mediumgayitalian · 7 months
HELLO omg i love your solangelo royals AU, their flirtatious enemies to lovers chemistry in part 2 is so cute 😭 not sure if you’re planning to write more in the universe (i’m already so grateful for what you have out!!) but i just gotta say i am so curious about nico seeking asylum, and what the circumstances were when he showed up, and i desperately want to read more of EVERYTHING in this paragraph:
“Will was annoyed with him the first day they met. He was annoyed the second time, seething, really, dragging Nico back to the sterile surgical suite to fix his torn stitches. He was annoyed when Nico first shouted at him, bewilderment at this random physician treating him like he was another resident of the palace, not the only son of Hades. He was annoyed, notably, the one time Nico came to the infirmary after spraining his wrist in sword fighting and, in Will’s words, “breathed too loudly.”
i hit that ao3 subscribe button so fast 🫠
anyway, love your writing and all the snippets you post!!!! thank you!!
hi hi hi!! you have been reblogging my stuff!! i am very grateful for it as it makes me feel appreciated enough to keep posting!!
i am absolutely planning more in-universe 😎😎 i want the main fic to be long, slowburn, and will pov; i have lots of scenes rattling around in my brain but i'm still working on an actual plotline lol. if i figure out a way to start it i'm just gonna start and hope the plot finds me along the way lol
okay so the asylum thing. i have Lore and im so pumped u asked so here is my rambling:
my idea, and this whole spiel is pretty heavily inspired by this royal au series i'm obsessed with by @gatesofember (with a sprinkling of setting inspo from this fic by @percyinpanties), is that each olympian/major god is a House. so like House Zeus, House Apollo, House Hades, etc. i just thought it was way cooler than kingdom lol.
nico has been fighting nonstop w his father since bianca died. just. constantly. notoriously. they do not get along. they argue about EVERYTHING.
one day, Prince Nico of Hades shows up at House Apollo, ass o'clock in the morning, barely clinging to his horse, exhausted, and claims asylum.
uproar. basically. like thats DRAMA.
of course apollo loves drama and also cannot refuse asylum without good reason, so he graciously accepts. some fun details about that:
nico is now, before a prince, an Asylum Seeker. by status, he is not royalty outside of his own House if he steps away from the role, which he lowkey has done by seeking asylum from his own House. he has very little say in anything now.
apollo, however, has granted him shelter in the royal wing of the House, granting him a royal suite of apartments as if he was a visiting diplomat/royal/House Hades representative. this does not, technically, change his official status, but it does make abundantly clear that apollo still considers him of royal status. aside from that, he's still a prince, and no one wants to make an enemy of a prince (since he can still easily return to his throne, essentially? like there are no laws stopping him from doing so. this whole situation is just Odd and Weird and Really Good Gossip), they were all gonna treat him like prince anyway. he has the fancy clothes and still wears his circlet and often sits in on apollo's fancy meetings and shit (apollo likes his nerve).
will could not give any less of a shit.
he is the only person in the entire House and probably beyond who not only does not give a shit, and does not give a shit to nico's face.
this is insane behaviour.
will is the house physician, right. so in term of respect, he has a lot of it, but he has no authority outside his own infirmary, really. he gets a lot more respect than his status calls for because he's prodigiously good at healing. like. people tease that he can raise the dead. he can't, but. you know. apollo is the House of Drama, really, so no surprises there.
will kinda holes himself up in the infirmary?? there are a few reasons for that. one, apollo is a very artistically inclined House, and will is not very artistically inclined, so he started working in the infirmary as a kid and basically stayed there lol. the court physician before him was actually apollo's oldest daughter, hygieia, whom will adored to a million pieces and who doted on him lol. (she got him a little physician's tunic when he was seven and he literally wore it until it was threads). anyways. he feels useful in the infirmary, and its also where he does all his studies, so he mostly stays in that area of the castle. two, he doesnt get boundaries very well. he also thinks hierarchy is deeply, deeply stupid. for his own safety his friends are like hey. maybe dont interact with visiting royals and diplomats and shit. because someone is going to stab you one day. (and will is like 'well i'll just fix myself then' and they're like 'will for the love of the gods. please.') plus the east wing of the castle (where the infirmary is) is rly well lit and beautiful and leads right to the gardens and the library, so will likes it there :)
this would usually be a great mix, right? nico, who has been treated very much as a prince his entire life and has had people either walking on eggshells around him or scared of him, who has never had anyone but his father and maybe his sister defy him in his life, chilling in the centre part of the castle with the rest of the more royal members, and will, mr Authority Who? Don't Tell Me What To Do, chilling out in the east. no need to interact with each other.
nico is a dumbass who got hurt on his way to House Apollo. and did not tell anyone bc thats embarrassing. so he collapses right after asking asylum, and is carried to will's infirmary, who waits with his foot tapping until nico wakes back up and tears into him 😭😭 calling him the biggest dumbass to ever cross these lands and getting quite creative with it, really, absolutely running his mouth, and as soon as nico recovers from being bewildered (does not take long) he is like you??? cannot fucking talk to me like that???? i am the prince of ghosts???? fucker??? who do you think you are talking to??? and will is like i brought you back into this world, you fucker, i will send your ass right back out of it if you dont sit down and shut up and write down these recovery instructions. and nico is like ???? meanwhile the nurses in the infirmery who know will's stubborn ass are GIGGLING. like they think hes gonna die but at least its funny.
everyone lowkey expects nico to tattle to apollo and get will thrown out or something.
nico does not. which is weird, because, like, maybe he usually would?? but will makes him so mad he cant even think straight. the second hes released from the infirmary he stomps to his new quarters, seething. he shows up in the infirmary next day with the full intent to start an argument. instead, will tries to put him to WORK. and then gets irritable when nico refuses and kicks him out.
just absolutely insane behaviour. if anyone talked to nico like that in his House theyd be arrested, if not excecuted. hell, if will says this shit in front of apollo he might still get arrested, because what. but nico keeps going back and continues to get humbled by will basically every day.
and, ho ho, what happens?? does he maybe begin to care about will?? no. of course not. will is a pain in his ass.
insert part two here, blah blah blah, nico very obviously does care about will and its embarrassing
he realises right after this that he cares about will. although theres still a layer of denial over it bc will is his fucking nemesis, a pain in his ass, and also a Whole Ass Guy, so.
will begrudgingly allows nico to drag him out of the infirmary on occasion.
he has to admit, that when nico isnt being a diva, he is.
kind of.
a little.
if he had a knife to his throat, he would admit this.
in terms of falling in love, they fall in love FAST. after that barrier of "you're so fucking annoying" "IM annoying?!?!?!" "yes glad you agree" crumbles, they both go TUMBLING off that cliff bro. will takes a cannon to every single one of the bitchy walls nico put up after his sister died, leaving him heart wrenchingly lonely. he treats nico like a person. and nico treats will like an equal, not someone lesser, in fact he treats will like hes not a prince, not a king, but a god. he reveres him. will has never felt this worthy of anythign in his life.
obviously, though.
its vague ambigious royalty times.
their relationship is forbidden and very, very secret.
nico, as a royal, wouldnt face many consequences, but will...
the issue is that will is the most frustrated by the secrecy. nico has always known that he would have to love in secret, he grew up in that truth. will has never lied about anything in his entire life. the whole royal hierarchy makes no sense in any way and pisses him the hell off. he doesnt like having to be cautious about the way he touches nicos shoulder.
4. wrote too many things in one block and got cut off 💀💀 turns out i DO have a plot omg. thank you for asking. GOD i love them so bad.
5. as for the paragraph you liked -- ME TOO I WAS SO PROUD OF IT. IM GLD YOU LIKED. im seeing now ive kinda mixed the first and second "will was annoyed with him" in my brainstorming but eh. ill iron it out later.
6. anyways!! thank you!! expect more for the royal au soon. not sure if im gonna do what i did on my other blog and start slowly updating & posting the long fic, or if ill add some more short ones as i write the long fic in its entirety before posting, but ill figure it out. i have lots to say about them and theres nothing more fun to me than writing secret relationship and rivals to lovers teehee
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strawberryspence · 2 years
steddie fics where it's fwb but with rules so they don't catch feelings (no kissing//etc)?
okay so i don't read A LOT of FWB because it frustrates me (i just want them TO KISS like why wont you just talk??!?!) anyway i still have a few i think.
the one that perfectly fits to this trope is throw me one by Adure but i am guessing you've read it already and is looking for something similar. i dont have anything LIKE this specific thing but here's a few more FWB. :)
Dying of love but it's okay by prufrocks - Steve and Eddie start as FWB and then they get together and then 👀 Honestly one of my faves. Just the right amount of angst.
I’ll Be the Shadow, You’ll Be the Light by jesskier - here's a whole freaking collection. i think there's currently 10 parts on it right now.
Say Something Stupid by murdertrashbabyrat - tiny little FWB fic!! steve falls in love with eddie while they're fwb. 👀
"you be me and i'll be her" (then, it won't count when i kiss your neck and call you mine) by infiniteorangepeel - okay i don't remember anything (probably bcs of my meds, not bcs it wasn't good) so here is the direct note i had on my list "WHAT THE HELL. THAT SMUT??? HOLY COW SHSISSOSK lots of dirty talk, daddy kink, praise kink, fwb, first time."
Sugar, We're Going Down by lichtbringer (percyinpanties) - this one isn't FWB. but they have the whole "he doesn't love me, it was just sex." kind of thing. VERY ANGSTY. (the smut is very good tho, love it.) i come back and reread this every time i remember it which is a lot.
edit: @mira-jadeamethyst suggested someone else's favorite song by fastcardotmp3! it's currently on my list but i havent gotten to it yet. The tags say FWB to lovers!
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steddieficrecs · 1 year
Best of Steddie
We'll Know for the First Time by KikiZ
“Hey,” Steve’s smile is soft, tentative. “Heard you were having a party over here.”
“What are you…” Eddie swallows hard, mouth dry. He wishes every teacher that ever told him he talked too much could see him now.
“I was hoping that invitation still stood,” his eyes are drilling into Eddie’s and he can’t explain why he needs this so much, but he does. Every beat of his heart is begging Eddie to open the door, to let him in.
There’s a beat, a catch of their eyes and Eddie shifts, pushes the door open wide, whispers, “of course,” whispers, “always.” His heart is in his throat, he can’t pull his eyes away as Steve steps in, crowding him so close they share a breath. He can feel Steve’s gravity pulling him in and he’s never wanted to collapse so badly.
OR: Eddie gets to have a good life.
Hurt/Comfort | Fix-It | Slow Burn
Saving All My Love For You by subtlehysteria
It was decided then and there in the Buckley residence’s lounge, on their weird Persian carpet while staring up at the off-white ceiling and Robin giggling at his side. He was going to rock Steve Harrington’s platonic world, man. And nothing was going to get in his way.
Or... Eddie notices Steve struggles with touch and in trying to help his new friend, develops feelings along the way
Touch-Starved Steve Harrington | Soft Eddie Munson | Idiots in Love
Ten Long Years by Blink23
It’s addressed to Edward Munson, but the preprinted Hawkins High address makes Steve flip it over and break the seal with his finger, knowing Eddie won’t care. It’s probably some sort of fundraising thing; they need a new gym, last he heard from Joyce, and had been annoyingly trying to get money from everyone in the town.
That's not what it is at all, and Steve has to read it twice to make sure he hasn't lost his mind.
Hawkins High Class of ‘86 Reunion!
Steve snorts.
Please join your fellow Tigers for a day of fun and reminiscing after ten long years.
It’s the last thing he wants.
Future Fic | Established Relationship | Kid Fic
Broken House Behind Me and Good Things Ahead by lichtbringer (percyinpanties)
“Steve… Stevie.” Eddie mumbles, shaking Steve's shoulder.
It takes Steve far too long to blink his eyes open, and when he does, it's to find Eddie, still rumpled from sleep, looking down at him with red cheeks and a sheepish smile.
“Huh?” Steve asks, raising his head from where it was nestled against Eddie.
“As much as I’m loving you all over me, sweetheart.” Eddie teases and Steve blinks at him, still struggling to process the words. “You’re gonna have to let me go for a minute.”
It takes Steve another moment, and then the realisation sinks in. Well, fuck. He fell back asleep, didn’t he? And now Eddie is awake and Steve is going to have to deal with the motifying ordeal of apologising for wrapping around the guy like a clingy octopus.
Even after Vecna's defeat and the charges against him being officially dropped, the people of Hawkins are far too willing to buy into the idea of the supposed satanic powers of Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson.
Tensions spike and Eddie finally does what he should have all along: he leaves Hawkins behind - he just didn't except to do so with Steve by his side.
Meanwhile, Steve finally gets the push he needs to understand what he is feeling.
Road Trips | Slow Burn | Fluff
Roll For Befriending Cheerleaders by PhenomenalWoman
“Uh, you okay?”
Chrissy jerks under the sink, head banging against the porcelain hard enough to rattle her skull.
Eddie Munson stands in the doorway, hands tucked in his armpits like he isn’t sure what to do with them. He stares at her for maybe half a second before his gaze darts to the graffitied wall.
Chrissy gapes up at him, his frame mostly a blur of shaggy hair and denim, before reality hits her and she scrambles out from under the sink, knees shaky and locked up from being tucked under for so long. “What are you doing in the girl’s bathroom?” She demands, swiping at her face like he hasn’t already seen her in what is quite possibly the lowest moment of her life.
Hey, at least it wasn’t with her fingers down her throat.
Eddie rocks on his feet, still avoiding her gaze, “I don’t have a good answer for that seeing as how this is the men’s bathroom.”
Chrissy feels the urge to gag again.
Something in the corner catches her eye.
A fucking urinal.
AU - No Vecna | Platonic Soulmates Chrissy Cunningham and Eddie Munson
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 11 months
Who the fuck reads to you in hell?
by lichtbringer (percyinpanties)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Eddie Munson & The Party, Dustin Henderson & Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character: Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair Additional Tags: Fix-It, Volume Two Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives Words: 6,215 Chapters: 1/1
"I wish it need not have happened in my time, said Frodo." A breath, a pause. The telltale sound of a page being turned. "So do I, said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." The voice is familiar but Eddie's mind is hazy. Is that…is that Steve? Eddie takes a slow breath and to his relief, this time, the air flows freely. He isn't quite awake yet, but as he struggles to shake the fog in his mind, he only finds himself slipping further under. There is only a single thought capable of forming in his mind: Who the fuck reads you stories in hell? Eddie’s pain is dull, far away, and as Steve continues to read, he doesn’t pass out. For the first time, Eddie fades away into sleep instead.
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mallorykeen · 3 years
Hi everyone, since it’s Sapphic Summer Riordanverse Week at the moment, I would like to share my favourite sapphic fics from this fandom. Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments if you like the fics, you have no idea about the effect they have on writer’s motivation and all of these fics deserve so much love
Starting with pipabeth
moonlight by huntressreyna
look at this idiotic fool you made me by leiasfate
gold rush by huntressreyna
see you, breathe you by waterbendingpercy
Sleeping with the Enemy by sufferingbrookynite
these words are my diary screaming out loud by lesbabeths (nixy_stix)
The Strongest Type of Magic by nikkiRA
Kissing the Witch by nikkiRA
Frustrations by sunkelles
Guinevere and Lancelot by sunkelles
Or maybe you’d like some rachabeth
in the heights! by clovekentwell
My Heart is a Grenade by nokreli
The Only Exception by earth_bent
They Lied About Oxygen by anistar_e (kaikamahine)
Or some reynabeth?
cold sheets (where’s my love?) by piperreynas
you got all the love, honey, baby i can stand by piperreynas
oh, i’ve waited for you by piperreynas
The Fates Smiled by sunkelles 
Tale as Old as Time by nikkiRA
How Deep is the River by Ematheia
or the original f/f pjo ship: zartemis
We Could Be Immortals (Just Not For Long) by nvmsl
winter and everything after by commander_lexa
a midsummer night’s dream by Unrequited Hate
all we know of heaven by nostalgics
Stars by sunkelles
like diamonds in the sky by nostalgics
Second Chances by sunkelles
Moon and Stars by NonVoxSedVotum
the rarer thalica?
show me, don’t tell by Rosyredlipstick
something borrowed by advictorem
and our patrochilles parallel: ruegard, of course
Homecoming by cabin12kiddos
Hate to love you by deathboydiangelo
she’s been dreaming and yearning by TheGodWith5Yen
strawberry by unwieldyink
Green Ribbon by CatThrestral497
Hunger on Her Lips by starforged
Her Armour by sunkelles
death is the road to awe by callunavulgari
She Does by igrab
Bold as Death, Hard as Hell by Minutia_R
In Another Life by Anonymous 
bled into me by watfordbird33
There’s No Dying in Dodgeball by stroke_of_genius
So Eden Sank to Grief by thegoodthebadandthenerdy
would you mind my hand stitched onto yours by orphan_account
Hello, Goodbye by sunkelles
the tree x the iconic pink haired jewish lesbian: poisinia
Lavinia and Poison Oak One Shots by writerbitch_letsgooo
the most recent canon sapphic ship: shelper
checkmate by someticket
Slender Aphrodite (Has Overcome Me With Longing For A Girl) by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays
red by aprilshxwers (orphan_account)
what’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing? by StopIWantToTalkAboutCheese
smoking cigarettes on the roof, you look so pretty and i love this view by arrowsanonymous 
ch 39.5 by leovaldez
nothing’s forever (nothing’s as good as it seems) by nvmsl
U OK by leovaldez
there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel by liperbicons
jason’s former best friend/coworker x jason’s ex girlfriend
only love can dig you out of this by piperreynas
An Actual Goddess by percyinpanties
one word: i want by svnflowerz
sometimes, things don’t go as planned by yiikes
en garde by rosegoldblood
They That Have the Power To Hurt And Will Do None by sunkelles
Possibilities by sunkelles 
dreaming about someone’s full name is romantic? perhaps? anyway: reychel
Make-up Problems by aplatonicjacuzzi
kiss me before sunrise by TheGodWith5Yen
with one glimpse by svnflowerz
Prophesised by gaycheldare, piper_mccool
Technicolor by addalittlesmoke
theyna my beloved
Chainmaille and Road Trips by officialbookwizard
There Is A House Built Out Of Stars by MayaDmitrievaLikesSundays
Never Have I Ever by books4belle
Dunk on Halloween (Theyna) by thaliagraceme
Blind Date (Theyna) by thaliagraceme
f is for fingerprints (also for family) by blueraven123
And the rest of the rarepairs: 
Untimely Cookie Baking by VicountessAberowen - drew tanaka x billie ng
Perhaps I was Wrong by SolNiveAngelo (Mogadorian_Wolf) samirah al abbas x gunilla
A Different di Angelo by DashingLuna bianca di angelo x annabeth chase
Oh No, She’s Waiting For No One (Hold On, Hold On, I’m A Block Away) by orphan_account - gunilla x mallory keen
Where the Lake Ends by Empatheia - piper mclean x calypso
L-O-V-E me, let me be (be your company) by liperbicons - latricia lake x naomi solace
need someone that isn't an equation, only adding up to pain (but you're so) by liperbicons - drew tanaka x billie ng
the look in your eyes, my hand between your thighs (oh this can't be real, it's all just a dream) by liperbicons - kayla knowles x lacy
as long as you're next to me (just the two of us) by liperbicons - hylla ramirez-arellano x kinzie 
forever I'm yours, forever i do ( i get to love you) by liperbicons - josephine x hemithea
i kissed a girl and i liked it ( the taste of her cherry chapstick) by liperbicons - jasmine anderson x sadie kane
Radioactive by thebigqueer - hazel levesque x sadie kane
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My (Ongoing) Masterlist of Jercy-Content Recs
hello! if you have anything to add to this thread please send me an ask, and ill check it out!
please can i ask that you REBLOG this if you enjoyed it/ found it helpful, so that it can reach more people and they too can be blessed with top tier jercy content
a huge thank you to every single one of these content creators for blessing us with jercy in some form or the other!!
I’m not tagging angst/fluff/etc. or CW/TW here. please heed the content creator’s notes at the beginning of their works
nsfw/explicit is tagged with **
soft jercy headcanons by 13headcanons-blog
fic extras and tidbits by melancholic-pigeon
fluffy jercy by squishy831
jercy headcanons by not-even-a-little-beanery
jercy headcanons by derpy-grackson
jercy headcanons by halosiren
nsfw headcanons by takaraphoenix **
jercy headcanons by heyimboredtalktome
fluffy jercy by percyinpanties
jercy headcanons by demigod-dumbasss
infirmary by ididntwantobeahalfblood
royal jercy au by jasondisgraced-remade-deactivat (the-grace-antheia)
got drunk and hooked up by percyinpanties
roman percy reuniting with jason by percyinpanties
percy stimming by percyinpanties
the best present by gracedpersassonality
um we’re gay? by queerbutstillhere
versatile in bed by percyinpanties
bros giving bjs by percyinpanties **
you’re enough by derpy-grackson
left behind by gracedpersassonality
muse au by ididntwanttobeahalfblood
jercy one shot #4 by punksudaca
happy birthday jason by rasberrylimonade
jercy 9 by takaraphoenix
(and it dies) a million little times by lovingmyselfcore
electric love by percyinpanties
jercy 12 by takarphoenix
jercy 31, 33, 34 by justonemorechapternicercy
goldust by gracedpersassonality
the sandwich thief by boombashkas
stranded by aruallz
rip it off by takara_phoenix
warmth by HP_and_PJ_nerd19568
who are you? by UnderTheBedAndInYourHead
need a little laughter by softheartedwolf (undermoonlitstars)
first aid kisses by an orphan account
fake deaths and cereal by neighbourhoodwitch
what’s your name again? by enbyofdionysus ** 
i can hardly breathe by bisexualbarry
blue by percyinpanties
i knew that look dear (eyes always seeking) by demipunk **
the great pumpkin by enbyofdionysus
you are stellar by pythia (melancholic_pigeon) **
who actually cares? part IV (prompts): chapter 19 by goldenempire **
add tears to your coffee (it’s still a little bitter) by bleu_sulfur
exactly who is reassured is unclear by pythia (melancholic_piegon) **
i breathed you in, you filled my lungs by aruallz
but with whom can you sit in water by cold_rain_in_june
liminal space by pythia (melancholic_pigeon)
revenge is a cold steel blade in your lover’s heart by  immortalsimulacrum
this inheritance seems a little fishy by immortalsimulacrum
stellarverse by pythia (melancholic_pigeon)
wanna feel pride and shame by enbyofdionysus **
concession stands and first meetings by mercurialcomet
oh if you only knew what we’ve been up to (i guarantee you’d keep it secret) by cold_rain_in_june **
when i bite that lip come get me too by ashilrak
look what you’ve done to me (your love is a ballad) by anxious_tofu
salted caramel latte, extra sea foam by rubyredketchup
andromeda by aruallz
golden as they come by amperstellar
Bi Jercy || Sparring || Prince Jercy || Anne-with-an-E vibes Jercy || Hugs from behind || Kisses || I missed you || sleepy in suits || and their song tells an everlasting tale || ice-skating || captain
he likes to be tall || carry you in my arms || one kiss please || clingy jason || cheesy pick-up line || stares || statue jason; pt. 2 || in the moment || what it takes to become a god || hercules au || bros being bros || bro that was hilarious
himbo percy, simp jason || highschool au || hugs || punk percy, jock jason || bad boy percy, prep jason
pastel ||  bunk beds || feral jason, creature percy || two birds of a feather || the infirmary
big wet kiss tuesday || take a hint grace || our dream au || hold me || work doodles || another big wet kiss tuesday || bisexual big wet kiss tuesday || rewriting canon || and they were roommates || studying for finals || bloody jercy
god percy, prince jason || ancient rome au || ancient greek au || master mistress
Help me comic || Fluffy Jercy || Crop Top Jercy || Shirtless Jercy || Happy Birthday Percy || back to back || glasses vs adhd || winter cuddles || cute jercy || ethereal jercy || underwater kisses || loving looks || at the lake || mornings || merman jercy || because jercy || lazy jercy || bumbling around || kiss me || percy has a cold || the best friend handshake || percy trolling jason ||  ballroom dancing || no homo by cupid || blushing jercy || no homo by ninja || couch cuddles || hercules au || look me in the eye || pokemon jercy || seal percy || you belong with me || stellarverse jercy || fight me || embarassing punishments
Rumour Has It (jercy tv show/social media au) by mortal-demigods
sugar and cream (coffee shop social media au) by mortal-demigods
if i have gotten a username/link wrong, or the link is not working, please let me know via asks so that i can fix it as soon as possible. additionally if you do not want your work on this rec list please send me an ask/ personal message and i’ll remove you, no worries. thank you!
accounts mentioned (deactivated accounts were not included// bolded tags not working):
softheartedwold (underthemoonlitstars)
Pythia (melancholic_pigeon)
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melancholic-pigeon · 3 years
Tagged by @perseusjackson-jasongrace ! 💜
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
HOO BOY, HERE WE GO. These are all wips for stellarverse.
can't remember when I last saw you laughing - angst | hurt/comfort | jercy | Jason's POV | companion piece to the below
I got wings to waste the hours - angst | hurt/comfort | Percy&Annabeth | Annabeth's POV | companion piece to the above
ch. 12 - wip - With Cream update | dog time relief break
ch. 13 - wip - With Cream Update | Annabeth and Jason are foils in a way and I'm taking a hiatus from the fic as a whole solely to make sure I get this specific chapter correct | shining a light on shitty trauma responses and trying to build alliances
back to my arms and they will hold you down - family fic | childhood trauma and abuse | baby Jason | thundersibs backstory | Thalia's POV | WIP Wednesday #1
and ofc, I wanna dance with somebody who loves me - romance | eighties night prom theme | ~first kiss fireworks~ | WIP Wednesday #3
Tagging @monstersandheartache, @demipunk , @percyinpanties, @starlightshadowsworld, @takaraphoenix and @enbyofdionysos !
...I'm not sure how many people I follow actively write stuff, if I missed you I am v sorry AND FEEL FREE TO CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED IF YOU WANNA (@ me if you do, I'd love to see!)
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percyinpanties · 4 years
hi there! glad you’ve been enjoying my writing ♥
since there are a whole bunch of new people following again, I just wanted to get a few words out of the way :) ♥
drabble / ficlet and headcanon prompts are currently open - generally speaking, I write almost all pjo / hoo ships, but I do have a soft spot for percy, poly and femslash ships. (Sadly rarely get prompts for the latter)
you can find me on ao3 at percyinpanties as well. my tumblr writing tag is “my fic” which you can browse as well for all the little things not on ao3. 
Since I often write explicit fic, this blog is intended as 18+. Everything that is explicit is tagged as such, as well as tagged nsfw.  I am aware I can’t stop minors from following or checking out my content, but I ask that you keep in mind that I am 24, an adult - especially when you decide to send prompts or dm me. 
I tag for ships, fandom and characters as well as rating. Any potentially upsetting content (i.e. violence, abuse, drug use etc) is almost always tagged as well - should I forget, don’t hesitate to remind me.
Lastly, thanks to everyone leaving kind comments, messages, replies and tags. I see you and I love you. ♥
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apolloes · 4 years
okay it’s 1am and I was gonna do like an official follow forever ages ago but it’s come to my attention that a bunch of people love pjo but are new to tumblr/coming back and don’t know who to follow so here’s a bunch of blogs I follow that post pjo stuff and if I’ve missed you off the list know I still love u and pls add yourself and others you know to it
@ananbeth @annabethisterrified @annabetncnase @annabethjacson @annabethcheesy @annabetncnase @anxiouspineapples @bananannabeth @biclarisselarue @blackjacktheboss @blackpercy @charlesbeckendorf @childofathena @demidorks @dostoevskydocs @eternal-state-of-voorpret @fic-for-fic-sake @gr33kg0ds @greenconverses @grovercy @himbopercy @jasongraces @jasonluvsnico @leovaldez @lilabard @lightningpercy @lukecastellan @nicodxangelo @ofswordsandpens @percybro @percy-jackson-is-sexy- @percyinpanties @perseabeth @perseannabeth @perseusnet @poseidhn @queenofterrasen @reynaisalesbian @riordans @rongasm @seaweedbraens @shes-a-communist @spoopy-son-of-rome @thethirdgift @trialsofapollo @wholocked-the-dragons @wizardra
there might be some people I’ve missed that do post pjo stuff but I just can’t remmeber off the top of my head and urls change and content changes and some people post a little but not a lot and blah I’m sorry I still love u all
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Soft and sleepy Andreil forehead kisses for @percyinpanties :) ❤️
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CCdwRD
by percyinpanties
Comm work: Keith bids on and wins Shiro for rent a senior week at the Garrison, so he keeps his hands tied behind him for every spare moment. At the end of the week, Keith edges Shiro to orgasm.
Words: 6077, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Pre-Kerberos Mission
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CCdwRD
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steddieficrecs · 1 year
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, The Party (Stranger Things) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Porn with Feelings, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, First Time, Bottom Steve Harrington, Top Eddie Munson, Miscommunication, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dead Vecna (Stranger Things), idiots to lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending Series: Part 1 of Sugar, We're Going Down Summary:
He’s halfway in Eddie’s lap as one kiss becomes three becomes five, and Steve forgets that he needs to breathe until his lungs burn from the lack of oxygen and force him to break away. Eddie chases after him and Steve can’t stop the small laugh that bubbles up in his chest - this is going to be the end of him, Steve doesn’t remember the last time he’s felt so wanted.
Steve wants Eddie, and after weeks of pining, he's sure that Eddie wants him too - until they fall into bed together and suddenly nothing is the same anymore. In the aftermath, Steve tries to cope with the thought that Eddie just doesn't want him as much as he does Eddie - and Eddie, Eddie is trying to understand how he managed to lose his new best friend and one chance at love at the same time.
In the background, Robin and Dustin may be debating if they should just lock the two in a room until they get over themselves and talk it out.
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Just a Notch in Your Bedpost
by lichtbringer (percyinpanties)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, The Party (Stranger Things) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Porn with Feelings, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, First Time, Bottom Steve Harrington, Top Eddie Munson, Miscommunication, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dead Vecna (Stranger Things), idiots to lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending Words: 18,295 Chapters: 2/2
He’s halfway in Eddie’s lap as one kiss becomes three becomes five, and Steve forgets that he needs to breathe until his lungs burn from the lack of oxygen and force him to break away. Eddie chases after him and Steve can’t stop the small laugh that bubbles up in his chest - this is going to be the end of him, Steve doesn’t remember the last time he’s felt so wanted. Steve wants Eddie, and after weeks of pining, he's sure that Eddie wants him too - until they fall into bed together and suddenly nothing is the same anymore. In the aftermath, Steve tries to cope with the thought that Eddie just doesn't want him as much as he does Eddie - and Eddie, Eddie is trying to understand how he managed to lose his new best friend and one chance at love at the same time. In the background, Robin and Dustin may be debating if they should just lock the two in a room until they get over themselves and talk it out.
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ashilrak · 2 years
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The Percy Jackson Summer Solstice 2022 Gift Exchange is officially over and it was, without a doubt, an incredible success! The fics can be found here, and I highly encourage you all to read, kudos, and comment.
The fic exchange would not have been possible without the writers, and I'd like to give them all a huge shout-out:
@2475, @anxious-art-block, @anxioustofu, @bipolarbookworm08, bouquetofwhoopsiedaisies, @caffeinated-croissant, @cerucleandaimond, ClosetedAddie, dehydrated_thot, @elaborateruses, @emzy985, @justonemorechapternicercy, hardlycharlie, @holythemis, @immortalsimulacrum, @isoboto, Leor_Ataraxia, @mrthology, notready_aim_fire, @percabeth4life, @percyinpanties, @perseusjackson-jasongrace, PunkFlame, queenclairo, @rationalelderberry, @robindrake93, RunningHaunted, ShadowStalkie, @sodamnbored, spiderwebzz, @stucksolangelo, @theprofoundnight, @thetruecthulhu9, visiblyuncomfortabl, whoreofdixnysus, @withay
I hope you all had a great time and enjoyed your gifts!
I have made an anonymous survey about your gift exchange experiences in order to make future exchanges even more successful, and it'd really help me if you could fill it out! If you prefer something more open-ended, I also have an anonymous suggestion box.
I will be hosting another exchange for the autumn equinox from a new blog, @percyjacksongiftexchange, and sign-ups for that will open on July 22nd.
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You're lucky you're pretty.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BYZpW9
by percyinpanties
He didn’t care, as long as Neil was happy to drive, Kevin was content to ride along with them, switching between watching the scenery and Neil’s profile while the other’s eyes focused on the road.
Words: 381, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: All For the Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Kevin Day/Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day/Neil Josten
Additional Tags: Roadtrip
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BYZpW9
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omgomgomg please more jercy fanfics pleeeeease ilysm
Lmao hi Anon! I hope you're asking for more jercy fic recs and not for me to write more jercy fics👀my writing demon is on a strike right now
Also if you go to my jercy Instagram I rec fanfictions at least twice a month on there!
Anyway here have these recs (this is a mix of AO3 and tumbles):
add tears to your coffee (it's still a little bitter) by bleu_sulfur
to think it started with covid-19 by @jercy-and-an-ahsokatano-stan
b99 x jercy by @punksudaca
what's your name again by enbyofdionysus
i can hardly breathe by bisexualbarry
blue by @percyinpanties
the great pumpkin by enbyofdionysus
i knew that look dear (eyes always seeking) by @demipunk
you are stellar by pythia (melancholic_pigeon)
who actually cares? part IV (prompts): chapter 19— three thousand and twenty three years by goldenempire
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