#people go on and on about that in Northern Lights and yes but Momo did it first. God can't save you from capitalism get fucked little girl
definitely-not-an-alb · 4 months
wrt last reblog's tags I've also been having this so much about Inkheart and Unendliche Geschichte as I'm rereading them as an adult for the first time. Like, yes, yes, shitposting about Staubfinger's qualities as a family man or lover aside, there's some Unspoken And Unspeakable Truths in those, too.
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thealtoduck · 3 months
Being a waterbender living in the Earth Kingdom and meeting Team Avatar…
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Sokka x Male Waterbender!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: While stocking up on supplies in a small village, team avatar finds a waterbender in an unlikely place…
Sokka’s pov:
Appa landed deep in the forest and Aang, Katara and Sokka started setting up camp for the night. Katara prepared their dinner as Aang and Sokka set up the tent and fed Appa and Momo.
”We’ll need to go to that village and stock up on more food we’re almost out, there’s barely enough for the three of us” Katara told the other two. ”There was a farm on the outskirts of town, I could go see if they have anything we could take” Sokka suggested.
”Sokka, you can’t just steal food, it’s for the towns people” Aang told him. ”Oh please, you saw how big the fields were, what’s a couple of vegetables? There will be plenty left, plus we need this food to get to the Northern Water Tribe so you can learn waterbending to save the world, I’m sure they’d want us to have their food” Sokka said standing up.
”I’ll be back soon” he said grabbing a small basket, walking in the direction of the farm. Once he reached it he stumbled over the fence on to the fields. Using a dagger to cut free a couple of vegetables and put them in the basket.
All of a sudden out of nowhere a blast of water knocked Sokka to the the ground making him drop the food basket. ”Katara?!” Sokka yelled but when he looked up he didn’t see Katara.
He was met with a pretty boy his own age with y/h/c hair and y/c/s skin, in a set of light jade green robes, that had water lilies embroided on them. He looked mad.
”What are you doing?” he asked in a dangerous tone. ”I-I-” Sokka tried but his voice got caught in his throat, he didn’t know what was more shocking that he found a waterbender in the northern parts of the Earth Kingdom or that he found him really attractive.
The boys face turned from stern annoyance, to a studying look as he looked Sokka up and down. ”Are-Are you from the Water Tribe?” the boy asked curiously. ”Yes” Sokka answered. ”Wow… I’ve never met anyone apart from mom from the Water Tribe…” the boy uttered.
”Are you from the North or South?” he asked. ”Southern Water Tribe” he answered more relaxed now that the look on you face wasn’t dripping with venom. Sokka then found some more courage to say ”Look, I’m sorry for stealing your crops, me, my sister and my friend are traveling and we’re almost completely out of food, if you want I can pay you for all this”.
The boy considered for a moment and then said ”Come with me, grab the basket”. Sokka did as told and followed the boy as he led him towards the farmer’s house, the two stopped outside and said ”Wait here”. As he went inside.
A few minutes later the boy came back out and put something in Sokka’s basket. A loaf of bread, some herbs, and a bottle of fruit juice. ”There you go, should make a nice meal” the boy said.
Sokka got confused but the boy spoke up again saying ”You know, me and my family like to house travelers when they pass through and it’s gonna get cold tonight, so if you need a place to sleep tonight just knock, okay?”.
Sokka was stunned, a couple of minutes ago he had just tried to steal from this family and now he was being offered a place to spend the night. ”Thank you” he found himself saying warmly. ”No worries” the boy said turning back towards the house.
”I’m Sokka” Sokka blurted not wanting the interaction to end just yet. The boy turned to him with a smile. ”I’m Y/n, hope to see you later, Sokka” he said and rentered the house.
”Wow” Sokka uttered quietly turning around making his way back to Katara and Aang. As they cooked the food they’d been given he explained eagerly to them about the boy. ”Are you sure he’s a waterbender and that he didn’t just throw a bucket of water at you?” Katare asked skeptical that there’d be a waterbender in this town.
”Yeah, he said his Mother was from the Water Tribe” Sokka insisted. Aang wrapped himself in a blanket. ”Maybe we should take him up on the offer, it’s starting to get chilly out here” Aang recommeded. Sokka agreed eagerly and Katara seemed curious about the idea of meeting another water bender.
Your pov:
There was a knock on the door and you went to open, being met with Sokka followed by another boy, a girl and a lemur. ”Glad you could make it, come in my mom just made some tea” you said and were introduced to Aang and Katara. And of course the lemur Momo.
You helped them get Appa in to the barn and they joined you inside. You sat down around the table as your mother served tea to you and your guests. ”Y/n? Sokka told us your a water bender, is that true?” Katara asked.
”Yeah, I am” you said showing her by lifting the tea out of your cup, before putting it back in. ”I’m not that good though, I don’t get much practice since the fire nation is always snooping around” you explained.
”Good enough to knock Sokka of his feet” Aang commented. ”It was a suprise attack!” Sokka defended himself making you, Aang and Katara laugh.
You conversed with the three for well over an hour, they had so many stories, Aang being the Avatar, how he met Sokka and Katara, them running from the Fire Nation multiple times. They’d had quite the long journey.
Your Father and Aang ended up in the barn as Aang wanted to see the farm animals, your Mother and Katara sat and discussed the Water Tribe. Leaving only you and Sokka…
”Would you like to see where you’ll be staying?” you asked him. ”Yeah, sure” he said. You led him to the guest room and told him ”This is the guest room, hope you’ll find it comfortable, if you need anything my room is right across”.
”If you don’t mind, I think I’m gonna get ready for bed” you said yawning and turned to your room but Sokka grabbed your hand and you turned back around. ”Thank you, for doing so much for us, it means a lot” Sokka said with a grateful smile.
”Anything for our fellow Water Tribe folk and the Avatar, Of course” you told him. You then said ”Goodnight” and opened the door to your room. ”Goodnight” Sokka said as you then disappeared in to your room.
He wanted to find a way to repay your kindness.
Next morning when you woke up you helped your mother in the kitchen with the breakfast. When you brought out the servings of food to the others you saw your father was eagerly conversing with Sokka.
Your father then spoke up and asked ”Y/n? Could you please show Aang and Katara around the village?”. ”Don’t you need me around the farm?” you questioned. Your father shook his head and said ”No, Sokka offered to do your work for today so you’d be able to take the day off and relax”.
”Oh! Well then I’d be honored to show you the village” you said with a smile and a small bow.
Once breakfast was finished you waited for Aang and Katara so you could leave for the village. You saw Sokka prepare for the days work at the farm.
”Thank you for taking over my work” you told him gratefully. ”It’s the least i could do after everything you and your family has done for us” Sokka said. You smiled as you looked in to Sokka’s eyes, it was like it only now dawned on you how handsome he was.
”You’re so pretty” Sokka uttered, catching you off guard making you think you’d heard him wrong. ”What?” you questioned. ”I-I mean… your robes are so pretty, you know, such a nice color and what are those? Water lilies? So nicely detailed” Sokka blabbed gesturing to the embroidered flowers on the bottom of your robes.
”Uhm… Thanks” you said still a bit stunned at the interaction.
Soon Katara and Aang arrived and you made your way to the village. You showed them around the different market stands, as they filled their baskets with food and supplies for their travels.
You even bought some treats that you snacked on in the middle of the town square, watching people at work and as they greeted they interacted with each other.
But soon the peace was broken as Fire Nation soldiers entered the village, Aang and Katara were quick to grab you and pull you in to an alley between two houses.
The leader of the Fire Nation soldiers moved to the front ”Where is the Avatar?! We’ve gotten word that last time he was spotted he was heading in the direction of this village”. The crowd stood silent.
”Well then if you don’t want to talk, then maybe we’ll have to show you what happens when you hold the truth from the Fire Nation” the leader said and his soldiers surrounded one of the market stands.
You could see Aang and Katara readying themselves for battle but you held up your hand to them and said ”Don’t”. Before you could explain the Fire Nation soldiers set the market stand a blaze.
Katara and Aang started running out of the alley but you grabbed them and pulled them both back. ”Don’t! We need to get you two back to the farm”.
”But they’ll destroy your village” Aang pleaded. ”No, they’re only trying to scare information out of us, they don’t know you were actually here” you told them and they gave you a questioning look.
”They’ll only want to destroy us if they knew you guys were here and we’ve been hiding it from them, but if they think you were never here then they’ll leave us alone” you explained.
You turned back to look at the leader of the soldiers as he told the crowd ”Tonight, after the assigned curfew we’ll search your houses and if we find a single sign the Avatar was here your village will suffer the wrath of the Fire Nation”. He then turned his back and he and his soldiers left the village.
You turned to Katara and Aang and said ”Go back to the farm, get Sokka and hide in the barn, we’ll have to figure out a way to smuggle you out without the Fire Nation seeing you” you said.
You then walked out to the village square and water bended some of the water out of a fountain to help put out the market stand.
When you got back to the farm you went in to the barn where the Avatar and his friends were waiting as instructed. ”Were everybody in village, alright?” Aang asked. ”Yes, they’re fine just a bit shaken” you told him.
”But we need to figure out how to get you guys out of here before the Fire Nation comes back” you stated. There was a moment of silence before Sokka said ”I have a plan”.
His plan was that when it turned dark he and the others would sneak deep in to forest with Appa, before taking off so that you and your family would not be found out with hiding them from the Fire Nation.
”Can I do anything to help?” you asked them. Sokka looked at you with a grateful smile and said ”You’ve already done more than enough for us, you should make sure to stay inside so you’re not seen, to keep you safe” he explained.
”Alright. It’s been really nice meeting you all. Good luck on your journey. I hope I’ll see you again sometime” you said giving them a polite bow, you then left them and made your way back to the house.
As the sun started to set you grew more and more worried the trio, what if they were caught by the Fire Nation, what would happen to them…
Once it was finally dark outside your heart was pounding all through dinner with your parents. You couldn’t take it anymore and as soon as you finished your dinner you went back to your room.
Only to almost scream when you opened the door, finding Sokka climbing through your window. ”Sokka?! What are you doing here?” you panicked. ”Don’t worry, we’re just about to leave, I just quickly wanted to stop by and talk to you” he said.
”About what?” you asked. ”I just needed to thank you again for what you’ve done for us and I wish I had more time to get to know you better cause you seem great” Sokka confessed taking your hand in his. You smiled.
”I wish we had more time too” you said making Sokka smile brightly too. ”Well then, why don’t you come with us, you can learn Waterbending with Aang and Katara up in the Northern Water Tribe too?” Sokka suggested impulsively.
”Sokka, I can’t, I’m needed here with my family and my village, at least for now” you told him, he looked down disappointment.
You then decided on impulse ”But I tell you what, when you guys are done up in the Northern Water Tribe and start traveling the Earth Kingdom, I’d love to join you guys, if you’ll have me”. Sokka frown then turned in to a small smile and he said ”It’s a deal”.
”You should get going now, the Fire Nation will be here soon” you told him. ”Right” Sokka remembered and turned back to climb out of your window. ”Oh and Sokka, one last thing” you said making him turn around. ”Yeah?” he asked and was answered as you placed a kiss on his cheek.
”Stay safe” you added. ”You too” he said planting a kiss on your cheek. He then climbed out of the window and ran off towards Aang and Katara who were trying to stealthily lead Appa in to the woods, hard as it might be. ”How’d it go?” Aang asked. To which Sokka could only reply ”He’s amazing”.
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Avatar State
Season 2!
I KNEW Aang wouldn't be ok with getting possessed by the megafish. Called it!
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As well as the most comfortable looking hammocks I've ever seen, this boat has decorative turtleshells.
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Having learned the very hard way that bending is not infallible, the northern water tribe finally takes some safety precautions and installs non-bending means of locomotion on their ships.
So glowy is called "the Avatar State." I was kind of attached to calling it glowy.
Pakku continues his consistent and unwavering pursuit of being a poophead. You almost have to admire his unwavering jerkiness.
We're going to see Bumi! I like Bumi.
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I don't know about constructing a building complex that near a waterfall. The cherry blossoms are nice though.
So they weren't eaten by vultures after all. Not so subtle exposition from Iroh. And then Zuko is as subtle as a kimodo rhino with his backstory rehash. That being said, there was probably a few months between seasons, so a refresher was needed.
Yes that did come out wrong. Rare misstep from Iroh.
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This is Zuko's crazy talented sister right? The one he was angsting about in the snow cave? She seems to be just as much of a dumbass as her brother, although she makes her stupidity seem threatening instead of embarrassing. I don't care how much political power you have, you can't win against tides. Literally the last episode was all about how the ocean always wins.
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I am begging you guys to see the pattern here. First time the Gaang got a hero's welcome, Suki's village burnt down. Second time, the whole season finale happened. At this point it's probably safer if the Gaang sticks to going where they're not especially welcome.
Aang saying "I try not to think about it too much" is kinda ouchy given his nightmares at the beginning of the episode.
Gotta look something up
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That's Bato's map! The animators had no reason to have such crazy good continuity.
I don't think Aang is too happy being described as "the ultimate weapon."
Thank you Katara for calling the general on his pushy steamrolling. They've committed to nothing.
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I think the guy in front has a burn on his cheek. I have been surprised by how few burns I've seen after a whole season's worth of episodes. We've seen Zuko's, and Bato's. But the Fire Nation is supposed to be this all-dominating unstoppable war machine, so why isn't every random earth kingdom background character covered in burn scars?
It's amazing how many people can't see the 12 year old for the avatar. Guilting him into cooperating by showing him wounded vets? Harsh.
Also, the last time Aang tried to leapfrog his destiny he burned Katara. Yes, the war needs ending, but maybe don't skip learning the basics before you try?
Heh. Basics. I sound like Iroh.
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Pretty sky. I was hoping for a continuation of the 'so pretty it hurts' background trend. I wouldn't have equated fire with electricity, but apparently Zuko jr. can make lightning? And yes, this is very obviously Zuko's sibling: unreasonable and completely out of touch with reality, although rather in the opposite direction than Zuko. The lightning you're throwing around will still kill your target whether or not your hair is pretty while you throw it.
Aang this seems like a bad idea. Even you think it's a bad idea.
The earth kingdom seems to use green lighting. It's weird.
Katara is unreasonably angry about this. The hard work being thrown away isn't really her's, it's Aang's.
Please do not give the hyperactive airbender caffeine.
They gave the hyperactive airbender caffeine. Starting to think this general's not so bright.
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Shout out to Aang' voice actor for such an accurate rendition of getting sucker punched.
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That's pretty good. Momo really understood the assignment.
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The sacred Bellows! This just gets stupider and stupider.
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Well in MY country, politeness is only owed to people who don't pour the power of 1000 mean girls into a single line read. I'd be quick to get to the point too if it would get her out of my house.
The ego on this girl. She drops a life-changing bombshell on Zuko, who has spent the last three weeks as vulture food, and explodes when the conversation doesn't immediately pivot to showering thanks on her for the extreme hardship of going somewhere on a royal ship? She's surpassed Zhao's whole season of assholery in barely half an episode.
Now we get the real reason Katara was so angry about "wasting their hard work" or whatever it was she said. She's frightened. I get that. Glowy floaty Aang is frightening.
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Another rock and a hard place situation. People are dying everyday, Aang is 100 years late, but the Avatar state is scary, and turning a pacifist into a weapon is a bad idea. Once again the world needs a fully realised Avatar and all they have is a half trained 12 year old.
Iroh's right. It IS unbelievable. Mostly because Zuko jr. is nowhere near as subtle as she thinks she is.
Doubling down and lashing out when the truth is uncomfortable: classic Zuko. Iroh really puts up with a lot.
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This is how you know it's a dream: real Zuko runs towards mysterious glowiness.
I'm not a dreamologist, so I have no clue why Aang would dream about hurting Zuko while glowy after being told that the avatar state is hard for his loved ones to watch. Seriously, why is Zuko in this dream?
"Uncle! You've changed your mind!" "Well someone's gotta save your dumb ass."
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Not to imply that this general isn't INCREDIBLY stupid, but he's certainly done something right to so solidly secure the loyalty of his soldiers. That's the avatar, and also a 12 year old kid, and they don't hesitate.
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It's all wibbly
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Double nutshot. Boy's got heels of steel.
Apparently the horse bird things can do parkour.
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Things you can get away with in cartoons but not live action: this eye colour. The only place I've seen this colour in the real world is goats.
I like how the voice acting for the helmeted fire nation soldiers sounds like it's coming from inside a metal helmet. Such a tiny detail but they put the effort in.
Nifty transition between screaming Zuko and screaming Aang.
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This! Why doesn't every earthbender just to this to their enemies? Turn them into sitting ducks. You don't even need benders to finish them off, just a guy with a bat. How has the Fire nation gotten this far when their enemies can do this?
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That's going to cause some trauma.
Iroh is a beast. He's taking out the whole royal guard. I also love that they're lining up to be taken out. So polite. They could teach Zuko Jr. a thing or two.
I feel like Zuko usually does better than this in fights. And really, I know little sisters are extremely talented at goading, but Zuko's really too easy to goad. His sister's not even trying that hard.
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This episode's most satisfying shot. Hoping the tides take revenge for that earlier comment.
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That's the lowest quality animation I've seen in this show. It bobs unmoving across the screen.
What the hell is the green lady throwing? Elaborately carved thingies?
So it's actually very dangerous to Aang to go glowy. And to the world in general. Neat. I guess an unmatchable power like that needs some sort of limiting factor.
"You're out of your mind." THANK YOU.
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No, THIS is the episode's most satisfying shot. About time someone did that to him.
Katara's "I think we're all set" Is a delightfully polite 'get fucked'.
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Wow she got those printed up quick.
"There will be no place left to hide" except a short run upstream.
That ends a bit suddenly.
We did not go to see Bumi. Bummer.
Final Thoughts
Quite the explosive start to the season. They really hit the ground running. Also this is very much not a show where you can skip seasons.
Katara was right about it being a bad idea to try and run before Aang can walk. You can't blame the general for wanting a quick way to end the war with few casualties (on his side at least). You can blame him for being really bad at listening. Does earthbending cause stupidity? Because I definitely remember that all non-Bumi earthbenders we've seen so far are not too bright.
We've met what I'm assuming is going to be the antagonist of the season. I don't like her. I'm aware that I'm not supposed to, what with her being the bad guy and all, but would it be too much to ask for a fun villain? This girl's just mean. When Zhao was first introduced, the episode turned into a win for Zuko. This girl's introduction just makes him even more pathetic than usual. I guess starving on a raft for weeks has negative side effects, because this CANNOT be the same Zuko who one-shotted Katara in the spirit oasis.
This does answer my question of what they're going to do with Zuko and Iroh this season. They're going to ground. Zuko's scar is pretty distinctive though. I bet that's going to cause problems.
Sokka has never suffered fools, and seeing him knock out the general is just so satisfying. Both water tribe siblings were supportive of Aang in their own ways this episode: Katara by standing up to the general and giving Aang on honest opinion on what's going on; Sokka by backing up Aang's decisions for and against the proceedings. And also literally standing up for Aang against the general's soldiers. We already knew they were ride or die, but it's good to open the season with a refresher.
Before this devolves into a discussion of the differences in required narrative elements in season openers during the bingeing/streaming era compared to old fashioned network television, let me say one more thing: poor Appa hasn't been sidelined this hard since The King of Omashu.
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FOOLS pt.3
[[Zuko x Reader]]
<- previous next ->
Summary: Zuko and Y/N had liked eachother for a while even though neither of them knew it. Y/N tries to get over her crush for him, failing miserably. So just when she decides to let go and embrace her feelings, the new Fire lord finds himself feeling jealous and decides to take matters into his own hands.
A/N: I’m still impressed by how many people have liked this series and I’m so grateful to everyone who reads, it’s getting a little angsty in here so be prepared. (Edit: I wrote that before actually finishing this part, scratch that cause things got REALLY FUCKING ANGSTY. Also this part is a little shorter than the others but believe me, it’s as much as your little hearts will be able to take.) As always if there’s any mistake or anything let me know.
Side note I’ll wait for a request to start writing pt. 4
Warnings: Angst but it’ll end well i promise
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You walked up to your friends once again, noticing someone was missing. “Hey... where’s Zuko?” You asked everybody as you saw the packaged dress in Katara’s hand.
“He said he had business to attend at the palace, acted really weird and stormed out the marked.” She replied looking at you with concerned look in her eyes.
“That’s...weird. Maybe he got bad news, firelord stuff.” You said more to yourself than to the others.
Sokka interviened, cutting your thoughts short. “He did say we could stay and eat around here, so let’s find a place, I’m starving.”
After lunch, you and your friends walked around the market a while longer. You saw the same thing you had seen the day before from the carriage, people were happy. This was a major concern for all of you once the war had come to an end, how would the people of the Fire nation take the new way of things?but Zuko definitely did a great job with it all.
Sokka ended up buying a bunch of junk against Suki’s advice, while you and Katara bought some pieces of jewelry to go with your dresses, Toph bought a set of nunchucks which worried all of you a little bit, and Aang bout a toy for Momo.
Soon enough you were back at the palace, Zuko still no where to be seen. You tried not to pay much attention to it, yet worry still lingered in the back of your mind. It was almost dusk when you proposed the idea of setting up a campfire outside for old time’s sake. It felt like forever since all of you had sat down around the burning flames to talk or eat or simply lay down and look at the stars. So after a while, when everyone went to their chambers to leave the things they’d bought and change to a more appropriate attire for the weather, the group was back outside setting up the fire.
You laughed at sokka who tried to light it up, struggling thanks to the fact that the only wood you had found was very old and affected by the humidity of the Fire nation’s weather. Ever since Aang learned how to firebend and Zuko joined the gaang, he hadn’t had to light up a fire from scratch.
“Hey, Sokka. It’s ok, we get it, it’s been so long since we’ve done this, you’ve kinda lost your touch.” You teased, knowing he was mostly trying to impress Suki with his abilities. Toph who was sitting next to you suppressed a laugh.
“I haven’t lost my touch, Y/N!!” He replied not taking his eyes away from the wood in front of him. “Actually it’s not a ‘touch’, it’s ability and knowledge, ok?”
Your only response was to laugh looking over at Katara. She looked at him worried and said “Are you sure you don’t want me to water bend the humidity out of the wood, Sokka?”
“No, Katara! No bending, just ability and knowledge”
“I could get the flame started for you” interviened Aang.
“Is no one listening to me? Ability and knowledge!!”
All of you let Sokka stay entertained trying to light up the camp fire for a few minutes more, after that you collectively and non-verbally decided you didn’t want to be there all night waiting, so you signaled Suki to distract him while Katara and Aang worked their quick magic. When he turned back around he saw the sparks consuming the wood slowly at first and then turning into a bigger flame. He smiled satisfied with himself and turned to look at all of you. “See? Ability and knowledge.”
“Of course it is , babe.” Suki hugged him from behind while the rest of you held a laugh. 
The laughs and giggles didn’t take long to begin. It had always been so easy to get along with eachother, like you’d been friends for way longer that you really had. Before all of this, you never had any real friends at the Northern water tribe, the boys didn’t like you because you were a girl, and the girls didn’t like you because you liked fighting and bending. But when you met the gaang, it was like you could finally be yourself and not be judged, they were more of a family to you than anyone else had ever been.
You’d been outside for a while when you heard steps getting closer behind you, the night sky already spread above you. You were about to turn around, big smile on your face assuming it was Zuko, when you realized the look on all of your friends’ faces. The smile faded as you turned your head around. In fact, it was Zuko who was approaching the campfire, but he wasn’t alone. Holding onto his arm was Mai, in a jaw-dropping dress, looking as beautifuly dark as ever. You were sure the sound of your heart breaking must’ve been heard through out the entirety of the Fire nation.
Mai? You asked yourself internally making an outworldly effort to take your eyes away from them. Everyone but you greeted them equally as shocked, then he proceeded to take a sit in a log placed right in front of you, pulling Mai into his lap. There were a few seconds of awkward silence before Sokka started speaking again. You could hear his voice, but you weren’t paying attention to his words. Your eyes were glued to the floor, too scared to even dare to look up, your face lacked any color and a now familiar knot in your throat and tightness in your chest were forming again.
You reminisced to the previous months. After Mai and Ty Lee had been released from Boiling Rock, Zuko told you he’d talked to her. They’d left things in good terms, she understood why he did what he did, and he realized how he’d treated her wasn’t the best. But you were sure that didn’t mean they were back together, I mean, that happened almost a year ago, and this was the first time you’d seen Mai since the coronation.
Has he been seeing her in secret all this time? Why keep it from me? Did he know I liked him all along and was simply trying not to hurt my feelings? But why now? And why like this?
All these thoughts ran through your head while you tried your best to keep the tears that were threatening to roll down your cheeks inside. Suki’s touch dragged you out of your head. “Y/N?” She called in a soft and low voice.
“Yeah, sorry.” You replied looking up at her.
“Wanna go get some snacks from the kitchen?”
“Sure, let’s go” You took her hand and walked with her away form the open and into the palace.
Once you were sure you were out of the group’s sight, you let out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding up until then.
“Oh, Y/N. Are you ok?” She pressed your hand reassuringly
You forced yourself smiled at her. “Yeah, everything is fine. I’m ok.” You lied.
“Zuko is an asshole for doing this. If you want me to punch him in the face I can do that, I’m still training all the time, I’m sure I could kick his ass no sweat.” She tried to lighten the mood while leading you to the kitchen.
“No Suki, thanks. It’s ok. It’s not like we’re a thing or anything, he can go out, be with and do what he wants with whoever he wants. I’m no one to tell him otherwise” you spat, trying to convince yourself as much as Suki.
You finally arrived to the kitchen. Chef Karou took one look at you before noticing something was wrong. “Child, what happened? You’re white as a ghost.”
“It’s nothing Chef, I just got a little dizzy out of the sudden, but I’m ok.”
“Well you’re in luck, I have your favorite dessert freshly made. That’ll make you feel better.”
You and Suki carried each a basket of treats and small snacks Chef Karou had sent for you and your friends. You had to brace yourself before walking back outside, only to realize Zuko and Mai weren’t there anymore, instead a head of white hair filled the space where they’d been sitting before.
“Iroh!” You called handing your basket to Suki and walking up to him.
“Hello, my dearest.” He replied, opening his arms to give you a hug. He’d always been one to give great hugs. Since you met him, the two of you had connected through Zuko. He cared for him deeply for a very long time, and even though you had just met him then, you cared about him too. He’d shared his wise words with you, advising you about your worry regarding the war, and you listened to his stories in return. He was warm and caring and he had a very special place in your heart. Hugging him helped release the tightness in your chest that had been building up for a good while, and that came with a few tears as well. “Miss Y/N, there’s no need for tears, this is a joyful reunion.”
“I’m just...very glad you’re here.” You tried to explain wiping the wetness from your cheeks.
“I’m very happy to be back, and to see this nation be rebuilt and led honorably. Talking about leaders... have you seen my nephew around? I haven’t gotten the chance to greet him yet.” He asked looking around for him.
“I um... I guess he’s back at his office or in his chambers.” You hoped he couldn’t tell the way you were trying not to let Zuko mess with your head.
“Do you mind calling him for me, dear? I’m a little tired from the trip.”
You wanted to say no, specially since you knew Zuko had left with Mai, but saying no to Iroh had always been a hard task for you. “I... yes, don’t worry, I’ll let him know you’re here.”
And with those words you walked off to find him. His office was your first stop, you hoped he was there, sitting on his desk and going through paperwork as you’d seen him do many times before, because if he was that meant Mai wouldn’t be there, and you wouldn’t have to deal with seeing them together anymore. But to your despair, he wasn’t.
Gathering all the strength you had left, you made your way to his chambers. The walk there seemed painfully short, you wished you’d had more time to prepare, although after knocking on the door and proceeding to open it, no amount of time could’ve prepared you for the sight. Zuko and Mai were both sitting on the edge of his bed, he had his hand on her jaw, holding her tightly in her place, while her hand layed on his neck, holding onto the roots of his hair. They were kissing... really kissing.
The sound of the door opening made them realize someone was there and forcefully Zuko pulled apart. He looked at you for a few torturous seconds before saying. “Y/N, what can we help you with?”
We, it was such a dumb thing to notice but you did. Zuko said we, as in him and Mai, as in the girl who’s throat he had his tongue down mere seconds ago.
“Your uncle is here, he wants to see you.” You replied, your voice slightly shaky making you pray he didn’t notice.
“I’ll be right there... anything else?” His tone was one you hadn’t heard before, it was harsh, merciless, out of everything that had happened that evening that small detail was what hurt you the most.
“No, good night.” With those words you turned back around closing the door behind you. You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, your heart ached in a way you’d never felt before. You cursed yourself in silence for being so dumb, so gullible to even think Zuko would think of you as anything more than a friend, a colleague. You cursed yourself because you knew this was how things were going to end from the very beginning.
Now he was kissing another girl and you were alone in your room, sitting in the dark, thinking about how you were going to pick all the pieces of your heart and put them back together.
A/N: sorry don’t hate me <3
Tag list: @harmlessoffering @zukoshonourr @marvel-ing-at-it-all @booksandwonderlands @bison-whistle @darthsokaaa @royahllty @godoftheabyss @ilovespideyyy @literally-anythin @daddystevee @annie-are-u-ok @whalerus @galacticamidala @mangoberry43 @eridanuswave @katherinethedork @littleninjablake @taeeemin
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madsthewordclown · 4 years
Fire Lily | Pt. 12
warnings: none
a/n: Sorry this took me this long, guys! I’m back in school and am a little bit busier now, but I promise I’ll update as much as I can! Be warned that I did write a portion of this chapter with Can We Sing the Darkness to Light in my brain (it’s a choral piece and I’m a nerd lol) and so I probably found some of what I wrote a lot more emotionally compelling than it is due to my fragile state of mind when I hear a good tenor part. Whoops.
This chapter takes place during “The Headband.” The story kind of stalls for a bit here in the aftermath of Crossroads of Destiny, so I’m sorry about that, but I promise I’ve got some more exciting things planned for later!
Fire Lily Masterlist
The Fire Nation was weird. It was a thought that Y/N couldn’t get out of her head. Everywhere Y/N had been in the Earth Kingdom (besides Ba Sing Se, which was strange and creepy within its own right), had had the shadow of war looming over it constantly. Here, it was like it didn’t exist.
There was no fear in the Fire Nation, not like there was in the Earth Kingdom, and nothing like what Katara and Sokka had described about the Southern Water Tribe. Here, they weren’t constantly on alert. They could relax. Somehow, the Fire Nation had always been on the offensive. These people didn’t know what it was like, hearing about armies creeping closer to your home.
It was also strange to think about how Zuko lived there. The Fire Nation was his home. Y/N was letting herself think about Zuko now, every once in a while. She let herself think about Jet, too. She thought of him every time she picked up her swords to spar with Sokka. She thought of him every time she lit their fire at night.
They were staying in a cave outside of the village, and it gave Y/N the heebie-jeebies. She didn’t like how dark and damp it was, and it made her feel trapped. Toph felt right at home, surrounded on all sides by earth. Meanwhile, Sokka couldn’t get past the threat of “enemy birds.”
“They’re Fire Nation birds, guys,” Sokka insisted, waving his arms frantically to deter the birds in question.
“They’re birds, Sokka,” Katara corrected, rolling her eyes.
“So, this is how it’s going to be until the invasion.” Sokka looked around at their surroundings—the cave, some rocks, grass.
“Hiding in cave after cave after cave…” Y/N shuddered, glaring at the mouth of the cave.
“We don’t need to be cave people,” Katara said, putting a reassuring hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “What we need is some new clothes.”
“Yeah,” Aang agreed, “blending in is better than hiding out. We’ll be safer with Fire Nation disguises.”
As much as Y/N hated wearing Fire Nation clothes, she hated constant cave-living more. “I like that plan.”
“We don’t want to sit around and eat cave hoppers,” Toph said, hitting the cave wall. A few of the bugs came tumbling onto the ground, and Momo scooped one up and ate it with a chomp. Y/N winced. “They have much better food out there.”
“Well, where are we going to get clothes?” Sokka questioned, crossing his arms. “We don’t have nearly enough money.”
Y/N thought for a moment. “We could just steal some. I thought I saw some clotheslines when we flew in.”
The others stared at her for a moment.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures?” Y/N added, uncertainly. Yes, they were the “good guys,” but they also needed clothes, and no one had any better ideas.
“Okay,” Katara agreed quickly. “Let’s go.”
As it turned out, stealing had been very fun. Y/N wondered briefly if that made her a bad person, but she had managed to find a ribbon for her hair, and the feeling of having it away from her face made her question her morals a lot less.
Y/N did try her best to find something that wasn’t red, to no avail. Soon, they were all clad in their Fire Nation getup. It felt a lot better than the soldier’s uniform, but Y/N still wasn’t sold on the red. Sokka and Aang seemed to be enjoying themselves, though, and Aang seemed a lot less upset about covering up his arrow.
Y/N was very unsure about the sleeveless red top and dark grey pants that she was left with. But it was definitely better than her tattered dress, and the ensemble was easier to move in. She liked how her arms were completely free, and the long pants made the grass let scratchy.
Katara and Toph looked great in their outfits, although Katara did seem upset about having to remove her necklace, and Toph had already punched the soles out of her new shoes. They made the unanimous decision to go into town and get some shopping done with the money they had left.
“Here.” Y/N took her own money out of her bag, as well as the gold cup with her family crest. “We can all use this. I don’t really need it anymore.”
It was time to let go of the cup. It would be useful to them, at least. And there were plenty more heirlooms in her family. And now, standing side by side with the Avatar, two of the most powerful benders in the world, and Sokka, in his genius, Y/N felt more confident than ever that maybe she’d be able to make it back home. Her father could forgive her for getting rid of the cup. Her mother thought it was ugly, anyway.
“Are you sure?” Aang asked with some concern. Y/N nodded.
“It’ll be more useful to us if we trade it,” Y/N insisted. Besides, the cup was just another reminder of Ba Sing Se.
“Wait.” Katara stopped Y/N as the others turned to leave. “Your hair. The ponytail is too low. The Fire Nation has them higher.”
“Oh.” Y/N didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of it. She pulled the deep red ribbon out of her hair.
“Here, let me help,” Katara said, pulling the ribbon from Y/N’s hands. Y/N was tall, so she had to crouch a bit, allowing Katara to secure her hair into a ponytail that sat towards the crown of her head.
“Better,” Katara hummed approvingly. She took Y/N’s hand. “Now let’s go.”
The village they were in was vibrant and peaceful, Y/N noticed. There were plenty of people around, and Y/N hadn’t seen any soldiers yet. The group decided it was safe to split up if they wanted to. Y/N followed Toph and Katara to a jewelry booth.
Y/N helped Katara pick out a new necklace, and Toph donned a small crown. Y/N was a bit surprised—Toph didn’t seem like the type to appreciate jewelry. Y/N bought a set of matching gold bangles to put on her wrists.
“You know,” Katara suggested as she secured the necklace around her throat, “we could get you something for your swords. I know Jet had something like that.” Katara’s voice caught on Jet’s name for just a moment before recovering.
It would very useful, Y/N knew. She could always bend, but she felt like Katara could tell she had mixed feelings about it. Plus, she knew more about wielding the swords than proper firebending.
After a lot of scouring, Toph managed to locate a store for weaponry. Y/N asked the shopkeeper for advice on what to look for. He had seemed confused for a moment, and Y/N remembered that hook swords probably weren’t a common choice here—she had read once in her library that they were a traditional weapon from the northern Earth Kingdom. But luckily, the shopkeeper hadn’t asked any questions and directed her to the right area.
Y/N ended up settling on a belt-like sheath, with two loops at her hips that the hooked points of the sword easily fit through, but it would get stuck at the handle, holding the swords securely but still allowing for Y/N to pull them out without much trouble.
“Six gold pieces,” the shopkeeper said in an unnecessarily loud voice. Y/N frowned. They only had a few silver pieces and the cup left, and Sokka and Aang had the rest of the money. Y/N pulled the cup out of her bag and set it on the counter.
“I’ll trade this for it.” The shopkeeper’s eyes widened.
“Where did you get that?” He asked, eyeing the piece. It looked as if he thought it was fake; he picked it up and tapped it on the counter a few times.
“I’m from the colonies,” Y/N said. It wasn’t a complete lie. Technically, she was. The man gave her a brief look of disgust.
“It’s worth more than what you’re asking,” Y/N pressed, tapping a beat on the counter impatiently. She hoped he wouldn’t ask more questions or say anything about what his sour face was for.
“Deal,” the man said finally, taking the cup and stashing it behind the counter. Y/N felt surprisingly little as she watched it disappear from sight, and any wisps of sadness were expunged when she secured the belt around her waist.
Y/N walked back with Katara and Toph to their cave hideout. Sokka was already waiting, but Aang was nowhere to be found.
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Y/N reassured. “There aren’t very many soldiers in this village, and his tattoos are covered.”
“Yeah, Twinkle Toes can handle himself,” Toph agreed, plopping down onto the grass.
“Hey, Y/N?” Sokka called, waving his arm. “Want to look over some of these plans with me?”
Before Y/N could respond, Katara was speaking. “You never ask me to help you with that stuff.”
“Hey,” Sokka protested. “You and Aang and Toph handle the bending, and Y/N and I will handle the plans. No offense, Y/N.”
“None taken.” Y/N knew her bending was almost useless—she could light their fire at night, but other than that she only knew a few basic moves. In a true bending fight, she was done for.
Y/N walked over to join Sokka, sitting on the grass in front of a rock that he was using as a makeshift table. Y/N was a bender, sure, but it was nice to have a non-bender around. Y/N wasn’t comfortable with her bending like the others, who were all masters of their own elements when she had never even had a formal teacher.
“I tried looking into that boiling rock you were talking about a bit more,” Sokka explained, spreading a map across the rock that he hadn’t shown her before. It was an older map of the Fire Nation—Y/N wasn’t sure where he got it.
“I couldn’t come up with much, but my guess is somewhere like that would probably be in one of the more volcanic regions of the Fire Nation.”
“But why would my brother be in the Fire Nation?” Y/N wondered aloud.
“What?” Sokka looked at her in confusion, an eyebrow raised. “You’re looking for your brother?”
“Um…” Y/N hummed awkwardly. “Yeah. He was arrested by the Fire Nation before I left home. I had a weird dream a few days ago, and he said something about a boiling rock.” She could tell Sokka was looking at her sympathetically, although she made a point to focus her eyes on the map.
“I know it’s a long shot,” Y/N acknowledged, “but I thought I’d at least try.”
“No, I totally get it,” Sokka shrugged. “You want him to be safe. I get that. He’s your brother.”
“I feel like it’s my fault,” Y/N admitted. “I didn’t help him. I actually made the situation worse.” Y/N gave a dry laugh. “I don’t know if he’d want to see me.”
“Of course he wants to see you.” Sokka looked affronted. “He’s your brother, and you’re supposed to take care of each other.”
“Yes,” Y/N groaned, “but I didn’t!”
“He’s your older brother, right?” Sokka clarified, his head echoing your nod in response.
“Well,” Sokka paused, as if searching for the right words, “as an older brother, I’m sure he wants to see you. And Y/N, I know it’s hard when you want to protect someone, and you fail.” Sokka’s eyes were filled with a sadness that made Y/N want to reach out and hug him, but she held off.
“But that doesn’t mean that that person is going to be angry at you,” Sokka continued carefully. Y/N felt like he was reassuring himself as much as he was her. “And even if you fail, you can keep doing everything you can to protect the people you care about. And I’m sure that he wants to do the same for you.”
“Thanks, Sokka,” Y/N said softly, her eyes beginning to water. Before she could back away, Sokka was pulling her into a hug.
Y/N hugged him back. She realized she hadn’t hugged anyone since… well, before she left home. They stayed there for a moment, before Sokka pulled away.
“Ready to review my schedule?” Sokka asked, suddenly upbeat. He unrolled a scroll that spread all the way across the rock and down onto the grass.
“Oh my…” The entire thing was color-coded. Y/N wondered where he got the ink for that. “Hand me a pen.”
Sokka smiled as they went to work.
Aang returned to camp later in the afternoon and was properly lectured by Katara. Sokka was completely appalled.
“You’re enrolled in Fire Nation school?” Sokka asked for the tenth time. Aang’s answer didn’t change.
“Yes. And we learn about the secret river tomorrow!” Aang reminded them. The secret river was the only thing getting Sokka to moderately accept the idea. Y/N thought Sokka was too easily persuaded by weird sneak-attack opportunities. “But I can’t go back unless I bring my parents to meet with the headmaster right now.”
“Y/N can be a pretty convincing actress,” Toph suggested. “Not for me, since I can tell when you’re lying, but others seem pretty convinced.”
“Sokka, Y/N,” Aang pleaded, “will you pretend to be my parents?”
“Sure,” Y/N agreed. If Aang really wanted to go to this school, she would help. She remembered how much she wished she could go to school. While it was still far from a normal experience… Aang deserved to have some fun like a regular kid.
“I don’t know,” Sokka murmured, looking contemplative.
“Secret river, Sokka!”
“Fine,” Sokka gave in. “But first we need to get our disguises!”
“Disguises?” Y/N echoed, but Sokka was already running off, Aang following enthusiastically behind him.
When Sokka and Aang returned, Y/N almost died from laughter. The beard plastered to Sokka’s face was ridiculous. She had no clue where he got it.
“Y/N, make your hair look more mature and put this in your shirt,” Sokka ordered, holding out a bundle of cloth fashioned into a smooth round shape. It looked like a bag stuff with wool.
Sokka sighed exasperatedly. “Do you want to be convincing or not?”
Y/N felt ridiculous and was pretty sure she looked almost as ridiculous as Sokka as Aang led them into the school building. Y/N noticed how everything inside seemed a little bit short, and portraits of Fire Lord Ozai hung on the walls, Fire Nation insignias everywhere. Y/N had never seen the Fire Lord’s face before until Aang had brought back his macaroni portrait.
Zuko didn’t look like him, Y/N noticed. Ozai’s face was sharp—Zuko’s was kinder. But Y/N found herself imagining Zuko on that poster, with his shaggy hair and scar, and that look on his face when he fired at the Avatar.
Y/N took a seat with Sokka and Aang as they entered the headmaster’s office. The headmaster was a severe-looking man with the same beard, sideburns, and thin mustache that all of the Fire Nation men Y/N had met seemed to have. He greeted them as they took their seats.
“Thank you for coming, Mr. and Mrs…”
“Fire,” Sokka replied haughtily. His accent was atrocious. “Wang Fire.” Y/N held back a snort.
“And this is my wife,” Sokka gestured to Y/N, “Sapphire.”
It took everything in Y/N’s power to not roll her eyes. “Sapphire Fire. Nice to meet you.”
“Well, Mr. and Mrs.,” the headmaster paused, “Fire. Your son has been enrolled here for two days and is already causing problems. He’s argued with his history teacher, disrupted music class, and roughed up my star pupil.”
“That doesn’t sound like our Kuzon!” Y/N said, giving Aang a discrete bump of her elbow when he smiled.
“That’s what any mother would say, ma’am,” the headmaster responded. “Nonetheless, you’re forewarned. If we continue to have problems, I’ll have to send him to reform school.”
“Reform school?” Y/N asked.
“By that, I mean the coal mines.” The headmaster stood, glaring down at them.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Headmaster,” Sokka said. Y/N wanted to facepalm. “I’ll straighten this boy out something fierce!” Sokka turned to Aang. “Young man, when we get home, you’re in for the punishment of a lifetime!”
The headmaster seemed rather satisfied with that response, nodding with a slight smirk.
“Thank you for informing us of our son’s behavior,” Y/N told him, trying to sound professional to make up for Sokka’s over-the-top character. “Goodbye.”
“Success!” Sokka cheered as soon as they were out of earshot. Y/N punched his arm.
“Wang Fire?” Y/N questioned incredulously.
“What? It’s a good name!” Sokka whined, rubbing the spot on his arm.
“Sapphire Fire?” Aang added with a smirk.
“Okay, so maybe that one wasn’t my best,” Sokka admitted, stroking his beard.
“Will you please get rid of that thing?” Y/N already didn’t like how much Sokka was enjoying his fake facial hair.
“Never,” Sokka replied with a smile.
Fire Lily Masterlist
taglist: @kaylove12, @akariblue, @wolfiemichele, @aquatickanye, @sunflowerr-mami, @nadiblue. @la3divine, @sarsky, @aangsupremacy 
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atlafan · 4 years
here’s a fluffy little blurb for zutara week! It’s been years since I participated, so I didn’t wanna go overboard, hope you like it! @zutaraweek (sorry if the formatting is weird I wrote this on my phone.)
Zutara Week Day 1: Reunion
Katara was running around frantic. The southern water tribe has expanded so much in the last year. There were so many more water benders living there now, so many of the buildings and canals were coming together. Hakoda and Sokka worked together to basically put a comprehensive city plants together. Katara had the final approval.
Aang and Zuko were coming to visit today. They had basically been on a tour together the last year trying to mend so many wounds the fire nation had left the word scarred with. Katara wanted to travel with them, but she hadn’t been home in so long, and she wanted to help rebuild.
The thing was, she wasn’t sure who she was more nervous to see. Her and Aang weren’t together. He wanted a relationship with her, and maybe after the war ended she thought she wanted the same, but it just wasn’t working for her. Every time she saw Zuko, though, she felt butterflies. They hadn’t talked much about it, but after he jumped in front of that lightning for her, she knew it had to be deeper than just saving a friend’s life.
Especially with what happened afterwards. His eyes were glued to her while she worked her healing hands on him. She was the one to bandage him up, and soothe him. Okay, maybe it was her who was seeing him as more that a friend. But she brushed it off.
It’s been a year since all of that happened. They sent letters to each other. He told he when things didn’t work out with Mai, but he’d also tell her about the good times he was having with Aang. They had become even closer, and that’s what made things so hard for her. How could she go after Zuko knowing it would hurt Aang? It was the last thing she wanted to do.
“Katara! The ship’s docking, they’re here!” Sokka beamed at her.
They both sprinted towards the ship port, Katara using her bending to get here there a little faster. She saw Appa first, happily sitting on the deck of the fire nation ship. Aang and Zuko walking down the ramp. Katara keeps running towards them, and ends up slamming her body into Zuko’s, almost toppling him over.
“Missed you.” She said unto the crook of his neck. He holds her tighter against him.
“I missed you too.” He let’s get go and steps back. “We both did.”
“Hi, Aang.” She smiles and gives him a hug as well.
“It looks great here already.” He smiles at her and then looks at Zuko.
“You’re here!” Sokka exclaims, taking everyone in for a group hug. “Good to have more of team avatar together again. You guys just missed Suki, she was here for a little while.”
“Aw, that’s too bad.” Zuko says.
“Come on, we can show you where you’re staying.” Katara pipes up.
“Actually, I’ll be staying on the ship. I don’t feel like lugging my things around.” Zuko explains. “But I’m excited for the tour.” He loops his arm through hers and the two start walking as if they weren’t leaving anyone behind.
“What’s with them?” Sokka says, petting Momo.
“He’s in love with her.” Aang mumbles, slinging his small bag over his shoulder. “Appa, come on buddy!” Appa groans and gets up, following Aang and Sokka. “I won’t sleep on the ship, I wanna be closer-“
“In love with her?! How do you know?”
“He spoke with me about it during our travels. He feels guilty because he knows how I feel, but I just want her to be happy so if it’s him that makes her happy then so be it. She wrote more to him than to me, it’s obvious she feels the same way.”
There was a large dinner that evening to welcome Zuko and Aang. They both spoke and said how grateful they both were to be there. After dinner there was music and dancing. Katara has found herself outside getting some fresh air, whether it was cold or not she didn’t really care. She had learned to control her body temperature pretty well by now.
“There you are.” Zuko says as he slowly approaches her on the balcony. “It’s beautiful out here with all the lights. Hard to believe this used to be a tiny little tribe.”
“I know, it’s still hard to get used to, but I’ve been loving it. Everything’s still set up like a democracy, the northerners haven’t tried to instill their values.”
“Ah, so I don’t have to worry about any arranged marriages?”
She turns to look at him now. He had a smug look on his face.
“Why would you have to worry about that with me?”
“You know why.” He comes closer to her so they’re only inches apart. He caresses one of her cheeks and runs his thumb along her cheekbone. “Have I told you how lovely you look tonight? Because you do, you look lovely, Katara.”
“Thank you.” She says, just above a whisper. “I meant it earlier, I missed you. I mean, despite trying not to get killed I do miss being with everyone, traveling.”
His hand drops to her shoulder.
“You know, there have been so many times I’ve wished you were with us, with me. Your input would go such a long way. Aang and I have been talking a lot about building this city where all four nations could live peacefully. It wouldn’t happen overnight, I mean we’re still rebuilding the earth kingdom, but-“
“I’m just the daughter of a chief, no one would listen to me.”
“Sure they would! You’re brilliant, and you listen, and well, at the least I’d listen to you.”
“What are you saying exactly, you want me to come with you when you leave?”
“Sokka could come too, I think you both could be a big help.”
“But you specifically want me...”
“I do...for more selfish reasons too.”
Katara smiles and blushes, removing his hand from her shoulder, but he intertwines their fingers so she can’t let go.
“I should have probably let you know how I was feeling before I spoke to him, but I told Aang how I feel about you and he’s fine with it.”
“And how exactly do you feel about me?”
“Well, this may sound abrupt, and I’m only saying this because I think you feel the same way, but I love you, Katara. I can’t go a day without thinking about you. There were so many nights I just wanted you close to me. I’ve loved being able to write to you, but it’s not enough anymore, I need you with me. I hope you’ll consider it.”
There were tears in her eyes. It was all she needed to hear. She wanted to go with him, and not just to be with him in a romantic way, she wanted to travel again to make a difference. She loved helping people and she wanted to be able to help all people like she used to. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him close so their bodies are pressed against each other.
“I’ll come along, and I bet Sokka will too. Think he’s been itching to get back out there. Our dad can handle things on his own.”
“And was much as that thrills me...”
“I love you too.” She blushes. “Think I have for a while.”
He cups her cheek and leans down, so close now she can feel his breath on her. She closes her eyes just as his lips meet hers. She pulls him closer to kiss him back. His lips were warm and soft, and everything she could have hope for. His other hand squeezes her hip, adding to the urgency they were both feeling. They couldn’t take things far tonight, not here out on the balcony of a party. So she steps away and looks up at him, smiling from ear to ear.
“Come on.” She chuckles.
“Where are we going?”
“We’re going back inside to dance, and then tomorrow we’ll fill everyone in.”
“I’ve picked up a few moves in my travels, hope you can keep up.” He winks at her.
“I’ll do my best.”
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