#people who should read this but were just mentioned: roe jonah kurt
sunnetrolls · 2 years
Hey taz! How go the letters? Do you have any favorites in terms of word choice?
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"Ahah! About that. You all were correct when you claimed I had new penpals-- I'm not certain how, but that is beyond my figuring."
"I suppose I can just describe some of the... Surprise letters, so to speak, that I have received as of late."
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"The first I received that I didn't recognize was actually from someone that I saw once very briefly quite a while ago. I doubt that he remembers me-- not everyone has my memory, of course. You never know, certainly, but judging by his letter he seemed to not recognize my name. Besides, he was a friend of a friend of a friend, ahah, so it's not like we had properly met."
"Anyways! The letter! I mistook it at first for one of Gordon's, but it was a delightful surprise when Nocyon corrected me that it was instead from one Muiren Neille. How he came to know of my existence and especially my address is beyond me, but there are much worse trolls who could stumble upon that knowledge, certainly. I can trust a friend of Thanat's to use that knowledge wisely."
"The envelope and stationery was not the exact same as Gordon's, of course, but it had the same feel-- I'm just not familiar enough with different types of paper to dictate it properly, ahah. High quality, though! I appreciate someone who puts the care into a letter like that. Wax sealed, but with no symbol or other emblem; I can guess why. And, for once, Nocyon wasn't reluctant to read for me-- apparently his handwriting is quite pleasant and easy to read."
"It is nice to get to meet him after so many sweeps. He has a very intriguing reputation, you know."
"But I have other letters to talk about rather than spilling the poor man's history. It's not mine to tell. I recently received a letter from a much more out of the blue individual-- made poor Nocie do a double take when he read the name, ahah! Her Beloved Annihilation himself. I'm not all too familiar with the higher-ups in the Fleet, but Nocyon served and Planhz was with Kallia for however long that was, so I can recognize a few names. But Nocyon was shocked to say the least."
"I haven't heard him that wordy about a letter I've received since Kitevh sent him a sewn plush of his own.
By what I could tell, the letter itself wasn’t particularly special, but-- I’ll call him Monark for clarity, he didn’t offer a first name-- he apparently has excellent handwriting, if a bit messy, but much more readable than some of the other letters he has to read. Oh--! The paper he used did have gold detailing. I could feel the trim. Expected from the Empress’ personal bodyguard, I’d think. And sealed with my hue, which was… A little unnerving, sure, but it’s not like that information isn’t easy to find.” 
“He seems delightful for someone so close to the Empire. A pleasant surprise.” 
“Now, the last letter. This one really tricked me, ahah! I was convinced I’d recieved a letter from Nehl until I realized it wasn’t sealed with a sticker. Nocyon, who so wisely forgot I can’t see, corrected me like it was obvious that the envelope wasn’t even the typical soft green. As if that was something I could figure… He tires me sometimes. Both of them use envelopes with this specific sort of recycled paper-- it’s almost soft to the touch, or, as soft as paper can be.” 
“Regardless. The letter was from another troll I have heard plenty of, but never met. Ariele Pricit-Kenshe, the Mapmaker-- matesprit to one of Planhz’s good friends, Ofelia. I haven’t heard much of her, but Planhz always only had good things to say, and now I see why. Nocyon as well was delighted to read another letter from someone with easily legible handwriting. 
“That’s all the new letters I’ve recieved lately. But I’ve been in good contact with several others, of course! I wrote back to Mollie and convinced her to handwrite a letter this time, which arrived not too long ago. And that archivist fellow Abbris finally got back to me-- I’ve actually been in the process of writing out something for him! It’s taken a while as I have absolutely no shortage of detail for recollections, ahah. But on the other hand… Come to think of it, I haven’t heard from Redivi in some time, which is… Unlike him. He’s usually a spectacularly cordial correspondent, so that’s a tad concerning… Well, he is a busy man. I’ll worry about it in another month.” 
“I hope that all wasn’t too boring! I can get a bit carried away, my apologies.”
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