rolled his eyes before hugging her even tighter. “I love you, Major Cleven,” she squeezed him tighter too. “All of you, all the scars and all the breaks you claim to have.”
Buck was left speechless for a moment. He just kept holding her and kissed her temple before finally speaking up.
“I love you, too, Mrs. Cleven.”
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dfortrafalgar · 11 months ago
Hiii! I'm so happy you are taking requests! I love the way you write, everything feels so real! I'm loving ILY and it's a bittersweet feeling now that it is ending (I'm the anon that commented early on saying that it was so relatable because I also had a miscarriage at 6 weeks). Thank you for that fic 🥰🤗
Now, my requests, if you choose to take it! I would love a jealous/protective Law X fem reader. I was thinking, no established relationship but some flirting going on, perhaps. Could be SFW or NSFW, it's up to you! I would just really loooooove some protective Law! I'm also obsessed with his hands so you can do whatever with that 😂
Did I mention that I love your writting? I did? I'll do it again. Thank you for sharing your gift! ❤️
I'm in annon but you can call me R.J. 😋😎
AAA HELLO R.J im so happy to hear from you again!!!!! no lie ive been thinking about you every day, your first message during my story was so amazingly sweet and touching and i havent been able to stop thinking about it, im so happy that you loved the end of the fic and to hear that you're doing well!!! <333
i ended up projecting a bit in this fic... and it ended up being a bit more Protective Law rather than Jealous Law, but i hope you like it all the same! i also juggled on nsfw, but decided that sfw worked better for this specific plot, so i hope that's alright!!!
thank you so much for requesting!!!! 💗❤️💓💕
Decontaminate the Heart
Law x Fem Reader
Your feelings toward Law had gone from a reasonable level of respect to a deep infatuation that you were readily keeping hidden. An unfortunate encounter with a predatory shopkeep might be what unravels your feelings... and the feelings of your captain.
Warnings: some descriptions of gross behavior from a stranger, light fluff, pre-relationship vibes, protective law but also struggling-to-accept-his-feelings awkward law
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Law wasn’t fond of the word ‘jealous.’  After all, he was a seasoned veteran in the long game of Keeping All Human Emotions Bottled Up Inside So That You Don’t Show Weakness To Those Who Might Be Out To Hurt You.  He had become a pro at it, too.  After all, putting a word to an undefined emotion only validated that feeling, which was exactly the opposite of what Law needed.  Mouth constantly downturned in a pensive frown, steely, cold eyes shutting down all encounters with those he deemed unfamiliar or even the slightest bit threatening, holding even his closest friends at arm’s length on good days.  If he wasn’t the strong-willed, feared captain of the Heart Pirates, a man with a three billion beri bounty on his head, then who was he?
The answer is: a loser.  He was a loser.  Especially after he brought you on board his crew as a boatswain.  That day, he unwillingly began the downward spiral that would transform into his emotional demise.  A psychic catastrophe.  An inner turmoil of the highest degree.
Ikkaku called it infatuation.  Bepo called it love.  The rest of his raunchy, stifled male crew called it being horny.
Whatever it was, it had Law in a steel trap, never letting go.
And on a particularly warm, sunny day, docked cliffside on an island with idyllic spring weather, his steel trap was donned in a flowy sundress that complimented her entire outward appearance in a way he didn’t think was humanly possible.  When she first greeted Law before they departed the Polar Tang, she had bent down slightly, holding her hands together in front of her and pushing her biceps together just enough that her cleavage was on center stage for just a brief moment.  She had giggled at the way Law’s face flushed with a crimson hue.  Unprovoked… but not necessarily unappreciated.
Days for leisure were hard to come by as a pirate, so the crew was sure to take full advantage of the opportunities that crossed your path.  The pirates were given the freedom to roam to their heart’s content, so long as they didn’t cause trouble.  “Stress-free activities are crucial to maintaining good cardiac health,” Law would say.  But everyone knew he enjoyed some sparring days off just as much as any average bloke.
Especially when those days off were spent in your company.
“Thank you for coming with me, Captain!” you quipped, your voice cheerful as you walked beside him, a small paper bag clutched in your hand, containing a small product you had just purchased from one of the local shops.  The entire crew had shed their usual boiler suits for the day in exchange for more casual attire, you taking the opportunity to don the sundress that you had purchased a few months ago with Ikkaku.  “I’m always happy when you take days off to get out of that stuffy office of your’s.”
Law fought tooth and nail to keep the pleased smirk that twitched his lips from showing on his face.  He already needed to duel with his wandering eyes which kept itching to gaze at the way your breasts fit into the bodice of your light, flowy gown.  “Of course, it’s nice to get out sometimes.”  ‘With you,�� he added in his head before quickly balling up the thought into a crumpled mess and chucking it into a garbage pail.  The worst part about all of this, unrelated to walking side-by-side with you (which was the complete opposite of a bad thing), was the fact that he was pressured to leave Kikoku behind on the Polar Tang.  He felt naked without his sword perched on his right shoulder.
Your eyes were eagerly glancing between the storefronts that surrounded you on both sides, happy townspeople window shopping with their families and loved ones, partaking in the outdoor food markets, and spending quality time in the sun.  The domestic bliss of days like this always made your soul feel lighter, your footsteps almost floating off the ground.  A few couples passed by, their hands intertwined and souls combining with bliss, a sight that made Law’s own fingers twitch with the deep-seeded need to grasp your hand.  Every once in a while, your own fingers would tingle with the desire to reach out for him as well.
He wouldn’t hold your hand because of affection, Law told himself.  It was just to make sure other people knew you were off limits.
Was that because of affection?  Was he even entitled to such a thought?  
He stifled a frustrated groan.  “Are you looking for something?” he asked curiously, picking up on the way your gleaming eyes darted to and fro.
“There was a shop I read about in the latest paper that I could have sworn was on this island…” you muttered, bringing your free hand up to nervously stroke the skin of your cheek.  After a few more moments, your face lit up as your eyes landed on a shop tucked away between two larger markets, almost completely hidden from public view.  “Found it!”
Law’s heart almost leapt out of his throat when you subconsciously snatched his hand, yanking him out of the flow of people on the street and towards the storefront.  His stern golden eyes flashed up towards the sign above the front door.
“You read about this somewhere?” he asked, his voice revealing a level of skepticism as you stopped in front of the front door.  A dingy, beat-up ‘OPEN’ sign carved into a plank of birch wood and hanging from a rusty chain was flipped outward toward the street, beckoning townsfolk inside to peruse whatever wares were contained within the unassuming wooden shack.
You excitedly nodded.  “Yup, I was looking for places that might sell rare coins.”
Law’s breath caught in his throat.  “But you don’t collect coins.”
“I was looking for you!” you called out, flashing him a smile that could have easily put him in an early grave.  So much for being conscious of his heart health.  With the way his organ was hammering behind his sternum, he had half a mind to be worried about spontaneous cardiac arrest.
Instead of responding, all he could muster was a quiet, pensive, “Hmm.”
You finally released his hand (his palm felt so cold now), and pushed open the thin wooden door to enter the shop.  An obnoxious, ear-piercing bell chimed above the hinges, alerting any other shoppers or employees of your entrance.  Law always hated gimmicks like that, they were a pirate’s worst nightmare.  Instantly, the smell of centuries old dust and mildew flooded Law’s nose, making him suppress a sneeze into the collar of his shirt.  He was about to make a snide remark about being susceptible to allergens, but kept his lips sealed when an amused giggle emitted from your lips at the way his face contorted with mild disgust.
He blindly followed you to the back of the store, past dusty shelves containing books from all walks of life, old technology that Law had never even seen before, and antiques from across the globe.  Your expression remained one of wonder as you passed by each new item, gazing fondly at some of the more sentimental goods- boxes of old postcards, old newspapers from decades prior, wanted posters for pirates long deceased.  For such a ratty-looking establishment, the variety of wares this ‘Wild Bill’ had on hand was quite impressive.  In the very back of the store, a long glass case spanning almost the entire length of the wall was situated, separating a back room from the rest of the establishment.  There was a small space to walk around behind the case in between the wall, where small sliding doors were built in to allow someone to remove the wares kept safe inside.
Law’s eyes finally lit up in wonder.
A plethora of fine metalwork was kept in the special enclosure, jewelry with the finest minerals and perfectly sculpted details in precious velvet boxes, metal treasures surely passed down through generations of wealth, and in the nearest corner, an assortment of collectable, commemorative coins from across the world.  You smiled to yourself as Law drifted toward the coins, crouching down on his calves to more closely inspect what the shop had to offer.
He was so adorable.
“Can I help you folks with anything?” a voice from behind you asked, startling you from your affectionate daze.
A larger, older man emerged from behind one of the tall bookshelves, his hands in his pockets.  He was dressed surprisingly gaudy, a bright purple overcoat that traveled past his rump covering a sky-blue button-up shirt and a polka dot bowtie.  His belly was quite large, a curled handlebar mustache perched atop his upper lip.  He looked wildly out of place in such a modest, dusty shop.  Must be Wild Bill.
You flashed a cordial smile.  “Just looking around!”
The sound of your talking alerted Law, who stayed crouched in front of the coin collection but tossed accusatory glares over his shoulder, assessing the man’s interactions with you under an analytical gaze.  Out of instinct, as a pirate.  As a captain.  Nothing more… probably.
“Well, let me know if you need help finding anything!” the man hollered, his receding hairline making the dim light of the nearby lamps reflect off his oily skin.  He stepped behind the glass containers with a small huff and disappeared into the back room, a curtain swooping closed behind him.
With the outrageous stranger gone, Law resumed looking over the fine details of each coin housed within their own individual boxes, while you approached the other end of the glass case and examined the jewelry.
Your eyes darted excitedly between pieces.  Delicate rings with rare gemstones sat perfectly in their boxes, some dated as old as centuries ago.  A bracelet that was assembled with the finest minerals, gleaming brightly through the dim atmosphere of the shop.  As your eyes continued to dart from one object to the next, you finally found yourself entranced by one thing in particular.  It was a necklace, more of a choker than a longer-hanging piece, with a small purple amethyst mounted elegantly in the center of a silver pendant.  The complimentary silver chain seemed to be fairly heavy duty just as it was delicate enough to still be an elegant accessory.  You felt a smile pull at your lips.  You doubted you had enough beri to afford it, but you’d be damned if you couldn’t at least try it on.
Wild Bill once again appeared from behind the curtain after a few moments, placing a few items on top of the counter to be placed inside the glass enclosure.  Law watched as the old man’s gaze turned to you as you bent over, tucking your dress behind your knees to crouch down and get a closer look at the amethyst necklace.
“Anything caught your eye, missy?” Bill asked, his voice far too loud for such a small shop as he leaned over the top of the counter and gazed through the transparent surface at the pieces you were admiring.  A seemingly friendly smile adorned his pudgy face.
You enthusiastically nodded.  “Yes, actually, can I try on this necklace?”  Your finger pointed through the protective barrier toward your interest.  “The one with the small amethyst pendant.”
Law kept watching your interaction out of the corner of his eye.
“Of course, of course!” boomed Bill, bending over and sliding the door of the case open to remove the necklace, holding it by the chain in his large, burly hand.  
Without being asked, he stepped out from behind the counter and approached you from behind, unclasping the chain and looping it around your neck.  Law watched, his leg muscles tensing as you visibly stiffened at the proximity of the man as he clasped the chain together around your neck.  He pulled over a small standing mirror to have you admire the piece that sat elegantly between your collarbones.  Your fingers ghosted over the gemstone embedded in the fine silver, a small smile ghosting over your lips.
“It looks absolutely beautiful,” you whispered.
Bill stepped closer, almost pinning you from behind against the counter.  His large hands rested against the glass case, caging you in.  “It does… fitting for a beautiful woman such as yourself.”
The air went ice cold as Law watched the man’s hand wander upward, trailing across your forearm and up toward your bicep, across your shoulder and to your neck.  Your face had quickly contorted into an expression of terror, having been caged against the counter all of a sudden against your will, being caressed by this stranger.  Law felt frozen.  His brain was screaming at him to move, to do something, to get you out of this shop as soon as possible.  But he couldn’t move.  Why couldn’t he move?
“I’m sorry, I think I’m going to pass, actually,” you uttered, trying to push yourself away from him.  Your voice had quickly grown shaky, apprehensive.
“No, no, it really does suit you!” Bill murmured, his head angling downward, predatory eyes gazing over the soft skin of your neck.  The way he kept you pinned against the counter prevented you from moving away from him.  His belly was almost pushed flush against your back, making your hands tremble in fear.
A flash of blue light engulfed the surrounding area.  You immediately breathed a sigh of mild relief.  A static sensation permeated the space around you, making goosebumps rise across your skin and the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.  Just as soon as the bubble surrounded you, the predatory man was replaced with your captain standing protectively behind you, his lean hand on your shoulder to keep you steady.
Now he’d done it.
“You’re…” Bill stammered, his own hands shaking with realization.  “I’ve seen that ability, you’re… you’re…!”
Law didn’t give him time to fully realize who’s identity he was dealing with before his hand was in yours, forcefully dragging you out of the shop, harshly pushing between narrow shelves of delicate antiques until the two of you burst back out into the sunlight.  Law didn’t let up his pace, your feet barely keeping you steady as you ran.  Onlookers stepped back, shocked gasps and wide eyes following the two of you in your mad scramble back to the cliff where the submarine was kept concealed.  He just needed to get you some place secure.  Somewhere where you could wash away the phantom grime of the hands that had just touched you.
What a bad day to leave his sword behind.
The two of you had just barely made it past the outskirts of the port town when you tripped, slamming into Law’s backside and falling to your knees with a pained grunt.  The shoes you were wearing definitely weren’t built for mad sprints through a town.
“Shit…” Law grumbled, crouching down in front of you.  “Are you alright?”
Your hands were still shaking, anxiously palming the dirt and grass beneath your fingers as your lungs heaved, desperate to catch up on the oxygen you lost in your frantic sprint.  Small tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes, but you were quick to blink them away.  Your heart was pounding madly in your chest, your brain a fuzzy mess of scrambled, panicked thoughts that couldn’t make sense in any order.  Law was so close to you, so close you could almost smell the mild soap he used in the shower.  Something woody.  Mellow.  So very him.  You wanted to hug him.  The stress of the sudden incident was rapidly catching up to you.
Instead, the only thing you managed to do was blurt out an awkward, weary, “Thank you.”
Law wordlessly helped you to your feet, walking you back to the Polar Tang.  His mouth was drawn in that pensive line once more.
It took a few hours for you to register the fact that you had sprinted out of the pawn shop with the necklace still clasped around your neck.  When you took it off, you held it gently in your hands, gazing at the way the brilliant purple gem was nestled perfectly in the metal sculpted around it.  But the fingerprints around the chain from the predatory man who groped you left a phantom burning pain on your skin.  You still loved the piece, you truly did, and you wished you could wear it, but you felt violated.  There was no denying it.
You needed to scrub it clean.  You needed to scrub your own body clean, it seemed.
Law was in the medical bay when you carefully knocked on the door, hoping that no one was in there with him.  The tired sounding, ‘Come in,’ granted you permission to gently push the heavy hatch door open, stepping into the dim lighting and closing the entrance behind you.
Your captain was in the midst of re-organizing the entire medicine cabinet, floor to ceiling.  He did it when he was stressed.
“Yeah?” was all he asked when you entered, barely looking away from his obsessive work while you stood awkwardly in the doorway, holding your necklace in your cupped hands like it was a suspicious specimen to be brought to a lab.
“I know this is a weird request, but can you disinfect this?” you asked.
You held up the necklace by the very end of the chain, dangling it in the air away from you.  Law finally turned his attention toward you, an eyebrow raised.
“Why?”  He sounded genuinely oblivious to why you would ask for such a favor.
You rocked back and forth on your heels.  “It still feels like it has the fingerprints of that guy.  From the shop,” you clarified.  When you said it out loud, you grimaced at how childish you sounded, but at the same time, you felt your concerns, your insecurities over what had transpired, were justified.
You were violated.  Case closed.
It seemed Law picked up on that as well.  As much as he struggled to put himself in other peoples’ shoes, he could see the anxious look in your eyes that told him everything he needed to know- you wanted to wash away all traces of the man who burst your personal bubble in one of the worst ways imaginable.
Law felt a searing jealousy in his chest, the sudden reminder of the way your face contorted in utter horror as you were touched.
Your captain wordlessly stepped forward and gently took the chain from your fingers.  You watched him silently as he stepped back toward the counter, rummaging through the supplies he had laid out mid-organizing before procuring an opaque bottle of rubbing alcohol and filling a small container about halfway with the solution before submerging your necklace inside.  He capped the bottle and placed it back where he found it, amongst his other disinfectant chemicals.
“We’ll let that sit for a few minutes,” he suggested.  “In the meantime, I have these wet napkins you can use to clean your neck, if you want.”
He took the words right out of your head, as if he could read your mind.  You gratefully accepted the small container of alcohol wipes, starting with your neck and rubbing the cold solution down your collarbones, chest, and arms.  You didn’t care if it would dry out your skin later, the feeling of wiping away that man’s fingerprints in some capacity was more freeing than anything else in the world.
Law simply watched, glancing away from you every once in a while when you turned at an angle that would let you see him staring wanton daggers in your direction.  He shouldn’t be watching you scrub yourself down while fully clothed, if anything that could also be a violation of your unspoken privacy.
After what felt like hours, you finally disposed of the wipes in the nearby waste receptacle while Law fished out your necklace with a gloved hand, placing it on a dry cloth and carefully removing all the liquid from the surface of the metal.
He started speaking without thinking.  “Silver and amethyst are sturdy materials that can be placed in rubbing alcohol for disinfecting,” he stated.  “If this was some other weaker gem, like an emerald, it wouldn’t be so easy.”
You grinned, stepping closer as he polished the chain.  His hand that wasn’t gloved carefully moved along the cloth, outlining the shape of the necklace folded under it in precise, delicate motions.
Goodness, you loved his hands.
“So you’re as good with rocks and minerals as you are with health science?” you asked, a small, playful smirk on your lips.
Law’s own mouth twitched upward.  “I suppose so.”  He gently unfolded the cloth and removed the necklace.  “There, all clean.”
You grinned appreciatively, turning around and brushing away any obstacles in the way of your neck.
He stared at you from behind your back.  “... What are you doing?” he asked dumbly.
You tossed a glance over your shoulder.  “Waiting for you to put it on.”
Law chewed on the inside of his cheek.  “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you confirmed.  “I trust you.”
What you didn’t say was just how much you trusted him.  You would willingly lay down your life for your captain, the love for him, both as a person and as a pirate, greatly surpassing that of a captain and his subordinate.  Sometimes, well, most of the time, you desperately hoped that he felt the same way.
After understanding your request, Law stepped toward you slightly, one hand still gloved as he looped the necklace around the front of your neck, bringing both ends of the chain around the back to clasp at the base of your spine.  His deft, inked fingers left scorching hot trails in their wake, your skin craving his touch.  The complete opposite of your counter in the pawn shop.
Once secured, you turned around to face him, a pleased smile on your face as your fingers once again ghosted over the delicate, purple mineral embedded into the pendant.  “How does it look?”
Law prayed that the blush on his cheeks wasn’t noticeable through the dim lighting on the medical bay.  He would put necklaces on your soft skin every day if you’d let him.
Oh, how he wished you’d let him.
“It looks great…” he mumbled, his voice soft and apprehensive.  “It suits you.”
His voice, the anxious tilt of his eyebrows, spoke volumes to you as your smile grew wider.  “Hey, Law?”
He turned his attention back to you, his lips pressed firmly together.
“Thank you for protecting me back there,” you sighed.  Your voice had gone quiet, but the look on your face was indebted.
“Of course,” he whispered back.  His mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, his brain clearly struggling to say the words he so desperately wanted to say.
The sight had you suppressing a giggle as you stepped forward, fighting back your reservations as you wrapped your arms around his torso in a hug, dropping your head into the crook of his shoulder and inhaling that scent that was oh-so familiar to you.  Disinfectant and oil, so clearly from living life on the Polar Tang, but also so distinctly him.
You loved it.
You were starting to come to the conclusion that you really loved him.
And with the way Law’s arms slowly wrapped around your own body, the hands you loved so much resting between your shoulder blades and the lowest point of your back, you started to wonder if he secretly, deep down in that weary heart of his, felt the same way about you.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year ago
Birthday Magic
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: Everybody around you tends to forget your birthday, because of all the Christmas trouble. Except Loki, of course...
Warnings: none, except a tiny bit of suggestive smut (Blink and you'll miss it.), fluuuuff
Word Count: 1,9k
a/n: This fluffy lil' oneshot is a part of @fictive-sl0th 's Secret Santa Event! 🎅🏻🎁 I had the honour to write mine for @give-me-a-moose ! 🤗 I really hope you like this! 🥰 And happy belated birthday! 💚
Secret Santa 2023 Taglist: @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @sailorholly @lady-rose-moon @superficionaldomina @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @cultofcarter @smolvenger @loz-3 @catsladen @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @divine-knight-hand @glitchquake @holymultiplefandomsbatman @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmslxt69 @quirkiest-turtle
Tags: @huntress-artemiss @chennqingg @alexakeyloveloki @theaudacitytowrite @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @eleniblue @vanilla-daydreaming @valencia-rou @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @bunny24sstuff @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @linaax @goblingirlsarah @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @gruftiela @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @lokiforever @anukulee @multifandom-worlds
divider by the lovely @jiyaxedits <3
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Yawning, you stretched and opened your eyes; blinking, before you reached over to turn off your alarm clock. The winter sun shone through the big French doors of your bedroom. You immediately saw that it had snowed over night; a white blanket covering New York City. It was beautiful - and yet was a certain sadness overshadowing the wonders of winter...
You sighed and rolled out of bed; finding a little note on your bedside table - like every day. Even when Loki was on a mission, the note appeared on your night-stand magically.
'Good morning, angel. Have a great day. I love you. x'
Your boyfriend's words made you smile at least a little bit, until realisation hit you. He didn't remember. Of course he didn't remember. Nobody ever does.
You hung your head; trying to suppress the upcoming tears. Today was your birthday, but since it was December and Christmas in not even two weeks, hardly anyone remembered your birthday. Everyone was just too caught up in the preparations for the holidays. And as sad as it sounded... You got used to it. Perhaps that was the reason why you stopped telling people about your birthday.
With another sigh, you made your way into the kitchen to eat a little something for breakfast. Then you got ready, put on your winter coat, boots and beanie and went to work.
Luckily, it was at least a normal day at the office. The regular every-day madness. You quickly got all the things done on your to-do list and were even able to call it a day one hour earlier than usual. After saying goodbye to your co-workers, you took the subway and headed back home. On your way, you got a chocolate cupcake - a little something for yourself to celebrate your birthday. You could already picture it... You, the cupcake, decorated with a single candle and a big glass of alcohol. Perfect.
Sighing, you turned the key in the lock of your apartment on the 5th floor. You absolutely had zero expectations of today and expected not the slightest thing to happen. Therefore, you were more than just surprised, when you walked inside a literal pool out of balloons, birthday decorations and... confetti? You frowned; thinking out loud. "What...?"
You weren't able to finish your thoughts, when suddenly Loki jumped around the corner. "Surprise, my love!" He wore the biggest smile on his face - and a party hat on his head. "And the happiest of birthdays to my ray of sunshine!"
You blinked; felt like a deer caught in the headlights. It was beyond your wildest dream. Never ever surprised you somebody on your birthday like Loki just did. Sure, your parents did, back when you were a child, but... Late teens and early adult years? Nope.
"L-Loki? I-I... What... What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be o-on a mission?" You stammered out; trying to grasp this. Your boyfriend was still smiling like a Cheshire cat. "Of course not, darling. It was just a little white lie, so that I was able to set this up while you're at work." Then his smile faltered a little. "Do you not... like it?"
You could've cried then and there out of happiness.
"What? No! No! I do like it! Gods, I love it! It's been years since the last time somebody surprised me on my birthday like this!" You couldn't help yourself but to jump into his arms; wrapping your legs around his waist. "Thank you. Thank you so much, baby." Loki chuckled; his big hand stroking your back in a reassuring, loving manner. "I-I thought you forgot my birthday... Just like everyone else and-" "Darling..." Loki interrupted you immediately. "I could never forget the birthday of the person I love the most in all the nine realms - and especially not the first birthday we are about to share together."
A few tears ran down your cheeks. Tears of happiness. "You're the best." A low chuckle rumbled through your boyfriend's chest again, before he gave you a wink, "I know." and a smile. "And this..." He gestured around the hallway. "This is only the beginning."
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Loki didn't exaggerate when he said that this was only the beginning. Oh no... After he had carried you through the sea of balloons into the kitchen, he showed you the cake he had baked for you. You were absolutely thrilled of course, and it tasted delicious. You blew out the candles and ate a big slice, just like Loki.
After that, he told you to wrap yourself up in warm clothes, because you were going outside. And again, you weren't in the slightest prepared. You wouldn't have thought that Loki rented the ice rink only for the two of you... For as long as you wanted.
"Loki, are you... Are you insane?" You laughed; not believing what was happening right now. The god just laughed and tied the laces of his ice skates, "Insanely in love, perhaps." before he glided gracefully on the ice rink. "Are you joining me now, my love?" He asked with a mischievous smirk, while he skated like the ice prince he was past you. You smiled brightly and quickly exchanged your boots with ice skates.
After you and Loki have been enjoying yourselves on the ice rink; making races and even tried to 'dance' to the music playing in the background together, you went back to your apartment. Cold and with frozen toes, but happy.
"I think I need a hot shower now," you said; feeling the goosebumps on your skin. "You do just that, darling." "Won't you join me?" You asked suggestively; wagging your eyebrows. Loki chuckled. "I'd love to, but I have a few more things to organise. I'll see you later. Take all the time you need." He pressed a sweet kiss on your lips and left you alone to shower. You were slightly sad that Loki wasn't going to join you, but you were also super excited. This birthday was already the best you ever had. What would be able to top that?
Wallowing in the memories of the wonderful hours you already spent with Loki today, you showered and stepped thirty minutes later out of the bathroom. To your surprise was your apartment immersed in darkness - and your boyfriend vanished.
"Loki?" You hesitatingly called down the hall, but received no answer. "Where is he?" you mumbled to yourself; making your way to the bedroom. Arrived there, you switched on the lights and immediately saw a large, thin box laying on the soft mattress. Frowning, you approached the bed. A note was laying on top of it, on which you could clearly make out Loki's handwriting.
'I hope this dress is worthy of the goddess who is going to wear it. You will be awaited downstairs at eight o'clock.'
Your heart almost stopped at his words. A big smile formed on your face. Biting your lip, you carefully opened the box - only to find a beautiful emerald green dress inside it. It was so stunningly beautiful, it took your breath away. With wide eyes, you lifted it out of the box; gasping. "Oh he can't be serious... He can't..." You let your eyes roam the fabric. "Wow..." You breathed in awe, then squealed; excitedly getting ready and dressed. The dress fitted you perfectly; molded against your dips and curves.
Five minutes before the clock stroke eight o'clock, you made your way downstairs. Excitement and nervousness coursed through your body. You couldn't wait to see what Loki had planned.
When you stepped out of the main door to the rather small building you lived in, you felt your breath catch in your throat - again.
Loki was standing on the sidewalk, in front of a black limousine; dressed in a green velvet suit with a black dress shirt and bow tie. A bouquet of black roses was in his right hand; his other stuffed in his trousers pocket and a bright smile on his face.
He looked devastatingly handsome.
You felt like fainting and crying out of happiness at the same time.
"There you are, my love." He said in a happy voice; "You look ravishing." giving you that smouldering look. You blushed. "T-Thank you. You look handsome, t-too." The god softly shook his head; causing his long raven curls to sway. "Not remotely as beautiful as you look."
He then stepped closer; gave you a soft kiss and handed you the bouquet of roses. "T-Thank you. For everything. For the cake, the ice skating, the dress, the roses..." Loki only chuckled; placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you towards the limousine. "Like I said, darling... It's only the beginning. We are not finished yet." Mischief twinkled in his beautiful blue orbs, as he opened the car door for you.
"After you, my goddess."
You blushed even more and sat in the car.
A fifteen minute car ride later, you stopped in front of one of the finest, noblest restaurants in whole New York City. Once more, your jaw dropped. "No, Loki... You... You are kidding me, right?" Your boyfriend chuckled; shaking his head "I'm not." "B-But Loki, this... This is way too expensive! I-I don't deserve this, I-" He interrupted you by taking your hand in his and placing a soft kiss upon your knuckles. "You, my love, deserve the world. Especially on the day you were born."
He led you inside the fancy restaurant then, to a table he had reserved for the both of you.
The time you spent there with Loki was splendid - just like the food. It had been quite a while since you ate so good. Especially at a restaurant. The ambience was lovely and the waiters absolutely kind and friendly. You enjoyed the talks with Loki, the glasses of wine and also the soft jazz music in the background.
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After the dinner, the limousine took you and Loki back home.
"Thank you for this wonderful day, baby. I didn't have such a wonderful birthday in years. Thank you for thinking of me and giving me all this. And especially... Thank you for your love." Loki smiled and embraced you; gently, lovingly swaying you from side to side. It almost felt like you were dancing.
"You don't have to thank me for that, my love. It goes without saying. I love you - and my purpose is to make and see you happy. Oh, which reminds me of something... Your actual birthday present..." Your eyes widened once again. "No, Loki, stop you've given me enough..." Loki shook his head; still smiling. "It's not a physical present."
Now you were confused. Something the god noticed immediately.
Loki took both your hands in his. "Your birthday present is a trip to Asgard."
You stared at Loki; speechless. "W-What?" He just smiled. "I know that you always wanted to go there; see my home and... I... I think I'm ready to go back with you and show you everything you wish to see." "R-Really?" He nodded. "Really."
Tears formed in your eyes. The realisation hitting you that Loki was willing and ready to open up the doors to his past for you was touching you deeply. "Thank you. Thank you for trusting me this much, I- Wow, I... I love you."
Loki smiled. A gentle hand caressed your cheek and wiping your tears of happiness away. "I love you too."
You couldn't help but to stand on your tiptoes and kiss the god.
"This is the best birthday ever!"
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somethingstrangeisherehehe · 3 months ago
Hey again, I just wanted to say awesome job on the comic! It was incredible well written story with a heartwarming lesson. I think you deserve a break. But I have a couple of questions if you don’t mind me asking?
First, what would your version of Destane look like? This question popped into my head the moment I saw the creepy nails. I know that it’s not rocket science that Destane was pretty much abusive towards Mozenrath.
Second, it’ll be intriguing to see how Mozenrath will now interact with the others as an aftermath of this or perhaps if it’s not asking too much but…a little comic of Mozenrath getting introduced to Sadira by Jasmine as a double date and Cassim encouraging him to just go along with it?
And finally, I thought you were going to show this in the comic?
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But if that’s for another comic, then I understand. All in all, I ❤️ the comic! I can’t wait for what’s more to come! Your work is amazing. And if you do have writer’s block, then go ahead and just rest. Thanks!
Hi and thank you so much for the feedback about the comics, I'm really pleased to know you appreciate it ❤️ Come here I'll give you a hug 🫂🤗🥰
Further to your questions⬇️⬇️⬇️
My Destane is a tall brunette with green eyes and brown skin that has a more grey undertone as opposed to Cassim's or Aladdin's skin colour. He also has a long black manicure, as you'll notice from the comic.
I've had thoughts about depicting Destanе in the past, but I've only depicted him once in my life and that was during one of the periods when I was practising and experimenting with rendering faces - periodically I render faces for fun and my own enjoyment, it's a kind of anti-stress for me. I don't have a constant style of rendering, it's always changing, so it's so much fun to do it every time. I usually render Cassim's face or Mozenrath's face, Mozenrath's is most often posted afterwards and Cassim's I keep or put it on my profile picture. But one day I accidentally drew Destane's face. My Destane has nothing similar with the depiction of him in the animated series (I believe the clothes he's wearing are the uniform he got after turning into a zombie). And...well, my Destane seems even handsome to me. I'm a little shy about showing him off, but...
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As for Mozenrath's relationship with the others - well, obviously he'll become warmer to Cassim, and a little more tolerant of Aladdin (well, just a little, after all, the heart-to-heart talk was only between Cassim and Mozenrath).
About the picture of Mozenrath - Yes, I was going to put that in the comic, but in the final draft that picture was replaced in favour of another. Normally I'd cancel some images at the point of sketching, like this one:
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but some I had time to render. Look, the comic didn't include two of these drawings!
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On the first one, I didn't like how Mozenrath turned out. And on the second one I didn't like the way Cassim turned out, I couldn't stand it.
Thanks for the questions, I hope my answers satisfied your curiosity😇❤️
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 year ago
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#14: Soon As I Get It, You Will (S6E10)
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This moment will always have an extra special place in my heart. 😍 It’s when I so clearly in real-time saw that Rick and Michonne were going to perfectly transition to a romantic couple because they’d been in love a long time. I said TWD's opening minutes really used to bless us with some great Richonne content throughout the series, and this one from 6.10, their classic canon ep, is atop the list. This scene paints a clear picture that Rick and Michonne weren't just about to become a couple at the end of the episode - they were going to embrace that they already were one...
I adore domestic Richonne scenes and in this scene, they were just so comfortable and happy living what felt like such a normal morning in their home with their kids. 🥰 Moments like this are what I most want for Rick and Michonne and their children. It's the good, happy, peaceful life they deserve.
The scene starts with Rick and his belt, which I gotta say always makes me think the writers were going for a bit of an innuendo lol. Then the shot makes it a point to show that Rick has taken his ring off. That’s definitely a big indicator that he’s now in a place to more fully and healthily move into a new chapter (and to signal to Michonne 'I'm ready when you are' perhaps lol).
Rick grabs the watch but leaves the ring, and that is such an intentional shot. It symbolizes that it’s time to move forward, in love especially, and Rick is finally ready in proper ways to do that.
And he knows who he’s meant to move forward with - Cuz then she shows right up to his door looking glowy and gorgeous in a robe. 🤗
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I love that Michonne feels comfortable enough to approach his room in her robe and towel and ask if he has any toothpaste left and that Rick cutely teases her about using his toothpaste the last few weeks. They bring out such a playful flirty side of each other, and I love it.
Rick’s smile when he teases her and then Michonne's reaction...😊 I know that house felt like a sauna the last few weeks with all that steamy tension they’ve been trying to keep the lid on. 
And I like that whatever happened in the last two weeks broke their ability to downplay their attraction - because the way Rick and Michonne are looking and reacting to each other in this scene...you know I gotta use my favorite word - the attraction is palpable.
I’ll also just always love that even when TF all moved into separate houses, Michonne stayed with her Grimes family. She’s one of them fr.
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Michonne sounds like such a mom when she calls for Carl, and Carl sounds like her teenage son when he responds with a low-key attitudinal “What?” This is the first we’re hearing from Carl since getting his eye shot out and it tells you he’s definitely still that same feisty-when-he-wants-to-be kid. 😂 
I love the moment when Rick says he can’t hear Carl and has him come on out. And the smile Rick gives Michonne and the way she amusedly looks at him and subtly rolls her eyes when they wait for Carl to come over. 🤭
And then, after Rick smiles at her, he has this extremely telling reaction like he’s trying to play off whatever he’s so clearly feeling about her before Carl comes and catches his whipped self.
But Rick ain’t ever been slick when it comes to how he feels about Michonne, and so even in that little squint that he does, it’s clear this man has caught all the feelings there is to catch lol. This is a man in love, I tell you. And he knows it now. 🤗
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I adore their energy here and I repeat this is not how people who are just friends look at each other. This scene is just so fun too cuz there’s no speculation needed by this point - it is factual that Rick and Michonne are both more aware that they are attracted to and in love with this person in front of them. And it’s sweet to see them be all smiley about it in their final pre-canon scene.
Truly, the only thing they were waiting on at this point was knowing for sure the feelings they felt were mutual.
Carl gives another little attitudinal 'what?' to Rick and when Carl repeats what he said about Denise, Rick says it at the same time as him and it’s such a dad moment. Michonne laughs and I’m pretty positive Rick did this specifically knowing it would make her laugh cuz Carl is not that amused by it at all. 😂
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Michonne again sounds like such a mom when she tells Carl it’s time to change his bandage and she needs toothpaste. I know Rick and Michonne have to be picking up on how much they so naturally feel like a perfect little four-person family right now. Like they were giving mom and dad and they were giving husband and wife...
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And I love that there's always this refreshed good mood when Rick and Michonne get to just live everyday life together with their kids. 🥰
When Carl says he’s also out of toothpaste, Michonne looks over at Rick and shakes her head as they both smile, and you know Rick knew right then and there that he’s gonna find a way to get her that toothpaste today, no matter what.
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And then y’all, it’s Michonne’s turn to have an extremely telling reaction because she then quietly watches as Rick picks Judith up. Again, this quiet lingering look was not a platonic look from our girl Michonne. And whatever she was thinking about Rick at this moment...
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I was probably thinking it too. 🤭 It’s sweet seeing Michonne just quietly take this moment in, knowing that she loves and respects this man, as a father, as a fighter, and as the love of her life.
It’s also heartwarming hearing Rick be so sweet with Judith and say, "come on, sweetheart." Girl Dad Rick is always great to see for us and Michonne - because Michonne’s smile observing this is just precious. That’s a good man and she knows it. And a hot man and she knows that too. 😊
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It's great how Michonne doesn’t just sound like a mom in this scene, she also is such a wife, especially when she tells Rick to "be good out there." And Rick feels like such a husband saying, "yeah we’ll see."
And then you know I gotta take a moment to celebrate my favorite part of this scene - that low-five. 🙌🏽
It's so good, and I credit that low-five as the flashing light that fully let me know these two had a chemistry that was bound to turn romantic. Looking back, it's genuinely crazy it took me until their canon ep to open my eyes and know for certain that what I'd been watching all along between Rick and Michonne was a love story but hey...
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And ever since that low five, I have learned from my mistake and fully boarded this ship without ever looking back.
I love that true to their magnetic ways, Rick extends his hand to her, and, y’all, somehow they manage to make a freaking low-five feel romantic and so much more than just casual.
This is how you know your ship is in (no pun intended) capable hands. Because the actors knew that the next time Rick and Michonne see each other in this ep they're going to go all the way, and so this scene in the opening minutes had to really tell you their current headspace and that they were right on the brink of expressing this long-time love more physically. And of course, Andy and Danai were able to communicate that in something as simple as a low-five. Best in the biz, I'm just saying. 👏🏽💯
This touch between them is important too because their previous few and far between touches had always been one touching the other - but in this moment it was both of them engaging, hinting how they’re both finally ready to express their love a different way.
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And I love that as Rick so often does he accompanies the low-five with a thank you. Always so grateful for her. 😊 He can go out on these runs and trust that his kids are okay because they’re with their mom.
It just felt like such a married sendoff as he thanks her before going out for the day and she casually lets him know her favorite type of toothpaste. I love the way she tells him which toothpaste she likes best and that they're able to live a stable enough life for them to even have preferences now.
Rick says, "soon as I get it, you will" and, chile, he means that. 😋 I love that quick line and that he says this sounding like a husband yet again. He knows it’ll be a priority to get this toothpaste not just for the community but for her specifically because what Michonne wants, whether big or small, always matters to him.
And the line also just feels like a fitting sentiment to their relationship. As soon as he gets that this romance can be acted on, she will. So it’s a great line to land on in their final pre-canon moment together.
(and y'all can we just take a moment to observe the way they are looking at each other during this low-five...like the heat coming off of them is really something. it makes sense later that night would finally be 'the night' because i don't think they could resist for one more day lol ❤️‍🔥)
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I also never noticed that the scene ends with Rick playfully tossing the ball at her. Can they get any cuter? 😭 What Rick and Michonne bring out of each other is just the best and I adore this bright and happy scene for showing this great and lived-in layer to them and their relationship.
Whether you’d been anticipating Richonne for seasons or were new to the ship, this scene made sure there was no denying that Rick and Michonne are family and not just as parents but truly as gorgeous and natural spouses. Married before they knew they were married, y’all, and this moment made it clear. 
So I really appreciate this morning scene for showing that Rick and Michonne have built a life together not just as 'team family,' not just as co-leaders, but as a mom and dad and very very soon as an officially consummated husband and wife. And y'all...
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We'll get there. 😉 But for now, staying focused on this absolutely delightful 14th moment on my list - I think about how Rick and Michonne always got to see the more normal and human side of each other ever since season 3. And in this 6.10 scene, you see them both not only witness that everyday side but really be attracted to that side too, in a way they can no longer hide.
So yeah, toothpaste and toothbrushes stayed giving us some great Richonne content. This 6.10 opener showed that the Richonne ship had been set sail - now it was just time to release the 'canon.' 🤗🪥
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ya-zz · 11 months ago
Hiii!! How are u?🥰
First I want to say that I LOVE YOUR WRITING, everything you do it's a work of art, I'm such a SIMP😍
Second, and i hope I'm noth bothering you, I just wanted to know if you could write something with our handsome Ramattra.
I was thinking about him and reader (female if that's ok) adopting a little girl, Ramatta being excited and nervous to have a daughter, and loving her with all his being, another human that will show him than not every humans are bad.
Send u a lot of love and hugs🤗❤️
Aaaa thank you!! I accept all the love and hugs heh ♥ I am doing well too, thanks for asking!
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It had been talk of the household for months now and Ramattra didn't see the appeal of it. He was already living with one human, and you had been talking about taking in another one? He scoffs at the thought every time it crosses his mind.
Of course, being your partner, he couldn't deny the happiness it would bring you, so eventually he agrees and soon enough, the pair of you were heading to the adoption agency.
It was going to be a long process; making sure your home was fit for this child, that you two had stable jobs but also making sure that you had enough time to be with this new addition to the family.
When everything was finalised, the day came when you and Ramattra finally took your daughter home and the omnic was surprised when a small hand entwined with his.
He looks down, a hum of satisfaction escaping his vocaliser. She wasn't scared of him like every other human was, no, she was accepting of his appearance.
"She's taken a liking to you." You whisper over to your partner.
"Yes, it seems the small human has." Ramattra looks up at you, the smile on your face warms his circuits. "She is lucky to have a mother like you, too."
Your cheeks grew in heat. It was rare for him to compliment you so it was always a shock when he did.
"You will be a wonderful father."
Ramattra nods as he looks forward, his grip tightening on his daughter's hand ever so slightly. A father... Perhaps this will not be so bad afterall.
Roughly a year had passed and Ramattra had never felt such adoration towards a human. Every waking moment he was spending it with his daughter. When you were working, he'd make sure that the small human was fed, playing with her when she demanded it... Even if it meant pink lipstick being smeared over his faceplate.
He loved his daughter, the playfulness and even the tantrums; he was glad he took that uncomfortable leap and started a family with you.
"I love you, dad." Her words were a constant reassurance to him.
"I love you too, sweetheart."
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oya-oya-okay · 1 year ago
Ciel is in the same club as Idia and Azul? I can't help but imagine Idia being traumatized to be with little Riddle while Azul is annoyed on dealing with Ciel.
I think Ciel would have thought about a equestrian club🐎. He might even have bragged about his skills in front of Riddle, Silver and Sebek, but then proudly went to the board game club🎲, letting them know that they had lost a good candidate www🤭
There are fewer people in the board game club and it's probably quieter there than in other clubs, besides, Ciel is a chess genius♟️✨. He could relieve stress by playing chess, because this is one of some things that he knows from his world🥺🥺🥺 (Although I don't know if he would relieve stress well if Azul/Idia played with him🙃)
About 🐙🐰. Yes! Perhaps the two of them were trying to win as much as possible!! I like to think that Azul might one day want to make a deal with Ciel about chess, for example, to learn more techniques! And btw it seems to me that Ciel will one day recognize Azul as a good business rival🙃💕
About 💀🐰. I think it would be interesting for Idia to play with Ciel. He might want to teach Ciel how to play "modern" games. It seems to me that they could understand each other about fraternal relations. I wish they had a deep understanding relationship (But that doesn't mean they wouldn't tease each other lol🤭)
Thanks for the thought topic!!!🥰 AND anyway, this is just my opinion, you can think differently!🤗💕💕💕
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williamrikers · 8 months ago
i love that you were right about mut and rak's kink dynamic only intensifying as the show progresses and how the show cleverly uses their NC encounters to further show how their relationship also progresses. for example, i love that the show has been building off of and using "eating meals at home" as an obvious metaphor for how they approach this new relationship.
mut has made a big deal about eating meals prepared at home instead of ordering food and rak has been embracing that concept because he is finding that food prepared by mut tastes better than anything else he can get.
now i don't speak thai, so perhaps the nuances of the language don't quite mean what the subtitles insinuate, but that new scene where mut confronts rak about going out only seems to hit it's big boiling point when rak says that he's going "out to eat".
it's clear that mut draws a hard line in the sand with that, and truthfully i don't know if mut's Dom signals were crossed that he thought rak was deliberately being a brat to get a rise out of him or if mut genuinely just got mad, but when he manhandles rak, mut is still doing his due diligence by checking in throughout this encounter to see if this is okay. OH BOY WAS RAK INTO IT LMAO.
it's so obviously a shift in how they've done things before and dear friend, i fear i could go on forever about this, but just know that i am simply unwell.
hello my dear anon 🤗
haha, i love being right 😌😌 but yes, i am so happy to see the show going in that direction and showing the two of them getting more comfortable in their kink dynamic—in all of their recent intimate scenes, mut started out by holding rak's hands down on the mattress and every time it made me so damn happy. these two know what they like! and they are very much compatible that way, which is just so much fun to watch.
about the "eating" thing: "eating" someone is thai slang for having sex with them. tongrak was blatantly telling mut that he was going out to find someone else to fuck him and that's what mut reacted to by telling him he would fuck him so good he wouldn't be tempted to think about anyone else 🥰
rak was confronted with mut confessing his feelings, tried to put more distance between them by going out and having sex with someone else and mut was absolutely not having it. i adore their dynamic because it's very easy to see that rak needs the kind of love mut gives him, that he thrives on it and that he's very much in love with mut as well (although not yet at a point where he can admit that), and it's just so much fun to watch rak's walls breaking down piece by piece 😏
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Obvious Santa — Nygmobblepot in December (Gotham Secret Santa 2024)
Dedication: Hi, @out-there-tmblr, I'm your @gotham-secret-santa this year 🤗🎅 From your posts & reblogs I deduced that you're more of a what-they-have-is-wonderful-but-they-should-keep-anyone-else-out-of-it Nygmobblepot shipper, so I wrote my first ever Nygmobblepot fanfic without a reader ❤️ It got soooooo much longer than I thought it would be, from headcanons to a big one shot (at least for me, advice for my future self: don't do this again because you might get ill and then be stressed becauae the story needs to be finished 🫣😂). I hope you enjoy it 🤗
Also, if you prefer to read it on AO3, it's there too :)
Plot: Noticing how often Oswald dreads getting up in the morning and knowing how lonely the time before Christmas can be, Ed wants to bring more joy into his boyfriend's December with lots of love and an advent calendar. Spoilers: for season 3 episode 5 (what Oswald & Ed's positions are) Warnings: the main characters thinking of murdering someone, slight insecurity (Ed's after years of loneliness), a bit of grief (Oswald about his mother), physical pain (Oswald's leg), Oswald being grumpy in the morning. This is very fluffy though 🥰 Word count: 4209 ❄️🌨🎅💚💜❄️🌨🎅💚💜❄️🌨🎅❄️
It was a cold November morning and both Ed and Oswald lay close together in bed when their alarm woke them at six p.m., making Ed cover his ears at the volume, careful to keep them under the cozy warmth over both their bodies.
Meanwhile Oswald shuffled in the bed, pulling the blanket towards him, making cool air hit his boyfriend's sensitive arms in the process. "Osw—" Ed stopped himself, realizing that Oswald was still asleep. There was no use trying to get back under the blanket, he figured, looking at the time and mentally going though today's schedule.
Carefully, so as not to scare the sleeping figure next to him, he brushed a black hair strand to its correct place, admiring the adorably scrunched-up face of his dangerous friend and boyfriend, and whispered, "Wake up, sleepyhead."
"Ah!" Oswald shot up and closed his eyes again. "What is the matter with you?" "What?" Ed's hands sunk to his sides. "I'm wishing you a good m—" "Why would you wake me up?" He must be confused. "We need to work today. The alarm already—" "I don't care whether I need to get out of bed, don't ever wake me like that again. Being kidnapped once is enough." "Kidnapped?" Ed was confused. "I saved you. Your wounds were—I needed you to lie still." Oswald huffed, out of habit, then remembered. "Whatever." He lay back down.
With Ed having gotten out of bed, the sheets weren't as warm as expected and he quickly got up again, wincing as he felt how cold the house was this morning. He glared at the window for a few seconds, not ready for the day.
"Here's your shirt." Ed stood before him, holding the piece of clothing, a puzzled expression on his face but keeping quiet. "Ready for the day?" Perhaps Oswald just needed an hour or more to wake up. "No, Ed, but it will have to do." "Okay." He was still curious but let Oswald be for the moment.
The day wouldn't bring him any clarity, by noon Oswald had seemingly already forgotten about this morning, and Ed didn't want to bring his mood down, loving to see his partner happy again.
❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️ The next day, Ed tried tried a different approach, getting up before Oswald and pointing out the falling snow once the other had sat up in bed. "Look, Oswald, isn't it wonderful, snow this early? According to the weather report from yesterday, all of it will be gone by seven." "Ah." Oswald barely threw the snow a glance. Okay. Well. That was...what did Oswald want? Something to look forward to? "Everything okay, Ed?" Well, at least he was as perceptive as usual. "With me, yes." Oswald gasped. "What? Did I—" But his boyfriend had already gotten up and turned his back. "AHh." "Oswald?" The black-haired man was clutching his leg and Ed suddenly realized what the problem was, "Is the cold hurting your leg more?" All he got was a nod. "I'll get you something warm—" "No time! I mean, thank you, Ed, but it's better to go early and return early."
Okay. At least Ed knew more now. That was a start.
❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️ The first time Oswald woke up the next morning, he was too tired to think about whether the alarm clock had truly rang or not. If it had, he was sure Ed would let him know.
When Oswald awoke the second time, he found the other side of the bed empty, and buried himself under the blanket until Ed came into the room and sat down next to him.
"I have something for your leg." He held out two pillows of sorts, far from the cushioned things he preferred to put under his leg. "No offence, Ed, but those don't look comfortable. But there's no time anyways. We've gotta get ready." He sighed. "Which is why," Ed proclaimed proudly, "I set the alarm so that you'd have..." he checked the time, "five minutes more than usually, and you usually already stay in bed a bit before getting up.
He set the cushions down. "Oh! And these are cherry pit cushions, an alternative for hot-water bottles. They're leak-proof — obviously — and can fit more snugly around your ankle and knee. You could also try longer hot-water bottle ones and if that doesn't work, it was just an idea I had, that-that—"
Oswald held up a hand. "Enough talking for now. You said we had five extra minutes?" He pulled on Ed's hand. "Y-yes, plus the usual time. I thought I'd start with this amount so I wouldn't disrupt your sleeping pattern." "Thank you, dear." He began to arrange the cushions." Now come back to bed."
Ed did so, making sure they were both under the blanket while Oswald was still awake. He rested his head, looking at Ozzie, who'd closed his eyes again, hand to the side with his palm open. Ed took it in his and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I hope it helps." "Mhm, already does."
❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️ Ed sat to the side of the long table, tapping his fingers on a pen and admiring Oswald's energetic speech about electricity, how simple he made the facts Ed had explained to him sound, how much passion he put into chosen words to keep his audience's attention.
"But Mayor Cobblepot, wouldn't it be better for the economy if we let them be cold?" Oswald's head snapped around. "Did you even listen to what I just said? What was the last topic I was on?" "Boss, I'm sorry, I-I, the stress, my-my..." "Shush." Oswald turned to Ed. "My chief of staff has made some notes on this topic. Could you send them to this...stressed men?" Ed straightened his back, "Of course." He'd need to sum it up in simpler terms. Much simpler ones.
"Good. Now, could we move forward to the topic of Christmas robberies?" The same man from before spoke up, "But it's November." Ed fixed him with a glare. He'd happily get rid of him for Oswald. Contrary to his expectations, the secret kingpin only huffed. "Please learn about prevention versus damage control. I'm sure you'll find a good example in Gotham's electricity and heating problem."
Not that Oswald himself wouldn't order any robberies in that time, it was just good to keep up appearances, and criminal or not, he wanted small businesses to be able to build something for themselves while bigger stores could...become a bit more grateful for the power they had.
"Meeting dismissed." The people at the table started to leave quickly, with one of them being exceptionally fast. Ed called him back when he reached the door, "Wait." The man turned around. "The mayor meant what he said. You can collect my summary..." He thought of a time the man wouldn't normally come here, "the day after tomorrow." "O-okay. Thank you, Mr. Nygma." He almost hastened out but stopped himself in time to nod at Oswald.
"Well, that was an idiotic pick by the governemnt", Ed remarked after closing the door. "As opposed to my chief of staff." Oswald pulled him closer by the waist. "Because you are the most suitable, intelligent, thoughtful man who could be in this position." He put his hands to either side of Ed's face and the taller man quickly understood, leaning down to meet his lips, a gentle mix of affection and a strong admiration for each other, with Oswald holding Ed close tightly while the latter made little sighs, overjoyed at being appreciated.
"Now let's get to work on our other job. My leg is feeling much better today. I may even take your shortcut up the stairs." When Oswald walked through the corridor, Ed almost had to keep up with him.
❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️ Compared to the government's people, the crime families and other members of the underworld showed much more respect for Oswald, Ed observed happily.
The King of Gotham could speak freely in their presence and despite the fact that they obviously knew what he might do to them should they anger him, their attention was more genuine.
Ed was in awe too, listening intently to all his partner had to say, "...whis is why, I of course understand the importance of family, especially nearing winter and the festivities often taking place then." One woman turned her head away from Oswald, looking touched, angry?
Ed could understand her well: before meeting Oswald, December had been a lonely time for him too many years in a row. The former forensic scientist had tried to start various conversations with what he thought were easy topics: the new season, baking, plans for the holidays. Yet it seemed that whatever he chose, his colleagues would rather have conversations with anyone else, no matter the topic.
Now he had Oswald, though...except that if he was honest with himself, the other man had done most of the talking, had earned the most successes. He was still speaking now, at least twenty minutes after Ed's last comment Ed.
"...after that, you two will call your people and follow my plan exactly, which—" When Oswald saw Ed, he paused, "which you already have, so no need to go over it again. Everything clear?" "Yes, boss."
What happened to the rest of Oswald's speech? Was he exhausted? He was already limping towards his car —so as to not make it too obvious that he and Ed lived together—, seemingly not much different than usual.
On their ride home, Oswald noticed how quiet Ed was in comparison to his usual talkative self. "What's wrong, dear?" Ed was startled out of his thoughts. "How did you—nothing." Oswald rolled his eyes. "Be honest, Ed." "I won't bite", he added with a chuckle and after some silence, a press of his boyfriend's hands.
He was right: Ed shouldn't have to fear rejection, not after Oswald making it clear that he treasured him. "You did almost all the talking this day and it made me wonder... How important am I really, Oswald? I-in your business. And the government." Oswald blinked. "Whatever do you mean? You're a valuable asset in the office and concerning matters of the crime world. We need intelligent people like you, who can do things like...quote that study I brought up today." Ed snuffled. "But I merely read a meta study!" Oswald handed him his handkerchief, his initials stitched into a corner in black. "See, I don't even know what that is." "It's a study summoning up other studies and often judging them. So, I didn't even sum them up myself."
The King of Gotham shook his head. "Oh, Ed, you can be so smart but when something concerns you..." He put his hand to Ed's chest. "...you can be too critical. You don't need to read studies or sum them up, you've got other things to do. Didn't you write today's schedule?" "I did." "And didn't you help me prepare my pitch?" "That too, but Oswald, I barely did any of the talking. Wh-which is fine but compared to you..." He gripped onto Oswald's fingers, afraid that he might retract them.
"Also, I might be good at making speeches but one woman turned around in annoyance, so, nobody's perfect." "What? I thought she was just reminded of a lonely December. The time leading up to Christmas can be so lonely..."
He slumped back in the car, the rigid posture from the day gone. Oswald joined him in letting his guard down and leaned close. "I love you, Ed. You're so precious to me and should you ever want to speak more in meetings, you'll be free to do so." "I love you too, Oswald."
They stayed nestled together, seatbelts still on, until the car came to a stop in front of the Van Dahl mansion. As soon as they were inside with no one around, they embraced each other, glad to finally have complete privacy. Oswald meant to kiss Ed silly and whether that succeeded in fully cheering him up or not, he hoped to show Ed his worth with a gift sometime. Ed's eyes lit up with his boyfriend's attention. Multiple gifts. There was still time until Christmas.
❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️🌨❄️ Of course Oswald's leg didn't simply stop hurting. One day in late November, he called for a quick discussion break in the midst of a meeting while clutching his leg, alerting Ed, who scrambled to fetch painkillers for him and asked whether he wanted something warm to help combat the pain. "I could fasten it around your leg." Oswald refused. "I can't afford to show weakness in here." He huffed. "I thought you knew that." "O-of course." The word 'sweetheart' died right on his tongue. "Thanks", Oswald at least managed to say before putting a pill into his mouth and washing it down with water.
Even hours after he swallowed it, his mood wasn't up again, instead seeming worse. It went as far as ignoring Ed! He didn't seem ill, no, if Ed had to guess, he'd say he was sad.
"Oswald," Ed started carefully when they were at home again, "What's wrong?" He approached his partner and immediately noticed the tears in his eyes, as well as the black smears of make-up underneath them.
"It's almost December," he began shakily, "which was...when—when my mother would bake us special things and—" He broke into sobs.
Ed sat down next to him and held one of his hands, letting his friend gesticulate with the other in search for words.
"I miss her so so much. As a kid, I used to look forward to the baked goods and the meals but...now I wish she was here on a boring day, even if just for a few minutes. That I may come back from work to find her here, welcoming me with a hug."
Ed kept holding onto him but rummaged in his pockets for a tissue and gave it to Oswald, who blew his nose loudly through more crying.
"I-I know that that can't happen, though. People return from the dead but she's been too long gone for that." He blew his nose again, then looked up at Ed with teary eyes. "At least I know I'll have you with me, Ed, even if my mother isn't here to pass December with me. You won't die too, right? Promise me to be careful." Ed nodded sincerely. "You have my word."
He crept closer until he could put his arms around Oswald and they stayed like this for a while, until he looked to their joined hands and consequently to Oswald's knee, which might hurt after staying in the same position until now.
They went to bed earlier than usual that night, Oswald cuddling up to Ed and assuring himself that he'd stay there with a tight grip on his arm. Meanwhile, Ed started to think of ways to make Oswald's first December without his mother more bearable.
🎅💚💜🎅💚💜🎅 When Oswald awoke on December 1st, he confidently ignored the date. For all he knew, it could still be November, after all. He sighed. Ed was still asleep and squinting at the clock confirmed that it was too early to get out of bed.
Maybe he could warm those blanket things. He rolled to the side and felt Ed's warmth through their pajamas. Ah, or he could simply inch closer and forget his worries in the warmth. Ed made a small noise. Yes, he'd do that. Oswald huddled against the warmer man and closed his eyes.
The beginning of a new month didn't go unnoticed to him: with mayoral duties came stays in government buildings and decorations. Small trees, twigs and whatnot were already in too many corners.
Oswald gripped his cane tightly. "So this is what they do with money lacking in areas like electricity. I really hope they take our proposals seriously." "So do I." Ed clapped his hands. "Oswald, do you have time for a minute?" That made him wary, "Why, what is it?" "Just a surprise." Ed nearly tugged on Oswald's sleeve but let it be. The suit was much too elegant.
They went to an empty room together, Ed's eyes gleaming with something akin to mischief. "I have multiple doors—" "Seriously, darling?" Ed nodded and Oswald sighed, ready to attempt to solve the riddle his dear chief of staff would throw at him.
"I have multiple doors you can open but only once a day. I last longer than Christmas but end days before New Year's Eve. What am I?" Oswald blinked. "A building, house, uh...gingerbread house!" He laughed. "You want to make one together? When I was younger, it would've been too expensive and we were only two people anyways..."
He caught Ed's amazed look. "Did I solve it?" His boyfriend laughed softly. "Your answer is smart: a gingerbread house is usually made before Christmas and often kept until then but often already eaten up by New Year's Eve. But no: it wasn't my answer." "It isn't?" "No. The real answer is 'an advent calendar'." "A calendar?" "With gifts. One each day from today until Christmas. Or Christmas Eve. It's supposed to be something to look forward to each day. I thought I could make one for you. So that, well—you deserve the best."
Oswald couldn't believe what he was hearing for a moment. Him, receiving gifts each day and because he deseved them? The next moment, he was already hugging Ed's middle, overjoyed. "You're so good to me, Ed." "I just want to be helpful." "Oh, you are and so much more! The thing with the heating cushions too."
Ed checked the time: they had to be in another room in three minutes. "Do you want today's gift right now? I didn't know whether you'd want it here or at home. I guess either are fine but maybe you should tell me in advance so I can make sure it's there."
Oswald thought about it. "We don't have much time left, do we?" "Two minutes now." "Then I say I admire the best gift of them all: you." He cupped Ed's cheeks and brought their lips together, feeling him breathe in deeply and snake a hand to his back in return.
They pulled apart in time, both very aware that they couldn't look suspicious. Yet when they entered the meeting room, both bore a strong sparkle in their eyes.
🎅💚💜🎅💚💜🎅 "They're leg warmers", Ed explained, after Oswald had fished for his gift in the velvet satchel he was given at home.
To Oswald's relief, they were black, harder to spot under dress pants. "Thank you." He stroked over the knitted fabric. "I didn't know I'd receive something this big on one day." He shrugged. "I was more expecting a picture slowly revealing each part of itself." Ed tilted his head. "Positively surprising", he concluded. "Come here!"
When they hugged, Ed smiled against Oswald's shoulder, a warm feeling of accomplishment spreading in him. "I planned them for the first day so that you can profit from them from the start." Oswald caressed his back. "Thinking everything through as you so often do." Ed was positively glowing. "Everything for you." He kissed him on the top of his head.
The following days Oswald continued to receive thoughtful or interesting things. One day it was a nice tie, another day an apron (Ed insisted that everyone could become a good cook), then a special blend of tea. Ed disliked when celebration was strongly associated with alcohol and Oswald didn't complain, treasuring each gift and making a point of trying each item the same day or afterwards when Ed could see him.
"Oh, darling, these things are all wonderful! If we weren't already together, mother would have to give you her blessing by now." His eyes watered. "I'm glad you see it this way. Most people haven't exactly liked my December-themed gifts." Ed wiped a tear away and caressed Oswald's face. "You're different. She would be so proud of you. Of your work as mayor, of our relationship, I hope." "She'd be glad to be the only woman in my life", Oswald mused. "Though you'd definitely cook together, hopefully without that rivalry you and Olga have going on."
Oswald raised a finger. "Seriously, Ed, it's not even Christmas yet and she's already asked me where you'll be spending the holidays! In very broken English but not with any less importance." Ed crossed his arms. "Well, you can tell her I'll be spending them in the kitchen." They broke into laughter, Oswald leaning against Ed and spilling a few tears as a result of the movement, but all together happy.
"Who was mean to you in Devember?" Ed stopped laughing. "Can I tell you some other time? This seems like enough sadness for a day." "Okay. Anytime."
🎅💚💜🎅💚💜🎅 The door to the Van Dahl mansion closed behind them and both sighed, stressed from today's activities. "If I have to explain the need for more sewerage filters one more time," Ed complained while taking off his scarf, "I'll make sure they're sleeping with the fishes. Dead fishes." "I could have them killed for you, dearest." "Won't be necessary, sweatheart. Let's just relax for now."
Oswald nodded. Too many people bored Ed with their stupidity and unwilligness to inform themselves about subjects they ought to understand.
"Wanna open your gift?" "Oh, yes, absolutely." "Today it doesn't come in a satchel. Do you want me to lead you to it with closed eyes instead?" "You know what: no! I actually—" He wanted Ed to have fun too, "Would you like to make a riddle out of it?" "A riddle?" Ed smiled widely. Oswald chuckled. "Yes. You have my permission for at least today. My brain could use an intellectual change from the people in City Hall." "That it could. Alright." He rubbed his hands, happy about the opportunity of making a riddle for his love, about being asked to.
"I am a shelter for many, yet no real man could live or bake under my roof despite me being made of things that can nourish." "A...you're a house", Oswald tried, "or building but not—gingerbread house! A gingerbread house. Did you buy us one?" Ed stepped to the side. "See for yourself. It's in the kitchen."
He took Oswald's arm and held it like a proper gentleman, leading him there. Once there, the giftee set his eyes on planes of gingerbread cookies and multiple types of decoration, all layed out on top of a cleaned surface.
"We'll make them ourselves. Oh, Ed this is wonderful!" He eyed the table. There was enough for two houses. "Do we build them today?" "If you want to." "Well then, let's make them right now." "Wait. If you want to, you can wear the apron you got." "No way! You planned this perfectly and I didn't even see it. I'll get it right away."
After they'd washed their hands, they set to work, both wearing aprons and happy expressions. Ed couldn't help but stare at Oswald occasionally, so immersed in his task but without any stiffness in his shoulders.
"This is more difficult than I thought it would be", Oswald remarked, trying to glue one part of a roof to the rest of his house for the third time. "I know, you have to wait for longer than I expected. Maybe there's too much water in the mixture. Let me hold the other roof part, that way it'll be done sooner." "Thanks."
Ed coated two sides of a matching gingerbread piece with the mix of powdered sugar and water and held it to Oswald's, their fingers brushing. To their joy, neither pulled away as haters would've once claimed would happen, that no everyone would recoil from their touch. Instead, they positioned their hands in a way that made them rest against each other.
Oswald looked around the room. "How long do we have to wait?" Ed laughed. "Of course you'd grow impatient." "Well, I'm a very busy man." "Oh, are you,....Mr. Mayor?" "Why, Mr. Chief of Staff, what do you suggest we do? I can be ready in...how long do we have to hold this for again?" He giggled. "I think we can let go now." They did, though still not wanting to be apart.
"What would you say if I told you that I'd gotten you a green bathrobe?" Oswald teased. "Really?" "Yes. I couldn't resist getting you a gift and you should feel more at home." He shrugged. "I can't very well install a neon sign on the facade. Or can I?" He turned his gingerbread house around, revealing a sign made by glueing green pearls onto the surface.
"How...when did you make this? How did I not notice?" "You were too busy staring at my face, dear." Ed mock-defended himself, "That time was thoughtfully invested." He countered Oswald's stare. "At least...if it payed off." He winked at him and in seconds Oswald leaned over to kiss him. What a wonderful time December would be this year.
🎅💚💜🎅💚💜🎅 Author's note: Happy holidays/vacations, everyone! 🤗🎅🧑‍🎄🤶🎄 As always, I love receiving comments, and have a good time ❤️
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inthemiddle0feverywhere · 1 year ago
Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 4 thoughts (scattered) and initial reactions (rambling)
Nothing is even proof read and my brain is faster than my fingers so
Also I have very long nails and often click the wrong button
Spoilers below the cut
(Update I rewatched and had more thoughts)
God I was so stressed now I need to rewatch because I know how it goes and I don’t need to be anxious
Batcher kicking crosshair’s seat lmaoooo
Needing to change outfits “isn’t this better?🥰” “No” 😂😂 we officially have ray of sunshine and grumpy black cloud dynamic (my favorite)
Also only being able to see his eyes 🔥🔥🔥 (even if it looks like he’s wearing a toilet seat- seriously what is that thing)
I love that omega’s pony tail has a little bump at the back, thinking about when I was little and trying to put my hair up by myself god it was such a lumpy and bumpy mess. I doubt anyone would have shown her how on tantiss only telling her she needs to keep her hair out of her face. She’s just a little girl who had to take care of herself all those months. Like the kaminoans were bald, the other clones were men. Where would she have even learned how to do a pony? Emrie? (Hunter? 🤭)
“I can take half of them out before they know what’s happening” “how about we try not killing everyone in sight? 🥰🤗” “booooooooo”
I just know Cross is secretly proud of his gambling sister kicking ass and hustling money
The captain gave me such gross vibes I just know he smells bad
Crosshair clicking his tongue at batcher idk it did something to me it was so cute
And then her licking him later like sorry crossy you’re a dog dad now
Speaking of dads: “I’ve never seen you or your dad before” *nick miller screams.* CROSSDAD! CROSSDAD!!! 🥰🥰🥰
I know Dee is the voice of Batcher- do you think he made all the animals sounds? Is he just in a sound booth making animal noises
Ugh sobbing at the reunion 😭😭😭 literally water works
Noooo what is this face off at the end everyone put your eyebrows back up in a relaxed position and unclench those jaws and fists
Does Omega’s glove have a bottle opener on it?
I can’t wait for the reaction to the new puppy 😄
Also guys, omega kept saying we need to contact Hunter and Wrecker (sad she doesn’t say echo :/) so I think Crosshair knows about Tech. Either she told him while she visited him or perhaps Hemlock told him as another form of torture, that his brother fell trying to rescue him (maybe that’s why he look soooo terrible in the hallway on ep 1) I’m sure omega confirmed it also
Also I was expecting the clone cadets to pop out, I know they said they were taking them to pabu but still
Imagine omega does meet them and gets a lil crush on one omg Hunter would lose it lmaoooo
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lookingfts · 10 months ago
Would you ever consider adding to one of your older AU’s?
First of all. Just found you. Welcome to tumblr. I’m so happy that you allow fans to bounce ideas off you and praise your work. I really love your fics. But I thought that when I read the ‘say my name’ AU that I had found a new favourite AO3 writer. But it wasn’t. I had read you before but wasn’t really paying attention other than loving your story.
That story was the 2 parter with the one night stand gone wrong because Kate was convinced that Anthony was a serial killer. 😄 but it was the follow up that I really loved. Where they role played what that might look like. I loved you exploring ‘role play’ in that sorta dark way. Borderline unhinged with enabler Kate. 🤗 And canon Anthony kinda gives those sort of ‘obsessive’ vibes off anyway. Would you ever continue in that vein with more of that true crime role play. Or something a little darker? I think you’d be killer at it. Pun intended. 🥰
Thank you so much! So I've been thinking about the idea of a Dark!Anthony story (there are several great ones, but it's not something I've dipped my toe into much). That led me to workshopping a dark fairytale fic with the incredibly imaginative @ladykettlechips. Sort of a loose Beauty and the Beast AU except they're both crazy and both have powers. Here's a little snippet! There's a lot of backstory hinted here that would be more in the full thing, of course, but it's Dark Anthony, Dark Kate, murder, lust, magic, obsession. All the good stuff.
He was so beautiful.
It was endlessly strange, to hear Anthony speak of the way others saw him. Scarred. Deformed. Grotesque. Kate had tried hard to envision it, to view him as the monster he claimed to be. But he only became increasingly handsome to her as the days wore on.
Especially in the golden light of the flickering fire. Especially when he was looking at her that way, soft devotion in his fathomlessly deep eyes. Disbelief, almost, that Kate was still there, by her own will and not his. In his arms, nothing but the thin fabric of their nightclothes separating them.
“My father wanted a bigger garden for my mother,” he said softly, stroking his hand over her side. “She liked hyacinths. So I created them for her. My father was surprised by how suddenly they had grown, as if overnight. I think perhaps he suspected. He did not have magic, but his mother did.”
Kate waited silently. She was not a patient woman by nature, but she had a lifetime’s worth of patience for the slow unveiling of Anthony’s soul. 
“I did not know.” His voice caught, and he swallowed. “I did not know he was allergic to bee stings. I did not even know the flowers would attract them. I was young and naive and I only…”
Reaching out, Kate brushed her fingers through his hair, watching the lines smooth slightly on his face as he leaned into her touch.
“I only wanted to help. I only wanted them to be happy.” Anthony seemed to struggle with the words, as though his throat was closing. “I promised myself, Kathani. I made a solemn vow that I would never use my magic to please others because all I ever did was fail them. And I have stayed true to that promise for ten years. But now I find myself failing again. Because all I want is to please you. To give you everything you desire.”
He looked up at her, broken and desperate, searching for - she did not know what. Her approval? Her absolution?
Kate had nothing left to give him but herself. Her body, her mind, her heart. “You are everything that pleases me,” she whispered, pressing her forehead to his as she cupped his jaw tenderly. “I desire nothing else.”
Anthony captured her lips, tipping her head back as he pressed her against the pillows, the warmth of his hands searing through her gown. He brushed his nose against her neck, his eyes shut tightly as he inhaled her scent. “I could never create anything so perfect as you, Kathani Sharma.”
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pigeonstab · 11 months ago
Ohh the bittys being a more open and vulnerable self of their counterparts is actually a really neat idea. New ways to embrass poor crossy. Lol.
Like i imagine bitty cross just going for the cuddles when he really neads one, butting his little head at the patting Hand or starting to let out cute lil purrs. Everyone looking first shocked then amused and then giving big cross a ratger funny look like saying "want some too?" and cross just looking in mortification.
Or bitty cross trying to take care of them by asking question where they hurt or what he can do to help or giving them things he thinks will help them out? And everyone be like "awww criss cross actually caring about us? How sweet~" and cross just flipping them off with a blush.
Or bitty cross being a good boi trying to help out. At ecample in the kitchen when horror cooks by getting him things he need or watching over that horror doesn't miss the timing in case he gets a memory laps or something. Or bitty cross doing the cutest kitten sneezes and everyone just thinking he cute. Cross never gets a break. And pats, lot of them.
Or bitty cross spending time with nightmare who lets him move his tendrils into a nest to chill in when he feels to warm or tired out or bit sickly. Maybe nm unconciously patting his head, when cross just comes into the office to give his report on a Mission and his mind stops working by watching that scene crumbling into a embrassed mess by his smaller counterpart using nm, his boss, like a cooling pad or something.
Lololol. Cross just being *hiding himself into the void of his hood, a lilac light glowing out* STOP HUGGING ME I DONT NEED CUDDLES! I'M STRONG I CAN DO THINGS ON MY OWN! I'M A SOLDIER, I'M NOT CUTE! LIES I DO NOT LIKE U IDIOTS!" or something along the lines. Maybe. He just shy baby.
I could imagine that the more bitty cross grows on them the others feel compelled to spoil him a lil giving him lil gifts like a cookie or New tiny cool (fluffy) clothes or toys when he bored or idk. Things. Maybe not often but from time to time at least. And perhaps they sometimes play or read him too, spending time with him cuz they actually enjoy being togethet ecen if they fight a lot. And by doing all that, they trying to tell cross he can just be a bit more open. He will get to teased to hell and back. But they want deny if he needs something. They accept him. Cuz at the end of day, as much as they all avoid admitting it and being broken in their own way, they feel as family.
Just some thoughts i had wgen reading ur previous reply. Asdtozitdg they so ADORABLE! Anyway even if u created it just by a whim i'm very happy u did!!! They so cute to play with and thinking about scenarios. Thanks for bringing it to the world. 🥰🥰🥰🤗 i adore them dearly!
- 🍓
Haha, I'm glad something I made could have that effect, bitties as a concept are rlly fun to play with I think. And really, they're just so darn cute.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year ago
To both loki AU'S how are the kidss
Also if you can a fluff fic with tom (or any of his characters I'll leave it up to you :)) taking care of fem! Reader cuz she has exams and she's stressed out of her mind and isn't really taking care of her self and then he helps he study or smthn maybe cuddles idk
(My exams are starting soo ye-)
Examination Stress
Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff! stress?
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Here we are, friend! Your lil' story! 🥰 I really hope you like it and... Good luck with your exams! 🤗
Day 4 of the Campfire Sleepover! 🏕
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"Darling, can you help me for a second?" You heard Tom's voice calling out to you from the living room. "Now?" You called back; sitting criss-crossed on your shared, brand new bed. "What do you need?" "A helping hand!" "Okay, but now?" "Unfortunately, yes!"
You sighed and moved to stand up; quickly making your way down the hall to the living room.
Not even a month ago, you and Tom had decided to move in together and therefore bought your very own little house in London. Something sweet and cosy; just the two of you - and Bobby, of course. And with a new house, new furniture was needed. Therefore, Tom was busy the last weeks with building up some new furniture, while you studied for your final exams at University.
You literally jogged inside the living room; finding your boyfriend laying on the floor underneath the almost built up coffee table. "Okay, baby, what is it?" "Can you, uh, assist me? I kind of underestimated this table..." Another sigh left your lips. "Tommy, can't we do this another day? I really have no time right now. You know that I have to learn for my exams."
Tom didn't have to see your face to tell that you were maximally stressed out. He could hear it in your voice.
"Of course, darling, but don't you think a little break would be good for-" "I can't, Tom," you snapped; feeling the stress and pressure flow through your veins. You didn't have the nerves for this now. "Please make it work alone or wait until another day." Those were your final words as you stomped away; returning to your notes.
Tom sighed as he crawled from beneath the halfway built up coffee table. The handsome Brit got onto his feet; ruffling his short blond hair and adjusting his askew sweatpants. He didn't like this... Your high stress level and panicky demeanour. He didn't like this at all. His next mission now clear... Taking care of you.
Without wasting time, he immediately went to the kitchen to make you and himself a cup of tea. Once that was done, he grabbed your favourites cookies and finally paid the bedroom a visit.
Being the gentleman Tom was, he knocked, even though the door was open. "May I come in?" "Sure," you answered; not even looking up from your notes. Tom walked over and placed the two mugs of piping hot tea and cookies on the nightstand on your bedside. "Can I help you, darling?" "Um, I-I don't know, Tom, I-" Your boyfriend quickly sat down beside you and placed a hand on yours. "Let me help you, please?" His beautiful smile warmed your heart. You couldn't say no, and who knew, perhaps it was a good learning strategy. "Okay."
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Tom helped you for over two hours; asking you questions and testing your knowledge. And once both your mugs and the cookies were empty, Tom stood up and stretched his long limbs. "Time for a break, darling. What do you say? Shall we go on a little walk with Bobby?"
You bit your lip; weighing your options. Your conscience screamed at you to keep on learning, but your brain was tired. Worn out.
"I don't know, baby... I should keep on learning..." Tom immediately shook his head. "No, my love. What you need is a break. You've learned for hours today and already the whole past weeks. I know this is a stressful time for you, but please... Don't overdue it. Allow your brain a break. You got this, believe me. You're the smartest woman I know. Trust your abilities."
Tom's words caused the gears to turn in your head. Perhaps he was right... Perhaps you truly needed a break.
Once more you sighed, but finally gave in. "Alright," you said and stood up. "Let's go for a walk." Tom smiled and took your hand.
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After a relaxing walk; hand in hand through the Primrose park with your boyfriends sweet Cocker Spaniel, you felt so much better. The fresh air did you good. Tom could feel it as well. Therefore, he didn't let you go straight back to work, oh no... He snuggled up with you on the sofa; just cuddling and kissing.
"Thank you for helping me, baby. And for taking care of me. I needed this." Tom smiled; kissing the tip of your nose. "I know, love - and you are very welcome. I'll always take care of you and make sure you're alright."
You nodded; cuddling closer against his chest. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't mean that. I am just... so stressed." Tom wrapped both his arms tightly around you. "Don't worry about it, darling. It's already forgiven and forgotten." You smiled; feeling better than ever. Warmth spread throughout your whole body.
"I love you, Tommy." You could feel Tom's lips pressing a kiss against your forehead. "I love you, too, darling."
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @multifandom-worlds @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @huntedmusicgardenn @stupidthoughtsinwriting @hisredheadedgoddess28 @fictive-sl0th @loz-3 @javagirl328 @icytrickster17 @jaidenhawke @eleniblue @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @km-ffluv @herdetectivetheorist @lokiforever @crimson25 @simping-for-marvel @cakesandtom @vanilla-daydreaming @kimanne723 @lulubelle814 @glitchquake @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @buttercupcookies-blog @november-rayne @mandywholock1980 @lokidbadguy @smolvenger
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ian-galagher · 2 years ago
[dusts off his shoulders, picks moss and twigs out of his hair] phew. got lost in there for a second.
for your followers: africa spoilers to the max.
today in the form of what everybody (nobody) waited for: finding nemo.
- ian excited to start his internship.
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- ian going after mickey at the braai.
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- ian x mickey, entire dynamic visualised.
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- ian x mickey with equipment / the perfect scene to shoot. also, them about each other.
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- ian x inyoni ("i like her." / "of course you fuckin' do, both you and her lack a sense of humor.")
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- them being carefree in the city.
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- mickey with the technical shit.
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- ian x mickey lost in the fog.
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- the creepy / unpleasant dude at the moonlight inn.
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- i can't decide if this is ian seeing mickey's scars accidentally back at the starlight lodge, or mickey starting to show his scars around the house as he grows more comfortable with ian. yeah, no, written out, it's the second option.
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- inyoni after mickey came out.
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- mandy. that's it, that's the statement.
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- both mickey and ian about the other. also, ian about pipsqueak.
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- mickey and the dogs. ("the fuck are you doin'? get off him, he's mine! go find your own redhead.")
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- the tourist incident in a fucking gif.
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- i know it's not really contextually or visually accurate, but if you tell me you CAN'T hear "no, i think you're alive" with this gif, i'll call you a liar.
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- ian thinking THIS is the day he's gonna get to kiss mickey.
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- "what, you in love with me or somethin'?" / "no!" mickey, internally:
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- ian calming mickey down at the end of day twelve.
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- ian realising his camera is broken.
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- i can't really pinpoint it, but this reminds me of fiona dumping all the family shit on ian.
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- mandy and ian out shopping.
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and just like this, we end another gif shenanigan post by paging our dearest sweetest @francesrose3. thank you for your attention.
YOU'RE BACK and these are all so good! SO GOOD 😭
I mean, NEMO!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥺🧡🧡🧡
Nemo on his first day!!! 😭
THESE ARE ALL GOLD!! GOLD I TELL YA! 😭 you outdo yourself with each of these 🥹🧡 and I can't thank you enough 🥰🧡
Have some pretty non-murky water to dunk your hands into 🥰
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and perhaps an apple? 😁😇
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I"M SORRY ABOUT THAT here have this one instead 😁🥰🧡
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I'm SURE @francesrose3 would like to see these too 🥹🧡
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rayrayor · 1 year ago
Aaaand... It's Wednesday again. Already! 🤗🥰
Tagging @guinguin1984 @bawlbrayker @babygirlmickey @captainjowl @francesrose3 @flamingbluepanda @heymrspatel @jrooc @juliakayyy @redwiccanrobin @twinklyylights @transmickey @gallavichthings @gallavictorious
And anyone wanting to play❤️
which character from any media would you like to have as a father? I think it’s a teen life thing and after he grew up Darry from the outsiders
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you have. Hmmm still a goat
what is your Chinese takeout order? Garlic chicken and hot and sour soup
what's your favourite emoji? this one: 😈
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? Green house for sure
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? Not a show but school house rock .. 🎶 oh I’m just a bill
what was your tumblr like when you first joined? I joined a year ago , mostly fan fic but would like to branch out
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? Rockabilly for sure
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? Not sure but maybe any canon compliant shameless fic lol
what is your favourite piece of art? The art from my son
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like? Iow tech mason jar
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? Angst with a happy ending
do you carry a daily bag? Right now a boho bag with bees on it . Weirdest thing in it . Perhaps the old collection of bus passes
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? Ugh that’s hard. Carl cause gun play to love😀
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did? . Hmmm liking the mafia ones
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? Those biceps … maybe a lift quick but no carry
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? Mickey who wants to trade it to Debbie for the potato masher 😝
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