#percy thinks its funny so he keeps accepting his father's invitations
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justaz · 7 months ago
poseidon trying to bond with percy and building off of amphitrite's invitations to dinner and asking annabeth to come to his palace for dinner. slowly building up to inviting sally and paul and hazel and nico and jason and thalia and the rest of the seven.
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weasleydream · 5 years ago
Family reunion - Part 2
The second part is here! Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 
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“My periods George! I only throw pillows at Fred when he bothers me during my periods!”
It was even a sort of joke between us. When he would speak too loud in the morning and I would throw him the first pillow I could reach, George would laugh at the scene and say that it was that time of the month where I would become a real tigress. Anyway, the realization was clearly visible in my boyfriend’s eyes.
“Oh. Fuck.”
Without waiting for them, I rushed into our room and quickly opened the wardrobe. In the middle of my panties, I had hidden two muggle pregnancy tests, just in case. I closed the wardrobe door quite violently and went back into the bathroom where Fred and George stood in the same position, trying to process what was happening. When my boyfriend saw the two boxes in my hand, his expression became confused.
“What’s this?”
“A muggle pregnancy test. It really works, don’t worry, but you don’t need to know how.” I added, anticipating his questions. “Now, get out of here!”
Once alone in the bathroom, I quickly used the two tests, just to be sure. I unlocked the door but didn’t open it, and sat on the chair. When the boys realized the door was open, they both joined me in, Fred leaning against the wall and George kneeling in front of me and holding my hands. 
“Are you
 You know?”
He couldn’t even say the word. 
“We have to wait. If there are two bars then it means that I’m
 It will be positive.”
These five minutes were a torture. An awful torture as tons of questions were filling my head, along with insecurities. If I was really pregnant, I would never give up on the baby, but what would George do? What would Mrs Weasley say? What kind of life could I offer to my child with the war ongoing? I became aware of the fact that I was crying when George’s thumbs wiped my tears.
“It’s okay, baby. Whatever happens, I’m with you.”
“We’re both with you, kiddo.” Added Fred with a gentle smile. 
The time seemed to extend endlessly. I didn’t have the strength to watch the tests, so instead, I buried my face into George’s chest. Then Fred, with an emotional voice, pronounced the sentence that would change our lives.
“Y/N, you’re pregnant.”
I grabbed the tests: two pink bars. On both. I looked up to George. His eyes were teary, and the most genuine smile I had never seen on his face was plastered on his lips. 
“We’re gonna be parents!”
He pulled me against him and kissed me sweetly. I could feel all his love for me and for the little baby growing in me, and I hoped he could feel my love for them. His arms were pressing me against him, and my hands were cupping his face. Our tears of joy gave a salty taste to our kiss, the taste of a genuine happiness, the taste of love. When we pulled back, Fred hugged me, tears of joy filling his eyes too. Then he took his brother into his embrace and patted his back, constantly muttering congratulations. This emotional moment between the twins was something I had never seen. It touched me and brought other tears into my eyes. George took my waist and pulled me between them. We stayed here a few minutes, enjoying this pure happiness. 
However, the bliss brought in our little flat vanished partially as our uncertainties arrived. We were afraid because of the war, obviously, even if George had reiterated me his promise - “Y/N, what I told you earlier is truer than ever. You and our baby, you are my absolute priorities, I’ll protect you at all costs.”. Fred had also told me he would be here, taking advantage of George’s brief absence (“Whatever my brother thinks about it, just know that I would give my life for your little family, kiddo.”). I felt so secured with them
 But all my worries weren’t gone because we still had one thing to do, one very dangerous thing: telling Mrs Weasley. I felt like on this one, the one risking his life was George. And it seemed like he was feeling it too because the same day, when we were happily chatting about the big changes that were going to happen, and when I mentioned his mother, my boyfriend’s face lost all colour. 
“She’s gonna kill me
Obviously, Fred found the idea very funny and proposed to bet on which death their mother would choose. 
“I know! She’s gonna wait until the little one’s birth, then she’s gonna put your face in dirty diapers.”
My laughters erupted as George muttered a “Gross.”. I was looking for an original way to announce it to George’s family. Sadly, I had never really had one of my own. Both my parents along with all my immediate family except my grandmother had been killed during the first war against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, when I was little. My grandma had been unable to accept her loss, and she left me in an orphanage until my first year at Hogwarts. From this point, I became close with the twins and, aware of my situation, they invited me for Christmas to the Burrow. Mrs Weasley had immediately acted like the mother I couldn’t remember. She knew I lived in an orphanage and she made a point of letting me stay at the Burrow as often as possible.
I felt like this baby would also be a gift for her, and I wanted its future arrival to be a light in her darkened daily life. That’s why I wanted a special way to tell her, and, by Merlin’s pants, I had the Weasley twins on my side! Yeah, I thought about asking them for fireworks. But, what was the point if we didn’t have a proper audience?
“Boys, do you think we can reunite your family at the Burrow without telling your mother? She would be so happy to see Bill and Charlie! We could do that for the Easter Day.” 
“Great idea, kiddo,” started Fred. “But Charlie is in Romania and Bill in France. Do you think we will have enough time to tell them?”
“Plus, we would have to inform Ron and Ginny that they have to come back. Where are they gonna stay?” Added George. 
“Yes, it’s gonna work. Everyone will stay here until Easter.”
The following day, while the boys were working on the shop -George had forbidden me to work at least until the baby’s birth- I wrote the letters. I didn’t tell anything about my pregnancy, just that we wanted to reunite everyone. In Ron and Ginny’s one, I added that they would have to take the Hogwarts Express and that they would stay in our flat, so Harry and Hermione couldn’t come. I sent the three letters, hoping all would go well, and started to prepare the lunch. 
The boys didn’t eat simultaneously so that the shop was never empty. This day, George was the first one to show up. He kissed me and slightly stroke my belly, but he quickly realized I had something to tell him.
“What’s bothering you babe?”
He started to eat, probably starving.
“I want to go to the Ministry of Magic today.”
He frowned.
“I want to see Percy.”
I knew he wouldn’t be fond of the idea, however I didn’t expect his face to drop like it did, nor did I expect the anger in his eyes. 
“No way. This git hasn’t spoken to us in months, he has sent back his Christmas sweater to mum! He didn’t care about dad when he was at St-Mungo’s and
 Do you remember how he lied to mum at Christmas? No, I don’t want him to be here.”
“George, he’s your brother! This baby is gonna be his nephew or his niece, and Molly wants nothing more than to see him! Please, let me try. Just try. I go to the Ministry, I talk to him, and if he doesn’t want to come, then I give up.”
George seemed to think for a while, but didn’t change his mind. 
“No Y/N, sorry but I don’t want you to go there, especially alone.”
“Because of what happens outside!” He was now standing in front of me, a vein pulsating in his neck. “Fred and I have to make more Shield Hats and we can’t go with you, and I won’t let you alone. No way.”
I knew this overprotectiveness should have bothered me, but the genuine fear in his eyes as his hands were resting on my belly tenderized me. I slowly kissed him and whispered:
“I’m gonna be okay, Georgie. But you can’t keep me here like a bird in its cage. I will be very careful, I promise, and I won’t be long.”
With a sigh, he nodded.
I had never been to the Ministry’s headquarters. Before my departure, George had explained me what to do once in the telephone box. Following his instructions and the operator’s ones, I quickly found myself into the Atrium. It was huge, with in its center a big fountain. Getting closer, I saw its name - the Fountain of Magical Brethren. I asked for direction and went to find Percy’s office. I was wandering into a corridor, walking near the walls in order to prevent from disturbing the ones who were working, when I literally bumped into Percy. We were both frozen and watching the other in the eyes. 
“Well, hello, Y/N
 What are you doing here?”
He had recovered from his surprise and was now displaying a superior air.
“Don’t do that with me Perce, please, don’t be so pompous.”
Percy and I had surprisingly gotten along pretty well when we were younger. Maybe it was because I understood his dreams of greatness, or because I knew why he felt so different from the rest of his family without him telling me. Anyway, he was a good friend of mine, until his fight with his father
 Mrs Weasley had begged me to talk to him, she thought he would listen to me
 And she was wrong. He had slammed the door in my face, in the same way as with his mother, and he had told me some really mean things. We hadn’t seen each other since. 
“Come in.”
I followed him into his little office. The desk was against the wall and cluttered with reports. A memory of him, slightly younger and babbling about some very important report made me smile.
“Is there one about cauldron bottoms?” 
He looked at me with some kind of smile on the lips. However, the constant moving of his hands showed his nervousness. He didn’t tell anything, clearly waiting for me to express why I was here. 
“Have you seen Fred and George’s shop?” It wasn’t at all what I wanted to say but I was as nervous as Percy. He frowned. “No, in fact, it doesn’t matter. Well
 George and I have, hum, a kind of announcement and we
 We wanted to, well, to announce it in front of all the family and I-we thought you would like to be here.”
Percy stayed silent for a while, looking everywhere except in my eyes. I was beginning to feel concerned about his hearing when he muttered something so low I almost didn’t catch it.
“I can’t, sorry.” Then his eyes fell on my hands. “You’re not gonna marry him, are you?”
“No, that’s not what it’s about.”
 Are you pregnant?”
I stayed silent a few seconds, and nodded slowly. He cleared his throat, but a strange emotion remained in his voice.
“Congratulation, Y/N, I’m happy for the both of you.”
“Thanks, Perce.” I had to find something to convince him to come. “Percy, I really want you to come at the Burrow, please!”
“I can’t Y/N!” This time he spoke louder. “They don’t want to see me, and I’m too afraid to see them! I’ve been a git to them, yes, but they didn’t hold back the hurtful observations too. I won’t come, sorry Y/N.”
“But Percy, they miss you! Do you even have an idea of how much Molly had cried because she missed you? Your name has become a taboo because it’s too painful, and even if he doesn’t admit it, Arthur -”
“Stop!” He was now screaming. “Don’t tell me they miss me. If they don’t talk about me, it’s because they hate me. Don’t try to tell me my father miss me. Don’t try to tell me the twins miss me. It would be lies.”
“No Perce, they do!”
“They do? Then tell me, who wanted to see me at the Burrow, you or George?”
His face was red, and he was now looking straight into my eyes, daring me to lie. Of course he knew that I wanted to see him, not George, but if only everyone could explain themselves
 No, it was useless. I saw it in his eyes, he was determined to ignore his family. I could cry in front of him, beg him, but he wouldn’t change his mind. I was about to leave his office, but I stopped in front of the door, my hand on the handle.
“If you change your mind, we’ll be at the Burrow at Easter. Bye, Percy. And
 They don’t hate you, I know it.”
With that, I left and crossed the corridor as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to stay here, too saddened by my failure. I didn’t even realize that Mr Weasley was in the elevator.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
I smiled, not wanting him to know why I was here. 
“Yes, I’m fine and you?”
“A little tired, I’ve had a lot of work lately and -”
He stopped himself, glaring at a man who had just entered the elevator. Mr Weasley stayed silent until the cabin stopped at his level. He muttered me to follow him and soon we arrived in an office slightly larger than Percy’s one.
“You shouldn’t be here alone, Y/N.” Mr Weasley had an unusual look of disapproval in his eyes. Then he seemed worried. “Is there something wrong? With George? Did you fight or
“No, don’t worry Mr Weasley! Everything’s fine, really. I just
” I had to find something. “I wanted some fresh air and I thought I could come and see you.” 
What a stupid excuse. 
“Well, we can say fresh air isn’t missing lately.” Mr Weasley was watching through the window.
“Why is everything so cold and so dark?” I murmured.
“The Dementors, Y/N. They are everywhere and out of control. That’s why you being alone is a big mistake. If you want, you can wait for me and I’ll walk you home.”
“No, thanks Mr Weasley, but don’t worry, I’ll be okay.” I smiled.
After some banalities, I left him to his work and went back to the shop. George was worried sick and pacing in front of the shop. When he saw me, he ran towards me and pulled me into a strong embrace. Later that day, while Fred, George and I were eating dinner, I told them what happened at the Ministry. I told them everything, except the fact that Percy was afraid they would hate him forever. I felt like I didn’t have the right to do so, and I could just hope that one day, he would have the courage to face his beloved family. 
To be continued
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pufflyhallows · 6 years ago
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Request: I don't know if this will spark anything for you but you could do something like Ron, George, Fred (whichever) bring home their girlfriend (lives in the muggle world doesn't have to be muggleborn though) and Arthur, everything-muggle enthusiast, wants to hear all that he can (and she's all for telling him). maybe she even has an iphone or something and he's like losing his mind over it, but the boyfriend (whichever one) is so happy and proud that reader/girlfriend loves to entertain his family??
a/n: I loved this idea very much and I really hope the sweet anon who asked for it is happy with the result <3
Summary: You go spend the summer at the Burrow for the very first time in order to meet the family of your boyfriend, Fred, and Arthur Weasley is really excited to talk about the muggle world with you.  
Warnings: language
Word count: 2,599
You were nervous. How could you not be? The fear of being rejected took over your heart and mind. 
“They’re fine! You’ll see,” Fred said countless times. 
It was easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one that was going to be judged by eight people at once! Well, four actually. Percy, George, Ron and Ginny knew you already. Percy didn’t seem to care. Neither did Ron. As for George and Ginny... they expressed their approval in the best ways possible. 
But there was Bill and Charlie, the oldest siblings that were way too cool for you. And then there were the ones you were most nervous about: Arthur and Molly, Fred’s parents.
“What if they don’t like me?” you asked one more time. 
“I’m sure they’ll love you, doll,” your boyfriend reassured you, “But if they don’t, they can fight me about it.”
You gave him a tiny grateful smile. 
It was summer, and you were going to spend it at the Burrow for the very first time. You were really happy that Fred had invited you to come home with him and meet his family, although your parents expressed they would miss you. 
“Ready?” Fred asked when you all arrived.
The house was several stories high and very crooked, probably held up by magic. It had a lovely yard with several fat brown chickens around and a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron lying at the front door. You loved it!
“Yes,” you nodded as he took your hand in his and went inside. 
“My boys!” was the first thing you heard when you stepped in. 
A short ginger lady rushed to hug Percy, and then George. When she turned to hug Fred, her eyes fell on you.
“Oh, Merlin! You must be Y/N!” she smiled widely and involved you in a tight hug, “You are a very pretty young lady, just like my Fred said. Welcome, dear!”
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley,” you smiled relieved. 
Fred’s mother squeezed your cheek lightly before rushing to hug Ron and Ginny.
“It wasn’t that bad, was it?” your boyfriend asked jokingly as you walked in the kitchen, leaving Molly and his siblings behind, “She even forgot I was there.”
“She likes me more already,” you winked at him. 
“I wouldn’t doubt that,” he chuckled, “Hey, dad!”
Only then you realized Mr. Weasley’s presence in the kitchen. Feeling nervous again, you squeezed Fred’s hand.
“Hello, children! Welcome, welcome!” the tall ginger man approached you two and held out his hand at you, “I’m Arthur, dear. You must be Fred’s... um... friend.”
“Girlfriend, dad.”
“I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, sir,” you shook his hand with a very amused smile on your face.
“My pleasure,” he smiled as well, “Where are the others?”
“I’m here,” George announced as he came in the kitchen, “Hey there, dad.”
“Welcome back, son,” Arthur patted George’s shoulder. 
“Who’s hungry?” Molly asked when she entered the kitchen being followed by Ron and Ginny. Percy had gone straight to his room.
“I am,” Ron replied sitting at the wooden table. 
Soon enough, the family started having an excited conversation about everything that had happened in the time they were apart. You just watched enchanted by the love emanating from them. 
“What do you think?” Fred whispered to you.
“I love them,” you smiled. Your boyfriend gave you a quick, discrete peck on the lips before going back to his conversation. 
When Bill and Charlie came downstairs, Fred introduced you to them. They were really polite and welcomed you to the family. You felt more than happy to hear that. 
After you all had breakfast, Fred, George and Ron went outside to ‘get rid of the garden gnomes’, which was something very odd to hear. You followed them to the backyard and sat by the door watching. 
Ron picked up a small and leathery-looking... man? With a large, knobbly, bald head exactly like a potato. He grasped it around the ankles and turned it upside-down, swinging it in great circles before finally releasing it. The gnome flew twenty feet into the air and landed with a thud in the field over the hedge.
“Poor thing!” you covered your mouth in shock.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, it doesn’t hurt them,” Fred explained, “We just have to make them dizzy so they can’t come back.”
“Oh... I feel kinda bad, though,” you admitted.
“Really?” George asked as he held up a gnome who was tirelessly trying to kick and bite him. 
“Watch this,” Fred told you, “Hey, Ron! That was quite pitiful. I bet I can get mine beyond that stump.”
Your boyfriend picked up another gnome from the ground and started swinging it. When he let go of its little ankles, it flew forty feet into the air.
“Impressive,” you stood up to see where it landed. Ron simply shrugged it off. 
The air was soon thick with flying gnomes. After a while, the crowd in the field started walking away in a straggling line, their little shoulders hunched.
“They’ll be back,” Ron said, as they watched the gnomes disappear into the hedge on the other side of the field. “They love it here ... Dad’s too soft with them, he thinks they’re funny.”
You smiled at the information. You also thought they were funny.
“How about some Quidditch now?” George proposed. 
“I’m in,” Fred replied, “And you, Y/N?”
“I think I’m just gonna watch you guys while I listen to some music,” you said.
You went back inside to search for your bag. You found it lying on the couch with the rest of the boys’ luggage. Grabbing your discman and one of your CDs, you rushed outside. 
The boys were having fun while you sat by the door and listened to the latest Nirvana album your mom had bought you.
When the second song ended, Mr. Weasley showed up. You paused the third song at its initial beats to listen to him. 
“Pleasant morning, isn’t it?” he said as he watched the boys playing and you agreed, “Ginny told me you live in the muggle world. Is that correct, dear?”
Fred was concentrated on the game, but when he saw his dad talking to you, he knew exactly what the older man was going to talk about.
“Yes, sir.”
“Your parents are muggles, then?” 
“Just my mother,” you replied, “My father is a pureblood.”
“Oh! He must hear quite a lot of nonsense sometimes, huh?” Mr. Weasley gave you a pitiful look. Yeah, your father got called a blood traitor a few times. 
“He doesn’t really care. Besides, since he lives a bit away from the wizarding world, it doesn’t happen too often.”
“I see,” he nodded, but suddenly his eyes widened, “And what is that on your lap?”
“This?” you grabbed your discman, “It’s a device used to listen to music, like a radio. It’s called a discman.”
“Like a radio? How does it work exactly? Discman...” the man sat down by your side and watched carefully as you opened the object.
“You have to put a CD inside,” you explained, taking the Nirvana album and giving it to Mr. Weasley, “That is a CD. The music is recorded on it. It’s really just like playing one of Celestina Warbeck’s record on a gramophone.”
“Interesting,” he examined the CD on his hands, “And what is the function of this reflective side?”
“That’s actually where the music is recorded. The other side is just the cover.”
“CD stands for...”
“Compact disc.”
“It is compact indeed. You can carry these in your pocket!” he smiled at the object, “And what about that wire you’re holding?”
“This is my headphone,” you showed it to him, “I connect it to the discman and put it over my ears like this.”
You carefully placed the headphone on Mr. Weasley’s ears and pressed play. 
The man’s expression changed in a matter of seconds. He looked at you with widened eyes and opened mouth. 
“I’M HEARING IT!” he yelled, catching Fred, George and Ron’s attention. You giggled as he clumsily moved his shoulders to the beat. You paused the song so he could hear you.
“That’s the function of the wire. It allows you to listen to music anywhere in a way it won’t bother anyone. Only you can hear it like that,” you explained.
“Brilliant! Muggles are really intelligent people!” Mr. Weasley removed the headphones and handed them back to you, “Thank you, Y/N. That is very fascinating.”
“You’re welcome,” you smiled and thought for a few seconds, “Actually, you can keep it.”
“What? Oh no, dear. I can’t accept such gift,” he shook his head, “It’s your entertainment.”
“It’s okay. I’m sure my mother can give me another one on my birthday,” you reassured him, “Keep it. I will send you more CDs when I go back home.”
“Well... in that case... thank you very much, Y/N,” the man smiled widely and stood up holding the discman and the headphone. 
The boys had stopped playing and watched the two of you from across the yard curiously. 
“Molly will go crazy when she sees this,” he mumbled going inside. 
You beamed to yourself feeling really happy.
“Let me guess,” Fred said as he approached you, “My father asked you what’s the function of a rubber duck.”
“What? No,” you chuckled, “He wanted to know what my discman was.”
“Why did he take it away?”
“I gave him.”
“Y/N...” your boyfriend sat by your side, “You don’t have to give your things away to make my family like you.”
You laughed out loud at his joke. 
“Shit, you discovered my plan.”
“But... You made the old man happy like a child with a new toy. So thanks.”
“Ah, it was my pleasure really. He is so sweet.”
Fred smiled.
“Hey, lovebirds! I don’t mean to interrupt, but... we need you, Fred!” George waved at him from across the yard. 
“Sorry, babe. Duty calls,” your boyfriend gave you a quick kiss before standing up and going back to the game. 
At noon, Mrs. Weasley called everyone to have lunch. The kitchen was quite crowded once the family of ten people (since they insisted you were part of it now) sat by the table. 
Fred’s mother talked excitedly to her children. She asked Percy several questions about his prefect duties and he did not hesitate to show off his work. The twins silently made fun of him, which caused muffled snickers on the other siblings and you, although you did feel a bit bad about it. 
“And Y/N, darling, you live with the muggles, don’t you?” Mrs. Weasley asked suddenly and you nodded, feeling shy that everyone was looking at you now, “Arthur works at the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, in the Ministry of Magic. Tell her, Arthur.”
“Well, we regulate the use of magic on muggle objects and try to keep items that have been bewitched away from muggles. Not long ago I was able to catch a few shrinking door keys and a biting kettle. I can’t even imagine what we would have had to do if a muggle had seen any of those objects,” Mr. Weasley said in a worried tone, “But please, tell me dear, you don’t happen to know any cases of muggles finding... interesting objects, do you?”
“No, sir. I do not,” you replied.
“Good, good! That means we’re doing it right,” he smiled, “Now, I’ve heard about a new muggle invention. It’s called ‘microwade’. Do you know anything about it?”
“Um, I think what you mean is microwave and it’s not really a new invention, I’m afraid,” you explained politely, “It’s used to heat up food.”
“Heat up food?” he frowned, “How so?”
“It’s like a box and you put the food inside it. You set the time on a little keyboard and wait as it starts to create heat. When the countdown is over, it’ll make a beep sound and you can take the food out.”
“See?” Mr. Weasley looked around at his family, “Muggles are incredibly ingenious people! And how is the heat created inside it?”
“Well, that’s a lot of science and physics and I’m not smart enough to explain it,” you chuckled, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s completely fine, dear. Thank you very much,” Mrs. Weasley smiled at you, “Who wants dessert?”
“Beep sound,” Mr. Weasley chuckled, “Muggles.”
“Don’t tell me you have a microwave there with you,” Fred whispered to you as Ron told his mother he would like a slice of pudding.
“This time I’m gonna let your father down. Sorry,” you smirked. 
You sat on the bed Mrs. Weasley had prepared for you in Ginny’s room. Through the window, the night sky was dark and the stars shone brightly. You took a deep breath, feeling your chest too crowded with different emotions: relief, happiness, love and gratitude. The day was as perfect as it could be. 
You lay down on the bed and closed your eyes, ready to sleep. When a couple of minutes went by, the door was quietly and slowly opened. You looked at it and saw a ginger head appearing. It was Fred.
“What are you doing here?” you asked in a whisper as Ginny was already asleep.
“Come with me,” he motioned and left the room. 
Sighing, you stood up and followed his track. 
Fred walked down the stairs and only stopped in the kitchen to grab two bottles. He handed you one. Butterbeer. 
“Where are we going?” you questioned when he took your hand and pulled you outside the house. 
“This is it,” he let go of your hand and pointed at the ground. There was a tablecloth and cushions on the grass, “I wanted to do something special for your first night here.”
“You are the best boyfriend in the world. You know that, don’t you?” you said as you wrapped your arms around him. 
“Of course I do,” he snorted jokingly, hugging you back, “Now, let’s sit here and drink our butterbeers looking at the stars and all that romantic stuff.”
“I happen to like a lot that romantic stuff,” you pocked his rib. 
“And I happen to know that, love,” he smirked.
You both sat down on the tablecloth and looked up at the sky. It was beautiful. 
“I loved it,” you spoke after a while.
“Everything. Your family, your house, this... Every single moment of this day,” you looked at Fred, who was already looking at you, and smiled, “I love you. Very much.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” your boyfriend moved closer to you and threw his arm around your shoulder. You rested your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him again, “Thank you for being patient with my dad. He asked you a lot of questions today.”
“Oh, stop. It didn’t bother me at all.”
“You were really sweet and kind to him. I could see how happy he was talking to you. My mom too. She really liked you.”
“I’m glad to know that,” you beamed, “Your family is great, Fred. You’re lucky.”
“I know,” he smiled and kissed you tenderly. 
You two lay down on the tablecloth, Fred resting his head on your chest this time. You started to run your fingers through his hair and it didn’t take long for you to hear him snoring lowly. 
“I love you, Fred.”
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percy-the-dark-one · 8 years ago
annabeth headcanons (!!!)
has her own la z boy recliner in the big house
drinks a lot of ~ water ~
likes to fly kites in the summer
she has never gotten a sunburn
and it makes some of her half-siblings so mad
all she does is tan in the summer
her skin gets really dark bc she tans so easily
and so many tan lines from shorts and tanktops
it infuriates her to no end (although percy doesn’t care at all, he thinks it makes her even more beautiful)
cuddling with percy while watching a romantic comedy borrowed from the Aphrodite cabin
underwater kisses
being on the dock with percy in the moonlight, legs hanging over the edge, feet slightly grazing the water
blueprints e v e r y w h e r e
annabeth gets really unorganized and messy when she’s working on a large project
percy brings her a cup of chamomile tea, her favorite
painting lessons with rachel
girls night (percy whines a bit bc he isn’t invited, but is genuinely happy for her)
actually likes going shopping with piper, they have lots of fun and gets time to complain about the silly things their boyfriends do
sometimes percy and jason are forced to tag along and are the type of boys who grumble at the girls to hurry up and carry all the bags (but they still give out their opinion and percy has a surprisingly good sense of style -- a result of being around so many well-dressed rich kids at boarding schools)
HATeS peacock feathers
gets flashes of her time in tartarus whenever she sees a spider
lemons lemons lemons (they repel spiders, you know)
annabeth thinks she smells like disinfectant wipes even though percy tells her that her scent reminds him of summer
she’s never tardy
“Percy hurry up we’re gonna be late”
“Annabeth, school starts at 8:00. Its 6:45 am right now.”
“Yeah but what if a monster attacks or something. Then we’ll be late and miss math class.”
“eh, missing algebra sounds like a plan”
(she somehow still gets him out of bed with a kiss and the promise of blue pancakes)
really good at art, at least with sketching and proportions
hangs out in the hephaestus cabin a lot (they lowkey adopted her)
they love her plans and ideas
a wee bossy and judgemental, but percy helps her tone it down a bit
percabeth is the camp halfblood power couple tbh
percy says her inner athena is showing whenever she geeks out and gets bossy
hates cooking, but only bc she’s bad at it (tbh the only thing she can make are omelets and pancakes)
percy is the cook in the relationship although they still have cereal in the mornings (warm milk for Percy, cold for annabeth)
is actually a major rule breaker (the stolls are her cousins after all)
percy is such a nervous bby and tries to stop annabeth from disobeying chiron
“Annabeth what are you doing here the harpies will get you”
“Relax perce i’m invisible”
annabeth is all for using her feminine charms to get what she wants
renowned bibliophile
!!!!snorts when laughing!!!!
cuts her hair to shoulder length bc it’s hella hard to maintain hair y’all
her hair becomes more wavy as she grows older
people usually find her with her hair in a messy bun or a loose pony and sometimes a fancy braid courtesy of piper
isn’t very social
annabeth seems a bit cold at first and takes time to warm up to strangers
has been the victim of a makeover from the aphrodite cabin more than once
very impulsive in situations where her pride is involved and her ego is at stake
second place at camp for scariest glare ever; first is percy
loves photography and photo albums
to annabeth’s luck, sally has baby albums of percy documenting all his years
finds owl feathers regularly after the second giant war, as if her mother is looking out for her
she hides the feathers she finds under her younger half-siblings’ pillows instead
however much she resists, she a l w a y s falls for Percy's baby seal eyes
video game addict
once annabeth opens candy crush, there’s no way to grab her attention without getting hurt
always has a notepad and a pencil in her back-pocket in case she needs to jot down some ideas
gets monthly calls from her dad after the HoO series
thought of dying her hair before deciding she had way too much fun to not be a blonde
loves going to sally’s almost as much as percy does.
unknowingly bites her lip when she’s confused and it drives percy crazy
hates mortal politics with a passion
current hobby is scrapbooking
sally and annabeth go to scrapbooking class every other sunday
whenever percy and annabeth go to sally’s house, sally makes lemon bars along with the blue chocolate chip cookies she makes for percy
her heart still skips a beat everytime percy smirks at her!!!!!
wears crocs, chacos, and converse
obsessed with leo’s tacos and enchiladas
keeps a diary
thinks the dress is black and blue and will fight anyone who disagrees
loves gordon ramsay almost as much as she loves percy jackson (maybe even more??)
learns swahili when she learns one of her half-siblings is adopting a kid from africa
still gets nightmares about the time arachne sent spiders to annabeth when she was little
really good at sneaking around (she has experience from running away from home numerous times):
has a tendency to blurt out things without thinking
four time camp scrabble champ
always has a pack of kleenex with her incase percy needs to blow his nose
slightly health conscious
easily suspicious
has to finish a book once she starts it
always signs her name in cursive when writing letters to percy
!!! ambidextrous !!!
obsessed with symmetry with some reason (maybe it brings more balance in her life, idk)
really likes wearing fuzzy socks
super appreciative of people who put in a lot of effort to achieve something
piper is the meme queen and is constantly sharing things she finds funny with annabeth
had a period in her childhood where all she ate were almond butter sandwiches
was that one girl in elementary school who cONSTANTLY HOGGED THE SWINGS
slightly ocd about her handwriting
she will erase and rewrite until it’s acceptable
she gives herself what she calls “fydays” which is basically a day where she says “fuck it” and sleeps the entire day. sometimes she has fydays on fridays just for the pun
her cousin magnus got her hooked on a norwegian tv show called skam (GO WATCH IT) and she got so hooked on it that she finished all three seasons in 2 days
never liked the school bus bc she always had to sit by herself in the back
half of her closet is filled with clothes she “borrowed” from percy
always the top of a bunk bed, something about climbing a ladder to sleep made her happy
knows the exact schedule for the shipment of chocolate for the camp store
5 bars of kit-kats always go missing everytime there’s a new delivery of chocolate bars and everyone secretly knows who stole them, but they’re all too afraid to call annabeth out
used to collect dandelions and flowers and give them to her father when she was younger so that he could woo a lady and get her a mom (shivani is feeling especially angsty today lmao)
needs to replace her hairbrushes frequently bc #curlyhairprobs
first job was working at a bookstore that was connected to the cafe where percy worked
looks like a cat person but is secretly a dog lover
likes days where the skies are gray and the smell of rain is in the air
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