#performing animal welfare society
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orcinus-veterinarius · 11 months ago
When horses end up with severe leg/hip injuries, they are almost always put to sleep. The odds of recovering full mobility from such injuries are slim and the odds of reinjury are high, so even if the horse is perfectly healthy in all other aspects, it is generally recognized to be more humane to put them down than to keep them alive just to live the rest of their lives limping around a small paddock or stall. A life for a horse in which s/he cannot gallop, leap, explore and play is no life at all. Why not apply the same logic to cetaceans? A life for a cetacean in which they can’t dive hundreds of meters, make meaningful autonomous choices (“should I play with the rubber ball or the puzzle feeder today?” is not a meaningful choice; research has shown that autonomy is crucial for animal welfare), echolocate and experience the rich biodiversity of the ocean is no life. I really don’t understand why it’s so horrible to think it more humane to euthanize a confused and sick orca calf if there is no chance of rehab and release than to take her/him permanently into captivity. It’s not disparaging or hateful to cetacean trainers to say so—I know they care about animals—it’s simply a logical ethical stance. Instead of searching in vain for orca conservation organizations that aren’t “radically anti-captivity”, maybe pro-caps should look inwards and ask themselves why all the major orca organizations (Center for Whale Research, Orca Behavior Institute, OrcaLab, Wild Orca, Orca Conservancy, Far East Russia Orca Project, etc.) as well as some cetacean organizations (ex. Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Cetacean Society International) oppose captivity. Is it because all of these esteemed groups, which if you look them up are all staffed by credentialed scientists, have been duped by the “animal rights agenda”, or could it be because maybe, just maybe, they know what they’re talking about? If captive orcas are so different from wild ones that wild orca biologists have no credibility to speak about their welfare, then that’s a clear indictment of captivity already.
Hi. I'm sorry for not answering right away, I was still at my externship when I got your ask, and I wanted to be able to sit down and give you a proper answer. So unfortunately, I don't think what I say will satisfy you. I don't expect to change your mind, nor is that my goal here. I only want to explain why I believe the way I do, so that you or others reading this can at least understand that it's not a position I take lightly, nor do I think it's infallible.
(Long post below the cut):
To start off, as an (almost) veterinarian, there are absolutely plenty of circumstances where I find euthanasia to be the correct decision. Euthanasia is our final gift to our patients, a swift and painless death in the face of prolonged suffering or poor quality of life. A large dog with debilitating osteoarthritis. A cat with terminal lymphoma. A down cow. A raptor with an amputated leg. Or like you mentioned, a horse with a fractured hip. These animals would live in a constant state of pain that they don't understand, and death can rightly be considered a kindness to them.
But an otherwise healthy orca calf? I would consider that a false equivalence. I agree that life in the wild should be prioritized whenever possible, and that captive orcas lead very different lives than their wild counterparts. But if that orca cannot return to the wild (orphaned and unable to be reunited with its pod, habituated to humans, non-painful disability such as deafness), and there is a facility willing to take it on, I do not think euthanasia is an appropriate option. In human care, that calf can still swim, breach, and dive, even if not to the same depths as the ocean (it's also worth noting that these are all costly behavior energetically and are not performed for no reason). It can still socialize and form family bonds with an adopted pod of whales. It can still (theoretically) mate and rear calves. It can still engage its big brain in problem-solving through training and enrichment in the place of hunting. And as a bonus, it will never go hungry and has access to veterinary care if ill or injured.
This is not a wild life. This is not the same life they would've, or should've known. A pool, no matter how well-appointed, is not the ocean, and we should not claim they're comparable. But I don't think it's a fate worse than death. I truly don't. But if it is... if freedom really is worth more than life, then all captive whales need to be euthanized. Even in a sea pen setting, they will not be free. They will not choose their food, their companions, their enrichment, their comings and goings. Those choices will still be made on their behalf by caregivers, and they will still have pretty much the same levels of autonomy as in their tank habitat. They will still be captive. (While some people do advocate for this, I don't think it's a popular outlook. Even SOS Dolfijn, a historically anti-cap organization, recently announced plans to build an aqauarium as a permanent home for non-releasable cetaceans rather than continuing to euthanize them).
Speaking of autonomy, yes, it is very important. But I truly don't think the orcas are distressed by the lack of meaning in choosing between enrichment devices. I think that's why we disagree on this topic... we have different worldviews. We both see orcas as beautiful, intelligent creatures, but I do not see them as people. They are animals, and for all their complexity, I interpret their behavior the same way I do any other species... they are motivated by food, reproduction, and (since they're highly social) companionship. Because of that, I still think we can give them a good life in human care, which is why it frustrates me to see the zoo community throw up their hands and give up rather than trying to improve our current less-than-ideal setups (*shakes my fist at the Blue World project*).
Now, I don't think it's wrong to be emotional about animals. I most definitely am! And it's very clear to me you love orcas and care about their wellbeing deeply. I admire that about you, and I appreciate your passion.
On to the next point... in the cetacean world, I've found that there is an unfortunate divide between researchers and caregivers who work with cetaceans in human care and those who study them exclusively in the wild. And that schism far predates the Blackfish era. Most of those organizations you listed are indeed legitimate, and I fully support their vital work and encourage others to do the same. A few of them, though, share things like this:
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I think you can understand why this hurts me. And it's a lie. I've now interned at three aquariums (two of them AZA-accredited) that house various species of cetacean, and it's impossible for me to reconcile what I know and have seen to be true and what Whale and Dolphin Conservation wants the public to believe: that these unbelievably loved, vivacious animals are drugged and tortured by their greedy captors. It's not true, and I do not appreciate WDC for spreading this creepy artwork around. Nor do I think that fighting captivity is a beneficial allocation of resources when there is an overwhelming number of genuine threats to the survival of wild cetaceans.
Anyway, back to the scientists. Personally, I don't consider researchers who work exclusively with wild orcas to be either superior or inferior to those who work with captive whales. And sometimes I wonder how much of their position is a self-fulfilling prophecy: if someone opposes captivity on moral grounds, they won't work with captive whales, so they'll never get to know what their lives and care are like beyond maybe a single tour of the park or memories of how things were done in the 1960s (like Dr. Spong, who worked with some of the very first captive orcas at the Vancouver Aquarium).
I also don't think it diminishes the expertise of wildlife biologists to say that they are not experts on husbandry, training, or medical care... those are very different fields, and ideally, they should all inform each other. And of course, there are folks who work with both wild and captive whales. One of the reasons I linked SR3 in my previous post is they have staff with backgrounds in both managed care and research of free-ranging populations (I actually have no idea what the organization's official stance on captivity is, it's not something they address).
Maybe I'm wrong. I try my best to keep an open mind, but I know I'm also swayed by my own preconceptions and experiences. When I started this blog in December 2020, I was a first year vet student with minimal actual experience outside of domestic animals and some herps, and had only recently adopted the pro-captivity outlook. Now, I'm much more deeply involved in the zoo and aquarium world. These are people I know and respect, people who have written me letters of recommendation and comment on my Facebook posts, people I've had dinner with and showed up with after hours to care for a sick animal. And I recognize that biases me. The zoo world is often resistant to change, especially folks who have been in the industry for many years. And that doesn't do anyone, especially the animals, any good. I don't want to get stuck in an echo chamber, so I make it a point to read anti-captivity literature, even when it upsets me. If there is anything I can do to improve their lives, I want to learn about it, regardless of the source.
I try to adapt to new information. For example, in the past few months alone, I've become a lot more favorable toward the idea of sea pen habitats. My concerns about "sanctuaries" are more logisitical* and philosophical** rather than the idea that artifical habitats are inherently superior to pen habitats (they're not), especially when plenty of traditional facilites already make great use of ocean pens or enclosed lagoons. There are pros and cons to both, and a lot of it depends on the needs of the individual animals.
*funding; maintenance; lack of land-based backup pools and fully-equipped medical facilities; introducing immunologically naive animals to pollutants and infectious agents; disruptions to native wildlife; staffing activists and wildlife biologists rather than those with relevant husbandry experience
**villainizing aquariums; promoting the project as a "release to freedom" to the public when it's really another form of captivity; claiming the animals' lives will be "natural" when they will still require training, artificial enrichment, contraceptives, and social management if done correctly; downplaying or completely denying the very real risks of such a transition and insisting the animals will automatically be better off when Little White and Little Grey have proved that's not the case
If you made it to the bottom, thanks for reading. I wish all the best for you, and I mean that genuinely ❤️ even if we disagree, I hope you can appreciate our shared love for these animals and a desire for their wellbeing. Best of luck in all your endeavors!
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bunposting · 1 month ago
Rabbit Resources Folder
Hey y'all, I've created a Google Drive containing a few of the PDFs of rabbit resources I've collected - hopefully this can serve as a good starting point for anyone looking to learn more about rabbit care/welfare that isn't tainted by misinformation from animal rights groups such as House Rabbit Society. I'll try to update this folder any time I find other resources (things like peer reviewed research and publications by the ARBA and other animal welfare groups)!
Currently in the folder:
ARBA Care Recommendations (ARBA) - A document containing all of the ARBA's rabbit basic care recommendations.
Feeding Meat Rabbits for Free (Megan Hight) - A bit of an outlier but still worth adding, this is a guide created by a homesteader for feeding rabbits a primarily forage-based diet. Note that this person is based in the southeastern USA, so while there is a lot of great information here, it may not be relevant to everyone.
Rabbit Feeding and Nutrition (Peter R. Cheeke) - Literally an entire textbook solely on the feeding and nutrition of rabbits.
Rabbit Production 9th Edition (Steven D. Lukefahr et al.) - A previous edition of the Rabbit Production textbook.
Rabbit Production 10th Edition (Steven D. Lukefahr et al.) - A textbook on just about everything you could possibly want to know about raising and caring for rabbits!
Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits 5th Edition (Bob Bennett) - One of the most commonly recommended starter guides for raising rabbits, great for beginners and fairly easy to read.
Veterinary Care of Farm Rabbits - A Complete Practice Guide to Rabbit Medicine and Production (João Simões et al.) - An admittedly dense but thorough textbook on, you guessed it, rabbit medicine and production. This also includes a guide to performing a necropsy.
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omegaphilosophia · 2 months ago
The Philosophy of Effective Altruism
Effective Altruism is a philosophy and social movement that emphasizes using evidence and reason to determine the most effective ways to improve the world and help others. It combines the altruistic desire to do good with a rigorous, results-oriented approach to maximize the positive impact of charitable actions.
Key Principles of Effective Altruism:
Maximizing Impact:
Effective altruism focuses on ensuring that the time, money, and effort devoted to helping others yield the greatest possible impact. This involves identifying causes, interventions, and charities that provide the most benefit per unit of resources.
Evidence-Based Approach:
Central to effective altruism is the use of evidence and data to assess which interventions and organizations are most successful. This often involves evaluating scientific research, performing cost-effectiveness analyses, and assessing the tangible results of various efforts to help.
Cause Prioritization:
Rather than spreading resources across all causes, effective altruism advocates prioritizing certain areas where the need is greatest, or where the most lives can be saved or improved. This could include global poverty, animal welfare, or existential risks such as climate change or artificial intelligence.
Long-Term Thinking:
Effective altruism often involves consideration of the long-term consequences of actions, including potential effects on future generations. Altruists might consider how present actions can help reduce future risks or improve the well-being of future individuals.
Moral Cosmopolitanism:
Effective altruism operates on the principle that all human lives (and sometimes animal lives) are of equal value, regardless of where a person is born or lives. This means that people should focus on causes that provide the most help to those in the greatest need, even if they are far removed geographically.
Personal Responsibility and Earning to Give:
Some proponents of effective altruism believe that individuals can do more good by earning a high income and donating a significant portion of it to highly effective causes, a concept known as "earning to give."
Openness to Self-Improvement:
Effective altruists constantly seek feedback and are willing to change their actions or strategies based on new evidence or better reasoning. The movement emphasizes flexibility and continuous improvement in pursuing altruistic goals.
Criticisms of Effective Altruism:
Narrow Focus: Some critics argue that the focus on measurable outcomes can lead to neglecting important, but harder-to-quantify, causes such as systemic social change or cultural initiatives.
Elitism: The emphasis on high-income individuals "earning to give" can create perceptions that effective altruism is only accessible to wealthy or highly educated people.
Overemphasis on Utilitarian Calculations: The movement's utilitarian focus on maximizing good outcomes can lead to difficult ethical decisions, such as favoring saving a large number of lives in the future over addressing pressing issues in the present.
The philosophy of effective altruism combines moral concern for the well-being of others with pragmatic reasoning to ensure that altruistic efforts are as impactful as possible. It encourages individuals and organizations to critically evaluate their charitable actions, seek evidence-based solutions, and prioritize causes that yield the greatest benefits for society.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
"I first met Tokitae (also known as Toki, Lolita and Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut), a female orca who had been captured off the coast of Washington, in 1987. I was a biology graduate student at my first professional conference, and the scientific society hosting this event held the opening reception at the Seaquarium.
Toki was 20 feet long and 7,000 pounds, and should have been in the Salish Sea traveling 40 miles a day and diving 500 feet deep with her mother and siblings. Yet there we were, a few hundred marine mammal scientists who mostly did field research, watching this magnificent being perform silly tricks in a bathtub.
That’s not really an exaggeration in Toki’s case. Toki’s tank was the smallest enclosure in the world for her species. It was only 35 feet at its widest point and 80 feet long. It was 20 feet at its deepest; if Toki hung vertically in the water, her tail flukes touched bottom. Captured in 1970 when she was 4 or 5 years old, she lived in this tiny space for 53 years.
The federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), administered by the US Department of Agriculture, has a ludicrous requirement for tank width — only twice the length of an average adult orca (or 48 feet). But Toki’s tank didn’t even meet that weak standard. For years, the USDA offered various excuses for not taking steps to revoke the exhibitor’s license. None of them made sense, as the tank was plainly not to code. Activists repeatedly tried to sue the USDA for failing to enforce the law, without success.
Toki’s was a strange, lonely life. Despite many campaigns to repatriate her to her family (the L pod in Puget Sound), years passed. The stadium around her slowly and literally crumbled.
The ‘Blackfish’ Effect,” named after the 2013 documentary that eventually reached tens of millions of people globally, has shifted the captive cetacean paradigm in the past decade. Businesses have severed ties with marine theme parks, and policymakers have passed laws ending the commercial display of orcas and other cetacean species. SeaWorld, the company that built its brand on Shamu, is phasing out orca display — no longer capturing, breeding or trading them.
And still Toki languished in the South Florida heat. The Seaquarium’s two owners during Toki’s first 52 years there were adamant that she would never leave the park and disdainfully dismissed talk of returning her to her family.
In March 2022, however, Toki’s outlook finally seemed brighter. The Seaquarium was sold to a company whose business model relied primarily on swim-with-dolphin encounters. An orca didn’t fit that model, and these owners were willing to let her go. Efforts could finally begin in earnest to return her home. The Lummi Tribe, who gave her the name Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut and considered her a relative, had prepared detailed plans for a seaside sanctuary in the Salish Sea.
Then, last month, Toki died. The hope felt by so many that she would finally go home disappeared in an instant.
Captivity robs orcas of a true life in the deep open sea. It robs them of family, of purpose, of change and challenge. Captivity is tremendous monotony for these socially complex, wide-ranging, intelligent animals. We should not perpetuate that.
Zoos and aquariums long ago relegated dancing bears and tricycle-riding chimps to circuses, but still claim that cetacean shows — loud extravaganzas featuring leaping orcas and cavorting dolphins — are educational (they are not). The industry could and should invest in seaside sanctuaries — it’s a win-win choice, as the industry would be heroes and the animals’ welfare would improve.
Let Toki’s miserable, isolated life and sad death mean something for her fellow captives. These amazing beings should not have to die to finally be free."
Dr. Naomi Rose is senior scientist (marine mammal biology) for the Animal Welfare Institute in Washington, D.C.
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kenyatta · 1 year ago
[Han] sees conditions like burnout and depression as manifestations of the frustration of being unable to achieve. Our society, which is poor in negativities - conflicts with Others - suffers from an excess of positivities - unbounded assertions of the Self. The achievement-subject is not destroyed by the Other so much as overwhelmed by the Self. In the process of trying to endlessly achieve, we only exhaust ourselves; “we are no longer able to be able.”
Conflict with the Other may bring us harm and destruction. But it also brings us into contact with the world beyond ourselves. In pushing against it, the world pushes back against us. We change each other, and in such relations, we develop our sense of being in the world (dasein). From this we also gain the possibility of a social life: man as a social animal.
The best we can do now is encourage health and choice: welfare, wellbeing, therapy, mindfulness. Yet none of this addresses man’s needs as a social animal. His lot is reduced to a set of biological or vital processes which must be kept functioning at any cost, to mere survival. His body is a performance-machine: Leistungsmachine.
There are obvious limits to this. We are, ultimately, finite. We are squishy creatures that cannot be endlessly improved, with minds that are not infinitely re-programmable. Medicine, bio-technology, and virtual spaces allow us to prolong or ignore our potencies. They do not let us outrun them. Beyond a certain point lies the inevitable breakdown: burnout, depression, fatigue.
Even if our basic needs are fulfilled, life still seems busier than ever. Excess positivity has changed the structure of our attention, scattering it across numerous stimuli, information, and impulses. We are always multi-tasking, putting-down or picking-up. Rather than suffer a moment of boredom, we pull out our smart-phone to respond to messages, check e-mails, skim the news, read interesting book reviews…
This is a regression to man’s animal state, for it is animals that must be constantly multi-tasking, lest their prey get away, their predator kill them, or their mate be stolen. Only humans, as social animals, are capable of building an environment of calm in which they can do more than merely survive. They may relax, contemplate, focus deeply on one thing, even do nothing.
The achievement-subject hates doing nothing. At best, he simply has nothing to do. His attention flicks between different tasks as he yields to every impulse, incapable of formulating a no. He is like a tired animal, who meekly does what he must to survive, his activities an unthinking mechanical pattern that fills up all intervals with restless hyperactivity.
From The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han
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thomayakazine · 2 years ago
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🍡🌸 Thank you for allowing us to donate a total of $911.07 to the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)! We couldn't have done it without everyone's love for Thomaya! May you always be warm every winter! 💙
🎇 This project is now COMPLETE ✨
View the receipt behind the cut.
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theblogvibe · 2 months ago
Balancing the Spotlight: Nikita Ghag’s Journey of Artistry and Leadership
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Nikita Ghag is not just a name in the entertainment industry; she is a force of nature, effortlessly blending her roles as an actress, socialist, and political leader. While many find it challenging to maintain a single demanding career, Nikita has defied expectations by excelling in multiple domains. Her journey is one of relentless passion, perseverance, and a commitment to making a difference, both on-screen and in real life. This blog explores how Nikita balances the glamour of cinema with the responsibilities of activism and leadership, highlighting the challenges she faces and the triumphs she achieves along the way.
The Art of Acting: A Journey in Cinema
Nikita Ghag’s journey in the entertainment industry is a testament to her artistic excellence and storytelling prowess. As an actress, she has captivated audiences with her performances, embodying diverse roles that resonate with people from all walks of life. Her ability to immerse herself in characters and deliver emotionally charged performances has earned her critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base.
However, acting is not just about delivering lines or portraying emotions — it requires intense dedication, preparation, and resilience. Nikita has spent years perfecting her craft, attending workshops, honing her skills, and pushing herself beyond conventional boundaries. Each film she undertakes is not just another project but an opportunity to tell meaningful stories that spark dialogue and reflection.
While she enjoys the creative process of acting, she also understands the power of cinema in influencing society. Through her roles, she has brought attention to social issues, portraying strong, independent women who challenge societal norms. Her ability to use film as a medium for change sets her apart as not just an entertainer but also a voice for the voiceless.
The Call to Activism: A Passion for Social Change
Beyond the silver screen, Nikita Ghag has always been deeply committed to humanitarian efforts. She is the founder of DAWA INDIA, a PAN-India registered animal welfare NGO that has transformed the lives of countless stray animals. Her work in animal welfare, from organizing adoptions to rescuing injured animals, showcases her compassion and dedication.
Her activism, however, extends beyond animals. She has played a pivotal role in numerous social causes, including:
Women’s Empowerment: Nikita has been actively involved in initiatives aimed at uplifting women, providing them with opportunities for education, employment, and self-sufficiency.
Humanitarian Efforts: During the COVID-19 pandemic, she went above and beyond to support underprivileged communities, helping provide essential supplies and medical aid.
Education and Awareness: Nikita strongly believes in the power of awareness and education. She has conducted workshops and awareness programs in schools and colleges to inspire the youth to become more compassionate and responsible citizens.
Balancing social activism with a thriving acting career is no small feat. It demands immense time management, commitment, and the ability to shift between vastly different worlds. Nikita’s ability to juggle these responsibilities speaks volumes about her determination to create a better society.
Stepping Into Leadership: Politics and Public Service
While Nikita Ghag’s work in cinema and social activism is inspiring, her foray into politics has added another dimension to her multifaceted career. As a political leader, she has taken on the responsibility of advocating for policies that benefit both people and animals.
Joining BJP as the Secretary of Maharashtra in CHITRAPAT KAMGAR AGHADI, she has worked extensively to improve the lives of workers in the film industry, ensuring their safety, fair treatment, and better working conditions. Her political role allows her to influence change on a systemic level, bringing her activism into the legislative sphere.
Politics, however, comes with its own set of challenges. Navigating the political landscape requires strategic thinking, negotiation skills, and an unwavering commitment to public service. For Nikita, leadership is not about power — it’s about responsibility. She has continuously used her platform to advocate for underrepresented communities, ensuring that their voices are heard.
Despite the challenges of entering and excelling in a male-dominated political space, Nikita has stood her ground, proving that determination and sincerity can break barriers. Her journey in politics is still unfolding, but one thing remains certain — she is here to make a lasting impact.
Challenges of Balancing Multiple Roles
While Nikita makes balancing these diverse roles look effortless, it is far from easy. Managing multiple careers requires discipline, time management, and mental resilience. Some of the biggest challenges she faces include:
Time Constraints: With film shoots, NGO activities, and political commitments, Nikita’s schedule is packed. Finding time for personal growth, self-care, and family can be difficult, but she remains steadfast in prioritizing her duties.
Public Scrutiny: Being in the public eye comes with constant judgment. Whether it’s her acting choices, political stances, or social activism, Nikita faces scrutiny from various sections of society. However, she chooses to focus on her work rather than be affected by criticism.
Emotional Toll: Juggling multiple careers can be emotionally draining. Acting requires deep emotional engagement, activism demands empathy, and politics requires resilience. The ability to switch between these roles without losing herself is a skill Nikita has mastered over time.
Breaking Stereotypes: Women in leadership positions, especially in politics, often face resistance and gender bias. Nikita has had to challenge these stereotypes repeatedly to establish herself as a credible leader.
Triumphs and Achievements
Despite these challenges, Nikita Ghag has accomplished remarkable feats in all her domains. Some of her greatest achievements include:
Film Recognition: Her performances have earned her accolades and admiration from audiences and critics alike.
DAWA INDIA’s Impact: Thousands of animals have found loving homes, and countless others have been rescued, thanks to her tireless efforts.
Political Milestones: As a leader, she has successfully introduced and supported policies that benefit the underprivileged and underrepresented.
Inspiration to Many: Her journey serves as an inspiration to countless aspiring actors, activists, and leaders, proving that with passion and determination, anything is possible.
The Future: What Lies Ahead for Nikita Ghag?
Nikita Ghag’s journey is far from over. With her unwavering commitment to making a difference, she continues to push boundaries and set new benchmarks in cinema, activism, and politics. Her future projects include more thought-provoking films, expanded initiatives for DAWA INDIA, and further contributions to shaping policies that create a better society.
One thing is certain — whether on the big screen, in the streets fighting for animal rights, or in government chambers advocating for change, Nikita Ghag will continue to be a force to be reckoned with.
Balancing the worlds of cinema, activism, and politics is no easy task, but Nikita Ghag has shown that with passion, dedication, and resilience, it is possible to leave an indelible mark in multiple fields. Her journey is a testament to the power of believing in one’s purpose and working tirelessly to achieve it.
As she continues to inspire and lead, Nikita Ghag remains a shining example of what it means to balance the spotlight — gracefully, powerfully, and with a heart full of purpose.
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t00l-xyz-ai-news · 3 months ago
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creativemorningswinnipeg · 3 months ago
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Join us on December 13, 2024 at 8:15am at Launch Co-Working for the final CreativeMornings Winnipeg of 2024! Our speaker is Salena Starling, founder and CEO of Community of Big Hearts. Salena will be speaking to the CreativeMornings global theme of CYCLE.
What to expect at a CM Winnipeg event (beside inspiration and fun):
8:15am Arrival and check in -- grab a coffee and make a new friend (or just smile at someone while making a cool nametag)
8:30am Refill coffee and settle in for a great event!
8:35am Welcome, info about CreativeMornings and listen to our featured local performer
8:45am Community creative engagement activity -- introvert approved (and introvert friendly!)
8:55am Intro of Speaker
9:00am Speaker and Q and A
9:25am Second performance
9:30am Wrap up and exchange contact info with your new friend!
NOTE: ASL interpretation is available at all CM Winnipeg events.
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Breaking Cycles: Creating Change through Understanding and Reconciliation  
In this powerful session, Salena Starling shares her journey of overcoming systemic challenges as a foster care survivor and Indigenous youth. Through personal stories and deep insights, Salena sheds light on how intergenerational trauma and historic injustices continue to affect Indigenous peoples today. The talk focuses on breaking harmful cycles by fostering understanding, addressing unconscious biases, and promoting truth and reconciliation in communities and workplaces. Salena emphasizes the importance of empathy, education, and action, inspiring participants to be part of creating lasting, equitable change.
Meet our Speaker: Salena Starling
Salena Starling is an Indigenous youth advocate, public speaker, and the President and CEO of the Community of Big Hearts. A proud First Nations, Swampy Cree woman from the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN), Salena has dedicated her life to promoting Truth and Reconciliation and uplifting Indigenous youth, especially those who have experienced the foster care system.
As a foster care survivor herself, Salena's work is deeply rooted in her personal experiences. Growing up in poverty, navigating the child welfare system, and overcoming generational trauma, she has become a powerful voice for change. By sharing her story, she raises awareness about the challenges Indigenous youth face, including issues like poverty, addiction, sex trafficking, and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S+).
Salena’s work spans workshops, presentations, and the Reconciliation Road Challenge—a national initiative designed to make reconciliation a daily conversation within organizations. With a mission to create equitable and understanding communities, she has worked with businesses across Canada, helping them understand Indigenous history and its lasting impacts on Indigenous peoples today.
A public speaker since the age of 11, Salena’s advocacy extends beyond education. She is a TEDx speaker and a graduate of the CanU program. Her passion lies in empowering Indigenous youth, reforming the foster care system, and ensuring that reconciliation becomes a meaningful, action-driven practice across society.
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Our CreativeMornings theme for December is CYCLE. It was chosen by our Freiburg chapter in Germany and illustrated by Isabell Meister. 
Our world runs on cycles. There’s the frantic buzz of the 24-hour news cycle. The boom and bust of economic cycles. The changing seasons. Every plant, animal, and organism exists in a life cycle of birth, growth, reproduction, and death. Water flows through a cycle of evaporation into vapor to condensation in clouds to precipitation that falls as rain or snow. The menstrual cycle. The circadian rhythm of our sleep cycle. 
Cycles are circular and keep things moving. Which cycles are you living in tune with? And which ones are you fighting vainly against?
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oppvenuz4456 · 3 months ago
The Most 7 Finest Motives for Booking Shraddha Kapoor for Events
Shraddha Kapoor is one of Bollywood's most versatile and beloved actresses. In fact, the sultry hunk is more than just a face on film. She carries a presence that sets ablaze events that happen live in front of one's very eyes. Be it corporate events, wedding receptions, brand launch, or charity gala; having a celebrity of the stature of Shraddha Kapoor can raise the whole event to an entirely new level. In this article, we will explore the top 7 best reasons to book Shraddha Kapoor for event appearances and why she makes the perfect guest for any high-profile occasion.
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Visit For More info  https://www.oppvenuz.com/celebrity-booking/ 
1. Star Power and Popularity
Shraddha Kapoor is one of the most popular celebrities in India, with millions of fans following her every move on social media. When you book Shraddha Kapoor for an event, you’re not just hiring a Bollywood star; you’re bringing in an icon who has a massive fan base across different age groups and demographics. Her presence is sure to generate buzz and excitement, attracting attention not only from attendees but also from media outlets, making your event the talk of the town.
2. Versatile Performer
Shraddha Kapoor is known for her versatility as an actress, having delivered standout performances in a variety of films ranging from romantic dramas to action-packed thrillers and musical blockbusters. This versatility extends to her appearances at live events, where she can adapt to different roles effortlessly. Whether you want her to host a segment, interact with the audience, or even give a special performance, Shraddha's ability to connect with people makes her a great choice for events. This is one of the top 7 best reasons to book Shraddha Kapoor for event engagements, as she can tailor her performance to suit any occasion.
3. Cultural and Social Relevance
Shraddha Kapoor isn’t just a movie star; she is also a prominent voice on important social and environmental issues. Her involvement in causes like animal welfare, environmental conservation, and mental health awareness makes her an influential figure beyond Bollywood. When you book Shraddha Kapoor for an event, you bring someone with a deep connection to the community and society. Her presence at socially conscious events, charity fundraisers, or any cause-related gatherings adds a level of credibility and purpose to the event.
4. Brand Ambassador Appeal
Over the years, Shraddha Kapoor has been the face of numerous high-profile brands, ranging from fashion and beauty to fitness and technology. If you are organizing a product launch or a brand-related event, booking Shraddha Kapoor can be a huge asset. Her association with well-known global and Indian brands like Lakmé, Veet, and Realme has made her a trusted and recognizable figure. Bringing her in as a guest can boost your brand’s image and instantly add glamour to your event. This is why she's often ranked among the top 7 best book Shraddha Kapoor for event opportunities, especially when it comes to brand-centric events.
5. Engaging with Diverse Audiences
Shraddha Kapoor’s appeal spans across generations and regions. She connects equally well with young fans who admire her fashion sense and dance moves, as well as with more mature audiences who appreciate her nuanced performances in films. When you book Shraddha Kapoor for an event, you’re choosing a celebrity who can engage with a diverse crowd, making sure that all attendees feel included and entertained. Whether it's an intimate gathering or a large corporate event, her natural warmth and charm ensure that she leaves a lasting impression on everyone present.
6. A Talented Singer and Performer
Apart from being a top-tier actress, Shraddha Kapoor is also a talented singer. Having performed in movies like Aashiqui 2, she has a soft, melodious voice that resonates with the audience. If your event calls for a musical element, booking Shraddha Kapoor can give it an extra layer of entertainment. Whether it's a brief performance or a full-fledged musical act, Shraddha’s singing talent makes her one of the top 7 best book Shraddha Kapoor for event choices, especially for music-centric events, weddings, or private parties.
7. Relatability and Authenticity
One of the reasons Shraddha Kapoor is loved by so many is her down-to-earth and relatable personality. Despite her massive success, she comes across as warm, approachable, and genuine. She often interacts with her fans and speaks from the heart, making her appearances feel personal and authentic. This quality makes her an ideal choice for events where genuine interaction with the audience is key. Whether it’s a fan meet, a corporate event, or a motivational talk, Shraddha’s realness is what sets her apart. It’s a crucial reason why she remains a top choice when people search for the top 7 best book Shraddha Kapoor for event appearances.
Booking a celebrity for an event is not just about adding star power; it’s about choosing someone who can elevate the entire experience. Shraddha Kapoor’s combination of talent, versatility, relatability, and social relevance makes her one of the most sought-after personalities for high-profile occasions. The top 7 best book Shraddha Kapoor for event opportunities span from brand launches and corporate galas to charity fundraisers and private celebrations. Her presence can ensure that your event is unforgettable and widely talked about, leaving a lasting impact on both attendees and the media alike.
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steroidelegal · 6 months ago
Plant-based diet
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The Humane basis performs a essential function in advocating for animal welfare and upholding moral standards in humane remedy. It specializes in projects that promote compassion, training, and legislative adjustments, aiming to create a higher international for animals globally. thru its various programs, the muse addresses troubles like habitat renovation, cruelty prevention, and responsible pet possession.
attractive with the Humane basis not simplest supports its venture however additionally connects individuals with a community of like-minded advocates. They provide resources and possibilities for every body interested in making a distinction. via participating in their efforts, individuals can make a contribution to impactful change that advantages both animals and society.
Exploring the Humane basis's work reveals the significance of collective movement. It highlights how small contributions can cause large upgrades in the lives of countless animals.
Plant-based diet
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annietian0987 · 6 months ago
As Robots Grow Increasingly Human-Like
On February 25th, Tesla shared a new video via its social media accounts, showcasing the latest developments of its Optimus humanoid robot. Compared to the footage released a few weeks earlier, this iteration of the towering robotic arm appears to be an updated or more refined version, demonstrating a steadier gait and smoother movements that are getting closer to the normal human walking posture.
Its wrists and individual fingers move flexibly, capable of precisely picking up an egg and placing it onto a tray. The robot's walking speed has improved by 30% compared to its predecessor, suggesting that the prospect of robots performing tasks such as serving tea and water to humans might not be far off.
The progress in the development of Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robot underscores the immense potential of robotics technology in emulating human behavior and functions. However, it simultaneously provokes profound concerns about the future of employment, societal ethics, and human safety.
Hu Jiaqi, founder of SHAO and a scholar who has dedicated over four decades to studying the impact of technology on humanity, sounded an alarm on the extinction risk posed by artificial intelligence (AI) in his book "Saving Humanity" published in 2007. He emphasized how AI’s surpassing capabilities in functional and structural simulation could vastly exceed those of humans and animals, potentially leading to a loss of control over these robots by humans. Such uncontrollable robots or AI systems could wreak unpredictable havoc in military, industrial, and everyday contexts.
In recent years, with the continuous advancement of AI technology, we have witnessed that robots surpass human capabilities in both functional and structural simulation. AI not only replicates human thought processes and decision-making abilities but also imitates human actions and behaviors through humanoid robots. This transcendence holds tremendous potential, such as replacing humans in hazardous work environments, enhancing productivity, and even conducting precise surgeries in healthcare. Nevertheless, it also stirs anxiety about the future of employment, ethical dilemmas, and the possible reshaping of human society.
The evolution of AI technology compels us to reconsider the role and value of humans, especially when machines can undertake tasks previously exclusive to humans. This technological revolution is not merely about improving efficiency and capabilities; it strikes at the core of human identity and existence. Ensuring that the development of AI technology enhances human welfare rather than becoming a threat to humanity itself becomes a key issue we must confront.
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eyasinseo25 · 6 months ago
Meat Industry Hazards: Unveiling the Risks Behind the Production of Meat
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The meat industry is a colossal enterprise, feeding billions of people worldwide and contributing significantly to the global economy. However, beneath the surface of this multibillion-dollar industry lies a complex web of risks and dangers, both for workers within the industry and consumers who depend on its products. Meat industry hazards encompass a broad range of issues, from health risks and environmental concerns to animal welfare and ethical dilemmas.
In this article, we delve into the core of these meat industry hazards, examining the myriad of challenges that have emerged from industrial-scale meat production. From factory farms to slaughterhouses, the meat industry is fraught with risks that extend far beyond what most consumers realize.
Chapter 1: Health Hazards in Meat Processing Facilities
One of the most significant meat industry hazards involves the health and safety of workers within meat processing facilities. These workers are often exposed to a wide array of risks that jeopardize their physical and mental well-being.
1.1 Physical Injuries
Working in a meat processing plant is dangerous. Employees face a high risk of injury from sharp tools, machinery, and repetitive movements. Cuts, amputations, and even fatalities are common, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics consistently ranking the meat industry as one of the most dangerous sectors.
Repetitive motion injuries are another prevalent issue. Workers spend long hours performing the same tasks repeatedly, leading to conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. These injuries, often debilitating, are a direct result of the rapid pace and high demands of meat processing.
1.2 Exposure to Harmful Substances
Another major meat industry hazard is the exposure to hazardous substances. Workers frequently come into contact with dangerous chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing equipment. Ammonia, chlorine, and peracetic acid are commonly used in meat plants to maintain hygiene, yet prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory issues, chemical burns, and other health complications.
Additionally, workers are at risk of contracting zoonotic diseases—illnesses that can spread from animals to humans. Influenza, Salmonella, E. coli, and other infections can be transmitted through contact with contaminated meat or animal waste. These health risks are compounded by overcrowded, unsanitary working conditions that make it difficult to control the spread of disease.
Chapter 2: Environmental Hazards of Meat Production
The environmental impacts of the meat industry are far-reaching, making them one of the most pressing meat industry hazards facing society today. Industrial-scale meat production significantly contributes to climate change, deforestation, and pollution.
2.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Livestock production is a leading contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through methane released by cattle. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, traps heat in the atmosphere more effectively than carbon dioxide, making it a major driver of climate change. In fact, the meat industry accounts for nearly 15% of total global emissions, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Moreover, the industry's reliance on fossil fuels for transportation, refrigeration, and feed production further exacerbates its carbon footprint. As the demand for meat continues to rise, so too does the environmental damage caused by these meat industry hazards.
2.2 Deforestation and Habitat Destruction
Another significant environmental hazard is deforestation, particularly in regions like the Amazon Rainforest, where large swathes of land are cleared to create pastures for livestock or to grow feed crops like soy. This deforestation contributes to biodiversity loss, as countless species lose their habitats. Furthermore, the destruction of these forests reduces the Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, accelerating global warming.
Water pollution is yet another meat industry hazard. Runoff from industrial farms carries animal waste, fertilizers, and antibiotics into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This pollution can lead to dead zones in aquatic ecosystems, where oxygen levels become so depleted that marine life cannot survive.
Chapter 3: Ethical and Animal Welfare Concerns
Ethical issues are at the heart of meat industry hazards, particularly regarding the treatment of animals within industrial farming systems. Factory farming practices prioritize efficiency and profit over the well-being of animals, leading to significant animal welfare concerns.
3.1 Inhumane Treatment of Animals
Animals raised in factory farms are often kept in cramped, unsanitary conditions, with limited access to natural light, fresh air, or space to move. These conditions cause immense suffering for the animals, leading to physical and psychological distress. For instance, pigs and chickens are commonly confined to tiny cages or pens where they cannot exhibit natural behaviors.
Furthermore, the process of slaughtering animals for meat is fraught with ethical dilemmas. While regulations exist to ensure humane slaughter, these guidelines are not always followed, particularly in high-speed slaughterhouses where efficiency takes precedence over animal welfare. This results in instances where animals are not adequately stunned before being killed, leading to prolonged suffering.
3.2 Overuse of Antibiotics and its Impact on Public Health
Another serious meat industry hazard is the overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming. Antibiotics are routinely given to animals to promote growth and prevent disease in overcrowded, unsanitary environments. However, this widespread use of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which pose a significant threat to public health.
When humans consume meat contaminated with these resistant bacteria, they can develop infections that are difficult to treat with standard antibiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified antibiotic resistance as one of the top threats to global health, food security, and development, making it clear that the meat industry’s practices are contributing to this growing crisis.
Chapter 4: Consumer Health Risks
Consumers are not immune to the meat industry hazards present throughout the production process. The risks associated with eating contaminated or improperly handled meat are well-documented, with foodborne illnesses being one of the most prominent dangers.
4.1 Foodborne Illnesses
Contaminated meat products can carry harmful pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria, which can cause severe illness or even death in humans. Outbreaks of foodborne illnesses linked to meat are alarmingly common, often resulting from improper handling, poor hygiene practices, or cross-contamination during processing.
The meat industry’s focus on speed and efficiency further exacerbates these risks. In high-speed slaughterhouses, the rapid pace can lead to lapses in food safety protocols, increasing the likelihood of contamination. For consumers, this represents a significant meat industry hazard, as they may unknowingly consume tainted meat products.
4.2 Chemical Residues in Meat
In addition to pathogens, meat products can also contain harmful chemical residues. Growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides used in livestock farming can accumulate in the meat we eat. Long-term exposure to these chemicals may have adverse effects on human health, including an increased risk of cancer, hormone imbalances, and developmental issues in children.
The lack of transparency in the meat industry makes it difficult for consumers to know what is in the meat they purchase, further complicating efforts to mitigate these hazards.
Chapter 5: Regulatory Failures and Lack of Accountability
Despite the numerous meat industry hazards, regulatory oversight has often proven inadequate in addressing these risks. Government agencies responsible for ensuring the safety of meat products and the well-being of workers and animals frequently fall short of their duties.
5.1 Insufficient Inspections and Enforcement
One of the main reasons for the prevalence of meat industry hazards is the insufficient inspection and enforcement of existing regulations. Understaffed and underfunded agencies struggle to conduct thorough inspections of processing plants, resulting in missed violations and continued unsafe practices.
In some cases, regulatory agencies have been criticized for having too close of a relationship with the meat industry, leading to a lack of accountability and enforcement. This has allowed dangerous practices to persist, further endangering workers, animals, and consumers.
5.2 Inadequate Protection for Workers
The lack of protection for workers in the meat industry is another significant regulatory failure. While labor laws exist to safeguard workers' rights, these laws are often inadequately enforced, particularly in an industry where undocumented or marginalized workers make up a large portion of the workforce. As a result, workers are frequently exposed to unsafe working conditions and denied basic protections, further exacerbating the meat industry hazards they face.
Chapter 6: Efforts to Mitigate Meat Industry Hazards
While the meat industry continues to pose significant hazards, efforts are being made to address these risks and promote more sustainable, ethical, and safe practices within the industry.
6.1 Advancements in Technology
Technological innovations have the potential to reduce some of the meat industry hazards. For example, advancements in automation and robotics can help reduce the risk of injury to workers by minimizing their direct involvement in dangerous tasks. Similarly, improvements in food safety technology, such as better tracking systems for contamination, can help reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.
6.2 Plant-Based and Cultured Meat Alternatives
One of the most promising developments in addressing meat industry hazards is the rise of plant-based and cultured meat alternatives. Companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are developing products that mimic the taste and texture of traditional meat without the associated environmental, ethical, and health risks.
Cultured meat, which is grown in a lab from animal cells, offers another potential solution to the hazards of traditional meat production. By eliminating the need for large-scale livestock farming, cultured meat could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, animal suffering, and the risk of foodborne illnesses.
6.3 Consumer Awareness and Advocacy
As consumers become more aware of the meat industry hazards, many are advocating for
 change. This has led to increased demand for transparency, better animal welfare standards, and more sustainable farming practices. Advocacy groups play a crucial role in pushing for regulatory reforms and holding the meat industry accountable for its practices.
The meat industry hazards present a complex and multifaceted challenge. From the health and safety risks faced by workers to the environmental damage caused by industrial-scale livestock farming, the dangers of this industry are far-reaching and impact nearly every aspect of society. As awareness of these hazards grows, so too does the demand for change. Whether through technological innovations, alternative protein sources, or regulatory reforms, the meat industry must adapt to address the significant risks it poses to workers, animals, consumers, and the planet.
While progress is being made, much work remains to be done to mitigate the meat industry hazards and create a more sustainable and ethical food system for the future.
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theguestblogging · 8 months ago
Exploring the Career and Impact of Sunny Leone
Born Karenjit Kaur Vohra, Sunny Leone made her Bollywood debut in 2012 with 'Jism 2', instantly becoming a sensation. Her ability to blend sensuality with grace has garnered her a massive following globally. Beyond her sultry on-screen persona, Sunny has also been a symbol of empowerment and breaking stereotypes.
What sets Sunny Leone apart is her versatility. From sizzling item numbers to intense dramatic roles, she has proven her acting prowess time and again. Her career highlights include memorable performances in films like 'Ragini MMS 2', 'Ek Paheli Leela', and 'Tera Intezaar'. Each role showcases her ability to command attention and deliver memorable performances.
Off-screen, Sunny Leone is a philanthropist at heart, actively supporting causes such as animal rights and child welfare. Her journey from being a Penthouse Pet to a Bollywood diva has been marked by resilience and determination, inspiring countless fans around the world.
As Sunny Leone continues to redefine her career and expand her horizons, her impact on Indian cinema remains undeniable. She continues to be a symbol of confidence, beauty, and strength for her fans, making her one of the hottest and most beloved personalities in the industry today.
Sunny Leone is an actress who has dabbled in a number of other endeavors. She was the face of multiple music videos, created her own line of cosmetics, and wrote an autobiography called "Sweet Dreams." She is the sexiest Sunny Leone in the entertainment business thanks to her wide skill set and entrepreneurial spirit.
In 2011, Sunny Leone made headlines by participating in the Indian reality TV show "Bigg Boss," a pivotal moment that introduced her to Indian audiences. Her transition into Bollywood with films like "Jism 2" marked a significant turning point, showcasing her versatility and acting prowess. Embracing the challenges of a new industry, Sunny Leone swiftly carved a niche for herself, captivating audiences with each performance.
The impact of Hottest Sunny Leone goes beyond the screen. She participates in a number of humanitarian endeavors as an active philanthropist. She has backed causes like healthcare, children's education, and animal rights. Her charitable endeavors demonstrate her altruistic spirit and dedication to giving back to the community.
Many find inspiration in Sunny Leone's journey. She has defied social conventions and dispelled stereotypes, demonstrating that it is possible to move past one's background and achieve greatness. Her narrative inspires people to pursue their goals and not let their past decisions define them.
Sunny Leone's entrepreneurial spirit is evident despite her acting accomplishments. She has dabbled in a variety of fields, such as creating her own makeup line and appearing in viral music videos. Her many abilities also include philanthropy, where she actively promotes topics near and dear to her heart, highlighting her dedication to changing society for the better.
A Force to be Reckoned With
Sunny Leone's story is one of defying expectations. She's a talented performer, a savvy businesswoman, and a role model for those who embrace their individuality. Leone's journey is far more captivating than simply labeling her the "Hottest Sunny Leone."
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uncloseted · 9 months ago
please don't use Hada Labo... they aren't cruelty free. With how many skincare products there are out there theres no excuse to use one that tests on animals... They could claim their products are cruelty free but that doesn't mean where they source their ingredients is... They sell in China and animal testing is required by law to sell in China
From what I can tell, it's a little bit more complicated than that. Just because a company sells its skincare or cosmetic products in China does not automatically mean that they were tested on animals. Per the Humane Society, "In 2014, China allowed companies manufacturing so-called “ordinary” cosmetics (such as shampoo and mascara) within the country to avoid animal tests for their products" and "In 2021, China again amended its regulations making it possible for some companies to import ordinary cosmetics into the country without the need for animal testing." There are some products where animal testing is still required for imported cosmetics to be sold in China (most notably sunscreen), but the majority of skincare and makeup products are exempt from that law.
When it comes to Hada Labo, knowing whether they test on animals is really guesswork more than anything else. They do have factories in China, so it's possible that they've been free of animal testing since 2014 even though they're a foreign company. I couldn't find them claiming that their products are cruelty-free, but that could be because there are animal derived ingredients in some of their formulas (for example, honey, snail mucin, or squalane). The websites that compile lists of cruelty-free cosmetics companies generally have them in a grey area as their status is unclear. The Mentholatum UK website (the company that owns Hada Labo), says that "Mentholatum UK verifies that animal tests were not performed in order to meet the requirements of the European Cosmetics Regulation and are committed to ending animal testing across our industry," but that, "Hada Labo is not currently vegan friendly."
All that said, if you don't feel comfortable with animal derived ingredients or you don't trust that Hada Labo is free of animal testing, of course it's totally fine to purchase from skincare brands that make animal welfare a priority. A vegan and cruelty-free alternative to the Hada Labo Gokujyun Hydrating Lotion that you could try is the Isntree Ultra-Low Molecular Hyaluronic Acid Toner. As far as sunscreen goes, the Trader Joe’s Invisible Sunscreen is vegan and cruelty-free, as are all the products made by Black Girl Sunscreen. This is more just to illustrate that these topics aren't always as cut-and-dry as they might seem.
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citynewsglobe · 10 months ago
[ad_1] Fauxmoi: Redefining Trendy Residing with Moral Alternate options Lately, a time period has been echoing throughout numerous life-style sectors, fascinating the eye of customers and industries alike. Fauxmoi, a mix of French and English, actually interprets to “false me.” However what precisely does this time period entail, and why is it making waves in at the moment’s society? What's Fauxmoi? At its core, Fauxmoi refers to merchandise that mimic the looks, texture, or performance of conventional items however are ethically sourced, sustainable, or cruelty-free. It encompasses a variety of things, spanning from vogue and wonder to residence decor and past. Primarily, Fauxmoi represents a shift in direction of aware consumerism, providing alternate options that align with modern values. Historical past and Origins The idea of fake merchandise is just not completely new, having roots relationship again to historical civilizations the place craftsmen replicated luxurious objects utilizing extra accessible supplies. Nevertheless, the trendy interpretation of Fauxmoi emerged as a response to rising considerations concerning environmental degradation, animal welfare, and exploitative labor practices inside conventional industries. The Rise in Reputation Lately, Fauxmoi has skilled a surge in reputation pushed by a number of elements. Rising consciousness of sustainability points, coupled with a need for moral consumption, has propelled the demand for alternate options to traditional items. Moreover, the rise of social media influencers and celebrities advocating for aware dwelling has additional amplified the visibility of Fauxmoi merchandise. How Fauxmoi Works Fauxmoi operates on the precept of innovation and creativity, using superior manufacturing methods and sustainable supplies to copy the feel and appear of pure sources. Whether or not it’s fake leather-based comprised of plant-based polymers or artificial fur crafted with out harming animals, Fauxmoi merchandise provide customers the chance to make moral decisions with out compromising on type or high quality. Embracing Fauxmoi: A Win-Win for Shoppers and the Planet Because the Fauxmoi motion continues to achieve momentum, it brings forth a mess of advantages for each people and the atmosphere. Comfort and Accessibility One of many main benefits of Fauxmoi is its accessibility. Not like conventional luxurious items, which can include exorbitant value tags and restricted availability, Fauxmoi merchandise are sometimes extra reasonably priced and broadly accessible. This democratization of favor permits customers from various backgrounds to take part in moral consumption with out breaking the financial institution. Price-Effectiveness Along with being extra reasonably priced upfront, Fauxmoi merchandise additionally provide long-term cost-effectiveness. Since many fake alternate options are sturdy and low-maintenance, they usually outlast their pure counterparts, saving customers cash in the long term. Moreover, the diminished want for resource-intensive manufacturing processes contributes to decrease general prices for producers, making Fauxmoi a financially viable choice for companies as effectively. Moral and Environmental Issues Maybe essentially the most compelling side of Fauxmoi is its moral and environmental affect. By choosing fake supplies over their pure counterparts, customers can mitigate the hurt brought on by industries corresponding to animal agriculture and deforestation. Moreover, many Fauxmoi manufacturers prioritize sustainable practices all through their provide chains, additional lowering their ecological footprint. By selecting Fauxmoi, people can align their buying selections with their values, fostering a extra compassionate and sustainable world. From Wardrobe Staples to Residence Necessities: The Versatility of Fauxmoi Fauxmoi merchandise span a various vary of classes, providing one thing for each side of contemporary dwelling.
Vogue and Attire Within the realm of vogue, Fauxmoi encompasses a big selection of clothes and accessories crafted from various supplies. From fake leather-based jackets and vegan suede boots to recycled polyester activewear, the choices are limitless. These cruelty-free alternate options enable vogue lovers to precise their type with out compromising on their moral ideas. Residence Decor and Furnishings In terms of residence decor, Fauxmoi presents an abundance of choices to raise any house sustainably. From fake fur throws and vegan leather-based sofas to recycled glass vases and bamboo furnishings, there are infinite potentialities for creating a classy and eco-friendly residence atmosphere. By selecting Fauxmoi decor, people can rework their dwelling areas whereas lowering their environmental affect. Magnificence and Cosmetics Within the realm of magnificence, Fauxmoi merchandise have revolutionized the business with their cruelty-free formulations and sustainable packaging. From vegan skincare serums and plant-based make-up brushes to biodegradable glitter and refillable cosmetics containers, Fauxmoi magnificence manufacturers are main the best way in direction of a extra moral and environmentally aware future. By embracing Fauxmoi magnificence merchandise, customers can improve their pure magnificence whereas supporting manufacturers that prioritize sustainability and compassion. From Runways to Instagram Feeds: The Affect of Fauxmoi Lately, Fauxmoi has permeated well-liked tradition, shaping tendencies and influencing shopper conduct throughout numerous platforms. Influencers and Celebrities Social media influencers and celebrities play a major function in selling Fauxmoi merchandise to their thousands and thousands of followers. Whether or not it’s showcasing cruelty-free vogue on the pink carpet or advocating for sustainable magnificence manufacturers on Instagram, influencers have the ability to form shopper preferences and drive demand for moral alternate options. Social Media Presence Fauxmoi manufacturers leverage social media platforms to attach with their target market and showcase their merchandise in an genuine and interesting method. By visually compelling content material and strategic storytelling, these manufacturers seize the eye of customers and foster a way of group round moral consumption. Promoting and Advertising Methods Conventional promoting and advertising and marketing methods have additionally embraced the Fauxmoi motion, highlighting the moral and environmental advantages of different merchandise. From shiny journal advertisements to immersive digital campaigns, manufacturers are capitalizing on the rising demand for sustainable alternate options and positioning themselves as leaders within the Fauxmoi house. Conclusion In conclusion, Fauxmoi represents greater than only a development; it embodies a elementary shift in direction of aware consumerism and moral dwelling. With its big selection of sustainable and cruelty-free alternate options, Fauxmoi presents people the chance to make knowledgeable decisions that align with their values with out sacrificing type or high quality. Because the demand for moral merchandise continues to develop, Fauxmoi is poised to reshape industries and encourage optimistic change on a worldwide scale. FAQs What makes Fauxmoi merchandise totally different from conventional items? Fauxmoi merchandise are crafted from sustainable supplies and produced utilizing moral practices, providing customers an environmentally aware various to traditional items. Are Fauxmoi merchandise costlier than their conventional counterparts? Whereas some Fauxmoi merchandise could have a better upfront value attributable to their sustainable supplies and moral manufacturing processes, they usually provide long-term value financial savings and worth for cash. Are Fauxmoi merchandise of comparable high quality to conventional items?
Sure, many Fauxmoi merchandise are designed to imitate the feel and appear of their pure counterparts with out compromising on high quality. Advances in manufacturing methods be certain that Fauxmoi objects meet or exceed business requirements. How can I distinguish real Fauxmoi merchandise from imitations? Real Fauxmoi merchandise are sometimes labeled or licensed by respected organizations that confirm their moral and sustainable credentials. Search for certifications corresponding to vegan, cruelty-free, or eco-friendly when buying Fauxmoi objects. What function does shopper consciousness play within the success of the Fauxmoi motion? Client consciousness is essential in driving demand for Fauxmoi merchandise and inspiring companies to undertake sustainable practices. By educating themselves and making knowledgeable buying selections, customers can help the expansion of the Fauxmoi motion and promote optimistic change within the market. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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