#people were surprised just how bad it was
foreveradreamaway · 3 days
streaming- MV33/1
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summary- a compilation of moments from maxs streams
i really loved writing this as i always have small idea that aren’t long enough to be their own post, if you have any small idea that goes with this or just in general then please comment it or send it to me and i will make a part two or another post similar <3
max loved to stream every now and then. he loved the interactions with fans and getting to play with his friends. you also loved when max streamed because it gave you some peace and quiet for a while, it also allowed you to do some house work without max following you like a lost puppy.
you had made numerous appearances in his streams and his fans loved it. probably enjoying seeing you both as actual humans and getting to see how you both live your daily lives together. some fans had made a compilation of the many times you made an appearance in one of maxs streams.
max sat in his gaming chair immersed in whatever game he was playing. you needed something from the room he was in and it couldn’t wait.
you opened the door as slowly and quietly as possible and creeped over to the thing you needed. apparently you weren’t quiet enough and he heard you. he moved one side of his headset off his ear.
“sorry, i just needed to grab the end thing for the hoover.” you sheepishly smiled. he only grinned in return. you took this as the opportunity to walk up behind him so you were in the frame.
“what are you playing?” you questioned as your face finally came in shot.
“im playing cod with lando, charles and carlos”
“aww cute” you sent a quick wave to say hello to everyone that was on the other end of the camera. however your eyes were quickly caught by the top of maxs head.
“can they hear me?” you questioned, he nodded. “okay. hello everyone, it’s your favourite person in the world here and i just needed to show you something” max had a confused look on his face as he watched you through the camera, wondering what you were about to show.
your hands reached for each side of the head set that was on his head and slowly removed it and handed it to him. your hands then went to either side of his head and tilted it down.
“max gets really bad headset hair guys and it will literally stay like this for the rest of the day” max’s hands quickly went up to his hair to attempt to fix while you and the chat couldn’t help but laugh.
“shut up” he grumbled as he lifted the head set back onto his head. “love you baby!” you called over your shoulder as you left the room.
“i hate her”
“i heard that!”
“mijn liefste, wil je zo pasta? Ik ben er nu een paar aan het maken” you can’t be seen as you poke your head round the door.
“Het gaat goed, dank je schat” he replies while not taking his eyes off the game but removing one side of his headset. “welke pasta ben je aan het maken?”
“i know i’m learning but im not that good yet max” you laugh.
“i said ‘what pasta are you making” he replies, suddenly feeling hunger bubble his stomach.
“i’m not sure yet. are you sure you don’t want any? i’ll surprise you” making food has always been one of your love languages, your mum had shown you to cook as soon as she could and you picked it up quick.
“yeah go on then” he finally turns to you and smiles as you walk away. when he finally turns back he sees the chat filled with questions and people telling him how cute you both are.
“yeah she is learning dutch. i’m teaching her” his face lights up as he talks about you. “it’s very easy for her though because she already knows other languages so she picks it up quickly” his smile never leaving his face.
max is looking intensely at the chat in-front of him, reading everything is the chat. answering a couple questions. he does this until he sees a familiar name come up.
“‘answer your phone’ what?” he quickly picks up his phone to see that he has ten missed calls from you. he is quick to call you back.
“max stop putting your phone on do not disturb and silent” you scold. he always did when he was streaming, he always said it was because he didn’t want to be disturbed however sometimes it was important. like now.
“sorry schat.”
“do you want anything from the shop? i’ve already got your m&ms and tomato soup.” max had a soft spot for m&ms and everyone knows about this man’s love of tomato soup.
“no i’m okay thank you baby. what are we having for dinner” max had a massive smile on his face. half because he was talking to you and because he knew how much everyone watching would love the conversation.
“well you’ve got mean prep” you couldn’t help but laugh as max groaned loudly and threw his head back. he hated meal prep. don’t get me wrong he loved being healthy and eating nice food but sometimes he just craved your cooking. “and i’m having a stir fry.”
“ugh whatever. i want stir fry”
“i know baby. ill make you one as soon as your nutritionist will allow me too”
“okay fine. when will you be home?” max kept the phone close to his mic to make sure everyone would be able to hear you on the other end of the phone.
“not long, i took the ferrari so it won’t take me long to get home. i don’t have my keys so be ready to pick up your phone and open the door! okay, i love you bye” you ended the phone call quickly before he could say anything about you taking his car.
“i swear she prefers my cars over her own” he laughed as he read through the chat again.
when you moved in with max you demanded that a sofa be put into his gaming/office room. he got you the cosiest sofa he could just to make sure you were comfy. max spent a lot of time in the room and you missed him when he was in there.
before you lived together, you tried to sit on the floor when you were round but you just weren’t comfortable enough so that’s when you demanded a sofa. if max was streaming or just had some admin stuff to do, you would just sit on the sofa and enjoy each-others company.
max was streaming, as per usual, while you sat all snuggled up on the sofa across the room. you had one the comfiest jumper of his that you could find, his joggers, a blanket covering your whole body and tucked under your chin and you glasses that sat on your nose.
max had specifically bought a pair of joggers that were too small for him. one day he came home to see you wearing a pair of his that were far to big for you and when he questioned you, you said that you just enjoy wearing his clothes. so the next day he went and bought a pair that were to small and placed them in his waldrobe. from then on they were yours.
you were also a secret iPad kid at heart. your iPad was literally your prized possession and you took it everywhere with you. now was no different as you sat there with your ipad resting on your legs as you watched tik tok.
“look” you turned the ipad around so that it was facing max, he leant on the arm rest of the chair to get a better view of what you were showing him. it was a cat.
“we should get sassy and jimmy one” he laughed as you nodded. he sat back into his chair and caught what the chat were saying. many people asking where you were.
he grabbed the camera from its holder and turned it to face you, showing you under the blanket. he got up out his chair and moved to sit next to you on the sofa.
“you are actually such an old man” you laughed as he struggled to hold the camera so that it would get a view of both of you. “give it to me” you took the camera from his hand and wrapped your other arm around his neck to bring him closer to you.
“hey guys, it’s your favourite person in the world here” the camera now had a perfect view of both of you as you put a quick peace sign up to the camera. you quickly nudged max and his fingers quickly went to the same position as yours. “i want to show you all my outfit, hold this baby” you handed the camera to max and threw the blanket onto him as you stood from your seat.
“max, show them my whole body my love” you laughed as he was only showing the camera your legs. “i’m trying Schat” you leant forward a bit and moved maxs hand so it faced where it should be.
“okay so my glasses are from specsavers, they are the only people i trust with my glasses. even if i need a new pair i would rather fly home than get a pair from anywhere else. because if they messed my glasses up i would just hear my mum in my ear saying ‘should have gone to specsavers’. my jumper is maxs- where is this jumper from?” you questioned him.
“umm its a zara one i think”
“okay so the jumper is from zara and these joggers are from nike. can i even say that? do they even sponsor you?” max’s laugh could be heard from behind the camera before he replies. “yeah it’s okay. i think” his face fell into a sheepish grin behind the camera.
“my socks are from god knows where. and the blanket is from also god knows where.” you gave the camera a big smile as you fell back into your previous position.
“you are the new version of maxplaining”
“shut up”
“can we play fifa?” you were sat on the floor, cross legged, next to max while he sat in his gaming chair. “you only want to play fifa because you always beat me” he huffed.
“exactly” you grinned at him.
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goldsbitch · 2 days
Hello hello! I am still absolutely obsessed with the "Fire" fic you wrote. You are such a talented writer omg, the storytelling, the humour, everything!
So I thought, I have an idea for a funny fic and I'm just gonna send it in LOL I remember Lando saying in an interview that he's really scared when he's the passenger. So what if his GF is speeding all the time and Lando is just internally freaking out and sweating while trying to keep his cool next to her?
Just an idea, if you don't wanna write it that's fine too (:
omg omg omg thank you so much! i'm blushing and i'm scared - hopefully you'll like this one! i added a detail that might be little over the top - but who knows? not me anymore.
I'll drive
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"You have a car?!" Lando uttered, forgetting any table manners, the food he had been chewing nearly falling out of his mouth.
Y/N was dead silent, the look on her face strongly resembling a child who lied about cleaning their room and just blushed every toy under their bed.
Her boyfriend gave her a cheeky questioning look, and when it finally set in - the fact she had been hiding the existence of her car from him - he was truly stunned and somewhat amused.
"So, wait. You know how to drive?! Why am I always taking you places?" he asked rhetorically, never actually being bothered by that, but still.
"I don't know how to drive-" she tried before getting interrupted by her father.
"Of course she does, I taught her myself," the jolly man said and patted her on her back with a proud smile. Y/N's face got washed with crocked smile, as if she swallowed something truly detestable.
"No, I do not know how to drive-"
"Nonsense, she's alway been so hard on herself," he father continued. Y/N just sighed.
The young couple came to visit her hometown for the first time. It was lot of reminescing of old times and her school days - a context that Lando very much appreaciated. He had met her as a grown up woman, but that weekend, he witnessed many amusing moments and heard lots of stories that only childhood small towns hold. What did he love the most about this experience? The fact there was nothing for her to do to stop it, no matter how much she frowned. Influx of surprising moments, but this discovery topping all of them.
She saw Lando's perplexed face and tried to save the situation. "I never lied to you, technically you never asked...I just figured you like driving so much, why bother, especially if I am so bad at it..."
Lando was not having it. "Oh, you're not getting easily out of this one," he replied, biting his lower lip, actively having to remind himself of the fact her family was right there. There was something innately attractive about her being so raw and pushed into a corner. Just pure cuteness. "I'm sure you're not half as bad as majority of the people out there," he said, new plans forming in his head. "I think you and I should take her for a spin," he said, referring to the car, and hid his smile behind a glass. Her eyes were piercing his with an energy so intense, it was electrifying.
"No, Lando, I am not driving while you're in the same car," she stated firmly, not breaking the eye contact.
"Come one, sweetheart, it'll be fun," he said, honey dripping out of his mouth.
"It will be anything but that," she said, but Lando ignored that, turning into her father for more information.
"So what kind of a car it?"
The rest of the conversation continued in description of a car Y/N herself could only describe as red, her father telling a story about how he got it for his daughter and how she actually barely ever drove it, which apparently broke his heart.
Let's not forget, this was Lando - of course he had ulterior motives. While it was great, spending few wholesome days in the company of his girlfriends family, his frustration grew, because for some reason, she refused to have any intimate activities in her family's house. Why, he had no idea. But of course, he respected that.
She never mentioned anything about not having some nice outdoor sex in a car. He wanted to see her drive and also ride. His perfect afternoon.
Lando is not the best of passengers, often uneasy about the common mistakes casual drivers made. Taking over the wheel is a natural thing for him to do. But, this was an exception he was excited to make - how bad could it be, right? He learned the hard way not to ask that question again.
"You sure you don't want to switch places?" she asked, once again, doing everything she could to get out of this.
"Nope babe, passenger seat is the vibe for me today," he smirked, making himself overly comfortable sitting next to her.
She raised her eyebrows. "Here goes nothing, I guess," she murmured and put the keys into ignition.
Lando found it amusing, seeing her so hyper-focused, as if she was launching a rocket ship. To be fair, it was a manual car - so it was close.
Three deep breaths - I fucking hate this, she thought, turned the key and released the clutch. When the car immediately jumped, Lando regretted sitting in his usual obscure way, his head hitting the door with quite a loud bump.
"Told ya," she said and started the car again. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't possibly sell her mistake as an intention.
"You released the clutch too soon," he said while assessing the bump forming on his head.
"Do not give me advice when I drive, makes me angry," she announced and this time actually managed to start the car in a semi-ok way.
Lando watched his bubbly, happy-go-lucky, girlfriend turn into a monster and there was nothing for him to do to stop it.
Everything was somewhat fine when they were still on the quiet roads surrounding her neighborhood. She stopped on the way to the main road, watching two cars that were comically far away and letting them pass. They didn't have to say anything, both knew what the other one was thinking. Y/N knew there was plenty of time for her to join the road before those cars, but the lack of trust in her own abilities was making her wait stubbornly. Lando watched the scenery, amused and starting to understand that in this relationship, his place as the driver was more than secure. She didn't want to be in this position, in fact she was increasingly more mad, that Lando and her father teamed up on her. But since she was where fate got her, she was absolutely not accepting Lando smirking at her.
"I know what you think, we have plenty of time, so I will not be doing some stupid moves to get us both killed," she said and gripped the steering wheel even more.
To prove his point, Lando leaned over her and squirted his eyes and watched the slowly approaching cars. He gave her a sarcastic nod. She rolled her eyes.
"I'm joking, I'm joking," he said, putting his hands in defense.
"You better be, otherwise I'll just yeet us into the ditch."
And that was when the line got crossed.
"Fine!" she said, having no control over her emotions, and pressed the gas with new found energy. She turned, almost into a drift, and joined the main road, nearly having the two cars crash into her.
Lando gripped the handle, not expecting her to speed so much. His eyes went wide with realizations - she was the kind of driver operating on emotions. Had this been a racing track and an F1 car, he'd be having more fun, knowing the cars were epitome of safety. He was not so sure about this vehicle.
She had the "Tsunoda" energy and absolute lack of skill to go about it. Weaving, wrong gear almost constantly and not bothered by the sound her car was making.
"You're driving quite close to the lane, baby," he commented, getting more and more worried about their safety.
"Shut up, don't be all smart about it," she said, lips locked in a line. She was focused - not that it helped.
Another hard turn where she missed the right moment to go into it. Lando took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second, trying to stay calm.
After few hundred metres, he couldn't take it again.
"I think you're way over the speeding limit," he mentioned.
"That's not what this says," he nodded to her speedometer. Lando leaned over and had to laugh.
"Yeah, that's definitely not correct. Honey, I'm sorry, but the lane - you are too close to it," he said in the calmest tone he could gather.
"My brain does not work like that, I see it more in an abstract way..."
His eyes nearly popped out. "You see the road in an abstract way? Oh dear god."
She sighed, not understanding what was the big deal was. "No like, it's a concept. It's not real, if there is nobody on the road, you can be anywhere."
"I'm pretty sure that's not the case, sweetheart," he said and thought for himself that it could be the case if she knew how to drive, but not like that. "Change the gear, you're burning your clutch."
She slapped the steering wheel. "I. Do not. Accept. Advice. At the moment. Thank you!" she said slowly before going on a rampage. "We both know you're exceptionally good at this, it was your idea, I tried to stop you, so now face the situation and do not tell me what to do because I might panic even more!"
"Ok, ok, calm down," he said, putting his hands up in defense and turning his head away to avoid watching her inventing a new way how to turn the steering wheel.
This sent her over the edge, truly giving up on any rules. She was mad, scared, uncomfortable and kind of hungry to be honest.
Lando stayed silent, worried for his life, regretting his decision and making a mental note to listen to her if she says she can't do something - if they survive this.
A huge bump and a loud noise. She barely managed to keep the car on the road.
"What is that?" she screamed, not knowing what to do.
"Front left tire puncture, retire the car! I mean, shit, stop, over there," he gestured, to the sideline of the road.
"Ok, so what now?" she said once it seemed like a decent amount of time for him to stop observing the wheel.
"It's just the tire, I'm sure you've got a spare at the back, right?" he asked and like the gentleman he was, got up and looked in the back for a replacement. When he got it out, he proudly put it in front of her, considering his part of the job done. She stared at him, not moving. "There you go," he said, encouraging her. "They taught you how to do this at driving school."
"Um, yeah. I missed that lesson. Can you do it?"
"How could you miss that lesson?" he asked in desperation. Both of them stood there, waiting for the other to take the lead. It was very unusual for Y/N to see him this passive around a car. "Come on, you must have had a question about this on your test," he pleaded.
And then it clicked. "Lando?" she asked, having a very strange feeling about his behavior. "Do you know how to change a tire?"
He stayed silent, pretending to ignore her question. Y/N's eyes went wide. "Oh my god, you don't know how to change a tire?!" she asked once again, unable to believe that could even be the case. "Isn't that like half of your job?"
"Well no, actually, my job is to drive. There is a whole team dedicated for changing my tires," he said matter-o-factly.
"You're a racing driver. Spend more time in a car than in a bed. And you don't know how to change a tire," she stated and started to laugh. "That's so rich."
He let out a heavy sigh. "I've never actually done it myself. Plus these are normal tires, different system."
"Oh my god," she said, unable to process.
The way how much this whole thing has backfired had Lando stuck. He was suppose to be engaging in inappropriate activities with his girlfriend at this moment. In his understanding of that, it did not include getting his phone out and searching for an online tutorial for bloody tire change. But, there he was. Y/N was suddenly having so much fun, coming off a high that was the adrenaline her body produced during driving. She was free and driving was impossible now. Bliss. In her opinion, this was all Lando's fault - she told him she couldn't drive. Payback time - hopefully Oscar would pick up.
She was dialing her phone, while he was trying to understand how to go about this.
Yes, he picked up! "Hi, this is Y/N," she said in a very serious tone. "Who are you calling?" Lando mouthed, his biggest worry that she dialed up her father and he is now going to have a reputation until the end of time. "Help," she mouthed back silently.
"Hi Y/N," was Oscar's response, the driver being somewhat confused as to why she was calling him. "What's up?"
"Glad you ask. Me and my boyfriend got into a serious situation."
"You and Lando?"
Lando frowned. "Are you calling assistance? We don't need them..."
She ignored him."Yes, I was forced to drive-"
"He let you drive?"
"What kind of assistance is it?" Lando asked, doubting the whole phone call.
Y/N continued without pausing. "And we managed to get a flat tire, which I don't know how to fix and to surprise of the whole universe, he can't fix as well."
There was only laughter on the other end of the call.
"Y/N, who are you calling?"
Y/N pretended not the hear Lando. "Do you know how to change a tire?"
Oscar was more than amused, knowing he just gained a wild card to use on Lando anytime he would want. "Yes, of course I do. Put me on Facetime with him."
Y/N smirked at her boyfriend, who was still confused and with sparkles in her eyes handed him her phone.
"Oscar says hi!"
Lando blinked, several times. "What? No!...Shit. Hey Oscar," he waved at his teammate awkwardly.
"I have been summoned," Oscar announced, finding this all very amusing.
"Yes," Lando replied, defeated.
Oscar did not wait and took the situation in charge. "First step to do is make yourself seen, guys. You got a triangle?"
"Where's the bloody bucket hat when you need it the most..." Y/N mumbled, having Lando roll his eyes in reaction.
"I'll go and find it and you guys figure this out, ok?" she said handing over the phone to Lando and giving him a little peck on the cheek.
"I hate you," he said with a smile.
"I hate you more," she replied and skipped over to the trunk.
After series of creative curse words, one pair of ruined jeans and a celebratory high five, the pair stood once again in front of her car, staring at each other.
"I guess I'll drive us back," Lando decided loudly and waited for her approval.
"Agree. Let's not disturb the gods anymore. You're such a bad passenger princess anyway."
The past hour was filled with lot of conflicting emotions, but the only one that stayed was the love the two shared just by looking at each other.
"I'm sorry I forced you into this," Lando apologized softly. "It was not fair. I see that now."
Her lips turned into a weak smile. "Thank you. And sorry for calling Oscar. I'm sure he won't let you forget this."
He see right though her. "No, you're not sorry about that - I can see the devil in your eyes."
She bit her tongue. "Yup."
It was hard for Lando not to kiss her in that moment. It was impossible for her to resist.
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catslvrr · 3 days
hiding in plain sight
kim minji x fem!reader | one shot
Synopsis: Being stuck in an elevator is bad. Being stuck in an elevator with Minji, however, is very good.
Contains: mentions of drinking, cursing
Song: Glue Song — Beabadoobee, Clairo
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You should’ve known that your laziness would come back to bite you in the ass one day.
“Alright,” Hanni huffs, readjusting her tote bag strap. “This is where we part ways.”
You shift weight onto your right foot to bump shoulders with her. “Are you sure? The offer still stands.”
“Very sure,” she laughs as she glances at the daunting stairs on the right. “Need these bad boys muscled up.”
Hanni attempts a bodybuilder pose to flaunt her calf muscles, but barely anything shows. It’s a sad display. Maybe she really does need it.
“Shame,” you sigh dejectedly. “I’ll convince you one day.”
Every day for two months. That’s how long Hanni has devoted herself to taking the stairs rather than the elevator. You’ve tried almost everything to convince her, from horror stories to bribery to threats.
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“Hanni, just get in the fucking elevator,” you hiss, violently slamming on the ‘open doors’ button. It’s ten in the evening, both of you just got back from a grueling study session in the library, and you’re about to drop dead.
It’s just your luck that she’s your roommate. You forgot your keys to the apartment, and there is no way in hell that you’re waiting fifteen minutes for her to climb however many flights of stairs it takes to get to the room.
“Nuh-uh,” she sing-songs, performing a pirouette for absolutely no reason other than to rub salt in the wound. “It’s fun seeing you mad.”
You grit your teeth. “I will tell everyone that you were the one who killed Lucy.”
A gasp. “You wouldn’t!”
(It was a tragedy. Lucy was a dearly loved succulent who sat on a window sill at the end of the hallway. Every resident would visit Lucy from time to time, and there was even a Facebook page to upload pictures of Lucy and its growth.
On the fateful day, you and Hanni had just returned from a rowdy night out, and of course, both of you were a tad bit too drunk. You dared her to do a cartwheel and Lucy was unfortunately caught in the crossfire.
Somebody had posted a picture of Lucy, sprawled out on the carpet, pieces of the broken pot surrounding it. Word spread throughout the apartment and there was a solemn funeral held for Lucy. Justice was demanded but the true culprit was never found… because you were her alibi.)
“But I would,” you say with a smirk. At this point, you’re surprised the button isn’t broken yet. You’re also sorry for anyone else who’s waiting for the elevator on other floors.
“It was your fault in the first place!”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ve got video evidence.”
Hanni sags her shoulders in defeat. After a few seconds of thinking, she seems to perk up again.
“Tell them,” she declares defiantly. “It’s been months anyway. People deserve closure.”
She then marches toward the stairs. You hear the echoes of her stomping.
You see your confounded face in the reflection as the elevator doors close.
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“Aren’t you the basketball player?” Hanni muses. “You should be jumping at the chance to get some cardio in.”
“I already went to the gym today,” you flex your bicep smugly and attempt a smoulder. “And I got practice later.”
“You look like a jackass,” she scoffs. “Don’t talk to me.”
She curtly turns and speedwalks to the stairs, the telltale sounds of heavy steps following soon after.
You reach for your headphones around your neck and belatedly realize that they’re missing. “Fuck!”
The steps stop. Hanni’s voice is booming down the stairwell. “What?”
“I think I left my headphones in class.”
Hanni spares you no sympathy and cackles as she continues up the stairs. “Loser!”
You groan and decide you’ll go and find it before practice later. You tap your foot impatiently as you wait for the elevator to arrive. It’s taking a bit longer than usual today. You take a few minutes to scroll on your phone for a bit before you hear a familiar ding.
The elevator doors open and you walk in, but as you turn around to press the button to your floor, you see a face you weren’t expecting to see.
“Minji?” You tilt your head as she steps inside.
Minji offers a small smile and an awkward wave.
If you remember correctly, she’s friends with Haerin, who’s your team’s mascot. It’s such a shame she didn’t try out for the team because her height is ideal for the sport. You already have Hyein as a center, but she could probably pass as a power forward if she trained for it.
You notice that Minji is wearing the bottom half of the bear mascot. “Is Haerin okay?”
“Yeah,” she scratches her cheek. “She’s feeling a bit under the weather so I’m taking over for tomorrow’s game. Figured I’d get some practice before then.”
You’re about to ask about how the practice went, but the way she slumps in exhaustion against the railing tells you everything. You take note of the glistening sweat on her neck and the strands of hair sticking to her skin. Her cheeks are flushed from the heat, but it gives her a faint glow that gets you bothered.
“Aren’t you hot?” You raise an eyebrow. “I tried that on once and I almost passed out after doing a backflip.”
Minji looks down at the bear costume and shakes her head hurriedly. “I’m almost home.”
“You’re fifth floor, right?”
A nod. You take her nonverbal response as a sign of discomfort, and so you stop your attempts at conversation.
There’s a few minutes of tense silence before a metallic screech pierces your ears. You both stumble as the elevator comes to an unexpected halt.
“What the fuck,” you say, squinting at the buttons and displays. You poke around for a bit before realizing that the elevator isn’t moving.
You turn around to check on Minji, but it doesn’t seem like she’s faring well. Her face is pale white and she’s tightly gripping onto the rails.
“Hey,” you take a small step toward her. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she snaps her eyes shut and takes a deep breath. “Fine. Just a bit claustrophobic.”
You hesitantly place a hand on her shoulder and squeeze gently. “Just take your time and breathe, okay? I’ll contact emergency services.”
Minji nods again and sits down in the corner. You watch her worriedly before checking your phone. Of course, there’s no service. 
“Fuck,” you mutter under your breath. You click on the bright red emergency services button, expecting static or a voice to sound out, but there’s nothing. You press again. And again. You push and hold it for five seconds.
“Don’t panic,” you flash Minji with an awkward grin. “But it’s not working.”
“Oh God,” she blanches, and understandably begins to panic. “We’re gonna die.”
She stands up, still in the mascot costume, and paces around the elevator. “We’re going to run out of oxygen. We’ll suffocate to death. We’ll run out of food and die of starvation. No, we’ll die of dehydration before that. What if I need to pee?”
The costume makes the passionate rant all the more comical. Her rambling continues as she wrings her hands together. “I think I need to pee. The anxiety’s getting to me.”
You grimace. “Please don’t talk about pissing. It’ll make me wanna piss too.”
Minji’s still aggressively muttering to herself in blind terror, so you stop her by grabbing her arm. “Hey, relax.”
That only seems to worsen her agitation as she yanks her body away from you, her face burning red as she almost elbows you in the face. She squeaks, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“It’s okay,” you wave it off with a laugh and squeeze her hand. It’s soft. “You’re lucky you didn’t damage this pretty face.”
In this brief flustered state, Minji temporarily forgets about the panic and slides down to the floor like Jello. You squat down to meet her eye level. 
“Seriously though, it’ll be fine. The elevator has air vents so we’ll get enough circulation in here. And we’ll only be in here half an hour max. And about the pissing…” you trail off and take a quick peek at your duffle bag. “I have a bottle?”
Minji doesn’t reply, head in her hands. You make yourself comfortable and sit cross-legged opposite her.
“Will anyone notice you’re missing?”
“No,” she mumbles dejectedly.
Well, shit. Hanni probably thinks you’ve gone to find your headphones. “We might be here for more than an hour then.”
You clear your throat to break the awkward silence that ensues after. “How come I’ve never seen you around? We’re in the same year, right?”
“Our courses are in different buildings,” Minji says weakly. “My psych classes are far from the engineering buildings.”
“You already know what course I do?” You grin cheekily. “You must be a big fan.”
Minji hastily lifts her face, showcasing a burning blush. “No! I just… heard it from Haerin, that’s all.”
Your grin only widens. Like Haerin would ever talk about the team. She’s only there for the free post-game feeds. You choose to feign ignorance for her sake.
“You should take that off,” you suggest, noticing how Minji is uncomfortably squirming in the costume. “I’ll help with the zipper.”
“Okay,” Minji stammers, scrambling to get up on her feet.
You brush away some of her hair that’s covering the zipper and move it over her shoulder. Your fingers briefly brush over her neck, and all you can feel is how she’s burning hot. Minji almost imperceptibly shivers and jolts forward, choking on air. You pull the zipper down and watch with mirth as she clumsily wrestles out of the costume.
Minji stuffs it in her backpack and flops back down, hugging her backpack in her lap. You follow suit and sit a few inches away from her.
“Much better?”
She nods, still avoiding your gaze. You bite your cheek as you stare at her, trying to figure out a way to make conversation. You decide to fish your phone out of your pocket and pull up a recording of your last game, flashing her your screen as you pat the empty space next to you. “You wanna watch?”
Minji hesitates for a few seconds before shuffling closer. Her voice is small as she admits, “I was watching this game on the sidelines.”
You’re filled with a sense of pride at the news. But you also make a mental note to ponder on why you haven’t noticed her around before. “Really?”
“It’s not because of you or anything,” she adamantly denies, rubbing her nape, though you feel like her red cheeks contradict that.
“Anyone catch your eye?”
Her denial is half-hearted.
You pout teasingly. “Shame. I’ll play better next game.”
You save Minji from further embarrassment and press play. “You know how basketball works, right?”
“Each team has five players on the court… and the ball goes in the hoop?” Minji frowns.
“And… you can’t run with the ball.”
“Basically,” you chuckle. “But there’s more to it.”
You rewind the video back to the beginning. “I hope you don’t mind me commentating.”
She shakes her head, and so you continue. “So this is one of the simplest plays in basketball: a pick and roll…”
You eventually finish the video and end up versing each other on the table hockey app on your phone. She’s surprisingly competitive and it’s endearing. You then somehow end up talking about card games, and you introduce her to the world of Inscryption through a gameplay video.
Halfway through the video, you feel a sudden weight on your shoulder. You crane your neck slightly and see Minji’s sleeping face. You smile and continue watching until you slowly drift off to sleep as well.
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You’re both awoken with a sudden thud. Minji practically springs off of you and profusely apologizes, much to your amusement. You look up to see a firefighter opening the emergency escape hatch.
“You ladies alright?”
“Yes sir,” you drawl, checking your phone. “It’s just been two hours, no biggie.”
A ladder is dropped from the hatch and you both climb up, stretching your limbs as you stand on top of the elevator.
“This is so sick,” you pose as you take selfies. “I feel like I’m in some action movie.”
You tilt your phone to include Minji in the photos, and you laugh because she looks like she’s being held hostage.
The two of you are harnessed on some rope and pulled up by firefighters to safety. You’re shocked to see Haerin and Hanni there waiting. Hanni practically storms toward you and latches herself onto you like a koala, crying dramatically about your disappearance. You thank the firefighters as they pack up their equipment and begin to disperse.
“Hey Haerin,” you greet her with a strained voice, trying to peel Hanni off you. “You feeling better?”
“No,” she replies nasally. There’s a tissue stuffed in her right nostril. “But I’ll be there next game.”
You gift her with a slap on the back which earns you one in return, and you curse under your breath because she definitely hit you harder than you hit her. You ignore the stinging pain and swivel to meet Minji’s gaze that is already on you.
“Keep an eye on me next game?” You ask nonchalantly, but you must admit there’s a small part of you that twinges with hope. “I’ll play super duper good for you.”
Minji’s eyes widen in surprise before timidly answering with a stutter, “I will.”
“I’ll see you then!” You leave her with a side hug (where she awkwardly pats your back) before approaching Hanni. She gives you an eyebrow wiggle that you roll your eyes to in response. She is a hundred percent going to interrogate you at home. Both of you start the long climb to the apartment.
“Karma’s a bitch,” Hanni says obnoxiously. “That’s what you get for not taking the stairs.”
“Shut up JoJo Siwa,” you glower at her, but a lame grin graces your face when you remember your time spent with Minji. “I’d say it was a good thing.”
“Ew,” she gags. “Wipe that dopey smile off your face.”
You abruptly stop and grab Hanni’s arm. She turns around in confusion and sees your aghast expression. “What?”
“I missed practice. Yujin is gonna kill me.”
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Tomorrow comes quicker than you expected, and you’re buzzing with nerves as you warm up on the sidelines. It’s not an important game, but your hands tremble a bit more today. You scan the court for a certain someone.
Danielle throws you a Gatorade. “Who are you looking for?”
“No one,” you blurt out a bit too quickly. You take a swig from the bottle to wash away your anxiety as you seat yourself on a bench.
“You sure?” Danielle quips with a knowing smile. “You’re shaking.”
You slam the bottle on the bench to shut down her jest. 
“Shouldn’t you be with Hyein?” You scowl as you shoo her away. “Go be a supportive friend and give her some encouraging words or something.”
Any lingering embarrassment flies out the window when you spot a big bear entering the building. You wave her over and laugh as she trips over someone’s stranded bag.
“Hi,” you smile.
You can barely hear Minji’s muffled voice through the head. “Hi.”
Your smile twitches as Hyein and Danielle appear behind Minji and start pulling childish faces. Your glare and subtle middle finger sends them away. “Wish me luck?”
The referee whistles as a signal for players to get on the court. Minji gives an awkward thumbs up, so you accept the fact that you have to initiate contact. You lean forward and kiss the stupid bear head. It’s a bit weird, but it’s worth it because you hear Minji’s breath hitch. 
She runs away promptly after. The game starts and you’ve never felt so motivated in your life.
The other team is irritatingly good at three-pointers, but your team’s size provides you with a solid advantage; you’re able to fight back through rebounding and shots inside the paint.
Your teammates are a bit puzzled at first when you keep hogging the ball and taking contested shots, but they’re not mad because you’re making them. The bewilderment quickly turns to disbelief when they realize you keep looking at the mascot after every shot.
“You’re so annoying,” Yujin grumbles during the half-time break. “This is not High School Musical.”
“Stop complaining, grandma.” You can feel your muscles ache from the overexertion, but the goal of impressing Minji takes priority. “We’re up by 20.”
“I think it’s cute!” Hyein interjects with an encouraging pinch of your cheek. “I can’t see Minji’s face but I bet she’s in love.”
Everyone turns as they hear a loud smack that resonates throughout the building. Minji’s sprawled on the floor after a failed backflip.
“She’s so cute,” you giggle, disregarding your teammate’s exasperated groans and mock punches.
The rest of the game is a breeze, but there are a few frustrating turnovers here and there that shorten the lead to nine when the final whistle blows.
You slither away from the team huddle and plop yourself down next to Minji. She’s gulping down water at a scarily excessive pace. You wait for her as she squeezes every last drop from the bottle and lets out a big wheeze afterwards.
Minji nods and gratefully accepts the towel. You admire her as she wipes sweat off her neck and face.
“So,” you chirp. “How was the game?”
“You did really well,” she admits meekly.
Your chest puffs up at the praise. “So you’ll be watching from the front row for all my games from now on? I wanna see you.”
Minji’s taken aback by your forwardness, but nods shyly.
You’re still bouncing with adrenaline. “Did you see that and-one layup I made? And the no-look pass? And the—”
You stop rambling as you realize Minji’s not responding and spacing out. More specifically, spacing out and staring at your lips.
“Kiss me,” you say.
Minji literally jumps on the spot and almost screams, “What?”
“Kiss me,” you say again simply. “You want to and I want to. What’s stopping you?”
She audibly gulps and averts her gaze to hide her dilated pupils. “No, I was just distracted by something else, really…”
You roll your eyes and tug on the collar of the mascot costume to pull her in for a kiss. You feel her whole body stiffen and she makes a strangled noise, but then she melts and kisses you back for a few seconds before you pull away.
“Your lips are soft,” you smile casually, but you can feel the hammering of your heart.
“Thanks,” Minji’s voice wavers. “You too.”
“I like you,” you continue. “We should go on a date.”
“Really?” She stumbles over her words, still slightly dazed. “Are you sure?”
You hum in affirmation.
“Okay,” she squeaks.
“Okay,” you repeat with a smile. You stand up and take her hand to pull her up as well. “Let’s go eat. The team is probably waiting for us outside.”
“Wait!” She yanks you back. “Let me get out of this costume first…”
“Do you need help with the zipper again?”
“…Yes please.”
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Dedicated to user rosiehrs... hope this minji was 'loser' enough for you
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alchemistc · 3 days
Based on this post by @beefcakekinard because I couldn't flesh it out enough in the tags
read on ao3
could be with you
"Didn't you have a date on Saturday?"
Tommy's eyes dart up. Galway is staring at him, hand on hip, brow raised, and Tommy sighs. "Never said it was a date."
"Yeah, but you had a moony look in your eye. Been a while since I've seen it, but I know your date face."
Tommy does his best to keep things neutral on his face. Clearly that doesn't work, because Galway's expression goes sympathetic immediately.
"Oh, bad date. Damn, Kinard, tough luck."
Tommy's had to get used to the fact that everyone at Harbor always wants in each other's business. It's pretty superficial shit, most of the time, but they always want to know the scoop, anyway.
He feels the flash of disappointment, followed immediately by a lick of defensiveness. Damnit. "Wasn't even a bad date, right up until the end."
Galway looks intrigued, but Tommy's not quite ready to entertain it. He's still stewing, a bit. Annoyed with himself for the way he'd reacted in the moment -- a beat too far because he'd given Evan an easy out and he'd grabbed it and flung it in the opposite direction.
Right, Evan?
God. What a dick thing to say. He'd -- panicked, a little. They both had, in their own ways.
If he'd known, going into it, exactly how new this was to him, maybe he'd have --
Lowered his expectations.
"Wrong place, wrong time," Tommy says, to get Galway off his back about it, and rolls his arms back to tug his flight suit the rest of the way up. And that's the crux of it, really. Tommy's spent too much of his life hiding away, and Evan hadn't even known he had something to hide until -- until what, the moment he realized other people could see them? He hadn't panicked in the moment -- that first moment, Tommy guessed, now that he knew a little more -- when their lips had met. Hadn't panicked in the days between, when the flirting had bordered on ridiculous in their texts back and forth. Hadn't panicked when Tommy picked him up, hand settling at the small of his back to guide him to the passenger side of his truck, or when Tommy complimented his shirt, or on the drive to the restaurant, Tommy nervously tapping out a rhythm on the steering wheel while Evan rattled on about beekeeping. They'd both been nervous.
Nerves, he understood. Nerves had settled under his skin the moment he closed the door to Evan's apartment, nerves like he hadn't felt in a good long while because he couldn't remember being so immediately charmed by someone in... a while.
Even through most of the date he'd been able to chalk it up to maybe being in a more public setting than he'd realized. They were both in a field that didn't immediately feel inclusive. Both big, manly looking men, and maybe Evan just hadn't done a lot of that before. Maybe Tommy wasn't his usual type. (Hindsight, as they say.)
He could have rolled with the first date with a dude thing -- awkward as it was, surprising as it was, considering the first time a man had come on to Tommy he'd nearly punched him about it. He'd had to reset some expectations, reevaluate some of his preconceived notions on the fly. That wasn't exactly a deal breaker. He liked Evan. Likes him still, in the light of day with a little time to dig into why exactly it had hurt so much to be sidelined in front of a mutual friend.
And he's still a little embarrassed he'd let it get to him enough to make a snide comment that could have outed him when he was clearly not ready to be out.
But it was one date. A good first date, even, until they'd been a bit blindsided by Eddie Diaz.
Which -- he'd walked himself in circles in his own mind about the Eddie Diaz of it all, anyway, half convinced he was slamming headfirst into the middle of some weird co-parents with benefits scenario. The fishing he'd had to do to even attempt to figure out that situation. He's fairly convinced, at this point, that neither one of them has any hidden latent romantic notions, about the other, but that hadn't really helped the situation, either.
"So no second date in the cards, huh?"
Tommy blinks. Swallows. "Nah," he says, but --
But maybe. If the timing was right.
Christ, Tommy, it was one disappointing date with an admittedly sweet, and kind, and fucking gorgeous guy. A guy with a devastating smile and a wide breadth of useless facts and a great ass and enough heart to fill the Greater Los Angeles area.
The text, later that evening, should surprise him more than it does.
Evan 9:34 PM: Hey, could I give you a call later, if you're not on shift?
Tommy stares at it for ten whole minutes, tucked behind a shelf laden with cleaning supplies while the rest of the crew is huddled around a Kings game in the downtime between calls.
I'm on until 8AM, he shoots back, and then stares at it until he gets a read receipt. Up above Evan's latest text there's a full thread he hadn't had the heart to delete, quite yet, and he can still see the image of the chicken Evan had taken his not great hand at drawing blades on the talons of. Call around half past?
It's a bad idea. He's had worse ones, but.
He gets another read receipt before he can flip away from the conversation, and three little dots that appear and disappear four times before another message pops through.
Evan 9:47 PM: Talk to you in the morning!
And then.
Evan 9:47 PM: Have a good shift. Be safe!
He's played out the phone call all the way through about twelve times in his head. Evan's a good guy. Sweet, kind, a little sassy but never mean. He's expecting a thank you, maybe an apology, although he doesn't need it.
He pulls the truck into the closest parking lot when Evan's name flashes across the screen.
"Hey," he says, once he's parked and prepared for the softest let down he's had in years.
"Uh - hey, hi. Hi, Tommy."
Evan Buckley says his name like a benediction. He's never really noticed the way it sounds, until Evan Buckley started saying it. God, this one might sting.
"Hi," he says. They drift into silence.
"Hi. Sorry. Hey. I called you. So. I should. I should say what I wanted to say."
"I'm all ears," Tommy tells him, charmed despite himself, wishing he could see his face.
"I --." The pause is...long. Awkward. Tommy wonders if he's running over a script on his head. "Actually, could we -- do you have any time this morning? Could we talk in person? If -- I mean obviously if you have plans, or, hell, you just got a shift, I'm sure you're tired, we don't have to --."
"I'm about thirty minutes out from home. Let me take a shower, run a few errands. We could meet around noon?" Bad idea. Still. But there's a small, tiny piece of him that thinks Evan might work through his shit at a much quicker speed than Tommy could ever manage. At the very least, he owes it to a younger, angrier Tommy to play this out.
"That -- yeah, that'd be..." He pauses. "You're sure?"
"I'll send you a pin. There's a coffee shop near where I'll be."
"Okay. Okay yeah. I -- just let me know if you're running late, or anything. I'll. I'll be there."
"I'll see you in a few hours, Evan."
"Okay. Yeah. See you in a bit."
Neither one of them hangs up.
Evan's nervous laugh fills the cab, and Tommy presses his head back until he can feel the headrest pressing into his skull. "Bye, Tommy. See you soon."
He'd slept where he could, the night before, actually feels pretty well rested, for working an overnight, for spending every free moment wondering what the hell Evan wanted to call him about, for trying real damn hard to temper his fucking expectations. His two wolves are disappointed expectations and romantic notions, constantly warring with each other.
Evan shoots him a text as he's leaving the barber two doors down.
Evan 11:49 AM: Headed out to the patio, see you in a few
Tommy is absolutely not drawing conclusions about him showing up early. None.
He shoves his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt and ducks into the walkway that leads to the courtyard around back.
He'd chosen this place for a few specific reasons -- proximity to his haircut appointment, proximity to Evan's apartment, his knowledge of the lobby of the coffee shop and all it's private little nooks tucked away in corners. Something to ease Evan's mind, a little.
Yet when Tommy finally spots him, he's in the middle of a crowded courtyard, already seated, wearing a light, airy looking polo that stretches tight across his shoulders, and his smile when he spots Tommy burns brighter than the sun on Tommy's newly-shorn scalp.
Tempered expectations.
He doesn't sit, right away. Maybe this had just been an easier way to find each other in the midday crowds. Maybe this conversation won't be long enough to merit sitting.
Evan gestures at the coffee he'd apparently gambled on, and Tommy finds himself sitting before he can talk himself out of it. His posture is a mess, he knows it, but he can't quite help curling in on himself, feeling small as Evan studies him, as the white noise of the people all around them fills his ears. The coffee is terrible. The company is dangerously enchanting.
Evan Buckley goes from zero to sixty in under a second.
Tommy is good at keeping a lid on the part of himself that longs to be romanced, to do some romancing of his own. He's had enough flops to be hyper aware that the reality of dating never follows a soppy script.
Evan says I think that something could be with you and reality takes a rain check, for a minute. Tommy shifts. Tommy flounders. Tommy had prepared for an easy let down, a promise to stay friends and a few awkward encounters in the Diaz living room. Tommy fights the smile, takes a deep breath, admits what he's been trying to deny since he cut things short.
"You already know that I'm interested." It's an easy out -- he's good at catching the ball and tossing it back immediately. It's a risk, but he thinks he and Evan are on the same page about what Tommy's willing to sacrifice, and what he isn't. Evan had made it a point to be out here in the open for this conversation, after all.
Evan takes the shot from half-court.
It catches the rim. Wobbles. Spins.
"Evan," he says, and he means it to sound stern, a hint of incredulity. He's not entirely sure it hits the mark.
And then he's doing that thing he does -- bright-eyed optimism, body language open, a smile curling at his mouth, pressing, pushing, digging into the rocky crevices of Tommy's skepticism and wiping them smooth. It's an insane idea. He's been to...two, three weddings with a date of his own? All long term relationships, because there's something about witnessing eternal vows next to someone that means something to you, something that makes it all a little more real.
But Evan is persistent. And dropping very loaded clues, hinting that he's talked to his sister about him -- them. Tommy doesn't know much, but his relationship with his sister had come up in conversation, he knows they're close. Hinting that he's well aware an invite means he's pulling the lid off 'picking up hot chicks' secrecy.
He doesn't even get all the way through "Are you absolutely sure about this?" before Evan is grinning, leaning in to meet Tommy's gaze, an emphatic confirmation escaping him, and suddenly it's intimate.
Tommy can't think of a reason to say no.
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jiniretracha · 2 days
~ Y/n is a "nerdy but hot" type of girl whos also rlly smart. The bad boy hyunjin has secret eyes for her. Shes always alone in class and doesnt talk to many ppl so basically shes mysterious ooo. One day hyunjin finally asks her to tutor him and she gets surprised knowing he knows she exists. Hyunjin has hooked up w many other girls but y/n is different as shes not despo like them and thats what attracts him to her. They both meet late night at a cafe and y/n is wearing a black tank top which has her neck and chest exposed and her lacy bra straps can be shown as well. She covered herself w a fuzzy jacket before entering the cafe but eventually took it off whilst tutoring hyunjin. Hyunjin feels lusty looking at y/n being so effortlessly hot and unknowing of it, he also gets turned on by the way she sucks her frappe straw etc. But he controls himself and after their study session ends hyunjin offers to drop her home on his bike and somehow enters her apartment as well where she lives alone and cozy with a good view of the city. They both have a deep convo before it turns into hot late night sleepy smut fr (also unexperienced y/n doing things with the guidance of hyunjin) tysmm
A Shakespeare's Sonnet - Hwang Hyunjin
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: smut!!, fluff, minho's mean but he's just an overprotective little shit, minsung exes to lovers, slight angst, felix and jeongin being supportive besties
Summary: The one where Hyunjin needs tutoring literature sessions, you are a smart hot student and Minho almost faints.
Word count: 9,3k (i went too far i fear)
PS: This was sent in April, i apologize for being so late ☠️. i've been working on a felix smau so forgive me 😭
Hyunjin walked the halls of uni, his lazy walk attracting countless girls who would squeal under their breaths as they watched him pass across them, hoping silently one of them could end up being another notch on his bedpost. 
Hyunjin would be lying if he said he didn’t notice. Or that he didn’t love it. He was never one to take advantage of it, but having that feeling around him, of being wanted, was awesome. 
His friends also loved the attention people always had projected on him. It meant being invited to frat parties every single weekend, the coach calling them to the football team, and obviously, having girls flutter around them 24/7. 
What wasn’t something that was guaranteed by Hyunjin’s popularity, was having good grades. 
Hyunjin didn’t really study much, but he considered himself a smart person, so overall, he was a pretty good student. 
Until literature happened. 
He was so sure he was going to ace it, until a new professor, Mr. Jackson, came to uni and started giving out homework and assignments that were hard as fuck. 
The boy couldn’t believe his bad luck, as every single assignment he handed in, returned with a very angry red mark in the shape of an F. 
It was a Wednesday, when Hyunjin sat by the last seats of literature class, knowing how it was going to go down. 
“Do you think you passed?” Changbin asked Chan. 
Chan only snorted. “No way, man. I actually read the book he gave us last time, like 3 times, and the fucker still gave me an F” he rolled his eyes. 
Hyunjin sighed. “I think I failed as well”
“Yeah, dude, you’ve been failing all of yours. What’s up? You never go on a streak” Jisung says next to him.
He shrugs. “I guess it’s this fucking dude that apparently has a thing against me”
“Nah, I don’t think so” Changbin said. “I mean, he has a thing against you, but I think it’s against all of us”
“Thank you” Hyunjin said with sarcasm.
“Yo, this friday we’re going to Seungmin’s, okay? He already gave me a preview of the place and it’s going to be big” Jisung said excitedly. 
“I don’t think I’m gonna go” Hyunjin said.
His three friends went silent.
“Excuse me?” Changbin asked. 
“Yeah, I’m failing literature way too hard and without a reason. And, I don’t know about you, guys, but I really want to get my degree. And literature won’t stop me from getting that” He told his friends. 
“But mate, it’s literally one party” Changbin said.
“No, it’s one party every week” he told him. “Maybe that’s why I’m failing. Because I’m not trying hard enough”
“Well, it won't be the same without you there, mate, but it’s your call” Chan smiled slightly.
“Thank you!” Hyunjin said with a high pitched voice. 
Mr. Jackson’s unwanted presence walked into the room and Hyunjin sighed in disdain. He wanted earth to swallow him up already. 
“Okay, class, I’m handing you today your assignments from last class. I am… disappointed to say the least” the professor said and Hyunjin inwardly rolled his eyes. “Only two people passed, and that’s Mr. Lee, and Miss Y/L/N. Congratulations” the man smiled at two students who were in front of him. 
Hyunjin frowned. He had to get the number of either of those people to help him pass this fucking subject. 
“Oh, of course Minho passed. Ugh” Jisung faked a gag.
Hyunjin smiled. “What’s the matter?”
“See that guy over there?” he pointed at a guy with slight orange hair going on black, talking to a girl. “That’s my ex”
“Oh God, that’s your ex! Minho goes here? Since when? How did I not notice?”
Jisung frowned. “Why do you say that?”
“I was going to ask him to tutor me, since I suck” 
“No! No, no, no. You won’t ask Minho to help you. No way. Ask Y/N, his friend” Jisung shook his head. 
Hyunjin frowned. “O…kay” he said slowly. “I will. Y/N… I think I know her. Her hair… sounds familiar”
“Yeah, we went to high school together” Jisung replied.
Hyunjin’s eyes widened. “That’s Y/N?” he asked. 
“Yeah” He nodded. 
“I didn’t… I didn’t even know she went here” he said with a confused tone.
“Why do you sound disappointed?”
“I… okay, I used to have a crush on her when we were in like… third year? And, well, apparently she didn’t like me” Hyunjin shook his head.
“You’re lucky I liked you in secondary. You were an ass” 
Hyunjin straightened up his position when Mr. Jackson walked towards him and put the paper on his desk. 
“Disappointed in you, Mr. Hwang” Mr. Jackson told him.
When he walked away, Hyunjin turned around. “He always says that” Hyunjin spat. 
Jisung smiled. “I actually got a D this time”
“Yeah, I got an F like always”
Jisung pressed his lips together. “I really think you should consider talking to Y/N to help you” he told him. “She’s a good girl. And she’s super smart”
Hyunjin chewed on his lip. “Okay…”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You put your paper away inside your bag and smiled at your friends. 
“Okay, I am, like, so jealous you guys passed” Jeongin sighed. “I’ve only passed two of his assignments. And this is like the eighth!”
You smiled with a giggle. “It’s only reading and rereading the texts. This one was really tough. I’m lucky I got a C” you said. 
“Yeah, I got a C-” Minho said. 
“Yeah, sorry, why was Jisung staring at us?” Felix asked, nudging his forehead towards him. 
You all turned around and saw Jisung talking to his friend. 
Minho sighed. “I don’t even wanna know, honestly” he shook his head. “I can’t believe he’s still friends with that asshole, my God”
“Who? Hyunjin?” Felix asked.
“He’s… not that bad” Felix scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 
“Yeah, no. He’s horrible” you sighed. “He was always staring at me with a scowl on his face and being witness of his bully friends back in high school”
“Thank God those fuckers didn’t apply to this one” Jeongin sighed. 
“Yeah. Unfortunately we got the worst. The witnesses” Minho said. “And of course, because the universe couldn’t have conspired enough against me, my ex”
“I still don’t know why you guys broke up” Felix said.
“Yeah, me neither” Jeongin shook his head. 
“I just got tired of the people surrounding him. And the way they influenced him. He was one thing with me and a totally different one when he was with his friends. It was like he was embarrassed of me or something. Like they didn’t know he was gay” Minho explained.
“But they knew” You deadpanned.
“Yeah” Minho nodded. “And cherry on top, he cheated on me”
“He did?” Felix asked.
“That’s horrible… well, good riddance, right?” You smiled at him.
Minho forced a smile, “Yeah… good riddance” he chuckled, unsure. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You grabbed your stuff and quickly pushed it inside your bag as soon as the bell rang. 
“See you next week, class. Don’t forget to bring your assignments” Mr. Jackson said and left. 
“Hey, do you want to go to the coffee shop next to our dorms?” Jeongin asked next to you.
“Hey, Y/N” a masculine voice said behind you. 
You frowned as you turned around, only to find none other than Hwang Hyunjin in front of you.
You arched your eyebrows. “Uh, hello?” you said unsure. 
“Can I- Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked, fidgeting with his hands.
The man was nervous. 
You turned around and looked at your friends. 
“Call us if you need us, Y/N” Felix politely smiled at Hyunjin and winked at you.
“Yeah, you guys go. I’ll catch up” you nodded. 
“Okay…” Minho said unsure, grabbing Jeongin’s arm and pulling him with the rest. 
You turned around and looked at Hyunjin. “…What’s up?” you asked.
“I- I was just wondering… you know, since you’re basically rocking this subject and well- you and Minho are the only ones who passed the last assignment… I was- just… wondering if you could- I don’t know, tutor me or- or something?” he asked. 
You snorted, unable to help yourself. “I didn’t know you knew my name”
“Yeah, I do. We- we went to high school together” he frowned. “Why?”
“Well, you basically ignored me in high school” you shrugged. “Figured we aren’t as cool as your wolf pack over there” you nudged your head towards his friends. 
Jisung smiled and waved, while Chan and Changbin made a peace sign with a nervous smile. 
Hyunjin sighed. “Yeah- well, I was an asshole in high school”
“I know”
Hyunjin inwardly winced. “So… about tutoring…”
You snorted and grabbed your stuff. “Goodbye, Hyunjin” you said and left the classroom.
Hyunjin stood there, watching you walk away while his friends snorted and laughed. 
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen a girl reject you” Chan laughed while Changbin cackled with his infamous laugh. 
“Ha-ha” Hyunjin said humourlessly. “That wasn’t funny”
“Oh, it was” Jisung laughed. “She literally laughed in your face”
“I’m gonna fail literature and never get my degree. I wanna die” he whined dramatically as he plopped down on the chair. 
Changbin rolled his eyes. “Be persistent mate. Come on. You have that charm and effect on people. Use it”
Hyunjin opened his eyes and looked at Changbin. “You say I should- like- follow her around and-“
“Yeah” Changbin nodded. 
“I never beg” Hyunjin shook his head. 
“Well, mate, you gotta push your ego aside if you wanna pass literature” Chan shrugged. 
Hyunjin nodded. “Yeah, I know. The girl hates me though”
“I wouldn’t blame her” Jisung shook his head. 
“Why’s that?” Changbin said. 
“Well, me and Hyunjin were with the popular group. Who were straight up bullies” Jisung explained. 
“You guys bullied Y/N?” Chan asked, his eyes widened. 
“No!” Hyunjin said loudly. “No, we didn’t. I don’t want to talk about high school. It’s been ages. Let’s just… move on”
“Okay…” Chan said unsure. 
“Well, what are you gonna do, Hyunjin?” Changbin asked. 
Hyunjin sighed and looked at the ceiling. “I think I’m gonna continue asking her”
“Yeah, figured” Jisung nodded.
Hyunjin looked at him with a frown. “Why’s that?”
“Well, you couldn’t stop staring at her ass, for all that matters”
“Hey! I’m not attracted to her, and I’m definitely not sleeping with her” Hyunjin whined. 
“Sure” Jisung nodded with a smirk. “So, about Seungmin’s…”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You opened the door of the café and walked inside with a scowl. 
Minho looked up from their usual table and his eyes softened. “What’s up, Y/N?” he asked you. 
You sat down with a huff and left your bag hanging on the back of the chair. “Nothing. This fucker just asked me to tutor him”
“The audacity” Minho rolled his eyes. 
“Why’s that bad?” Felix asked, sipping on his iced tea. 
“Because he’s literally the guy who made my high school life miserable!” you whined. “My life and Minho’s life”
“Oh, well, maybe he’s- you know- changed” Felix tried. 
“Could be. The guy was staring at you like he was terrified” Jeongin said. “It was laughable”
“Maybe because he knows what he did” Minho added. “Typical bully attitude to get what he wants”
“I don’t know. He looked weird, though” You confessed. “Like he was nervous. He was all fidgety and awkward about it”
Felix hummed and looked down at his beverage. “Don’t worry about it, okay? It will be fine”
“Yeah, thank you, guys” You smiled at your friends.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. You got us” Jeonging winked, poking your cheek with his finger, making you laugh. 
“I know. That’s why I love you guys” you smiled. 
An hour passed and you and your friends were having fun, as Jeongin was telling you about his date last night. 
“And then she laughs in my face, like- fully in front of me and I feel the stink in her breath. She had ordered ravioli with a cream cheese sauce that was showered with garlic” Jeongin said while you all cackled. 
“Oh my God, and what did you do?” You asked. 
“Nothing, I just contained my breath in and nodded at everything she said” Jeongin said. “Near death experience”
“And do you plan on texting her or something?” Minho asked.
“No, I mean, she was really cute but other than her attempted murder, we did not connect in the talking at all” Jeongin shook his head with a frown. “No way” 
“Okay, let’s all look down or look like we’re in a deep conversation” Minho said, suddenly.
“What?” Felix asked, confused.
“Hyunjin just walked in” Minho replied. 
Your eyes widened and Minho grabbed your arm when you were about to turn your head. “No, no, don’t turn around” he said, in front of you. “Okay, so my mother just died and we’re like- mourning or something”
“Good grief” Felix shook his head, biting on a muffin. 
Hyunjin, as soon as he stepped in, started whipping his head around, trying to look for you. He saw the back of your head while you were engrossed in a conversation with your friends. He took a deep breath in and tried to collect all the courage he could muster and walked towards you.
“Oh, no, he’s coming” Felix whispered.
“Act normal” Jeongin said.
“Hey, Y/N” Hyunjin said standing in front of you.
You looked up and blinked. “Hyunjin, what are you doing here?” 
“Man, my mother just died. Could you have some-”
“Minho!” Felix said, slapping his arm. 
Hyunjin looked at them curiously and you huffed. “Don’t mind them. What’s up?”
“I know you said no already, and you probably don’t like me at all but I seriously need your help” Hyunjin pleaded. “You see, I need to pass literature to get my degree. Please, I’ll literally pay you, whatever you want”
You chuckled and you moved your head to the side. “Hyunjin, are you serious right now? You’ve ignored my existence since we’ve met and now, when you need something, you acknowledge me?” you snort at the end. “Sorry, not happening”
Hyunjin let out a whine and out of literally nowhere, the man dropped to his knees.
“Oh my God” Felix mumbled and looked away.
“Y/N… I’m begging you. Please, please, please. I’ll literally clean your dorm, pay for your food, I’ll buy you whatever you want, just please, please tutor me” he asked, giving you puppy eyes.
You looked into his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
“What?” Minho asked, in a high-pitched voice.
“Yeah, what?” Hyunjin asked, surprised as well.
“I’ll tutor you, just please get up. You’re embarrassing me in front of everyone” You said with a grimace.
Hyunjin quickly scrambled to his feet and nodded. “Okay, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here’s my number” he said, grabbing a pen and scribbling the number into a piece of paper and handing it to you. “Text me. We can meet tomorrow”
“Yeah, okay” you nodded slowly. 
“Thank you, again, Y/N. I really appreciate it a lot. Sorry for bothering” Hyunjin said and quickly walked away.
You looked at him with a frown as he walked out of the café and then turned to look at Minho who was glaring at you. 
“What?” you asked him.
“I’m just gonna ask one simple question. Are you playing stupid? Or were you just born with it?” 
“Oh my God-”
“You just accepted tutoring the devil incarnate, Y/N!” Minho said dramatically.
“Did you see how he was begging on his knees? I don’t want to be as cruel as he was” you argued.
“The guy is the worst, Y/N. Come on” Minho insisted.
“I don’t know, Min. He really needed help” Felix tried. “I think it was sweet of you to give in” 
“Thank you, Lix” you said sincerely. 
“What if he just wants to sleep with you?” Minho asked.
“God, Minho! Hyunjin does not want to sleep with me” you laughed. 
“Yo, why not?” Jeongin asked. “You would make a hot couple”
Minho faked a gag. “Please no”
“You’re into guys, wouldn’t you say he’s hot?” Jeongin asked.
“Yeah, he sure is. But he’s a horrible person so no. I don’t like him” Minho spat, shaking his head in disapproval.
“Okay. Why don’t we all calm down, hm?” Felix asked. “Y/N’s gonna be tutoring Hyunjin and we’re all going to be supportive friends and be there for her if she needs anything”
“Thank you” you mouthed and he winked. 
Minho sighed and looked away. 
“Just trust me. You know I wouldn’t do anything” you told him.
“Y/N, it’s not you I’m worried about. I know you’re not going to do anything. But him? Yeah, I don’t trust him” he said. Felix gave him a look and he let out a breath. “But… I’ll give it the benefit of a doubt”
“Great” Felix clapped. “Everything’s solved. Can we please go back to talking about Jeongin’s horrible date with the garlic breath girl and all?”
“Yeah” you nodded. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You dropped your bag on the chair next to the door of your room and sighed. 
“Wanna order take out?” Minho asked from the kitchen. 
“Yeah, chinese, please” you called out.
“On it!”
You dropped your body on the bed and felt the purring of one of Minho’s cats next to your head. 
“Hey, Dori” you cooed, brushing your fingers across the cat’s soft fur. “You missed me?” you asked and the kitty purred. “Yeah, you did” 
You grabbed your phone from your jean back pocket and the piece of paper with Hyunjin’s number fell out. 
Sighing, you picked it up and after a while of thinking, you added him into your contacts. 
Y/N: hey, it’s y/n
You texted him and left the phone on the bed, to stare at Dori.
The phone vibrated and you grabbed it.
Hyunjin: oh hiii
You frowned. “A hi with three ‘I’s?” you asked yourself in a whisper. 
Hyunjin: what’s up?
“What’s up? God, we’re just gonna be having tutoring sessions. You don’t wanna know how I’ve been” you harshly whispered to yourself.
You: fine. Do you wanna meet tomorrow at the café me and my friends were having a hangout until you interrupted-
You sighed and pressed the delete button. 
You couldn’t send him that.
You: i’m ok. you wanna meet at the same coffee shop tomorrow after english?
Hyunjin: yeah, i’m okay with it.
You: great. 
You left the phone on the bed and went to help Minho while he put on the plates and silverware on the table.
“Everything okay?” Minho asked.
“Yeah, yeah. I was just texting Hyunjin” you told him. “I told him he could meet at the coffee shop from today”
“The one where he rudely interrupted us?”
“Yeah, the same one” you laughed.
He smiled and then looked down. “I’m sorry if I was harsh with you today” he said quietly.
“Oh, don’t worry, Min. I know you’re just looking out for me” 
“I know. I just… we suffered a lot in high school and- well, I don’t wanna go through that again. Neither of us” he shook his head.
“Aww, are you sweet talking to me?” you cooed.
Minho dropped his soft expression and rolled his eyes. “Man, you ruined the moment. I hate you”
“No, you love me” you said and wrapped your arms around him.
“Get off” Minho said.
“You love me” you said louder.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” he said. 
The bell rang and he looked at the door. “That’s the take out. Be right back” 
“Go ahead. I love you too”
“Shut up”
You giggled as you made your way back to your room and grabbed your phone. Your heartbeat started beating faster when you saw the notification from Hyunjin.
Hyunjin: see you tomorrow, y/n :)
“Fuck, you stupid heart. Stop doing that!” 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You sighed as you tapped your nails on the wooden table from the café as you waited for Hyunjin. 
He was 10 minutes late and you were so close to grabbing your stuff and fleeting out of there. 
Suddenly, your eyes caught his figure being followed by a girl who was looking at him with a smile while he had a frown on his face. He said something, making the girl’s smile drop and walk away embarrassed. 
You looked down and felt a weird feeling in your stomach.
Hyunjin, with a sigh, sat down on the booth bench. “Hey, I’m so, so sorry Y/N” he said, sounding tired.
You didn’t even have the heart to say something rude to him because he was late. “No worries” you breathed out. “Did something happen?”
“Oh, uh… no, it’s just this-”
Hyunijn looked at you, wide-eyed and then let out a laugh. “Yeah, kind of”
“You slept with her and she wants more but you don’t want more?” you asked, feeling that curious, annoying thing on your stomach.
Hyunjin shook his head. “No, she’s uh… my ex-girlfriend” he said.
“Yeah” he nodded. “We broke up a long while ago but- well, I broke up with her but she didn’t take it well”
“How long ago was that?”
“Four months ago”
“Four?” you asked and he nodded. “Fuck, that’s a long time”
“I know” he sighed. 
You chewed on your lip. “Okay, we can start now. I’m sorry I asked, I just- well, you looked kind of bothered” you said.
“No, it’s okay. Y/N, thank you” he said with a little smile.
Those damn butterflies kicked inside your stomach and you inwardly rolled your eyes. You hummed and looked down at your computer. 
“Right! So, the next assignment is to choose a sonnet from Shakespeare and analyze it. That means we’ll have to search, read some and well, choose the one we like the best” you told him.
“Oh God, I hate this already” he said, pressing his forehead against the table.
You giggled. “It’s not that bad. I collected a bunch for you to pick” 
He pulled his head up quickly and smiled. “Really?” 
“Yeah” you nodded.
“You’re the best” he smiled wider. 
Fuck, that’s a pretty smile- FOCUS. “It’s nothing” you scoffed with a little smile too.
“No, really. It’s a lot. Let me see” he said and you pushed your computer towards him.
As he started scrolling through the different sonnets, his eyes couldn’t help but wander towards your face. You were looking out the window while sipping your pink drink with a sense of tranquility, something that was definitely lacking in his life. Hyunjin couldn’t help but feel his heart hammering in his chest as he admired your pretty face. He paid attention to the way you sucked on the straw of your drink and he bit his lip. 
You were so attractive to him and you had no idea. 
How didn’t you see it? How didn’t you notice him staring at you in high-
“You picked one yet?” you asked him, turning your head to face him.
He blinked a couple of times and nodded. “Y-yeah” he lied. “I picked one” 
“Let me see” you said, grabbing the computer. Your eyes lit up and smiled at him, making him feel a flutter in his chest, something he hadn’t felt till now. “Wow, Sonnet 116. Good choice. You are one romantic guy, never thought of that” 
His eyes narrowed, confusedly and then nodded. “Yeah… I guess you didn’t know that about me, huh?” he joked.
Hyunjin was in fact a very romantic guy himself, he loved cliché stuff and, whenever he painted, he tried to symbolize love as much as he could. He would paint red roses very often, thinking they symbolize an act of love, sensualism and mysticism. Hyunjin loved romantic comedies and he always cried with them.
But that was a secret he kept well hidden.
“Well, this one you picked is very beautiful” you said with a smile and he couldn’t help but reciprocate it. “Let Me Not to The Marriage of True Minds is one of his most famous works” 
Hyunjin immediately took out his computer and started typing whatever you said. 
“We can read it together” you said, pushing the computer so he could see it.  
He nodded and you started reading some lines and explaining them to him.
Hyunjin stared at you attentively and tried to focus, he really did. But his stupid brain and heart had teamed up to sabotage this study session, because they were focused on you. You, you, you. Then, his eyes couldn’t help but go down as he took in what you were wearing. 
Fuck, how did he not notice? You were wearing a black top that had a low cut and it gave a good view of your breasts, as your arms pushed them together due to your inclined position on the table. His mind started racing with different dirty thoughts of what he’d do to you if they weren’t in a crowded café. Hyunjin noticed you were wearing a lace black bra and it made him wanna grab-
“He’s basically saying that true love is not changeable, no matter the length of time” you explained, bringing him back to earth.
Hyunjin quickly typed, trying to convince you he was paying attention. 
“He is so certain about his definition of love that, if proven wrong, then he was sure he had never loved anyone” you finished.
“Wow…” Hyunjin said. “That’s… beautiful”
“I know” you giggled. “Well, we have to, basically, do an analysis of it”
“Okay, how do we start?”
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Hyunjin pressed the point button on his laptop and sighed. “Fucking finally” he said.
“It wasn’t that bad, you gotta admit that” you smiled.
He had to admit, he did enjoy literature after all. “Yeah, it was actually interesting. Maybe I should’ve asked you for help a long time ago” he confessed.
“Well, that means you would’ve acknowledged my existence, which you didn’t until… yesterday” you said with a shrug.
That’s a lie, Hyunjin thought. “I… I’m sorry” he said and he mentally slapped himself.
“It’s okay. I’m used to it. Really” you said.
He frowned. He didn’t like the sound of that. He was about to open his mouth when you cursed.
“Fuck! Look at the hour, it’s almost eight” you cursed.
Hyunjin looked out the window and noticed how dark it had gotten. “Right, wow. I didn’t even notice” he mumbled as he looked at his phone. 
“Yeah, me neither” you chuckled, putting all your stuff away.
Hyunjin frowned as he didn’t like the fact that this session was over and you’d probably go back to ignoring each other like you did. 
“Hey, uh… do you wanna go back to my place? Like… to hang out” he said.
You arched your eyebrows. “Why?”
“Well, to be honest, I could pay you back with some take out. Whatever you want. My roommate, Chan, is out for the day with his girlfriend so I'm gonna be home alone” Hyunjin explained. 
You leaned your head to the side.  “Are you inviting me because you feel bad for me or because you don’t wanna be alone?” 
None, I just wanna be with you. “Both, I guess?”
You chuckled and looked away. “Hyunjin-”
“Please?” he asked.
You looked at him again and then sighed. “Fine. But we’re ordering chinese”
“Deal” he smiled, satisfied.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
“She did that?” You asked him as soon as you and him walked inside his dorm.
“Yep. And then she basically threatened Lily, my friend’s girlfriend, to stay away from me because she was jealous” Hyunijn explained.
“Oh my God” you mumbled. “That’s borderline obsessive”
“Yeah, I know” he said, dropping his stuff on the couch, “You can drop your stuff  and sit here, I’ll order take out” Hyunjin whipped his phone out and started clicking on the delivery app.
You did the same and noticed there were a few notifications from your group chat with your friends.
Min 🐈: hey, you alive bestie? 
Min 🐈: did you kill hyunjin? I’d be delighted if your answer was yes. I’d even help you bury the body
Innie 💛: min shut up
Min 🐈: what?
Lixie☀️: i think you’re overreacting a little
Min 🐈: i think i’m not
You chuckled and quickly typed your answer back.
You: I’m okay, you guys. calm down!! 
You: i’m at his place.
Innie 💛: excuse me?
Lixie☀️: say what?
Min 🐈: oh my god, I think i’m gonna faint
You: shut up. he invited me and ordered chinese as my payment, i happily accepted bc u know i’d never decline chinese 😀
You sighed. You knew Minho would never approve of this, he’d scold the hell out of you. 
Lixie☀️: okay, take care y/n. 
Innie 💛: pls text us if anything happens!
Min 🐈: yeah that
You: i will, thx! love u guys
“Okay, it’s on its way. Want a drink or something?” Hyunjin brought you back to reality and you quickly turned off your phone.
“Oh, uh… what do you have?” you asked him.
“I have wine… coke, water”
“I could have some wine” you smiled.
“Great” he said and took it out from the cupboards. 
You walked towards the kitchen and sat down on the stools, feeling your hands get sweaty from the nervousness you felt. 
“So… did your friends roast me via text?” Hyunjin asked. You pulled your face back and he chuckled. “I know you were texting them. You looked really stressed out explaining this situation to them”
You sighed and looked away. “Yeah, uh… I think it’s not news that they don’t like you” you chuckled humourlessly.
He nodded. “I don’t think you do either” he said. He hoped that was untrue.
“Well. I had my reasons” you said.
Hyunjin frowned. “Had?”
“Yeah, well, I think you weren’t just as bad as I thought” you confessed.
“Why’s that?”
“Well, you did ignore me in high school” you told him. “And you were friends with the people that made my life a living hell, while you stood there, watching”
He was about to say something but the bell rang. “That must be the delivery guy. Be right back”
He walked away from the kitchen and you put your head in your hands. What were you doing?
Hyunjin came back really fast and he placed the food on the plates, wordlessly, while you just stared.
Great, you ruined the whole mood. 
You started eating and the silence was so loud, you wanted to fleet out the door. 
“I didn’t ignore you” Hyunjin suddenly spoke. 
You looked up and gave him a confused look. “What?”
“I didn’t ignore you. In high school, I mean” he repeated himself. “I was just hanging out with the wrong crowd, and I admit that. I just wanted you to know that I did know you who you were. I didn’t know you attended this uni, though” 
You analyzed his words and expressions. He sounded sincere.
“I… it’s funny, actually. I had a huge crush on you” he said in a small voice.
Now, hold up.
“What?” you asked him with a frown.
“Yeah” he laughed. “You were really cute and just my type. But as I said, I hung out with the wrong crowd and it repelled people like you, fairly. And I wanted to be popular, because it was like a dream and it felt like being powerful but then I understood that it was stupid and there’s literally not a day in which I don’t regret hanging out with those people” 
You blinked a couple of times, trying to figure out if this was a figment of your imagination.
“So, I deeply apologize” Hyunjin said in a small voice. 
You nodded. “Okay… I uh… I did not know that” you chuckled nervously.
“No, you didn’t have to,” he said. “Really, I’m sorry, Y/N. If it… helps or whatever, I did want to defend you when they said those things to you and your friends. I was just too afraid to say anything, honestly”
“Afraid they’d do it to you” you said.
“Yeah, basically”
You hummed and licked your lips, deep in thought. “I had a crush on you too back in high school” you suddenly said.
His eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah” you chuckled. “Even if I hated you, I couldn’t… help it” 
“I never told anyone about this” you chuckled. “Not even Minho”
“Oh God, he hates me so much” he said, making you laugh.
“Yeah, well, you’re friends with Jisung, so…” you said.
He frowned. “What’s up with him anyways?” 
You looked up in surprise. “Jisung cheated on Minho”
He looked really surprised to hear that. “What?” Hyunjin asked in a high pitched voice. “No, that’s not it. I mean, yeah, he accused him of cheating but Jisung didn’t do that”
“Yeah, well, that’s what Minho told me. Back at prom” you told him.
“Okay, that’s weird because Jisung did not attend prom” he said.
Your eyes widened. “What do you mean he didn’t go to prom? He said he found Jisung kissing other guy” you frowned.
“Yeah, no. Jisung’s grandfather had passed away the day before so he had to travel overnight to his hometown” Hyunjin said.
“Oh wow” you mumbled. “Well, then we’ll have to tell them and maybe…”
“Get them together again?” Hyunjin asked, with a little shrug.
“Yeah” you giggled. “You know, as much as Minho talks about hating him and all… I think he’s never really gotten over Jisung. He still keeps the necklace he gifted him and the collar he made for Soonie” 
“Jisung’s never gotten over him either. He likes to gag at the mention of him but he still has that shirt, you know, the one they shared of-”
“Oh my God, from that Cat Café? The one that says-”
“Cat Café Lovers? Yeah, that one” Hyunjin laughed.
You chuckled and looked away. “Gosh, that was peak cringe from them”
The chatter continued. You talked about everything and anything. It was like you both needed this talk from a long time ago, and you didn’t know it. 
After eating everything and helping him with the dishes, you looked at the clock and gasped.
“Oh shit, it’s eleven. Fuck” you whispered. “I gotta go, I’m sorry”
“Oh…” Hyunjin said, sounding disappointed. “It’s okay, don’t worry”
He walked you to the door and opened it. He leant against the frame and watched you put your bag on your shoulder and look up at him.
“Thank you for the food… and the talk” you smiled.
“No, thank you. I’ll probably get an A from what we did” he chuckled. “You’re very smart and very kind to help me… even after everything I did”
“It’s alright” you nodded. “And you apologized, so, we’re good”
“Yeah…” he said. “I actually lied” he suddenly blurted.
You frowned. “What… did you lie about?” 
He swallowed nervously and looked down at his feet. “I did like you in high school but… I didn’t stop” 
You pulled your face back in utter shock.
Say what?
“I… seeing you the other day. It made me realize I didn’t stop liking you after all” he chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I thought you were really cute back then but, seeing you now, I see you got even more beautiful and it kills me that I did what I did. And I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable by saying this but- well, I just thought I could tell you because-” he started rambling and you felt a rush of confidence to shut him up.
Shut him up by kissing him. Hard.
Your kiss shocked him but he was quick to grab your waist and pull you against his chest. 
You pulled away and smiled at him. “I like you too, Hyunjin. Even if you suck at literature and stare at my tits the whole time I’m explaining a Shakespeare sonnet to you” you told him against his lips and he blushed. 
“Okay, that’s-”
You giggled and pressed your lips against his once again, making him groan. He pushed you inside his dorm again, closing the door with his foot. Your bag dropped to the floor and he put his hands under your legs, hoisting you up in the air, making you wrap your legs around his waist. 
Hyunjin led you to his room and then laid you down on his bed, all while literally devouring your mouth with his tongue deep, stroking yours. 
He pulled away to kiss your neck and you arched your back, mewling and clawing at his clothed back. 
“Hyunjinnie…” you sighed, combing your fingers through his hair.
“Fuck, Y/N” he whispered, biting on your skin. He pulled away and stared at you. “You are so beautiful”
You smiled shyly at him and when he went to kiss your neck again, you stopped him by pulling his hair. 
“What?” he asked, caressing your waist.
“I just uh…”
“You a virgin?” he asked.
“No! No, no. I uh had my fair share of hook ups… but I am not like the most experienced so please-” he silenced you with a kiss, moving his hands under your shirt.
“You-” kiss. “-are perfect-” kiss. “Don’t worry, baby” he whispered and went to kiss you again. 
Hyunjin pressed kisses on your neck down to your stomach, over your shirt until he reached the belt of your jeans. He made quick work of taking off your shoes and your belt. 
You helped him kick your jeans off and he stared at your panties. 
His eyebrow arched, as he looked at your laced black panties. “I wanted to feel sexy” you shrugged innocently. 
He tugged on your legs, making you yelp. “Come here” he growled, kissing your lips as his hands groped your breasts through your shirt. “I’m gonna eat you out until you’re shaking, is that okay?”
You shivered at his tone and his honesty. “I…”
“Has anyone ever done that before?” he asked. You shook your head ‘no’, giving him doe eyes. “What kind of dumb men did you date? Who wouldn’t want to do that?” 
He didn’t even give you time to answer, because he took off your panties quickly and shoved your legs open. 
“Fuck, look at that. You’re so wet, baby” he whispered, smirking at you.
“God, do something, Hyune” you moaned, arching your back.
He chuckled at your desperation and swiped his fingers over your drenched entrance, making you whimper. He dragged those soaked fingers over his tongue and sucked them clean. As soon as he finished, Hyunjin crawled over you and kissed you, inserting his tongue inside your mouth, making your nails dig into his shoulders as you tasted yourself. 
He pulled away and panted as he looked at you. “Do you feel how good you taste?” he asked and didn’t even give you time to answer as he dropped a quick peck on your lips and went down to eat you out. 
Hyunjin’s tongue dragged over your core over and over and all you could do was hold onto the sheets desperately. He inserted his fingers and scissored them as he licked over your sensitive clit in a circle motion. 
Your hands went to his hair and started pulling, making him mewl against your cunt. You pushed his head against your cunt, making his nose press against your clit as his tongue licked over you. 
He had you cum on your tongue two times and then, he pressed a kiss over your pubic bone when he was finished, definitely leaving your legs shaking in pleasure, just like he had promised. He wiped his face with his sleeve and then grabbed the back of his tee, pulling it over his head, letting you admire his toned body.
Your hands immediately brushed over his torso and his abs contracted, feeling the goosebumps run all over his body. He pressed his chest against yours and kissed you again, really soft and sweet. 
“How was that?” he whispered against your lips.
“Fucking mindblowing” you whispered, making him smirk.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, fidgeting with the end of your shirt.
You smirked. “I think you tortured yourself long enough at the café staring at me. Go ahead” you giggle.
He giggled back and pecked your lips and then pressed a kiss to your cleavage. “I couldn’t help it” he murmured and then grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head. He stared at your black lacy bra, his hand going under you to grab at the clasp.
You didn’t let him, arching your back at taking it off yourself, exposing your tits to him. 
His hands immediately grabbed them and pushed his face towards them, enveloping one of your nipples inside his mouth and sucking. You arched your back and moaned, gripping his hair tightly with your fingers. He sucked one and then another, then, pushed them together and licked over them.
“Fuck, Hyunjin, I need you to fuck me” you whispered.
“Okay, okay, fuck” he said, giving one of your tits one last suck and then leaned up on his knees, trying to take off his belt as fast as he could. 
You helped him kick off his jeans and saw his erection straining against the fabric of his Calvin Klein’s. It was big already and when he hooked a finger on the hem and pulled them down, your eyes widened. 
His dick slapped against his stomach and his hand went down to stroke himself. 
He knelt on the bed and pushed himself to brace himself over you while looking for a condom. Hyunjin took it out and put it on quickly, and then went back to brush the tip over your entrance, making your nails dig against his forearms. 
One of his big hands gripped your thigh and the other one held his cock to push it inside you. Once he did, you arched your back and he let out a choked moan. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight, Y/N. And so wet, shit” he whispered against your neck and then he kissed the hot, sweaty skin. 
“Fuck, Hyune” you moaned. 
“Yeah, keep chanting my name like that” he whispered, moving his hips as he hit your cervix over and over. 
You let out a little yelp every time he hit that sweet spot and one of his hands went to one of your breasts, brushing over your nipple and pinching it every now and then.
He licked over your ear and pulled on your earlobe. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?” he whispered. “So fucking long, baby” 
You put your leg over his shoulder, making him go deeper and pulling a moan from both of you.
His fingers found your clit, and as he rubbed it in a circle motion, it made you get closer and closer towards your orgasm.
You bit at his neck and moaned. “I think I’m gonna come, Hyune”
“Yeah?” he groaned. “Fucking come, then”
Your cunt gripped him tightly, making him groan and thrust even harder. You arched your back against Hyunjn’s chest and came around his length, feeling your vision go white and like you were about to pass out from the amount of pleasure the man on top of you was making you feel.
You barely noticed how he was losing control, as his thrust became sloppier. With a choked moan, he emptied himself inside the condom, his hands gripping the mattress tightly and then with a sigh, he collapsed on top of you, completely spent and satisfied.
Your arms wrapped around him tightly as he panted against your neck. 
“That was-”
“Amazing, fucking amazing” he whispered against your neck. 
You giggled and combed your fingers through his hair, caressing his scalp. 
Hyunjin lifted his head and smiled at you. “You are so pretty”
“Thank you. You are very pretty, too” you said shyly and he blushed. “You blushing?”
He let his head drop against your chest and mumbled, “Shut up”
“You definitely are” you giggled.
“Shut up!”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
After he let you use your shower (in which he may or may not have sneaked in and ate you out against the tiles), you changed into one of his shirts and wandered around his room. You saw the canvases that laid on the desk and smiled as you saw the amazing drawings and paintings he did.
“Wow… you did this?”  you asked him over your shoulder.
“Yeah” he said shyly, brushing the towel over his wet hair. “They’re not the greatest-”
“They’re not? I think they’re museum-worthy, are you kidding?” you chuckled. “The way you painted that rose, wow” 
He chuckled and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you. “I feel so at peace with you, Y/N” he whispered against your neck.
You smiled and put your hands over his arms. “Me too, Hyunjin” you whispered, kissing his skin. “Me too”
“You have practice tomorrow at the studio right?” he asked. 
“Yeah, we have that super difficult R&B choreo” you sighed. 
“Really?” he asked. 
Hyunjin started thinking about a little something in silence and then spoke up. “Do you want me to change classes?” 
You frowned and looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“So that we can practice together. Maybe that’s the reason I never saw you here. Because we never got to practice together” 
You let out a little laugh. “You’re crazy, Hyune” 
“Yeah, crazy about you” he said and kissed your cheek with a loud kiss sound. 
You giggled and shook your head. “Oh, fine. Change classes”
“Yay” he whispered. “What do you usually wear for practice?” 
“Oh, it’s gonna be amazing, I’m so sure of it. I’m gonna have so much fun” he smirked.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You and Hyunjin woke up with a loud buzzing noise coming from the night stand. 
Hyunjin from behind you groaned and pressed his face harder against your neck. “What’s that, babe?”
“It’s just my phone, hun” you whispered as you grabbed it and looked at the ID of the call. “Hello, Min?”
“Where are you, bitch?”
“Huh?” you asked, surprised at his tone.
“You don’t come home, then you don’t show up at history, and you’re not here at the cafeteria” Minho said.
Your eyes widened and you sat up, looking at the hour. 10:04.
“Shit!” you yelled. “Hyunjin, we overslept!” you yelled, grabbing at his arm and shaking him.
“Hm?” he asked, confused.
“Hyunjin, wake up! We need to get to my dorm to change and then go to the studio! Come on!” you yelled, jumping off the bed and searching for your clothes frantically. “Where the hell did you throw my socks?” 
Hyunjin took his sweet time sitting up on the bed and stretching his muscles. He scratched his eyes and blinked a couple of times. His head turned to the clock on the nightstand and his eyes widened. 
“Holy shit, it’s 10 AM” he said, and jumped off the bed.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” you yelled back as you ran towards the bathroom to brush your teeth in your bra, jeans and only one sock on your feet.
Hyunjin quickly dressed while you brushed your teeth. He combed his hair with his hands quickly and saw you get out of the bathroom, looking around for your shirt.
“What are you searching for?” he asked you.
“My shirt! I don’t know where you threw it. And my socks” you said, looking everywhere.
“Here, use one of mine” Hyunjin tossed you a shirt. “You look better in them” 
You grabbed it and looked at it. “Thank you” you said in a small, shy voice and quickly pulled it over your frame. “My socks” 
“Oh, here” he said. “I found them” he smiled.
Hyunjin grabbed his stuff and smiled at you again. “Let’s go?”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You and Hyunjin ran through the hallways, panting.
“To the right!” you yelled and quickly turned with Hyunjin following suit. 
“There you are!” Minho suddenly appeared in front of you just as you turned the corner, with Felix and Jeongin behind him.
“FUCK! Minho!” you yelled. “You scared me!” 
He was staring at you and Hyunjin with a frown. “Okay… please tell me that you are wearing his shirt because he clumsily dropped wine on it and those marks on your neck are just mosquito bites” he said calmly.
Your eyes widened and quickly slapped your hand over your neck, as you looked at Hyunjin with a glare. He just shrugged.
“I think I’m gonna faint” Minho said, grabbing his heart, dramatically.
Felix rolled his eyes and sighed. “Let’s go, guys. We have practice in two minutes” he said with a smile.
You followed them and Hyunjin did too. “I’m gonna ask my professor to… do what I told you, okay?” he asked, grabbing your shoulder.
“Okay” you nodded. 
Hyunjin pressed a kiss to your lips and walked away the other way. You stared at him and then your eyes darted to your friends who were wide-eyed staring at you. 
“No comments, okay?” 
“Oh, no, you come here and tell everything!” Jeongin giggled excitedly.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
After practice, you sat with your friends at the café, telling them everything.
“It was like I had been wrong about him my whole life” you told them, after you finished. 
“Wow, Y/N, he sounds like he really likes you” Felix smiled.
“He does” you nodded. “Hell, he liked me in high school? I did not expect to hear that” 
“Yeah, no one did” Jeongin shook his head.
You looked at Minho and sighed. “Could you be supportive about this?” you pleaded your friend, pressing your hands together.
“What happened with the I’m not gonna sleep with him, he doesn’t wanna sleep with me thing? You bumped your head against a wall and forgot about it?” Minho asked.
“No, we just had a really good conversation in which he apologized and well… I kissed him” You confessed. 
“Hold up, you kissed him?” Felix asked.
“Yep… oh! I have news about Jisung” you gasped, looking at Minho.
He looked up and his eyes widened. “What? What do you know?” he asked.
You smirked. “It was a misunderstanding, Min” you told him. 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Of course he’d defend his friend. I mean, what can you expect from him?” he laughed, humourlessly.
“He told me that he didn’t even attend prom” you told him and Minho pulled his face back.
“Uh… a little context please?” Jeongin asked.
“So, basically, Minho saw what he thought was Jisung at prom kissing some other dude. They fought, they broke up, the end. But Hyunjin told me that Jisung did not go to prom, his grandfather had died the night prior and he had to rush to his hometown” you told him.
“Wow…” Felix said. “That’s- Minho, what do you think?”
“I think I need to go” he said and grabbed his stuff quickly. “Uh, sorry. Thank you for telling me, I’ll be right back” 
You three watched as Minho left the cafeteria in a rush and then looked at each other.
“You think they’ll get back together?” Jeongin asked.
“I think so” you smiled. “They aren’t over each other. At all” 
Felix smiled. “I can’t believe he has refused to date anyone this past year because he is still hung up on him” 
“Yep. Their relationship was really intense and they loved each other very much” you smiled. “Hell, he still keeps lots of things from him at the dorm. I just pretend I don’t see them but they’re there” 
“Like what?” Jeongin asked.
“You know that necklace Minho always wears?” you asked.
“Yeah, the one with the cat- No!” Felix suddenly gasped.
“Yeah, that one was a gift from Jisung” you giggled. “And then the collar that Soonie has, is a gift from Jisung as well”
“Oh my God” Jeongin said. “He talks a lot about hating him and now I realize he does not hate him at all”
“No” you chuckled. 
“Okay, I’m having a deja vu” Felix sighed.
You frowned and turned around, finding Hyunjin running towards you. You couldn’t help the smile that ran across your face. “Hey!” 
“Hi, good news!” he smiled and sat down on the empty seat where Minho was. “Where’s Minho?” he asked, realizing he wasn’t there anymore.
You and your friends smirked. “He went to search for the love of his life” Jeongin said, arching his eyebrows.
Hyunjin looked confused and you just chuckled. “I’ll tell you later”
“Okay” he nodded. “They let me change classes” he smiled.
“Really?” you gasped. “That’s great!” 
“You’re practicing with us?” Felix asked.
“That’s awesome, man” Jeongin smiled.
Hyunjin smiled. “I know, I’ll get to practice with my pretty girl” he said, smirking at you.
You groaned when you felt your friends starting to poke at your sides and make annoying noises at you. “Stop it!” You groaned.
“Y/N’s in love” they started singing. 
Hyunjin could only chuckle and shake his head. 
He felt his phone buzz and he took it out. He read the message on his phone and frowned.
You noticed his expression. “What’s up, hun?” you asked.
“Why is Jisung texting me: Minho just kissed me?”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
Two weeks later…
You and Hyunjin sat next to each other and he fiddled with his hands nervously. You put your hand over his fingers and smiled, with a chuckle. 
“Hyunjin, oh my God, calm down! It’s just an assignment” you told him.
“Yeah, I know” he sighed. “It’s just that I need to pass literature or-”
“You won’t get your degree, you told me already, yeah” you giggled. 
Mr. Jackson came over with the assignments and stared at Hyunjin. He gave him a curious look adn then left the paper on his desk with a sigh. 
“Here’s your work, Mr. Hwang. And yours Miss Y/L/N” he said, dropping yours on your table. 
Hyunjin took a look at the paper and gasped. “I got an A!” 
“Me too” you smiled excitedly. “See? I told you you were going to pass”
“I know, but it’s all thanks to you” he said, grabbing your hand and kissing it a couple of times. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without you now”
You looked at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You won’t have to wonder now” you said and giggled. 
Your eyes darted to the couple in front of you and sighed.
“Ever since they got back, they won’t stop making out, it’s disgusting” you said to him.
“Hell, we are clingy and we don’t go making out like that” Hyunjin said.
Minho pulled away and looked at him. “That’s a lie, Hwang. Yesterday, I got scarred for life finding you naked on top of my best friend”
“Yeah, I got traumatized too” Jisung said next to him.
“Hey, the happy couples at the back!” Mr. Jackson called out. 
“Sorry” you all four said in unison. 
You and Hyunjin turned your head to the side and found Chan and Changbin mocking you, pretend-kissing each other while making faces. Hyunjin threatened to throw his pencil case while you laughed at them. Hyunjin looked down at your smiley face and his heart doubled its size. Maybe literature hadn’t been so bad after all.
Thank you, literature. 
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flemingsfreckles · 1 day
Replacement Part 3
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Read the other parts here
Warnings: PLEASE TAKE THESE SERIOUSLY homophobia, parental abuse (emotional, mental, and physical), internalized homophobia, language
WC: 3.5k
A/N: alright so this sorta took and added extra turn to it, on top of the enemies to lovers, we’re now going to be working through some internalized homophobia stuff too,
“Ladies, this weekend, after training Thursday I want you all to go do something for team bonding, goalkeepers together, midfielders together, defenders, you all get the idea, try to make small groups, 3-4 players and pick an activity. We want you to get comfortable with the people who will be your support system on the field, we’ll do more full team bonding later. Starting small.” You usually didn’t mind team bonding, it was always a fun time, getting to hang out with your friends.
“You’re coming in my group!” Coffey grabs the back of your training top as you both walk away from the huddle.
“Yeah, cool.” You were more than happy to let someone else organize the groups and the plans, that was never really your forte.
“Me, you, Hina, and then Fleming too.” You give Sam a look that must’ve expressed your frustration with her adding Jessie. “You can handle an afternoon with her, you need to remember your teammates.” You bite your tongue before anything rude comes out of your mouth, you were doing your best to keep it civil with Jessie, Sam was right, she was your teammate at the end of the day.
You and Jessie hadn’t spoken since you lashed out at her on the field, but that didn’t mean the girl had given up on being your friend. The Monday back after game day you had walked in early to a mostly empty locker room, a few teammates here and there. You noticed Jessie’s bag already in her cubby, her clothes already changed. You then noticed the muffin sitting on the top shelf of your cubby. You had rolled your eyes at the sight of it, knowing who brought it. When she came back into the room and you muttered a quiet thank you to her, she gave you a tight lipped smile and a small nod before turning her attention away from you again. The two of you remained in silence for the next week, not exchanging compliments or critiques. You only spoke when necessary for drills or in training. Jessie stopped her typical pleasantries to you when she’d arrive to training every day, instead a small hello with no follow up was how she greeted you.
Thursday comes unfortunately fast for you. You really didn’t have a huge desire to do things after training normally and now you had to do something with Jessie.
Sam made you and Hina send her your favorite parts of the city, you were responsible for picking a coffee shop, Hina picked lunch, and Sam was responsible for dinner. She had said today would be a good day to give Jessie a less formal, more fun tour of Portland.
You all met up at the coffee shop you had picked. Jessie showed up smiling, camera slung across her chest. She had on a hat, her hair was down, she was wearing a simple white shirt and black pants. You find yourself admiring her, simple and yet somehow good looking, clothing choice before quickly shaking the feeling off. Much to your surprise she immediately came over to you asking about the coffee shop what was good, asking how you found it, how long you’d been going to it. It was if she had forgotten the scuffle between you and the fact that you both had been avoiding each other all week. You however, hadn’t forgotten, so you gave her short answers, letting her know anything was good, you hadn’t had a bad coffee yet, but pretty much ignored all her other questions.
“Hey, can we talk really quick?” Jessie poked you in the shoulder as the two of you stood, coffee in hand, waiting for Sam and Hina who had both ordered sandwiches with their coffee.
“Sure.” You weren’t in the mood to talk but you were going to have to with it just being the four of you.
“I don’t know what the issue is or was between us, can we pretend it doesn’t exist, I don’t know, at least for today? I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, it’s fine, I just was having a bad day that day, sorry, I didn’t mean for it to carry over this whole time.” You half ass apologize, all while lying to her face. You hadn’t just been having a bad day, she was the cause of all your bad days so far. If you hadn’t meant for it to carry over all week you would’ve apologized days ago. But to keep the day going smooth, you made up the story, to make her feel better, to help you both move on.
Once you’d all grabbed coffee you walked around, Sam had named herself the tour guide and proceeded to walk you all over town to see various things. She would point out stores she liked, the best place for pizza, all hoping to give Jessie a better lay of the land. Jessie seemed to enjoy herself, you watched her look around in awe at the city you’ve come to call home. She had such a sense of wonder to her, looking at all the buildings, stopping to read the plaques with historical information. She also was constantly stopping for a step or two to take a photo. On a few occasions you caught her taking photos of the three of you walking.
When you look at her and she realized you’ve caught her she smiles. “Sorry, I just like capturing what going on around me, the people around me. I can delete them if you don’t want to be in photos.”
“Oh, no that’s fine, I don’t mind.”
“Cool,” Jessie gives you a smile before pointing ahead where Sam and Hina were standing up the street, both turned back waiting for you. “We should probably catch up.”
“Right.” You head up to where the other girls were, you couldn’t help but wonder about the photos Jessie took, you wanted to see them, but you didn’t want to ask.
Sam had stopped with Hina in front of a bar. “My first date in Portland was here, cute place, terrible date!” Turns out it was a popular first date street as Hina points out the first date she went to in Portland was just across the street.
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see where Fleming gets dragged to on her first date in the city. Where was your first date in Portland?” Sam turns her attention to you. You should’ve changed the subject before she had the chance to ask you.
“Um.” Nowhere is the correct answer, you hadn’t dated, you had no interest in dating the men in Portland or anywhere, so you didn’t. You kept to yourself, you were also still learning life after college, life in a new city, you had every excuse not to try dating. “I haven’t been on an official date since moving here, just too busy with moving, new city, training, all those things.”
Sam gives you a strange look, you’re not sure why, she knew you hadn’t been on dates. The two of you talked about her love life all the time, you figured she knew you hadn’t seen anyone.
“Yeah I wouldn’t expect any date stories from me anytime soon, I’m probably going to make sure I get settled first before I try seeing anyone, plus dating is exhausting.” Jessie quickly speaks up, you’re not sure if it’s intentional but it takes away from the awkward realization that in the year and a half you’ve lived in Portland you’ve never been on a date. Sam and Jessie fall into a debate over if dating is fun or exhausting and you’re happy to slip back into your own thoughts, not having to think about dating, relationships, or anything of the matter.
The day wasn’t nearly as bad as you had thought it was going to be. It was different, not being in a competitive environment had you looking at Jessie differently. She even made you laugh at lunch a few times. She was wittier than you expected for how quiet she tended to be. As you toured around you constantly found her walking next to you, letting Sam and Hina walk together. She’d point things out to you that she found pretty. When she’d stop to take a photo, you’d find yourself waiting for her while the other two walked on. It was weird, you felt less hostile towards the girl.
Jessie had stopped again, pointing out across the way to a bridge. You looked at the bridge and then watched Jessie take a couple of steps, bending down and then standing back up, trying to figure out where to take a photo from. She was calculated about it, just as she was with playing. For a minute you watch as she brings her camera to her eye before snapping a photo. You watch as she looks down at the screen with a smile, proud of whatever photo she took and for a split second you’re filled with a feeling of warmth, a small tingle in your stomach, stronger than the feeling you would get when she’d hand you a coffee or when you’d see the muffin she’d brought you. You physically shake off the feeling, you weren’t feeling that for anyone, especially not a girl, and especially not Jessie. You hated her.
The rest of the afternoon goes by, you don’t participate much in conversation, at dinner, letting the other three carry on. You’re too focused on that single moment, the moment you forgot you hated her and instead you felt something else. You felt a feeling you hadn’t had in years, a feeling you couldn’t have, you had promised yourself that.
No boys would get in your way of your career, no relationship would be manageable, your parents made sure of that from a young age. There would be no distractions, you didn’t have the time for a boyfriend, husband, anything it wasn’t an option, never had been. You had always been focused on school or training, never enough hours in the day for anything besides those two. Your parents pushed you to what felt like every minute of every single day, even as a kid. Doing extra school, extra weight training, extra running. You hardly had friends, having only one or two good friends your whole childhood outside of your teammates, you had no other hobbies, you played soccer and went to school. There was no time for a boyfriend.
A girlfriend certainly wasn’t an option, not even a thought, but that wasn’t a problem, you weren’t gay. You had been subtly taught your whole life that men date women and women date men, those were the options, anything else was unacceptable. You had been called gay, lesbian, and a variety of slurs, kids would tease you when you were younger, you preferred sports, you dressed in shorts and basic t shirts, you weren’t a girly girl, so you were teased, assumed to be gay. Then in high school people made fun of your close relationship with your former best friend, Grace, claiming the two of you must be dating. Those rumors made their way around until almost everyone was asking if you were with her, but you weren’t gay. You weren’t and you couldn’t be, your parents made sure you knew that.
They had temporarily kicked you out of the house when you were 16 after finding what they called “love notes” between you and your best friend. They kicked you out only after ripping apart your bedroom while you were at school, searching for evidence that you were seeing Grace. They didn’t find anything beyond the letters. You hadn’t even viewed them as love notes, just letters you had written to her and she had written to you. They were notes mentioning your appreciation for her and her friendship, telling her how much you enjoyed your time together, how she made you feel safe. There were mentions of “I love you” but purely platonic, nothing romantic in your eyes. Your parents didn’t see it that way and you could still feel the sting on your cheek from your mother’s hand that she had laid on you as you tried to pack and leave all while you argued there was nothing romantic with Grace.
Nothing romantic, until when you showed up at her family’s house crying, unable to get the words out to explain what was happening and she had taken you in. Once you finally calmed down and had explained what was going on she held you tight, her arms wrapped safely around you. She held you and rubbed your back. Grace simply let you exist in her presence, no expectations, no explanations. You didn’t tell her why your cheek was bright red, but you think she figured it out herself. When you pulled back from her grasp she reached to wipe your tears, the way you flinched away told Grace everything she needed to know about the marking on your cheek. She waited before slowly bringing her thumbs up to wipe your tears before holding your face and staring at you with such intensity it made your stomach turn. She told you she loved you, to this day you weren’t sure if she’d meant it romantically or not, and before you could register your own actions you had moved in and kissed her. She kissed you back for a moment before you both pulled away, never mentioning it again. The two of you never got the chance to discuss or even acknowledge the kiss you shared.
Your parents had dragged you back into their house the next day later after learning you had gone to Grace’s house. They welcomed you back into their home only to force you to sit through hateful speeches and lectures about how you’re made to be a wife to a man and how it was disgusting to find another girl pretty. They told you you’d marry a boy and have plenty of his children, you’d raise them while he worked, you would be loyal to him, of service to him, the lectures went on and on, day after day. You we’re grateful though, they kept their hands off of you for the most of the time, instead subjecting you to emotional and mental abuse.
They no longer let you speak and see Grace. Out of fear and a new deep guilt for what had happened between the two of you, you didn’t attempt to reach out. Your parents didn’t know you kissed but you felt like they did, like they knew everything between the two of you. The two of you fell out of touch quickly, you hadn’t seen her since the night you kissed.
Your parents kept you on a strict schedule, baring all communication with anyone who wasn’t a teammate, coach, or school teacher. They made you dress more feminine, they limited what music you listened to, what movies and television you watched, essentially controlling every aspect of your young adult life. They even set you up on dates with boys whose parents they knew, explaining to you that one of them could be your husband. All those dates ended in gross, overly sloppy kisses on your parents doorstep that had you running to the bathroom for mouthwash. It was a miserable few years of your life, ones you prefer to pretend never existed.
When you received a full scholarship for soccer you left for school and never looked back. It wasn’t easy to cut off communication completely with your family, they knew where you were, where your games were held, where to find you, but after your freshman year, they stopped showing up unexpectedly and you finally found a sliver of peace. Despite no longer being in communication with them, those few years still weighed heavily on you. You still flinched slightly if someone made a quick movement toward your face, it had been noticed by Sam and Janine, both asking if you were okay, you lied of course stating it was nothing. Your parent’s words haunted you even more, continuing to impact the way you felt, acted, and existed on a daily basis.
So that’s how you knew to handle your feelings, write them off as something else. The reason you had kissed Grace was because you were too overwhelmed with the thought of being kicked out by your family, you didn’t love her, it was just irrational behavior. The feeling you just experienced towards Jessie wasn’t anything other than displaced emotions. You were just too overwhelmed with your dislike of her, it was starting to show up in different ways. The same displaced emotions that you had felt toward Grace, and again toward your college teammate a few years ago, and now towards Jessie. But you weren’t gay. It was just confusion, too much going on in your head.
“Hello?” You suddenly snap back into the conversation being held in front of you, Hina waving her hand in front of your face.
“Huh?” You had no idea how long you had been zoned out for, reliving the harsh moments of your teenage years. You were just hoping your face didn’t give away to the group that you were remembering some of your worst days.
“Are you okay?” She asks.
“Yeah sorry, just sort of zoned out I guess.” You don't miss the way Jessie sends you a concerned look across the table.
“We’re talking about Saturday's game, how do you think it’s going to go? Are you going to get your first goal of the season?” You know it’s casual conversation but you had no desire to talk about playing
“I’m sure it’ll be good.” Is all you say before putting a bite of pizza into your mouth.
“I’d put money on you scoring.” Hina says before she takes a bite from her own slice.
“That’s if I even play.” You mumble and a silence falls across the table, a blanket of uncomfortable tension falling between the four of you. “Sorry.” You mumble this time with the intention of the others hearing you. You notice the apologetic glance Jessie sends you across the table before you turn your attention back to your plate. The silence until everyone finishes eating, everyone using bites of food to avoid being the one to break the silence.
After dinner Sam and Hina both take off in the direction of their places, opposite of where you lived, leaving you to walk alone with Jessie.
She doesn’t say much on the walk, you’re not sure if she knew, if she knew you had resentment toward her, that deep down you hated her, that you wished she’d go back to Chelsea, leave to somewhere else. Or maybe she just felt the tension at dinner and didn’t know she was the problem.
“How much further is your place?” She asks when she stop walking in front of her own building.
“Just right there.” You point a couple blocks up to your apartment building.
“Do you want me to walk with you?” She offers, it was dark out, she probably just meant it out of kindness.
“I’ve been here longer than you, I don’t need an escort to my own place.” It wasn’t more than a 3 minute walk away, you didn’t need her help walking there.
“Right, sorry, just let me know you get in safe?”
“You’re not my parents Jessie, I don’t need to be watched, I’ll be fine.”
“I know I’m not, but sure like your parents I’d just like to know you made it home safe. I always ask my friends to let me know, I asked Hina and Sam to text me too!”
“Yeah, news flash, we’re not friends, you know nothing about my parents.” You spit out before turning quickly and walking in the direction of your place. You don’t look back, you’re not sure if Jessie went inside or watched you walk all the way. When you’re inside you don’t text her, part of you feels guilty for not, she was looking out for you, but you put your phone on the kitchen table and head straight into bed.
You were emotionally exhausted from the day, first with training, then with spending the afternoon chatting and socializing, and finally with the internal fight over what you were feeling for Jessie and what you had been told your whole life and on top of knowing she was your replacement, you can’t feel anything but hatred for her. When you lay your head down on your pillow you felt a tear run from the eye across the bridge of your nose and drop onto the pillow.
You felt scared and uneasy, having no idea how to process your emotions and having no one to turn to. So you laid in bed, awake staring at the ceiling in a pit of uncertainty, feeling so unsure of yourself, as a player and even more so as a person.
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theemporium · 20 hours
🩵 blues lagoon!
Prompt no. 18
"You look like hell" "i feel like it" with carlos and butterfly maybe after his appendectomy?
thank you in advance if you decide to do it!
Congratulations on 10k!! I love you work 🫶
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
18. "You look like hell" "I feel like it"
series masterlist
As much as you loved Carlos, he was undeniably stubborn to his very core.
Usually, it was a trait you admired in your boyfriend. Something his mother had always joked had been with him since birth. Something that many people had noted in your boyfriend. Something that was viewed as being a necessary and strong trait for a driver in such a cutthroat sport.
But it had reached a whole new level when you heard Carlos arguing with the doctor that he would be able to race with his ruptured appendix. 
It was probably the first time Carlos had ever seen you put your foot down so firmly on something. And it was surprising to you that he was so shocked about it considering his life was on the line—something that he finally seemed to realise when he had you, the doctor, the team and his father telling him there was no way in hell he was getting in that car tomorrow. 
You were thankful he finally agreed to the emergency surgery, even if it meant you practically abandoned your duties too for the weekend.
Despite knowing it was a routine surgery that had been done many times before with very little chance of going wrong, it didn’t stop your brain from spiralling on the possible what if’s haunting your thoughts. It didn’t stop you from sitting in the hospital waiting room, picking at the skin around your nails until a nurse finally came out to tell you that Carlos was out of surgery and already starting to wake up. 
“You look like hell.” 
“I feel like it,” you muttered in response with a weak smile. “How is it that you were the one who just underwent surgery and still look amazing?” 
Carlos’ lips twitched upwards. “I have to always look good so you don’t leave me.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled as you gingerly made your way to his side, dragging a chair so you could side by his bed. “How do you feel?” 
“Like the painkillers are hiding whatever pain I’m feeling,” he mused as he turned to look at you with a fond smile on his face. “And wondering why my pretty girlfriend is not touching me.” 
“Carlos,” you hissed out, eyes wide. “You just had surgery—”
“So you can’t hold my hand?” He questioned, giving you an innocent smile and giggling a little when you flushed in response. 
“That was mean,” you grumbled as you reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers and giving him a soft squeeze. 
“Sorry, mi amor,” he murmured in response, lifting your hand to press a kiss to the back of your hand before frowning. “Aye, baby, what’s this?” 
“I got nervous waiting,” you admitted with a sheepish smile as he pressed a soft kiss to each of your nails. “Bad habit.” 
“I’m fine,” he promised before he let your joined hands drop back on the bed, smiling softly. “Thank you for waiting for me.” 
“Always,” you whispered back, mirroring his smile.
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ybklix · 2 days
omgg how about Han Jisung being supportive and pretending to be happy for y/n when she was dating his best friend?
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐤
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♡ pairing: bff!han x fem!reader
♡ genre: angst ?
✧summary: Han simply tries to be happy after the news that you're dating his best friend, but his heart and body betray him, however his brain controls his mouth by just keep telling you the sweetest things and wishing you the best.
★ warnings: suggestive wet dream with oral sex, mention of masturbation
word count: 2.2k
a/n: ok i wrote this, i hope it’s okay<3 :0
Han pretended to smile, as he felt his insides shatter, his heart pounding and he suddenly felt so dry, as if all the blood in his system had left him.
Your words were simple, carefree, but sharp and heartbreaking to Han, “Oh, it's not big news, but Chan and I are dating.”
The whole table watched you guys in surprise, dumbfounded, while shouts of 'agh, we saw this coming', 'Channie once again doing his thing', and on the other side, Han Jisung, silently, sketching a smile showing his teeth.
You were a group of six best friends who did everything together, you and your other two girl best friends, Ari, Jiah, the guys, Han, Changbin and Chan.
You were all friends but for Han… at least he felt that among the six of you, you two were the closest, the only flaw of Jisung, or Han, as you all usually call him, is that he is extremely reserved, behind his lively personality, jokes and laughter, he always hides deep inside him his real feelings and he knows how to do it so well, that's why no one felt bad for him when you announced that you and Chan were dating, no one knew that Jisung secretly loved you, not even you, you just knew how incredibly sweet and good a friend he was, even to Ari and Jiah who only expressed sweetly about Han, saying he was always there to help them, but to him there was always a slight more special treat for you.
Han wanted to cry, you looked so happy as his best friend wrapped his arms around your waist behind the elongated couch in the restaurant. You decided to tell everyone at the same time, like removing a band aid so quickly.
Jisung blamed the city, he was devastated that he had to find a damn thing to blame other than himself and his inability to express himself since because of him, for not speaking up sooner, he had lost you, maybe forever. Chan was… everything he wasn't, he was more charming, not as assertive with his words as Jisung was, but, he managed to captivate people in his own way, he was stronger, older, openly cared for people more and…. He expressed what he felt without any problem.
You would never have suspected it from Han, he was energetic and funny with the whole group, he had a couple of failed dates but in every gathering of friends he makes it clear that for the moment, love is not knocking at his door, everyone listens to him, and comforts him equally, but it's only your words and actions that matter the most to him. Or mattered, for you were now another man's, his best friend's.
The six of you had planned one of your trips, as usual, this time it had been New York, Jiah and Changbin had some small business in the city so the rest of the group signed up as a group trip. You had been talking to Chan secretly since before the trip, flirting by message, until, sure enough just as Jisung thought, your romance bomb went off once you arrived in the new city.
That night Han walked aimlessly, he took cabs whose routes he didn't know, he felt like a movie character alone and sad in an unknown city, and, if his memory didn't fail him, he made it to Brooklyn, where the famous bridge witnessed his tears and a sad and empty Jisung; there was no explanation for his feeling, it was as if he was drunk, floating and searching for his soul… he had to get rid of you and every little thing his mind collected as something he adored. The sound of your laughter, your manners, everything.
He went back to the building where the six of you stayed, he used the silly excuse of wanting to explore the city just to have inspiration for his songs, since he was a songwriter, but of all the sweet love songs he wrote you, which he always made it clear he wrote because he saw a movie or read a book, they wouldn't compare to everything that came with experiencing his heartbreak.
You stayed in one room with your other two friends, and the guys stayed in another room, it was late so Jisung decided not to make so much noise when entering the apartment, he fought with all his will not to snoop around Chan's room to find out if he would be there… and if he wasn't, there was only one painful option, he was with you, in your arms.
Again, a pang in his chest, he felt as if he had just had such a painful breakup and you didn't even kiss once, there was nothing between you in the sight of everyone and yours but just friendship. He was so down that he just let himself lay on the bed, face down, hoping he wouldn't wake up the next morning or if he did, he wished it had all been a nightmare, that Changbin would wake him up the next morning and that their group of friends was still the same without dating each other.
But even his mind was not in poor Jisung's favor, he had such a vivid and deep dream, where even he could feel that he was smiling on the outside, the dream was you and Han, in a karaoke booth, like one of your many nights together, having fun, singing loudly and jumping, then he would sit, taking his glass with his drink and admiring you, you would sing looking towards the screen and then energetically turn to him, wanting to invite him to sing but by accident you hit his drink spilling it on him.
“Oh, I'm sorry I'm sorry” you were saying to him as you got down on your knees trying to clean it up, in a concerned tone and then laughing.
“It's ok, it's ok” Jisung would reply to you as he noticed you frantically patting, a specific part of him that in moments it woke up.
In his dream it was so fast, there was no need for words, just you looking him straight in the eyes while biting your lip, unbuttoning his pants and pulling down his underwear to promptly take his cock in your mouth, having Jisung completely ecstatic, his gasps unheard over the loud music, the dark light of the cabin with the colored lights illuminating you taking his cock… and suddenly, Jisung woke up startled, his phone vibrating in his pocket startled him, shaking, still excited and heart racing, he picked up his cell phone and saw that it was several messages from you. He was still blurry-eyed after waking up and couldn't see clearly if they were old or recent messages, so he rubbed his eyes and there it was, message just now.
He saw the time… thinking what the hell were you doing insisting him so late when you were supposed to already have a boyfriend to bother, including on your energetic nights when you can't sleep but you'd talk to Han. He opened your chat, and that's exactly what it was about, you couldn't sleep and you wanted to see him.
Han threw his phone annoyed towards his bed, he sighed in frustration and turned in bed to look up at the ceiling, a few seconds ago he was horny, now he was back to finding the sensations afloat, still with the erection in his tight jeans, but sad. Worst of all, he'd go after your call no matter what. Han lifted his chin and gaze, looking down at his aching erection and, he waited, for his mood swing to do its job and soften his cock, but it wouldn't so he almost annoyed, he had to masturbate, feeling so fucking embarrassed and humiliated. As if losing the girl he loved wasn't enough, now he had to masturbate in his room in a suite shared with his two other friends in an unknown city at 4 in the morning.
Han cleaned up his mess, tidied himself up a bit and hurried out, towards the hotel lobby where you had summoned him. He saw you, wearing your pajamas sitting at the large reception couch. Your face lit up at the sight of him and it broke him up even more.
He sat next to you, breathing in your sweet scent.
“The city that never sleeps, also has people working all the time who don't sleep either” you told him jokingly, “I'm still not used to the time difference, and you?”
“I've been sleeping pretty well” he replied curtly, his life was going pretty well since he found out you were dating Chan, to be accurate and honest, but he couldn't tell you that.
You saw Han with a slight pout on your face, since dinner you noticed him very silent, he didn't even limited himself to joke a little with the news of you and Chan dating, and he didn't want to accompany the rest of you to walk around the city, you wondered if something was wrong with him. So you decided to tell him:
“All right… you've been quiet…” you tilted your head, trying to catch his gaze.
“I'm fine” smiled Han, daring to look you in the eyes, bad decision, if he saw you another second longer he would start crying, “I'm tired, it's late.”
“Oh, I'm really sorry, Sungie, it's just that since you responded to my texts I thought you were awake, I shouldn't have woken up…”
“I'm fine, I was tired but I couldn't sleep either.”
You looked at Han, his eyes actually looked a little tired, it wasn't his typical look of his round eyes wide open, attentive and tender.
“Well, I'm glad you're here with me” you told him with a smile, leaning your body more towards him, Han was just praying like he had never prayed in his life, please don't mention him, but you did, “… It's just that you were quiet, you didn't even joke about the news or anything” you said amused.
Han closed his eyes deeply, taking a deep breath of his pain.
“It was nothing to joke about about” he replied again serious.
“Uh, I know, but, I don't know why I expected it from you… but, can I confess something to you?”
Han watched you attentively, paying attention to your every move and word, despite his body being sore and tired. He nodded.
“Well it's weird… now I'm going back home with a boyfriend after I publicly announced that I hated all men” you joked to which he let out a chuckle, “I don't know if I did the right thing by starting dating someone from the same group, I don't want to mess up the whole group by creating tension and being that typical dumb couple.”
Han smiled sideways at your honesty, not knowing that you had ruined it, or at least both of it, both the friendship and him; eventually, which Han doesn't expect or want you to, trouble will appear… creating the most cliché scenario of all, that was also one of the main reasons why he stopped himself, he thought of everyone, he thought of Changbin, Ari, Jiah… and Chan; Jisung wanted to laugh in disbelief as he realized that ultimately Chan didn't give a shit about the non-existent code and morals of their group of friends, but Han didn't blame him either, for you, who wouldn't do everything, he would kill for you if you asked him to, and deep down, he just hoped Chan would do the same for you, love you well, know every detail that you dislike, and when you're feeling really down you have a marathon of every episode of Treehouse of horror from The Simpsons.
“I've known Chan…” began Han sincerely, trying to say the right words to express what he was feeling at such a vulnerable moment, “longer than I've known you, I know exactly how he is” and how you are, Han thought, “I know… he knows how to take care of people very well and... of course, he'll take care of you very well.”
Han tried to smile, but a knot formed in his throat, he couldn't keep talking, a flood of emotions overwhelmed his body and mind, he thought about how beautiful it is to love you, how lucky his best friend is, he thought about Chan, about their long years of friendship, he never failed him even once… just this one time, but how was he supposed to know, he had no idea that Han liked you.
Han couldn't change the time, he can't go back in all the countless opportunities he could have told you how much he liked you and… That he loved you, so all that was left for him to do was to be mature, and wish you well.
“Still” he cleared his throat, “you know you can always count on me, I'll always be there for you no matter what… Chan is, a very good man.”
You smiled at him, feeling his words like a warm hug, when to him, they were like stabs inside, you leaned your head on his shoulder, enjoying the noise of the city piercing the walls and enjoying the closeness of your best friend, you hoped that even if you dated Chan, it wouldn't ruin your friendship with Jisung. You really adored him.
taglist: @rylea08 @hann1bee @iovecb97 @armystay89
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jasi-jx · 2 days
˙✧˖°📷 ⋆。˚꩜ 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗘 (ft. gen narumi)
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𝗴𝗲𝗻 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝗰𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 !
tw: swearing, bad language, people being bad with feeling, kinda fem!reader but boys can also be girlbosses, gen being egotistical and cocky (are we surprised?), mentions of sexual acts, reader is a girlboss,
author’s note: Third crushing post in a row lets gooo. I decided to make it a series. You can find all of them (for kaiju no.8) under #jasi-jx favorite.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ This guy…he has standards. If he is crushing on you, you probably do fit those standards
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Said standards being, strong, can give it back to him. So a general girlboss.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ In fact does not polish his sarcastic and cocky personality for you in the beginning
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ I like to imagine when he first saw you he legit went “Is she single? No? Imma make her my girl”. Bro thought he could have you right then there
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ The whole “I want someone strong” came to kick him in the ass when he realized you weren’t easy
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ That day, he read all of your files, asked about you to literally everybody
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Now you have unlocked, gen narumi, the strongest, trying (in his own way) to woo you
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ There are two sides to this. Him openly flirting with you outside of work, and him acting badass on the battle field (he folds if you praise him after)
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ As for you, you’re like “He is a manchild…but he is hot when he fights…what do I do…”
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Wore his hair slicked back like he does in battle 24/7 when you told him he looks better like that (still love his bangs)
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ He is going around bragging and talking about you to anyone and everyone, as if you are already dating.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Taught you how to use his weapon whether you asked him or not.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If you went on a mission with him, he was not off your ass. He was like “get behind me!”. Bro was heavy on protecting you no matter how powerful the kaiju is.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ You were like “Huh?!”. He worded his need to protect you in a way that made it seem like he didn’t take you seriously.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If you ran past him and defeated the kaiju on your own, he definitely fell for you all over again.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ On the topic, he loves watching you fight. The only time he is ever like “Nah, I’ll just watch.” when there is a mission.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Would step in if he felt like you were in danger though.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ One of the rare moments where he leaves his games is when you’re training
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Did legit fantasize training with you and pinning you down, having a whole ass sexual tension moment
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If that did happen, he thought about it moment for a week
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If it didn’t and you kicked his ass, he still thought about it for a week. Only this time he swore to himself next time he would turn it around.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If you game, he somehow convinced you into playing with him.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ In the end, either you folded and asked him out, or he got impatient.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Impatient Gen, walked up to you, pulled you in, gave you a half sloppy kiss.
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Objective: Teenage Dreams.
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Tags: Pride month, bisexual Wanda, mutual pining, canon divergence, lesbian Natasha.
A/n: My gift before pride ends lol, it a little rushed but uhh... I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it. It's kind of a crack fic honestly, just good vibe for ye gays :D (Ps. sorry if there are mistakes I kind rushed this andd it's been a while.)
Summary: It's pride month and Wanda still hasn't made her move. Being the self-proclaimed greatest ally, Y/n and two other decided to give them a push.
On lazy days like these, Wanda usually spends it by reading a book, maybe binge watching some shows. Other times she spends it with her brother, but ever since joining the Avengers, Pietro has made it his ultimate goal to have Steve Roger's physique. He trained almost day and night, honestly Wanda could enter the gym at 9 in the morning finding her brother in the middle of a workout, and by the time she was finished he was still there.
Often time he was also with her best friend, who is now his gym buddy, Y/n Romanoff. Who was just as much of a gym rat as Pietro. Honestly, the amount of time they stare at themselves in the mirror was concerning. She's almost sure she had passed a video on social media featuring them titled; 'How to train like an Avenger'
So nowadays she spends her free time alone, even though she wishes she could spend it with a certain beautiful redhead-
Although it wasn't all that bad. Wanda had found a new fixation to spend her time on. Which was Fanfictions.
Now how does one stumbles upon this... wonderful world you might ask? Well for Wanda it started when she was watching a new TV Show she had recently discovered called, The 100. It was fun until they killed off one of her favorite character, Lexa. Wanda naturally dropped the show in an instant. During one of her rants to one of the new recruits, Kate Bishop then sent her a link leading to a website followed a text that read; "The showrunners might break your heart, but fanfiction authors will be there to pick up the pieces."
And Wanda... Fell down the rabbit hole from there.
At first all she searched was merely about wlw couples on her favorite movies and shows, like that one Supergirl TV show she had been recently watching. Or that one cute show called 'Everything Sucks' that got canceled after one season. Basically any wlw couples she started to like, but couldn't be explored due to the showrunners being a pus-
It didn't matter, she founded the holy-site that held all the stories in the world. Then, when she found nothing else to read there, it lead her journey to... a site that shares the same name as drinking bottle; Tumblr. Minus the 'e'.
The site gave her access to a whole new world and whole lot more stories. It was on this website that she found out there was a whole fandom for the Avengers, and many stories was written about them in different scenarios. Sometimes it was cute, other times it was... questionable-
You can't really blame her, can't you? Her name and the word mommy was basically inseparable on this site.
This was where she learned that people have also been 'shipping' one Avenger and the other. Curiosity got the better of the witch when she started to search herself... and a certain former Russian spy. She was surprised to see how many stories were written about them here. Wanda... may have gotten a little out of hand.
This was her guilty pleasure. Reading stories about her crush and herself in a scenario instead of actually trying to talk to her. Can you blame her though? She was what the internet describes as a 'Loser Lesbian'.
The little voice in her head prefers the word 'Useless Lesbian', which wasn't even accurate as she mostly resonates more with Bisexuality-
"Happy gay month, cus you know you bi and stuff!" Ah there it is, the 'little voice' burst through her door unannounced, causing Wanda to yelp and quickly shut her laptop close to hide her 'shameful' activity.
Wanda glared at the young Romanoff who was carrying 3 different items in his hand and approaching her on the bed. "What the fuck is wrong with-"
"Here, I got you a gay balloon cus it got all the color because it's GAY."
"Y/n-" She reluctantly takes the balloon.
"And I gotchu a vinyl album with that Sweater Weather song cus you Bi." He handed her the vinyl, how thoughtful.
Lastly, "And I baked you a cake that says, 'BeeEE who yoOOUUu aaRREEE, for YooUURE PRiiiDEEEEeeeEE'" He sang the word off tune.
"Ok- Thank you... Uhm-" She grabs all the items and looks at them with confusion. "This is..." Wanda furrowed her eyes at her friend. "Why- Why did you do this, why are you doing this??"
"You know... Cus you're Bi!"
"I'm well aware of that fact."
"Well my dearest Wanda, in this holy month of June I have a very important mission to accomplish." The young Romanoff suddenly jumps on her bed and dramatically opens his arms as if he was some kind of showman. "I'm gonna get you a woman!"
The youngest Maximoff cringes her face and with a flick of her wrist she knock the soldier off her bed, earning a high pitch scream from him. "First of all, you can't get a woman for yourself how do you expect to get me a girlfriend."
"I have plenty of girls!" He said rather defensively as he sat up on the floor.
"And second, why is this so important to you?"
"What you don't want a girlfriend?"
"I still like guys you know."
He rolled his eyes, "I know that, but you always told me you wanted to try dating girls."
"Not just girls... a girl-" She mumbles.
"What was that?" The man raised a teasing eyebrow.
"Nothing! Now shut up, you haven't answered my question." Wanda said while huffing and crossing her arms.
"Because my dearest friend being Bisexual is one thing, but being bi yourself is just sad-" That statement earned him a rightful pillow thrown at him at full speed. Which he thankfully manages to deflect this time with his reflex.
Wanda then groans and plops on her bed. "You're not going to stop, are you?"
"Nope." Y/n even popped the 'p' to emphasize his point. With a roll of her eyes, Wanda agrees with an exaggerated fine and he joined her on the bed with a grin. "Now, first thing on the list is we need to get you some new clothes."
Wanda hastily sat up looked down at her current outfit and glanced at the mirror in her room. She gave him a stinky eye. "What's wrong with my clothes??" This rude bitch-
"Nothing..." Y/n said rather sassily, "I just... think it might need a little spice is all." Without asking for her permission, Y/n grabs her laptop out of her reach and opens it. "I was thinking we could- WHOAAA..."
"What's- NO!" Her eyes widens in panic has her dirty little secret have been exposed. The witch lunges herself to him only for the young super soldier to hold out a hand to keep her at a distance while staring bewildered at the screen before him. "GIVE IT BACK."
"OH MY GOD???? YOu into this shit?!!" Oh the young Romanoff was having the time of his life. He grinned as he looked at what the story was about, "Natasha Romanoff x Reader? Ohhh ho HO, you really llike her huh-?"
"Y/n I swear to god, GIVE IT BACK." She yelled, Wanda was fucking furious. She already had an annoying brother to deal with, what was she thinking adding Y/n into the mix.
"I want to see your blog." It was like she was seeing red, blood thumping in her brain.
Wanda screeched like a maniac, suddenly overpowering the super soldier. She was practically sitting on top of him wrestling with the now closed laptop, Y/n hugged the laptop close. "Y/N I WILL KILL YOU!"
"NEVER!" Their screaming was probably heard all over the compound as they wrestle for Wanda's laptop. However, a stern voice stopped their childish fight.
"Enough, both of you!" The two whipped their head to the door to see Natasha crossing her arms and looking at them expectantly. The two scurry off of each other and Wanda made a final yank on her laptop out of his reach. The two stood up like guilty children caught in a fight.
"He took my laptop without permission." Wanda spoke up before Y/n could open his mouth. The look of betrayal on his face brings pleasure to Wanda as Natasha's anger was now directed to him.
"Y/n, you know better than to take other people's personal things." Natasha glared at her little brother.
"You're just going to believe her right out of the gate?!" He retorted.
"It's the truth!" Wanda said while hugging her laptop tightly.
"You little snitch-" The super soldier turned to face her challengingly. Before the two were about to enter yet another screaming match, Natasha's stern voice puts them in their place once again.
"You two are acting like children. I have enough of this, Y/n if you don't stop this childish nonsense I'll have you grounded from any missions."
"You can't do that?!" His eyes practically bulge out of it's eye socket.
"I can, and I will." Natasha's death stare easily intimidates him as he quickly mumbles an apology to Wanda. The spy's gaze turned to the witch with soft and caring look, unlike the one she gave to her sibling. "Wanda, if he gives you anymore trouble you let me know ok?"
"Thank you, Natasha." Wanda said shyly, a faint blush visible on her cheek. The redhead smiled at her before giving one last glare to Y/n and left to god-knows-where.
It was so painfully obvious that the two liked each other. Except the only one that fail to realize that is themselves. Operation Scarlet Widow was going to be a lot more difficult than he anticipated, Y/n might need a little backup.
"I seriously don't get why you can't just ask her out instead of reading a bunch of stories-"
This annoying fuck- "DON'T talk to me about that!" She suddenly uses her powers to float him out of her room. "I don't wanna hear about it-" She practically throws him out, Y/n lies on the floor while looking at his friend bewildered. Wanda gave one last glare and shuts the door on his face.
"And stay out!" Her voice yelled from inside the room.
Being the annoying friend that he is, he got onto his feet and proceeds to bug the shit out of the witch. Y/n started with those gentle knocks on the door. "Honeyyy-" He teased her.
"Ohmyfuckinggod. Don't call me that!" Wanda yells again. Y/n snickers at her response.
"Wanda, come on..." He knocks again, hearing no response the soldier knocks on the door harder. "You can't hide forever, come out!"
"Jokes on you, I already am!"
"Not what I meant, but ok!" He snickers again, clearly Wanda would not be opening the door anytime soon. He makes his way to the gym to recruit some people who shall help him in this mission.
Upon entering the training grounds, Y/n found Yelena and Pietro in the middle of a sparring session. Only these two would spend their Sundays training.
"Dearest Brother, nice of you to join us." Of course Yelena would know it was him, despite having her back facing Y/n.
"Let me know when you want to spar with someone who can actually throw a punch." The soldier said with a smirk.
"Fuck you, Romanoff!" The silver-haired speedster gave him the finger before focusing back on his opponent. "You're the one who's lacking, I thought super soldiers could do this all day?"
Y/n scoffed, "Oh please, I can take you down without breaking a sweat. You rely mostly on your powers."
"Barf, are you going to keep bothering us or join us?" Yelena said with a roll of her eyes, using the distraction Pietro surges forward in an attempt to tackle Yelena. Although she may not have powers, her skills were beyond his years. Using the techniques taught by none other than her own sister, Yelena manages to take down the speedster with ease.
"Hah!" She snorted seeing Pietro with his face on the ground and tapping the floor to announce his defeat. Yelena gets off of him with a smirk on her face.
"Oh come on! If this was a real fight you know you wouldn't stand a chance." The speedster grumbles.
"I'm not denying that, but take that power away and you're just another damsel in distress."
Pietro narrowed his eyes. In the midst of her overconfidence, he uses his powers to knock Yelena on the feet, causing her to fall backwards onto her ass. Normally, her instinct would've kicked in and she would prepare for the fall, but this time Pietro stands in triumph while crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.
"Bitch." Yelena mumbles in Russian before dusting herself off.
"Now if you're both finished, I would like to make an offering." Y/n said while putting his fingers together like some menace business man with bad intention.
"You want to steal Tony's car and do a high speed race on the highway? I call dibs on the Mclaren." Yelena spoke up.
"So long as I get the Ferrari-" Pietro chimes in.
"No, but we'll get back into that because I always wanted to try his Audi. What I have is, how would you feel on playing cupid for our dearest sisters?" Yelena only raises an eyebrow while Pietro squints his eyes.
"I am getting sick of seeing them practically eye-fucking each other at the gym." Yelena started.
"Hey, that's my little sister." Pietro said while puffing his chest out playing the overprotective big brother role.
Yelena rolled her eyes, "She's 27 dipshit, and you're only 12 minutes older."
"Still my little sister..."
"Look we can all agree that these two needs to sort out their feelings, and since the two are completely useless as one is an idiot who thinks staring will magically get her a date. And the other has deep traumatic issues where she struggles to have proper relationship due to her upbringing. I'd say, maybe they need a little third party help?" Y/n opens his arms as if to wait if any of the two objects.
"And how do you plan on pulling this off?" Yelena asked.
"I was hoping you might help me figure that out." Y/n threw back the question. Yelena rolled her eyes.
"So you came to us for help empty handed?"
"Well I would argue dedication and sheer will counts for something." Y/n puffed out his chest, he clearly has nothing.
"We don't even know if Natasha likes Wanda back." Pietro chimes in, which earns him a raised eyebrow from the two Russians.
"It's hard to miss."
"Yeah, I can see the oblivious genes runs in the Maximoff's."
Maybe it was less obvious to someone who was not close to Natasha, she was a trained spy overall. And these two were practically raised to be more observant than others. Or that could just be the oblivious Maximoff genes.
"All I know is, Wanda has had this crush ever since she stole Natasha's jacket."
Y/n furrowed his eyebrows at Pietro. "Wasn't that like... a year ago with Ultron?" Yelena barks out a laugh, "You mean to tell me she's been pinning on Natasha for a year??"
Pietro shrugs his shoulders and smirked, "Wanda has bigger pool, but I'm the one getting all the girls."
"Barf-" Yelena said while fake gagging, earning a jab on the rib by Pietro. "If we want a shot for our dearest love birds we have to be quick, cause I'm noticing a certain android having his eyes on Wanda."
"Who, the toaster?" Pietro said while cringing his face.
"Ok... I can see you don't seem so fond of the guy, and Vision's not so bad y'know-" Y/n said, it's not that he was close with Vision. But he didn't understand why Pietro would look so utterly disgusted.
"No, he's not bad. But if this works out, you and I would be brothers for real, y'know?"
Damn... This was true brotherhood. "Bro..."
The two hugged like it was something out of a bromance movie. Yelena could only watch with her arms crossed, wondering what the fuck was going on. However, while the two gym rats were having their moment, a plan formed in her mind.
The trio sprang into action in an instant, ordering a bunch of pizzas, heading to the city to grab some supplies, thankfully alcohols were already taken cared of.
"Ok! Now we just need everybody here." Y/n said with a satisfied grin whilst taking a shot to give himself a head start. Yelena mimicked his movement and so did Pietro.
"FRIDAY, assemble the team to the common room." The AI gave Pietro the acknowledgement, soon enough the team entered the common room with a confused look.
"What's going on?" Steve was first to spoke up as he looked around the decorated room with food and beverages.
Wanda glances to a certain redhead a few meters away from her, Natasha initially had a bored look on her face, arms crossed, and was probably mentally preparing herself to whatever the hell her siblings had in mind. And it was as if the spy felt a pair of eyes on her she looked to the side and locked eyes with Wanda, instantly, the corner of Natasha's mouth pulled into a tiny smile and a small shrug.
Wanda blushed instantly and turned her gaze to the floor, tucking a hair behind her ear. The trio, saw this and glances at one another.
"Well dearest teammates." Y/n started, taking a microphone and speaking to it as if he was an mc. "Tonight will be the night-"
"What's with the mic, Y/n?" Natasha asked with a roll of her eyes.
"I was getting there," He responded while putting his hand up, "Tonight Is the night we let loose!" He whooped, yet the only one cheered with him was Pietro.
"Seriously?" Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n scoffed at his teammates, looking at all the low faces and annoyed faces. "Sam! Come on, you're always game." He asked, needing ATLEAST someone to be in it.
Sam sighed, "Man, I would but honestly I was looking forward to sleep early tonight." Y/n looked at him as if his heart had been stabbed.
"Wanda??" He asked his best friend, and Wanda groaned at him. Oh this was a rough start.
"Honestly, I'm in the mood for some me time and not... whatever this is." She replied indicating to the alcohol bottles on the table.
"Sorry kid, looks like everyone is super tired." Steve added with a pity look, "Maybe next time plan things out."
"But that's boring!" Pietro exclaimed, and speeds to every single one handing out a shot glass filled with vodka.
"It's not just any normal drinking night, there's singing involved." Yelena finally chimed in while dunking another shot.
"Yelena, you can't possibly be part of this." Natasha asked her sister, and Yelena shrugged in respond.
"Any reason to grab Tony's alcohol is as good as any." The blonde replied.
Everyone glanced at one another, shot glass in hand, contemplating their decision. "Think of it like a team bonding." Y/n talked again, he cocked his head at Yelena who turns on a song and a familiar tune started playing, a song that would get anyone from any generation dancing (excluding Steve, perhaps). Dancing Queen by Abba.
Y/n had a goofy grin on his face, dancing into the tune, Pietro followed through while Yelena occasionally bopped her head. Sam was the first to grow a grin on his face. Steve, Natasha and Wanda looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "It's Abba!" The falcon said as a matter of factly, he then downed in shot.
"That's the spirit!" Y/n said excited as Sam danced to his direction.
Hesitantly, cap started to walk forward earning a disbelief gasp from Natasha. "Rogers, really...?"
"I mean, I really did enjoyed Mama Mia...." The American boy said with a sheepish smile.
As soon as the lyric's intro came in, Y/n puts an arm around Steve with a microphone in hand. "You can dance!"
"You can jive!" Sam pulled the microphone to himself.
"Having the time of your life!" Those who were already in the circle sang simultaneously, Natasha rolled her eyes but if you squint you could see a tiny smile there. Meanwhile Wanda shifted closer to Natasha watching the group in amusement.
"See that girl!" Y/n pointed at the two, and the other followed. "Watch that scene, digging the dancing queen." He sang, "Come on dancing queens get in here!"
Natasha shook her head fondly, holding back a smile.
"Wanda, Wanda, I know you want to join us girrlll..." Y/n said playfully to his best friend, the boys and Yelena were beckoning her to join. Natasha looked to her side and true enough, Wanda was biting her lips, contemplating whether or not she should join. "You like this song don't lie! Natasha, help me out." Wanda did in fact like this song.
The way her body swayed subtly to the rhythm, her eyes glinting with anticipation, the only thing that's holding Wanda back was herself. Fuck it, Natasha thought to herself. She then held Wanda's arms and dragged her into the group who cheered when they joined. "Wha- Nat, no I-"
"Come on, little witch." Natasha said, turning to face Wanda and raised her shot glass. "Loosen up a bit."
God, Wanda couldn't decline, especially when her crushed smirked like that. They clinked their shot glass and downed their drinks.
As the clock got closer to midnight, the more they drank, and the more they drank, the more chaotic it gets. The song they choose ranges to many different genres, in the beginning Pietro and Y/n mostly sang something boyish, like rap or rock. Then as the two gets progressively drunker they sang something what would be describe as 'Girly Pop'.
Steve sang some old 40s song, which was refreshing especially after hearing Y/n's off tune singing voice. Everybody except Natasha was surprised to hear Yelena singing American Pie wholeheartedly, Natasha even sat next to her and sang it with her briefly.
Although the highlight of the night was probably the time Yelena, Pietro and Y/n sang and dance to the song 'Wannabe' by Spice Girls. Natasha had to hid her face with her hand while Sam was laughing his ass off and leaning to Steve for support. Wanda was like a giggling maniac the whole time as she was secretly recording it for some black mailing material on her twin.
Mid-song, Yelena pulled her brother subtly and pushing a very drunk Pietro forward. "Take it for a spin, Maximoff!"
"So, here's a story from a to z-!" Pietro started rapping his part drunkenly.
"She's not drunk enough." Yelena said to Y/n who was trying to stable himself.
"Yep, the alcohol hasn't hit her yet, and Pietro's not going to be much help-" Y/n covered his mouth suddenly as he felt a vomit, he then answered after seeing Yelena's raised eyebrow. "Sorry- Don't worry I got this, hold a bottle."
"Slam your body down and wind it all around!" Pietro continued singing with Yelena twirling his ass in what this generation would describe as 'slay' manner, Y/n drunkenly sauntered over to Wanda who panicked when he started pulling her to the make shift stage.
"No- No, let me go, Y/n!" Wanda protested.
"Just take a shot and come with!" Y/n practically yanked her and they stumbled over to the middle of the living room. "Cheers!" He said while knocking his glass with hers and Wanda finally relents and knocked back her shot.
"-make it last forever, friendship never ends!" Y/n sang while putting an arm around his best friend, Wanda cringes at the bitter taste of the alcohol, she had a few drinks in already but she was never really fond at the taste of vodka.
"Wanda!" Yelena said, suddenly putting an arm around the her as well. "Oh, honey, you emptied your glass already."
"N-no, Yelena, I just dra-"
"Don't you worry, I got you." Yelena said while pouring her another shot, Wanda's eyes widens. She glances to the side and locked eyes with Natasha who raised a teasing eyebrow at her. "Yes, now we cling!" The blonde haired woman said while raising her glass.
Reluctantly, Wanda clinked their glass awkwardly and took a deep breath before taking another shot. She doesn't know how many shots she have taken from that moment, all she knew was that she felt like dancing.
Natasha watched as Wanda's dance move progressively become more fluid and at ease in contrast to her usual shy self. The spy smiled to herself, dance with her. Natasha shook her head at the impulsive thoughts. At some point during the song 'Teenage Dreams' by Katy Perry, Wanda was handed a mic by Yelena. Thankfully this time Wanda was drunk enough not to refuse, and instead grinned like a goof.
When Wanda sang the second verse, Natasha almost lost her breath because she sounded so... beautiful.
"We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach. Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets."
Wanda sang with her eyes closed, smile on her face, swaying her body to the rhythm. "I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece, I'm complete." The witch opened her beautiful green eyes just to have a similar looking ones staring right back at her.
Wanda giddily approached Natasha and extend her hand, "Wanda-"
"Come onn, Tasha!" Wanda pleaded. Tasha, well that's new-
Natasha hesitantly looked around, the trio were holding onto each other while slurring to the song, Sam had passed out, and Steve... Well, he gave Natasha a knowing look before helping Sam up to his feet and gave Natasha a look that says 'Don't mess this up, Romanoff.' And walking off with a drunken Sam.
"We can dance, until we die. You and I..." Wanda sang waiting for Natasha to finally grab her hand, finally the spy relents and took the witch's offering hand. "-we'll be young forever!"
Wanda practically yanks Natasha into the middle of the living room.
"You make me feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream. The way you turn me on, I can't sleep. Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back!"
The younger woman puts a hand on Natasha's shoulder, swaying her hips while singing the lyrics. Natasha was unsure if she should put her hand on Wanda, keep it to the side, on Wanda's waist perhaps?
"My heart stops." The witch suddenly tilt Natasha's chin so their eyes meet. "When you look at me," Natasha's breath hitched in her throat, "just one touch...." And the rest of the lyrics seems to died on Natasha's ears as all she could see was a drunken state Wanda making her confession crystal clear.
Wanda turned and moved her body sensually against Natasha, without hesitation, the older woman puts a firm hand on Wanda's hips to guide her moves. Wanda shivered when she felt Natasha's hot breath on her ear. "Imma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans." She grabs Natasha's hand and trail it up her body, a silent plea to the older woman to touch her. "Be your teenage dream tonight..."
Fuck... if Natasha had no self-restraint, she would've taken Wanda here and there. "Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans" Wanda turns around to face Natasha again and this time the younger one guided Natasha's hand to rest on her thighs. "Be your teenage dream tonight...."
The song reached it's mini pause. Wanda, almost in desperation and system full of alcohol wrapped her arms around Natasha and leaned in til their nose was touching. "I want to kiss you so bad..." She whispered.
"I-" The redhead was at lost for words, her eyes looking deep into those beautiful green eyes, searching for any signs of hesitation. Blown pupils were looking right back at her, slowly it travels down to Natasha's lips. Fuck this.
As soon as the song started again, Natasha gently cup Wanda's face with one hand and pulled her into a soft kiss. Oh Wanda's heart could explode right about now, for a second her mind became stone-cold sober so it could remember this moment properly. Wanda drops the microphone she was holding and puts her hand on the older woman's cheeks, using her thumb to caress her soft delicate skin.
"You make me, Feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream The way you turn me on, I can't sleep Let's run away and don't ever look back, don't ever look back."
The two women were now lost in their own world, they failed to notice the cheers from their own respective (very drunk atm) siblings. Wanda was taller than Natasha, but she went on her tippy toes and wrapped her slender arms around the spy. Natasha craned her neck a little, smiling into the kiss, her arms securely on (her) the little witch's waist.
"My heart stops, when you look at me. Just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back."
Wanda felt like she was on cloud nine, feeling Natasha's soft lips on hers. Oh those sweet plump lips she's been day dreaming about for months, honestly, she felt like the main character in a movie. A teenager if you will in a coming off age movie, is this what Simon felt like from Love, Simon? The song was quite spot on, as Natasha made her feel like a teenager once again, or at least what she assumes a teenager would feel. She never really got to properly enjoyed her teenage years, but here she is. With the woman of her dreams.
"We're siblings for real!" They finally broke the kiss after hearing a drunken Y/n made the statement, arms on both Yelena and Pietro who were just as equally drunk as him. Pietro mimicked his sentence, and Yelena only nodded her head while occasionally raising her glass. Natasha and Wanda shared a look as they held each other, the spy snorted while her counterpart giggled at the scene.
It seems like the trio had put Katy Perry's song on shuffle, because the beat to 'Last Friday Night' started playing.
They started chanting "We did it!" matching their words to the tune of the song, the two couple shared a look.
"Do you wanna get out of here?" Natasha asked, a small smile on her face.
"Yes, please." Wanda replied shyly before being dragged out of the living room by Natasha.
The witch woke up groggily on her bed, her eyes needed time to adjust to the light that were peaking into her room. She groaned and fell back onto the bed with a thud, shielding herself from the light like a vampire allergic to it. "Ugh... what did Yelena put in my drinks." She grumbles.
All of the sudden everything came rushing back into her memory like a tidal wave. I kissed Natasha...
She hastily sat on her bed and looked around. She remembered they kissed, but... how did they end up here. Wanda remembered Natasha asking her to move out of the living room, oh my god did we slept together? The witch's face started to match her battle suit as she thought of the possibility, wish I could've remembered.
Her throat felt dry so she decided to grab herself some drinks in the kitchen. And to her surprise, Natasha was already there. Humming to herself and cooking breakfast, Wanda let in a sharp breath at the sight. Of course, being the trained spy that she is, Natasha greeted Wanda without having to turn around.
"Good morning, Wanda. Slept well?" Natasha asked kindly.
"I don't know how you do that." Wanda muttered.
The spy chuckles to herself, "What I was trained for, little witch. I already put a glass of water for you by the table. Bacon and eggs alright?"
Wanda glanced at the table and surely enough Natasha already prepped a big jug of water and a glass for her. "Oh thank you, you're a godsent..." The younger woman took a seat and dawned her water, and then also her second glass of water.
Natasha walked by her and set a plate for both herself and Wanda. "What a night was it?" She said with a hint of tease.
The brunette only nodded her head while drinking her water like it was the last one on earth. She dropped her glass with a sigh of relief and glances at Natasha, a faint blush appeared on her cheek almost immediately. Wanda cleared her throat before answering, "It was, thank you for breakfast."
"You're welcome." She replied simply, her body still angled a little to the side, one arm propped on the head of the chair whilst staring intently at Wanda.
"Natasha, I..." Wanda started, oh god suddenly her throat feels dry again. The spy gave a small nod, urging her to continue. The younger woman started fidgeting with her finger. "I don't regret it," Wanda finally looks at her. "Kissing you, all of it, I don't regret any of it."
A smile tugged the corner of Natasha's lips, but before she could answer, Wanda started rambling on.
"B-but it's ok if you don't feel the same. Or that it was just a heat in the moment kind of thing."
"Wanda, relax." The older woman put a gentle hand on Wanda, she inhaled sharply at Natasha's action. "Listen... I'm no better at this. However, if your interested, I would like to take you out on a date." Natasha smiled at her, oh god, Wanda's heart was beating a mile minute. Wait, wait, she said date?
"I- Yes, I would love that." Wanda averted her gaze, the intensity of Natasha's green eyes was too much. The sheer intensity of the spy's gaze could turn her into a puddle of mess.
"Good, I've been dying to try this restaurant." Natasha said while turning her body now to face her breakfast, she took one bite of the bacon before continuing. "I hope Southeast Asian cuisine isn't too spicy for you." The spy said teasingly.
"Oh please, you underestimate me." Wanda responded with a slight bump of their shoulders, yet a question still lingers on her mind. "Hey uh... Sorry, I was just wondering. Did we uh... do anything?"
"What do you mean? We kissed." Natasha answered cluelessly.
"Yeah, but I remember you took me to my room. I couldn't remember anything from there, so... I was just wondering if we did anything." Wanda asked, her voice progressively gets more timid the more she explains.
"Hmmmm, like what? Watching a movie?" The spy said while looking up to the ceiling as if deep in thoughts, small smirk on her face.
"Tasha, stop messing around." Wanda said with a playful eyeroll.
"Tasha, huh? That's new." She continued to teased her little witch. Wanda playfully pouted her lips, of course Natasha couldn't help but give in to that. "Don't worry, little witch, nothing happened. I took you to your room, we made out for a little bit and before you finally fell a sleep in my arms. It was a adorable." Natasha added the last bit with a shrug and a smirk.
Wanda's face got increasingly red, "Ugh..." She groaned at hid her face in her hand. "I'm sorry."
"Don't hide that pretty face, as I said, it was adorable." Natasha pried away Wanda's hand, the witch relents and was greeting with a fond smile from Natasha. One she rarely saw, god she's so fucking beautiful.
And unfortunately for them, it had to be ruined by the trio... Again.
"Ughh.... my head-" Y/n groaned.
"I feel like skipping gym today." Pietro chimed in.
"Keep up." Yelena responded with a bored tone. She was sweating, probably went on a run.
Wanda and Natasha mentally cursed at themselves and returned to their own respective breakfast. The trio rummages through the kitchen, finding cereals and bowls, Yelena opted for an apple instead. They sat down across Natasha and Wanda, Y/n was first to point out the obvious of course.
"So...?" He asked them excitedly.
"So what?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at him.
Only for him to raised his eyebrow right back, "Did you guys shag?" Yelena piped in, Pietro groaned.
"No, don't answer that-" The older Maximoff covered his ears while Wanda shrunk in her seat.
"I'll take that as a yes!" Y/n yelled excitedly.
"First of all, we didn't." Natasha said firmly, "And second, I don't see how that's any of your business."
"Oh, but it is." The redhead narrowed her eyes at him, but it was too early to deal with her brother's antics.
"Look whatever you saw, zip it." Natasha stated, "I personally want to keep this under wrap, if this goes out to the press they're going to have a lot of questions and I don't want to deal with that."
"I'll second that." Wanda muttered, casting Natasha a grateful look to which the older woman smiled in response.
Y/n scoffed, "Whatever, I'm great at keeping secrets. Beside, I'm just glad the whole sexual tension can now be resolved-" He shuts up immediately upon seeing Natasha's glare.
After a few minutes of silence and eating their breakfast, Y/n's phone notification started going off like crazy. "Oh, Piet I think one of our videos got viral."
"Where let me see." Pietro leaned over to take a look, and upon opening the app, their eyes quickly widens. "Why would you upload that?!"
"I didn't! I must've- Fuck..." Y/n panicked, and by that, really panicked.
"What's going on?" Natasha asked.
"Nothing!" The two men said simultaneously, fuck... if Natasha finds out they're screwed. However, before they could delete the evidence, Natasha snatched the phone from her brother's hand. Wanda leaned closer to take a look and gasped. Yelena only snorted and excuse herself as she had an idea where this was going.
It was a footage of them, kissing, wrap up in each other's arms, lip tight in a passionate lock. Fuck, Katy Perry was right, Pictures of last night ended up online and they were screwed. "Y/n..." Natasha said warningly.
Without a second thought Y/n dashed away from the table with Pietro who zooms past him with his superspeed.
"I'll fucking kill you both!" Was Natasha's last word before hunting them down one by one.
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Final Piece of the Puzzle
Pairing: College!Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: mostly fluff
Summary: Peter has been trying to find his way after Dr. Strange erased him from everyone on the planet. He goes to college, does his work, and tries to get by without the people from his old life. That is, until he meets you. No matter what kind of spell was done, you can’t forget Peter Parker.
Squares Filled: lost for @spider-man-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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All you need for this weekend is a lot of caffeine and a ton of silence. You have this term paper that is due next week and you haven’t started on it. This weekend will be free of distractions, friends, and everything else in your life. In order to get in the zone, you need coffee and lots of it. There is a coffee shop right next to your dorm that has your favorite iced coffee that only they seemingly know how to make. If you go anywhere else, someone manages to fuck it up. Not them. They know how to do it right. 
You walk into the coffee shop that’s not busy and put your order in for two iced coffees, one of which you’ll keep in the fridge. Today is Friday which means you just have to get through two classes and you can start on your paper afterward. After acquiring your coffee, you head for the front door with your head down. You’re not watching where you’re going and almost run into someone, causing your coffee to almost spill all over him.
“I am so sorry,” the man says.
You look up and see chocolate brown eyes and curly outgrown hair. The man has a sort of baby face that makes him look a lot younger than he is, but based on his university sweatshirt, he attends this college like you do. There’s something familiar about this man but you can’t quite place it. Maybe you don’t know him and he has one of those faces.
“No, it’s my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going. Nothing spilled so you’re okay.”
“Okay,” he nods.
You nod once before stepping aside and walking out of the coffee shop. He turns and watches you walk off with a longing look on his face. Your first class goes by without a hitch, and you’re inside your second class before you know it. Your first class got out later than usual so the only open seats were located in the back. You look to the person to your right and pause when you see it’s the same man as the one you ran into.
“Hi again.” You sit down and look at his surprised look on his face. “What?”
“You remember me?”
“Yeah, I ran into you and almost spilled my coffee.”
“Oh, right,” he chuckles in embarrassment. “My name is Peter. Peter Parker.” You stare at him in a way that makes him start to sweat. “What?”
“Have we met before?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he mumbles.
“Are you sure? You look familiar.” He shrugs shyly and you decide not to make the man more uncomfortable. “I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you,” he smiles.
You try to focus on the class but you keep feeling his eyes on you. You don’t entertain him by confronting him but you know he’s watching you. After class, you quickly leave and meet up with your friends while Peter follows closely behind you. Whatever weird behavior he exhibited during class is out of your mind by the time you meet with your friends. Peter pretends to be busy on his phone, but he’s watching you laugh with your friends.
You look like nothing bad has ever happened to you. You look so happy. How can he ever think to bring you back into his life now that he knows what you look like without him in it? You feel eyes on you and look over at Peter. He quickly turns and walks away from you.
Remember that no distraction rule? Yeah, that went right out the window. You tried to focus on your paper all weekend and got it done, but you kept thinking about Peter. Why is he refusing to leave your mind? You’ve met a lot of people and dated your share of men but none of them has ever stuck to you like Peter has. Have you met him before? If so, where? You’re a freshman in college so high school wasn’t that long ago. You’d remember Peter if he went to your high school.
To celebrate the completion of your paper, you decide to go to the local flower store and splurge on some flowers to liven up your apartment while your roommate is gone. She apprecioates splashes of color in the white apartment, and you both love the smell of the flowers on campus. The only one on campus sells the most beautiful flowers and they’re the only ones who carry your favorite kind of flower, the Franklin Tree Flower. It’s said to only grow on a specific set of trees that are nearly extinct, but this shop has direct access to those flowers.
“Hi, welcome in,” the store owner smiles when you walk in.
“Hi. Do you have the Franklin Tree Flower in stock?”
“Whatever we have out there is what we have. I’m not sure if it’s there or not.”
“Okay, thanks.” You walk around the small store and at every single flower they have but you can’t see the one you want. You’ll take any of these but that happens to be one of your favorites around. Not only is it rare, but it has a super sweet scent to them that you love. You turn the corner and see Peter with some flowers in hand. “Hi, Peter.”
“Oh, hi, Y/N. Pretty flowers, huh?”
“What are you looking for in here?”
“It’s a really rare flower; one of my favorites. Not many people have heard of it, but--”
“Franklin Tree Flower?”
You’re stunned into silence. You’ve never met anyone who has loved that flower much less know about it.
“Yeah, actually. How did you know?”
“It’s my favorite, too. I found the last bunch.”
You look down at the flowers in his hands to see four Franklin Tree Flowers.
“Lucky you.”
“I want you to have them,” he says and holds them out for you.
“Oh, I couldn’t. Those are yours.”
“They’re meant for someone special.”
“Why don’t we split them? You take two and I take two?”
“Deal,” he smiles.
He hands over two of the flowers and you inhale their sweet scent.
“Thank you,” you grin.
If you couldn’t get Peter out of your head before, you certainly can’t now. There is no way you don’t know who he is. You feel a sense of safety when you’re near him. There’s something about him that tugs at your heartstrings as if you two have known each other for a long time. No matter how hard you think or how close you are to figuring it out, you can’t seem to get over that hill.
Maybe if you talk to him about this, you might be able to figure out how to cross that hill in your mind. Peter doesn’t live on campus but you two just had a class together so you know he’s around here somewhere. You walk from your last class past the cafeteria and over to where the parking lot is. Peter doesn’t drive but the bike rack is there, and your shoulders sag in relief when you find him there trying to untangle his bike from the others.
He has extra things to carry so he’s trying to tie everything to the back of his bike but as soon as he fits everything together, something falls out and he has to start over.
“You piece of hubble bubble. Come on,” Peter complains.
You halt right there on the sidewalk when you hear his choice of words. You’ve heard that before. There was only one person who would use that instead of cussing. He didn’t like to cuss even though everyone around him did. He liked having friends but only his small circle because he felt safe with them. He trusted them above anyone else. He made new friends in the search to defeat Thanos. After coming back from the snap, he leaned on his friends for support at the loss of Tony Stark and his Aunt May. He tore a hole right into the multiverse and had Dr. Strange erase him from everyone’s mind.
How the hell are you remembering him now? You stumble back from shock and Peter looks up when he hears your outcry.
“No, you’re Peter Parker. You helped save the world from Thanos. You brought those other Peter’s to our world. You made everyone forget who you are.” Peter drops everything in his hands and rushes over to you immediately. You fall into his arms and look into his eyes with tears streaming down your cheeks. “You were my boyfriend.”
“How do you remember that? Dr. Strange made it so everyone forgot me.”
“How could I forget you? You’re the love of my life.”
“I can’t believe you remember me. I can’t believe this is happening.”
Peter, with all excitement in his body, pulls you close and kisses you passionately. You keep him close with your arms around his neck and kiss him back with just as much passion.
“I told you I’d come find you,” he whispers.
“I missed you so much,” you giggle through the tears. You pull away from him completely  and wipe your tears. “I knew something was missing from my life.”
Peter pulls you in again and kisses you, and everything seems right with the world. It doesn’t matter if everyone else forgets him, you remember and that’s all that matters.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ohnoitstbskyen · 3 days
you say the new DA game had a disastrous first trailer - i don’t keep up with AAA game news that much, what was so bad about it?
i swear i’d google it but it’s unusable these days especially for opinions sorry
Basically, the reveal trailer took a very sorta Marvel-esque (a lot of people compared it to Guardians of the Galaxy) movie trailer tone focusing a lot on "wow look how cool all these badass cool characters are doing cool things ha ha ha jokes and mild self-aware irony!"
Which, to longtime dedicated Dragon Age players, was not quite the tone they were expecting for a game about the Dreadwolf tearing open the veil between worlds in his sorrowful but selfish obsession with a dead civilization. People were expecting the buildup to a dramatic final showdown with Solas, so the tone of the trailer felt entirely out of step with the game that had been built up in the community's imagination over the last many years.
Which, y'know, again, it really looks like BioWare is trying to pitch this game to John Gamer™, so it's neither a surprise nor necessarily a bad move to market it more broadly, but in combination with BioWare firing multiple incredibly key developers responsible for creating the Dragon Age series, industry rumors that Dreadwolf had been in development as a Game As A Service game for a long time, and the new aesthetic which pulls more towards a mainstream stylized fantasy aesthetic and away from the high camp of something like Inquisition... it basically just made a lot of people absolutely terrified that their favourite game series was about to get Anthem'd.
It was a huge overreaction from a lot of people with a lot of anxiety and fear about Dreadwolf being bungled and a lot of feelings bound up in getting a satisfying resolution to the Solas storyline.
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royaltozaki · 1 day
the right reasons
bachelorette masterlist - part 1 ▸ part 2 ▸ part 3 ▸ part 4 ▸ part 5 ▸ part 7
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synopsis: final stretch of the season. home visits.
warnings: implied sex
w/c: 3.4k
a/n: apologies for late update i have been laid on my literal deathbed with sickness and the brain juices have basically run out for this series so this is a short update to get them flowing again and hopefully i can wrap it up soon 🙏 ty for the support as always!
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the next few days are hectic with house visits. because of the contract you had both signed, and the fact that the entire nation has been invested with sana's journey to find love, it was a given that sana wouldn't be able to just drop out of show. that didn't mean she didn't try, in fact you had to pull her back from calling all the lawyers in the district to break her contract, insisting that it was fine to see the show through and that you were going to be there for her no matter what. it took a few more assurances, and a couple rounds of sex, kisses, and promised cuddles before she reluctantly agreed to continue filming the upcoming home visits.
jiwon's family was first. you had both met her younger siblings and her several nieces and nephews that were very young. they were all very sweet and it was adorable watching jiwon entertain the young ones.
fortunately, the classic 'father figure that gives the intruder the i'll kill you if you hurt her speech' wasn't present because it seemed jiwon served as that person for her younger siblings. though her younger sister was a little skeptical at first, she easily warmed up when she saw how great sana was with her kids.
sana and jiwon wrapped up the night with a private talk, one which sana didn't share with you, but you were learning to trust her, even though it still looked like she was dating 4 people and soon to choose the love of her life, you had to trust that it was going to be you after it all ended.
jacky's family was next except since most of his family was back in australia, you actually just had a nice dinner at jacky's apartment with eunji who jacky had nominated as his family stand-in. you had apologised profusely to eunji for not being a better friend and not being there for her on the night she was eliminated but she laughed at you and rolled her eyes, saying it was completely fine. she was also friendly with sana who was a little anxious seeing her again so soon after practically rejecting her on national television, but eunji was extremely cool, and they got along even better as friends.
if you ignored the cameras set up everywhere and the producers running in and out, it was a pretty normal night between 4 friends. you had enjoyed dinner made by both jacky and eunji, drunk soju, sung bad karaoke on jacky's home-installed karaoke television set, and played nintendo switch games all night.
in typical bachelor fashion, jacky and sana also had their own private talk on the balcony towards the end of the night, although it was a little silly watching the producers and camera crew figure out how to film it because it was a small apartment, meant only for jacky to live in, so the balcony was basically right outside the living room where you and eunji had stayed, trying not to look outside and give them their privacy while they were having their mandated talk.
then, the crew had surprised everyone with a flight to japan for momo's home visit. momo had greeted all of you at the airport in a traditional kimono and one ready for sana as well. sana had teared up seeing her and being in her country of birth again. the next few hours were a whirlwind as momo and her sister hana took you all for a tour of their home city, stopping by all the essential places to eat, take pictures at, and had even brought you to momo's old dance studio where they had readied a performance just for sana. the producers were very happy with the amount of content they were getting as you explored the city.
you could tell sana absolutely loved this date. the amount of planning momo put into it showed how much she wanted to impress sana, and how much she understood her homesickness and her love for her birth country. it was hard to be jealous of momo getting most of sana's attention during the date when sana was on the verge of tears at every new sight, sound, and feeling. and momo was a sweetheart anyway, always being inclusive of everyone, making sure she was there if anyone needed translation or help with anything, you adored her as a friend, grateful that she was able to provide this experience for sana during the stressful filming season it's been.
you ended the day at momo's house. you met her parents and although you were a little intimidated by her dad's buff physique, he turned out to be a big teddy bear who supported his daughter more than anything. both her parents were glad to be able to converse with sana in their native language, and easily warmed up to her because of the fact that she was japanese and communication was made a lot easier. you spent a lot of the dinner just watching them, only catching hints of their conversation from your select knowledge about the japanese language, but momo noticed eventually and tried to translate as much as she could which you appreciated very much.
it was only a little awkward when momo and sana went for their end of the night chat and you had to sit with momo's family attempting to make small talk with your broken japanese. it turned out okay when momo's mom smiled sweetly and brought out dessert, turning on the television and flicking to an episode of the bachelorette with japanese subtitles. it turned out to be the episode that heechul had tried to rizz up momo and sana using his almost offensive japanese, and you were all able to laugh as you tried to explain using gestures and your best attempt at charades exactly what type of man heechul was behind the scenes.
although japan and korea weren't far, the crew had let you had some time off in japan and granted a day off after filming the dinner with momo's family so that sana could go home and see her family as well. so that night you had taken the bullet train from kyoto to osaka and sana had held your hand, leaning into you as she talked through her childhood stories softly. it felt like it was just the two of you against the rest of the world.
the next day sana was positively glowing. she practically skipped around you in circles while she took you around her home town. it was clear she was loved and missed in the neighbourhood. sweet old ladies and old friends were stopping her everywhere, asking how she was, if she was going to move back to japan soon, everyone wanted a piece of her.
you had dinner with sana's parents who you'd met already when they flew to korea for sana's graduation. although there was still the language barrier, it was easily overcome when sana's mom started showing you albums of sana's baby pictures and pictures of her throughout her childhood.
sana had squealed adorably, trying to cover up her baby pictures and chasing you around the house while you yelled out comments while rapidly flipping through the pictures before she could catch you.
you ended the night collapsed on sana's bed in her childhood room, cuddled into each other. you never really decorated your room when you were younger, too repressed and focused on your studies to ever find the time or worth in doing so. but seeing sana's walls plastered with old japanese anime posters, idols, her ceiling dotted with glow-in-the-dark stars, and pictures of her friends and family everywhere, you can't help but yearn for the childhood you could've had if you had tore away from the books for a little bit.
you're both laid supine on the bed, looking at the imitation night sky sana has in her room, little do you know sana's gaze is focused on you instead.
"thank you for being here."
"are you kidding? i wouldn't be anywhere else in the world right now. plus we just got a free trip to japan, life couldn't be any better. i should be thanking you."
sana giggles and fully turns her body, facing you and draping an arm over your stomach. you have your arm under her neck, supporting it while she nuzzles into you.
when she starts playing with the bottom of your shirt, sneaky fingers sliding up and under it, you squeeze out a warning, "sana... your parents are literally next door."
you can feel her smirk against your neck as she starts leaving light kisses along it, and you're helpless, lifting your head slightly to give her better access.
she hums against you, "you can be quiet can't you?"
you make a muffled sound of protest, "your childhood idols and plushies are watching us right now."
you can't see it but sana rolls her eyes, continuing her way up your neck, "i lived out my teen years in here. you think they haven't seen me get off?"
you squirm at the thought, the image of sana under her sheets, trying to keep quiet while she touched herself to whatever fantasies she had at the time.
"you're thinking about it aren't you? how i looked- coming home after school- do you have a school uniform kink y/n? that's slightly concerning y'know?" she leaves a hot trail of dangerous kisses up your throat with each phrase, intent on driving you absolutely crazy.
"mm okay." then her lips are on yours and really, you should know better than to alert her parents of your sexual proclivities but when sana's licking into you like that you can't blame yourself for not being able to think straight.
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
the final date is of course, with jihyo back in korea.
you were nervous walking in through the front door, the sight of jihyo's parents and her sisters, all familiar faces from when sana and jihyo used to host parties and get-togethers for the various holidays of the year.
fortunately, jihyo's parents and rest of her family were sweet enough to welcome the both of you with open arms. as if the breakup never happened. you gripped sana's hand tightly knowing she was probably going through a hellstorm of emotions right now, being in an environment that reminded her of the brokenness jihyo left her with.
what you did not expect was jihyo's ex-boyfriend to also be at the dining table, all smiles and big buff arms.
sana's hand tightened around yours at the sight of him, her eyes quickly flashing to jihyo with a mixture of hurt and disbelief. jihyo avoids her gaze, sitting down next to her ex-boyfriend instead.
you hear sana take a deep breath, composing herself before the cameras and smiling, you can see straight through it though, keeping her hand in yours when you take your seats at the table, glaring daggers at both jihyo and her ex.
it's clear the tension around the table is present.
jihyo's mom clears her throat, attempting to strike up a conversation, "so sana... it's been a while since we've seen you. what have you been up to?"
sana smiles politely, "well this entire show has been a pretty big thing lately. although i will say i was very surprised to see jihyo there on opening night. not as surprised as i am to see your ex-boyfriend here though." sana directs towards jihyo, a little harshly, stabbing her food with her fork.
"sungbin. it's nice to meet you." sungbin offers a polite nod, but keeps mostly to himself.
"sungbin is my best friend. i thought if y/n could go on this whole experience with you then it wouldn't be a problem if i brought my best friend along." her tone is cutting, like she knows something you don't. "besides... my family's already met you and given you their approval. i thought the whole point of home visits was to get to know people close to me and see if they like you?"
sana shuffles a little in her seat, her grip on you tightens. "right."
the table falls silent again, only the sounds of cutlery scrapping against plates able to be heard.
it's more than awkward and you can see the producers talking worriedly with each other, coming up with any ways to make this more entertaining.
it's jihyo's dad that clears his throat this time, "so sana... do you think you've found your 'one' on this show? i know jihyo is a contestant on your show but know we still care about you and want the best for you, even if that's not our daughter." he smiles kindly, while his wife pecks him on the cheek for his sweet words.
"dad!" jihyo startles.
"what? just because you decided to break up with sana doesn't mean we wanted to let go of her."
"yeah sungbin isn't nearly as good as you at super mario bros even with all those muscles." jihyo's youngest sister chimes in with a laugh, lightening the mood easily as you slip into old conversations and reminiscing better times. you can see the producers visibly relaxing as conversation starts flowing, but jihyo is still tense, unable to look at anyone except sungbin in the eye.
eventually the night leads you into board games with the family while sana takes jihyo outside to talk. you give her a reassuring look before she heads outside, sungbin gives you a strange glance but you don't bother paying him any attention. regardless of his presence, he was still a stranger to you.
you're celebrating your third pass by the go slot in monopoly when the argument outside starts to get louder and louder, able to be heard from inside the house.
"why would you bring him here!?"
"what do you mean why? don't tell me you haven't been sneaking around with y/n this entire time! you haven't even given this show a chance have you?! you haven't given us a chance!"
"jihyo i told you last time that we are over! we have been over for over a year now!"
"i apologised for that okay! i just thought- i didn't think you'd be the type of person to go on this show for the wrong reasons sana."
"what- what wrong reasons?!"
"you're not here to find love! you've had it! even when we were dating i always thought it was kinda weird how close you and y/n were!"
"what- what are you talking about jihyo?!"
"you know damn well what i'm talking about."
"i don't."
"the fact that you've been in love with y/n since way before we were dating sana."
"wh- what?!"
"yeah. i figured if you're not taking this experience seriously than i give you a taste of your own medicine. that's why i invited sungbin tonight. everyone talks about people only coming on these reality shows for their 15 minutes of fame, i didn't peg you to be one of them sana."
"i am taking this seriously! how can you tell me anything about what i've been doing when you've had tunnel vision this entire time? you've only been focused on trying to get me back after i already told you that we're over!"
"if you are taking this seriously then tell me you don't have feelings for y/n. tell me you're going to end up with one of the final four, it doesn't have to be me, but don't you think you owe it to the others who have been trying so hard to impress you this entire time to give it your all?"
"i- that's not for you to decide jihyo."
"you can't say it can you?"
there's silence for a bit, the muffled sound of sniffling. you can't help but feel like you're intruding, and the fact that everything was being filmed and recorded right now made it even worse.
you quietly slip out of board games night and head towards the producers.
"you're going to cut that out right?"
"their conversation. you'll cut it out?"
"excuse me, who do you think you are?"
"sana's best friend. who cares about her and her national reputation as korea's most eligible bachelorette."
the producer sighs exasperatedly, "we'll see what we do in the final edits. no promises." he rolls his eyes and pushes past you to go talk to the camera directors.
you hurridely go outside to see sana sitting on the balcony, her head in her hands, jihyo looking out across the balcony.
they both turn to you, jihyo rolls her eyes predictably, scoffing and moving past you back inside. you take the opportunity to step outside and close the door behind you.
"sana sweetheart..."
sana's eyes are watery, barely concealed emotions rampant across her face.
"cameras." she gestures weakly around the balcony where cameras and microphones are still set up.
"let's go home then."
she takes a breath, nodding slightly and taking your outstretched hand, you squeeze it reassuringly, leading her out of the house and offering your goodbyes to jihyo's family.
rather than take the driver back to the bachelorette pad, you insist on driving and giving the driver the rest of the night off. that way, you can at least ensure the both of you aren't under the watchful eye of producers looking to make a buck off sana's misfortune for entertainment.
it also helps that you can take a detour and head to a late night ice-cream parlour you and sana used to go to all the time as college students.
you grin when you see sana's expression immediately brighten when you pull up into familiar streets.
"where are we going y/n?"
"somewhere as sweet as you."
she squeals happily, hugging you and you try your best to return it with a laugh while you keep your eyes on the road.
you park and walk into the ice-cream parlour hand in hand.
sana beams when she walks in, excited to taste test all the flavours despite always getting the same thing every time. you let her be childish again to forget all the things jihyo's said to her.
once she's tasted everything you order your usual white crumble pistachio and strawberry yoghurt for sana.
as always, she has to try some of yours and you must try some of hers because she's tried yours so it's only fair. except this time she leans in to kiss you, the flavours mixing on your tongues, a sweet kiss with no cameras or pressure, a moment just for the two of you.
after you're both finished with your cones, she leans into you, placing her head on your shoulder.
"about what jihyo said..."
"it's okay sana. you don't have to explain anything. i shouldn't have been eavesdropping anyway."
she snorts, "well i mean- it's going to be broadcast nationally anyway."
"maybe not. producers said they'll take it into consideration."
"mm. i haven't- i don't-"
you let her think, placing an arm around her shoulder comfortingly, letting her come up with the words in her own time.
"i love you. i told you that already. i don't know for how long- maybe jihyo's right and maybe i've always loved you. that doesn't mean that- it doesn't meant that i haven't put my all into this right?"
"of course not sweetie. i don't know if it was the same for you but i didn't even realise i had romantic feelings for you until during this. in the beginning, i was completely focused on finding the person that would be right for you. and i think you were too. it just so happened that halfway through, we started- well i realised that you were it for me." you turn to face her gently, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and caressing her cheek.
she rubs her nose against yours softly with a smile, "you're it for me too. i'll figure out how to get through the rest of the season, but i think jihyo's right in that i have to start being honest with the rest of the contestants. none of them deserve to be led on like this."
"i'm sorry i kinda fucked up this whole show for you."
she pecks you chastely, "silly... we wouldn't be here together or have realised our feelings for each other if this didn't happen right? we just have to be selfish for a little more."
you sigh against her, bringing her into a proper kiss, lips trying to convey just how much you felt for her.
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amongemeraldclouds · 3 days
starry eyed
Tom Riddle never meant to feel affection. That warm, sickly feeling felt like indigestion and heartburn. An inconvenience. But Salazar, you had never been on a date. It was an injustice he needed to make right.
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Tom Riddle x f!Reader | Based on this request | Fluff
✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party | 1.9k words
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It was just supposed to be another project. Tom Riddle expected you to just be another schoolmate who would let him do most of the work so he could have things exactly as he wanted. He never minded the work; enjoyed it, even. But he did mind having another student’s grimy fingers all over his carefully planned and skillfully executed projects. Just the thought of it made him want to cast crucio on whoever owned those grimy fingers.
Yet you managed to squeeze your way through his neatly arranged schedule. A row of clean lines and routines that made room for your squiggles and smiles. Literally. You had penciled yourself in his timetable “library with y/n for Astronomy project :)”. At least you had capitalized the A in Astronomy as all subjects should be.
That was how he first found himself walking towards you at the library. People respected him, was even intimidated by him. But you smiled up at him like you had been friends forever and he nearly doubted for a second if he was supposed to be there. He figured you were either naive, a lamb prancing into the lion’s den, or simply unbothered.
“Why did you invite me here?” He asked, placing his books across you in the library.
“Hi Tom,” you beamed, ignoring his question. “I’m doing great. Thanks. For a smart person, that sure is a silly question.”
He clenched his jaw and so you soldiered on. “We were paired together for the project so I thought we’d meet tonight to discuss. You may not be used to it Mr. Perfect, but I always help out with all my projects so like it or not, you’re stuck with me.”
“Fine,” he breathed out quickly. “Just try to keep up,” he said curtly as he opened his books to discuss.
“Maybe you’re the one who has to keep up with me,” you said, unfazed.
But he ignored you and launched straight into the project details and his plans. Your eyes widened and you grabbed your notebook and pen. Tom’s mouth twitched and you imagined it was his version of a smile. He really was going to make it difficult for you, but you were up for the challenge.
You may have also had a crush on him, but that definitely had nothing to do with the way your heart was pounding in your chest. School could also be intense and exciting. Ha.
By the third written sentence, you managed to catch up and gather all the details he had in mind for the project. You asked questions about the plan and Tom was surprised you mentioned a minor detail he had not previously considered. It irritated him, but you had also managed to earn his respect.
The discussion had been a lot more engaging than he thought. Though it probably didn’t say much considering his expectations had been so low, it had melted with the lava down the centre of the Earth.
You tapped on the table lightly. “Now that we’ve accomplished a lot, it’s time for snacks!”
Tom blinked, not sure if he heard you right. “What are we to do with snacks?”
You blinked back. “To eat. So we can take a break from all the studying?”
“I don’t do breaks. My focus levels are perfectly fine,” he stated.
“This is why you’re so grumpy all the time! You don’t eat snacks or take breaks,” you slapped a hand to your forehead.
“Ah yes you have cracked the mystery. You now know everything about me,” he replied sarcastically and you snorted. If you hadn’t felt so tired, you may have spent some energy being embarrassed for your un-lady like behaviour in front of your crush. But you had your priorities straight.
“Try these biscuits I baked and I promise you will know all about joy and the wonders of the universe,” you offered.
“So it’s spiked?”
You looked horrified. “I’ll have you know my baking is magical all on its own.”
“It’s bad enough that I have to work on this project with you. If I go on this break with you, will you leave me alone to complete this project?”
“Maybe,” you said, scooping up your belongings and rushing out the library before he could change his mind. You inwardly cheered when he followed you.
Tom didn’t take any of your words seriously, but when he bit into the biscuit, the buttery goodness that melted in his mouth made him feel like he was coming home to a place he never knew he belonged to. Not that he would ever tell you.
“What’s your favourite astrological event?” He asked as he savoured the biscuit.
“I love meteor showers, though I’ve never seen one before. Imagine seeing a cluster of stars raining down the sky,” you said, after a moment’s pause.
“Don’t have to imagine, I’ve seen it before,” he said unimpressed.
Your eyes widened in fascination. “What did you wish for?”
He looked affronted. “I don’t do wishes, I make things happen.”
You slapped your thigh and his eyes followed your movement, making you blush. “How could you not make a wish? It’s like having a magic lamp and using it as a teapot. Where’s the wonder and romance?”
“Magic is a science, it’s why we’re here,” he insisted.
“We’re here for biscuits,” you declared instead and shoved another into your mouth. He inwardly smiled. Sure, if anything were to be magical the way you saw it, he supposed it could be those heavenly biscuits. 
He was sure that was the last time he’d meet you outside of class. But the very next day, he found your squiggly handwriting on his timetable again. “Library with y/n for Astronomy project + snack break :)” He sighed, but he secretly looked forward to the buttery biscuits.
You made good progress on the project as the days passed. Tom continued to be surprised by your helpful contributions. Sure they were unconventional and your process was far too scattered for his liking, but you came up with creative ideas and were equally as committed as he was to the project.
Tom suggested extra research for some information he wanted to include and you managed to read all the chapters he wrote down. All for the love of education. You were certainly not a girl trying to impress your crush. Nope.
The snack breaks were also not as miserable as Tom thought they would be. You got to know each other better and there was something strangely fascinating about you. Then there were those life-changing biscuits.
He sometimes found himself craving those buttery goods during his long hours of studying. The problem was that he could not get them anywhere else except from you. It didn’t help that you were nearly done with your project and would soon have no reason to see each other. That diabolical woman, he thought.
Something else stayed with him. On one of your snack breaks, you finally built up the courage to ask Tom about his dating life. He managed to deflect and turn the question around to you, but you didn’t mind. Hopefully you sharing would one day help him open up to you.
“What was the last date you’ve been on?” He asked and you watched in slow motion when he licked the corner of his lip to catch a stray crumb. You had to dig your nails into your palm to stop yourself from squealing.
Then you thought hard about his question. “What qualifies as a date?” You asked cautiously.
“Someone who likes you takes you out, preferably somewhere you like, and you spend quality time together.”
“Well,” you turned it over in your head, “then I guess I’ve never been on a date before.” You quickly added, “I have had boyfriends before, we just did things they liked and anyway, it’s no big deal.”
It had been days, but he still seethed at the memory. He was not one for romance, but even he felt indignant that all that sunshine and sweetness was wasted on boys who didn’t know what they had. That evening, he added you to his timetable himself. He was going to set things right.
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“Are you sure you’re not here to m*rder me and take full credit for our brilliant project?” You asked as you followed Tom Riddle deeper into the woods. You hugged your coat tightly as the evening chill swept around you. The crickets chirped and twigs snapped below your feet.
“Do you think I’d announce it if I was? Besides, there’s no one around so you’ll just have to trust me,” he replied.
“I thought we were becoming friends,” you remarked.
“Never assume things,” he said matter of fact.
You gripped your wand tightly and walked on. He was right. You followed a boy into the woods at night because you had a crush on him. You cursed inwardly and vowed to make better decisions in your next life.
We’re here!” he announced. There was a clearing ahead and before you could ask what it was, he pointed to the sky. “Should be about now,” he commented. The next moment, you watched as stars glittered and rained down the sky. It was a meteor shower. Your eyes brightened, reflecting the glowing lights that dove through the sky.
“You said you’ve never seen one before and it just so happens there’s one tonight and this is the perfect spot,” he explained before you could even ask. He then asked you to make a wish.
“Only if you make a wish with me,” you said, looping your arm around him. You figured it was the closest he’d allow a hug. Surprisingly, he stayed beside you, letting you lean into him.
“Isn’t it enough to just watch this with you? You like it, don’t you?”
The pieces clicked in your head. “You said and I quote ‘a date was when someone who likes you takes you out, preferably somewhere you like, and you spend quality time together.’ Mr. Tom Riddle, is this your way of telling me you like me? Is this,” you motioned at the stars and around you, “a date?”
“What did I tell you about assuming things?” He deflected and pointed at the stars again. “They won’t fall forever, you know. Are you going to use this magical lamp as your teapot?”
Perhaps it was the shooting stars or the cold evening air, or being alone with the boy you liked in the dark forest, that made you bold. 
“What if you’re the only one who can grant my wish?” You gave him your brightest smile and Tom could read all the words you’d never speak aloud in your eyes. He shook his head, a ghost of a smile on his lips and he brought them down to yours.
The kiss was surprisingly gentle and you wrapped your arms around him, letting your body melt against him. He pulled you in closer, his arms strong and confident as if you belonged to him. He placed tender kisses down your jaw, moving slowly to your neck, and as you gazed up, you watched the last of the stars fall down the sky. 
The cold bit down your skin as Tom stepped back and you immediately missed his warmth. “You like me!” You beamed.
“How are you so sure I’m not just after the biscuits?”
You wrapped your arms around him, enjoying the warmth again. “I’ll bake you all the biscuits you want. Doesn’t change the fact that you also like me, which works perfectly because I like you too. You’re never getting rid of me now.”
Tom returned the hug. Not that he wanted to get rid of you anyway.
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✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party
A/N: Tom secretly liking biscuits is so adorable. A subtle nod to our tea party!
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f1fantasys · 1 day
The Best
Summary - Ex's who find their way back to each other after a tough few races for Lando.
Warnings - 18+ minors DNI, swearing, fingering, fucking :) - you know the rest.
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You'd dated Lando for 2 years until you broke up about 7 months ago. The pressures of your modelling jobs and his F1 career slowly slid their way into your relationship until it became too much for the both you. You didn't break up because you stopped loving each other, but rather quite the opposite. You loved each other so much but at the same time you were both straining your relationship. Missed texts, missed calls, missed dates. There was just never time to be simple girlfriend and boyfriend. Being away from each other for too long, only to be sitting in the same room doing your own thing and hardly talking to each other, too busy concentrating on what had to be done for work. Eventually though, you decided together that it was the best for both mental and physical reasons. You never told anyone, but the breakup was the hardest thing you had gone through. You loved Lando so much and to suddenly stop having him in your life was awful. There were countless nights after where you would stare at his contact, almost calling him and telling him you needed him back, but you had to hold your ground. Especially since he seemed to have moved on from you pretty quickly - which only made it hurt more. Weeks after you breakup he was constantly spotted with a new girl on his arm every time he went out. You really tried hard not to look at your socials but at the same time you couldn't keep your eyes away.
Both living in Monaco, there were a handful of times you had seen Lando around. It was actually always an almost awkward encounter, even though you didn't end of bad terms. You'd just say a quick ''hi, how are you'' before moving on.
It was until he was seen with the same girl, multiple times. Regularly going out, holding hands, kissing, all captured by the paps. Your heart broke at how quickly he found someone, yet here you were, still trying to find yourself after the breakup. A lot of people on twitter were convinced that this new 'relationship' of his was just a PR stint - that they weren't actually dating. This gave you a sliver of hope.
Max and Ria, whom you were extremely close with, hardly talked about Lando in front of you, however they did let slip that Lando never talked about his new flame to them, so they knew as little as you did. Recently though, maybe the last 2/3 weeks, there was not one new picture of them, no news. Nothing. And you weren't complaining.
The Monaco GP had just finished. You'd watched it from your balcony with all your best friends from the UK, Max and Ria included. Lando has had a pretty frustrating last few races. He was had placed P2 3 times now, so close to the front, just not getting the edge to overtake Max. You could tell from his body language after the races how much he was beating himself up. He was always too hard on himself. You wished he would see just how talented and loved he is by all his fans. Yet again in Monaco, he was P2. 0.7 seconds behind Max. This time though it broke your heart to see how sad he was, how angry he was to not cross the line at P1. About two hours after the post race interviews and everything had concluded, you got a missed call from Adam, Lando's dad.
It wasn't a surprise as you still kept in touch with Lando's family but you did think it was weird for his dad to call you after a race like this. Wearily, you answered.
''Hey Y/N, how are you?'' he asked.
''All good Adam, how are you guys? Is everything ok?''
''Yeah we're all good. Maybe Lando not so much.. you know with the race and all. I actually called to see if you would be okay to come over and be with him. He's really been beating himself down the last few races and you were always the one who could calm him down. He's actually been talking a lot about you recently and I thought maybe it would be good for you to see him.'' he said.
You stayed silent for a few seconds. Of course you wanted to be there for Lando but you weren't sure if you were willing to let your heart break again when you left him.
''I-I..'' you started but Adam cut you off.
''I know it's a lot what I'm asked for. But I know you didn't end on bad terms. I think he just really needs you right now.''
''Okay, I'll come over.'' you said, still second guessing yourself.
''Thank you so much, Y/N, really.''
You told your friends you needed to be somewhere, luckily no one asked many questions, Either too drunk or tired to care. You changed into some shorts and a hoodie, looking at yourself in the mirror. You were going to see him after a while, and you wanted to look decent at least. So you fixed your hair and applied a little powder to yourself, not that Lando would even notice to be honest.
The drive to his house had your mind spiraling. What would you say to him. What would he say to you being there? Maybe he wouldn't even want you there. 'Shit' you thought to yourself as your parked in front of his penthouse.
You took a few breaths to calm yourself down before walking up his front door and knocking. Cisca, Lando's mum opened the door.
''Y/N, it's so good to see you'' she said, pulling you into a hug.
''You too Cisca'' you told her before Adam joined you and started talking.
''Thank you so much for coming, it sure means a lot to us and I'm sure it will mean a hell of a lot to our boy. He's in his room.'' he told you.
Once again, collecting your emotions, you walked to Lando's room. The door was closed so you took a deep breath and gentle knocked. You could hear him shuffling around, so when he didn't open the door or say anything you told him it was you.
''Lando, its Y/N. Can I come in?'' you asked.
The noise on the other side stopped. Within the next few seconds the door flew open.
There he stood. Eyes red and puffy, staring into your soul, mouth quivering and nose sniffling. But at the same time, beautiful as you remember. Curls brown and messy, eyes bright and blue. You both literally stopped breathing for a moment. Just taking the moment to take each other in. You didn't look any better to be honest. Sleepless nights thinking about him, eye bags formed under your eyes.
He broke the silence.
''Y/N'' he whispered.
You couldn't make out if he was relieved or happy to see you, or angry. You suddenly felt like you had to justify why you were here, standing at his bedroom door.
''I--, Umm, your dad asked me to come over and check in on you'' you started. But as you continued he came closer to you. So close that you could feel his breath on your face.
''Can I hug you?'' he asked.
And your heart broke into a million pieces.
You didn't respond verbally. You just pulled him to yourself. Arms wrapping around his head while his found your waist and pulled you flush against him. You could feel and hear start to gently shake and silently sob. It took everything in you not to cry. You had to be strong for him.
''Lan, please. Don't cry. Come on. You're stronger than this. Please don't beat yourself up. Please.'' you whispered as you soothed the hair on the back of his neck.
He gently pulled away and pulled you into his room before closing the door and making his way to sit on his bed.
''I'm so fucking useless. Can't even get past the same guy on track. Race after race. It's bullshit and I'm sick of it.'' He said, resting his face in his hands.
You let out a breath and made your way to sit next to him.
''Lando, look at me,'' you said quite sternly, so he did. You started rubbing his back.
''You are not fucking useless. You are one of the most talented drivers out there. If you weren't good enough, then trust me, you wouldn't be within seconds of the race leader. You need to just have faith in yourself and give yourself time. Me, your family, your fans, everyone knows that you are the best out there - and it's only a matter of time until you get P1. You've done it before, and you'll do it a thousand more times. It hurts to see you blaming yourself after every race. As much as you are alone in the car, you know there are other things- and people who determine how your race goes.''
His gaze on you was so fixed, so intense that you almost felt shy now. But you were telling him the truth. In your eyes, he was the best, and his time to shine would come soon. You knew it.
Small tears continued to slip out his eyes so you gently wiped them away.
Lando clung himself to you again, making you engulf him in another hug.
''Just be positive Lan, you're doing so well. And you'll continue to get better.'' you said.
You don't know how long you stayed like that, a while for sure, before Lando spoke up.
''I'm so tired, can we cuddle?'' he wearily asked.
You so wanted to stay with him and comfort him, but your head was telling you not to. You stayed silent for a few seconds when he spoke up again.
''Please? Just for a bit. I'll give you a t-shirt to change into.'' he said.
''Okay'' you eventually told him.
Since he was still in his race suit he quickly found you some clothes to change into and disappeared into the bathroom for a quick shower.
While he was showering it took everything in you not to imagine him standing there, letting the water run down his warm, tan, muscled body, not to mention other parts of him that you so deeply missed. When you were together, your sex life was incredible. You knew each others bodies inside out and it was a big part of your relationship.
You really needed to get those thoughts out of your head though. You weren't here for that, You were here to be here for him.
You quickly changed your clothes into his before scrolling away on your phone waiting for him.
He emerged from the bathroom in just a pair of shorts, no t-shirt and you had to stop yourself from staring. He pulled back the covers and climbed in the bed, gesturing for you to do the same.
And for the first time, he was the little spoon. He curled up into a little ball and you hugged and cuddled him from behind. Playing with his hair and massaging him gently. It felt good to be this close to him after so long. You missed having his body pressed to yours, you missed smelling his scent.
Lando seemed to have settled down after a while, both of you drifting into a light slumber when you heard him talk.
''Thank you for being here for me, Y/N.''
''Always, Lan'' you said, finding his hand and squeezing it in an assuring manner.
Slowly, he turned his body so he was now facing you. Your hand stayed in his hair, gently twisting his curls all the while you both stared at each other, longingly.
He bought his face closer to yours. Again, so close that you could feel his breath fanning your face. His eyes wandered down to your lips. You knew that look all too well. He wanted to kiss you.
''Lan'' you mumbled.
''Please'' he begged.
By now you couldn't contain yourself, so you nodded your head.
In no time he crashed his lips to yours. It was messy and desperate. As if you were both starved of each other. In no time Lando's tongue was in your mouth, searching for gold. He nipped and sucked at your bottom lip as you moaned into the kiss and pulled him closer, so now he was hovering over you.
At the back of your mind you knew this was wrong. But you couldn't help the feeling of having him kiss you as if his life depended on it. You pulled on his hair as his lips left yours and traveled to you neck, quickly finding your sweet spot.
By now both of your breathing was heavy, both gasping for air but not stopping your activities what-so-ever, the kiss getting sloppier by the second.
You felt Lando's hand reach the hem of your shorts, itching to slip past them, but you stopped him. You knew you couldn't go further without leaving with a broken heart again.
''Lando no, I can't.'' you almost sobbed even though you so badly didn't want him to stop.
''I need you, Y/N. I've needed you since you walked out the door 7 months ago.''
Now you had tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
''And not for sex. For you. Your whole being.''
''What about her?'' you couldn't help but ask.
His face immediately dropped.
''It was nothing. The other girls were just to get my mind away from you and then my socials were blowing up. So they got her and me to pretend, so I didn't look like a douche with a new girl just to fall deeper into a hole.'' he spoke quickly.
You were shocked, but let out a sigh of relieve.
Lando kissed you again, re-assuring you. ''You're the only one I want. I don't want to rush things if you're not ready t be together again.''
You didn't say anything, you just kissed him again, and took his hand back to it's place on your hips, slightly nodding at him to continue.
Lando's hands slipped on the inside and he cupped your sex. Your breath hitched in your throat and you grunted through his movements. His thumb found you clit and immediately started rubbing circles on it, while his middle finger slipped into you with ease due to how wet you were for him.
He snaked his head under your oversized hoodie and latched his mouth to your nipple. Sucking and biting down at it which had you writhing under him. Desperate for more.
His finger continued sliding in and out of you before he added another.
''Lan, please'' you begged him for more.
He quickly sat on his knees and removed all of your clothes, leaving you bare naked under him. You toyed with the strings of his joggers but he swiped your hands away. ''The nights' gonna end early if you do that'' he said, showing you the first smile he had this evening.
You pulled him back down for a kiss and he snaked his way down your body, settled between your legs.
You cunt was glistening with juices, clenching around nothing, begging for attention. So he licked a stripe up, collecting all your juices on his tongue before using them to easy his way into you.
You were a moaning mess by now. Body so relieved to be getting attention from the one you craved the most, pulling at his hair and scratching his shoulders, surely leaving marks.
He continued his onslaught on your pussy until you felt that all familiar warmth building in your stomach and within minutes you released your cum all over his face, gasping for air - the both of you.
''Fuck, Y/N, so good'' he said through breaths, coming up to kiss you again. Both your mouths a mess - full of spit and cum.
''Need to feel you in me, please'' he begged him between breaths.
This time Lando wasted no time in shedding his joggers. His member springing free, slapping his stomach, red and angry, with pre cum already dripping through the tip.
You gasped at seeing how angry it looked. How delicious it looked. You took him in your hands and started pumping him, causing him to be the one gasping this time, dick twitching in your hands.
You sat up slighlty and licked the pre cum off the tip, making Lando buck his hips forward, latching onto the headboard to keep himself up.
''Hmm, fuck, Y/N' he said as you took as much of him in your mouth, sucking and licking at him.
''Not gonna last long if you carry on'' he said, so he pulled out of your mouth and pushed you to lie down again. But instead he changed his mind and roughly man handled you to turn your body over so you were now on all fours.
He swiped his cock through your folds, collecting more of your juices and finally, placed himself at your entrance before pushing in, fast and hard.
''Ah, oh, Lando'' you said through gritted teeth.
He wasn't making love to you. He was fucking you, straight away. He gave your cunt no time to get used to the intrusion after having gone months without it.
''That's it, Y/N, so tight for me, walls clenching around me so nicely'' he whispered i n your ear as his hand found its way around your throat, turning you on so much more.
You latched your hands onto the headboard and steadied your body, coming back to meet him halfway, bodies slamming into each other.
A few grunts and moans later your brain remembered where you were. In Lando's house, with his family in the lounge down the hall.
''Fuck Lando, everyone can hear us.'' you said, trying to slow his movements.
''Hmm, let them. Don't care. Just wanna fuck you until you can't walk anymore'' he said, body still slamming into yours.
It almost felt as if sad Lando was gone and now angry Lando was back. And he was fucking his frustrations and anger into you. Using you to help him feel better about yourself. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
In no time you were silently screaming his name, your juices gushing all over his cock, before you pulled out and flipping you over again, only to slam into you again.
You wrapped your legs around him as tight as you could and pulled on his curls.
Lando had his eyes closed ''Might not me the best fucking drivers, but definitely fucking my girl the best. That's it baby, taking me so well'' he grunted through gritted teeth, before lowering his mouth to your nipples again, showing them no mercy.
Hearing him call you his girl instantly had the butterflies brewing in your stomach again, edging closer to your orgasm. You could feel his movements start to get sloppier by the second as well, the both of you barely able to keep your moans in.
All that could be heard in the room were grunts, moans, and bodies slamming into each other, sticky juices all over.
You orgasm came with no warning, and as soon as you released you felt Lando empty his warm milky cum into you, dick twitching, so overstimulated. Your body was a shaking mess underneath Lando's as he let his weight fall on you and slumped down on you, which you didn't mind at all.
You stayed there, just holding onto each other, catching your breaths and your mind up to what just happened.
Lando's dick was softening inside you so he gentle pulled out, eyes never leaving yours. You whimpered at the loss of contact but he kept you distracted enough by lowering his mouth to your cunt, sucking up a mixture of both of your cum, and leaning back up to kiss you and make a mess on your face.
You moaned into the kiss again until Lando got up to get a warm towel to clean you both up.
After doing so, he climbed back into bed and this time you were little spoon, back in your place.
''Seriously Y/N, thank you for being there for me today. I miss you so bloody much and this time I'm going to put the work in to make us work. I love you fucking much baby.'' he cooed into your ear and you squeezed his hand.
''I love you too Lan. Promise me one thing though?'' you asked.
''Stop being so hard on yourself. You are the most amazing person I know and I want you to see how special and talented you are. Please'' you begged him.
You felt him nod his head. ''Yeah, I'll try. Thank you.''
''And I've missed you more than you can ever imagine. I love you Lan. You're it for me.'' you whispered back, before he kissed you gently.
You'd finally found you way back to each other.
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orcboxer · 3 days
listen 20 years ago i was happy and now i'm not so as far as i'm concerned yeah the world is getting worse
I grew up in a hyperreligious, hyperconservative family and church that was constantly convinced that we were living in The End Times and the future always looked bleak and every new problem was The Worst Things Have Ever Been and we were all miserable all the time. And when you believe without question that Things Are Always Getting Worse, that implies Things Were Better In The Past. And that's like, a cornerstone of right wing ideology. On the big picture, if you can't conceive of a better future, you won't bother trying to make one, and that makes you easier to control.
Now I can't speak to your personal life, of course, and I'll admit my life is better now than it was 20 years ago (I left the church, came out as gay, started treatment for my mental health, all that jazz). But I can tell you that the quality of life of the average human has improved, and things are, overall, largely improving on many different levels globally.
Over the past century, globally speaking, the average lifespan has increased, infant mortality has decreased, poverty has greatly decreased, education has become way more accessible, voter inequality has decreased, water quality has increased, food availability has greatly increased, access to healthcare has increased -- I could go on. You'd actually be really surprised how much better things have gotten. Every person I've "quizzed" on it has greatly underestimated the quantity of statistical improvement. It's like we're all conditioned to assume the worst.
It's easy to fixate on all the problems, and it doesn't help when that's all anyone ever talks about. But that's why it's so important to keep things in perspective. If a headline is like "525 billion tons of pollution is in the ocean" you just see a big number and assume it's bad, but you have no frame of reference for it so you're really just going on vibes. You gotta ask like. How much pollution was there last year? What is being counted as pollution? How did they arrive at this number? What initiatives are being taken to remove pollution? So on and so forth.
We are constantly flooded with hyperbolic doomerism and while there absolutely are very real problems that need urgent action (like climate change), it is also completely unhelpful to anyone for us to burn ourselves out trying to be The Correct Amount Of Upset about all the problems in the world all the time. You can't fix everything, you have limits, but there are things you can help with. Do those things and let yourself feel good about it. And let yourself actually appreciate the work that other people have done to make the world a better place. So many people whose names will never grace history books have paved the way for you to do your thing, and it's a damn shame all that work goes underappreciated by most folks.
Learn to question negative statements. If someone says "The world is getting worse" you should be asking, "By what metric?" And then you should be asking, "How can we improve those numbers?" I swear to god it makes a huge difference for your mental health.
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