#people who have mice as pets im sorry but. no.
mary-is-writing · 11 months
I fucking hate mice
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smilepaint · 4 months
hey, if you meet somebody and learn that they have an "unconventional" pet (I'm mainly talking about insects and fish and reptiles but I've seen people do this with rats and mice too), PLEASE don't then tell them at length how disgusting or scary or freaky or awful it is???
its sad that this has to be said, but pets are often beloved members of the family and that INCLUDES your co-workers tarantula that he loves and dotes on and has taken care of for years and that INCLUDES your classmate's python with the amazing tricked out enclosure and that INCLUDES your friend's aquarium full of leeches or terrarium stocked only with isopods or their little gaggle of hissing cockroaches.
yes, even if you DO think it's gross and would never own one yourself, yes EVEN if you have a PHOBIA of the animal in question! there are so many ways to kindly and maturely let that person know that you'd rather not interact with or see the animal than just roasting this person's pet unprompted. being afraid doesn't give you a license to be cruel.
i had a pet mantis for a while in my first year of uni (her name was kate bush) and let me tell you, after raising her by hand and watching her grow and flourish, after hours spent with her keeping me company on my potted plant while I worked, after saving her molts like baby teeth and her first egg case like i was a proud grandparent, i was as much of a sobbing heap the day i had to put her down due to illness as ive been when cats or dogs have died. and the friends that consoled me and appreciated the love i had for that amazing little creature DESPITE BEING SHIT SCARED OF HER are the friends i am most grateful for!
if you can't personally see the beauty and value in less "charismatic" animals then im sorry for you, but at least be respectful to your fellow human beings who love them.
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shilo-sumac · 5 months
(( OOC Post! edited last 4/23/24
I saw someone have a separate post about the norms of the world their muse is in (I'm so sorry I forget who) and I thought that would be a good idea! uh. this may be a text wall and more may be added. I love my HCs im sorry. ))
There are small basic animals in her universe, such as pollinator species (moths, bees, ect), fish, and small near the bottom of the food chain animals (mice, fish, other bugs, small birds) To me this makes sense because there are both plant Pokemon and normal plants in the actual canon, and stuff needs to pollinate somehow lmao. There are no large animals, this niche is only filled by Pokemon.
Killing Pokemon to consume is frowned upon in many regions. There are still people who do, but it's viewed similarly to how an American would view eating a pet animal. Meat is made in labs and is indistinguishable from the meat from our universe on a taste and nutrition level.
Pokemon have varying levels of sentience. Most Pokemon have a basic understanding of the ideas of what a human is trying to convey, with Pokemon (and their humans) gaining more understanding from each other as their bond grows. Some Pokemon are on a close level to humans, and some perhaps even more so, though this is not confirmed.
The "power of friendship" is a real force in her Pokemon world. The more love you have for your partners the stronger you and your team are, though of course training and strategy is also important. Building bonds with your Pokemon also allow both trainer and Pokemon to understand each other better.
Rarely, people can directly understand Pokemon as if they are speaking common language, but this is very rare and usually something they are born with. Usually, trainers and Pokemon can get a basic idea about what theyre communicating to each other once they know each other well, depending on individuals.
I have a whole post about how pokeballs and the box system works here , basically they give them a little mini enjoyable environment :D
Pokeballs will not work unless the Pokemon has at least a tiny bit of want to be captured. Masterballs are hugely frowned upon
There are no dogs or cats in universe. The words "dog" and "cat" (ect) are used just as descriptive terms for certain mons. Hopefully that makes sense?
My HCs are a combination of the anime, games and occasionally small bits of the manga, with the largest focus on games. I also mix in irl animal facts. Because I am the animal version of Shilo's encyclopedia.
Some things specifically about Muse:
Shilo will not use proper spelling/grammar and only uses capitalization for certain proper nouns to show respect. However, she will type properly when making her care guides. (if you wanna read those they're tagged under #pokemon headcanons iirc, the art is a bit... awkward and old tho. i wanna continue these but theyre a bit labor intensive!)
Shilo gives off odd vibes. Usually people get used to her. On the other hand, Pokemon are naturally drawn to her and tend to trust her. She is human tho. Mostly. As for the details, I hope to one day be good enough to reveal them well lmao.
While unable to directly translate, she is strangely good at being able to tell what a Pokemon is trying to communicate.
Shilo is autistic as fuck and sometimes kinda annoying. Her special interest is Pokemon and she is basically a walking Pokedex.
Shilo's sanctuary is on a small unnamed island nearby Sinnoh. Technically it isn't a part of any region. She works there mainly alone (technically some of her Pokemon act as staff willingly). The facility itself is small but the island itself is large enough to comfortably fit many many Pokemon.
Shilo wants to befriend at least one of every single species of Pokemon. She knows this is unrealistic. She will try anyway.
Shilo has dissociative identity disorder, some anxiety issues, minor PTSD, and some major imposter syndrome (despite liking to say she's the best)
She's not very good at making people friends and her new Rotomblr friends are very novel to her.
About some side characters and Pokemon:
Her childhood was mildly traumatic, so she doesn't want to visit Unova again, but is happy to explore any other region, and often does.
she doesnt remember how old she is exactly but she's near her early to mid 20s
Alistair is her cranky roommate/helper who owes her a debt. He knows barely anything about Pokemon and they do not like him very much. He gets attacked a lot.
Rin is the first Pokemon Shilo befriended. She has a scar over her left eye due to Pokemon hunters when she was young. She is more powerful than the average Zoroark, and tends to hang out in human form so she can have human privileges. She cannot speak human regardless of her form.
Char the Charizard is a rescue due to being rejected as a Charmander for use as a starter since he cannot use fire type abilities.
Her Espeon and Umbreon (Morgan and Simon, respectively ((also both female despite their names)) ) are her very good emotional support mons.
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asakurahaos · 1 year
tw animal death, tw pet death
long vent/rant bc i need to sort my thoughts.
right. so, my family has a house in the village my grandpas from and we go there whenever we have time. and whenever we go there, our neigbours' cats flock to our yard.
two years ago one of the cats had kittens - and out of all of them only one survived. (theyre all outdoor/barn cats; no one even thinks of having a cat as a pet, or in the house at all, and dont really care for them)
well, that one came over to our yard for the past two years and he would be tangled in our legs before we could even get out of the car.
last week, my grandma and i stayed in the village while my parents went back to the city. hes there, bothering us for pets and food constantly, and other cats are laying about, relaxed. everything is fine until thursday morning.
i woke up and my grandma immediately mock complained about him not eating like usual (he always ate a lot) and said that the lazy ass wandered off to sleep like usually. he ate, bothered us, slept, ate, we bothered him, he slept... you get it. we didnt think anything was wrong at first.
then i found vomit on our porch. we thought it was one of the other cats - she ate a lot that morning, and shes the one who hunts most mice, so with the amount of vomit and a mouse in it, we figured it was her. but she seemed fine, and he didnt show up at noon, evening, night. he was always ready to eat, so him not showing up for an entire day was worrying.
then he didnt show up the next day either, and one of our neighbours came over to tell us another neighbour passed away, and while he was there he wondered where the cat was because he was unused to the cat not bothering him while he was there. grandma explained his not eating + vomiting + disappearance and the neighbour told us people use poison for mice and that the cat mustve eaten a poisoned mouse and got poisoned himself.
i tried to comfort myself: hes a young cat, decently sized, well fed. healthy. the mouse he threw up was nearly whole (if youre squeamish look away - the head and body were separated, but it seemed like he gulped down the entire thing in one bite, which wouldnt even surprise me if he did, and didnt look like it even started dissolving. it was like he swallowed it and threw it back up almost immediately). so, because of its state and him throwing up what seemed like everything he ate, i thought. maybe hes fine. maybe he didnt get poisoned. it shouldnt be possible when the mouse was nearly intact and he threw up everything... right?
and we waited and waited and expected to see him waiting for us either on our doorstep or in the shed where we feed him, like he did every morning since he was a kitten.
we returned home today (sunday afternoon) and were still hoping he will be there, tripping us up on friday afternoon, when we go back to the village. at this point, its been four whole days, and hes never been gone even half as long, but were hoping.
my grandma took it really hard, and its making me worry. i feel like mom is trying not to think about him, and im stuck between 'hes fine, hell return', completely ignoring the situation, and remembering him every time i start laughing or feeling positive and becoming sad, and crying over him and every other kitty weve lost, and all the kittens were inevitably going to lose soon.
on the other hand - a young cat(f) came to our yard for the first time yesterday, and another cat(m) we thought was dead showed up after months of not being there. hes so skinny its heartbreaking to look at (last we saw him, he was hurt pretty badly, which, along with his long absence, is why we thought he died). seeing him was bittersweet, since we love him too, and hes alive but hes so skinny + the timing of his return.
if hes dead i wish that it was quick. and im sorry that he was alone. if hes not, then im bringing him back home, fuck my allergies and apartment-cat trauma. the thought of never getting to bother him again or carry him like a baby and him never bothering us again.... i want him back
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kedreeva · 3 years
Hello I recently discovered your blog and its lovely <33 i love your mouse pictures! theyre the cutest!! your recent post had me wondering, but why are you trying to breed showlines from pet/feeder lines? isnt it easier to start from show lines? Im so sorry if this is a fantastically stupid question, I dont really know anything about mice or breeding, and I hope this isnt rude!
Oh it's like 10,000x easier, yep, and I would have absolutely LOVED to do that!
Unfortunately after 3 months of searching the entirety of Michigan, and northern Ohio/Indiana, the only self black mice available at all were in the feeder colony someone was getting rid of 1.5 hours away from me and a couple of extra, pet-quality males 3 hours away from me, all of which I drove to get and paid too much for, but... Desperate times. I still haven't found any show type self blacks within my reach, a year later, and I've actually been contacted a couple of times by people who want them and I'm like... The only person breeding them nearby.
Which isn't unusual! There aren't a ton of show type mouse breeders, and everyone picks their poison carefully in order to breed the morphs they're passionate about. There are a LOT of morphs that look fantastic even before they're show quality. Self blacks are... Well, really plain looking until you have really, really good stock. So, it's understandable that a lot of people would rather do other stuff. I would also rather do other stuff. But I want a good self black line to backcross my seal point Siamese to, and since I couldn't find one, I'm going to make one, which seems to be my life philosophy at this point lol
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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"Ah, summer. The season that fills my heart with joy! Now! Who wants to go camping?"
🌱Name: Nova Terreus (meaning Earth Born)
🌱Age: 22
🌱Studying: Animation and Acting
🌱Camp Counselor for Hacketts Quarry
🌱Born in: South America. Argentina. Region not specified.
🌱Height: 5'5
🌱Personality Tarot Card: Judgement
🌹Helping Children
🌹Painting, Drawing, Reading, Writing
🌹Tending to plants and animals.
🌹The sea, Swimming.
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"I Guess You Could Say Im A Genderfluid Druid?"
Descending from a long line of Druids. Nova was raised at the outskirts of a beach town somewhere in the Argentine coast.
Soon as she reached the age of 18, they embarked on a journey to the US. To pursue their dream to become an animator and actor.
With the ever present company of their pet Mouse, Micelium, Nova soon found themself acting as a camp counselor during the summer to have a little bit more money to support themself. What best place to start than Hacketts Quarry, a place full of mystery, nature and animals.
Quickly grew to be respected by the locals and the werewolves, the locals could tell something was off with Them. But never questioned them.
The kids love him. So much so that Mr. Hackett himself has asked him year after year to come back to camp. Nova always obliged.
Xey Also stay to protect the kids and other counselors from harm at night. Nobody touches the camp while xey patroll the outskirts.
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->Nature bending/growth. (Able to grow plants and other flowers. Trees take a bit more of time and effort)
->Speaking with animals. (From common creatures to the big werewolves).
->Shapeshifting. As long as they know how an animal looks like they can replicate it. And also can change into a more female/male/androgynous bodytype.
Most used animals to shapeshift: Owls, Bears, foxes, ferrets
->Empathetic abilities, underdeveloped telepathy. (Can only communicate things. For a two way conversation more concentration is required).
->Earth bending. Sismic sight (can see through the vibrations of the soil and nature around them).
->Likes to hang out near the lake and the island during very sunny days, or at odd hours of the night.
->Has a beautiful reindeer mask made by the elder druids of her clan.
-> Micelium was a gift from the same elders that gave her her mask.
-> mice can grow as big as a bear and has control over elements. On extreme ocasions they can catch on Fire.
->Romantic Interests: Dylan, Chriss H. (Maybe?)
-> Bffs: Kaytlin, abigail, Mischa (@80sboyfriends s/I!)
->Dislikes: Emma. Cant stand her.
-> Conflicted feelings about Jacob. Very conflicted.
->The only people that know about her Druidic nature is Chris, Travis and Mischa
-> She was introduced to the quarry by Eliza. Whom she sees as a familiar figure.
->Her favorite Tarot Card is The Hermit
->Can live off of sunlight, she can photosynthesize. So they are frequently found sunbathing with the biggest grin youve ever seen.
Only mutuals/tagged people allowed to rb. Pictures arent mine but the moodboards are.
I havent finished the game so please no spoilers:D
Taglist: @tex-treasures @80sboyfriends @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships @sennamybeloved
Sorry for the Long post
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blinder-secrets · 4 years
With Bonnie being a cat person....who else do you think would be one? On a scale of 1 to 10 who would be more likely to bring one in
right . we know what i think of bonnie so im gonna just brain dump and go through the rest of them
tommy: 5 on the scale. i don’t think he’d go out of his way to adopt a cat, or own a cat, but i also can’t see him sending one away if it started to hang about. like if a cat got into his house, he’d shoo it off the paperwork on his desk but wouldn’t stop it from curling up in front of the fire or drinking the dregs of his tea. i think he’d co-habit very well with a cat because they don’t need much coddling, and appreciate quiet company the same way he does
arthur: 7 i think, but i don’t think he’d have any success in keeping it. he’d like the idea of having a cat around for the mice (while he’s living in his farm house ofc) but his outbursts and general... lack of gentle mannerisms would probably make the thing skittish of him. if he brought one home, it’d live outside and only eat the scraps he puts down for it once he’s back inside - arthur would probably watch it through the window to make sure it was eating though :(
john: 1 honestly. not a cat person at all, thinks they’re snooty. i genuinely think he’d be the type to see a cat in his garden and then let his spaniels out just for a laugh, proper cheering at them like, ‘go on, get him boys’. sorry cat-people, but john is not one of you
finn: 8, very likely. probably spent years secretly wishing he’d spot some unfortunate cat in an alleyway so he could use it as an excuse to finally own one. i don’t think he’d be very open about it, but he’s definitely a cat person. dogs require too much and are too loud, and i think finn would just like having the trust of a little cat, like one that only was fond of him and no-one else
ada: 3. i don’t think she’d turn a cat away if there was a situation where someone had to take it in, but i don’t think she has the time for pets generally. and i don’t think she’d trust karl to look after it if he asked for one, so no, no cats for ada
polly: 9, because i think if a cat presented itself to her and decided it was gonna stay and live in her house now, she’d just smile and say, ‘well, cats know best’ or something equally as wise. who is she to send a kitten away? 
michael: 2, would probably be so oblivious to a kitten in a bush that it wouldn’t even cross his mind to take it in. also he gives me mad allergic to animal fur energy, so, i can’t see him having any cats. he gets an extra point above john thought because he doesn’t hate them, hes just indifferent to them
alfie: 10, would collect kittens almost the same way bonnie does, but with a little more consideration of wether he had the time/means for it. i just absolutely think he’d scoop them up and take them home, so they can crawl over cyril, placid as he is, and sleep on the lil pudge of his tummy. i honestly feel like he could be one of those people who loses count of how many cats he has because they become a part of the trinkets and furniture
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heedra · 4 years
hi! sorry if this is a broad question, but i don't know anyone else with rats to ask. i'm thinking of getting rats for the first time and i was wondering if you have any tips or like care guidelines you think are really important. ive been doing some research and ive kept mice before but i really want to make sure i give any rats i might get a good home and some information out there seems either contradictory or just flat out wrong and im terrified to accidentally mistreat them. ty for reading!
Oh geez, that’s a big question! I’m going to start with some of the things I think might be the biggest, most critical and vital differences between keeping mice and keeping rats; if you have more questions after that, feel free to shoot me another ask! 1. Two rats is an absolute minimum, regardless of whether you own males or females. People will tell you that it’s critical to own at least two rats, and they’re technically correct, but imo the ideal minimum is actually three or four. Rats are very social, just like people, and, just like a lot of people, they are happiest when they have a group of people to build relationships with. If a rat living as part of a group isn’t getting along with one of his cagemates, he has others whose attention he can go seek out, unlike with a single pair. Introducing rats can be tricky, though, especially with boys, so if you are trying to combine rats who are strangers into one social group, definitely do your research. This website has a great rundown of some of the different methods used to introduce rats. 2. Rats absolutely cannot live in a glass tank. Even if the tank is just one part of a cage that has a ventilated wire portion up top. Rat’s noses and lungs are very sensitive to urine buildup in a way mice’s aren’t, and glass tanks offer no ventilation. Rats also need a lot of vertical climbing space in a cage, relative to mice; tall, wire cages are must for this, as are a lot of climbing toys and hammocks. 3. Related to the above, rats are very prone to respiratory infections. I mention this because this is probably the most common health problem you will encounter with them, and it’s important to know the signs. A vast majority of pet rats either have or will get mycoplasmosis (a bacterial sinus infection) at some point in their lives, and while it’s usually benign at baseline, this infection flares up in the presence of poor ventilation, excess dust, or stress. If you notice that your rat is whistling or wheezing when they sniff and breathe, or that they are snorting/sneezing a lot, talk to the vet you go to for small animal health about getting them on an antibiotic. Respiratory problems are a part of life for rat ownership, and usually wont affect your animal’s quality of life, but if left untreated can develop into pneumonia. You don’t need to panic if your rat starts sneezing or wheezing; even if you’ve already treated them for those symptoms before; rats with myco often have more than one flareup throughout their life, and sometimes it will go away on its own once a rat gets settled in a clean environment or stops being stressed out, but you do want to get it checked if it persists! 4. Rats cannot eat alfalfa or timothy hay. This is an important one to keep an eye on, as, because almost all other pocket pets can eat these things, a lot of treats that contain timothy hay and alfalfa will be branded as being for all pet rodents, even when they’re not safe for rats. It’s not that these are immediately poisonous to rats, they just can’t digest them, so too much of it will inevitably cause intestinal blocks.
5. Male rats can’t eat citrus. This one is kind of debated, but I think it’s fair to err on the safe side. D-limosine, a chemical found in citrus peels, is considered to be linked to testicular cancer in rats. I’d personally suggest just avoiding citrus entirely with rats. 6. Rats need at LEAST 30 minutes a day of playtime with you, outside of their cage. Ideally, this should be closer to an hour. This is important both so that they can bond with you as their human, and so that they’re getting a source of exercise and mental stimulation that goes beyond what they can find in their cage. Set up a safe play area in your home; an enclosed bedroom, a clean bathroom, or an area fenced off by some kind of plastic barrier work well; make sure the space is free of dangerous things to eat and electrical wires. Furnish it with things the rats can climb on and hide in, leave some treats around for them to find, and make sure you’re present and keeping an eye on them! This is a great time to try and train your rats to do tricks or run obstacle courses, or to play games with them (mine really like to chase strings and tissue paper around).
7. There’s no difference in emotional, exercise, and enrichment needs between male and female rats. There’s a big myth that male rats are lazy and cuddly, while female rats are playful and active. In truth, any rat can be any combination of these things; it all comes down to individual personality. “Lazy Buck Syndrome” (the idea of male rats being couch potatoes) is more often the result of owners not providing enough for male rats to do based on this misconception, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. The one exception to this is that male rats are more prone to back-leg paralysis in their old age, and may need more ramps and sitting levels as they age. I also want to end this by plugging two rat care channels on youtube: The Rat Guru, and Emiology Both these individuals are far more experienced rat owners than I, and they both have a whole bunch of videos addressing specific rat care topics and common questions. I also love the website ratbehavior.org; it’s got great information on how rats perceive the world, and what rat behavior means, written from a biology and behavioral science perspective.
EDIT: I almost forgot a really critical one! It’s not really a “care tip that differs for mice” since the same is true for them, and I’m pretty confident I’m preaching to the choir here, but, just in case, Please avoid getting rats from the pet store, especially big box places like Petco or Petsmart! These places breed and house rats in inhumane conditions that should not be financially supported, and rats purchased at these places are going to have shorter lifespans and be much harder to socialize to humans. I recommend looking for reputable rat breeders in your area and adopting from them, or looking to your local humane society or small animal rescue for adoptable animals.
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flufflebones · 4 years
some more fun hcs about delphine [mc 1.... closest 2 my heart since ive used her in various settings for a While]! it’s a little long so im slapping it under a cut but its all sfw and all very much in good fun.
you know, mostly. i only really got two headcanons down and one is brief/about michael and the other is about pets in the devildom
- can and will fight michael do you think they saw the angel/anni event and were ok with it? yeah? no! just going to kick him hard enough in the shin to....... probably bust their own foot but its FINE 
- has an approximate accumulated f*ckton of devildom native and possibly (definitely) magical pets
[The list:
Sosig / Sausage - Hellhound - Gift from Beelzebub!:
A beast of considerable size and [reportedly] god awful temperament, bearing charcoal fur and the lingering [faint] scent of sulphur. More vulpine than canine, their frames are typically gaunt, with the flames that fuel their bodies licking out from the ends of their tails, their ankles and wrists [on their normal quadrupedal legs], the inner portions of their ears [leaving them at a disadvantage when it comes to hearing], their somewhat visible / open ribcage, and the corners of their mouth. 
Despite this general introduction, hellhounds are wildly varied and have a number of breeds and variations in recent history, typically intended for one of three purposes.
Companionship - These hellhounds are typically smaller in stature and less sturdy, with a tendency to bond strongly to one or two masters [with some consideration/leeway for those close to their master: See- Cerberus]. Arguably the most docile of any class of hellhound, they are still dangerous if not raised correctly, and have a nasty bite. Though not a true classification and with no formal means of training a hound to do so naturally, some companion hellhounds serve as a psuedo service dog, heavily attuned to the needs and potential problems unique to their primary master. This isn’t to say that they are an alternative to service animals, or anywhere near as well trained, *of course*, but the devildom is hardly the safest place for a regular human realm animal; And sometimes, you’ve just got to work with what you’ve got.
Sport / Show - Typically very much breed standard. While raised to tolerate handling and grooming, these traditionally built hellhounds are temperamental at best and borderline terrifying when their willful nature comes in direct conflict with a demonic handler who bit off more than they can chew. Heavily regulated, and typically owned by the elite.
Protection - The devildom is dangerous, and nobody is questioning that. Demons with a knack for animal handling [or demons who can afford to hire someone skilled with animals, of course!] breed and train these creatures to guard many things; People, places, objects, etc. They’re typically territorial and hard to train as a rule, as one cannot allow for a beast such as this to be tempted by treats or good petting from *anyone*, yfm?
Sausage is a bit of a mixed bag. Born from protective stock and bought by Beelzebub after overhearing Mammon trying to convince Lucifer to get Delphine/my mc a pet [who lays eggs, we’ll get there, that he can sell for a massive profit]. Being the youngest present brother at the time, anything capturing his interest other than food is both welcomed and encouraged in an attempt to positively reinforce him to not put the devildom at risk of a famine.
Delphine unintentionally raised this brick house of a hellhound puppy into a sort of in-between of companion and protector, with him being very social, very sweet, and *fairly* defensive and willful if things aren’t going his way. He’s typically the one to step in most successfully to motivate her to move around [yes, moreso than the brothers!] and do her day to day tasks, and is probably the best way to find out if something’s wrong with her-- Past being able to just kind of drag her off due to their size differential, his general wit and ability to communicate his needs and wants have led to unexpected food deliveries, blankets spread over her shoulders, and human world medicines arriving a few days before she shows any real signs of illness that she can see.
He’s also spoiled as all get out. If you’re sharing a bed/couch/blanket/etc with her, you can bet Sausage is soon to follow. Sorry, Mammon! He loooves table scraps and is almost as bad as Beel when it comes to eating things he shouldn’t [and looking too cute to be scolded about it too heavily].
Rocky - ... That’s just a rock, dude. - Gift from Belphegor:
It’s really hard to tell if Belphegor is messing around when he presents Delphine with a rough hewn black rock bearing two googly eyes, a pair of hilariously out of place crystalized horns, and a pair of similarly out of place crystal wings, but I swear on all things unholy, he’s doing it for a reason.
Though not... Really sentient, initially, Rocky just needs a good, possibly year long charging. Soulstones are sort of... Weird, in that they are inert and lifeless for as long as they remain with the boulders from which they are harvested. but typically-- After being exposed to a single party’s magical runoff and signature for a year or so-- absorb enough energy to come to life, their coloration and mineral makeup adjusting to fit the nature of the being they owe their life to. Delphine’s takes the form of a celestine and blue goldstone peryton; A winged stag. With crystalized wings and antlers, Rocky would almost look majestic; If it weren’t for the fact that the googly eyes have remained a feature that she has never been able to figure out how to remove. Soulstones are typically quiet observers, not requiring active care to thrive but delighting in contact [especially immediately post spell casting or magic use]. They are attuned to the needs of their magic bound masters, and typically exude an air of-- if not positive-- reassurance.
In Delphines Little Canon Divergence Corner, it’s likely that rocky coming into her care is one of the first of many attempts at reconciliation that Belphegor makes with her post chapter 16; And it honestly really, really sets him back, like, even when she returns to the human realm. Forgotten but included in her luggage, it’s a few weeks into her settling down on Earth that she finds the dinky little stone, and an overload of magic-- Possibly emotionally sourced, possibly due to unresolved tension/a discussion that never got to happen because he was being a little jerk about it-- sets off the transformation, which occurs overnight.
She recognizes the little stone figure when it approaches her in the morning, and one of her first texts about it is a simple, succinct “WTF” + an image attachment sent to Belphegor, specifically in the dead of night with the intention to wake him.
Henry “Pogchampion” 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0, A.K.A: “Pip! Minette! Beans!” - Infernal rats - Gift from Leviathan:
A note: If you don’t care for rats or you’re more familiar with their popular association with illness or disease/classification as vermin, and are only capable of thinking of them in that context, I don’t care. I am specifically talking about rats in the context of them being pets-- And good pets, at that. If you want to talk about how much you wish they were dead/didn’t exist, thats not my problem. Just don’t do it on a post discussing them as a pet, or I will block you!
Leviathan is probably the most appropriate person for them to get pet recommendations from, but her asking never winds up a necessity; When he finds out that he’s got another pet enthusiast in the house, he’s *all* about it, and when he finally [very unsubtly] weasels his way into the information he needs, he gets them to come along with him to what’s supposed to be a routine supply trip for Henry that just *CAN’T* be accomplished online. It’s a trip to *a* shop, but not what she’s expecting, especially when she gets to meet a handful of very curious, very playful, larger than a medium sized dog mice and rats. These guys are very much pests turned pets, with a small niche of hobbyists raising them and breeding them for temperament and overall health and disease resistance. Very social and very intelligent, they tend to thrive best in groups if one is not devoting all of their time to them as an individual. The type Leviathan recommends are on the smaller side, with cloudy, soft fur and sweet temperaments. And massive teeth, nubby horns, spade tipped tails, and very large, typically bony or leathery wings.
Levi is... Probably the one who wanted them, really. They get a little big, and tend to like to roughhouse, and they chew like nobody’s business-- And while he can’t risk his figures or merch or other Otaku Trappings or wires for everything in his room, he *CAN* risk Delphine’s. Plus, Sausage needs a friend, right? Or three?
They pick up three, all of whom are sisters, and all of whom on paper are named Henry “Pogchamp”, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0, since he *is* technically the one paying for them and at least gets to do that much. Even when they start being named Pip, Minette, and Beans, in casual conversation, he can still hold on to the fact that they’ll always be Henries in his heart of hearts.
Sausage loves them to bits, for the record, but their interactions tend to be supervised/very brief even without the worry of him being able to harm any of them due to the general (and very appropriate) ill advisement of large predators interacting with smaller prey animals. It’s cute, sure, but it can be dangerous, and Delphine (and Levi, to a lesser extent, because he’s using the excuse of them being friends to keep Lucifer off of his ass for adding another animal to her menagerie) isn’t about to risk it.
Sweets - .... A black cat? That glitters? - Gift from Satan and Asmodeus:
Small, sleek, and independent, Sweets is probably the pet people see the least of all of Delphine’s little collection-- Though that doesn’t mean she’s not well loved. A pet project between Satan and Asmodeus, Sweets isn’t *technically* a cat; They’re a being comprised of shadow, somewhat similar in nature to a familiar without the connotation of them technically being a demon slash demonic. Who just so happens to have been enchanted to appear like and generally function in their day to day life as a cat. That sparkles, the only concession Satan was willing to grant Asmodeus in return for his help obtaining the materials necessary to create  the little beast (and in return for him taking the heat when Lucifer inevitably got pissy about it). Given its unique nature, very little is actually known about the little being of shadow past basic care and assumptions based on its generally feline behavioral patterns. The rats scare the hell out of it, however, and it tends to be out of sight except when called, hiding in shadows and only occasionally emerging on its own.
... Oh, and be careful. Satan hasn’t told Del yet, but it seems that the belly rubs this shadowy kitty offers tend  to bite off more than they can chew if they’re not careful. Asmodeus thinks its horrible. Who wants a pet with a massive maw of teeth in their stomach? Satan desperately wants to use this quirk in Sweets’ nature for a prank. Delphine already knows, but is playing dumb for the sake of faking surprise when its formally revealed.
Elysia - Gilded Crow - Gift from Lucifer and Mammon:
SO, i”M going to keep this short because i’ve been writing this for several hours at this point on and off and i really really want to be ready for my dinner when its ready, but!
Elysia is a sort of... Special circumstance. Literally. Devotees to Mammon-- And yes, there *are* people who think he’s a legitimate demon lord, the only people really allowed to treat him like garbage are his brothers and a few choice officials too strong to be eradicated as any lesser demon might have been-- with a background in magical augmentation specifically enchanted this line of crows to reflect that which is most valued by their Lord; Riches. They’re technically not legal due to their status as something of an organic money generator, but a select few in a small flockare kept under the watchful eyes of the Demon Lord and his immediate family, and those who have been trusted by his family members. This is where Lucifer comes in.
Understandably, Mammon is not allowed to have care of his flock, though he certainly wouldn’t be the worst at caring for them. He’d just also be selling their products illegally, and you can’t have that!
Elysia wears a small enchanted band comprised of dull, unimpressive iron-- The kind of thing Mammon would neither notice nor have interest in. This band is enchanted, and serves as a sort of storage space for any of Ely’s dropped organic components. Talons, feathers, eggs-- Everything is automatically absorbed into the band, rendering the bird borderline useless outside of being a gorgeous pet, and a gigantic nuisance. 
Lucifer hates to admit it, but he really is a fan of the large, intelligent, gorgeous creature; And Mammon thinks it’s really funny to teach her to take shiny things (like grimm, loose jewelry, gum wrappers, etc), even past the sentimental value of the bird itself and what her kind represents to him. 
Delphine adores her, too, and is about as good an influence on her as Mammon is-- Teaching her to speak, in some capacity, simply by repeating certain words or phrases to herself as she does things in the day to day, especially during feeding time. It’s all fun and games, until this pretty golden bird calls Lucifer a ‘motherf*cker’ while she thinks he’s out of the room while visiting with Diavolo for an update on her health.
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rootiebaga · 4 years
im also sorry for uploading this twice-
sorry for not doing much
B U T- i have ideas for abnormality ocs, these are mostly related to nursery rhymes and stories i remember,
these might not be original ideas so,, bear with me
(tiny tw for: murder, death, comas and mass disappearances,)
just a reminder i dont know what these guys risk classes would be, so bear with me on this one
so lets start off with the story one, more specifically, the pied piper
so i read an article of its disturbing truth and its said that the piper is the personification of death, you know what that means?
i make the piper a gentleman with a wife and 2 sons who are twins (isabel and gregory, see? their important) named mori (”i apologize to my sons that i couldn’t control myself, i hope you two are doing well,”)
mori’s life before his death basically played out like the pied piper, but it took a much different turn
he decided to put the rats who were infesting the town into an abandoned clock tower, before they all starved and died, some of the rats, with all the strength they had left, formed 2 rat kings that were both merged together, (fun fact: this is another abnormality i thought of thats well- a clock filled with undead and decomposing mice, you probably know where im going with this)
what happened to the children? (except for his two sons) he murdered them and he went insane and murdered himself aswell, the police found the children and also his body many months later, and he moves on as a restless spirit, if any children have been bad a snake-like spirit with an angler fish’s face will rise up from their bodies, these guys dont do much harm, (theres a 30% chance that a plague (i thought inner demon was kinda cliche so uh) will rise from an employee’s body after they were killed) (tiny little thing i wanna add but i may not, if there are 5 plagues then they’ll merge with mori, making him even more dangerous) (also off topic to the story but mori himself wasn’t diagnosed with anything before he died, he didn’t have any mental trauma, in fact, he was generally a nice person to talk to, but rumour has it the flute might’ve caused this murders to happen)
he was basically locked in the cabin for well- months, until someone (isabel who was training to be a flute player) played the song his father usually plays on his flute every new year
that was.. a bit dark, holy shit-
heres the next one for this post
you know the nursery rhyme hey diddle diddle?
well i thought of 4 different abnormalities for this one, that usually switch randomly from one abnormality to another every day, reset, or if you had them first in one of the departments, every memory repository
the least harmful (dammit, accidentally put harmless instead of harmful) one is the laughing dog (”with every cry the spirit made, the kingdom’s castle broke more and more, until the residents of the kingdom disappeared, even himself.”)
basically its a regular pet dog but its in a jester outfit like its halloween or something, the dog was said to be a reincarnation of a medieval jester
basically, kinda like crumbling armour except with attachment, if you do attatchment, you’ll get a gift that gives you more work success
but, dont get your hopes up! if you do attachment too much the person with the gift will laugh until they cant breathe and eventually die (hi yes i didn’t notice that library of ruina has a jester related abnormality, im not kidding. i really didn’t know that it already existed)
the next one is moon jumper (”who knew the moon orbiting the earth would also have something orbiting it? it would seem pretty crazy to believe!”)
this guy is an astronaut with cow horns that hasn’t succumbed to space even though the glass thats protecting their face from space, has cracked a little, they were found circling the moon for some reason and even trying to jump over it
when they breach, they do it passively, usually, everywhere they go theres an effect that causes the room to have the gravity of the moon, meaning abnormalities (even himself) including employees go very slow (heres a thing i added, sometimes an employee may float upwards, they will soon fall down. the fall causes red damage, because you know- they fell-)
moon jumper can be very helpful when suppressing abnormalities due to this power, and after a few minutes he will slowly walk back to his containment
the next one is the cat’s fiddle (”people have thought the instrument was a curse made for the person wielding it,”) a lady with cat eyes, if you zoom in you can hear the sound of someone playing the fiddle. theres a new special work for this abnormality called “trade” for if the person wants to trade their weapon for the fiddle for a while, if you forget to bring it back by the end of the day, dont worry as the weapon that was traded for the fiddle will return back to the employee the next day, if the person wielding the fiddle ever goes insane, they’re eyes will become cat-like (mostly like the woman’s) and they’ll begin slicing the throats of people.
and the last one from the hey diddle diddle gang is the dish that ran with the spoon, (”wake up! please! its not over yet..”) it is a widower who sees illusions of his wife and the wedding disaster, he usually thinks his wife is still breathing. what this wedding disaster means is unknown.
when he breaches his illusion (aka his wife) will appear from another department, on top of a random department’s room will be a wedding ring, they are harmless at first, but if they finally see each other, and the wedding starts, the wedding will abruptly end with the wife’s neck bleeding, her falling onto the floor and fading out of existence, and the widower quickly snapped back to real life, with the realization that his wife is long gone, madness takes over him and he starts to attack the guests that partook in the wedding
next one! its another nursery rhyme related abnormality,
old man coma! (”whatever they said, whatever they tried to do, they couldn’t save him from eternal rest, I already took his last moments away.”)
basically its an old man, who appears to be sleeping in a bed.
his qliphoth counter is at 2, when its at 1, (either bad result, prudence level 3 and lower or repression work, it’ll also go down if the person was damaged by white damage in any way the day they’re working on old man coma) the containment will start to glitch a bit, likes its slipping back into reality, when its at 0, a flat-line can be heard, the containment will change again and the old man will now be lying in a hospital bed thats right next to a heart monitor,
the actual abnormality is his condition, which takes the form of a shadow with bleeding eyes, although its sort of calm, its violent to those who had previous head injuries, (example: hitting your head on things) since head injuries remind it of the old man
when it escapes from the containment it will search for employees with prudence 3 or lower, after it finds one it will soon go into the employee’s brain and make them pass out by just bumping either an employee or an abnormality, they will stay passed out till the end of the day, they will only go for one person, then they’ll be back in containment, but that doesn’t mean the employee will still live! at the next day the employee will be missing, and a notification will pop up that the employee is dead.
i keep getting alot of ideas so heres the final one: missing persons busride! (its based off of glitch in the matrix stuff,) (”so.. this is the thing that caused the mass disappearances?”)
this is a tool abnormality i thought of. like the name says its a bus with grayscale colors,  when an employee gets onto the bus (aka uses it) it’ll drive to a portal and come back. there is a chance that the employee will get a work speed boost, but theres also a chance that the person will go missing, you’ll know this if the person comes back as a sorta visible glitchy shadow, there will be no notification specifying the person’s death, and if they are gone, they are gone forever, even if you try to reset or memory repository, they will still be gone. you will have to create the employee again if you want them back.
so thats all for now! i hope that this is alright,
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kidrat · 4 years
thoughts on... hamsters. and gerbils. i know you like rats but give me all your rodent opinions
(ok it didnt occur to me to have normal opinions on this til i wrote like three paragraphs on the evils of pet shops so let’s take it back and uuuh. i’ll insert some thoughts on the animals as animals briefly. ahem)
hamsters are fat and a bit stupid and like in general i prefer mice. and i will say that I remember reading that mice are hardier and generally less agressive?? but i do respect hamster people. your hamsters are nice and plump and a good chill alternative to mice whomst can be high energy and need more climbing space. one day mayhaps i will own one. i liked jenna marbles’ hamster.
Gerbils I have even less knowledge of and the Vibes gerbil ppl give me is confusing because they are less common than hamsters I think, but I don’t get the ‘ah, a Rodent Person’ energy I get if I meet anyone who has kept rats, mice or ferrets. Basically idk if gerbil people are part of the exotic pet community. If i meet someone with a snake or whatever i know they are kin. gerbil people please tell me what you’re like. Anyway gerbils have cute tails and they’re a weird shape but I appreciate that they like to dig.
(and here we have the spicy onions)
there is no! such! thing! as an ‘easy’ or ‘starter’ pet!!!! lots of animals get this rep and then get so mistreated bc they’re owned by kids who don’t know any better who were given them by parents who don’t realise that literally every animal has particular needs and in the worst case by parents who want to teach their kids a lesson about responsibility :) using living creatures :)
like the shit i see marked as a good cage for ANY small animal makes me. yikes. (generally u gotta go an animal up, so like my mice got a ‘gerbil’ cage, my rats had a ‘ferret’ cage etc. bc that’s how bad the sizes are compared to the actual minimum space requirements)
and don’t even get me fucking started on the tubes. hamsters im so sorry about the tube cages :( They smell and are hard to clean and don’t have enough ventilation as they’re just straight plastic instead of bars bc. its a tube (rats especially but all small pets like that are Very susceptible to respiratory issues. and no one would like being in an enclosed space with the fumes of their own urine.) they’re also tricky to get the animal out of which means pets kept in that kind of space are unlikely to get handled as often as they need to be and will probably be skittish won’t get enough exercise.
And this stuff along with those exercise balls (bad ventilation, holes for air are a foot trap), wheels that are too small and will bend the animal’s spine, and other things are sold in error for all small animals, including gerbils, but I think hamsters get the brunt of it.
and i feel really bad about assuming that most hamsters especially are accidentally neglected, bc I’m sure mostly their young kid owners love them? but like shit i didn’t give the mice i had as a little kid as much space and toys as they needed bc i wasnt old enough to understand that the pet industry is corrupt and cares less about animal welfare and more about profit. One of my mice was literally sexed wrong which. if you’ve seen a male rodent you know how hard that is to do?? but I hadn’t so as far as I knew I had a male mouse who didn’t need companionship. 
And in retrospect that’s funny and my first mouse Philly was a trans guy icon with the tuxedo fur to match and he did live a very long life and was happy and bonded with me well. BUT I didn’t have all the info provided to give him what he needed. And hamsters I think just have an even worse time because of the rep they’ve developed as The starter pet to teach ur barely self aware infant about the consequences of uuuuuuuuuuuuh owning a thing that can die :)
and im gonna calm down now but uh. sorry abt that thanks for asking sxhbsadj
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: Attire Time (Chapter 29)
A/N: FLUFFY TIME!! Anyway, i love Jackie?? Shes my lesbian bean and I would die for her. I know yall just met her but I know a little more about her and she's so sweet!!
summary: Paul realizes something
words: 2,157
warnings: swearing, kissing, dog
Ao3 Link
Paul sighed, Bill was right. He set his things down by everyone else's things while watching the group from afar. He approached carefully drawing the attention of everyone, he waved awkwardly. Emma stifled a laugh, he glared at her before turning his attention to Ted. The only person not looking at him, he plays with the dog allowing it to smother him with kisses. Paul clears his throat, Ted begrudgingly looks up. Paul gestures his head away from the group and Ted understands. He picks up Bonnie carefully handing her to Tommy who gives him an encouraging smile. Paul waits until Ted makes his way next to him, they walk out into the hall together in silence. 
“So…” Paul starts, he might kick himself. He did this, he made it awkward and awful. Ted and Paul had fought before but never like this. Never one where they don't know if it will ever be the same. 
“Are you going to talk or can I go back to the dog?” Ted spits. He misses Bonnie, and Tommy and honestly just hanging out with his friends. He's tired of the back and forth, the drama, the constant arguing. He wants to go back to sneaking into the principal's office, hijacking the speaker and delivering amazing, yes amazing speeches about mice. 
“I just wanted to say I am sorry ok?” Paul responds. Ted nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I was wrong and I shouldn't have been such a… a…”
“A dick?” Ted offers Paul chuckles.
“Yeah, a dick” Paul agrees, something connects as if slowly it's being glued back together. They stand silently but the air becomes more comfortable “So...you have a dog?” He asks, Ted looks up furrowing his brows.
“No, that's um... Bonnie” He answers, Paul, nods “Shes Tommy's dog…” Something freezes, Paul realizes he owes a lot more than an apology and Teds, not the only person he owes one too. “Look...Paul...I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I wanted too but I was just really confused and I don't know…” Ted admits, Paul wastes no time.
“No no it's fine” Paul rushes “You didn't have to tell me I was a jerk...I think I'm just really tired of all of this” He gestures around the school. Ted laughs. “I just wanna make sure you're ok and I wanna know what's happening in your life” He admits, his voice soft
“Ok, well then, I'm saying yes,” Ted says, besides Tommy Paul was the only other person who now knew. “I want them to...adopt me” And this was the first time he said it out loud. “Adopt me...I want them to...adopt me” Ted repeats, he isn't looking at Paul anymore. “Im...going to be adopted. I want them to...adopt me? Adopt me? They want to adopt-
“Ted? You ok?” Paul interjects fearing the glazed look his friend now possess. Ted snaps back, grounding himself.
“Yeah, yeah..”
“I'm glad you're saying yes,” Paul says, Ted laughs nodding “Hey maybe they'll get you a dog” He adds. Ted smiles, shaking his head. They begin walking back inside
“They better” Ted quips, Paul nudges him. “What? It's all I've ever wanted” He told him.
“Hey, your birthdays coming up” Paul suggests, Ted is taken aback. He's surprised that he forgot it, he feels his heart sink. His mom won't be there for his 17th birthday. Paul notices and stops them, he embraces his friend. Ted tenses but soon enough he melts into the hug much to the groups delight watching from afar. “Now can I please go meet the dog?” Paul asks pulling away, Ted laughs sniffling.
“Yeah come on” He gestures leading his friend over to the group. He seats himself next to Tommy, who kisses him sweetly on the cheek then proceeds to hand him, Bonnie. Paul sits in between Emma and Ted and watches expectantly. Ted carefully places Bonnie in Pauls arm, Tommy tenses, he doesn't mean to but he doesn't really trust many people with Bonnie. And he especially isn't Pauls biggest fan right now. Paul laughs softly delicately cuddling Bonnie, she fidgets wanting to return to Ted but soon enough settles into Pauls's arms. 
“Tommy, can I talk to you?” Paul asks as the group finishes another number. It was 12:30 pm and they had been going for a while, Chad had just broken for lunch and the students were lining up for lunch in the green room. Tommy had stayed in the theatre to feed Bonnie her own food, asking Ted to grab him some lunch. He doesn't turn to Paul, tensing as he pets Bonnie.
“Is it bad if I say no?” He mumbles, he freezes realizing he said it out loud. Paul feels a pang of guilt hit him. “Sorry,” Tommy says turning to face Paul now. He stands dusting himself off. “Whats...whats um.. What's up?”  He rubs his eyes.
“I wanted to apologize, I was really jerky last night and…”
And so Paul goes on to apologize, and Tommy listens. He feels grateful that Paul even gives him one and in the end the pair end of playing with Bonnie before joining the others for lunch. They sat on the floor in the green room surrounded by other groups of the cast and crew. They continue on eating for a while before Chad, followed by Greg and Henry enter calling everyone's attention. 
“Attention! Everyone, after lunch costumers will be pulling you into the dressing rooms throughout the rest of the day to try on costumes! So be polite and nice and listen to your crew members” Chads said, the crew nodded in agreement “Alright, about 2 more minutes before everyone should start cleaning up” He said promptly leaving the room once again followed by Chad, Henry, and Greg. 
“Actors hold” Jackie, the head costumer, called out. The cast paused looking up.
“Holding” They replied in unison. Jackie nodded before continuing, the crew moved behind the cast cleaning up and making their way to their jobs.
“I need Charlotte, Emma, Ted and Paul for costumes” She announced, the quartet smiled excitedly. They stand cleaning up their own food and following Jackie down the hall. 
“Oh! I'm so excited! I love costumes!” Charlotte exclaims, Jackie smiles at her, Emma watches is she...blushing? “Hey J?” Jackie turns walking backwards now as she faces Charlotte.
“What's up buttercup?” Jackie asks Charlotte giggles. She goes to ask but they reach the boys dressing room “Alright, Ted, Paul, you guys go in there, Warner is there waiting for you guys” They nod and make their way into the room. The girls continue a little further until they reach the girls dressing room, Jackie opens the door ushering them inside. Charlotte immediately squeals. The room, though small, is beautiful. When you walk in there is a small nook for the makeup artist on the left. A small hallway leading to the main room is lined with costume shoes. To the left, there is 2 sinks and a bathroom. Then came this open space. To the right were rows of costumes hanging, each labeled with names. To the left were mirrors and seats, the counter was cluttered with sewing machines and papers. 
“It's beautiful!!” Charlotte squeals, much nicer than the one back at hatchetfield high!” Charlotte says examining the room, Emma nods completely agreeing. She freezes coming across a mannequin that has a dress on it. The label reads ‘Charlotte/Bea’. “Oh my…” She sniffles, Jackie tilts her head.
“Charlotte, is everything alright?” Jackie cautions. Emma smirks knowing exactly what's happening. 
“I love it” Charlotte chokes back a sob “It's just so beautiful” And she was right. The dress was full of color and light. It had a red bodice on the outer layer. It was placed over the shirt part, a blue long-sleeved collar shirt with flower designs. The skirt was a beautiful green, with red flower designs. It poofed out at the hip, fitting perfectly. “Can I try it on?” She squealed, Jackie was blushing hard now. Her face is completely red. 
“Of course,” She said, she went over to remove the dress carefully “Here let me help you, I'll show Emma her dress and you can go into the bathroom and put on your base ok?” Charlotte nods racing to the bathroom. Jackie turns to Emma clapping her hands together. Emma laughs cautiously. She pulls a dress off of the rack and Emma struggles from keeping her jaw from dropping. Though simple it was gorgeous. Much like Charlottes it had a bodice but it melted into the sleeves. It was almost all black besides the white front and collar.
“Oh wow...I mean Jackie...this is..” Emma says in awe, words don't work right now.
“You too Perkins?” Jackie jokes, they laugh. “Well, I'm glad my hours making this won't go to waste” She teases handing the dress to Emma. Charlotte walks out wearing her base, Jackie freezes turning away immediately. Emma rolls her eyes playfully before entering the bathroom. Charlotte tilts her head. 
“Ready for my dress!” She exclaimed Jackie nods still not facing her. She hands Charlotte her dress helping her get into it. She steps in lifting it around her, she pushes her hair out of the way while Jackie zips it up and buttons it up. Charlotte turns to face Jackie, who has her arms around her waist, they stand face to face now. A light pink dusting rose in their faces. They gazed, yes gazed, into each others eyes. “Hi” Charlotte mumbles practically onto Jackie's lips. Jackie remembers where her hands are and moves them quickly, Charlotte feels a sinking disappointment. They quickly push apart when they hear the bathroom door open. 
“Lottie! You look amazing!” Emma comments stepping out in her own base. Charlotte, still blushing, nods thankfully in her direction. Jackie coughs turning to face Emma, the heat on her face calming down, she helps Emma quickly into her dress focusing on the dresses now, and not on the feeling of a heart beating rapidly in her chest.
“You look great” Paul claims as they walk into the green room in costume, Chad wants to see the four of them before continuing. Ted nods feeling weird, the costume is comfortable but he's never been in something so...extravagant.
“Thanks, you do too” And he did. Paul wore puffy pants and leather boots. His shirt was white, flowy and collared. With a brown leather jacket detailed with intricate things. Jackie really was a magician, and Paul, in Ted's professional opinion looked adorable. They walked in jaws dropping. Paul freezes as Emma turns toward him her dress swaying. She smirks lovingly seeing his costume, she walks up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck examining his costume. 
“You look good Matthews” She quips, He blushes hard trying to stutter out anything that might make any sense. The rest of the group gathers, Bill and Charlotte looking at the boy's costume. Paul swallows.
“You look beautiful Em,” He says, she nods. She leans in kissing him softly. He kisses back, Charlotte squeals watching them. They pull away giving her a look. 
“Sorry” She mumbles. They laugh, while Bill, Emma, and Charlotte examine his costume Ted peeks his head around feeling a sinking feeling at the absence of a be-speckled boy. “Ted you look great” Charlotte compliments
“I agree” Bill states, Ted, nods thanking them. They continue complementing each other, with Sam coming over complimenting Charlotte, in a...unique way. Ted here's a sudden stifled squeal from behind him and turns. He smiles as Tommy stands in the doorway to the green room. He's tense, staring at Ted, his hands balled into fists so hard he's turning pale. Pale besides his face which mirrors a tomato. The rest of the group watch Ted fiddles nervously with his costume. 
“Gumdrop?” He wonders softly, Tommy muffles another squeal finally moving. He walks towards Ted examining his costume, Ted looks down consciously. “Do you...do you like it?” Ted asks softer than ever. Tommy meets his eyes, jaw-dropping. 
“Like it?” he says baffled “Like it? Ted! I love it!” He exclaims He plays with Ted's costume. Ted could get a million compliments a day but Tommys is the only one that matters. He wraps his arms around the smaller boys waist kissing him. Tommy giggles through it pulling away, hands around Ted's neck. He looks at Charlotte whos keeping her excitement as lowkey as possible. “Sorry Charlotte, I think I stole your husband” He teases, the group laughs. Charlotte bounces happily.  “You look beautiful Miss Bea Bottom,” He says, she bows thanking him. Tommy turns his attention back to Ted nuzzling his head into Ted's shoulder embracing him. The rest of the group split up into their separate conversations.  
“I love you” Ted whispers, Tommy blushes smiling. He kisses Ted's cheek before whispering back.
“I love you too” 
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quickeningheart · 5 years
    The garage doors were shut, which meant either the gang was still out investigating, or it was later than Alley had thought and the Last Chance was closed for the night. She hoped for the former as she typed the security code into the panel on the wall, allowing the door to raise halfway before slipping under it.
    No such luck. They were all back. She wasn’t particularly shocked to find people still inside the garage; she was surprised to find that Chris and Chex were among them. She hadn’t noticed either of their cars parked on the street.
    “So, you totally blew off lunch,” Chex scolded as she bounced forward. “I was mad until I got your text. Man, that blows. I can’t believe—Holy hell what happened to you? You get into a fight or somethin’?” She stopped talking long enough to give the frazzled blonde a lengthy once-over.
    Embarrassed, Alley glanced down at herself, noting the state of her clothes, wrinkled and liberally stained with grass and dirt. She was sure her hair was a tangled mess, their braids long undone. She couldn't even guess where the elastic bands had gotten to; she strongly suspected they were still back at the lake. “Oh. Uh…” She felt herself blushing under the scrutiny. “M-My pet rat just died.” She held up the empty box. “Throttle took me out to bury her.”
    “What, did he try ‘n bury you along with her?” Chex jumped when Chris elbowed her sharply in the side.
    “Ignore the birth defect. She suffers from chronic Foot-in-Mouth Syndrome. I’m sorry about your pet, Alley.”
    “Uh, yeah. Me too. That bites.” Chex offered a sheepish grin. “Rats are cool.”
    “It’s okay. I feel a little better now. I was afraid I'd just have to dump her body, but Throttle helped me bury her under a tree. It was kind've therapeutic. He carved her name into the trunk. Even said a little blessing over her grave and everything. It was really sweet.”
    Charley and the mice exchanged glances, eyebrows raised all around. “Yeah,” Vinnie sniggered. “Real sweet of ‘im.”
    Now it was Charley’s turn to make use of her elbow. “You gonna be okay?” she asked her cousin, concerned. “That’s a lot of bad news for one—”
    “Holy shit, girl, is that a hickey?” Ignoring her brother’s exasperated sigh, Chex grabbed Alley’s sweater and peeled it back. “It is! There’s like a whole flock of ‘em!” She looked inexplicably delighted by the discovery, eyes sparkling with devilish humor. “Sooo … after burying your pet, I guess he decided to help distract you from your grief with a little wrestling and—”
    She was once again cut off by a swat from her brother. “Don’t be disgusting, Chex,” he snapped. “She’s a human! He’s a giant rodent! There’s no way they could—”
    “Says you,” Vinnie cut in with a derisive snort, stepping forward to sling a possessive arm around Charley’s shoulders. “From where I’m standin’, we can just fine, thanks.” Two jaws dropped, and Charley looked like she wanted to crawl into the floor.
    “You mean … the two of you are—” Chris choked out.
    “She’s my girl,” Vinnie confirmed proudly. “An’ I’m her mouse!”
    Charley just sighed and shrugged in a what-can-ya-do gesture.
    Chex’s shock slowly faded as a delighted grin reappeared. “Gettin’ frisky with the furries!” She nodded approvingly. “Dude, that’s hot.”
    Charley and Chris both choked. Vinnie preened. Modo looked like he’d rather be anywhere else. Alley kind've understood how he felt. She groaned and wiped a hand over her face. “Chex, really?”
    “What?” Her expression was all innocence.
    “I’m goin’ to bed.” Alley stalked to the garbage bin to dump the empty box into it.
    “Aw, come on, it was just gettin’ good!” Laughing, Chex moved to keep her from leaving. “What happened between you two while you were out burying things? And how come he’s not here?”
    Alley was wondering that, herself. Damned mouse, throwing her to the wolves like this… “Nothing happened,” she growled.
    “Your appearance would suggest otherwise,” Chex teased. “Come on, tell!”
    Alley shot a pleading glance at her cousin, who merely raised an eyebrow in return as a small grin twitched around her mouth. Clearly, she would be getting no help from that quarter. Huffing, she turned to stomp up the stairs, only to run headlong into a furry body directly in her path. Startled, she looked up to find Stoker standing over her, shirtless, with a towel draped around his neck. His fur was damp, clearly just from a shower. “Yes,” he deadpanned, expression droll. “Do tell us what happened while you were out tonight.” He stepped back to look her over, face darkening as he took in the smattering of love bites visible under the open sweater. He reached out to yank its hood until it slipped down around her elbows, revealing the bruises peppering her throat and collarbone and even further, vanishing under her clothes. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he took in the suspicious hole in her shirt, dotted with traces of blood. She could feel the hot flush spreading over her skin, wanting nothing more than to crawl into a crack and hide.
    “Did he attack you?” Stoker finally asked, voice deceptively soft.
    She gaped at him. “Do you even hear yourself?”
    “Yeah! She was obviously a willing participant,” Chex put in with a snicker. Stoker shot her an annoyed glance; she held up her hands in surrender and backed off, still smirking.
    “Nothing happened,” Alley growled, stamping her foot.
    “I can smell him all over you. Those bruises don’t look like ‘nothing’.”
    Blush darkening, she yanked her sweater closed and glared. “It’s none of your business, either way!”
    Chris shifted uncomfortably. “It’s getting late,” he muttered. “We gotta get back to the dorms or we’ll miss curfew.”
    “But we just got here! You were soooo insistent on coming out and making sure Alley was okay. What happened to helping her in her time of need?” Chex asked, pouting.
    He sneered. “Looks like someone already beat me to it."
    Alley straightened, shooting him a wounded look. “That’s not fair!”
    “Oh, don’t mind him.” Chex smirked. “He’s just pissy ‘cause his crush totally got laid.”
    Chris’s face slowly turned a deep shade of crimson. “Blow it out your ass, Connie,” he snarled over Alley’s denials. “I’m going back to the dorm. You comin’ or you gonna walk?” He turned to stomp off.
    “Wait! Chris…” Alley called after him. He ignored her.
    “Ooooo, touchy. No worries, I can catch a ride!” Chex shot Modo a hopeful glance, who in turn frowned at her, the very picture of fatherly disapproval. She heaved a sigh, rolling her eyes. “Okay, fine. Should’ve drove myself. Hold up, Spaz, I’m comin’!” Mouthing a quick “call me” to Alley, she turned to trot after her twin.
    Leaving Alley to face the wolves by herself. She gulped.
    There was a long, awkward silence, during which Alley fidgeted nervously and considered making a mad dash for her bedroom. Of course, Stoker effectively blocked her route up the stairs, but there was always the fire escape...
    "So," Charley began, effectively breaking the silence. "Can I take this to mean that you've become more open to inter-species relationships?"
    Alley pursed her lips, nonchalantly picking caked dirt from under her fingernails. “I’m no longer … completely opposed to the idea,” she mumbled.
    "How generous of Throttle, steppin’ up to help you overcome your aversion to our species," Stoker snorted, looking anything but happy. "Way to take one for the team."
    Jaws dropped all around. Modo and Vinnie exchanged alarmed glances as Charley sighed heavily and wiped a hand over her face, shaking her head.
    Alley calmly stepped up, hauled back, and delivered a clean uppercut directly to Stoker’s jaw.
    His head snapped back as a startled grunt escaped. The force of the hit caused him to stagger back a step or two, where he promptly tripped over the bottom step and stumbled backwards, landing right on his tail, sprawled over the stairs. He gaped up at the blonde, who stood over him with an evil glare, shaking the pain out of her hand. “You’re an ass,” she hissed, stepping over him and marching up the stairs. A few moments later a door slammed.
    He gingerly worked his jaw, rubbing the abused skin; he could feel the welt already swelling under his fur. Charley knelt beside him, her expression a mix of sympathy and amusement. “You okay?” she asked, shooting a scolding glance at Vinnie and Modo, who were trying (and failing miserably) to hide their snickers.
    He let his head rest against the step. "Been better," he sighed
    She grinned. “She clocked you a good one, huh? Need some ice?”
    He huffed, insulted. “What do you take me for?”
    She patted his shoulder. “I hate to say I told you so—"
    "No, you don't," he snorted. "An' I know. I had it comin'."
    She hummed in agreement. “I think you’ve probably got a bit groveling to do.”
    He chuckled. “Stuck my foot in it, huh?”
    “Sure,” she teased. “Your foot, your knee, your upper thigh…”
    “Okay, okay. Smartass.” A grin twitched his mouth and he tossed his damp towel over her head. "Think she'll forgive me if I buy her another rat?"
    "I dunno, Coach. Rate you're goin', you better make it a pony," Modo quipped, earning more snickers from Vinnie.
    "I think she'll forgive you if you offer a heartfelt apology." Charley tugged on a lock of his hair.
    "I was afraid you'd say that."
    "You do know what one of those is, right?"
    "Sure! It’s that thing where you tell your lady that you were wrong about everything in your entire life, an’ pray she won’t make you sleep on the couch for the rest of it.”
    “Oh, stop it.” Charley laughed and delivered a playful smack to his shoulder.
    He smirked and hauled himself to his feet, wincing when his back popped with the effort. He was gettin’ too damned old. His sleek black racer rolled over to him, and he hopped on with a grateful pat to the crankshaft.
    “Where ya goin’?” Vinnie asked. “Ya ain’t runnin’ away, are ya?”
    “Better let her calm down a bit. Word of advice, punk. It’s a lot easier to apologize when yer not too busy dodgin’ the blunt objects bein’ hurled at your head.” Stoker pulled on his wing-eared helmet. “‘Sides, I’ve got a few phone calls to make.”
    “You realize there’s a perfectly good phone right over there,” Charley offered, bemused.
    “Ain’t the right kinda phone, honey.” He gave her a wink before revving his engine and shooting out of the garage, barely missing the half-open door on the way.
    After convincing the guys to go to the scoreboard for the night, Charley found herself standing outside of Alley’s bedroom. She took a fortifying breath, knocked lightly, opened the door a crack to peer into the room.
    Alley looked up from her spot on the floor, where she was busily cleaning out the empty cage. “I’m not gonna apologize for hitting him,” she warned.
    “I don’t expect you to.” Charley wandered into the room and made herself comfortable on the bed. “He deserved a punch.” She smiled at Alley's surprise; clearly, she’d been expecting a scolding. “Don’t hold it against him, though, huh?” she added. “Jealousy doesn’t look good on anybody.”
    The blonde snorted and turned back to the cage. “Where is everyone?” she asked after a moment.
    “Dunno where Stoker got off to, but I sent the other two home. I suspect they might’ve gone looking for Throttle.”
    “They’re not gonna yell at him, are they?”
    “Of course not.” Charley shrugged. “Not like he did anything wrong. Right?” She watched her cousin for a few moments, before nudging her leg with a booted foot. “So. You and Throttle, huh? How long has this been going on?”
    “It hasn’t,” Alley muttered, dumping a tray of used wood shavings into a garbage bag.
    “He’s been spending an awful lot of time with you, hasn’t he? Not that it’s a bad thing. I’m glad to see you’re both getting on so well, actually. But…”
    Alley sat back with a sigh, running a hand through her hair. “It’s not like I went out there planning to seduce him or anything,” she mumbled. “We were just talking and then … and then he was kissing me and…” She flushed, glancing away. “I didn’t … hate it.”
    “So, he’s a good kisser, huh?” Charley’s eyes sparkled.
    The blonde shifted, blushing. “Well, honestly, it was kind’ve awkward,” she confessed. “I mean, he doesn’t even have lips! We didn’t quite … mesh.”
    “Soooo … he’s a bad kisser?” The mechanic’s lips twitched.
    “I didn’t say that.” Alley rolled her eyes, smirking. “Once we figured out what went where, it was actually quite—” She stopped, clearing her throat as her cousin laughed. “But then I had to go and bring up Carbine.” She sighed heavily, dropping the litter scoop and sitting back against the bed, drawing her knees up to her chest. “After that he got real quiet. Then we came back here. He dropped me off, and took off on his own. Said he had to clear his head.”
    “Hmmm. Probably feels guilty. At least you stopped when you did. It’d be worse if you’d kept going.”
    “I know.” She leaned against Charley’s leg. “But part of me wishes I’d never mentioned her name. Now things are gonna be all awkward between us and I don’t want that. I really like him, you know? I want to get to know him better.”
    “Well, the fact that he made a move suggests definite interest. What kind and how much is another issue.” Charley sighed. “Carbine is the problem. Those two have been together for a long time, but I know their relationship has been pretty rocky at times. They hardly see each other as it is, and now that she's been made general, I don't imagine it will get any easier. What with her being on an entirely different planet and all…” She shifted. “Fact is, he might just be lonely, you know? And if you've developed any feelings for him, he might be picking up on that.”
    “Oh, that makes me feel much better,” Alley grumbled.
    Charley grimaced. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—I'm just trying—” She huffed and ran a hand through her hair. “I'm not very good at this love advice thing, am I?”
    Her cousin offered a faint smile. “No, I understand. What you said makes sense, I guess. But what am I supposed to do now? Pretend like it never happened? I don't want to be just a convenient placeholder until he can go back to his real girlfriend."
    Charley tipped her head back. "Well, I imagine you and Throttle will have to figure that out for yourselves,” she replied. “Either way, I suggest having a conversation. Soon."
    The two women sat for a few moments, lost in their own musings. Alley finally shifted, breaking the silence. “So, Throttle said you’d gone to the college to try and break into the computers.” She raised an eyebrow. “How’d that work for ya? Did you have to flee a zillion security guards?”
    Charley wrinkled her nose. “Please. Do I look like an idiot? I sent in backup.” She reached into her shirt pocket, withdrew an object and held it out.
    “What is that?”
    On closer inspection, “that” turned out to be a small mess of metal components, smashed microchips and hair-thin copper wires.
    "It used to be an electronic beetle," Charley explained. "But it sort've met with a little ... accident." She sounded perturbed.
    “You mean it’s like a robot or something?”
    “Mmmm. Something like that. It’s essentially a spy cam. It’s purpose is to plug into a computer and wirelessly download information to another hard drive. In this case, my laptop. That’s what I was trying to do last night. As you can see, it didn’t work out so well.”
    “What happened?”
    “The secretary spotted it. Thought it was an actual insect. She brought a book right down on it. Feedback damn near blew out my eardrum, lemme tell you.” Charley huffed a laugh. “And that was the end of that. It was a good test run, at any rate.”
    “Where did you even pick up something like this? Spies R Us?”
    “Oh, it’s just something I cobbled together in my spare time.” She gave a casual shrug as her cousin gaped at her.
“Cobbled toge—Charley.” Alley pinched the bridge of her nose. “You cobble together a backyard tree fort, or a quick fix for a broken table leg. You do not ‘cobble’ a technologically advanced … robotic … spy beetle!”
    “Sure I do!” The redhead grinned. “It’s just a prototype, like I said. I built it using spare parts. I needed to test it, and this was a good chance. Now I know its limitations. I’ll take them into account when I build an upgraded version.”
    “What sort of limitations?” Alley asked, curious.
    “For one thing, its signal range is too small. It only extends about twenty meters or so. I had to sit in a tree last night to get close enough to the third floor to maneuver the bug through my laptop. The commands weren’t getting through very well, though. It couldn’t read the order to disappear when the secretary showed up, which is how it got smashed. Good thing she didn’t look too closely and realize she’d just killed a robot. Adding working wings next time might be useful. It does climb walls pretty well, though.”
    Alley shook her head, impressed. “I dunno, Cuz. I think you totally missed your calling. Why are you fixing cars for a living, barely scraping by? You’re like a real-life James Bomb with all this spy crap! You should be making billions selling it to the government!”
    Charley hummed. “You know, I used to design bikes and stuff for small companies and private investors. Even had Washington sniffing around, expressing interest in my engines and a few of my weaponry designs.”
    Alley stared. “And?”
    “Martians crash-landed my hometown.” Charley grinned wryly at the blonde's expression. “I tried for a few months to keep working on my prototypes, but…” She sighed and shrugged. “The problem with private investors and the government is they’re all incredibly nosy. And they tend to be super paranoid about their investments. They wanna know exactly what they’re getting, how it’s all put together, what sort of equipment I use, where I get my parts… I couldn’t have the CIA poking around the garage with the guys constantly in and out. Three giant, talking alien mice would be just a little hard to explain. Not to mention where I acquired some of the more advanced components in my gadgets.”
    “Yikes. I see your point.”
   “Yeah. So, I just content myself with using my creativity to help out my best friends against the Plutarkian invasion. Little things like my spy bug will be a great help in the future. Once I perfect it, if we need info on Limburger's schemes, rather than putting ourselves in the direct line of fire, I can just send in a few of these little beauties to gather all the intel we need, safe and sound.”
   Alley scoffed. “I dunno, Charley. That's all well and good, but isn’t putting themselves in direct line of fire sort of what they do? Being the psycho adrenaline junkies that they are and all…”
   Charley snorted. “They might be. As for me, I have no such issues about giving my heart a few less attacks per month, thanks very much. Constant kidnapping never did sit well with me.”
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citrusbones · 5 years
ah, yes! im sorry, i forgot to give you basic information! so that Bitty Lamia is a corn snake variant of the Papyrus Bitty line. He eats normal food, and pre-killed mice. In some timelines, like my own, they're exotically bred and manufactured 'pets', made by human scientists who wanted to make special companions who could form 'soul bonds' and chose each other. sadly, like other pets, some get chosen by bad humans, or just humans that cant keep them. Then, they end up at a shelter for Bitty's.
Okay. So I can feed him stuff that we carry here, or I can find a surface place somewhere that has mice for snakes, I guess. But...uh.
I get that, in your timeline, these little guys---they’re just pets there? But.
Even if they’re tiny, and part snake, or if they were made by science because people like to mess with nature like that---they’re still people.
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I’m not gonna treat him like a pet. Instead, I’ll just think of it like I just have another...smaller...roommate.
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Yaaay!! Thank you Soraya's inbox, sorry i blamed you on eating the last ask😂😘. You did great. Nono, he wasnt a torero, he looked like a prince. (Which is not better bcs i dont like any of those  figures but... whatever). Ooh, talking about suits, did you see the ranking hsfashionarchive did of the suits he wore this tour? Bcn was winning, pink suit was second and Mdd was third!! (1)
[I hope this works 😜🙏🏻, bc this was TOO long, jajajaa.]
Ohhh. Your mom is the best. So supportive! Petition to give her that award. She is clearly the winner. (1D clinex? capitalism in its pure state 😂. Did they really made those? Glad i didnt find it on time bcs i would have definitely brought them as a joke to my sister or something). You are already playing Niall’s songs to her? Did she like them? Does she have anything similar to “pikachu get away” she had for SOTT?. (2)
JAJAJAJJA. Netflix always does that to me too. Dont know why. I started watching Black mirror backwards bcs of that. Did you understand anything of chapter 7 os ST? (Did you finish the show??). Yep. The 8th season is the last one, and i dont know hoe to feel about it. Dissapointed by the shows? As in with the ending?? Or how? (3)
You sound like a devoted cat lady, yes. Ooow, i have little cousins too, though they are reaching the age of “too cool to be seen with you, old girl” Of course they make me laugh. Honey is a menace and i appreciate it. JAJAJAJAJAJAJA. He ate the chorizo?? Honeeey!! 😂😂😂 that made me laugh at loud int the train and now my neighbour is looking at me weirdly. I see, you’ll never get bored with him. (4)
When i was younger and + close minded, i didnt like tattos. Considere also that the ones I had saw in real life were the tribal ones, so there’s tgat. But then i grew up and started liking them (you can partially blame larry for that). Nobody in my family (cousins and so) has one, and thats kind of a encouragement, I’d love to piss them, but my dad has threaten me to disinherit me (we dont heven have that, lol) and i dont have any tatto on mind, so i wont do it… maybe in the future, yes. (5)
I MISS LOUIS TOO! I hope he is fine. Resting and so. Im sure that creating the album that will destroy us all takes a lot of effort. (Seriously, where is heeeee?). Heeey!! I wont get bored. Or mad! I have such a great time talking to you. If i dont talk more its bcs of the character limit and bcs im always worried about pressuring or imposing. Dont be dumb. If i dont answer its bcs im busy with finals and so. Nothing more. Promise. (6)
THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING. i know i know. It makes sense and its a smart move, but… i cant stand raeggeton/latino, its not for me. Sad. I havent lost hope though. Maybe ill change my mind later Yeah, i have the same problem with my friends, they only listen to trap and raeggeton and i die everytime. We mostly agree to put something neutral like pop or the radio. (Disney songs never get old😂). (7)
Ay. I just saw that i wrote “heven” instead of “even” and now i want to delete myself. I was walking while writing the asks and i didnt proofread it. I feel so dumb. Anyway, sorry for sending so many asks (today i made a record xd) and, as always, good night!!————————————————————————-Hi!!!! Yes! I saw the ranking. But it isn’t exactly a ranking. It’s more to like chose wants your favorite suit. I did it and guess what? My first choice in the Madrid one, jajajaa. Second the kilt. And third the jumpsuit. Very accurate.
Oh, you’re telling me! My family bought me a bunch of 1D merch (unofficial all): the clinex, a hair brush, a bracelet, 2 books!, one perfume (this I love it, it smells so good), a make up box… I can’t even remember everything. Ah! A birthday card too!! Where they talk when you open it. I always use to wish happy birthday to people (the audio) 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I had to tell them to please stop wasting money on those things. I don’t even know where I have it. And if a can ask, I’d rather they give me the money so I can go to their concerts,jajajaja.EDIT: I can’t believe I forgot the poster!! I have it beside my head right now,jajaja, and I only realized it was there when I looked at the boys to ask for inspiration,😅😅)
Oh, my mom loves Niall’s album too. But I don’t think she “knows” any of the lyrics,jajaja. Though, she knows the hmmmm in This Town. But that’s all. She and my sister, both separately were like: “oh! who’s him??” When they heard Fire Away. And I was like: “ehhhhh, it’s Niall’s album, so guess who’s it?? What, you like it? See, Harry’s not the only one who can sing…” jajajajja. It’s because of comments like this, that they think I don’t like Harry. And I get so offended when they hint at it! Like, of course I like Harry. But I like all of them too!! God!! I love Niall’s album so much (I’m hearing it right now, bc I couldn’t remember what song was the one they liked it so much, and now I can’t stop 😅). Harry’s and Niall’s albums have been lining in my car since they were released. I had Harry’s playing in a loop till I got Niall’s one and I interchanged them. Then Harry’s came back a month or so before his concert. And now it’s time for Niall’s again. (You can’t imagine how hard it’s being writing this with honey laying on my arm!! Jajaja, I can’t barely move my fingers😅).
AND WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU REALIZED YOU WERE WATCHING BLACK MIRROS BACKWARDS??? I’ve watched canter 1 and 2 of ST afterwards, but I hadn’t gotten to watch the whole thing yet. I can’t stand to be looking at a screen for 50minutes without doing anything. And don’t get me wrong, lol, I can be on tumblr for hours, jajaja, but a have to move my hand, and I can go from a blog to another… y'know, jajajajaja. And when I watched chapter 7 of ST i was like, okay… now they have to investigate what happened… or a guessed they would be doing flashbacks… jajajajajaja. Then I realized my mistake and thought I was stupid, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣“I see you from a different point of view🎶🎶” ( sorry, that’s me singing,jajajaja, Seeing Blind. I LOVE that song)And shows have disappointed me in the sense that they turn out to have an awful ending (seriously, I know you do it for the audience, but end a show how it deserves it, don’t turn it into shit just for a handful of money); or bc they just end it bc they don’t have enough audience. It’s always a matter of audience,jajaja.if they have a lot, they want to explode it. And if they don’t have enough they finish it ASAP. 😒
Honey is a menace, yeh, I couldn’t love him more,jajajaja. He can’t see me petting Liam, he gets jealous and comes to me and headbutt my hand so I pet him too. And Liam is so patient with him. They’re totally like liam and Louis, jajja. Hey! did I tell you the story about when I got Liam? no!! Well, someone gave my dad 4 kitties (they were sooooo small). So, guess their names (it was post March 25, 2015…) yes!! They were named (by me) Louis, Niall, Harry and Liam, jajajajajja. But Harry died a couple of days later, because he was really really young. He couldn’t survive without his mom ☹️. And the other three, my dad took them to a place we have were he has a little garden (?) with vegetables and chickens and proper farm-y, jejeje. I wasn’t too (any) into cats back then, so… Then he brought home one of them, to have our home free of mice. AND IT WAS LIAM!! And I adopted him. I took care of him. We started loving each other. And he became useless with mice, jajaja. He’s totally domesticated now 😝. And that’s his story. The rest? Louis became a big alpha male at their new home. But s car ran him over last summer, and he died 😔. And Niall is a female, jajajajaa. And I hate her. Because she hasn’t been able to keep her kitties alive once!! (She’s pregame again, and we’re praying this time she knows who to be a mom🙏🏻) Ah!! And Honey had siblings the other day!! The guy who gave it to my dad is my brother’s friend and he show him a pic. There are two white cats!! I WANT THEM!!! But they don’t let me have anymore cats! Jajajajaja.
Hey, we might have in common the reason why we started liking tats, jajajjajaa. And, well, to piss off the family is as good a reason as any other,jajajaja. And why are dads like that?? When my sister and I got our lips pierced he went to pick up at the train station and as soon as he saw us he turned around and walked to the car without saying a word,jajajajja. I HAD TOLMY PARENTS WE WOULD BE DOING IT!! I asked my mom:hey mom, if a get a 10 in maths, can I get a piercing?? And she say okay. So I got a 10 (I might cheated or not on this, bc I already knew I had a 10, but wel…), and I got a piercing.my sister only got it, bc I was 16, she had to go with me as an adult, and giving she was already there, she got one too,jajajaja. (My granny almost kill us 😅)
Oh, louis has a BIG responsibility on his hands. He will be killing a lot of people when he puts out his album. He has to chose the proper songs to do it. It will be considered a massive destruction weapon, so he better be careful. But god, for real, when will Louis and Liam release their albums. At this pace, Harry and Niall will be releasing their second one before LiLo has finished their respective tours. And when they finish, Narry will have release their second one, and will be promoting them. So Lilo will start working in their seconds one. And… and… AND ONE DIRECTION WON’T COME BACK EVER BECAUSE THEY CAN FIX A DATE WHERE ALL OF THE BOYS HAVE NOTHING TO DO, AND WHAT WILL I DO??? 😭😭😭😭😭 (sorry, I panicked a bit there,oops).
Uggggg, I can’t stand raeggeton either. I can’t stand the music, argggg. Or the culture of it (the how it treats women, and glorifies sex). I can’t I can’t.and you can’t go out without hearing it. My friends and I went on road trip once. And it was my friend’s car. And she only listens to raeggeton. And after 10, 15, 40? minutes I had to ask her “will this song ever end???” And she told me it was already a different one. And I swear I almost jump out of the car,jajajajaja. We were crossing a bridge, and I wanted to jump out of the car!!!!! I couldn’t listen to that any more!!!!!  Ejkbvwirbfeuirnfrvoieefvnv The she caved and we switched to movie’s soundtracks,jajajaja.
Ha! Don’t worry about sending a lot of ask, I learn something, you’ll see,jajajajaa.Also, I forgot to ask early. Is your sister a 1d fan too, then? She goes to concerts and knows the song… how lucky! you have someone to talk about all the gossip!! (And they know what you’re talking about…) or is she a “casual” fan, and doesn’t get into fandom drama? She just likes the music and doesn’t care about their lives?are you both into drama?? God, I don’t discuss drama very much online, but if had someone face to face to talk about it… I would be the happiest person in the world,jajajajaa (what an exaggeration 🙊).
I think this is all. I LOVE ORPUR CONVERSATIONS!! Jajajaja( I hope I did it correctly and all this is under read more, jajaja)Byeeeeee!!!! 😚😚😚😚
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iamtheshortone · 7 years
Get To Know Me!
Thank you @anxiouscoffeebean!!!! Sorry it took me nearly a week to do this!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people that you would like to get to know better I dont know that many people im pathetic
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5′0 Sometimes a lil under 5′
Favourite bands: The Color Morale, PVRIS, Bring me the Horizon, Beartooth, Flint Eastwood, Mayday Parade, Crown the Empire, old school Asking Alexandria, old school Of Mice and Men, theres a few others that I like, but aren’t my abosulte go to’s. 
Favourite solo artists: Chance the Rapper, Kendrick, Kanye, Beyonce, Lana Del Rey, Marina Diamandis, Drake, theres some others I can’t think of the names to, but its like acoustic stuff on my pandora list. 
Songs stuck in my head: Stupid for You (waterparks), Anyone Else (pvris), Queen (flint eastwood) these are all the ones that are currently there lol
Current Favourite Song: Uuuhhhhh, Im diggin Queen atm 
Last movie watched: Movie wise, Monkey Bone, Ive been watching a lot of The Office and Supernatural 
Last TV show watched: The Office
When did I create this blog: Around 2011 or 2012 I think, its been a long while  
What do I post: Man what don’t I post. Memes, bands, things that are important to me, stuff about the world around us, random videos, ect. 
Last thing I googled: Grocery ads because I was getting groceries the other day finally 
Do I have other blogs: No, but I’m thinking about making a second one. 
Do I get asks: Hardly ever and when I do, I always forget sadly    
Following: I’m not even sure, a lot?
Followers: A few? 
Favourite colour(s): A lot, if not all. I like neutral colors, cool colors. 
Average hours of sleep: anywhere from 3-8 on a good night lmao
Lucky number: I don’t believe I have one 
Instruments: I kinda play guitar and a lil drums back in the day. 
What I’m currently wearing: Pajama pants, no shirt. gonna be sleepin soon and its warm in the house. 
How many blankets do I sleep with: Like 5? But I only use two-three and they’re comforters. The third is either my fuzzy blanket or a throw blanket. 
Dream job: I’ve always wanted to be on stage like the bands I love, ever since I was little. 
Dream trip: I’ve been wanting to go see Yellowstone for a while. Somewhere with trees and mountains. 
Favourite food: Lately its been wontons, its always chicken though!
Nationality: I’m hispanic, french, and who knows what else.
Dream house: Oh man, either nice and cozy in a small town, or a lil big so my pets and family can grow and be happy. 
Crush: Well my fiance is my number one ( i know how lame) But like literally every sweet pretty girl or sweet sincere boy 
Animal: Oh god. Theres four cats and a dog at my parents and four cats and a dog at my place lmao see the pattern??????
Hair colour: Brown? Whatever my natural color is doing atm, theres blond on the bottom from it fading when it was blue. 
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