#people need to learn to shutthefuckup and remember hat politeness & ethics are
swampespresso · 19 days
a rant about: jesusfuckingchrist am i sick of older or slightly older people pushing on their truths about having children down everyone's throat.
i've lost count how many times me & P had to deal with people telling us when are you having kids? (uhhm... politely? we have other shit to do atm) but you will have to do this eventually. (uhmm... you sound sure.. really? we don't think so) oh no but you will, you have to, everyone does! (ok listen here...)
i'm sick of it! we have to? i have to? Why the fuck should we. past generations really did not do a good job raising kids, i mean look at us! so they describe it as just having kids, they grow up on their own. when actually it should be raising, caring, loving, educating your kids, it's a big responsibility, that if you feel like you're not cut out for it - just don't do it, be responsible and just don't bring another traumatized person into this world. idk. also to raise kids in this fucking economy??? don't make me laugh myself straight into a casket.
oh, and this often comes from older men. yeah, you did not give birth to your children so shut the fuck up about it. you don't know half of this ordeal. wonder how you'd speak if you were the one to carry for 9 months and then go through all circles of hell to give birth or nearly die. and let's not forget the very poor mental health support for mothers post-partum... my point is, shut the fuck up because it's actually rude to pry and lecture people on something this personal. you're not a role model just because you 'experienced it'.
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