#people who you do not experience conflict with through coincidence or through lack of meaningful interactions with
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confinesofmy · 3 months ago
has negative feelings about someone's actions towards me > does not attempt to communicate these feelings > realises that's infantile and maladaptive > attempts to communicate negative feelings to person in question with the expressed purpose of maintaining the relationship > they overreact and say they didn't do anything wrong and i took things the wrong way and i need to adjust my attitude and they indicate they will never change how they interact with me because they're right and i'm wrong > i now understand why my first instinct was to smile and nod
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 4 years ago
okay, I want to hear about your thoughts on Renesmee wanting to eat Edward?? What's up with that. Also would love to hear about your opinion on this child in general. All the people in her life are hardcore projecting on her, what's the alien child's perspective on all this shit. Thanks for all the twilight meta its wild.
Thank you, glad you enjoy my rambling, strange, thoughts.
What’s Up With Renesmee Devouring Her Enemies?
So, this one’s actually a bit of headcanon on my end, not really supported by anything directly. We’re going way into left field with this.
But I do have this. Renesmee is a highly efficient predator, perhaps in a way more so than the vampire (although she is weaker and slower than vampires) and Renesmee is... not human, for whatever that means.
Everything we see of Renesmee’s early biological development, and what we see happening in Nahuel and his sisters, makes a lot of sense from a biological standpoint.
The mother is turned essentially into a hybrid incubator, such that even if she wanted to abort she likely would not be able to or would not survive it. The child grows at a rapid rate in the room and has to eat itself out, at which point it has a starter meal of the human mother. The child then grows absurdly rapidly to the point where, mentally and physically, it can survive on its own. Growth then slows and then stops when sexual maturity is reached, presumably for reproductive purposes.
Vampires cannot do a few things. They are a half-sterile race, only able to reproduce through humans and the previously male half of the human species. They also need external help to kill a fellow vampire. In other words, they have to light a fire.
Until you burn the pieces, the enemy vampire isn’t dead. Now, using fire as a tool is to date something only the human species has figured out. It is not intuitive and an odd coincidence that vampires had this prerequisite knowledge (I have thoughts on what vampirism even is and where it comes from). 
I imagine, just as Renesmee presumably has reproductive capabilities that vampires lack, she also a has a toolset that vampires lack: the ability to kill a vampire without the need for fire. 
Given that Renesmee’s able to eat human food, this implies she has a digestive that is able to break down nutrients. The reason vampires can’t eat other vampires is they lack this. Edward swallows pizza, he’s vomiting that shit back up three hours later and it’s going to be very solid and very gross. Whatever venom did to his innards, most of his vital human organs aren’t working anymore.
Given that Renesmee’s this mix of venom and who knows what kinds of fluids I believe her stomach is capable of breaking down and digesting vampire flesh. This seems to me the most obvious way to eliminate an enemy vampire when no tools are otherwise available.
Hence, instinctively, if Renesmee wants to murder Edward she will eat him.
(Also, as you can tell, the image is just horrifyingly delightful to me, and so it’s my go to response.)
As for why she would want to eat him, see here and here.
The Family and Renesmee
As you note, everyone in Renesmee’s life projects someone else onto her.
Not so much Carlisle, he just seems very bewildered and overwhelmed by everything at first, and one of the few who openly notes how not human Renesmee is and the implications of this (given the chromosome experiment, I’m sure Carlisle was expecting a squid).
Even in the early stages though we see Edward, Bella, Alice, and Rosalie as primary offenders. (I’d list Esme except Esme is... being Esme about it, so, she’s just floating through Renesmee’s life like her Cullen ghost self and not even at the point where she can project anything onto her. Besides, that’s what Edward’s for.)
Edward sees the best of both himself and Bella in Renesmee, a little intellectual who reads War and Peace at a few weeks old when she has no understanding of the concepts of War, Napoleon, Russia, or Peace. As Edward always does, he so obliviously projects onto her, that I imagine it doesn’t matter what Renesmee says or does around him and she quickly figures that out.
Bella’s left the planet. Renesmee’s this beautiful thing, that looks like Edward, that is her daughter. Bella has no idea what parenting is. She’s floating through life preparing herself to become Esme 2.0. It’s not so much that she projects onto Renesmee but that she... completely fails to connect her to reality. Renesmee is a concept to Bella. Renesmee might figure this out, but given her feelings for her mother, I imagine she’s far more conflicted about it. She probably wishes things could be different between them, and often tries to find ways to make it so, it just never works.
Alice treats Renesmee much as she treated Bella, as her little doll that she can dress in cute clothing. Beyond that, Renesmee is a nuisance who messes with Alice’s gift. Oh, Alice likes her well enough, but I don’t see them having an actual meaningful conversation or connection.
Rosalie’s probably the wort offender in the projection domain. She is absolutely projecting the ideal human child she never had onto Renesmee. When Renesmee inevitibly fails to live up to these perfect standards, which even a human child wouldn’t, I imagine Rosalie will get increasingly upset. Acknowledging Renesmee isn’t what she wanted either would probably break Rosalie, so she’s not going to do that, and instead try to get Renesmee to behave correctly. For however much she cares about Renesmee, I imagine Renesmee sours on her growing up, as she knows she will never be what Rosalie wishes she was. Grateful that Rosalie helped keep her alive, of course, but... she would also probably wonder, as fandom does, just how much Rosalie was hoping Bella would die in birth (for the record, I think this might have been an idle fantasy of Rosalie’s, but I don’t think she’d go this far.)
Then of course, there’s Jake. Woof, Jake. As I linked above, I think Renesmee will slowly become more and more disenchanted with Jake. She’ll either learn about or suspect her own gift, have no interest in having a romantic relationship with him, or learn about his checkered past with her mother. More Jake is...
Imprinting, at a very large distance, sounds nice but imagine what that means. You have this person who is utterly dependent on you, who will do whatever you want and be whatever you wish them to be. In other words, you have this codependent person you can never get rid of who is never authentic. They will never say no to you, will always do what you wish, and if you dare to tell them you want a little time to yourself they will probably combust into flames.
That’s not a good relationship for anyone: imprinter or imprintee.
Jake, in a sense, ceases to be a real person when it comes to Renesmee. Renesmee will figure that out and then... why should she live her life just to make this miserable man who once tried to murder her happy?
What Does This Do to Renesmee?
I imagine Renesmee grows up feeling very isolated.
She doesn’t really belong in the Cullens, for all that they’re the best fit she has. She certainly doesn’t belong with other imprintees in the tribe (and whatever occasional function she goes to with the Quileutes is probably a complete disaster), and she’s not human either.
I imagine her strongest relationships are Charlie Swan (who beyond the surrealness of his life I imagine takes Renesmee at very face value), Carlisle Cullen (who also seems to not project onto Renesmee and takes her at face value), and Bella (who she desperately wants a stronger relationship with but Bella’s not listening).
Well, Charlie at some point will die. He will not choose immortality. I imagine Renesmee never quite understands why he was allowed to choose death or what the purpose of the human species even is. To her, they are caterpillars who never went into the chrysalis. Given to Renesmee the Cullen diet is the norm, to her it would seem obvious that, yes, everyone in the world can turn into a vampire and if they ration animal resources correctly there’s no problem. Or, if not everyone, then certainly her grandfather need not die.
I’m sure Charlie tries to talk to Renesmee about this but given that he’s one of her few strong relationships in this world the talk of “I’m going to die some day, sorry kiddo” doesn’t go well.
So, I’m sure it takes Renesmee a very long time to recover from that blow, if, in fact, she ever really does. I’m sure a part of her will always grieve Charlie.
In time, I think she’ll leave the coven to go on a journey of self discovery. The coven will just be too damn suffocating and she needs to find out who she truly is. Now, if that’s before or after the inevitable collapse of the Volturi and destruction of human society is hard to say.
I will say that whatever the future holds for Renesmee, just like everyone else’s, it is unbearably bleak.
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shirorinyuaaru · 4 years ago
A Soldier’s Countenance
Chapter 3 - Of Fear and Resolution
Words unspoken often leave little room for resolution.
A Week Later; Levi’s Office 0900 Hours
Captain Levi hadn’t seen you in a week - he wasn’t sure if that frustrated him or brought him relief. Eren had been helping him around the office in your stead. This meant shitty tea, disorganized paperwork, and more work rather than more help. When Levi asked about your absence, Eren had mumbled something about Hange needing help with some of her experiments - another set of eyes. To the Captain’s surprise, Hange had corroborated the story, detailing the ongoing studies (much to Levi’s dismay).
The space you offered him allowed Levi time to process the events of that evening a week ago. Why had he done it? Why had he wanted to do it? More importantly, why had you let him?
You were both soldiers in a war with seemingly no end - A war that continued to rip away the people you were each close to. One day, that very same war would most likely kill both of you. Titans were dangerous and had become more unpredictable with each new revelation about them. Questions of sentience, unique skills, and titan shifters came to the forefront of the Survey Corps’ minds. Succumbing to carnal desires, feelings of passion, and especially love were absolutely out of the question. These feelings would prove deadly - they cloud the mind, prevent focusing on a mission, and leave soldiers vulnerable beyond the walls.
Levi saw firsthand how deep bonds could be a detriment with the losses of Isabel and Farlan. Even the seemingly distant bonds he had made with his original special-ops squad caused him immeasurable pain following their loss. Pursuing something like love meant breaking down his walls and leaving him open to harm, despair, and grief. Already the thought of losing you was like a knife to the gut.
What would it feel like if he let you in any more than he already had?
Thus, he resolved, next time he saw you he would make it clear that you were merely a member of his squad; nothing more, nothing less. What happened was a mistake that would not and could not be repeated. You each had a duty to your cause - You had to devote yourselves to saving humanity.
Three swift knocks on Captain Levi’s door broke him from his introspection.
“Eren if you’re here with that fucking disgusting tea again I suggest you leave before my boot makes contact with your face.”
“Luckily it isn’t Eren.” You responded, voice tight.
Levi cursed you quietly for your impeccable timing before approving your entry. He stood from his chair, expression resolute.
The first thing Levi noticed was the guarded expression you wore. Instead of letting down your walls like you had both become accustomed to, he was met with almost indifference. He knew he should find that comforting considering his goal, but instead, it made his stomach clench unpleasantly. The second thing his slate-grey gaze found was the deep, dark circles under your eyes. Clearly you hadn’t been sleeping either.
“I wanted to talk to you about what happened last time we spoke.” Levi’s voice sounded foreign on his tongue. He wasn’t even sure he was speaking the right language.
“What a coincidence,” came your measured reply. You stood resolutely in the door, trying desperately to hide your rapid heartbeat. “I came to have the same conversation.”
“Cadet, what happened after our sparring match-”
“What happened to dropping honorifics in private?”
“That might have been my first mistake.” Something inside of Levi screamed at him to stop, but he did his best to silence it. “My second was letting my emotions get the best of me. I’m your Captain. You’re my subordinate. There’s nothing more to it - nothing less.”
You swallowed thickly, clasping your hands tightly behind your back in an attempt to gain control of the tension you felt building with each breath you took. Frankly, you weren’t entirely sure what you had planned to do by coming to Levi’s office. Did you want a clean, albeit painful break? Did you want to pursue something further? Were you supposed to listen to your head or to your heart? Your mind was racing so fast you weren’t sure you could keep up.
“Cadet?” He snapped you out of your thoughts quickly, noticing the conflict blooming in your e/c eyes.
Knowing better than to keep him waiting, you took a deep breath. What came to the forefront was his words to Eren on the expedition that had led to the demise of the entirety of Squad Levi. “I don’t think it was a mistake.”
“I’m sorry? I don’t remember asking your opin-”
“Let me finish.” You stated loudly, with more force than you probably meant to. Well aware of the possibility of punishment due to insubordination, you pressed on. “You’re the one who told us to make decisions that we wouldn’t regret. That’s what I’m doing.”
Levi met you with silence, eyeing you as you carefully formed your thoughts into words.
“You’re right. Having a relationship past that of Captain and Subordinate isn’t smart in the slightest, nor is it an appropriate course of action.”
“So you agree with me.”
“Let. Me. Finish.” You practically growled, finding it more difficult to contain the fire in your phrases with each passing moment. You made your way towards Levi, each step more confident and calculated than the last.
“You know what, you’re right - it was a mistake. Every step of the way, what we’ve built has been a mistake. It’s a mistake I’m willing to continue making at whatever the cost.”
Each step you made towards Levi forced him to clench his jaw tighter. Back again was the part of him screaming for him to give in and it was getting hard to ignore as the distance between you two became less and less. It felt as though you were both being pulled together by a taught rope and he could not bring himself to wrench away.
“Every time we venture outside of these walls, we give ourselves to humanity’s survival. We risk life and limb, coming back with new wounds only made worse by the snide remarks and sneers of the very people we are trying to save. We lose our friends, our colleagues, and the people we’ve come to love the most.” You stood toe-to-toe with your raven-haired captain, eyes blazing with the weight and force of your words.
“Maybe it’s safer to become battle-hardened, emotionless soldiers. Maybe it’s better to avoid fostering deeper connections with the people fighting alongside us. Maybe it’s better, but it’s not what I want. I refuse to swallow down what I feel for the sake of pride or comfort. Frankly, I’d rather swallow my blades.”
Levi swallowed thickly, his blank but firm expression becoming harder to maintain. “Your point, Cadet?”
“I’d rather make the mistake I’ve been making with you over and over than die not knowing where this could have gone. Where we could have gone. You’re a hard-ass, you’re hard to read, you have a particular fondness for shit jokes, and dealing with you on a bad day is a pain. However, you’re also the most hardworking person I’ve ever met, the most compassionate, and the most sacrificing. I’m not going to apologize for my feelings for you. I’m not going to apologize for what we did or what we planned to do before being interrupted.”
“Y/N, stop.” His reply was weak, breathy, and lacked the resolve he had started the conversation with.
He was damned if he thought any protest on his part would stop you now that the floodgates were wide open. Your eyes flicked down to his lips, your own breath heavy from your monologue. Taking a deep breath, you leaned in and went to capture them, thinking better of it only when you were both a hair’s width away from what you both desperately wanted.
“The ball’s in your court, Captain.” You breathed, pulling away. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts.” With a quick salute, you strode from the room, careful to maintain your composure until you were in the safety of your own room.
1000 Hours. Levi’s Office.
Levi sat in his chair, leaning his head back and looking at the ceiling. Your words rang through his ears almost as loudly as a titan’s roar and he found it difficult to focus on anything other than the lecture you gave him.
He should punish you for arguing with a superior - he should give you a month of stable duty and make you run extra laps for a week, but he couldn’t. Once again he found himself at a loss, stunned by your confident declarations. Despite all of the logical reasons he could come up with about why this was a bad idea, the weight of your words hung heavy in the air and on his mind.
“I’d rather make the mistake I’ve been making with you over and over than die not knowing where this could have gone.”
“I’m not going to apologize for my feelings for you.”
“The ball’s in your court, Captain.”
Levi huffed in annoyance, covering his face with his hands. “Make a decision you aren’t going to regret, huh?” He murmured, tasting the words on his tongue.
1000 Hours. Soldier’s Barracks.
You buried your head in your pillow, cursing yourself for your boldness and stupidity in the presence of Captain Levi. You’d let your emotions bubble over and now it was probably going to be even more awkward than it had already been between you both.
Note to self, never take advice from Hange again.
Hange had listened sympathetically to you with each rant and rave you made about the situation. She felt she owed it to you after walking into an obviously tense moment between you and Captain Levi. Not being one for beating around the bush, Hange spent the week encouraging you to “get some balls and tell him how you feel!” Her words felt empowering, meaningful - It sounded like good advice.
You were starting to reconsider that notion.
Any semblance of friendship, any connection you may have had with the stormy-eyed man you called Captain - no - Levi, was up in smoke. The days, weeks, months you had worked to build that bond were pointless now.
You would have regretted going down without a fight.
A sigh escaped your lips and you further buried yourself in the sanctuary that was your bed.
And now I’m going to regret what I’ve ruined anyway.
2100 Hours - Squad Leaders’ Lounge
The ice in the whiskey glass between his fingers clinked carelessly as it melted. The liquid glowed a tempting auburn in the light of the fire before Levi as he sat in the leather chair he had grown fond of over the years.
“So this is where you’ve been, Shorty!” came Hange’s voice, sounding like nails on a chalkboard in Levi’s current state.
He let out a defeated sigh, glancing over at her as she made her way to the seat next to him, “What is it, Shitty-Glasses? I’m not in the mood right now.”
“Ooooh! Did Y/N come to see you today?” Hange wagged her eyebrows suggestively, noting the whiskey in his hand. “You never drink - it must have been quite an experience.”
Levi froze, his gaze hardening. “Hange, how much do you know?”
“Considering I’m the one who walked in on you both - despite your desperate attempts to look normal - it wasn’t exactly hard to figure most of it out myself. Y/N filled in the rest for me after I brought it up in an attempt to get an outside perspective.”
He huffed, running his free hand through his hair. “So you’re the one who told her to come see me, guns blazing.”
“What, it didn’t work?” The brunette guffawed, looking at Levi like he’d grown an extra head.
“What do you mean ‘What, it didn’t work,’ Hange?” Levi growled, clenching the whiskey glass tighter. “We’re in the middle of a war that isn’t going to end anytime soon. We could get eaten by those damn titans at any one of these expeditions.”
“And? And what good is getting into a relationship just to have it torn away from you?”
Hange groaned, shaking her head. “You don’t get it, Shorty.”
“What, pray tell, don’t I get?”
“What good is hiding from what you want when this is the only chance you might ever get?”
A pregnant silence filled the room as Levi was reminded of your words.
“I’d rather make the mistake I’ve been making with you over and over than die not knowing where this could have gone.”
“How do you know I feel the same way she does?” He countered, returning his gaze to the fire.
“Because you’re taking the time to listen to what I have to say,” Hange replied, a knowing smirk on her face. “And you wouldn’t be drinking a straight whiskey if you were so sure of yourself.”
“Shut it, Four-Eyes.”
“Aha! So I am right!”
“Regardless of if you are, say one more word and my foot is going to find a new home in your ass.”
Hange puffed out her cheeks, standing up and marching her way to the liquor cabinet before pouring herself a whiskey as well. “One more thing.”
“My foot is getting ever-closer to its new home, Hange,” Levi warned, his eyes glinting dangerously.
“If you don’t go to her, you’ll lose her regardless.” Hange shot back her whiskey quickly, setting the glass on the table next to Levi before walking to the door. “You’re the one always lecturing about regret. See you, Shorty.”
Levi sighed and knocked back his whiskey, hoping for the liquid courage he needed.
He hated when Hange was right.
2130 Hours, Soldier’s Barracks.
You snuck out of your room quietly, making your way to the mess hall to get yourself a cup of tea. Sleep had escaped you and it didn’t seem like it would return to you any time soon.
“Maybe I’ll train with Mikasa after drills. That should tire me out for tomorrow night.” You hummed, lost in your thoughts. You had calmed down measurably from this morning’s conversation, but still preferred to keep it buried in your subconscious.
The mess hall wasn’t a long walk from your room, and you found the dark, empty halls to be comforting. No wandering eyes, no loud conversations, no bustling soldiers to knock you out of your reverie. When you were alone you could let your guard down and just be y/n. No need for honorifics, no need for posturing. It came as a relief.
You opened the door to the hall quietly, slipping in and making your way to the kitchen. Lavender chamomile tea sounded exactly like what you needed, so you moved with purpose as you set the kettle on the stove and got a teabag from the cabinet nearby. While you waited for the water to boil, you set out a mug and went to light a candle on one of the dining tables.
Seems lonely to sit in the dark and drink tea, you mused, striking a match and carefully setting the wick of the candle aflame. A gentle light filtered through the hall, its glow a welcome comfort in the cold night. Satisfied with the new luminance the room provided, you padded back to the kitchen to wait on the kettle.
Levi made his way down the hall to your room, wondering if he should wait until the morning to talk to you. The chance of waking your bedmates left a sour taste in his mouth, but he also knew that waiting meant he would lose the nerve the whiskey had warmed his insides with.
As he rounded the corner, he noticed the door to the mess hall was open and a gentle light painted the walls nearby. Fully prepared to scold a cadet -namely Sasha- for stealing rations in the middle of the night, he moved past the threshold silently. The dining room was empty save the lone candle burning on one of the dining tables. Glancing at the door to the kitchen, he figured he’d be able to trap his culprit with relative ease.
The closer he got to the door, however, he realized the cadet out of bed was no thief. It was the one person he had planned to go find in the first place. Her h/c h/l hair was shining in the gentle light of the room and her back was facing the door. Levi faintly smelled the soothing scent of lavender and chamomile, noting the lack of tension in your shoulders - a welcome change from this morning’s argument.
You looked beautiful.
Knowing this was the chance he was looking for, he took a deep breath and quietly came behind you, putting a gentle hand on your arm.
The gentle touch of someone’s hand made you freeze, dropping the tea bag you had just removed from your mug right back into it with a gentle “plop”.
“Y/N.” The one voice you weren’t nearly prepared to hear resounded from behind you, sounding almost fragile.
“Captain.” You murmured, not turning around. Your only hope was that you sounded somewhat calm.
“Levi.” He responded, “Please look at me, Y/N.”
A shaky breath left your lips before you could stop it and you nodded, slowly turning to face Levi. You focused your gaze on the floor, not willing to meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry for being out of bed. I was just going to have some tea and head back.”
“That’s not why I’m here, Y/N. Look at me please.” His voice was uncharacteristically soft as he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger. Levi carefully lifted your head until your e/c eyes met his slate-gray ones.
You were unable to control the trembling of your breath as you met Levi’s gaze. Instead of the hardened expression you were used to, instead of the wall that he so carefully hid behind, his eyes laid bare his feelings of vulnerability.
“Why are you here, Levi?”
“To apologize.”
“For what? I was the one out of line today.”
“Maybe. That doesn’t change the fact that you were right.”
Your eyes widened at his declaration, surprise filling your features. “I’m not…sure I follow you.”
“Look - I…” He shut his eyes tightly, letting out a frustrated huff, “I’m really fucking bad with words, Y/N.”
“I won’t know what you’re here for unless you tell me.”
For a few moments, the only sound that could be heard was the gentle breaths being shared between you both.
“I don’t want to regret anything either,” Levi responded quietly, suddenly unable to meet your gaze.
“I still don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” You murmured, careful not to agitate him in his already vulnerable state.
“I’d rather just show you.”
“I’m sorry —?”
Your words were cut off by the feeling of a gentle, but firm arm around your waist. Levi’s other hand came to cup the side of your face and with a shuddering breath, he leaned in, giving you a feather-light kiss.
Time seemed to stop for a moment. Your eyes remained wide open, while his were squeezed shut. Levi desperately hoped this would give you the answer that you sought.
After a moment, Levi began to pull away. “I’m sorry, was that too forward of me? Shit, I’m really not good at this - I know you said the ball’s in my court and I’m probably fucking this up. I-”
”Stop.” You whispered, your hands coming to either side of his face.
“Stop talking.”
You pulled Levi to you, returning the kiss you had failed to before with fervor. You poured your heart into the kiss, hoping to communicate to Levi in a language he felt more comfortable with.
Levi responded with equal passion, pulling you flush against him. He held you as if letting go meant losing you forever. With each kiss you shared, the next was more desperate, filled with an even greater longing. It was almost as if you needed each other to breathe.
It wasn’t enough.
You let out a surprised squeal as Levi grabbed your ass and lifted you, setting you on the counter behind him and slipping between your legs.
“Y/N,” he breathed, the scent of whiskey present on his breath, “I love you.”
The light in the dining room glowed well into the night as you both shared the feelings Levi had tried so desperately to contain.
Before you knew it, the tea beside you had grown cold.
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paganchristian · 4 years ago
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Well, I like this picture of my cat, with his tongue curled, so that’s why I’m posting it.  Coincidentally I just noticed that there’s some bucket with a picture of it looks like the three wise men, in the corner behind him.  I don’t have a ready interpretation of that as having any significance, but maybe it would if I tried, to find it.  Or just found meaning whether it was “meant to be”, regardless.  And when I am analyzing things for possible signs, I look at all kinds of random details.  That is just one potential one that pops out at me.  Sometimes I will analyze or go into meditative states and see what signs seem to pop out at me from whatever and wherever, or from particular things, that seem to be more fluid and abundant in the signs and feelings that they give to me.  Like, pictures, personal photographs of ours, that is one thing.  Anyway, ..
The tongue-curling, well, I call it that but maybe it’s something else, not quite a curling tongue, but it’s cute.  Curling your tongue, it reminds me of childhood as my sister could curl her tongue but I could only partially curl mine and it seemed as if she was happy that she could do that better than me, if I recall correctly.  Lol 
Anyway the silliness of making faces, and again here we are at childhood themed stuff, a recurrent theme for me.  
I am thinking of that because to me, it needs to be reminded of again and again and again because I keep on veering into the zone of worrying and thinking too Much!  I can worry again, what of my salvation or Hell, I can worry, what about my family and loved ones and my daughter’s salvation or Hell, and I can worry about all of the things that I think that these Christians in these groups I’m drawn to might think.. I can worry how they might condemn or argue or debate over this or that with me, if they were to tell me how they saw my life, my thoughts, my feelings and my experiences, my interpretations and so on.  I can think of all of the taboos I break that might send me to Hell in their eyes.  I can think about all of the criticisms I would make that might make me a big problem to them, an outsider, intruding, stirring up conflict.  But I can think of how I seem to need to express my problems I have with the things they do, because if I don’t’ do that then I feel repressed, self-destructive.  I need to talk about the harm that these things are causing my heart and mind and soul, so that I can think it out.  In the secluded, sequestered cloister of my own soul and my heart and my prayers to God, there is not enough conscious articulate  awareness.  I am trapped when I keep things there.  
But even these people say you need a spiritual guide, to tell all to, when you have conflict and confusion.  So they admit the need to talk things out.  But I will not do that, that is, have such a one-on-one spiritual guide as they say you need, for one, because I’m not even a member of any kind of church, where you would find your guide, nor do I feel I should be a member of the church either, because I don’t agree with all of the rules or beliefs that they require, and nor follow the rules they demand enough to belong there.  And I also don’t need a spiritual guide because I feel like it is very confining, and repressive, suffocating and controlling, the role it puts you in, if you have to depend on one person for all that, and if that person doesn’t really understand you and respect you and care about you and have compassion for you, if your situation goes way beyond what they can comprehend and know how to deal with, then you are likely to be judged, given wrong advice, given simplistic answers.  I don’t need that yet again, as my weird situation has over and over again been the source of great pain when I tried to seek others’ input, and they wrongly judged and wrongly advised me, and if you place all of that pressure and expectation upon one solitary person, it’s way too much build-up and commitment to someone who you’re just assuming will understand and be able to care for you in the way you need, and not actually harm you instead, as everyone else has done.  Some helped me, but mostly everyone has harmed me as much as they helped or harmed me way more than they helped me. 
Anyway, I just want to forget all this feeling that I need to think and worry about that, any of that.  Can’t I just think about practical obvious real world grounded life?  Of course, and I think that is really what God wants me to do right now.  I have health problems and my family does too, and I can address them to the best of my ability.  I can try to think of how to connect to family members so that neither one of us is as lonely and isolated, and so that I will hopefully take small steps to learn, bit by bit, how to be more social, so that I can also have that skill for whenever I might need it in my life in the future, and I’m not completely isolated from every person who is not in my immediate family.  I can teach my daughter the social habits and mannerisms and views and skills I gain.  So that she will learn how to make the most of these things and not just be one more isolated, self-absorbed, lonely person who cannot find any way to connect to others.  Who can find what to appreciate and find what there is in common that is truly relatable and worthwhile.  Not that awkward feeling of forced and painful seeking solace and validation in others, when it’s not authentic and not true.  Not that because that leads to a worse kind of loneliness that just being alone, oftentimes.  But in spite of all the differences and the lack of ability to relate, still being able to find something that makes interacting worthwhile and meaningful and rewarding so we’re not so totally alone in this world, and so we have more than just our immediate family, who after all might not always be there one day.
What is it that makes me feel like I need to settle all these debates and these crises and dramas and threats regarding religion and spirituality?  I think it’s only the voices of echoed memories of things I’ve read and heard and been told, that others have said, don’t do this, you can’t do this, you must do this, or you will be lost, you are wrong, you will go to Hell, etc, etc.  And I should know that I have to live my actual life and I can’t get lost in these never-ending debates while my life goes astray or  gets stuck in degenerating cycles, where I can’t get anywhere because there is no one to talk to, no clear answer, no honest straightforward discussion of my points, not the time and emotional and mental energy to think it all through, anyway.  
I just have to remember how to let it all go.  But excessive prayer and spiritual reading do  not help me with that, at all.  I seem to need to deeply distract myself from the majority of religious stuff, and only keep a bare minimum of practices.
Every day is so full of miracles, signs, coincidences, and special, unique moments.  Rare things happen all of the time, every day, to everyone.  But each rare thing only happens rarely, just like the many wildflowers blooming and so on, each blooming only a short time.  But because we realize they’re ordinary, because they’re not totally unheard of, we shove them aside, as if they’re not very important and yet that is where I find all of my inspiration, all my signs, usually.  In things that appear so ordinary even though they’re not as ordinary as they seem, at all, if you look at all the connecting coincidences, associations and synchronicities going on, all the different events that happen in a short time, in my mind, my dreams, my feelings and thoughts and ideas and little things that happen in my life and they all start to connect, in so many ways.  Ways that are easy for someone to deny because they could just be coincidence but when you accept that coincidence can be meaningful even if it seems likely and not that rare, then you at  that point, you have opened the door to a great world of wonder and joy and amazement, ideas, and insights that can change everything in your existence.  
So why can’t I just let God talk to me like that?  Why can’t I just let God talk to me through the feelings, the dreams, the visions and psychic impressions, and let that be his gift and guidance, in addition to my constant prayer, without going more formally into all the practices and beliefs they say I have to follow?  
And the only reason shy I couldn’t do that would be is if I agreed to go along with what they say.  What humans have made into traditions over time, and rules and so forth.  And though they say it’s all God’s rules, and God’s demands he put on us, well, how can I assume such?  When following those very rules is trapping me into a feeling of dissociated anxiety that prevents me doing real things that are good for clear, important actions of love and caring?  When escapism and playfulness and daydreaming are healing me way more than prayers and religious practices would?  Then what?  I guess that is up for me to decide, because it is my life and I am the only one who can decide what I’ll believe about what I should do, and how, and why, and when.  
What I can do, or can’t do, can believe or can’t believe. Even when I’ve asked God to help me believe and help me do these practices and it’s not working very well and he instead seems to be telling me to go do my escapist things, to just have fun.  And I pray all the while I’m doing these fun and escapist things, so it’s not like I’m leaving God behind.  God is in the fun and escapism and daydreaming.  
It will have to be ok, for now, because I think I will drive myself crazy and waste a horrifying amount of time if I try to worry about all the ways I’m supposedly wrong and must follow rules according to certain Christians, but can’t follow them.  No I just can’t let my life fall apart while I worry about such things.  
I feel like maybe the reason that religious rules are so rigid is that people are creatures of habit.  They are easily distressed if their rules and patterns are disrupted and so they create rules to represent their habits they want or choose to follow.  It doesn’t need to make total sense or work all the time, it just needs to be a consistent habit for them.  And then, the reason they get so upset  when they see others doing differently or when they hear others arguing against their rules is because it makes them start to feel doubt over their habits.  They really want to cling to those habits and they can’t stand doubt to be cast on them.  People are so fragile, so easily upset in their sense of self-image and personal sense of purpose and validity, thinking they have a right to be the way they are, or thinking they are good enough, as so on.  When someone starts to do things differently, they are so fragile, they start to think that if that person is doing things differently, maybe my way isn’t good and theirs is the better or the only good way.  But when people have developed rigid habits, and they prop up their religious and moral identity on them, they are very fragile if they feel that someone’s different way of doing things might be better and might show that their way is wrong.  I think that this also might account for the rampant conformity and judgmental attitudes and us vs. them mentalities that are so prevalent in human societies, even over things that absolutely don’t make any sense at all.  So you have people getting all uptight over the way others’ dress and it’s not a matter of say, indecency or offensiveness, or anything, or you have people who are judgmental about all kinds of trivial things and get very cruel and divisive over these things.
Then funny thing is that I see this behavior in my daughter, or rather, I see the insecurity that she has, when we do things differently or ask her to do something differently or ask shy she did something a certain way, and it’s not even like we are at all judgmental or harsh.  We are extremely respectful, open minded, understanding, positive, supportive parents and have always been and she is not around another negative input in that way.  We are both weird, too, and not conformists in our ways of acting so she’s not learning that from us either, and we aren’t around anyone else who would affect her in that way. 
I think it’s an instinct, to be overreactive to these things and insecure.  I have been noticing behaviors like this among others too, and how people oftentimes seem to easily upset and disrupted in their beliefs, their feelings, and their attitudes, and the least little thing from others makes them feel insecure or offended or hurt or confused, and so that might explain why religions sometimes are so controlling and fixated on every little detail of peoples’ lives even when those rules don’t always make sense or work and aren’t even possible.  And why some of these religious groups try to stamp out dissent and threaten you if you dare criticize anyone.   Because they are scared the sense of unity and harmony and confidence will be disrupted and people will lose their fragile sense of confidence in the religions.  
It’s repressive, but so are people’s mindsets and they can’t handle the least rocking the boat, and I on the other hand feel like I’m living in a stormy sea and my boat can’t not rock, but I don’t fit in with those who have to have all these rules.  I have to make my own rules or guidelines.  Maybe I do recall times in my life when I had a greater need for that kind of conformity and unity of identity and behavior with the others in my group, because I was so lost and confused but that was signal to me of what to do, what to think, what to believe and what to feel, when I was totally at a loss otherwise.  But now I can’t do it anymore.  My life demands a much more individualistic, outside the rules and lines approach.  I would become extremely mentally ill or even lose my mind, and make myself miserable if I even tried to be so silent and conforming and so approving and positive to the things that cause m great harm and need to be spoken openly about, even if only in the privacy of a blog that is still not completely private, so I feel like I'm not suffocated into total submission and repression, as if my human life and reality did not need and deserve to be cared about or noticed and given a voice, among other humans. 
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madamlaydebug · 6 years ago
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The Great Awakening has begun ★
Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the food source of the Archons
The Mainstream Media is the last bastion of the “Deep State”
The real question is how do we become conscious?
We all are Slaves to the System
We all want to be free, healthy, educated and live in a peaceful society
Mass Awakening is the Cabal’s greatest Fear
The awakening is erupting. Being awake comes with a price. It may have been difficult and painful going through the stages of awakening, but convincing others by challenging circumstances and conditions to open the eyes and minds of others is even more difficult. It has become a struggle against time when awake and one sees all the injustices that could have easily been avoided.
It’s very sad to see unawakened people being tossed to and fro, without having a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake-up designed by the Deep State. Nevertheless, that should help every one of us to come to our senses and surpass this false reality. Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, stumbling across realities they never considered possible, or could have ever imagined before.
If the truth be known, the awake are responsible for sharing it ardently, but also for doing it with a passion. Not always pleasant, but a duty that must be done. The hour is late and the timeframe we are living in is terrible, the necessity brings forth optimal awareness and swift action. There’s no alternative left.
The world is bankrupt financially, economically, and morally, but through manipulation and deceit, people are led to believe that all is well. It’s absolutely absurd that all the bubble assets are at such astronomical highs, while wealth-preservation assets like gold and silver have been totally annihilated through manipulation. The elite and the media continuously fool the people regarding the state of the world.
Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the food source of the Archons
The tactics employed are comprised of manipulating economies, trade and the masses through fear: fear of war, fear of starvation, fear of economic collapse, imprisonment and death. This state of mind has directed and shaped global events for centuries and has become the standard operating procedure. This process of enslaving civilisations is contrary to the survival drive of humanity and suppresses the natural instinct of all humans to do good and be kind to each other.
Do not view all this madness from a foundation of fear; this will just make you angry and aggressive, which in turn will lead to violence and a perpetuation of this madness. It is hard to remain calm when faced with the hard truth, but it’s what must be done, in order to safely get through this. Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the sort of emotions that have led to this madness and it is the food source of the Archons. Stop feeding them and help to change our world view completely. In this way, we will change everything for the better, by changing our way of thinking.
Bear in mind; the real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many. The credit money system is a clever way of doing so. The bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals. The average citizen unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. As an example, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurised goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.
The Mainstream Media, the last bastion of the “Deep State”
The Mainstream Media is the last bastion of the “Deep State” organised crime network that, over the years in the past, has infiltrated and hijacked most, if not all institutions. But, their days are numbered and the ensuing collapse will most likely be violent and shocking to all those unaware of what is unfolding.
The principal source of the Deep State’s power is their control of the process of creating and distributing money, i.e. their ownership of almost all of the world’s central banks, and multinationals. They have used this money-power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at top levels of power in order to enforce their control. They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool at their disposal to rig society and markets where necessary.
Fortunately, trust in the mainstream media has fallen to an all-time low and continues to plummet. Much of this has to do with an increasingly aware and disgruntled public: More and more people are able to discern a mainstream media totally lacking integrity, thanks to the rising popularity of the independent/alternative media, exposing the dishonesty.
People are increasingly seeing right through the various media sources with their dogmatic, unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies; intended to sell us the spin of disinformation to keep people ignorant, deceived and helplessly anaesthetised in the world’s matrix controlling system.
The real question is how do we become conscious?
Our overwhelming, uncontrollable mass awakening is what the world’s ruling elite fear the most. Since we greatly outnumber them and their associates, they wouldn’t know how to deal with our vast numbers, even with their advanced technology. As a result, the real question is how do we become conscious?
Since ancient times, under the ruling thumb of the world’s Black Nobility or dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocities. Those unable to see that just about every matter under the sun is a deception, that their family and friends are affected in every way imaginable; those who don’t yet realise the extent to which the dark overlords have us tightly stitched up, are indeed about to experience the shock of a lifetime when this entire fraudulent system comes crashing down. What they have clung to as a reality will soon sink into the abyss of Grand Deceptions.
Simply, become conscious by choosing it. By acting on those synchronicities better known as meaningful coincidences. By acting on that which calls, moves and inspires us. Taking action through listening to our inner voice, coming from our inner being; paying attention to our gut feelings and basic instincts.
Choosing to become conscious means detaching one’s self from the mind control programming; escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison matrix woven around us by the Globalist’s oppression.
Breaking free from the mind programming and the imposition of others, with multidimensional consciousness, escaping the dualistic confinements of matter, energy and space-time, anything is possible, and the Truth will be revealed. Creating a driving desire to find out more about the truth regarding what is going on in our world. Seeing that the world is in a mess and we are all plodding along, business as usual, expecting someone else to sort it all out. Most of us are too busy earning money and surviving, as surviving, by design, takes up all our time. Most people cannot seem to see beyond that and that is why we are in this mess in the first place.
We have all been manipulated and played. We have all been mesmerised, hypnotised and turned into consumer-driven slaves. Making money for the large corporations and the 0.1% rich of the world is the name of the game, or so we have been programmed. Each day they get richer and richer, finding new ways, like global warming and CO2 emission taxes, to force us to part with our hard-earned money; they are very clever at it. They know how to manipulate the human mind, they know how to get us to spend our money and we don’t even realise it is happening.
Governments extract far too much money from us, and we use almost all of our time on Earth working for this money. They leave every family with a small amount to spare, while the really wealthy manage to avoid paying their taxes through carefully engineered loopholes.
The real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many. The money system is a clever way of doing so.
We all are Slaves to the System
The modern world of industry, commerce, and investment works on win-win software. Only governments with their conflicts, wars, taxes, tariffs, ‘do-this laws’, and ‘don’t-do-that prohibitions’, continue to operate on pre-civilised programming. It is a relic, an institution with a ‘grab whatever we can grab’ mentality.
A trade war is just as phony as a war on drugs, a war on crime, or a war on terror. None are worth fighting for. And none are winnable. It is meant to reward the elite at others’ expense. Nothing more, nothing less. Think of it, we are all, quite simply, slaves to the system! The people at the bottom are paying for the people at the top to keep their lavish life styles. We pay our taxes and any money that is left over is coveted by major corporations.
We are bombarded with adverts continuously, telling us to buy more stuff we don’t need. We are encouraged to spend, spend and then spend some more. We replace everything, even when it doesn’t need replacing. We need to get out of this mentality.
We need to re-cycle, re-use and make do with what we have. We have all been brainwashed into this consumerism insanity. It’s all been smoke and mirrors, mind-games, played out on the world stage, aiming to keep us all in a state of awe and fear.
We all want to be free, healthy, educated, and live in a peaceful society
Our subconscious minds have been conditioned to see only what differentiates us, rather the things that bind us. Believe it or not, we’re extremely similar in all aspects.
We may come from different backgrounds or different cultures, but we all have the same basic values in life. We all want to be free, healthy, educated, to live in a peaceful society and to have access to the basic necessities for survival. That’s about it. Wherever we live in the world. Basically, all we really want is to be happy and healthy.
Instead, we have wars, hunger, insecurity, homelessness, and many around the world don’t have access to clean water and food. And it’s all by design because, people who are constantly “on the edge” don’t have time for self-education, introspection and eventually spiritual awakening.
We all are the victims of mass propaganda and brainwashing. It has reached the point where families choose to believe the media and the governments of the world, rather than members of their own family and friends who have woken up to the truth and are attempting to warn them and awaken them.
The truth can be frightening and that is why people want to avoid it. They would rather stick their heads in the sand like an ostrich, believing that as long as they choose not to look at it, it will not exist. Unfortunately for them, Truth has a way of existing, even in the face of ridicule and denial. It does not need the approval of a counterparty to become legitimate. Truth simply Is. Once you know the truth, you can never go back, even if you want to. The truth cannot be unseen; once seen, the truth stays with you forever. In any event, be assured, the truth will come out in the end, as it always does.
The truth comes at a cost – it will end all the lies and the illusions that people previously based their entire lives on. And that is an on-going process. – Many feel lost and afraid right now all across the spectrum of humanity. This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that. However, parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic designs, a massive arousal of the human spirit is occurring, spurred on by an arising of conscious awareness and a deep sense of growing personal realisation and empowerment.
Most may not recognise these rising, seemingly confusing energetic changes, as being the creative process at work, but it is, THE GREAT AWAKENING. First, preceding this creativity is a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress. These two dynamics work alongside each other.
The Elite see us as their slaves, our sole purpose being to provide them with our energy money, so that they can follow their master plan, bringing about the New World Order.
We have procreated very well and are now, in their view, overrunning the planet, so they now want to cull a large number of us. Hence GMO’s, fluoride, chemtrails, vaccinations and the endless wars; all these things lower our immunity for whatever they have planned for us.
They want us to be in a state of eternal slumber, hypnotised and brainwashed by their omnipresent propaganda and most of us have unwittingly complied with their wishes. But, we are more powerful than them and they know it, which is why they have been so patient. Humanity is waking up, slowly but surely.
One of the reasons humanity cannot grasp what is going on, is because these creatures are so evil, that it’s hard to believe just how vile they are. And people are actually right in their disbelief of these atrocities: human beings cannot be this cruel!
Humans are not at the pinnacle of this diabolical plan, it is a Reptilian agenda, and Reptilians cannot experience positive emotions. They are simply unable to care for others or to experience noble emotions, such as love or empathy. They are driven by fear, hate, rivalry and competition. The truth is far stranger and more incredible than we can imagine, say whistle-blowers like Corey Goode.
Will our mass awakening to the deception produce a turnaround, into a world that makes a difference for everyone? A world where there are no predators, no controlling hierarchy, no blood-sucking vampires, slave-drivers at the top, ruling the enslaved at the bottom. No more fighting for self-sufficiency, because we will achieve everything in the communities we live in.
It is up to all of us to contribute our part.
Source: Final Wakeup Call
LOVE; ONE Inner Light & a New Earth to EveryONE ★
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webmarket01 · 4 years ago
10 Simple Tips Lose Weight | Natural Solutions Magazine - dedicated to teach people how to live better
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/10-simple-tips-lose-weight-natural-solutions-magazine-dedicated-to-teach-people-how-to-live-better/
10 Simple Tips Lose Weight | Natural Solutions Magazine - dedicated to teach people how to live better
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Do you want to lose weight? The months between November and February have a tendency to be tough on the waistline when compared to the rest of the year. Starting at Thanksgiving and even pushing past Valentine’s Day, holidays and marketing schemes inundate consumers with savory notions that somehow always place high-calorie foods at the forefront of an “ideal” festive scenario. It seems like cruel coincidence that these holidays all take place at the prime of hibernation season. Cold weather is a transparent invitation to stay in, carve out a spot on the sofa, and indulge your senses with smells and tastes you wouldn’t dream of entertaining during bikini weather. It’s no wonder you just might have a noticeable gain around the middle. So with Spring around the corner it is time to lose weight and shed those extra pounds.
Even though wintery temptations are plentiful and most of us do indulge a little more than usual, recent studies show that the weight gain might not be as bad as we once thought. In fact, several studies now show that the average weight gain during the winter months is only one pound.
That’s the good news. The bad news? According to a recent report in The New England Journal of Medicine, most people never lose weight, not even that one pound. Being that the average adult gains one to two pounds per year, most of the credit for that weight gain goes to the cumulative effects of cold-weather eating.
This doesn’t just apply to the middle-aged, though. University of Oklahoma researchers found that we can start accumulating that muffin top early in life—college-age early, in fact. In a study that documented holiday weight gain among students during Thanksgiving break, the average gain for 94 students was about one pound. Students who were a normal weight gained about a half-pound during the period. Students who were overweight—meaning their body mass index (BMI) was 25 or more—gained two pounds.
So what does all this mean? Well, for those who are already overweight, you’re likely to put on more than those in the sub-25-BMI category. So while those of a normal weight range may only gain a pound of winter weight, overweight individuals could gain five pounds during the colder months. That’s why it’s so important to lose weight,  get in shape and stay in shape: then you will be less likely to pack on the pounds come next winter.
Renovating your diet and staying fit should be fun, not a chore. Try integrating some of the following tips this spring and watch your waistline melt away like snow.
/Forget the fads: No fad diet on the market is going to allow you to maintain a normal weight long-term—especially when it seems that each diet’s principles conflict with the others. Although some do introduce helpful nutrition concepts, most just set you up for failure and disappointment. You start a new diet excited and hopeful, but when you either blow it or you complete it successfully, it’s over. Where do you go from there?
Usually up—in your weight. The American Psychological Association found that as many as two-thirds of all dieters eventually gain more weight than they lose. Instead of dieting, make small changes in your everyday food choices that will gradually allow you to change your eating habits and lead to a sustained healthy weight.
/Control your portions: You would be surprised by what you can still eat when you want to lose weight if you only allow yourself to have a little bit. Portion control is all about limiting your intake of calories and being aware of the amount of food and drink you consume—but don’t overdo it. While you don’t want to eat too much, you most certainly don’t want to eat too little either. Try using portion control dishware and eat on smaller eight-inch plates instead of the traditional 12-inch ones—this forces you to eat less. When eating out, split a meal with a friend or only eat half. If you buy food in bulk, divide it up and make individual servings ahead of time so you don’t overconsume. These tips can help you lose weight.
/Keep a food journal: We have all heard of keeping a food log that documents each day’s intake by meal and calorie count, right? Jonny Bowen, PhD, CNS, and nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition, and health suggests trying something a little different with a “reverse food journal.” For example, every morning you write down exactly what you will eat throughout the day, and then simply stick to that plan. Bowden suggests this is much easier to do once you’ve manifested it by writing it down.
Another play on this concept is journaling what you don’t eat. Go ahead and give yourself some credit for those bad foods you didn’t eat, and give yourself a pat on the back because of the foods you had the power to say no to.
/Stay balanced: Eating a well-balanced diet simply means that you don’t consume too much or too little of a specific nutrient. Eating in colors is always a good idea. Fruits and vegetables are densely packed with vitamins and minerals essential to good health, and this is evidenced in their bright colors. If you can’t find fresh fruits or vegetables during the winter months, try buying them frozen, but make sure there is no added sugar. Whole grains, fish, and lean sources of protein will also benefit a well-balanced diet.
“Stick to higher protein, higher fat, higher vegetables, and cut the pasta, rice, bread, cereals, and potatoes. Don’t drink soda, and don’t eat French fries. For many people these few changes will be enough to reset the dials and knock off some of the damage,” says Bowden.
Part of winter weight gain could stem from an evolutionary adaptation that results in subcutaneous fat to help protect the body from cold, says Bowden. Under all those layers of clothes, you might lose consciousness of your own body—or you might just not move around that much. Spring should serve as a great motivator for exercise. Warm weather and longer days are the perfect backdrop to an outdoor workout regimen.
/Set realistic goals: Do you want to lose ten pounds? Fit into a certain bathing suit or pair of shorts? Run a mile without stopping? Whatever your benchmark is, write it on the mirror, stick it to the fridge, or hang it up on the wall, and work toward that specific end. Having something to incite you to move each day will make it easier to stick to your goals and visualize your progress.
/Mix up your routine: Not only can exercise slim your waistline, it can also prevent or reverse chronic diseases and ultimately allow you to live longer. To get the best results, vary your workout routine between aerobic activities like walking, running, or biking, and strength-training exercises that can be done either in a gym or in your own home. The American Heart Association recommends getting 30 minutes of moderately intense aerobic exercise on most days of the week. Accompanying this with resistance training torches calories, tones your body, and even improves bone density as you age.
/Find a buddy: To integrate a regular workout routine into your lifestyle, it helps to actually enjoy it. Finding a friend to exercise with or even a recreational sports team to be a part of can make getting in shape an enjoyable experience instead of a chore. Working out with a friend can hold you both to a higher standard. Once those competitive juices start flowing, you are likely to push yourself farther and get better results than if you were doing it alone.
The trick to actually losing the weight and keeping it off? Be easy on yourself if you deviate from the plan. Getting fit is a lifestyle change—it’s not all or nothing. Improving the way you eat and increasing your activity levels should be a gradual change, so that you can actually sustain it over time.
/Stress less and sleep more: The easiest, cheapest, and most immediate weight management strategy is to manage your stress and get enough sleep. Stressing only unnecessarily adds on the pounds. Stress and lack of sleep can truly wreak havoc on your hormones, and weight gain and loss is ultimately a hormonally driven event.
“Stress and lack of sleep both raise cortisol levels, which, when elevated, burn up muscle (slowing metabolic rate) and trigger the storage of belly fat,” explains Bowden. “Even worse, high levels of cortisol lead to high levels of insulin, which is the perfect storm for fat storage and diabetes.”
/Make it fun: Keep in mind why you are doing this. For some, losing weight is motivated by the desire to fit in a great pair of jeans, and for others it’s mainly to feel good and improve overall health. Once you start losing inches, your goals may change once again. Think about other life goals and integrate them into your healthy lifestyle in a fun way. This spring or summer, you could hike the Appalachian Trail, attend a surf school, bike through wine country, participate in a walkathon for a meaningful charity, or run a 5K—the list is endless!
/Reward yourself: Reward yourself in a healthy way for hitting your benchmarks. You could do something as simple as placing a sticker or check mark on a goal sheet. You could also treat yourself to a favorite activity like a pedicure, massage, movie, or buy a new outfit. Having something to show for all your hard work can motivate you to push farther!
Cara Lucas
This content was originally published here.
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thesecondsealwrites · 6 years ago
Mirror Soul Meaning: Twin Flames Stages And Signs
You've undoubtedly heard of the concept of soul mates, and have perhaps even daydreamed about finding yours. Nevertheless, you may also have dismissed the concept and think it is an implausible fantasy and settled for a relationship that merely feels comfortable. The reality is that not only do soul mates exist, but it’s possible to form even deeper connections. Experts call these matches twin flames. While twin flame relationships still face hardships and do not always last forever, they represent an important chance for happiness and growth.
So, what exactly is a twin flame? How do you know if you have encountered your mirror soul? In this guide, we'll explain the nature of a twin flame, and outline the most common signs that you have this type of bond with someone in your life. Next, we'll explore the seven distinct twin flame stages that you're likely to experience in any twin flame relationship. Plus, consider what these stages will mean for you and your match.
What Is A Twin Flame?
Sometimes discussed in terms of a “mirror soul” or “soul connection”, a twin flame is the other half of your soul. It is theorized that a soul can split into two after ascending to a high frequency. Thereafter, the soul lands in two different bodies.
If you compare a twin flame vs. soulmate, it’s important to note that a soul mate is someone who is made from the same kind of energy as you, but who has never existed in fusion with you. So, although soul mate connections are highly significant, an encounter with a twin flame is on another level entirely. Usually, this will lead to romance. However, it can also manifest in the form of an intense friendship.
“We think we meet someone with our eyes. But we actually meet them with our soul” ― Mimi Novic
If you have a twin flame, you are fated to meet this person at some point in your life journey. The two of you will be pulled together like magnets! You will know when you've connected with this person because you'll immediately experience a sense of recognition. Many people describe an uncanny sense of having known their twin flame all their lives. When you encounter the person who carries the other half of your energy, it can create a profound and life-altering sense of wholeness.
Your relationship will naturally be extremely intense because twin flames are mirrors of one another. This person will not only provide a sense of wholeness; they will also elevate your self-knowledge, including knowledge of your flaws. Consequently, there's a potential for conflict as well as happiness. Rest assured that it is possible to have a happy, healthy relationship with your twin flame. However, this is only possible if you can learn to love yourself, as your twin flame is part of you. This love must be honest and unconditional! Otherwise, a part of you will always be driven to reject your twin flame.
  Most Common Twin Flame Symptoms
While the above summary of a twin flame will help you get a general sense of what to look out for, there are also more specific indicators that you've encountered your other half.
The most common twin flame signs are as follows:
Intuitively knowing what the other person is doing, feeling, or thinking about. Plus, you find that they can detect the same things about you.
Sharing many of the same interests, values, hobbies, and preferences. For example, your twin flame probably has a lot of books in your favorite genre. Similarly, you likely gravitate towards the same food as well.
Often having the same thoughts or emotions at the same time, even if you're in different places. When you're together in person, this may result in you saying the same thing at almost the exact same moment.
Feeling a strong physical pull to touch and be close, whether in a romantic or platonic setting.
Having the same dreams at night, and frequently appearing in each other's dreams. Sometimes your dreams will only overlap in theme, but the core message and feeling will be similar.
Feeling like you can easily communicate without speaking out loud. A simple glance will often be enough to tell you what your twin flame thinks about what's going on around you.
Understanding complex or hidden parts of each other. This can be uncomfortable and confronting, but it can also be deeply liberating and validating.
Sharing some of the same vulnerabilities and weaknesses. You may see some of your old faults in your twin flame, or have some of your present difficulties highlighted by the way this person behaves.
Feeling like it's safe and natural to be your authentic self around this person. For example, even if you're normally shy, a twin flame will quickly make you feel comfortable enough to just be you.
7 Twin Flames Stages
Meeting a twin flame is a special, life-altering moment! However, it's only the beginning of what is in store for both of you. Encountering one another kick-starts a dynamic new part of your life; one that will facilitate growth, inspire change and challenge you to fully accept yourself. Think of encountering your twin flame as the first step on a journey.
We’ll explore each of the twin flame stages in turn, and look at the connection between twin flame symptoms and each of these crucial stages. Some are primarily associated with wonderful experiences while others can be emotionally arduous, but all of them are necessary parts of encountering the other half of yourself. There are seven major twin flame steps to the process. Nonetheless, be aware that you may go through them at a slow or faster rate than other people will.
Stage 1. The Search
The search stage involves a strong sense of yearning and an acute awareness that something is lacking in your life. Even if you've never really thought about soul mates and twin flames before, this is the stage at which you begin to believe that there really is a perfect match out there for you. In all likelihood, you'll doubt this feeling at first; you may feel unsure about what you should do with it, but at the deepest level, you will find it impossible to shake the conviction that you will meet “the one”.
The search stage is also partly about preparing your life for the incoming arrival of your twin flame, even though you may not know why you are doing this. For example, you may start a journal, engage in therapy, or work to find closure after past relationships. On an unconscious level, you know that all of these things are necessary if you are to welcome your twin flame.
Stage 2. The Awakening
As noted above in the discussion of soulmate signs, you tend to just know when you've encountered your twin flame. This second, awakening stage is where you physically meet, and the awareness of your compatibility hits you head on. This will often be a chance encounter that is full of coincidences and little signs that your meeting was destined to take place.
Sometimes, you won't be together for very long, but even brief contact is enough to make you aware that something special is happening. It's also worth noting that the awakening can take place in a dream, meaning that you “meet” your twin flame in the dreamscape before you ever cross paths in real life. Regardless of how you meet, you will be shaken by the intensity of the bond you feel. You may feel intoxicated by it, and find that all of your waking moments are occupied by thoughts of this person.
Stage 3. The Test
(Haven't found your twin flame yet? Sign up now for your FREE Love Tool Kit and discover how to manifest your dream partner… No catches, no credit card required. Click here now to find out more.)
The test stage of a twin flame experience is defined by trying to understand your relationship with this other person. It is all about establishing boundaries, testing your limitations, and moving past the purely blissful experience of initially falling in love.
This stage will only occur once you've had enough time to enjoy a “honeymoon” phase. Plus, this stage is crucial if you are going to have a more meaningful, long-term relationship. For example, it is at this point that you will negotiate what your future will look like, and will begin to notice what may constitute obstacles to that future.
Although you are destined to know and love each other, you will still engage in conflicts (in the same way that before you met your twin flame, you engaged in conflict with other parts of yourself). Whether and how you resolve these conflicts, will define whether you'll be able to stay together.
Stage 4. The Crisis
While twin flame love can be euphoric, it also inevitably involves a crisis stage. While this is often unpleasant, the good news is that it can also catalyze a deeper, more stable bond in the longer term. This stage involves significant anxiety and worries about your bond with your twin flame, and the crisis can be just about anything. It may be related to grief, betrayal, struggles with self-love or any number of other things that put pressure on your connection with your twin flame.
In spite of the supernatural compatibility of twin flames, this is often a point at which the two people decide to separate (a process that is extra painful given that it involves giving up a part of yourself). However, if you can get through the next few stages, you will emerge stronger than ever before.
Stage 5. The Running Or Chasing Stage
No matter what form the crisis stage takes, it is always followed by a running or chasing stage. You may be in either role, and you and your twin flame may switch back and forward between the two roles. This stage revolves around one twin flame distancing themselves, often out of fear of confronting the level of intimacy that the two of you are capable of experiencing. The twin in this role will be in pain and will feel very defensive and resistant. Meanwhile, the other twin flame will give chase, believing that the bond is worth fighting for and working on.
This stage can only end up when the running twin stops trying to get away, and the chasing twin stops trying to push. Often, the end of this stage is characterized by both twin flames realizing that there are forces at work beyond their control.
Stage 6. The Surrender
In the surrender stage, both of you will start to give up on a previous need to control your relationship. In this context, surrendering isn't about giving up on your connection, but rather about accepting that neither of you can escape from destiny. This can be a positive realization that releases you both from past anxieties and allows you to better live in the moment, trusting that the universe will lead you to where you need to go.
Do note that it's only possible to progress through the surrender stage if both of you work on the issues that led to the crisis and the running/chasing stages. For many people, the core issue here relates to the fact that twin flames are mirrors. So, often, the things you will need to work through are the negative feelings you have about yourself, which are reflected back to you in the eyes of your twin.
Stage 7. The Reunion and Joining
When you and your twin flame move on to the reunion stage, you'll have a sense of relief at the fact that balance is being restored.
In going through the previous, challenging stages, you'll have learned a lot about yourselves and about the potential attached to the unique kind of love you have found.
For some twin flames, this reunion will be physical in nature. For example, the two of you may finally come back to the same place, agreeing to share a home, or finally physically consummating your bond.
Irrespective of the particular form the reunion takes, it carries with it a sense of peace, acceptance and reciprocal understanding.
If you can weather the more tumultuous parts of your journey, twin flame energy inevitably leads both parties to this joining stage. After the reunion, the hard work is over; all you need to do now is live, enjoying the sense of completeness that can only be found in each other's companionship.
The post Mirror Soul Meaning: Twin Flames Stages And Signs appeared first on The Law Of Attraction.
from The Law Of Attraction https://ift.tt/2CkFVPJ via LifeChange.site
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