#people responding to me responding to pieces of the current fandom culture...thats how it all happens babey
danggirlronpa · 10 months
Why do you even bother reblogging whitewashed art?
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Directly from the FAQ! The second bullet isn't Quite what you're asking, but it gets the basic point across - an archive is not an archive if it only conveys the most positive aspects of its source; racism and uncomfortable tropes and intracommunity disagreements are all an important part of the history of anything, including fandom. There are some rare ships which only have content wherein a character is whitewashed; removing whitewashed content is erasing the entire presence thereof.
Short of things that actively trigger me and things which may get my account suspended, I think that it's an important part of preservation to show that these issues have always been here - how they have been presented previously - in what ways they have manifested - what this means for how they will manifest in the future. I find this particularly important in Danganronpa, a series which centers on propaganda, the effects of desensitization, and cyclical structural violence. There are ships and pieces that I'm personally uncomfortable with but keep on the blog despite that, because I think it's important on a larger level as an archival project. Those who do not know history, etc etc.
And also. I truly am just godawful at seeing colors. I'm very much not a visual person. It removes a lot of my anxiety to at least have a tag I can slap on it so that, even if I'm under or overestimating, people have a warning.
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