#peppy prints
magnusbae · 9 months
I'm meant to be writing so naturally my brain went into asking the real questions— why don't we have fandom music? We have all forms of expressive art, writing, drawing, editing. The more physical forms of art, sewing outfits, forging swords, acting, even audi narrating fics. So basically all art forms in order to further explore our blobros and yet— no music? Why is it? I am genuinely curious why songwriting and music-making is the one form of art that is not present in the daily fandom life? Yes there's music video edits, even people recreating music from shows on piano etc— but that's not what I mean, I mean honest to god making a real, proper, lyric and music and singing original song for your blobro. Why don't we have that?
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Maxxine Dupri!!!
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kailuuart · 2 years
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ichorai · 1 year
apple pies & break-ins ; tangerine.
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pairing ; tangerine x assassin!spouse!reader (gender-neutral pronouns)
synopsis ; tangerine comes back home just as you're about to leave.
words ; 1.9k
themes ; pure fluff, mild comedy, established relationship (married), assassin au
warnings / includes ; blood/injuries/weapons, slightly suggestive, tangerine has a potty mouth, lemon cameo, tangerine being clingy and sappy
main masterlist.
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The entire house smelled of cinnamon, apples, and buttery pie crust. You sliced up another apple, taking care to carve out its core, before tossing it in the sugar syrup and popping the chopped pieces of fruit into the crust to bake in the oven. As soon as you bumped the door shut with your hip, the front door creaked open, followed by a familiar jangling of keys. 
You glanced up with a warm smile, glad that your husband was finally home—except it was quick to melt away when you took in his disheveled appearance. There was blood all over him, dribbling down his hairline, splattered over his neck, staining his once-pristine clothes. 
Despite his haggard state, he sent you a tired beam, his mustache twitching with the smile. 
“‘Ello, love,” he greeted, making his way to you behind the kitchen counter. “Close your mouth, darlin’, you’ll catch flies.” With a cheeky smirk, he slotted a finger beneath your chin, effectively snapping your lips shut. He mildly winced when he noticed he accidentally left a faint print of sticky blood on your jaw, but wisely decided not to tell you.
You fixed him with an unimpressed stare. “Jesus, Tan. Is that your blood?”
“Not sure, honestly. It’s coming from all over—some of it’s bound to be mine. Don’t worry about me, love. I’m fuckin’ peachy. Speaking of, it smells really good in here. You bakin’ something for me, darling? I’m flattered,” he hummed, leaning forward to kiss you. 
Before he could, you ducked away from him, pushing his face to the side with a wrinkled nose. “Ugh, go shower first, you’re getting blood everywhere! To be honest, I would’ve felt better knowing it was yours.”
“Ouch,” he murmured, though his grin still lingered by the corner of his mouth. “You wound me, sweetheart.”
Relenting, you leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his unsuspecting lips. “There. You happy?”
“Very. Thanks, love.” He sent you a playful wink before slinking off to the bathroom, whistling a peppy tune under his breath on the way. You rolled your eyes and smiled to yourself, before turning to clean up the mess of flour and sugar and apple cores you’d made on the kitchen counter.
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When your husband finally slunk out of the bathroom, a thick white towel hanging low around his waist and another ruffling at his damp curls, he made his way back into the kitchen.
“Put on some clothes, Tan,” you scoffed when he pressed against you from behind, sprinkling a bit of cinnamon sugar on the apple pie you had just taken out of the oven. 
“Hm, you don’t like me like this?” he queried, verging on a whine since you weren’t paying him the least bit of attention. “Naked and at your disposal?”
Amused, you finally turned around in his arms, trapped between him and the counter. The blue of his eyes were hooded and lustful, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. You, however, smiled sweetly at him. “You’re not naked.”
“Well, that can easily be remedied—”
Before he could reach down to undo the towel around his waist, you stopped him with your hands gripping both his wrists, quirking your brows. “As much as I’d love to, I have to call in for a job soon. I’m running late already. I was baking the pie for you in case you got back while I was gone.”
“Another job?” asked Tangerine, clearly upset at the turn of events. “Can’t you call off? I’m sure they can send another bloody assassin to do their dirty work.”
You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, before gently pushing him away so you could head off to your shared bedroom and get changed. To none of your surprise, your husband trailed along behind you like a sullen puppy. “It’s a lot of money, baby. Don’t think I could afford to keep skipping jobs just to laze around with you.”
With a disappointed grumble, Tangerine wrapped his arms around you from behind again, squeezing tightly and kissing down your neck. “How long will this one take?”
“I’ll be back tonight,” you reassured him. “Tomorrow at the very latest.”
“Alright,” he acquiesced, though not without a loud sigh. He sat down on the bed, watching as you shirked off your flour-covered shirt in favor of a dark button-up. “You remember how we first met?”
Of course you did. You remembered it as if it was yesterday. You crossed your arms, stepping in between his legs by the edge of the bed. Both of his hands went to your waist, fingers curling over your back and absentmindedly tracing loose shapes on your sides. 
Looking up at you, he spoke between pressing soft kisses along your abdomen, over the black shirt you had donned, “I was on a mission with Lemon in Madrid… and we were in a tight situation. Bullets flying everywhere, my leg fucked up, and my gun jammed. Then, whaddya know, the most beautiful fuckin’ person I’ve ever laid my eyes upon comes flying through one o’ the windows. Took out three people with one knife, and took out another four with a bloody crossbow. You looked at me, covered in blood, and asked if I was alright. I told you that you were fucking gorgeous—and then you fell in love with me, right on the spot, and the rest is history.”
You burst out into a fit of laughter. “Hm, that’s not how I remember it. Need I remind you that I shoved you to the side because you kept getting in my way, asking if I’d like to have dinner with you? Gods, Tan, you were a pain in my ass. And your brother was laughing at you.”
“Cunt,” he grumbled at the mention of his brother. “Well, even if you didn’t fall in love with me right then and there—I did. I knew I had to be yours from the moment I saw you.”
You lowered yourself to a crouch, cupping his face and caught his lips in a feverish kiss. When you pulled away, you pressed your forehead against his. “Are you telling me this because you want me to stay?”
A sheepish grin tugged at the corner of Tangerine’s lips. “Is it working?”
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. You pulled away, slinging a packed bag over your shoulder and heading out the bedroom. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. Love you.”
“Wait! You said you’d come back tonight!”
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True to your word, you had returned home at midnight, stumbling through the door tired and weary. Thankfully, you weren’t too banged up, just a scratch on your shoulder from the graze of a bullet that you managed to patch yourself before coming back. You were greeted with Tangerine dozing on the couch, a shitty reality show glowing on the television screen, with the half-eaten apple pie on the coffee table in front. He startled awake when you flicked his cheek with a smile.
“Hey, sleepy,” you said, dipping down to kiss his forehead, sauntering towards your bedroom to get changed.
As expected, your husband scurried off the couch to follow after you, gathering you into his arms and kissing you deeply. “I missed you,” he murmured, accent thick and lilting.
“Come on, I wanna get to sleep,” you said, tugging him to the bed with a muffled yawn.
In no time, he was curled up behind you, his large arm thrown over your waist and hand splayed out over your stomach. His nose was buried into the back of your head, unable to wipe the pleased smile off of his features.
It was relatively easy to drift to sleep, given how exhausted the two of you already were.
Not even three hours later, with the two of you already deep in slumber, there came a loud crashing from the front of the house. Someone was breaking in.
Immediately, you sat up in the bed, slipping out from beneath Tangerine’s heavy arms and the blanket. The cold air kissed your bare skin, sending a shiver spidering up your spine. You reached beneath your pillow to brandish a small emergency dagger you kept between the mattress and the headboard. Your husband also startled awake at the loud sound, eyes tired yet wide, grappling for a gun he kept beneath the bed.
“Stay in here,” he whispered, striding forward to the bedroom door, left slightly ajar.
“Like hell I am,” you quietly gruffed back, hot on his heels.
Knowing that there was no stopping you, Tangerine blew out a breath and the both of you crept closer, light on your feet. With no warning, Tan shouldered the door open and stepped out in one fluid motion, lining the gun up with the intruder.
A second later, he immediately lowered the weapon with a long string of exasperated curses. You peered over his shoulder, tense muscles loosening upon seeing Tangerine’s brother, Lemon, frozen in front of the broken window. His lips were twisted into a grimace and his eyes were as wide as saucers. There were shards of glass glimmering in his dark hair.
“What the fuck, man?” your husband erupted, immediately clicking the safety back on his gun and shoving it into the waistband of his sweats. “Are you daft? The fuck did you break my window for?”
“I was looking for you! Never heard a peep from you two after your missions. I just assumed the worst!” he exclaimed. For a moment, Lemon’s dark eyes flickered to you. “Hi, Y/N. Look lovely, by the way.”
You crossed your arms, more amused than anything. “Hey, Lemon.” 
“Why didn’t you fuckin’ call us, then? Bloody fucking idiot! Going down and breaking my window like that,” he angrily muttered, stomping forward to inspect the damage. “You’re paying for this, you twat.”
Rearing back, Lemon snarled, “Oi! I did call you! Didn’t answer your phones, the neither of you. I thought something happened! Forgive me for worrying about my brother and my in-law!”
“The fuck you mean, I would get the fucking notification if you called me!” Tangerine hissed back, pressing the heels of his palms into his sleepy eyes. After a second, he reached down into his pocket, fishing out his phone. He pressed the power button once, then twice. A third time for good measure. “Well, fuck me. It’s dead.”
You hid a smile behind your palm. You married a complete, hot-headed idiot. With an exasperated roll of your eyes, you wiggled your fingers farewell and swiftly turned, yawning as you dragged yourself back into the room. “I’m going back to bed. You two behave yourselves.”
Both of them grunted goodbyes at your departure, before immediately carrying on with their arguments.
“Why didn’t you just call Y/N?”
A long pause. Lemon's eye twitched. “Didn’t think of that, to be honest with you… What are you, a fucking halfwit? Of course I called Y/N!”
"Oh, right, yeah, Y/N does put their phone on DND before bed. Right."
Frowning, Tangerine barked out, “Still, you’re a fuckin’ idiot, you know that? I could’ve shot you!”
“Alright, alright, calm your tits. D’you mind if I crash on your couch for the night?”
“What, are you bloody mental?” Another pause. “Alright, fine. Just take your shoes off. Don’t want you tracking mud all over the place.”
Half an hour later, Tangerine crawled back into bed, settling himself behind you. You had fallen asleep already, but shifted with a pleasant hum when he pressed a ticklish kiss to the junction of your neck and shoulder. 
“Love you,” he whispered, tugging you closer to his chest. You drowsily murmured something incoherent in response, and Tangerine contentedly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 9 months
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[9:18 pm]
Your eyes were locked on the Christmas movie on the TV, cuddled up under a fluffy, snowflake print blanket. A mug of hot chocolate on the side table to your right and dad!Jaemin on the floor in front of you. Your son was busy banging his toys against the ground before shoving them in his mouth.
"No baby, not in your mouth," you hear Jaemin repeat for the hundredth time.
Your son, responds by blowing an extra wet raspberry in his dad's direction while dropping the toy. He clumsily turns over onto his knees and starts crawling away from his dad.
The stuffed antlers on the hood of his hood wiggle while he crawls away leaving you with a view of a cute reindeer on his bottom. You snort, watching his chubby hands smack against the floor while he quickly moved across the rug to his overflowing basket of toys. A basket of toys that would soon get even more added to the collection when your son opened his Christmas gifts. You made a mental note to go through the pile and get rid of old toys, toys that no longer held your son's interest, and toys that were just plain annoying.
He soon grew bored of the blocks he was chewing on and crawled over to the brightly lit Christmas tree. The lights were sparkling, light bouncing off the ornaments and other sparkly decorations that only grabbed your son's attention more. Ornaments and decorations that you had already had to move two feet up to keep out of his reach.
Your son was smart, he already knew he didn't like how the bristles of the Christmas tree felt against his hand, there were no more ornaments within his reach to pull on, but there was a new addition. A lot of new additions colorfully wrapped and topped off with shiny bows and strings of bright ribbon. Bags filled with vibrant tissue paper and characters plastered on the sides.
Jaemin's eyes turned from the screen to the rustling sound. He sighed deeply, picking up the baby and placing him in front of his toys again, "No touching, Bub."
A few minutes later you heard the sound of paper ripping and a toy talking in the usual peppy, high pitched voice that toys always had, "No, more. Play with your toys."
This time you kept your eyes on your son, watching as he threw a toy across the room toward the tree and crawled after it. "Ah ah ah, little monster. You're in cuddle jail now," you stopped him before he could make it half way. You pulled him onto the couch with you, cradling him in your arms and tucking the blanket in around his small body.
Jaemin laughed as the baby struggled in your hold with whines and his newly acquired skill of fake crying- which sounded a lot like his new fake laughs. The toys were picked up and soon enough your son was cuddled up between both parents, no chance of escape.
"I think it's time for a bottle, so my baby boy can go to sleep. We'll need all the energy we can get for tomorrow," you mutter.
Jaemin agrees, stepping into the kitchen and returning a few minutes later with a bottle. He lays your son in his arms, rocking him back and forth while your son holds his own bottle. Jaemin begins telling him all about Christmas, the breakfast you'll all eat, the presents you'll open together, the cookies you've left out for Santa, and how Santa will bring new toys that your son will love. His voice is a soft coo, a smile on his face with his gentle whispers.
Your son is blinking slowly, no longer drinking the milk in his bottle, head hanging back in his usual position for sleep when a loud, "Alright! We'll play later!", sounds from under the Christmas tree. Your son's eyes snap open as he startles awake. He turns under the tree, slowly and sleepily squirming in Jaemin's hold.
Jaemin shushes him, easing him back to sleep with movements that had been perfected in your son's short 10 months of life. You hold your breath all the while, scared that any little noise will wake him up again. The volume on the TV has already been lowered, you're frozen under the blanket watching Jaemin continue to rock your son to sleep just to be safe.
After a good 10 minutes you release the breath you were holding with an almost inaudible, "We have to return that toy."
"Already ahead of you, love," Jaemin smiles, showing you his phone screen with the receipt for the toy pulled up.
You lean forward to kiss him quickly, your forehead pressed to his, "I'm so lucky to have you."
He smiles brightly at you, a smile that challenges the dazzling lights of the Christmas tree in the corner of your living room, "I'm even more lucky, for both of you."
tagging! @jaeminnanaaa17
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nian-7 · 1 year
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Honkai Star Rail x gn!reader
✧what they get you for your birthday
✧fluff, platonically or romantically! (any of the minors on this post are strictly to be read platonically.)
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Stelle and Caelus love figuring out something to get you together. It comes with some bickering, yes, but! in the end, it'll be something unique they had gotten on one of their trailblazing adventures.
Dan Heng get's you something simple yet sweet. It's something he's sure that you will like and something that you will find use in. It's in your favorite color as well, how'd he know your favorite color? Well.. he may have asked someone just so you wouldn't suspect anything.
March most definitely gets you some sort of hair clip. She loves to see you wear it because it makes her super happy! She probably bought you and her matching ones so you both could wear them together as well.
Himeko, like March, gets you something you can wear. Possibly a necklace or a ring. It depends on what she thinks would suit you more. She takes your interests and dislikes into consideration and ends up picking out something that makes your eyes light up with joy.
You swear that Welt acts like he could care less that it's your birthday until you receive a sweet little card and a box in your room on the Astral Express from him. It's a short and sweet card, the box contains a simple golden colored bracelet. It's simple, yes. Yet, you can't help but smile widely whenever someone asks where you got your pretty bracelet from.
Arlan struggles a little to say the least. He really wants it to be perfect for you. He fears he may get something you dislike or not use. In the end, he settles for a simple note that tells you how much he appreciates you along with a cute keychain to match your phone case.
Asta thinks about it for days in advance. What are your hobbies? Interests? Dislikes? She has so many ideas but, doesn't want to jump on one and have you end up disliking it. She ends up giving you a handmade card, decorated with cute little drawings of things you like. (And Peppy's paw print <3)
Herta never gets to see you in person so she feels bad about how informal it may feel. Either way, she makes a small version of you and her as little dolls! She just wants you to be able to have something in your room that reminds you of her so what better way than to have some little dolls to sit on your nightstand!
(Platonic!) Hook and the moles get together and find something for you! They all go around together, trying to think of something to get you. It's always so sweet, you don't have the heart to turn down whatever gift they end up giving to you :((!
Natasha listens to you so well and yet she gets stumped on what to get you. She does settle on simple flowers for you and ends up seeing something in a store that she'll also buy for you. She enjoys walking into your home and seeing the little trinket she had gotten for you on your table.
Pela gets you a book or story that you'd enjoy. Even if you don't like reading, she tries really hard to find a book that you'll like and gets extremely picky about which book it'll be. You don't like suspenseful stories? Any book with too much suspense, she won't even spare a glance to.
Sampo gets you flowers. It's always a different type every time. You somehow wonder how he's not run out of flowers by now. Sometimes they're even fake so you can keep them around for as long as you want!
Serval buys you a cool piece of clothing! She picks out something that is a mix of something a bit out of your comfort zone yet, still comfortable with wearing. Sometimes, she'll even take you out shopping and let you pick whatever you want!
Bronya fits time into her schedule to go somewhere with you for your birthday. She isn't sure what to buy you so might as well just spend the day with you! She'll buy whatever you may want whether it be food or something you saw in the store window.
(Platonic!) Clara gets so nervous when picking out a birthday gift for you! She asks Svarog for help too. She ends up getting a jacket that matches hers for you but, it's in your favorite color. She hands it to you so sweetly and is pleading to herself that you'll like it.
Gepard is such a sweetheart. He buys you a vase for you to put flowers in and although he wishes he had made it handmade, Serval had advised against that and said he should buy one instead. (The poor guy looked like a dejected puppy for a bit afterwards)
Seele has absolutely no clue what to get you. It's always in the back of her mind that she has no clue what to get you for your birthday and so it ends up being a simple card telling you about her favorite memory with you from that year.
Qingque buys you a game for you to play! It's partly just for her to play with you but! she does try to think about some sort of game that you'd enjoy.
Sushang is super sweet and gets you a plushie for your birthday. A soft plushie of your favorite animal. Whether she made it or not depends on how much time she had before she actually realized how close your birthday was.
Tingyun can get you virtually anything that you want. She straight up asks you what you'd like for your birthday and it always surprises you that she ends up getting that exact thing for your birthday.
(Platonic!) Bailu... She makes you little 'coupons' for her healing services. It's very crudely made with just the simple writing of "Healing Service Coupon" on some poorly cut pieces of paper. Nonetheless, it's a sweet gestures because you can see on her face that she really wants you to take it. (On the back of each of them, theres a little heart she drew, she hopes you won't see it!)
Yanqing gets super excited around your birthday. He's heading to every shop trying to find something that you'll like. He settles on some little trinket he saw that reminded him of you and puts a little ribbon on it so you know it's a present.
Jing Yuan just knows somehow what you want without you ever even telling him. He calls you into his office just so he can bestow the gift upon you. He makes you feel all special too and makes sure it's got your name on the box along with "Happy Birthday" written on it.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 11 months
hello, are you still doing requests?
if so, could i have some sibling headcanons of nico with a hades kiddo that's really peppy and into colorful things and people find it hard to believe they're siblings at first because their personalities are polar opposites of each other?
Heya, I'm still doing requests but I have so many so it might take a while to get an answer, feel free to request something else though! This kind of went off track but oh well <3
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Don't take it to heart---Nico/opposite aesthetics sibling!reader
»»————- ★ ————-««
-The minute you skipped up to the porch of the Hades Cabin with your stripey rainbow leg warmers and a tote bag with a stupid pun about a show with something called ‘carebears’, Nico winced.
-He’d need sunglasses if he had to keep looking at you, but he didn’t really want to borrow the big yellow star ones on the end of your nose, so maybe that was a bad idea. Your first interaction went a bit like this:
You: “Heya, you're the emo kid, right? I’m new! So, where’s our cabin?” 
Nico: “Uh… you're supposed to go that way.”
You: “No, that’s the Iris cabin, at least that’s what Chiron said. I’m your new sibling, by the way. Chiron said we have one in Rome too! 
Nico: I- well, yes, I- we do.
You: Are they as grumpy looking as you?
-Needless to say you got off to a great start. Nico proceeded to dump your bags on one of the beds, which has a zebra print doona matching one of your headbands, and then left immediately. You shrugged it off, obviously, and started stacking your things on the coffin shaped bookshelves. You ignored the candle that was supposed to smell like ‘the souls of the damned’, and put your own flowery one next to it. 
-You found out you loved arts and crafts, where you made friendship bracelets with Lacy, as well as pegasi riding. You saw Nico once, and he waved awkwardly, but went back to the small child he was glaring at quickly. You quickly became attached to a creamy coloured mare called macaroni as well, but Butch wouldn’t let her sleep in your cabin. He did take a friendship bracelet, though. And he let you weave daisy chains into macaroni’s mane and tail, so you liked him. 
-You had brought a musty old record player with you after finding out that there was no wifi, but you had to pause ‘Washing Machine Heart’ [by Mitski, of course] when Nico came trudging into the now bright cabin. You’d opened all the curtains and taken the spiders that fell from them outside, dumping them in the bushes behind the Athena cabin. 
-Nico stared at the squishmellows on your bed and then the dreamcatcher by one of the windows, and the row of brightly coloured converse with striped laces lined up by his three different pairs of black Doc Martens. 
-He shrugged his jacket off and went straight into the bathroom, leaving a little trail of muddy footsteps along the heart shaped rug you’d put down.
-He was just adjusting to a roommate, you told yourself. It wasn’t anything to do with you personally. You hadn’t done anything wrong, maybe you should just give him a bit of space. That was a good idea. Leave him alone for a bit until he was used to you, and don’t take it to heart. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
-You took it to heart.
»»————- ★ ————-««
-Months had passed, and you were thankful for the Ipad Piper [she was so nice, and she let you borrow her Olivia Rodrigo records] lent you so you could facetime the family and friends you had left behind occasionally. They had seemed to adjust to you not being there anymore, now that you knew you were a child of Hades, the outside world was too dangerous to risk. You tried not to take that to heart either.
-Macaroni was getting used to the beaded bridle you’d made her, but you were still training her to get used to flying around while you used your new weapons.
-Nyssa had helped you make them, able to actually craft a design after glancing at you scribbled drawing with glitter gel pens that you really had worked hard on. Now you had a sparkly belt with three attachments, that you could click in your spray cans too. The cans were filled with different coloured paint, only the base liquid was melted down celestial bronze flakes, so when you fought a monster, which you were still learning to do, it would seep into their eyes and turn them blind, or crack through their skin and dissolve them. You loved the spray cans.
-Drew had warmed up to you as well, and you were even invited to Barbie premier night in Cabin ten. You got to wear your sparkly leg warmers and the cropped leather jacket in a light shade of pink.
-You were making your way to the arts and crafts center with a box of clay and little paint brushes in your arms to run the pottery class [you’d been elected as head of arts and crafts pretty quickly, shared with Elsa, one of the Athena kids who specialize in weaving and sewed the cutest pajama pants] when you bumped into Nico.
-The box may have been a few heads taller than you, so it wasn’t really your fault, but Nico still snapped at you. 
-You gathered up the little tubs of paint from the grass and apologized quickly, your chest tight with anxiety. You hurried away after that, ignoring your brother as he tried to explain he hadn’t realized it was you when he hissed curse words Drew had started teaching Harley and Lacy. 
-The class went well, the scrunchies Elsa was making her girlfriend for her birthday went along well, and a few more kids than usual showed up, taking lumps of clay from the tray and working it into figures on their tables. You were making beads that you’d string onto a bracelet for Nyssa, because she always broke the plastic ones with hammers and drills accidentally.
-You thought back to your interaction with Nico and regretted it dearly. Maybe if you’d just heard him out or even apologized and blamed yourself, he might’ve come to your class to see your works, or sat with you at dinner, or even just waved from across the infirmary when you went to get panadol for your headaches. 
-You knew you got them from straining your eyes to read and draw in the dim cabin, but whenever you opened the curtains or switched on your blue lamp with a cloudy pattern that you hadn’t got to use yet, Nico cleared out completely. 
-It wasn’t your fault, you reminded yourself, you were just… too different.
-People started filing out after putting their creations to the side, you complimented each of their idea’s even though you felt like getting some Ben and Jerry’s from the camp shop and curling up in bed to watch ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ again. 
-The beads for Nyssa were nearly done, so you went to find a container to pop them in.
-When you got back, they had been ground into the bench until the delicate tracing of different things Nyssa likes were just shapeless brown blobs. An Ares kid, Grey, was standing with their arms crossed and a smirk on their face, which was mostly obscured by a nose that had been broken too many times.
-You stared down at the squashed clay and felt your eyes prickle with tears.
-Grey jeered at you, calling you things you’d rather not hear again, because they only made the tears fall. You rubbed your nose and smoothed the front of your tye-dyed camp shirt flat. Grey called after you, something about being a ‘rainbow prissy’. You stumbled out of the center.
-Nico wasn’t in your cabin when you slammed the door behind you, thankfully, and you hopped into bed, kicking your yellow converse off and pulling the doona over your head so you didn’t have to look at the skull filled walls around you.
-It was so dark, it was so dark and shadowy and there were bones you were too scared to ask about their origins lining the mirror in the bathroom you kept seeing things behind you in. Your crocheted blanket that used to sit across the black doona cover had been folded up a while ago and placed back in your suitcase, along with a few of the more multicolored posters and the fruity scented candles that seemed to annoy your half brother. 
-You rubbed your eyes with your sleeves and held your hand over your mouth so Nico wouldn’t hear crying when he would eventually come back a few hours later, late enough that you could pretend to be asleep. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
-The infirmary was busy with bleeding and laughing demigods when you wandered in looking for some panadol. Your headache was making it hard to think straight, but whenever you cried too much you got one, so you knew what to do by now. 
-Will waved from over from where he was pulling a ruler, a stapler, and a glue stick out of the stomach of an Iris kid who was giggling the entire time, coughing up glitter. He grimaced when a chunk of glue hit his face. You waved back and turned the corner, heading to the rooms at the back where Austin would be. He usually had the panadol. 
-Someone groaned in the corner, and you spotted Grey. 
-They looked like a soggy bag of a human, their mauled nose the only definable shape. You couldn’t pull your eyes away from the grotesque demigod blob.
-Austin shuffled up behind you with a grimace, passing over a few pills and a glass of water without looking away. You gulped them down quickly as Grey let out another moan and rolled a bit on their hospital bed. Austin told you that he’d been spotted on the floor of the Arts and crafts center. 
-Apparently, every few minutes one of his bones would disappear.
-It was only a few fingers at the start, then most of his ribs couldn’t be found and there was something wrong with his mouth, which Austin found out meant his jaw had decided to not be there. 
-A screechy sound came from the front of the infirmary, and you both looked to the door, which Clarrise was dragging Nico through, holding him up by the back of his jacket. He pummeled at the chunky daughter of Ares, but couldn’t get out of her grip. Clarrise glared around at the staring demigods and snarled, “why is this little shit de-boning Grey?”
-You didn’t know who yelled ‘that’s what she said’ from across the room.
-”Because they deserve it.” Nico hissed a bit like a cat, glaring up at Clarisse with narrowed brown eyes underneath his floppy hair.  
-Will ran up to the pair, brushing glitter off his gloved hands onto his scrubs instead. He folded his arms and stared Clarrise down until she finally let go of Nico, who dropped to the ground and then sprung back up, wrinkling his nose at the daughter of Ares, who just stuck her tongue back out at him. 
-Will pinched his nose, “Clarisse, more people come in here because of you then Nico, so you don’t get to talk. Nico, just fix them, they’re too annoying to be kept in here.”
-”But people deserved to be punched by me,” Clarrise argued with a scoff.
-”And Grey deserves to lose their bones!” Nico shot back, glaring up at Clarisse and balling his fists, “they stepped on my siblings clay stuff!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
-You yawned and stretched your arms out above your head, then blinked up at the roof with bleary eyes. The skulls were gone, now it was just black concrete. You rolled over a moment later and stuffed your head back into your pillow, pulling your crocheted blanket back over your head.
-There was a ‘shing’ sound as curtains were yanked open, and you just sunk further into your comfy bed, ignoring the bright beams of early morning sunshine that streamed in and lit up the dark cabin. It made the rainbow rug in the center of the cabin even brighter, and you groaned loudly in protest. “Whaddaya even doing up so early? Go back to bed you vampire!”
-”It’s only six am?”
-”You’re more of a psychopath then I thought before,” you muttered, but made sure you were loud enough that your brother could hear you as he padded round the cabin getting changed and ready for his much too early start to the day. 
-Nico huffed and the bathroom door shut as he completely ignored the hairbrush you’d given him to passive aggressively deal with his scruffy black hair. “Leo forgot the code to the safe in the big house that he changed when he was hiding those icey poles from Piper.”
-”And how are you supposed to help him remember?”
-Nico’s boots were loud on the floorboards as he trotted over. He kissed you on the forehead gently, “oh I’m not, I’m gonna go watch him suffer the consequences with Jason.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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If you were to be roommates with any of the NRC boys, who would you wanna be roommates with? Who would you not want to be roommates with?
Ooh, what a fun prompt 😂 I’ll split them into categories and then comment on my reasoning for them! (I’m responding for myself, not for my OC by the same name confusing, I know)
Side note: I know this question was limited only to the NRC boys but for funsies I’m going to comment on Neige, the Dwarves, Chenya, and Rollo who are also students 😂 just at different schools… Let me have this—
Absolutely NOT
♥️ — I would drop kick this kid the moment he starts to mouth off to me 😤 I also don’t trust him to not pollute our shared spaces with Axe body spray. Ace is basic enough to do that.
🦈 — Not a fan of people who flake on me or act fickle. It would be a massive inconvenience if Floyd promised to do something (for example, cleaning or making dinner for us roomies) but didn’t because he suddenly “didn’t feel like it”. I’d be forced to pick up after him or to change my schedule to accommodate, and that can very easily annoy me. Plus, if his own room in the game is of any indication, he doesn’t seem very tidy… @.@
🏹 — Too extroverted. I don’t want to be greeted with his dumb ol’ smiling face or French/j when I come home every day. I’d also live in fear of him watching me sleep at night or him just reciting details about me that he shouldn’t reasonably know (clothing sizes, what I did while I was out, etc.)
👑 — Look, I don’t want to deal with paparazzi or crazy fans following Vil home or something. That’s too much stress for me to take. On top of that, there’s nothing stopping an idiot reporter from printing shady gossip about Vil’s roomie being his secret lover… which could, in turn, attract hate from his followers. Please let me just live without worrying about this.
🦇 — MAN LIVES LIKE A HOARDER 😭 There are other characters with messy rooms, but Lilia literally has tons of miscellaneous stuff everywhere... Living with him also means I have to do the bulk of the cooking or risk playing gacha with my life when Lilia's allowed to be in the kitchen. Not only that, but I'd likely be spooked by him dropping on in at random times of the day--I don't think my heart could take it. Too much trouble for me to deal with on a daily basis.
***Bonus: Neige*** — Same reasoning as Vil. I’m sure he’d be cute and peppy + help out with the chores a la Snow White, but I still don’t want to deal with the stress of living with a celebrity and having to deal with potentially super parasocial fans coming at me just for the association.
***Bonus: The Dwarves*** — … I’m not running a daycare here 🤡
I’ll tolerate them
♦️ — Cater avoids being on my shit list as long as he doesn’t start begging me to be in his selfies and twisted Tiktoks or to do internet challenges with him. I’ll tolerate him if he gives me free food he got for pics but doesn’t feel like eating because it’s not to his tastes.
🦁 — Judging from how Leona has Ruggie doing a lot of his housework 💦 I feel like I'd also have to do the bulk of the housework to make up for what Leona doesn't do... Aside from that, I think I could tolerate his personality pretty alright??? I can force him to play tabletop games with me :v and get free veggies off of his plate... (He can have my extra meat, too much protein makes me feel sick.)
☀️ — With his kind of wealth, I don’t need to worry about Kalim paying his share of the rent and for shared items (in fact, he’ll probably just buy everything for us both) 😭 but I wouldn’t like Kalim always inviting a shit ton of people over to party… Another major con is that he probably needs to be taken care of since Jamil or other servants usually fulfill his every need, and I’m NOT about that. Him paying for everything somewhat balances out these grievances, but I have pride to maintain and I don’t want to 100% live off of someone else’s money.
🍎 — Nothing overtly offensive about Epel immediately comes to mind, but if this is pre-book 5 Epel then I don’t want to deal with his toxic masculinity. I could leech free apple products off of whatever his family sends.
💀 — I just KNOW this nerd would be up gaming late until like 3 am and loudly raging as he does it, but I'm a pretty heavy sleeper so I think I could put up with it (not that I want to, only if I have to). Idia wouldn’t be that much of a bother to me during the daytime (he probably just holes up in his room anyway)... And hey, free gaming partner, tech consultant, and someone to watch anime with (and then we can argue about who the best character is).
⚡️— Sebek is punctual and loud, so he's useful to have as an alarm clock (I have a tendency to sleep in). He can do laundry, move heavy furniture, and (most importantly to me) brew tea, all things which contribute to the household. But I swear, I SWEAR, if he opens his mouth to tell me why I should like Malleus, I'm going to move out ASAP.
***Bonus: Chenya*** — Chenya definitely feels like the kind of roomie that eats the food you left in the fridge and then claims he has no idea where it went (while there are incriminating crumbs around his mouth). His UM also has potential to make me feel uneasy in the same space (like… he could be anywhere x.x). The only reason I’ll tolerate rooming with Chenya is because he’s a cute cat boy.
🌹 — Riddle’s just... okay. I can see myself getting irritated whenever he's being a stickler about certain rules being followed or things having to be done a certain way (since I hate being told what to do). Then again, I'm also a stickler for certain things (like no outdoor shoes inside the house; always wear house slippers instead). If we can compromise and avoid shouting (assuming this is post-book 1 Riddle), that would be great. If it’s book 1 Riddle… yeah, I’m tiptoeing around him and/or he gets lowered into “Absolutely NOT”.
♠️ — Nothing that notable about Deuce or how he lives, he’s just not a very strong contender for what I’d like in a roommate. Phone calls to his mom aren't so long or so frequent that they'd be an annoyance.
🐙 — Pro: Azul does all the math for us when it comes to the bills. Saves me a lot of hassle. Con: he’ll ask for compensation for every little thing he does. It balances out, I guess.
🐬 — As much as I'd love to have a live-in butler, I don't trust Jade for one second to not be plotting something behind my back. Sure, he's polite and does all the usual malewife things, but I never know when this man has slipped a new breed of mushrooms into dinner to test the effects of its consumption on me (BRO DID THIS DURING MASTERCHEF AND I'LL NEVER LIVE THAT DOWN). Jade also seems like the type of roomie to smile to your face but shit talk you when you're not around 🤡 It's fine, I'm a masochist so I'll let it happen/j
🐉 — I mean. He's acceptable as a roommate, but Malleus feels like the kind of person you rarely even see in the apartment??? And whenever he does show up, you're shocked that you've spotted him. That means I'd basically have the place to myself for most of the time, which is great for an introvert like me.
Omg pls
🐆 — Ruggie’s got tons of experience looking after Leona, I’m sure those skills will transfer over nicely to rooming with me. I guess my only concern here would be fighting with Ruggie over small savings (like maybe a spare coin or the last of the leftovers), because we’re both frugal and want to hoard whatever he can get our grubby little paws on.
🐺 — Jack keeps to himself and wouldn’t bother me 😌 Good boy!!
💤 — He’s quiet when he’s awake and/or half asleep (and honestly, what a mood). Silver would be such a peaceful roomie… plus, all his woodland creature friends basically provide free animal therapy. Since Lilia often left Silver home alone while he embarked on worldly travels, Silver’s already got experience in homemaking and a willingness to pitch in.
🐱 — Grim is this high up only because he is cat-shaped and therefore he is basically a Real Cat. He is my pet now. I will feed him and bathe him and take good care of him. If he shreds the furniture or sets it on fire though, he’s being put in time out.
***Bonus: Rollo*** — Listen, think of the entertainment value of this 😳 Rollo would be that roommate that looks very collected and unassuming, but every so often goes on these outrageous rants once his anger is stockpiled and he can’t contain it anymore. I’d sit there listening to him go off about how magic is evil, how we’d all be happier without it, etc. And like… while I don’t necessarily agree with his rhetoric, the complete character shift to being unfiltered and unhinged is just so fascinating to observe. (… Oh yeah, and Rollo would be pretty good at cleaning since NBC students as fastidious about that kind of thing.)
You’re my new best friend
♣️ — If you give me free food then I will love you forever and ever. Trey gives free food. Therefore, I suddenly love Trey. Jokes aside though, I do see him as someone who has his shit together and wouldn’t stir the pot. He’d do his fair share of chores (including the cooking) and doesn’t have an abrasive personality that would make it difficult to be around him. Bonus, I can ask him for free dental hygiene advice and we can geek out about teeth together.
🐍 — Jamil has a similar domestic skillset as Jade, but the difference is that Jamil doesn’t go out of his way to deliberately cause problems or to enable others to act out. If I let him do his own thing and don’t get on his bad side, I think Jamil would be respectful to me as well. I’ll be happy to eat any of his delicious cooking 🤤 and in return, I’ll be his bug slayer—it’s a good deal!!
🤖 — It’s like having all of the household tools you need in one, plus a security system and a new little bestie 😌 I’d trust Ortho with my life 💕 We also save on the food and water bill since he doesn’t need those things to function, just electricity every so often to charge!
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dennydraws · 1 month
That sure was a long vacation!
Hoooo booooy... 2 weeks! I've never had 2 weeks off before :D! On the positive side, wow yeah that was nice! Away from technology and being glued to a screen sure was nice!
I got to binge watch Dungeon Meshi! Now I can enjoy the memes more xD; It was pretty nice! Chillchuck is definitely a fave! The Mad Mage gave me strong Recifer vibes so now that bean has been rotating in my head more.
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I got...more art supplies! That... being, ok just me going through art stores and being unable to resist the siren call of "Get this!!" and finding out the local store near my work place now has copics and that's going to be very dangerous on my wallet lol I got to paint a mini for a first time! :D Well an actual 3D printed mini and I think I did okay for the limited pallet I had!
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It's lady Voice, on her way to summon a demon boyfriend ! :D;;;
And of course had some amazing one shot DnD sessions with my guest over and had great time! Voice got to hang out with a vampire mysterious hunter and chase down a pesky monster which she... set on fire - a lot. And the surroundings and dropped a rock on him... well ya know...
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I also managed to finish drawing Chapter 12 of The Sneric comic, just need to add the dialogue..and find where I wrote the dialogue xD;; I'm so sorry the update took so long! But hopefully next monday will be chapter update!
And... I came back to some more art fight revenges and attacks! I'm so sorry I couldn't respond to them, between the heatwave that hit and vacation at the end of July, I couldn't really fit time to draw during the last two weeks and I did want art fight this year to be relaxing experience and no rush or stress. I'm really glad I got the 8 attacks out of 10 planned and hopefully next year, my missed targets will participate and I will strike first for sure! :> Overall, I had great time during this year's art attack! I got so many lovely attacks/revenges and I will treasure them dearly!! (Voice sure is a favorite this year!)
And now... ... Dawntrail awaits but I got distracted by Fields of Mistria which came into Early Access recently and I don't know when I will pick FF14 again which makes me feel guilty but...the expac won't run away :D;;; it will be there for me to pick it, eventually. I've been hungry for the cute farming games and I've been looking forward to this one for a while! You won't escape me Balor! Although I played so very little it's been AMAZING and I love the characters and the smooth play. I can't wait to find time to sit down and draw my farmer bean :D;; I made a peppy one with short hair this time!
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Speaking of arts... I'm almost done with a sketchbook! :D!! You know what that means.... Sketchbook flip through video soon!! \o/
And...that's it! Whew, sure was a long post xD;; I'm sure I'm likely missing something... but anyhowsies, Thank you for stopping by, dear traveler! I hope your week starts amazing and have great rest of the day!
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changingplumbob · 5 months
Thanks for the love!
Thank you to everyone who has sent me wonderful tag love over the past few days. I've seen it and I appreciate it. Sorry I'm not up to individual answers but each of them has made me smile!
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Cat update below. TW for sad
Two weeks ago today we got the news that my cat, or fur sibling, Shelly had stage 4 kidney disease. We got her fluids and the medications the vet prescribed the next day. When she came home initially from the fluid appointment she ate well, and the fluids did lower the values slightly. The prognosis depends a lot on how individual cats respond to the medication. Rather than a bad reaction she had no reaction.
On the weekend she wasn't well and the first appointment we could get was yesterday afternoon. Shelly had made it clear she was ready to go so 23 hours ago, amidst many tears (I used like half the tissue box) the vet helped her over the rainbow bridge. Thank you for all your kind thoughts sent our way, she had a peaceful exit, and had spent the morning snoozing on her favourite blanket on my lap or in the sun. We will be getting her paw prints and her ashes in a box.
I want to keep checking in on tumblr because routines help me stay sane. But if I'm less peppy than normal, or comment less, this is why. I can't tell you how much it means to me that over this time none of you have unfollowed me, you've kept liking my posts, included me in the asks, and treated me with the regular kindness I see you display here. Thank you.
P.S. If you see someone with a cat carrier and can't see a cat inside it, don't ask "do you have a cat" because it might pain them to answer "not anymore" and then you'll probably feel like shit and I can confirm they'll definitely feel like shit so let's not do that friends okay? Just like how none of you would ask a stranger when their baby is due unless they say they're pregnant, right?
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lenshroom · 3 months
Detco x pjo AU/HC!
This is what I think a half-blood!Gosho boys au would look like! I'm not very familiar with greek gods so I'd love to hear your opinion on this too!
(I'm all honesty tho I just have this one HC for shinichi that I've been frothing over...)
Kudo Shinichi
Hear me out! *Child of Apollo* or at least a legacy of a child of Apollo. why? Because Kudo yukiko radiates Apollo vibes. She's a very well known actress and is extremely peppy, it would also make sense given that they now live in America. Also just think about how funny it would be! Imagine if Shinichi was a child of Apollo and yukiko is just there in her mortal form to try and convince themselves that Shinichi is like them as much as he is like yusaku. (Her trying to convince Shinichi into acting lessons because her child is 'wayy too much like yusaku' isn't she the god here therefore having the stronger gene?)
I know what you're gonna say, Shinichi can't sing he's atrocious at it how can he be a child of Apollo?
But my dear friend, he can play instruments. (The violin if I'm correct)
He also has amazing aim both with his tranq watch and a soccer ball
As Kudo, before the apotoxin, he was known to like the spotlight and was in it. a lot.
On the subject of the apotoxin, he did survive it even though there was such a little chance. One might say luck but I say it could be the healing factor of a half-blood.
Now to combat the ADHD and dyslexia part. I have no experience with either of these so please correct me if I'm wrong (nicely). I don't think the ADHD has a lot to factor in but the dyslexia is a different case, as we know, Kudo is a bookworm and likes to read hard back books a lot. You can go with,
1. He's stubborn. He's gonna brute force his way into reading all his books because- it's Shinichi duh and/or
2. they're rich. They probably have books printed in a type of font that makes it easier for dyslexic people to read (like words with bigger spacings between them from what I've heard online.)
It would also add a layer to his whole love of detective work because it's not something he needed the gods for. It's something he chose for himself with his own wits. Every case he solves is a testament to his hard work and I think that would make him all the more proud.
I do have more, specifically for kaito and the magic kaito characters because I'm more familiar with them lol (please do tell me if you want to hear them!!)
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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finished the fake stars of vinyl city intros for my bebes <3 kind of a redesign/redraw of the old ones here
sometimes, revolution starts with a violent and petty mechanic, their younger brother who really wants to join the airforce and a defective 1010 they both found in the trash! rambling about them under the cut
Rikki is a former troublemaker and musician who had to sort their life out back into the straight and narrow to raise their little brother, Yiruk. So they went and got a degree in engineering! They're responsible for upgrading the NSR bots and adding extra levels for the Approach stages (entirely because I wanted to make those more relevant, teehee)
To level the field, Rikki also offers upgrades and cosmetics for Mayday and Zuke's transformation thingamajigs! All in exchange for "spare parts" - these can be obtained by playing specific levels with specific remixes/modes, namely 1010 or Approach levels.
After buying all of Rikki's upgrades, they reveal to Mayday and Zuke that all the spare parts they've been getting are going into fixing a friend of theirs - a defective 1010 robot hiding in Dream Fever.
That defective 1010 robot is Ban! He was meant to be another replacement for Haym, but a little oopsie during a concert got his ass benched and set up for repairs. Afraid of being reset, he ran away and found Yiruk, who then convinced Rikki to patch him up.
His name is short for banana, because he looks like one and they're sweet just like him. Do not question him, it's his new life as a rogue bot and he gets to pick his name <3 Ban loves to wear clothes with tacky patterns and bright colors, like cheetah or zebra prints! So he unlocks a bunch of tacky clothes for Mayday and Zuke
He's absolutely going through a lot of shit regarding his identity and individuality and general newfound consciousness, but he remains very upbeat and peppy about the whole thing. He's one bolt away from snapping though.
I like to think that the rock revolution lasted way longer, with NPCs Mayday and Zuke met kinda taking over their own respective districts - so B2J inspiring Yiruk to be a rockstar causes Yiruk to start a band with Rikki and Ban. Which indirectly leads to the fall of Metro District during the rock revolution <3 like come on, those fuckin cannons in the final level that are literally built to look like Mayday and Zuke's faces????? thats so fucking COOL i wish they expanded more on this section
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devilishlycute · 2 years
A Meet-Cute on the Subway
Shiki Souma x f!reader
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"Oh god, oh god! I'm late as hell! Stupid toll booth, stupid crosswalks-!" Your eyes catch onto the train's doors about to close, the person facing the doors sees you running towards the train. With quick thinking he slides his hand against the automatic doors, holding them open just enough for you to squeeze through!
He let's the doors close behind you, worried over your exhausted state. "Th-Thank you! So much.. You don't understand how crunched on time I was!" You managed to blurt out, looking up you meet the strangers magenta-colored eyes. He blinks owlishly but his smile doesn't falter, he nods with a peppy "No problem!". He moves over and shows an open seat behind him, "You should sit and rest. It's no good if you end up getting dizzy from how hard you ran."
You stared at this stranger like he was a merciful deity offering you a better life, with a grateful smile you accept his generous advice. As you go to walk you felt your tote bag get lightly tugged back stopping you in your tracks.
... "Eh?" Both you and the stranger turn to look over your shoulder, low-and-behold: The corner of your tote was pinched inbetween the train's doors.
'I'm trapped in the most awkward situation ever!!!' You mentally panic, you do an experimental tug-- nope. It's not going anywhere. Looking back at the stranger getting ready to apologize for your carelessness, the stranger had his body turned away from you as his shoulders shook.
He soon stops shaking and turns back around with a closed eyed smile, his cheeks flushed a soft pink. "Looks like you're stuck until the next stop." He holds a hand out towards you, "My name's Shiki, Shiki Souma! May I ask for your name miss?" Looking more at his face, he looks very boyishly cute. The piercings give him a free-spirit vibe, and his hair looks like the color of his eyes from what you could see from the strands peaking from under his cap.
You nodded and go to touch his hand, "Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you. You see I..." you trailed off and froze when you spot his pants front pockets untucked! Feeling a snicker leave your lips, you moved the hand that was going for Souma's to hide the curling of your lips from him, your gaze not leaving his pants.
"Shiki... Y-Your pockets.. pfft!" You inform him while giggling, he opens his eyes as a confused look crosses over his features. He looks down and saw his wardrobe malfunction, without saying anything his tucks his head down and fixes them so the inside stayed inside. Again his shoulders quaked, was he embarrassed? Flustered? Upset?
"Thank you for telling me, I couldn't help but laugh at myself you know?"
Oh, he was just laughing. "I know, trust me. But back to why I was running you see it's my first day at my new job-" as you explained how you mistakenly set your alarm to go off at 8:30 PM not AM and had to rush out of your house like a bat out of hell, he listens to your every word and offering a smile. "A friend of mine did that once too, but he was really mature in handling it!"
His eyes seemed to trail down your outfit, a business suit that was professional but also styled casually. "So where are you starting work? If you don't mind me asking?" Shiki sees a familiar ID card dangling below your neck, the word "Temp. Intern" printed on the card.
"Ah.. Well you see, it's a company that works in managing salaries for various projects. I'm actually supposed to be working under a Senpai, but I hear that he's actually very laid back- but I still want to make a good first impression on him!" You explained to Souma.
Souma smiles at your tenacity "What a "good girl" type." Souma thinks to himself, but he remembered something his older brother told him last night over dinner... Something about a new worker joining his company, someone that was going to be placed under Mima's care and responsibility, he remembers his brother also saying their name...
"Wait. Are you--"
"Please watch your step when boarding and exiting the sides of the train. Please make room for those leaving and for those boarding--"
The train's PA system plays the message over and over, the doors slide open and free the corner of your tote. With a sad smile you wave towards Shiki, "Well this is my stop, thanks again Shiki-san! I hope to run into you again sometime, I wish we could keep talking like this, you're pretty funny. Also, you should laugh more freely, it feels great when you just let it out you know?"
As you step off the train and onto the platform, you turn around to face Shiki once more, his heart stopped at the sight of your face. A gentle and heartwarming smile graces your face, placing your hands on the edge of your skirt you bow slightly in gratitude. The apples of his cheeks began to heat up with a soft warmth.
The doors slowly slid closed right as you stood upright, with one last wave the train began to move and leave the station once again. Shiki places his hand over his heart, replaying her words. "I hope to run into you again sometime.. I wish we could keep talking like this, you're pretty funny."
If you're going to be an intern under Mima-san eye, he can't help but smile at the thought of your wish coming true.. Probably sooner than you think.
"Wait.. I was supposed to get off back there. ... pfft.." Souma laughed at his own mishap. He really can't wait to see you again, you seem very kind and fun.
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Any Cool Doji Danshi fans here? Please go watch it or read it, there needs to be fanfics about these cuties!! >w<
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disorganizedkitten · 6 months
A Study In Friendship Chapter 6
Miraculous Ladybug | 2019 | 5,056 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist
Voting In The New Shipmaster
Chloe had not, in fact, left her alone once the week was up. Instead, Sabrina learned that Chloe had been holding back over the past month. Go figure. And while Sabrina still had some problems defending herself, for every scathing comment Chloe sent her way, one of her friends would have a supportive comeback.
In short, life wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty amazing!!!
Did she mention she had seven friends now? Seven!! Marinette, George, Alya, Calista, Rose, Nino, and Adrien. And she was on tentatively good terms with the rest of her fellow students. That had never happened before! She could greet people and be greeted back, positively.
And sometimes it wasn’t her making first contact!
Like today, for instance.
“Good morning Sabrina!” Calista called, waving excitedly in the hallway.
“Good morning Calista!” Sabrina couldn’t help the smile as she dashed up and hugged Calista. “Did you have a good afternoon?”
“Oh it was amazing! I ended up in the catacombs, which yes I know is really dangerous, but I found some really cool stuff. I’m even checking with my dad to see if it counts as property open to the public. And even if I can’t keep it, I have like twenty pictures.”
“Oohh,” Sabrina breathed. Calista had shown in the past week that she had an affinity for finding the coolest things in the most random places. “Can you text me some of them? Or are they all on your camera?”
“Camera,” Calista said sadly. “But I’m going to print them this afternoon. The brooch was so pretty!” Calista sighed wistfully. “Anyway,” she turned her full attention to Sabrina. “How’s your turtle set coming along?”
“It’s coming,” Sabrina answered, rocking on the balls of her feet. “I think I’m ready to put a finishing coat on the main beads, finally.”
“Aw yes!” Calista jumped. “I can’t wait to see the finished product. I have told you how talented you are with beadwork, right?”
“You have,” Sabrina answered around a smile. Calista had said it at least five times in the past week. Especially after Sabrina had given her the star bracelet. Which Calista had worn every day since.
“Well I’m saying it again, you’re super talented, and the turtle set is going to come out looking so amazing.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Sabrina blushed.
“Cally!” One of Calista’s classmates skidded up to the pair. “Cally! Christian and Lucien are trying to claw each other’s hearts out.”
Calista sighed. “This is what I get for running for class rep. Well, better go stop them from getting hurt. See you later Sabrina!” She waved, her classmate latching onto her arm.
“See you!” Sabrina waved as Calista was dragged off by her classmate. Sabrina continued along the upper hallway to her classroom.
“Hey Sabrina!!” Alya leant over Marinette’s empty seat and held out a fist, Sabrina tapped it happily with her own as she passed.
“Hi Alya!
“Morning Ivan!” He glanced over at her, and she caught a small smile as he nodded to her before resuming his conversation with Mylene. Sabrina was… bad… in the love department, but even she could see how in love the two of them were.
Finding someone that compatible for herself in a few years would be a dream come true. For now though, Sabrina would just watch their love bloom happily.
She walked up to her seat, stopping to greet her almost-friend in the back row. “Hi Juleka.” the goth gave a tiny one-handed wave and muttered ‘Hello’ back.
Sabrina even chanced a wave at Nathaniel before she turned and slid into her seat. The redhead gave her a similar wave as Juleka had.
“Good morning Sabrina!” Rose called, skipping up the steps. “Good morning Juleka! Good morning Ivan! Good Morning Adrien, Good morning Mylene! Good Morning Alya! Good Morning Nino! Good morning Nate! Good Morning Max! Good Morning Kim!”
A chorus of ‘Good morning Rose!’ echoed back at the peppy blonde. Rose smiled as she slid into her seat in the back row.
Chloe stalked into the room, head held high. She sent a smirk to the back of the room, and Sabrina shivered. That was not a good kind of smirk. Sabrina hoped that Chloe was just acting haughtily to ride on her father’s coattails. M. Bourgeois was on his way to winning the mayoritorial elections, again. M. D’Argentcourt had been thoroughly humiliated throughout his campaign. At times it seemed the entire city was working against him.
Power players such as Andre were probably why the Americans had a limit on how many terms a leader could serve.
Sabrina listened in on the various conversations as she waited for Mme. Bustier to arrive.
Max was describing an idea for an AI with emotions to Juleka; Rose, Alix, and Mylene had started to talk about shades of the Color pink, and Kim was saying something about not being afraid of anything Ivan would ever know about, - spiders, if it hadn’t changed from when Sabrina had gathered blackmail info last year so that no one would run against her and Chloe in-
Oh crap.
Class representative elections had been making their way around the school this month. Calista had just been voted in on Friday.
Her life had changed a lot in two months. A lot, because she used to have the dates to start gathering information ingrained into her internal clock, and knew exactly what it was for every time. She had thought her secret hunting urges were just because she was so excited about Kitty Section forming and that she knew Nathaniel had been working on a secret project. She’d completely forgotten about elections.
Sabrina had never considered herself someone for whom adaptation was easy, and yet here she was.
“Oh it would be amazing if we got cushioned seats this year. Do you think that whoever gets elected would do that?”
Mylene hummed. “I don’t know, Rose, Chloe definitely wouldn’t.”
“Well no, but Chloe doesn’t have to be the rep this year.”
“She doesn’t?”
“I mean,” Rose took a breath and then leaned forward so she could talk to Sabrina. “Bri, are you gonna help Chloe run for rep this year?”
Sabrina wasted no time shaking her head, keeping her gaze stubbornly on Rose’s face. “Nope.”
Rose smiled, turning back to Mylene. “See?”
“Yeah, okay. But who’s going to run instead?”
“Good question!” Rose leaned over her desk again. “Bri, are you going to run?”
Sabrina paused at that. She hadn’t thought about it. She considered it for a moment, waving to Marinette as she entered, then turned and told Rose she really didn’t know, adding on a “besides, I don’t think I’d be that good at being in charge. I might run for assistant rep.”
“Wait does that mean we’ll have fair elections this year?” Marinette asked, turning around in her seat.
Sabrina nodded.
Marinette pumped her fist. “Yes! Have we decided who’s running this year?”
“I want to run for rep,” Rose admitted. “It’ll be fun to try.”
“I’m running too!” Kim added loudly. “This time she can’t hold my fear of spi-something against me!”
“Can’t I, Kim?” Chloe’s icy voice interrupted. Sabrina watched as she sashayed up the aisle and slammed her hand onto Kim’s desk. “I don’t have anything new to use against you, but don’t think for a minute that I won’t use what I still have.” Chloe turned her glare to Sabrina. She flinched. Chloe looked triumphant about that. “I don’t need Sabrina to keep you plebeians in line." She straightened up. “Anybody who runs against me this year will meet the same fate as previous years.” She yawned into her hand. “I’ll just have to go without an assistant this year.” Chloe turned away and sashayed back down the stairs. She slid into her seat, head held high.
Mme. Bustier clapped her hands before the conversation could continue.
The subdued attitude carried through the rest of class, and only worsened when Mme. Bustier officially announced that the Class Representative election for their class would happen this week, and that anyone who wanted to run needed to decide by fourth period, and have their paperwork in by Tuesday morning.
“I had been so excited,” Rose lamented, setting her tray down between Juleka and Sabrina. The entire class, sans Chloe, had gathered for lunch in the cafeteria.
“Is Chloe really that bad of a class representative?” Adrien asked.
The emphatic Yes from the rest of the class had him flinching. Sabrina felt a little sorry for him. She , at least, had no misconceptions as to what Chloe was like when they were friends. Or, less misconceptions. It was worse from the other side, but not by too much.
“I don’t think we should let her have her way this year.” Alix stated. “I mean, Marinette already told her to take her bad attitude somewhere else, why don’t we all help reinforce that idea? Between the, what, thirteen? Of us, most of her threats won’t actually mean anything, right?”
“Yeah!” Kim cheered.
Max cleared his throat. “As much as I hate to kill the mood, Chloe's threats do still apply. She can still spill secrets, and she has enough pull with the school board that she can still carry them out, just not with the same amount of ease as previous years.”
Alix groaned, laying her head on the table. “Her tyranny has to end somewhere.”
“What if we blackmail her back?” Juleka asked, forking a piece of Salmon into her mouth. Sabrina jolted, staring at her flabbergasted. Apparently she wasn't the only one, because Juleka shrunk in on herself a bit a moment later. “It was just a suggestion.”
“There's got to be someone she has nothing on,” Alix huffed. “Wait a minute, Sabrina?”
Sabrina froze as all eyes turned on her.
“Alix, what are you asking?” Ivan asked, a hint of accusation in his tone. Sabrina wasn't sure which girl it was truly aimed at.
“Who doesn't she have blackmail on.” Alix said again. “Sabrina, you know this, right?”
Sabrina nodded slightly. She didn't like it when the past was brought up, she had tormented them so much, but it was inevitable in this situation. She took a deep breath before answering, hoping her voice stayed factual and firm. “Kind of. I don't have anything on Marinette, Alya, or Adrien. But Chloe might have found something else since I left.”
At her words, the class erupted. Sabrina winced at the overlapping yells, moving to cover her ears. Some of the noise was cheers, some were questions, Kim was making a lot of it, really it was just too much, too much, she couldn't think, how could thirteen people make so much noise-
There was a bang as Marinette stood up, slamming her hands onto the table. “Guys!” her shout cut through the din surprisingly well. The class turned to look at Marinette instead of each other. “One at a time,” she ordered calmly.
Sabrina lowered her hands back to her lap, taking a deep breath in the relative calm.
Rose raised her hand.
“Yes Rose?”
“If you run, do you think we can build a petition for scrapbooking club like we did for the art room?”
Marinette flushed scarlet. “I don't think I'll run, but I can definitely help you set that up if Chloe closes it.”
“Girl, why wouldn’t you run?” Alya asked. “You might be the only one who can.”
“What?” Marinette sat back down, turning so she could focus her incredulous look on Alya. “I can't lead people! And even if I could, I don't have enough time to do so properly.”
“Well I can’t be class rep around the Ladyblog, and Adrien is always busy.”
Sabrina could bring up a few examples to fight most of the points Marinette had brought up. The time one was the only thing she couldn’t argue against. But... Hadn’t she said she wanted to be assistant rep? After running both her and Chloe’s lives for years, there was at least one thing she was good at, and that was managing events around the rest of their lives. And time as a whole. As long as Marinette was okay with that, of course.
“I could help with the time thing,” she rushed out, closing her eyes. She didn’t want to see what they thought of that. Rose would be supportive, but she didn’t know how the others would act.
There was no sound from the rest of the table. Had she just ruined their friendship by going against what Marinette had said? Oh she hoped not, she had only been trying to help!
“What about your own schedule?” Marinette asked.
Sabrina opened her eyes. Marinette didn’t look mad, thank goodness. Instead she looked… worried?
“Oh I can manage mine with time to spare!” she assured her. “It’s not a problem to help, really.”
“If you’re sure you want too, that could work.” Marinette said slowly. “But I don’t want to be an absentee rep for everyone.”
“I could run with you, and we could work together, like with the project! Find times that work for both of us, and then just plan a few weeks in advance.”
Marinette’s smile was worth taking the chance to say that. “I think that could work.”
 Rose started clapping, and soon the entire class was too. Sabrina blushed at the praise.
 She just kept topping herself at how happy and important she could feel. They weren’t clapping only for her, of course it was for Marinette too, but still.
 Sabrina rocked on her heels at the apartment door. Marinette had offered for her to come over Tuesday night for them to get a strategy working. Sabrina was late, an akuma had attacked while she was on her way to Marinette’s house. She hoped Marinette wouldn’t be upset. There were footsteps on the other side, and then Marinette yanked the door open. “Sabrina are you okay?”
“Yeah. I was able to hide,” Sabrina assured her quickly.
“Oh thank goodness.” Marinette hugged her. “Come on in.” she pulled back and opened the door wider. Sabrina smiled and followed her inside and upstairs.
“So where should we start?” Marinette asked, plopping into her desk chair and sliding over to her desk. She picked up a box and a screwdriver off her desk, and then spun to face Sabrina. “Do you mind if I work while we talk?”
Sabrina shook her head. “Not at all! What are you working on?”
“A locking box,” Marinette shrugged. “I figured that even though she shouldn’t realistically be able to get up here, I might as well lock up my diary anyway.”
“Better safe than sorry,” Sabrina agreed.
“Do you want me to make you one too after I’m done?”
Sabrina shook her head. “I’ve got my own measures. Thank you for the offer though!”
Marinette smiled. “Good on you.”
“So how are we running this campaign? Chloe normally tries to ruin her competition, but that doesn’t seem like a very you thing to do.”
“Definitely not,” Marinette agreed emphatically. “I was considering a full speech, you know?”
“I can help with speeches,” Sabrina agreed, perking up. It was true! “And you’ve come up with some good ones on the spot before, so this one is bound to turn out amazing!”
Marinette giggled. “Thanks Sabrina.
“Oh! We have to do the paperwork first! How did I forget that?” Marinette spun her chair again, setting the box on her desk so she could open up her computer. A few minutes later her printer was running. “Okay, there’s that.”
Marinette handed Sabrina her set of papers, and sat down with her own. “Do you need a pen?”
“Yes please,” Sabrina answered. Marinette passed her a pen, and they got to work. Line one; year, class, and name.
As it turned out, Marinette did a lot more work than Chloe ever had while they ran. In years past, Sabrina and Chloe had won immediately for lack of competition. Now, she and Marinette were running against Chloe. And even though they knew most would vote for them instead, Marinette was determined to be a worthy candidate, not just someone who was voted for instead. And that was just from the first night of planning and preparing!
Sabrina loved her.
Laying on Marinette’s bedroom floor, Sabrina ticked off another few boxes concerning her health status before looking back up at Marinette. Marinette was beside Sabrina, her cheeks puffed, and her legs kicking back and forth violently.
Sabrina pursed her lips, looking down at the next question on the form. Why do you think you’ll be a good candidate? That one was tricky. Why did she? Organizational skills would work as a reason, right?
“Sabrina, did they nominate me just because I wasn’t Chloe?” Marinette asked, flopping onto her back.
Sabrina looked over, puffing her own cheek. “I doubt it. You have the makings of a good leader. You’re super nice and check on everyone. Or, almost everyone.” She didn’t name the one person she didn’t think Marinette took care of, that was obvious. But still. “That’s what the representative does anyway, right? Take care of everyone?” And really, Marinette had a big enough heart to take care of even Chloe if it came to it.
Marinette sighed. “Yeah. I just don’t want anybody to think I’m only doing it because it’s my responsibility.”
Sabrina hummed. “I don’t think anyone would think that. I mean,” she forced a laugh, nervous and hoping it didn't show. “Look at me! I went from the second most hated girl in our grade to someone with actual friends in four weeks after you offered. And that was all before this.” She looked down at her hands. “They’d have to have pretty bad memories to think you only help because you have to.”
Marinette chuckled. “I don’t think we have anyone with memory problems in our class.”
Sabrina smiled, and turned back to her forms. The sound of pencils reigned for a minute, and then; “Thank you Sabrina. I needed to hear that.”
“No problem.”
You know, support for her friends and good at making things happen were both things that would be good on this. She might as well. In the margins, she ends up scribbling an extra note. Mostly to support Marinette.
“How do you speech?” Marinette asked, glaring at her tablet screen as though it had personally offended her.
This prep meeting was at Sabrina’s house, so they were sitting on Sabrina’s bed to brainstorm and write Marinette’s electoral speech.
“Be personal, don’t ramble too much, stay engaged, metaphors are only good if they’re simple or you explain them, bulletpoint a point a minute if you have that much time or that many topics, uh,” Sabrina leant over Marinette’s side to look at her screen. “That looks pretty good, actually. Do you want me to start the stopwatch and see if it fits in the time?”
Marinette shook her head. “I’m gonna revise it again first.”
Sabrina shrugged. “OKay.” She sat back up, and pulled her beadwork back onto her lap. She was working on a new set of more casual jewelry, pink flowers for this one’s theme. The turtles weren’t done yet, she had run out of the type of clasp and hadn’t been able to get more yet, but she was okay with that.
“Ah-ha!” Marinette exclaimed. “I think I got it! Where’s the stopwatch?”
Sabrina grabbed it from it’s pocket on her lap tray. “Right here. Want me to watch it?” “Sure. Thank you!”
Sabrina set up the clock and started counting down. “Three, two one, go!” She hit start, and Marinette took off, her voice loud, if a bit shaky.
“So as you know, I’m running for class rep-”
“Alya I think I’m gonna die,” Marinette said in lieu of a usual greeting as she slid into her seat.
It didn’t help Sabrina’s nerves at all.
Alya sighed, turning slightly to look at her friend. “Marinette, you’ll be fine. You and Sabrina worked on this all week, you’re going to kill it.”
“But what if we don’t?” Marinette asked, grabbing Alya’s shoulders.
“Marinette, you’re going up against Chloe.”
“Which is why I’m worried!”
“You’ll be fine. She’s not that big of a threat.”
Marinette didn’t seem convinced, but she let the subject drop. “Any luck getting an interview with Ladybug?” she asked instead.
As Alya descended into an excited ramble about the two minutes of talking she got to do with Ladybug yesterday, Marinette did a half-turn and waved. Sabrina waved back, trying to smile. She didn’t really feel it had come out right.
She was really nervous. Really, really nervous. They had been prepping all week, but there was still a small margin for error. And that small margin would become a big margin if there was an akuma attack or if Chloe came up with a really good plan.
“Are you okay?”
Sabrina jumped at Ivan’s question. “Yep! Of course! No problems here! Not nervous or anything! Heh.” From the look on his face, he didn’t believe her in the slightest. “No,” she sighed. “I’ve broken away from Chloe, but this is the first time I’ll be directly opposing her since the project. I’m worried.”
Ivan shrugged. “We’ve all been scared of Chloe at one point or another. Don’t worry, if she tries anything, we’ll have your back.”
Sabrina smiled. She and Ivan hadn’t talked too much in the four weeks since she started to sit by him, but she felt like they were almost friends anyway. “Thanks Ivan.”
“Alright class, settle down. Before we start our lesson today, I have to remind you that elections are this afternoon at city hall, so be sure to be there!”
Sabrina felt her gut clench again, and she stubbornly did not look towards Chloe’s bench.
Classes passed in a blur. Sabrina almost never had trouble paying attention, but today she was very out of it. She kept going through scenarios in her head that grew increasingly dire as the hours passed. The only things she could remember in detail were the talks inbetween classes. A lot of ‘good luck!’s were sent their way, and George and Calista even pulled her aside to give her a few packages of chocolate. Calista had said something about being excited to see her in presidency meetings.
Sabrina was really glad they had an hour between school and the elections. It was set so kids in fencing or scrapbooking would be able to go to both.
Sabrina stood on the school steps, trying to figure out where she’d go in the interim. She and Marinette had decided that the best thing to do would be to go propless, so she didn’t need to go home. She found herself watching Chloe saunter up to her car. Her dad had officially won the elections today. It was a fact that just made Sabrina more nervous. Chloe turned at the door, and smirked. Sabrina whined in her throat. Was it too late to back out?
“Want to spend the wait at my house?”
Yes, it was. Sabrina turned to shook Marinette a shaky smile. Marinette needed the support. “That sounds amazing.”
“You don’t sound too good,” Marinette noted. “Are you going to be okay? Do you just need to breathe for a bit?”
“I think so,” Sabrina nodded. Breathing sounded nice.
“Come on, we can watch a few episodes of something while we wait.”
They ended up watching lighthearted and simple cartoons, while eating some of Marinette’s scarily large cookie collection, to keep them from fretting too much. Eventually though, the alarm to start towards the city hall rung, and they were pulled back to the present.
“Ready?” Marinette asked, slinging her purse over her shoulder.
“Not at all,” Sabrina admitted.
“Me neither,” Marinette confirmed. “Better when it’s over, right?”
“Normally,” Sabrina agreed. “We should go before I decide I can’t.”
“Then let’s go.”
“Hey Sabrina?”
“Thanks for volunteering to have my back.”
“You’re welcome. I mean, we made a good team, right?”
They were only a block away from the hall when Marinette’s phone started going off. She dug it out, and held it between herself and Sabrina. “What’s up, Alya?”
“Chloe’s trying to buy votes,” Alya’s annoyed tone came through the speaker. “With Jagged Stone tickets.”
That sounded like Chloe.
“For real?” Marinette asked.
“For real. How close are you?”
“Just around the corner,” Marinette assured her. “Sabrina and I will be there in just a minute.”
“Alright, see you soon.”
“Jagged Stone tickets,” Marinette huffed. “Of course she’s going for a bribe.”
“We knew she would do something,” Sabrina sighed.
“Yeah. Well, let’s get in there and show her that money can’t buy everything!” Marinette said enthusiastically. Her nerves at least, seemed to have dissipated into fury. Sabrina couldn’t say the same for her own.
All the same, there were a lot of things money couldn’t buy. Like true friendship.
The girls entered city hall, and were greeted with the cheers of some classmates.
“Yeah! Come show us what you’ve got!” Alix yelled, her eyes alight with excitement.
Sabrina smiled a bit. She wasn’t going up against a hostile crowd. She was by Marinette’s side. She could do this.
And then the akuma attacked.
“I didn’t abandon anyone, Chloe!” Marinette snapped. “I got knighted while trying to close the upper windows.”
Everyone had been knighted by the end of the fight. It was scary, watching the darkness close in, not knowing if Marinette was safe - which she wasn’t - and knowing they were doomed too.
Adrien cracked some pun about it being a knightmare to be knighted, and Sabrina had to agree. She would be having nightmares for a week.
“Well, obviously only one of you showed any actual leadership skills during the attack, so I think we all know who we’re voting for,” Alya said sassily. Sabrina took s step back at Chloe’s scowl.
“Not so fast, Alya,” Marinette said.
“See! She’s already throwing in the towel! Obviously I’m the best representative, I can handle the job.”
“That’s not what she said,” Sabrina muttered. Chloe’s glare snapped to her. She took another step back.
“Sabrina’s right,” Marinette said. “I said it wasn’t time for voting yet, not that I was quitting.” She turned to the class at large. Sabrina could feel a speech coming on. “I don’t want you all to vote for me based on one interaction, and I don’t want you to vote for me because I’m not Chloe. I want you to cast your votes to who you think will actually do the job best. I won’t be able to do everything, but I’m good at finding compromises and thinking outside the box. Sabrina’s extremely good at schedules, and finding all the hurdles we need to jump to get to a specific goal. We’re good partners, and I promise we’ll both do our best. So, vote for Marinette and Sabrina as Class Representatives!”
Sabrina and Alya were the first to clap, followed by Adrien and Rose, and then everyone but Chloe and the mayor.
“Go ahead and go vote Class. I’m sure we’re all eager to have our representatives chosen for the year,” Mme. Bustier encouraged. The entirety of the not-nominated classmates surged forward at once.
Marinette meanwhile, stepped up to Sabrina’s side. “So, uh, that went...” she trailed off with a nervous laugh.
“As far from plan as possible?” Sabrina offered.
“Yeah, that’s a good way to describe it,” Marinette agreed. She buried her head in her hands. “I completely forgot my speech.”
“It sounded good anyway.”
Their conversation was stopped by Mme. Bustier clapping. “Alright students! Marinette, Chloe, Sabrina, please come up so we can announce the winner!”
“Come on!” Marinette whispered excitedly, holding out her hand. Sabrina took it, trying not to squeeze too hard.
Chloe kept her head up as she joined them, but Sabrina knew the look of fury in her eyes. She bit back another whimper.
“The votes have been counted,” Mme. Bustier said. “And the winners are...” she paused for emphasis. Sabrina caught onto her wording though. She took a deep breath, and fixed a smile on her face. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Sabrina Raincomprix!”
Alya and Rose squealed from where they were in the crowd, and Sabrina wasn’t able to fully turn to smile at Marinette before Rose tackled her.
“You did it! Sabrina I’m so proud of you! I just know you’re going to be amazing!” Rose pulled back, wiping her eyes. “I’m so proud. You’ve just bloomed!” and then she burst into tears.
Sabrina didn’t know what to do with that. Was Rose okay? She didn’t know, but Juleka seemed to think so. She took her friend’s arm gently. “Come on Rose, let others congratulate her too.” She looked up and smiled at Sabrina. “Congratulations, Sabrina.” Juleka led Rose over to tell Marinette congratulations too, and then Sabrina lost sight of them in the crowd of classmates. It was only her class there, but it felt like a lot more while they were all wishing her good luck and offering congratulations.
Eventually the stream died down, and Sabrina could breathe again. She turned to find Alya primed with her phone.
“Come on girls, lets get some smiles! I’ve got to put this on the school blog!”
Marinette found her way back to Sabrina’s side, and they took a moment to pose. Once Alya had the picture, she rushed up to give kisses goodbye, claiming she had a family engagement she was already late for.
“I guess this is it then?” Marinette said.
“This year is going to be wild.” Sabrina agreed. It had already been wild, between the Akumas and magic and the shifting power structures. “I’m glad I have you as a partner in this,” Marinette said, setting an arm on her shoulder. “Thank you, really.”
“I like doing things I’m good at,” Sabrina said honestly. “And I want to support you and the others. I’m just glad you gave me a chance.”
“Of course.”
Sabrina smiled, and in a spur of the moment, she held out her fist. “Pound it?”
Marinette smiled even wider, if that was possible, and tapped her own to it. “Pound it.”
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crack-canon · 10 months
Inspired by the post where I drew Adamn as an Animal Crossing Crocodile
I present to you
HC Personalities LR : don’t care about gender rule
Peppy , Normal, Smug , Fatherly/Motherly , Peppy/Peppy , Jock
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More headcanons below
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Polyblank would totally go by Polyblanc. He’s heavily based off Bow and a bit off iDogs
The back of his head definitely has a battery slot and a stamp that says “N6”
He has now mouth but he still uses text emotes and letters : T ^ T : D : <
When he speaks his voice levels is all over the place
He ONLY gifts the anatomy model and human skeleton
“A7 y0uR S3rVic3!”
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Percival carefully dyes his fur to differentiate himself from his older brother
I just love how tiny Perci is in relation to their brother
The Editor keeps his round bed.
Percival has the basic house size and a basement // His theme is probably like Neo-Tokoyo mixed with Iron Set
The Editor has a custom home : max front, 2nd Upgrade Top Floor, Basic Left/Right, Basic Basement // His Theme is Ritzy. The second floor is Cityscape. He has pictures of other villagers he has relations with
With a high enough level, The Editor has a low low chance to gift a gold piece or gold blueprint // If bothered enough while stung, he’ll gift medicine but not without chiding you for your slow reaction time
Percival often gifts clock blue prints or clothes
The Editor: “Say thank you Eddy!~”
Percival: “Ayu…”
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Hudson and Cordelia Darling as a Bull and a deer. Theyve got a full entry floor and two small rooms on the sides used as bedrooms
They have a kitschy style and their kids rooms is a wooden block set but colorful
Their often not seen too far from each other and can be often found with Hudson dancing while Cordelia sings // Hudson could be found often gifting things to his wife
I like to think Hudson doesn’t say shit and instead just uses tons emotes while there’s an empty speech bubble
Hudson often gifts Wooden Block furniture (base and customized) and other wood based items, implying he built everything in his kids’ bedroom
Cordelia gifts food based gifts that require cooking or fruit themed blueprints
You can always go to the both of them for medicine
Cordelia: “Darlin!”
Hudson: “ *snort* “
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And the Darling twins plus Mommy and Daddy’s playmate ( *fawns and bull )
The kids can be found outside from 8am - 4pm often running around or head butting trees to try and get some fruits or bothering Cowboy inside his own home // They’re bound to be seen interacting with exterior furniture and displays
The kids are never too far from other characters and never go to the higher levels unless there’s a grown up up there or the Villager
Amaryllis and Bellis gift bugs, picked flowers, and building stacks of 5 materials (except wood. Who tf would give a kid an axe) // Fence off your flower patches if you don’t want em ruined
Cowboy would totally be labeled Jock but have a computer based home with mainframes // He has a Max upgrade front and base 2nd floor and it’s just filled with those old computer towers
Cowboy can be found at all hours randomly inside The Darling’s Home (The Darlings turn off their lights at 11)
The cowboy also gifts bugs but also gifts rusted computer chips quite often
Amaryllis (right) : “HAI !!!”
Bellis (left) : “Hai !!”
Cowboy / Beau : “ha- Howdy!”
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honeycove-crossing · 2 months
— Chow —
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Hello my friends, It's Bee again! Back again to give some love to some underrated villagers - this time I have the lovable, cranky, and PINK panda bear Chow!
Allow me to introduce you~
Chow is a pink panda bear born on July 22nd making him a Cancer. He has black eyes, arms, ears, and legs. The insides of his ears are blue and he has a mole by his left eye. His default clothing is a black Gold-print tee. He can often be found holding a paper bag, pink lollipop, orange soda, blue popsicle, or reading a sports magazine!
Chow is described as a cranky villager type. He can come off too mature and players often mistake his cold nature for being inconsiderate, belittling, or insensitive. But the more the player talks to him, he opens up. He often even thinks of the player as his only friend. Poor Chow! Please talk to him! Let him know he's not alone.
In Happy Home Paradise and Happy Home Designer Chow dreams of a humble home and requests the player use a floor seat (HHP) and futon. In other Animal Crossing games, Chow's house has had a Chinese theme - befitting of him as a panda! However, in New Horizons, Chow has changed his house to resemble a bamboo forest!
If the player gets the chance to see Chow talking to other villagers, they will find he gets along fine with snooty, normal, and other cranky villagers. He finds it hard to connect with peppy ones and can even be seen annoying normal villagers. I suggest trying to give him a peppy or cranky villager nearby so he doesn't feel so alone!
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Gift Guide
As always, players who want to level up a friendship with any villager should keep in mind their interests and hobbies. Chow's favourite colors are black and white, while his favourite styles are cool and gorgeous. Given that, here are some recommendations for gifts for Chow:
K.K. Khoomei
Floor seat
Deer scare
Mama panda
Bamboo shelf
Imperial low table
Green bamboo rug
Ancient belted robe
Faux-hair sweater
Samurai hakama
Suspender outfit
Military uniform
Parka undercoat
When in doubt, you can always gift a villager any piece of fruit as well!
Fun Facts
Chow was originally a Leo
He is the 4th born out of 5 (quintuplets)
Chow has decided his favourite fruit is an apple
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