#percy plays r11
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timeskip · 7 months ago
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WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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timeskip · 7 months ago
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timeskip · 7 months ago
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I LOVE PLAYING GAMES SET IN THE FUTURE (this game came out in 2004)
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timeskip · 7 months ago
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timeskip · 7 months ago
Massive 999 spoilers under the cut, but this is about Remember11
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So basically I'm thinking this is like 999, where if something in the future can't be completed, the past won't be able to occur as it had, because it's all a paradox. I'm guessing that Yuni is the missing piece? He had the compass that allowed the cabin members to get to the right place and survive. He had the knowledge of the future... or whatever is going on with him. Without him, all of them would've died. That's what I think. And clearly Yuni only became this because of what happened in SPHIA.
Whatever happened in SPHIA allowed Yuni to save them, allow them to live in the shelter cabin, and accidentally allow Kokoro to get them caught in the avalanche on January 17th...
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timeskip · 7 months ago
I wish Remember11 actually did work as an exploration of the self especially with the whole thing that original Satoru actively hated himself (at least for what happened to Sayaka) and replaced himself with SELF/[ORE]... Like he's shown to hate SELF but we don't know anything about his own feelings on himself and how own role in Sayaka's psuedo-death, especially because he's GONE as of the actual story, which makes this realization feel flat and hollow because we never saw it (I know, probably because the game is incomplete, but...). And everything about the game's treatment of DID undermines everything it has to say about Sayaka and what it means for her to "die" while her body keeps living on.
Also, the reliance on each character being a Jungian archetype is just not good!!!!!!!! How does it inform their characters? Mayuzumi is "persona" and she puts on a persona to protect herself, but how does that fit into the game? It felt to me that we didn't even dig into what that means for her!!! It slots her (and the others, to varying degrees) into this role that they're not allowed to break from, and it makes them feel somewhat flat too. Which isn't THAT bad, but it makes me feel insane because why make them Jungian archetypes? What is the psychological aspect of the game adding to ANY of this?????? Putting it in the opening and calling it out directly is odd to me!!
If this is the main theme of the game it just. doesn't work for me. None of it WORKS. It's so annoying because they're just not laying the groundwork for ANY of the themes they seem to want to deal with!!
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timeskip · 7 months ago
Remember11 is a game that HATES YOU and wants you DEAD. And I can't get it out of my head. They fucking trapped me in the infinity loop!!!
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timeskip · 7 months ago
any chance you’ve read the “remember11 explained” wordpress? i honestly came to like the game a lot more after i did (mostly because when i finished the game i was just confused as hell LOL)
I did start reading it (namely the 100% tips and timeline are what I've actually read) but it was too late at night for me to properly read the actual analysis of it HHDJKFKJFFGGF I'll try to get around to that later though!!
It did help me understand the game a lot better though. Specifically everything about the Yukidoh plan, which... I know is kind of explained in bad ends but it's definitely not explained clearly!!! Also I didn't get every bad end and I don't really feel like digging for them just for scraps of information (though skipping through the game was surprisingly easy! Compared to other games I've played, at least), so if there's any additional hints, I'm not sure I saw them. (I should probably at least go back and play the Yukidoh plan failure route while answering "me" or "Kokoro" to the question before. I have a save that can take me there easily and if it gives more info that's even better)
It's simultaneously a good thing and a bad thing, I think. It makes the game memorable in that you DO need to put in the effort to read about it and understand what's going on, and I kind of like the continued mystery and the infinity loop... But also I feel a bit frustrated with it, that so much is left untouched.
I don't actually think I'd have liked the Yukidoh Sayaka stuff if it was in the game. I personally didn't get the tip about her in my save file and I'm not sure where I would go to get it, I was extremely confused when I read the tips and SUDDENLY SATORU HAS A SISTER??? So maybe if I actually got the ending (or something) where you get that tip, I'd have been more happy with it... But the idea is still rooted in a lot of my issues with Inubushi's writing, and it doesn't sit well with me even if it wraps the story up nicer.
Anyways, I'll try to read more of that blog soon!!! This game is FASCINATING to me for a lot of reasons both good and bad, and that's pretty neat
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timeskip · 7 months ago
Okay so I finished Remember11 (I think) !!! Lots of thoughts under the cut.
tl;dr I liked the game and had fun with it, but I don't think I can say I loved it. I have a lot of problems with aspects of it but I think the mysteries WERE overall very solid and I had fun figuring things out!!
Earlier, while looking stuff up online (trying to avoid spoilers, naturally) I read that there was supposed to be a third route or something but it didn't pan out and the game is thus left in its incomplete state? It seems to be assumed to be common knowledge based on how people talked about it, but I didn't know a single thing about it when I started the game. In a way, I'm glad I heard that, because... yeah, it IS incomplete. "Truth is not revealed. It continues in an infinity loop!"... which is what the game straight up tells us, even though there's nothing afterward.
I don't dislike the incompleteness, honestly. I have a lot of questions, but most of it I can fill in. Thanks for that, Apoptosis chapter. I guess that's the reason it's so easy to fail and have to restart with no option but to do the Apoptosis bad ending... (No I don't know the official ending name, it doesn't matter to me that much honestly)
I do WISH we knew more about Enomoto and the transfers and the "Satoru" (Enomoto?) from Apoptosis who uses "watashi" instead of "ore", and why they put Satoru's memories into the body that would become Satoru's, but I mean... if it didn't work out, it didn't work out.
In the case of Mayuzumi, I had been predicting already that Satoru wasn't in his original body, and they didn't show his face ever in flashbacks with her, so the reveal that she STILL didn't know him was FUN for me!!! Yippee!!! I was right!!!!!!!
The other incomplete thing is Inubushi, which,, ugh. Eugh. Not a fan of that. I will say it scared me For Real when they suddenly had a moving CG of Inubushi being Evil holding the baby (I thought she was about to kill the baby onscreen...) but I have a distaste for her for a lot of reasons, and I wish the writers actually cared about her. As much as Hotori (the real one) was an interesting concept, Inubushi is a flat stereotype, manipulative for no reason, given no grace by the writing, and also I was uncomfortable when she spit in Satoru's mouth. (<- The hard candy scene, if you've played the game)
The baby twist is... fine. It was amusing, and I could figure it out by myself, which I liked, but it feels like an almost lazy solution? It's clever, but the baby killing someone and the other one rolling in blood to create the situation for Kokoro and Satoru to see the murder scene is just...! A lot to think about...!! And not in a good way!!!
I think that's my problem with the game in general. I LIKED the game, and its solutions to the mysteries, and often even the way it was structured. But at the same time, the game did things in a way that seemed like it intentionally wanted to confuse the player and overcomplicate things. Part of this IS just because of the swaps themselves throwing the characters into different situations, but then you have characters acting in kinda random ways just to make things complicated.
I DID like the "there's a third person transferring" thing though, and the slow realization that there's gaps in both Satoru and Kokoro's swaps where they don't experience things. The "Kokoro only ever looks at Satoru's alarm clock so she gets the time wrong" thing was cute, I liked that. Very convenient, but it's so... startlingly realistic, it's sweet.
I also loved Yuni's part in the game. As an Akane fan you should know I'm a sucker for "this character has to repeat the past, to create a miracle where things can go correctly" :') Yuni is great. I wish his characterization wasn't one of the bigger ones hit by the "this character does something random and confusing!!!" when he KNOWS what's going on, but he did give some really good mystery to it all, I loved finding out more about him, and his relationship with Kokoro was great. I wish the game had been more Yuni focused!! <- 5 years after R11 came out, Akane Kurashiki would be created from Uchikoshi's mind. It's weird to realize it, but... I think Yuni IS in a lot of ways the proto-Akane. Or maybe Kokoro is the proto-Akane, in some ways? Akane is the Yuni+Kokoro fusion we all needed.
And that's the real reason I played the game. I wanted to experience something Uchikoshi made pre-999. It wasn't as good as 999, I don't think I've super attached to any R11 characters except the protags+Yuni, and I don't even know how far that attachment goes past "I enjoyed the game a lot, and they're kind of funny too" lol. I don't think Uchikoshi sticks the landing with his characters EVERY time, but it's definitely an upward trend in his later games given how much I adore some of his later characters, which is good!
As for the mystery, I think I prefer the way Uchikoshi's future mysteries are laid out a bit more, but I completely understand why people love Remember11's mystery. It's intense, and very fun, and I loved going on Uchikoshi/Nakazawa's wild ride!! Since Nakazawa was the director here, I'm sure a lot of it was HIS in a way I can't see since I'm not familiar with his stuff. But he really did create something neat with this mystery.
One last note on Uchikoshi: I wonder if he was thinking about R11 while writing AINI? With the dual protags, things being hidden from the player, the obscured timeframes, etc, it reminded me a lot of AINI.
I guess that's about all I have to say!! I'll probably remember that I forgot stuff later, but man. This is already long as fuck and rambly.
I enjoyed the infinity loop of it all, the way they had to stop the future from happening!!! It was interesting to try to piece things together when the info we got was so split up between the chapters, and Satoru's chapter letting me put together the pieces as I went was great!!! I think while it's an imperfect, often inconsistent, incomplete game, I think there's a lot of good about it!!!
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timeskip · 7 months ago
I decided to try to find a guide for how to get Satoru's good end (I ended up reading "tips" instead of a full guide lol) and what do you MEAN you have to choose the bed first at the very start in order to get the good end????????? I'm going to kill you, you mean I have to redo the WHOLE chapter in order to get the good end??? Die
(Note: I do not remember which I picked first so I MIGHT'VE done the bed first but still
Edit I definitely did not do it first, I can't progress lol)
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timeskip · 7 months ago
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Never change, Kotaro Uchikoshi
(Also see: the untangling of various quantum physics information in the glossary is making my head hurt but it's also very funny that it just keeps going and does not stop)
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timeskip · 7 months ago
I have to pause Remember11 to SLEEP which isn't fair when I've FINALLY gotten to the ANSWERS segment of the game. Kinda. I agree with Satoru when he says that every answer just causes more questions LOL
The explanation about the space-time transfer has explained a couple things (and confirmed a lot more), but other things are just. even stranger. Also, like........ Satoru is going to kill this guy. Probably. Maybe. And Yuni and Hotori are going to get involved. So... How? And I have to WAIT until TOMORROW to find out it's not FAIR
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timeskip · 7 months ago
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What!!!!!! I don't even know what to think anymore!!!!!!!
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timeskip · 7 months ago
Satoru asking Yuni if he's a clone, unaware that Kokoro will ask Yuni the same thing later and accidentally confusing Kokoro into thinking that Yuni of SPHIA can remember what happened at the cabin when that's clearly NOT the case... It's really fascinating, and I'm enjoying it a lot.
Theories under the cut
I'm pretty sure that the Yuni of SPHIA will go on to be the Yuni of the cabin, but as for who the Yuni of SPHIA is... An alternate timeline Yuni, maybe? Which would also explain the bodies being discovered in the avalanche even in the timeline where they (except Yomogi, RIP (?)) were transported to the beach instead. Timelines are merging, or... something like that. It's confusing, because clearly Yuni just suddenly appeared at SPHIA, so he's probably supernatural in some way shape or form.
I mean, obviously Yuni is caught up in the exchange phenomenon SOMEHOW, but. Honestly who knows. I need more info to understand it I think.
As for Satoru, my theory is that he's probably a clone of the original Satoru, and the memories were transferred into him, since they brought up memory transfer earlier. I'm. really really not sure about that though. I do think he's a clone mostly because I'm like 95% certain that one of the characters is a clone (due to them BRINGING UP CLONES REALLY EARLY ON???) (also the fact that in an Uchikoshi Q&A I read earlier he said his pre-ZE works sometimes had clones) (it just makes sense to me) and I think it's easy for my to cross off most characters as being clones (Utsumi and Yomogi have a past together, Kokoro seems to be the normal girl thrown into all this, Mayuzumi has a past with Satoru (or rather, the original Satoru, if this theory is right?), Yuni has actively denied being a clone and it seems like the obvious red herring) so that leaves Satoru and Hotori.
With Satoru's memory issues I think he's more likely, and Hotori......... honestly, I'm not sure what I think about her right now. She HAS an implied past regarding Inubushi Keiko, and the (assumed) abuse that she went through that caused her DID and BPD. I assume we'll learn more about that in the future, and it's POSSIBLE it'll end up leaning into the idea of her having a clone or being a clone. She's also started talking in the Satoru side which is ??? idk what to think about that. I don't get it.
Anyways, I had the sudden realization that Satoru and Yuni look VERY similar. Almost the same hair color. Definitely the same eye color.
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I feel like it's unlikely that Yuni is a clone of Satoru, but I feel like their character designs miiiight be too similar to be a coincidence. I don't know the character designer, but I'd have assumed that they'd design two major characters like Yuni and Satoru to look much more different. UNLESS. THEY'RE RELATED SOMEHOW. IN A WEB OF CLONES AND POSSIBLY BLOOD RELATIVES TOO!!!
As a note: the woman Kokoro found dead in the snow near the end of her chapter looked to have a similar hair color. Coincidence? Probably, tbh.
I mean... Kokoro and Mayuzumi have similar hair colors, but I'm not theorizing that they're secretly related. So I might be overthinking the Satoru/Yuni thing... But with my belief that Satoru has a high chance of being a clone, and Uchikoshi's known tendency to make characters related to each other unbeknownst to them.............. Stares at them.
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timeskip · 7 months ago
You can tell when Kokoro is in Satoru's body because if you look closely you can see a nearly transparent trans flag flying behind her at all times
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timeskip · 7 months ago
I played 1 hour of Satoru's side of the story and what I'm gathering is that SPHIA is a mental illness torture chamber where they trap mentally ill people and go like "yeah the other people here may or may not also have mental disorders. Have fun ^-^" and they isolate them from everyone else but each other and don't monitor the situation at all. Even allowing them to inject each other with sedatives.
Alternate theory is that the government (???????) is trapping people with supernatural powers there and saying it's because they have mental illnesses but my only real reason for thinking that is that Yuni WASN'T THERE UNTIL THE SAME DAY THE SUPERNATURAL STUFF STARTED??? idk!!! This is sus as hell either way!!!!!!!!
Anyways Satoru is a REALLY interesting POV character. His thought processes are about logic to an extreme that feels very Odd, especially compared to Kokoro. He remember stuff only sometimes, and it's hard to say what's up with him, though he obviously means well. I like him based on his interactions with Kokoro tho 👍 Aibou
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