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ricardobraham · 5 years ago
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Catrinas y Catrines de la Escuela de Artes Plásticas . . . . . . . . . #altardemuertos #catrinastyle #catrinamakeup #xantolo #xantolo2019 #portraits_mexico #lohechoenmexico #loves_madeinmexico #tradicionesmexicanas #mexinstantes #mexicodestinos #UAdeC #lobosuadec #artoftheday #natgeomx #peopleoftheearth (en Escuela de Artes Plásticas Profesor Rubén Herrera) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4gG4-xh8vJ/?igshid=1t7imwnyjkc52
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pinkoshun · 7 years ago
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#peopleoftheearth #photography #potojourmalism #africanculture #yorba #fineartprints #artistoninstagram #artistofinstagram #may2018 #oshunspringcamp #hipcampout (at Zamani Refuge)
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noorfarooqi · 5 years ago
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“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Rob Siltanen⁣
#people #peopleoftheworld #peopleoftheearth #crazypeople #crazypeoples #changetheworld #changethewayyouthink #world #changetheworldyoulivein #youaretheone #one #youcandoit #yesyoucan #robsiltanen
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mymochilatrip · 6 years ago
This is a beautiful message from some of the indigenous people of Colombia. We share it here for you to see, but also to point out the mochilas in each. Mochila bags are inherent to the indigenous people here, and I would think in other places of the world. Each indigenous group weaves their mochilas with different techniques, colors and patterns. That's how we recognize Wayuu mochilas from Arawak mochilas, and others.
In the video appeared the people from the Misak (south west of Colombia), Muisca (center of Colombia) , Afrodescendent (located mainly to the east and north coasts of Colombia), Wiwa (North and North East - Sierra Nevada, very close to where Wayuu People live), and again Muisca. 5 groups from 87 groups in Colombia, representing 3.5% of the population (Census 2005).
We also want to point out their bare feet . As we understand it is because of the connection they have with mother Earth. By walking barefoot on the ground we share a very close connection with her. We recharge from the Earth, and she gets to feel us even closer, read us and give us what we need.
Check the mochilas we've brought to you made by the Wayuu, here/Vezi gentile Mochila pe care ti le-am adus de la Wayuu aici: https://mymochilatrip.wixsite.com/home/showroom
PS: oh! And rock out today's lunar eclipse you all!!!
Whole Video/întregul videoclip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB4s8cGVUgU
Iata un mesaj minunat de la indigenii din Columbia. Il impartasim aici pentru mesaj, dar si ca sa vedeti frumoasele genti Mochila. Ele sunt caracteristice indigenilor de aici, si poate si ale altora din alte colturi ale lumii. Fiecare trib tricoteaza Mochila folosind alta tehnica, culoare si model. In acest fel recunoastem gentile Wayuu Mochila fata de Arawak Mochila sau altele.
In acest video au aparut oamenii din Misak (sud est al Columbiei) Muisca (centrul Columbiei), Afrodescendent (pe coastele de nord si est ale Columbiei), Wiwa (nord si nord-est -Sierra Nevada, foarte aproape de unde locuiesc Wayuu) si din nou Muisca. 5 grupuri din 87 ale Columbiei, reprezentand 3.5% din populatie (census 2005)
Vrem sa aratam ca sunt desculti. Dupa cat intelegem, asta este datorita conexiunii lor cu mama natura. Mergand desculti avem o conexiune foarte apropiata cu ea si cu noi. De la ea noi prindem vigoare, si ne simte mai aproape ca sa ne poata da ce avem nevoie.
#indigenousgroups #indigenous #natives #ancestralpeople #peopleoftheEarth #ColombiaNatives #ONU #Earth #motherearth #Wayuu #Bags #encouragingmessages #caringforthemother #caringforEarth #Bucharest #bucuresti #indigeni #artizanal #mamanatura #mesaj #planeta #pamant #grup #stil #cultura
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