tootyfuckingfruity · 7 months
“The truth is a knife. It cuts deep and it cuts both ways.” perfectdcll
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“You sound jus’ like my brother.”
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unhxngxd · 2 years
@perfectdcll​ | Mercy Starter! 
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“Where is your mother, little one?” Mercy’s voice was soft and sweet as she bent down - a far cry from the black lipstick and cascade of reddened hair, the heavy makeup and black trench coat - but there was a small smile on darkened lips. An attempt to not seem so SCARY. 
After all, all she was seeing was a young girl stood on the train platform completely alone, with her pristine little coat and tiny suitcase, and it sparked a concern in her. She wanted to HELP, not scare her off. 
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“Hello. My name is esther.” Perfectdcll
"Hello there, Esther , I'm Bojack... Horseman.... " What was he even doing here? He knew nothing about children, especialy taking care of children. But in his old age he had no friends, no girlfriend, and the idea of dying alone terrified him. And maybe he could help this girl and someone make up for what happened to sarah lynn. " Those are some very nice drawings you have there , did you paint them yourself?"
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butterygooooness · 2 years
“Do you want to play?” Perfectdcll
"I sure would!" Butter chripped happy at the idea someone wanted to play with him . Even if it was a stinky girl. "What did you have in mind?"
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deathmaiidens · 2 years
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“No not really.” She wasn’t technically lying. None of her other murders were anything that could be labeled an accident such as that fire. No one suspected a little girl to be the guilty party in those murders. They were either suspected to be strangers or in some cases the orphan would pin the killings on one of her parents. “I have been with quite a few different families since then though. A lot of people find me odd.”
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"I can't imagine why." Wednesday's tone was as dry and cold as ever, but she meant it in a way. For ordinary people who didn't catch on to these things like the Addamses did, Esther was the perfect little girl with her curls and freckled, dimpled smile. Exactly the kind of girl she'd stay as far away from as possible if she weren't positive she was a homicidal maniac.
"So...what do you like to do in your spare time, besides start fires?"
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radicheart-a · 2 years
“Hello! My name is esther.” Perfectdcll
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"Esther! What a pretty name! I am Alastor! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! —and might I say that your attire is absolutely lovely!"
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whowantscookiesdead · 2 years
“Can I have a cake for my birthday today mommy?” Perfectdcll
"Of course sweetie! But we have to make it in private, Eric might try to poison it. ."
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fragmcntdstars · 4 months
@perfectdcll sent “That’s not yours, friend.”
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nica's  fiddling  with  the  amulet  in  her  hand  ,  eyes  flicking  to  the  other  as  a  slightly  darker  expression  works  across  her  face  .   "  no  ,  this  is  actually  mine , "  she  states  ,  trying  to  keep  the  irritation  out  of  her  tone  .   she's  irritated  &&  tired  ,  but  the  tiredness  wasn't  anything  that  was  actually  new  .   it  was  a  tiredness  that  she  was  used  to  ,  although  she  knew  that  chucky  tried  giving  her  as  much  energy  as  possible  .   sharing  a  body  wasn't  easy  ,  but  they  found  a  way  to  make  it  work  .   maybe  ,  with  the  amulet  ,  it  was  able  to  make  her  stronger  .  
"  what's  it  to  you  ,  anyway  ?  "
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hellizens · 6 months
"Hello! My name is esther. May I check in please?" perfectdcll for charlie
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"Of course! Everyone is welcome here! What's your name?"
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averygoodgal · 9 months
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@perfectdcll asked:
"Are you alright?"
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"I've had worse..." Tiffany replied softly, gaze shifting to her injured arm. It looked like she had gotten into quite the fight, sporting a long gash that was leaking a steady flow of crimson from it. She'd gotten used to acquiring injuries on her numerous escapades, not feeling the pain of it near as much as she used to. "You wouldn't happen to have anything that can stop some bleeding, would you?"
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babydxhl · 1 year
“You don’t need to tell me everything. I just want to know how I can help.” perfectdcll
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noticing trauma starters | still accepting.
"I don't think you do," Mary said, almost hummed it, playing at good humour.
In the back seat of the town car — mid-morning city whipping past the tinted windows, the sound of traffic and shouting, a lone siren and the quiet voices on the radio up front — she linked elbows with Esther, tugged at the other's cuff. As if they were friends sharing some secret.
Mary looked tired. A faint handcuff rash ringing the sliver of exposed skin between her sleeve and her gloved hands.
"But you know you're supposed to want to. That's a different thing."
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loomiskiller · 1 year
"Hello my name is esther." perfectdcll
"Hi there." An eyebrow raises as he looks down at the little girl. "Are you, uh, lost kid?" Did her parents not teach her it wasn't a good idea to talk to random strangers on the street? Does she even have any parents? She looks around Sam's age, actually. Maybe a little younger. Speaking of his daughter, Billy looks in the direction of where she was last playing on the playground on the swings. She's still on it, swinging back and forth without a care in the world. He turns back to Esther.
"Are your parents around? Do you need help finding them?"
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@perfectdcll asked: “Who are you?” Perfectdcll for Crowley
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"Er-- well. You got six thousand years and a bottle of rum?" A joke, one that he lets sit for a beat, before; "Anthony J Crowley, and what's your name, love? Aren't you a little young to be browsing the ss...." He waves a flavorous hand to the section of books they were in, before pausing. "Yeah, I'm not even gonna pretend to guess how Muriel organised this place."
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vntagetee-archive · 1 year
⸻ @perfectdcll asked: "I don't exactly feel sad about it. I didn't hurt her but if you ask me that's what she gets for picking on my sister." // emma & esther
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⸻        ❛        “i    would    have    to    agree    with    that.”    emma    tapped her    foot    on    the    floor    as    anger    rose    from    the    pit    of    her    stomach.    “bullies    are    a    waste    of    perfectly    good    space    if    you    ask    me.    i    would’ve    —    i    don’t    know.    i've    never    had    a    sister"    her    next    question    didn't    feel    natural    to    ask,    but    she    needed    someone    on    her side.    "is    she    okay    now?”
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deathmaiidens · 8 months
"I like your dress." @perfectdcll for emily
"Hm?" Emily turned to the young girl. She'd been so lost in her own little world she'd hardly even noticed the new arrival. Thankfully, it wasn't often they were children, but at least poor little Margo and Michael had someone to play with now.
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She smiled at her somewhat sadly. "Thank you, sweetheart. It was my mother's and so much more beautiful when--" She stopped herself, not wanting to remind the girl of the world she'd left behind and would never see again.
"Oh, nevermind when! I like yours, too. I wish ladies could go about in short dresses instead of tripping over our skirts." Emily leaned in to whisper with a wry little smile. "Not the most practical when you've got nothing but bones for a leg."
"Not likely she'll have to worry about that ever again," came a wormy little voice from her ear. "At least about skirts. I give those tiny little legs a year or two before they're in worse shape than yours."
Emily glowered and flicked Maggot away as soon as he crawled out to try to frighten the girl. "Pay no attention to him. He's just jealous he doesn't even have legs."
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radicheart-a · 6 months
"Hello my name is esther. May I check in?" perfectdcll
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"Of course you may, miss! Everyone is welcome here! Allow me to fetch you a room key."
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