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bluedwingarchive · 6 years ago
Have you forgotten to do laundry again? Is that why you're naked? How you survive without Pennyworth is beyond me.
random asks || always accepting@perfectedrobin
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“Listen. One, shirtless is not naked. Two. It’s hot in here and AC is expensive.” Yes, he’s also too busy to do his laundry, but that’s beside the point. “Anyway, it’s my place, I can walk around without a shirt if I want.”
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puppyrogue · 6 years ago
well you are already friends with robin... :)
 I– Hahahaaam not friends with Robin.. 
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   that’s..   so stupid.     Lock us in a room and we’ll end up trying to kill each other.
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pnkfox · 7 years ago
@perfectedrobin | starter call
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“ i’m gettin’ better, y’now  — ” tiffany’s chest rises and falls with rapid breaths, but her smile lingers, brown eyes alight with determination. sparring’s fun… even when you’re down zero to three. “ — one day, i’m gonna beat you, and i’m not gonna shut up about it when i do. ”
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tinytricksterprince · 7 years ago
perfectedrobin liked your photoset “alexandarcho: That’s what happen when I read a little too many...”
L: -smirks and shoots Damian a wink-
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stygicniron · 7 years ago
@perfectedrobin || [cont.]
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Nico opened his mouth to protest but then closed it again because it was true. The only times he came to Gotham were when things were weird, godly, and usually included a dead body. Not the best association. He scratched at the back of his head.
“You know how there’s Eidolons?” Maybe he didn’t. “Er, ghosts that can possess people and make them do bad stuff? I think some escaped the Underworld and are...here.”
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abusicide-blog · 7 years ago
perfectedrobin said: the concept is only viable if Damian designed all his tattoos cause he does not trust any other artist to do Colin justice
god youre so valid!!!
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xshxxtingstaar-aa-blog · 7 years ago
a starter for @perfectedrobin
       “...They were pretty cool.” was the first thing Nova said after the dust had settled. There wasn’t much time to actually say it when all Titan’s were present but wow. He was so happy to be in the neighborhood. 
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       It was all by chance, honestly. Nova had just gotten back from one of his usual monthly ventures into space and...--would it be odd to call it a desire? An urge seemed fitting. One that compelled him to seek out the boy wonders company. Yeah, he was starting to notice it to the point where denial was no longer acceptable. He thought about Damian a lot. Wondered how he was doing, what he was up to, and if he was safe and sound. The latter wasn’t a huge concern but the fact it was on his mind at all...well. 
       After giving his greetings to his family Sam made his way over to where Robin was a good chunk of the time and, wow what lucky timing. A giant monster attacking a city, the local group of superheroes to save it, and him to join a helping hand. 
       But once it was all said and done it seemed like none of them had an interest in hanging around. It was just a slight disappointment. While he would have loved to hang out and talk to them (especially the woman with the green glowing eyes), he was thankful. Making new friends could come next time.
       Turning back he looked at Robin and instantly a smile pulled to his cheeks. During all the fighting, the Nova didn’t have the chance to banter with him. Too busy listing to calls and trying to work with new faces. Arms crossed behind his head and a foot kicked the ground at his feet. “So..nice to see you too.” and it was. 
       “Whooo--boy I don’t know about you but I could use a bite to eat.” words came out before he could think it through. He was gonna go for it, it seemed. In his time away from Earth, thinking about Damian and all, Sam came to a conclusion. “How about me and you go grab some grub?” he had feelings that went beyond friendship. Ones that would be hard to put into words out on the field. So he would attempt to make those clear casual. No guarantees it working but hey, nothing ventured-- 
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frvckles · 7 years ago
the thief holds the gem up against the moonlight, but struggles to examine it properly, due to the smog rising from the streets below. he can feel the presence behind him, but makes no move to turn and look. 
its robin, he is sure of that. 
the spoils of his heist are dropped back into his rucksack, which is quickly closed, and slung back over his shoulders.
‘ you just going to stand there and not say anything? ’
finally, scamp throws a glance over his shoulder, catching the slightest glimpse of red before turning back, smirk flashing across his masked features.
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xshxxtingstaar-a-blog · 7 years ago
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       “I’m non-refundable. If I was, pretty sure Moms would have tried seventeen-some-odd years ago. Ya stuck with me, Robin. Accept your destiny because it can make you sandwiches and tell you how pretty you look. Speaking of--”
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thedemonsdaughter · 7 years ago
STARTER || @perfectedrobin
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“I do hope you’ve been behaving yourself in my absence.” 
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puppyrogue · 7 years ago
   Easier answer...   “Because I’m a shrimp.”
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titus-wayne-blog · 7 years ago
✿  To Titus, Damian is his boi, there will never not be a time where Titus will be hanging out with someone only to jump up and run over to Damian as soon as the kid walks into the room. He loves everyone dont get him wrong. But Damian is HIS BOI. 
✿  The day Damian died and was gone, Titus would always be found in front of Damian door. He wouldn't move, wouldn't budge, wouldn't eat. He would just lay there staring into a open room that used to house his boi in. It was when Bruce started his search to bring Damian back is what had the dog moving again. And you can beat that when his boi was back he didn't care about not sleeping on the bed. You would find the dog GLUED to his boi side. 
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susperfectus-a · 7 years ago
When hoar touched branches and thin crusts appeared on puddles, poison commenced its movement down the arteries of Gotham, leaving the rat-infested heart of the city to the other scavengers. Manifold of trucks labeled differently, steered by nondescripts with stacks of green to convince the law it has no interest in their cargo, while the traffic drowned out the rustles and bumps in the bodies. They kept to interstates and local roads alike, the grey lot with a cloak of invisibility cast over them by disarray in their migration.
Like a conquering colony of ants, they flowed together only at the final destination - San Francisco, discharging their cargo in warehouses on the city outskirts, with grim-faced gangers crippled by fear scurrying amongst the taciturn masses of doll drones, organizing the meek imbeciles, hissing answers into their cellphones and shooting glances over their shoulders.
Only when all hope is dead and digested in the belly of chaos, gods give a hog ten fingers to do their work. For a few months, all of the events ascended to him, a brain with thousands of bodies. They darted in and out of the city’s open sores, eating wormholes through security systems, bribing, killing, terrorizing into silence, while he, the king upon the mound of all abomination, writhed on the slab of his bed, tormented by the merciless vividness of sanguine dreams and yearnings of stiffened flesh. The mercy of own hand offered no salvation, just like gilded Christs at the church altars – lies, lies, the falseness of countless idols! I will uproot them like rotting limbs…
Oh how love likes to mock and degrade, how it pulls the strings and defiles all semblance of freedom while its victim can only rush about in maddening throes! When the war is won, he will nail the Cupid by his wings to the tallest belfry and feed on the ichor running through the little god’s veins. The pitter-patter of the clock’s hands grew louder and louder as the Judgement day approached...
On a frigid morning, the seed of disease streamed down the urban water supply, and the cloaked dolls filed out into the streets, bomb belts around their waists. The foetid Communion exploded, spat into the eyes and mouths of the lost sheep of San Francisco, seizing their flesh into the vices of pain. Brains swelling with fresh rage, children went after mothers’ throats, fathers sought shelter under the frayed skins of their sons, angels in white robes abandoned mercy and punished the diseased for their weakness by slovenly culling, adorning pristine hospital walls with crimson lace.
The witch hunt broke out, sinners put at the stake by other sinners, all slipping into the gaping maw of primordial wolf, stuck between its teeth and piping up with agonized laments. Another Babel swallowed by a river of fire, millions of gullets whine for redemption, while the pig’s snout buries itself in the singed pulp and feasts with grunts of satisfied delight. As I bestow punishment upon the lost herd, my hand will not waver.
The sun smothered by red-bellied clouds, city choke-full of smoke and smog, a few hours into the Sodom screens and loudspeakers cough and gurgle before a voice rives the unanimous clamour and all screens, big and small, present a vision.
Well-groomed, short fingers lay interlaced upon the table as his snouted face (his real face!) glowed triumphant, even though constrained to a single expression by pink plastic features, but the lips underneath are alive, blithe with strenuous gloat, and the long canines flash through when they move, and an accented baritone announces the new Year of The Pig.
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“Hark, the herd of New Babylon! As you hear my voice, you are conquered and on your knees, the husk of the concept known as “humanity” peeled away by the hands of my rats.Those of you who has yet to see their chests open and their hearts in the hands of their brethren, I know you are bellowing at your gods and plead them to deliver you from your agony, and to prove you the miracle of the singular truth, I bestow upon you my last gift! Come to me, lay your hideous minds upon the altar of The Goat-Legged Mother and face salvation! Gather up at the Union Square, bring your young, go through my hands. Disavow yourselves and know the eternal bliss of perfection! This is the last time you have hope to witness Heaven. There will be no second calling.”
In a momentary pause the lurid blues in the eyeholes of the mask swipe nether, closer, seeking intimacy with a face on the other side of the screen, and the voice of the porcine god goes down a tone.
“And Robin…I know you want to see me.”
An orange-chested bird, black beady eyes curious, trapped in his fist, is brought to the distorted line of the jeering mouth. The jaws unhinge to clamp down on the robin��s neck. Tiny tail ruffles, twitches and stills as a rivulet of maroon trickles down the knuckles of Pyg. The freshly painted teeth bare one last time. The screen goes black, horizon eats up the last ray of sun, and human rivers begin to rush up to the city center.
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aranece · 7 years ago
You give the Robin your number and yes of course- you’re prepared to receive a thousand different kind of weird things from him. Except- except his nudes. It’s okay Parker just- just breathe, don’t think about it. Don’t think about the fact that he’s actually extremely good looking, just don’t.
[text: bird boy] uhhh.... hello
Yeah alright, okay, that was subtle enough.
[text: bird boy] I think you got the wrong number
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velociious-archived-blog · 7 years ago
[ txt || damian ] oh my god[ txt || damian ] ohhh my kajshdkajsdhaskjdh[ txt || damian ] damian im so sorry. i just[ txt || damian ] my FINGERS SLIPPED[ txt || damian ] IM SO SORRY. IM GOING TO DIE[ txt || damian ] SORRY. I JUST–[ txt || damian ] PLEASE DONT TELL DICK.[ txt || damian ] ILL MAKE YOU ANYTHING – ILL COOK YOU FOOD. YOU CAN EVEN CUDDLE MY KITTENS[ txt || damian ] IM SO HORRIBLE. I AM CORRUPTING TODAY’S YOUTH[ txt || damian ] 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 PLEASE FORGIVE ME. IM SO EMBARRASSED.
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