#people stopped hiring me after htat
bitegore · 1 year
i'm so grindset poisoned it is genuinely insane. i was justifying not paying for video games in 2011 (age 10) to my siblings by saying we should only spend money on non-necessities if it would bring us more money in the future. what's wrong with me
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multifandomhoodies · 4 years
okay so who’s ready for another long winded work post!! let’s gooooo
So! Today was the end of the summer picnic/meeting, which is cool because that’s the first meeting I’ve been to since I started working there! All eleven of the maintenance staff + the park manager were there, which is cool. I’ve really never done that much with the crew from the other side of the park. 
But before we had them come over from the other section we cleaned out the garage and swept and hosed down the floor and we put picnic tables in there asdfgdsa interesting setting but whatever. I drove up to our senior tech in my cart and I must have startled him because he jumped. so i stopped and we were both laughing and he manages to wheeze out “that was like a bigfoot encounter” because honestly he did kind of look like that bigfoot picture asdfgds anyways he was telling me to go grab the trash out of the bioswales but we both kept laughing so that was Good Moment. 
anyways so i helped one of my other coworkers with cleaning out the shop and i cleaned the bathrooms in the break room and then kind of really didnt have much to do so i awkwardly paced around for like,, half an hour. i finally sat down to look at my phone and my supervisor showed up n he wasn’t salty or anything but he started talking to me about where my college is because he thought it was in north PA when it’s in south and other stuff lol. a couple of my other coworkers came back in and we hung out basically waiting for the guys from the other section to show up. they did and then the last two guys from our park came back and then left to go get some last minute things that people had forgotten. they were gone so long that the supervisor was half tempted to have them sing when they got back for being late lmao. so the actual meeting was only mildly interesting, some stuff was just like winter policies that really didnt apply to me. however there’s good news! there’s already funding for seasonal hires next year so i’ll be able to work :) but the supervisor had everyone give a short little thing about their year and the summer and basically just general thoughts and i just said that i was really glad i was able to keep working there and that everyone was really open to teaching me how to do things and htat i couldnt wait to learn more stuff. :’) and of course after the meeting was over i thought of the best thing to say which is basically like listen yall im in college and im taking my classes and still working and i really wouldnt be doing tht if i didnt love working here and if i didnt love working with you all. anyways the statement that was pretty much repeated by everyone was about how great a group of guys we had on the crew? the one guy transferred from another larger park in december and he said that this crew is a lot more intimate and has definitely more of a family feel than his other job. everyone basically said that too like we have a great group of people and everyone’s really close. i love these guys. so much. we talked about some more stuff and then we were done and we ate. there was homemade burgers and italian sausage and spicy italian sausage and hot dogs and chili and potatoes and potato salad and macaroni salad and fried chicken and venison with crackers and chips and muffins and an eclair cake and two different pies and ice cream. we fucking ate. it was so fucking GOOD. the folks from the other section are coming down to get lunch tomorrow and one of the guys on my shift/sunday-thursday shift was joking that he’s gonna go in tomorrow for lunch lmaooo. so yeah we ate and then some of us were dead but then a couple of the guys got really hyped up talking about football because they’re doing a fantasy football league. they were very loud. the senior tech at one point grabbed the air hose and sprayed it and startled them because they ere all so absorbed in their discussion. it was hilarious. they literally just. kept talking lmaooo. everyone pitched in to help clean up though and packing food up and bringing in chairs from their socially distanced circle in the shop. it was a good fucking day. i had to go to the other side of the park that i work at (not the other section) to check that some doors were locked and i got a little emo for a second as i was driving through that like. i get to work here with these people. like the park’s kind of small but it’s really beautiful sometimes. like the ache in your chest beautiful. i get to work next to a beautiful lake and there’s a little creek in the park and it’s just really amazing. and i get to work with some of the coolest people i’ve ever met. the men i work with are all so kind and respectful and they’ve all taught me something? and i’m just so lucky? like i literally love my job and these guys so fucking much. i’m just really lucky and i’m so thankful that i’m here doing this stuff with these guys. they’re really really just awesome people. gah. i love this job and i love these dudes
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