#people fucking use her and the eras tour to promote things
housesunstone · 2 months
Swifties be like all her songs are such lyrical genius she is the greatest poet and songwriter of our time and this is all of her lyrics
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allegras-sunflower · 2 months
RIP Ana Clara Benevides. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💖
I have read alot of people posts how disappointed they were with the situation.
Like that one Reddit post on swiftlyneutral. I can't post the link. But the title says:
What are your thoughts on what happened at the Eras tour in Brazil? Do you even know about it?
The post is very recent.
And couldn't Taylor Swift do something before the show? Didn't she know the heat? That fans weren't allowed to bring water in it? What would she have risked if she cancelled the show? A fine? She can pay for it. Disappointed fans? Better than dead fans.
I remember watching a youtube video of Michael Jackson when he got his Hollywoodstar and he made an appearance. There was a huge crowd and people were pushing eachother, some got hurt. He left after a short time. One fan voiced his disappointment that he only shown up for like few seconds or minutes and left. But looking back it was good that he left that none of them got seriously injured. He also got parademics at his shows because people were passing out.
Or Madonna who had a concert just recently in front of like 1.6million people. I don't hear anybody dying. ? And for such a large amount of people at one spot. There sure had to be safety measurement taken before the show.
When a fan of Rihanna died. Not at her show. Rihanna paid for the funeral.
Does Taylor Swift really care about her fans? Or does she care more about how her fans view her? And as an artist isn't it her responsibility that her fans are save at her show? Of course she can't stop any inconvience. But extreme heat is literally something she could have known days before!
This whole thing felt like Taylor didn't really care about Ana. She can't be the music industry the biggest superstar in the whole world but be a helpless little girl who is used by her concert promoters and can't even decrease ticket prices.
And Taylor made this parasocial relationship with her fans. So she atleast should have cared more. Or showed that she cared. It seems like she only sees her fans as numbers.
There was another show, in Buenos Aires, right before the show were Ana Clara died, that TS had to cancel too because of a storm. Now, due to the subtropical climate, storms in Buenos Aires can be quite strong and dangerous. The fans, most of them underage girls, stood in line under the electrical storm up until the time the venue doors were supposed to open. Then and only then, TS announced (mind you, half an hour after the city government did) that the show would be rescheduled. So what happened in Río after was not an isolated incident, TS had a bit of a pattern endangering her fans.
Now, I talked extensively about Ana Clara's death in this blog, and I don't wanna repeat myself and become annoying for it. But for those of you who don't know, my family on my dad's side is Brazilian, my own grandmother has been badly hit by the floods going on in the south, my little sister went to the show after Ana Clara's death. That's why TS's mistreatment of Brazilian fans and fans of color in general hurts SO FUCKING MUCH. Because it's fucking personal. I did not only felt heartbroken because of what happened to Ana Clara, it was absolutely devastating. I know it was just a footnote on the international news, but not here. Here we read the declaration of the young nurse that kept on the CPR maneuvers for over an hour because they refused to let Ana Clara die. We read the statement of Ana Clara's family denying TS or her team had reached out to them when the news were starting to say TS was in talks with them. We KNOW TS's team didn't pay for ANYTHING and didn't reach out to them until over a week later. We saw it all go down on real time, my little sister was certain TS would make a moment of silence for Ana Clara only to be let down when she rushed the show so not even the people attending could do one.
So, let this be your confirmation. Taylor Swift does NOT care about her fans. At least not about her fans of color.
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Please, never stop talking about Ana Clara Benevides Machado. Never stop sharing her picture. And never forget that, if you're a POC, TS doesn't care about you. Not even if you're a VIP ticket holder, like Ana Clara was.
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
Last night you tagged something about a diplomatic incident with Romania and I kind of want to know about that.
this is definitely a partial story because my information on this was obtained at the dinner table like twenty years ago and i have not independently verified it with historical research (my historical knowledge of the cold war era is also like twenty years old), but i can tell you what i remember!
at the risk of doxing myself for those willing to deep-dive into international canadian politics from the 1970s, my parents were both classical musicians in the era where canada was working Very Hard to promote and celebrate canadian arts. my parents were part of a chamber music group that sometimes traveled internationally with the canadian diplomatic corps. this was during an era of the canadians breaking a little bit with the united states' hardline cold war approach and making diplomatic inroads with communist countries.
so, sometimes they got to play concerts in the eastern bloc and other communist nations, traveling with diplomats (or at least escorted by diplomatic envoys??). at the time of this story, they were touring in romania. part of their shtick when they played in non-english-speaking countries was that one of the musicians (not one of my parents - i think it was the clarinetist) would learn a few phrases in the local language from their diplomatic escorts to say to the crowd before they played. hello, we are [music group] bringing best regards from canada to your fine country, hope you enjoy the show kind of thing.
but this night in romania -- probably specifically in transylvania, given what happens next -- my dad says right before the show that he wants to do the spiel, and the clarinetist is like ok fine i guess? so they go out on stage, and my dad starts saying hello, we are X music group bringing goodwill from canada to romania, etc.
before the end of the sentence, the crowd goes fucking NUTS. like completely wild. screaming and cheering for like fifteen-twenty minutes. nobody on stage understands what's happening, but my dad is like ok cool and keeps talking -- nothing especially problematic or anything, just "the country is so beautiful here" kind of stuff, because my dad is a showman and the crowd is going bananas and they haven't even played a single note. i don't know if the diplomatic escorts had to shut the concert down right there on stage or just clean it up afterwards, but this is a PROBLEM.
see, the reason my dad volunteered to introduce them to the crowd and was able to keep talking is because he was in the bathroom before the show and heard some people speaking hungarian. my dad speaks hungarian, because his mother was from hungary and he grew up in one of those ashkenazi families where every person at the dinner table speaks a different language.
the problem here is that speaking hungarian on stage in romania in the 1970s is kind of a seditious act, and for representatives of a foreign nation to speak hungarian in a DIPLOMATIC CONTEXT was a huge fuck you to the ruling government of romania, which at the time was engaged in a policy of romanianization: using pretty heavy-handed political means of assimilating ethnic minorities in romania. the crowd is going wild because this looks like canada is giving official support to hungarian minority interests in romania.
i genuinely don't know what happened after this, but i imagine my dad was not allowed to speak on-stage again. which did not prevent him from causing other problems, because i remember my mom telling me that at some point my dad snuck out of the hotel to go and meet with / get some kind of smuggled note or something??? / from a soviet musician who was trying to escape to the west, because my dad can't resist ~intrigue~. she also told me that a romanian diplomatic function was one of only two times in her life that she saw my dad get roaring drunk -- entirely by accident. i don't know if those two incidents were related.
update: an anon from transylvania provided some broader historical context
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overbearingstruggles · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, everything they put on social media feels so soulless. No fan interaction except for song requests for setlists or asking people to buy tickets to shows. Like what were the last 3 reels on insta? I had to watch it a couple times because I could not decide if it was supposed to be funny or not or what it actually meant to say? I still haven’t decided, is it just a really bad tour promotion? They have become so bad at social media it’s unbelievable and I’m not sure what happened, are they just so out of touch with their fans? It’s so strange. Like selling this Calm Down version as for the fans? Show me one person who asked for that. Their whole brand has always been about them being in it together with the fans and just to have fun together and be there for each other but now it seems like there is a line between the fans and them mingling with the bigger name people. You are completely right about the DP era and I feel like their blessing in disguise has always been precisely that they were never too mainstream so they had to rely on the real interactions with fans, which are now crumbling with their eyes set on different goals. I remember listening to a podcast with Ashley Osborn where she talked about how when they were on tour (pre-pandemic), she usually posted all the content and made updates on stories throughout the day, went and talked to the people in line, took photos and did M&Gs and just talked about how important and just fun it was for fan interaction and also for her. In 2018 they even did the green room sessions thing which was awesome and did weekly recaps on yt. It felt so much more natural than the mindless (sometimes funny) tiktok videos they do now. Mostly I just cringe and then I’m sad because it doesn’t feel authentic. Somebody please just bring Ashley back! I’m sorry, I feel a little heated today..
Their social media presence crushes me!!! They had already been much more ahem presentable for years and imo were doing great showing personality and interaction but not being offensive (lol). Now it’s the blandest lack of personality. I get not wanting to dive into comments where people are calling you heinous names! I get not wanting to seem too engaging after you’ve been accused of taking advantage of that engagement! It’s a fucked up line to walk that everything they ever did and made their entire brand has now been decontextualized and demonized. But flipping a switch and hiding out isn’t going to help rebuild. For the love of god, do not make multiple videos of Rian leading conversation!! That is the last thing those of us that have really stuck by this band want. The concept of showing boys in a room interacting in uninteresting ways…. I know they’re scared but they also haven’t fucking pandered and idk who needs to hear this but a little pander to keep the rest of us engaged while you figure out the sanitized brand would be lovely. Green Room sessions are a perfect example of something fun and interesting. 👑Ashley!!! 🆘
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likeadevils · 1 year
what’s your album ranking?
i legitimately can’t pick, like i go to all of her albums for different things and they all fill different needs to various degrees, so instead i will tell you what i like most about each album
debut: no skips. if i am in the mood to listen to debut i am in the mood to listen to all of debut. i don’t know if that’s due to excellent pacing or just consistent quality but it’s a feat
fearless: like i said earlier it’s so thematically consistent. like it’s not just a collection of good songs it’s a collection of good songs in conversation with each other and arranged in a way that makes it better than the sum of its (already outstanding on their own) parts
speak now: this album has grown on my the most? it was my favorite when i first got into taylor but then i kinda fell out of love with it in my teen years because it seemed kinda childish? but then i turned 19 and was like no this is exactly what this time in my life feels like. i also used to think it didn’t have any themes and was just a collection of good songs, but the more i’ve listened to it the more i’m like, no, it actually is revolving around a central question, it just doesn’t have a title that reflects it
red: god when this album hits it fucking hits. i feel like this album is when taylor really deconstructed the way she wrote songs and became even more intentional about the way she told stories. also, the way she structured the album with each song being the opposite of the song that came before it is absolutely genius
1989: dear god i love 1989. she’s just… there’s this one review that says it simultaneously sounds exactly like taylor swift and like nothing she’s ever made before, and just. like the phrase cultural reset gets thrown around a lot but she literally reshaped pop as we knew it, the way it sounded the way it was promoted like. it brought back 80s dream pop!! she invented secret sessions for it!! it’s the album that invented the word era!! the tour was one of the first tours to include light up bracelets!!
rep: i think rep is the opposite of 1989 in that it didn’t get a lot of love when it first came out, partially because people wanted to shit on anything she did, and partially because it kinda sounded like a cheap knockoff of what was on the radio at the time— which, it wasn’t, and it did kickstart a lot of trends like the anti chorus and other stuff i’m blanking on at the moment, but compared to how transformative 1989 was it kinda got screwed right out of the gate. BUT as it’s gotten older it’s been able to stand on its own two feet and be appreciated for just how expertly crafted the lyrics are. also, once again we have a purposeful tracklist order, telling the same story from two different perspectives while also pulling off telling one story, which is just. i’m such a slut for a good tracklist order
lover: like with red, when lover hits it really fucking hits. like it probably has the highest highs of any of her albums, and the lows aren’t that low
folklore: folklore is just. like after red i was like okay taylor’s career can go in three different ways: she can lean into pop, lean into rock, or lean into a softer acoustic sound. and when she chose pop and knocked it out of the fucking park i was elated, but i also did quietly mourn the other songs she could’ve written, especially after all the acoustic b-stages that made me fall in love with songs if previously kinda dismissed, like dwoht and wtny. so long way of saying that i’d been waiting for taylor to make an album like folklore since 2012 and somehow it not only matched my expectations but blew past them
evermore: like with lover, i don’t have much to say beyond like. these are some really good fucking songs. like. you could say almost any of these songs are your favorite taylor swift song and i’d be like, immaculate taste my dude, don’t forget to eat something before you take your meds
midnights: it’s such a mature album. like you know on liability reprise (lordes best song) when lorde stops the whole song to repeat “but you’re not what you thought you were” and she says it like it’s both a good and a bad thing? i feel like midnights takes that concept and just runs with it, like it’s made me completely reframe… not who i think taylor is, maybe, but who i think taylor thinks she is
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Hi Ralph! I learn so much from your blog- not just new information but you always help me understand other perspectives and empathize. I was recently diagnosed with “mild” autism and a non-verbal learning disability so I have trouble reading emotions in other people and I tend to see everything g very black and white. Your blog has been so amazing and helpful because we have a lot of the same interests but you write so considerately and coherently.
How do you feel about the Eras Tour? Do you have a dream setlist?
Also just to promote my favorite artist because I think you might like her world view. (Also I’ve probably come here before to suggest her to you) Her name is Maude Latour and she covers so much, especially navigating the blurry lines between friendship and romantic love as a young bi woman. Anything from her philosophy classes to the Too Hot to Handle reality show inspires her lyrics. One of my favorite lyrics by her is the bridge of her song Lola:
I want a world good enough to believe in
Temperature risin', the planet is heatin'
All of this time, I've been searchin' for meanin'
I remember the reasons
My sister, my friends, and the air that I'm breathin'
I'm 22, what the fuck am I feelin'?
Yeah, I just keep feelin'
Slowly healin'
Thank you for reading this and thank you for giving us your insights.
Thanks anon - it's so lovely to hear that people get something from my blog. It means a lot to hear that I communicate in a way that works for you. It is incredibly difficult navigating a world that tells you the way you are is wrong - and you have my love and solidarity as you figure it out.
As I've said before, I'm dyspraxic and I find it really useful to understand that there are two levels to that. The first is that there are things that are really difficult for me that are easy for other people. There are all sorts of tools to navigate that - and most of them work best if I emphasise to myself that the way I am is OK. The other level is that being expected to do things that I can't do has had a profound impact on my life and my sense of self. I find it really useful to think about those two aspects separately - I don't know if it's useful for you, but I thought I'd pass it on.
I'm also glad you've found artists' that resonate with you. As I've said before it takes a lot for me to get into an artist - and I need to be in a particular mood to start. But I will pass this on for others.
I'm a bit late to the party - but I didn't have a dream set-list for the Eras tour. It seemed like such a daunting task I would never have attempted it - and it seems even more daunting now (although I do have some thoughts about the songs she chose from Lover).
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yourivygrows13 · 2 years
Ticketmaster, Monopolies, and why The Eras Tour shitshow is not Taylor's fault, but Ronald Reagan's
Alright tumblr. I'm not an economist, but I took IB Econ SL in High School and still talk to my teacher so I'm enough of one for tumblr. I also have ADHD, and my hyperfocus loves to research, and I have been an obsessive music fan since birth and have been going to concerts regularly since my dad deemed me old enough to sit through one. I've also worked in radio for many years and I'm a music journalist. There are my credentials.
So strap in and let's discuss what the fuck is happening right now with Ticketmaster, The Eras Tour, and the outrage. This is gonna be a long one.
Ticketmaster as it stands now is the result of a merger (With Live Nation) that shouldn't have happened and is a capitalistic monster that needs to be taken down. Full stop. So why did Taylor Swift choose to use them for her tour? The simple answer is she had no choice if she wanted to tour venues that could adequately meet the demand she generates. Ticketmaster has such a chokehold on the ticketing industry, that venues are incentivized to use them as their ticketing service because Ticketmaster sells the most tickets. Yes, venues can use other services or even their own, but a massive stadium probably doesn't have the developers and engineers needed to handle events with 60k+ capacities. Pre-merger with Live Nation, these larger venues had more options. But since the merger in 2010, there is not a single ticketing service that can touch Ticketmaster. When Taylor is planning a tour, she and her event promoter (AEG) have control over some things like stage design and ticket prices (which, the face value of the tickets for The Eras Tour was very reasonable BEFORE FEES and BEFORE DYNAMIC PRICING. When you take into account just how much putting a tour on costs just in the sheer amount of people you have to employ $899 for the most expensive VIP level ticket is a lot of money, but it's 2022 and there is serious inflation going on. Taylor doesn't control the entire global economy. Dynamic pricing shouldn't be allowed in my opinion and artists should not opt in for it in my opinion. I have no idea what logistics go into opting out and I'm sure Ticketmaster does everything they can to incentivize people not to. But yes, as far as I am aware, dynamic pricing is a choice artists make so if Taylor had dynamic pricing, that was a decision made internally. I can't say I would make the same choice, but I'm not a touring musician. Also, I say IF she had, because in my experience of trying to buy tickets for this tour my friends and I did not encounter any dynamic price shifts for any of the shows we attempted to get tickets for.) She and her event promoters do not have a say in who sells the tickets. That is decided by the venue. Taylor is at the point in her career where she can't not play stadiums. There is just too much demand. For example, she's playing three dates at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. On her reputation tour she played to a total (across 2 nights) of 107,378 people. (Her stage for The Eras Tour is much bigger than the rep stage, so that capacity goes down a bit). But using that as a number: For The Eras Tour, by selling out 3 dates she'd play for roughly161,067 people. If she were to play Wells Fargo Center (the arena in Philadelphia. She started playing stadiums during speak now. She hasn't played places this small in the US in YEARS) she'd have to play 7.5 shows in Philly alone to play to the same number of people.
And most arenas still use Ticketmaster. But you get my point. She would have to basically never stop touring if she wanted to play for the same number of people on a stadium tour, in smaller venues. Using Philadelphia as an example, as that's a mid tier venue for her capacity wise: To play to roughly the same amount of people on The Eras Tour if she did arenas instead of stadiums she'd have to play 390 shows in the United States alone. She's incredible, but that's unreasonable to ask of ANYONE. She has to sell her tickets through whatever service the venues use. The vast majority of NFL stadiums use Ticketmaster. Her hands are tied. Could she straight up not tour? Yes. But if you actually expect her to do that, or any artist for that matter, you need to lower your expectations. It's her job. That argument is going to get people nowhere. We live in a capitalist society. That needs fixing before we can expect people to operate outside of it. So. Anyway. Why can any of this bullshit happen at all? Great. Fucking. Question. In the 1890s, The Sherman Act was put into place to essentially keep big corporations from gaining a monopoly over the market. It was decided that for everyone's best interest, we needed policies in place that would keep prices as low as possible by fostering healthy competition. Yes, this largely concerned things like oil and other big shit that controls our society. It all goes back to that shit. There have been other acts as well, btw. But for the sake of tumblr I'm sticking with a high level overview.
Fun fact: At the time, and into the "Golden Age" of antitrust policy (the 1940s to late 1970s), keeping competition in the market was seen as a remedy for fascism, and antitrust laws enabled that remedy. Antitrust policies started to fall in the late 1970s. Another fun fact: Ticketmaster started in 1976. I have no proof to back this being more than a coincidence, but do with that information what you will. In the late 70s, the Chicago School of Economics(/Antitrust Laws) began to popularize the idea that courts weren't super efficient at regulating these things and that inefficiency was holding us back and bigger wasn't necessarily bad. I'm simplifying. But that's it in a nutshell. Their school of thought became known as the "consumer welfare standard." If the whole purpose of antitrust policy was to keep prices low--which, at the time, was seen to equate maximum output, efficient allocation of resources, and thriving competition--then why did that mean that every single move that increased the price of goods had to be deemed unlawful if markets could self-correct? Which is how the Chicago School viewed them.
So in their eyes, only the most outrageous monopolies and forms of "anti-competitive conduct," basically anything that would keep markets from self-correcting, needed to be regulated. Their thinking was that some large mergers would indeed result in lower prices and efficient allocation of resources, and blocking everything was actually hindering that. Reagan was super on board with this, and his administration did a lot to reduce government regulation in business affairs. Now, the US presidents following Reagan didn't do much, if anything at all, to revert the changes that happened during this administration. And guess what? Markets do self-correct, but if a monopoly is big enough and if enough are allowed to happen, the market can't self-correct. Look at Ticketmaster/Live Nation. They are so large and control so much of the live events industry from owning venues to intense contracts that eat up entire cities, that there is literally nothing that can become enough of a competitor to correct the market to any level of "consumer welfare standard." Live Nation/Ticketmaster has absolutely zero incentive to do anything to improve customer experience, lower prices, loosen contracts, or put any measures in place to stop scalpers. Literally zero. Because no matter what, at the end of the day, if artists want to tour and if sports teams want to play and the general public wants to experience a live event of any kind in the United States, it is almost impossible to do so without involving LN/TM. There isn't an artist in this world big enough to take them down. Taylor Swift has a massive platform and a lot of influence. She cannot do anything about this alone. BTS don't have enough power to make a difference to an American based company. The Department of Justice and demanding governing officials and legislators to investigate and break up Ticketmaster is the only way this will ever change.
What the Reagan administration did in the 70s and what US Presidents have continued to do since, makes blocking these mergers from happening extremely difficult and not worth the time and energy. The fact that the Penguin Random House/Simon & Schuster merger was blocked is a miracle (and the Penguin/Random House merger should have never been allowed to happen!! The Kroger/Albertson's merger shouldn't have happened!!) So breaking up an already existing merger that created an unstoppable monopoly? That's even more impossible. So where does that leave us? Well, tired. Upset. Wondering how the hell Ticketmaster could just cancel the general on-sale for The Eras Tour when they explicitly state that there are still tickets left. But we can do something about it. Sign petitions. Call local legislators. Back the Tennessee District Attorney looking into it. Back AOC if she makes moves to do something about it. Our world is completely different than it was in the 1890s when The Sherman Act was put into place. It's completely different than it was in the Reagan Administration. It may seem silly to put effort into something like this when there are so many other things we have to fight for as well. But fighting for monopolies to be broken and blocked and fighting for antitrust policies to actually be upheld in ways that benefit TODAY'S society is important. You can be mad. You can scream. But at the end of the day, directing that anger and energy toward anyone but Live Nation/Ticketmaster isn't going to do anything. Let's fucking take down The Man. Resources if you want to learn more: Federal Trade Commission Department of Justice WP Article LA Times article from 1986 when shit was happening Rolling Stone article from 1995 about Pearl Jam's fight against Ticketmaster
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notesonartistry · 1 year
i donot understand how other artists correcting themselves or tm over correcting themselves now after a congress hearing is what Taylor's team should have done. Can fans not acknowledge tm is trying its best to damage control and control the noise surrounding the breakup of live nation and tm. This how tm wins when fans keep pointing out Taylor's team' s mistakes when they fucked over both fans and her team. This is a much bigger problem than her and the eras tour sales but fans only care when they had a tiny problem and so many of them actually got tickets at reasonable prices. Do fans not care how taylor cancelled the general sale after getting fucked over and ensuring that the remaining tickets only went to fans?
Yes, TM are probably trying to obfuscate and seem like they're working to solve the issues, but I also think that the carnage and publicity of the Eras presale has also made artists/promoters more demanding on what they want from TM - and for TM to be more transparent about what customisation is available for artists' ticket sales. The limitation on resale and price has been an available option for a long time. Ed did it with his last tour and @it-feels-like-a-perfect-night mentioned Justin Timberlake too.
I acknowledge that Taylor and her team were let down by TM in a number of ways, but I agree with Jeannine that this is one thing they could have done differently. Not allowing resale on TM allows people to set their own prices on other resale sites and leaves fans paying more. It would be better to have TM resale with price limits as the only option, in my opinion. I also acknowledge that I don't have any inside information and there are likely elements I'm unaware of that may have influenced the decisions.
I completely agree with you that the fundamental problem is with with TM and LiveNation, particularly in the US because of their monopoly. Other countries have legislation that ticket vendors need to abide by, not just available optionally - such as limiting the prices for resale.
I think calling the debacle of presale a "tiny problem" is a significant understatement - it was an absolute disaster that TM has responsibility for. As you say, the only reason many fans got tickets is due to Taylor and her team's intervention. I have no doubt that pulling the general sale and emailing verified fans who didn't get tickets came from them and that she let TM know how angry she was in no uncertain terms (justifiably).
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swiftgronmasterpost · 3 years
Rebuilding the Gryles Timeline expertly crafted here because I’m always afraid of broken links and people going private and losing data.
Not only is there a ton of great evidence that these guys were dating such as Harry leaving Nick’s place in the morning wearing the same clothes as he’d worn the night before, I’ve also got a friend who works in the UK music industry and she did tell me these guys did date.  Nick is 100% out as gay so it really does all add up.
Gryles very obviously takes place during Haylor, debunking Harry as the 1989 muse, and if it’s not Harry you do have to wonder... who with green eyes and an obsession with Alice and Wonderland was heavily featured in Taylor’s life and then disappeared before 1989 - a breakup album about someone with green eyes who seems to relate to Alice in Wonderland drops?
You get it.
Anyway here’s Gryles:
This is a little game I like to call "let's talk about Nick/Harry dates and how they line up with Harry leaving and entering the country".
06. February 5th 2012 - Harry and Nick go to a Super Bowl party together.
One Direction in Sweden February 12th - 14th. (Came home by train on the 14th.)
07. February 14, 2012 - VALENTINE'S DAY!
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08. February 18, 2012 - Stella McCartney Fashion show with Nick's mom.
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09. February 21, 2012 - Brit Awards!
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10. February 22, 2012 - They attend a party together. (Nick might have been DJing?)
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11. February 23, 2012 - Harry spotted leaving Nick Grimshaw's flat in the same outfit he was wearing the night before.
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The morning of February 23rd One Direction flies to the US for their tour and doesn't return to the UK until April 24th, 2012.
This trip is supposedly where Haylor 1.0 happens.  Harry supposedly meets Taylor at the KCA’s on March 31 and they fall for one another.  Taylor supposedly goes to NYC to be with Harry (even though she spends the whole time with Dianna) during the first week of April.  Then they supposedly enter into a long distance relationship that is broken up because Harry was seen out with another girl.
All the while the last thing Harry does before he leaves the UK is spend the night with Nick and then the first thing he does is goes back to him.
Yeah, I’m not buying Haylor 1.0 it seems pretty clear to me that Taylor wanted to pin I Knew You Were Trouble on Harry as a big pop anthem to support her transition to pop.  I think it’s even possible they faked Harry being spotted out with that girl or perhaps he and Nick had some kind of agreement.  I’m not saying Gryles was always exclusive (they may have been), but regardless I don’t see Red era Taylor being cool enough to share her boyfriend with a man.
12. April 25, 2012 - Nick and Harry out together the morning after he returned.
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Harry also calls into Nick's radio show on the 25th and confirms that the first thing he did upon returning on the 24th was meet up with Nick and Matt Fincham for drinks so one can theorize he probably crashed w/ Nick that night.
Harry goes to LA by himself on May 1st and returns to the UK on the 5th.
May 5th, 2012 - Harry out with Annie Mac and Nick. (Thanks to my anon for clueing me into this little gem of information.)
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13. May 7th, 2012 - Harry and Nick out with friends
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One Direction goes to Sweden from May 10th to May 16th.
14. May 17, 2012 - The Sun reports Harry driving Nick to work.
Also out shopping together
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15. May 19, 2012 - Nick posts a picture to his instragram from the Kanye West/Jay Z show at the O2.
Who cares right? So he went to see a show. But then.
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Hey guess what happened the very next day? One Direction flew to Boston on May 20th, 2012 to start their summer tour in the U.S. They're gone from the 20th to July 3rd.
16. July 5, 2012 - Nick and Harry attend the launch of Tinie Tempah's shoes line.
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There's some downtime and vacation time here where Harry disappears for a week while Louis is France w/ Eleanor, Niall goes to Spain, Liam and Danielle are on vacation, etc and then One Direction goes back to work July 11th recording and doing photo shoots.
17. July 19, 2012 - Harry goes out with Nick and Aimee and tweets this.
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18. August 10, 2012 - Harry attends Nick's 28th birthday party at La Bodega Negra.
Pregaming before the party!
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Outside La Bodega Negra
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19. August 11, 2012 - Primrose Hill picnic
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20. August 20, 2012 - One Direction visit Nick at BBCR1 to announce their headlining of the BBC Radio 1 Teen Choice Awards.
21. August 25, 2012 -
Nick and Harry go to lunch. (Would also like to point out that they are switching places and that Harry is going to the driver's side of Nick's car :333)
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and then to Reading Festival
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then Nick accompanies Harry to Liam's party at Funky Buddha
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and then they leave together and go see Rita Ora at G.A.Y.
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22. August 26, 2012 - The morning after, Nick tweets a shot of his hangover breakfast from Harry's Range Rover (Nick owns a Mercedes).
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then a lunch date with several people
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They spend this entire day together and this is the day the pics of them in the grocery store  are taken where Nick buys Harry a banana, etc
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and then Harry drops Nick off for his nighttime show and picks him up again to take him to/stay with him while Nick DJs at Wonderland nightclub.
(Although, lbr. Given what we learn from Nick's final nighttime show about how often Harry hung around the studio, he probably never left.)
Wonderland! (the only time that fucking song has any bearing on Harry and he’s off being a MLM king)
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23. August 28, 2012 - Leaving Nick's flat
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spotted in the studio w/ Nick at BBCR1
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24. August 30, 2012 - Harry films the Breakfast Show advert for Nick's #Team Grimmy commercial and then they go to Mahiki Club that night.
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25. August 31, 2012 - Harry goes with Nick to his DJ gig at Paradise
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and then to karaoke afterward
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The lo and behold One Direction flies to Florida the very next day to film their Pepsi commercial. They're gone until September 11th.
on September 6, 2012 Taylor has Sushi with Ed and Harry in LA supposedly signaling the start of Haylor 2.0 as if Harry is not fully boyfriends with Nick.
26. September 12, 2012 - Nick's final nighttime show. (this was a gif of them being cute and playing around but I was too lazy to bring it over, you get it they’re touchy, flirty, and playful):
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Nick and Aimee go on vacation together from the 14th to the 18th.
27. September 18, 2012 - This dude says he spotted Harry Styles waiting in arrivals at the airport while waiting for his sister's flight to arrive insinuating perhaps Harry was traveling with Nick and Aimee:
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28. September 20, 2012 - iTunes Festival where One Direction was interviewed by Nick and Annie Mac
29. Harry calls into Nick's first Breakfast Show on September 25, 2012. Then they meet up after to see Perks of Being a Wallflower together. I can't find the tweets from the ladies who saw them there, but Nick and Emma Watson confirm later that Harry was indeed there.
30. September 29, 2012 - Spotted at Waitrose together and then the following morning Nick regales his listeners with the tale of a Spinach pie he made for a ~friend~.
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31. October 5th (or 6th?), 2012 - Preparation for Ladz FM
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But also on October 5th, Taylor is on Nick’s show:
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32. October 6, 2012 - Ladz FM
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Supposedly on this show Nick gives Harry hell for Taylor, the Haylor timeline I like puts it this way:
“One Direction and Harry make an appearance on Nick’s show the following day, and they talk about Taylor on-air for 4 minutes straight. Nick teases Harry by saying “Ol’ Swiftyyyy” over and over again when she is brought up in the conversation.” Yup that’s right, Nick was giving his own boyfriend shit about his fake girlfriend 😭😭😭 this is why I fuck w Nick’s energy.
then they went for lunch in notting hill (no Taylor? why not Harry aren’t you so happy to be back with her and in love w her?)
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33. October 7, 2012 - BBC Teen Choice Awards
One Direction doing promotion for the new album.
Paris - October 11, 2012
Ireland - October 12, 2012
Manchester - October 16, 2012
Leeds - October 17, 2012
34. October 19, 2012 - Lunch in London
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October 31 - One Direction in Spain
Early November One Direction goes to the US for Ellen, X Factor USA, and The Today Show. After The Today Show Harry flies to LA while the rest of One Direction goes back to London. Harry writes a song with the lead singer of Snow Patrol and rumors start flying about him hooking up with Taylor Swift.
Harry arrives back in London on November 16, 2012.
35. November 16, 2012 - Children in Need benefit concert
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November 30th One Direction goes back to the U.S. for one off shows and MSG show. Haylor happens.
Harry returns to London on December 8th via Taylor's private jet and plays the Jingle Ball with the rest of One Direction. Harry and Taylor tour the UK together until December 15th when Taylor leaves for France.  Meanwhile Dianna heads out on a mystery 14 hour long flight on December 14th.
36. December 16, 2012 - Roast Dinner!
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One Direction returns to the U.S. for the X Factor USA finale. Harry stays in the U.S. and goes on a ski vacation with Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and Selena Gomez.
He returns to the UK on December 24th.
37. December 25, 2012 - Late night Christmas leftovers. (Yes they’re spending Christmas together, that’s boyfriend behavior!)
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Harry and Nick both leave London on the 29th (Nick for Puerto Rico and Harry for NYC) Harry spends New Years with Taylor and Nick spends New Years with Pixie, Aimee, and the rest of the hipster crew. Harry and Taylor then fly to Gorda British Virgin Islands where they are supposed to vacation until the 7th. Taylor leaves on the 4th and Harry goes to Necker Island alone. Tabloids say Harry and Taylor have broken up.
And that’s it for Haylor!
Harry arrives back in the UK on January 8th
38. January 8, 2013 - Sushi lunch date! (tweet confirming nick was also there.)
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and harry with the girl who tweeted it.
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39. January 10, 2013 - Tinie Tempah's GQ dinner.
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The party was for people on the British GQ best dressed list (Nick was on it. Harry was not.)
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Jessie J puts a picture of the table cards from her table on instagram. Harry doesn't have one which, you know. I'll just be here imagining him as Nick's + 1.
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One Direction fly to Ghana on the 12th or 13th and return on the 15th. On the 16th Harry calls into Grimmy’s show to talk about how Fincham DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A MEMBER OF ONE DIRECTION. Finchy asks Harry when he’s back and Harry says “in a couple of days”. (Small side note here that I don’t think Finchy and Harry are at the level of friends where they keep track of one another’s schedules so the only way Finchy could have known that Harry was heading back out of town to Japan that very day is if Nick told him.)
One Direction in Japan from January 16th to the 20th.
I'm not going to count this as a time they were together because I have no hard evidence, but the night of January 20th Harry was spotted in a grocery store buying wine and Annie Mac mentions on her show that Nick ditched coming over for dinner that evening to have a friend round to his house instead. We assume it was Harry, but w/o actual proof I don't want to say it concretely.
40. January 21, 2013 - Baking for Radio 1! (Tweet confirming the friend was Harry.)
Nick tells this story the morning of the 22nd about how he forgot he had to bake, so he got up from bed, went to the store for supplies, and forgot eggs. So, he texted his friend who was coming over to bring eggs and then Nick baked while his friend yelled at him to add more butter.
41. January 22, 2013 - Watching Great British Bake Off
Do what you will with this one. Obviously there is not definite way to tell if this is Harry or not, but given the evidence of the amount of time they spend together that has been laid forth thus far, I feel comfortable saying those are indeed Harry's legs.
42. January 31, 2013 - Out for Harry's birthday at La Bodega Negra (the same place they celebrated Nick's birthday.)
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Nick also went to Groucho Club afterward with Harry and mentioned on his show this morning that he hadn't slept at all. (He was still wearing the same outfit.)
43. February 1, 2013 - Aimee tweets about being in the car with Nick en route to play Laser Quest. (Can't imagine who they might be playing with.)
Nick tweeted this :)
February 19, 2013 - PreBrit Awards Dinner Hosted by Nick!
2/20/13 - At the Brit Awards together!
Leaving an after party!
taking a cab to Nick's house so Nick can change for work
hands hands hands
At Nick's flat
 2/21/13 - On The Breakfast show the morning after the Brits!
Harry on The Breakfast Show!
2/23/2013 - Nick attends One Direction's first show at the O2 in London
8/21/2013 - Nick interviews Harry, Zayn, and Liam for TBS
Then Nick and Harry hook up later for dinner.
September 12, 2013
Harry gets off the plane from LAX, gets on the tube and meets Nick at an Elton John concert
Harry and Nick's dad at the concert, posted to Nick's instagram.
September 13, 2013
This person says they saw nick and Harry at Apartment 58 (members only club) together
But, Sadie Frost also posted a picture of her and Nick getting ready to go out for LFW with no mention of Harry, so the tweet could be false facts.
But then! September 14, 2013
Sadie posts this picture of Nick sleeping on her sofa
Followed by this picture of Harry posing with her daughter
And then Nick and Harry went to Henry Hollands show at LFW together
Then to a pub with Gemma, Kelly Osborn and others
Then to dinner with James Corden and his wife
September 15, 2013
September 17, 2013 - Fashion Show East in London
November 9, 2013 - Breakfast with Anne and Robin at the Wolseley.
So Anne tweeted this in the morning. You can see the Wolseley logo at the top of the plate.
Then this girl got a pic with Harry at the Wolseley during his breakfast with Anne and Robin.
and she confirmed that Nick was eating with them https://twitter.com/alexandra_imper/status/400204985222193152
Then off to Selfridges to shop!
At Alexa Chung's birthday party!
November 10, 2013 - Ladz instagram and Aimee Phillips birthday party!
November 30, 2013
Harry playing with Puppy at Nick's house.
Poppy Delevingne's hen party!
Leaving Groucho club.
December 1, 2013
Primrose Hill lighting ceremony!
Nick with Daisy Lowe and his dad!
Then this girl met Nick
and saw Harry
Class of '92 movie premiere
Nick and his dad on the red carpet
Harry meeting Beckham!
December 4, 2013 - London Fashion Awards
February 17, 2014 - Taking a random taxi ride?????
and leaving Nick's flat
March 29, 2014
Sleepover at Harry's house!
Nick posted this on instagram
At the time we weren't sure it was Harry's drive but...
Hiya, doggie.
Also Nick's tweet from the morning after just because.
May 24, 2014 - Radio 1's Big Weekend
May 28, 2014 - Barry's BC London
And link to post about the other tweets x
June 8, 2014
Nick attends One Directions show at Wembley Stadium.
June 12, 2014
Harry at Nick driving around London in a Ferrari.
and another tweet about the Ferarri sighting.
Then later that evening Harry went to Nick's for his World Cup barbecue and fans took pics with Harry outside Nick's house.
154 notes · View notes
kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Eleven: Water Under the Bridge (Finale)
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a/n: welcome back my loves <3 It’s so weird to think that this is the final chapter of YBMH and I’m definitely having a lot of feelings about it (denial, mostly). I want to say a huge thank you from the very bottom of my heart for sticking with this story and these characters that I love so much. I’ve had the most fun over the past few months talking to some of you and hearing your thoughts; I cherish it more than you’ll ever know. With all of that said, I’m going to miss this era so so much but I would still love to hear from you lovelies, so please feel free to drop by my inbox and let me know what you thought of this series!! Feedback, criticism, all of it is welcome :) Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai’i!Harry x Original Character (Halani <3)
Warnings: swearing, angst
Word Count: 6.7k
catch up on parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten
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January, 2018
A strand of hair tickles Harry’s nose and his eyes flutter open. The faint sound of car horns and traffic outside reminds him of his location when his memory fails. He gently slips out of the bed and tiptoes over to the window, careful not to wake the girl sleeping soundly next to him. A thick layer of snow blankets every building and surface in New York City as far as the eye can see, and the grey sky above signals another storm on its way. 
I’m going to die of hypothermia, Alani shivers, nursing her steaming cup of tea as she walks away from the office window and takes a seat behind her desk. Even after living in the city for a year, she still hadn’t adjusted to the cold weather and feared that she never would. Her boyfriend had joked on numerous occasions that you can take the girl out of the island, but you can’t take the island out of the girl. 
“Vanessa’s on line three,” her assistant calls from the doorway. 
“Thanks,” Alani nods before bringing the phone to her ear. “So, what did you think?”
“It was brilliant,” the editor admits. “Insightful, witty. I think they’ll love it,”
Alani smiles and spins in her seat to face the window again. “St. James has been on my ass about this piece for weeks. I hope it’ll shut him up,”
“It will, trust me. Hey, I gotta go, but I sent the revision notes and we can discuss more later,”
“Great, thank you so much. See you at dinner,”
Alani reaches for a pen and scribbles a reminder onto a pink post-it note nearby. 
Bloody five-star hotel, you’d think they could afford decent pens.  Harry grumbles to himself, shaking the ballpoint to no avail. 
“Where are you going?”
Harry freezes in his tracks and turns to the brunette stretching out her tired limbs. He has to clear his throat to keep from saying the wrong name. 
“Just a quick walk,” he explains with a tight lipped smile. “Go back to bed.” 
She flashes a wide grin and snuggles back into the covers, but he secretly hopes that she’s gone by the time he returns. 
The snow crunches under Harry’s feet and he digs his hands deeper into the pockets of his coat. He had never been very fond of the cold, but he did have to admit that Central Park looked unbelievably beautiful in the winter. His phone buzzes inside his pocket and he digs it out to read the message. 
Mitch: Me and Sarah are going to Bisous in ten. Meet us?
Harry: See you there. 
“French is such a pretentious language,” Maleah scoffs, taking a bite of her pastry. “But I’ll be damned if I have to give up my chocolate croissants,”
Alani chuckles lightly and traces the restaurant’s logo of a red kiss printed on her napkin. Going to Bisous at least once a day had become a tradition during her best friend’s visits. 
“I’ll have to smuggle a real one back for you and then you can tell me if this one’s the real deal,”
“When are you going, again?”
“Next month,”  
Maleah wiggles her brows. “Oooh, Valentine’s Day? Are you taking Mason with you?”
“No,” Alani says casually. “It’s for work,”
“Well, who says you can’t mix business and pleasure?”
“Literally everyone.”
“Okay,” Maleah sighs, patting her full stomach. “Let’s go now before I get sleepy.”
The two friends make their way out of the busy restaurant and Alani’s shoulder brushes someone next to her. 
“Sorry.” she apologizes, making brief eye contact with the other person before doing a double take. 
Mitch purses his lips and turns his head back to the other girl at his arm while Maleah drags Alani out the door. 
“I mean, what the hell was that? I could barely keep my drum kit together,” Sarah laughs gently, sipping her coffee. 
“Cause of death: rocking too fucking hard,” Mitch shrugs. “There are worse ways to die,”
Harry stirs his black coffee with a spoon and watches the mini whirlpool grow. “Rob said you could feel it in the balcony, too,”
“I’m surprised you didn’t die,” Mitch pokes. “Mr. defective lungs,”
“Heyyy, I can’t help the asthma thing, alright?”
“Well it’s the last night,” Sarah chimes in. “Are we gonna try to beat the Kiwi record and go for four times in a row?”
Harry shrugs, a soft grin on his lips. “Dunno. Maybe if it feels right,”
“I say we cut out the middleman and just bulldoze MSG ourselves. What difference does it make if the fans tear the house down or if we do?” Mitch suggests. 
“Oh yeah,” Harry nods. “I’m sure Irving would love that.”
“Some food for thought.”
The trio finish their breakfasts and excitedly continue their conversations about the impending show, but the entire time, Mitch is haunted by the knowledge of Alani’s presence in the city. He debates telling Harry, but is suddenly reminded of the intense aftermath of the pair’s falling out. 
“Where’s Alani?”
“Don’t fuckin’ say that name to me ever again.” 
Mitch’s brow furrowed. “What’s going on?”
And with a simple question, anger had subsided into grief. Mitch still didn’t  know all of the details surrounding their split, but he had pieced together sufficient bits from Jeff and, in part, from the lyrics Harry penned in the following weeks. The slump had lasted through the fall and winter of that year, but as spring rolled around and the album’s release drew closer, Harry pulled himself together enough to promote and tour. It felt good to be on the road, and he found himself revitalized by the energy of those who came to support. Tour itself had been relatively intimate, as he had actively decided to play smaller venues than the sold out stadiums he was accustomed to, but the enthusiasm of the crowds hadn’t changed from his band days. As Harry occupied his attention with music, Hawaii grew smaller and smaller in the back of his mind. Eventually, it dwindled into a dull ache at the center of his chest, felt only on particularly long nights coaxed with a little bit of alcohol in his bloodstream. For now, he tried to focus on his last show at Madison Square Garden. 
Alani’s stomach turns. Had she really seen Mitch or had it been a remarkable doppelgänger? She hoped it was the latter, knowing that if he really was in New York City, Harry wasn’t far behind. This was by no means the first time she had been reminded of her summer love turned sour, but it stung just as much every time. The first incident was last April when she turned on the T.V. only to find Harry performing one of his new songs on Saturday Night Live. It had resulted in the loss of her favorite mug as it shattered against the hardwood floor in her apartment. Since that day, Alani had seen his face on countless billboards in Times Square and habitually asked taxi drivers to change the radio station or turn it off entirely. After a while, she had gotten better at dealing with the sinking feeling whenever he was mentioned, it was easier to detach feelings for someone who lived on a screen. Running into Mitch, however, had blasted a hole straight through the fourth wall that Alani had erected,  and she knew that there was absolutely no way she could cope with a similar encounter from Harry. 
“Oh shit,” Maleah gasps softly, looking through the windshield at the hundreds of people lined up on the pavement outside of Madison Square Garden. 
“What?” Alani asks, head still spinning. 
Her best friend immediately turns to her with a nervous smile and shrugs. “Oh it’s nothing. Hey do I have something in my teeth?”
Alani glances out the window behind Maleah and her eyes bulge. “Woah, what’s happening there?”
“Oh it’s probably, like, Lady Gaga or something. Anyways, look at this random text I got the other day.”
But it wasn’t “Lady Gaga or something.” The marquee reads “Harry Styles—SOLD OUT” in bold lettering. Alani retches into her bag. 
“Oh, for fucks saaake!” Harry shouts playfully, the sound of his obscenities echoing throughout the large venue. 
Mitch and Adam chuckle beside him and continue setting up their equipment while Sarah offers a comedic “badum-tss” on her drum set. 
“Okay then at that point, stage lights will come down and it’s ‘Meet Me in the Hallway’,” the technical director speaks into his earpiece.
Harry nods and watches the screen behind him roll through the animation that will play during the song. 
“Alright, then it’s—”
“Wait,” Harry interjects over the mic. “Sorry, can we run it?”
“Run ‘Meet Me’?”
Mitch tenses listening to the conversation that filters through his own inner ear piece, but he continues fiddling with the strings of his guitar.  
“Running ‘Meet Me’,” the director affirms. “Sarah, stand by.”
Harry’s eyes dart over to Mitch and he nods as a sign to begin. The guitarist clears his throat and strums the opening chords. 
Meet me in the hallway 
“M’gonna go wait in the hall…”
Meet me in the hallway 
“Give you some space to think and then we’ll talk, yeah?”
I just left your bedroom 
“I never wanted to hurt you.”
Give me some morphine 
“I hope you got all the material you wanted.”
Is there any more to do?
“Please don’t go.”
Just let me know and I’ll be at the door, at the door
Hoping you'll come around
Just let me know I’ll be on the floor, on the floor 
Maybe we’ll work it out
“Maybe I shouldn’t go,” Maleah offers. “I can catch a return flight tomorrow,”
Alani sits up in her bed and shakes her head. “No, Mi, it’s okay. I’ll be fine,”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. It’s probably just a stomach bug or something,”
Maleah gives her friend a tight squeeze and pulls away to read her face. “Let me know if you need anything, I’ll come right back,”
“Thank you,” Alani says, forcing a smile. “I’m so sorry to put a damper on your last day.”
“Nah, there’s nothing to worry about. Feel better soon, Nani.”
The door closes softly and Alani burrows deeper into the covers. She tries to bury the emotion back under a lock and key, but a gentle sob fights its way up her chest. It wasn’t supposed to be this way, she cries, but maybe it was. Just as the sun rises and sets, so had Harry entered and exited her life, and maybe that’s exactly how it was meant to be. After all, Alani had gotten exactly what she wanted, hadn’t she? So why does it still hurt? 
The snow falls gently outside of her window, but the entire scene blurs into shades of white and grey behind her tears. It had snowed just like this on the day she moved to the city. Shortly after the article about Harry had been published by a small gossip site, Alani had contacted the publishers and threatened litigation if they didn’t take it down. Unsurprisingly, they had also been contacted by Columbia Records and thus, the piece was removed that same day. Despite the quick turnaround, Rolling Stone had caught wind of the storm brewing on social media and reached out to Alani a few days later. They had been impressed that the elusive Harry Styles granted her an interview, but they didn’t push the matter much further. Instead, they had offered her one piece of her choosing to prove herself. If the reviews were favorable, she would be given a regular contributor spot, unpaid of course. They would re-evaluate at the beginning of the new quarter and negotiate from there. When January of 2017 rolled around, Alani’s writing was making surprising waves in the Rolling Stone community, so she had been hired on as a junior writer and assistant to the Editor in Chief. The pay wasn’t great, but it was a leap in the right direction. 
Despite everything that had changed in a year, a string of random letters on a building that Alani passed a million times had brought her emotions right back to the day she had tried so hard to forget. Her phone buzzes under the covers and she reaches out a hand to locate it. Her editor’s name appears and she answers it quickly. 
“Darling, hello! Where are you?”
“Oh my god,” Alani groans. “Vanessa I’m so sorry,”
“Is everything okay?”
Alani sits up and clears her throat. “I have food poisoning,”
“Christ, from where?”
Vanessa sighs. “Poor thing. Okay, no worries we’ll just reschedule,”
“I’m so sorry, I’ll make it up to you,”
“No need to be sorry, get some rest and we’ll catch up later!”
The call ends and Alani gawks at the time. 7:30 already?  She slumps back under the covers and sifts through her social media, wincing when she sees several of her friends posting about the line outside of Madison Square Garden. No, Alani decides sternly when the sudden urge to go stirs in the pit of her stomach, absolutely no fucking way. 
“10 minutes!”
Harry scans the crowd from the monitor backstage. He pinches his lower lip between his index finger and thumb as the nerves settle in. 
“The house is packed,” Jeff comments with a hand on the singer’s shoulder. “And there’s still a crowd outside,”
“We did it?”
“You did it,”
So why does it still hurt? 
“Thanks for everything,” Harry says, bringing his manager in for a hug. “Couldn’t have done it without you.”
Jeff pats Harry on the back. “All in a day’s work for the dream team.”
Before heading out, Harry stops one of the crew members and asks if any of the guests on his list have arrived yet. Names are read off, friends from different inner circles over the years, but there’s one name in particular that isn’t called. He offers a thumbs up and a forced grin before making his way to the stage.
It always surprises the technical crew at every venue that Harry has specific lighting requests for the house. Performers had their individual preferences, this wasn’t unusual, but no one made a bigger deal about being able to see the crowd like Harry did. He enjoyed being able to see each person and connect with them, especially when performing an album that was as personal as this one. But in every sea he searched, one face was always missing. Tonight’s audience, much to his disappointment, was no different. 
The crowd cheers as “Sweet Creature” fades out and the lights on stage dim. More than half of the show has already gone by and they’ve reached the point that is always a little harder to get through. Harry takes a swig from his water bottle and clears his throat to fight the lump that forms. He breathes in deeply and “Meet Me in the Hallway” begins, but no matter how hard he tries to focus on the technical aspects of his performance, it’s nearly impossible not to get dragged back into the moment when the song was written. 
“I should go back,” 
“H, I don’t know if that’s such a good—”
“I have to go back.” 
And so he had. After two hours of pacing the airport lounge, Harry had jumped into an Uber and sped back to the hotel. It had taken another agonizing twenty minutes to explain his situation to the front desk workers and retrieve his old room key, but it was no use. He was too late. The bed was still unmade, but there was no sign of Alani save for the faint scent of Baby Honey and a gold necklace tucked away between the sheets. 
The flight back to the mainland had already departed by the time Harry stumbled through the hotel lobby, and there wouldn’t be another one for three more hours. In the meantime, he decided to get some fresh air and clear his mind, hoping all the while that he would find Alani at the edge of the beach waiting to run back into his arms. She never did, and he was left with all the words he wished he had said. 
I walked the streets all day 
Running with the thieves 
‘Cause you left me in the hallway 
Just take my pain away 
Just let me know and I’ll be at the door, at the door
Hoping you'll come around
Just let me know I’ll be on the floor, on the floor 
Maybe we’ll work it out
“Great show,” praises Rob Sheffield, author of one of Harry’s favorite books, Love is a Mix Tape. “Drummer’s incredible,”
Sarah beams and Harry flashes her a grin. “Thanks. It’s Sarah’s band, really. I’m just the frontman,”
“Well she kicked ass. All of you did, and I can tell by the way the floor was shaking that I’m not the only one who thought so.”
“Thank you so much, that means a lot.”
More guests filter in and congratulate Harry and the rest of the band, but while he sincerely appreciates all of the love, he can’t help the way his eyes flicker to the door every once in a while in the hope that someone else will straggle in. He slowly loses that hope when the room empties and the night drags on. 
This isn’t ethical, Alani chastises herself, this is wrong on every level and you’re gonna pay. She runs her fingers over the Rolling Stone press badge in her hand and stares at the marquee towering over her. What the fuck are you doing? 
“Excuse me!” Alani calls when she sees an employee slip through a side door. “Hi, I know I’m really late but I’m actually here with Rolling Stone,”
The blonde-haired woman blinks and scans over the badge with an unamused look on her face. 
“Nice try,”
“No, wait,” Alani begs. “I have to get in there, please—”
“You and every other girl within a twenty-five mile radius.”
Alani takes a deep breath and re-groups. “You don’t understand. I really need to get back there, I’m working on an important piece,”
As the struggle continues, another woman in stiletto heels exits through the side door with a clipboard in tow. 
“My name is Alani Hale, see? Please just—”
“Wait,” the woman with the clipboard intervenes. The name sounded strangely familiar, probably from the blacklist, in which case security would need to be notified. “What did you say your name was?”
Alani holds her badge out and swallows hard. “Alani Hale, junior writer for Rolling Stone.”
The woman checks through the blacklist but the name isn’t registered. She does a cursory glance over the V.I.P section and her finger lands on a note that reads “Mahealani ‘Alani’ Hale—Code Carolina: escort backstage and inform Mr. Styles immediately.”
“Follow me, please,”
Alani trails behind, doing her best to keep up with the long strides of the woman with the clipboard.
 “Marta to security, I have a Code Carolina,” she murmurs into her ear piece. “Repeat, I have a Code Carolina.”
Alani’s heart races as they zig-zag through the arena. Did Harry know that she was coming? Had Mitch told him that they saw each other at Bisous? The answer was no, Mitch hadn’t told and Harry didn’t know. He had only hoped. Unbeknownst to Alani, her name was printed on the Madison Square Garden list and on every list of every show in all the countries scheduled. Through Paris and all through Rome, Harry had looked for her face in the crowd and he dreamed that one day his efforts wouldn’t be in vain. 
“Wait here,” Marta instructs, leading Alani to a back room with mirrors, a couple of couches, and a clothing rack. “Someone will be with you shortly.”
Before she can ask any questions, Marta is gone and the sound of her heels echo down the hall. Alani takes a deep breath and her lungs are immediately filled with the familiar scent of vanilla. Her eyes carefully rake over the scene and land on a familiar white shirt hanging on the rack and the words “Enjoy Health, Eat Your Honey.”
“I meant to return it.”
Alani spins on her heel and Harry stands with his fists shoved deep inside the pockets of his flared pants, eyes cast down at the floor. She tugs on the sleeves of her coat and offers a shy smile. 
“It’s okay, looked better on you anyway.”
A brief silence follows and they size each other up like it’s a gunfight, each waiting to see who will draw first. His hair is longer and curlier, Alani notices, chest and shoulders broader, too. But there’s a familiarity in his creased brow and in the heart shaped curve of his cupid’s bow. Harry does his own inventory; dark, almond shaped eyes, check. Round face, cinnamon skin, check and check. Her long, wavy locks are now shoulder length, but he’d recognize the scent of Baby Honey anywhere. The two are absorbed in their own silent assessments for a moment longer, but Alani quickly gets the urge to flee after she counts too many similarities between this Harry and the one that left her with a broken heart. 
“I should go,” she croaks, taking a step back. “I shouldn’t have come—”
“Why did you?” Harry asks earnestly. 
Alani tugs at a loose thread on her sleeve before crossing her arms. “Saw your name outside and got curious. For a while there, I started to think that maybe I imagined you,”
Harry doesn’t know what to do with the knowledge that he had haunted her as much as she had plagued him. He had spent so long believing that he meant nothing to her, but nevertheless, a part of him left room for her return. 
“You did, this is a hologram projection,”
Alani smiles and her shoulders relax at his humor. It really was him. 
“Did you enjoy—”
“I didn’t see the show—” they speak at the same time, eager words overlapping. 
“Oh,” Harry laughs softly. “You didn’t miss much,”
Alani shakes her head and takes a single step forward. “No, that’s not true. I’m sure it was amazing,”
Harry offers a coy grin, the shadow of a dimple on his left cheek. One hand emerges from his pocket and his knuckle brushes against the tip of his nose. Alani catches sight of the silver rose on his finger and she still remembers how it feels under the pad of her thumb. 
“Are you hungry?” he asks softly, pulling her from her reverie. 
“Have dinner with me?”
Alani blinks, her throat suddenly dry. “Oh. Well I don’t know, I don’t wanna interrupt—”
“Never an interruption,” Harry assures her. 
She nods and he takes a step back. 
“M’gonna go change,” he explains. “I’ll just be a minute.”
“What, you don’t wear custom Marc Jacobs suits to dinner?” She teases. 
He grins, amused, and continues backing away towards the door before correcting her. “It’s Gucci.”
Alani rolls her eyes and he disappears into the hallway. 
When Harry reemerges in a beanie, puffy coat, and light wash denim jeans, he leads them through a series of tunnels and exits. 
“Where are we going?” Alani asks, bracing herself for the snow outside. 
“It’s a surprise.” he offers and she doesn’t fight him on it.
“We’re not eating here?” 
A soft smile falls on Harry’s lips. He hadn’t realized just how much he missed her incessant questioning. 
“No,”  he replies, opening the passenger door with one hand and passing her the bag that contains their dinner. “Too crowded,”
It made sense that Harry would want to keep a low profile and avoid any possible paparazzi sightings of the two of them, but it still felt strange to worry about such things after they had lived so carefree in Hawai’i. But that was then, and this was now, things had inevitably changed. 
“D’you wanna play some music?” Harry asks, settling behind the wheel. The parallels between this moment and their first excursion together make her chest tighten. 
“How about,” Alani starts. “Your album? Since I didn’t get to hear it live,”
Harry’s breathing hitches. “Well, I dunno—”
He meets her pleading eyes momentarily and, against his better judgment, agrees. 
“What’s it called?” she questions. 
“It’s just my name,”
“Self-titled, very classy. I like it,”
“I thought about calling it Sign of the Times,” Harry reveals. “But it’s already been done before,”
Alani hums. “Prince,”
“Yeah,” he nods. “But then I also thought about going with ‘Pink,’ because, you know, when in doubt—”
“Go with the pink one,” they say in unison and Alani smiles softly. How had he remembered that?
“And it’s the only true rock ‘n roll color,” she continues. 
Harry beams. “Exactly. But then Jeff suggested that we just go with the name. Simple, but effective,”
“Okay, so now that we’ve got the background,” Alani pokes. “And you’ve sufficiently distracted me, can I listen now?”
He swallows and checks the GPS, still twenty-five minutes to go. 
“How about we hold off,” he suggests. “Just for now so we can listen to the full thing and really soak it in?”
Alani backs off. “Alright, deal.”
She presses shuffle on the playlist of her frequently played songs for the month and immediately regrets doing so. Clearing her throat, she goes to press skip but Harry stops her. 
“S’a good one.” he says gently, so Alani lets Adele fill the awkward space. 
If you’re gonna let me down 
Let me down gently don’t pretend 
That you don’t want me 
Our love ain’t water under the bridge
Harry opens the passenger door and Alani steps out, her eyes squinting to make out any recognizable landmarks in their surroundings. They remain a comfortable two feet apart and make their way to the entrance of what appears to be some sort of greenhouse. Alani is filled with more confusion, but she doesn’t ask further questions until they reach the white double doors. 
“What?” Harry questions. “Never been to the New York Botanical Garden?”
Alani’s eyes widen. “The—wait, you—we’re?”
“After you,” he chuckles lightly, opening the doors. 
“Are we even allowed? I mean is it open?”
“I pulled some strings,”
She enters cautiously, immediately met with an archway of blush colored flowers and string lights that takes her breath away. A long, narrow pond in the center reflects the image back and creates a kaleidoscope of pink, green, and golden hues. 
“How did you,” Alani begins, at a complete loss for words. “Who are you?”
Harry nods in the direction of an adjacent hallway. “There’s a ballroom set up for a wedding tomorrow night, but Jim said we could crash as long as we clean up after ourselves,”
“The director.”
“Of course.” 
Sure enough, round tables with cream colored tablecloth and elaborate floral centerpieces are arranged around the room. A delicate, yet undoubtedly expensive, chandelier twinkles in the center of the room and casts such a warm glow that Alani momentarily forgets about the snow outside. 
“Dig in,” Harry instructs, setting the pasta on the table in front of them. 
Alani sits and gently sheds her winter coat as he does the same. Underneath his jacket, Harry wears a yellow shirt that catches her eye with the words “treat people with kindness” printed in black lettering. She freezes when she spots a gold chain with a sun and moon pendant nestled comfortably between above the words.
“How is everyone?” Alani questions politely to shift her attention. “Mitch, Tom, Jeff,”
“They’re good, yeah,” he nods. “How’re Freddie and your family?”
“They’re fine, and he’s living his blissful little life,”
“Good for him. Miss his cuddles,”
And yours, Harry thinks, but he pulls back. Alani offers a shy laugh and thinks about the elephant in the room yet to be addressed: the break-up. It’s worth discussing, but she sure as hell isn’t going to be the one to bring it up. 
“And how’ve you been?” Harry asks when the silence stretches out for too long. 
Alani chews and ponders the question. “Good. Been working a lot,”
“Where at?”
“Rolling Stone,”
“Really?” he beams. “That’s incredible, congratulations,”
“Thank you,” she replies graciously. 
Harry’s chin rests in his palm and he twirls a noodle around his fork. “So you live here?”
“Yeah, in the Village,”
“Wow. Greenwich Village, a real city-slicker now. Traded Stevie in for the Holland Tunnel?”
A bittersweet smile spreads across Alani’s lips at the memory of her beloved Bronco. “Sadly, yes. And you?”
“Malibu,” Harry divulges. “I hate the cold.”
“It’s not so bad. You can always cuddle up with the giant rats,” she jokes, which makes his nose scrunch.
“I’m just gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” 
“Speaking of pretend,” Alani wiggles her brows. “You were in a movie after all,” 
“I was,” 
“I didn’t watch it, sorry,” 
Harry feigns offense and Alani quickly back pedals. “I don’t like war movies!”
“And you hated my guts.” he teases, though it pains him that there might be some truth to his words. 
Alani shakes her head and fights the urge to reach across the table for his hand. “No, not really. It was kind of the opposite, actually.” 
Harry’s eye wanders to the outside of Alani’s wrist and a faint smile creeps across his face when he spots the black outline of a crescent moon. He wonders if there are any new inked designs that he isn’t aware of. Despite all the time that has elapsed, there is a familiarity in her presence that he hadn’t felt even in the comforts of his California residence. It was like kicking off your shoes in the doorway after a long trip. It was like coming home. 
They finish their meal and continue their light-hearted banter into the night. Harry tells his favorite stories from tour and Alani wishes more than anything that she could have been there. She details the events of her own busy life in New York and the highlights of working for Rolling Stone, one of which being the time that she got to meet Stevie Nicks in the flesh. 
“Did you tell her about your car?” Harry presses enthusiastically. 
“No way,” Alani chuckles, draining the last of her drink. “I wasn’t gonna embarrass myself in front of the Supreme,” 
“I think she would’ve found it flattering,” 
“Naming your child after someone is flattering, not a car,” 
Harry shrugs. “I think it’s cute,” 
“Yeah well,” Alani sighs. “You’re not like most people,”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
She mulls it over, studying the familiar sea glass irises that she never thought she’d see again. What had Alani meant by that statement? Truthfully, she didn’t know if she could put it into words, nor had she meant to say them in the first place. But something about Harry always made her feel brave, like she could speak her mind uncensored and he would understand without even trying. 
“I just meant that you’re, you know,” she starts. “Not judgemental. Like, I could tell you that I think I’m part alien and you’d probably try to help me find my home planet,” 
Harry laughs and leans forward with his elbows on the table, an unspoken challenge for Alani to continue her thoughts. 
“You make people feel seen and heard,” she says finally with a wistful look in her eye. “I mean, why do you think all those people lined up to see you tonight?” 
The last part of her statement is a deflection from what she really wants to say, which is that Harry makes her feel seen and heard. Despite all the time and space between them, it was still true and it terrified her. There was only so much bravery that Harry’s presence could evoke. The mood shifts suddenly when Alani’s phone buzzes and the name “Mason” with a pink heart emoji lights up the screen next to her glass of water. Harry hadn’t meant to look and he deeply regrets that he did. 
“You have a boyfriend,” he comments dejectedly, and though he hadn’t meant it to be accusatory, all words carry the sting of judgment when falling on guilty ears. 
“Oh, and I’m sure you’ve stayed celibate this entire time,” Alani bites back. 
Harry’s brow furrows. “I wasn’t—I didn’t mean—”
“I’m sorry, this was a mistake,” she apologizes, standing with her coat. 
“Wait,” he jumps up. “What just happened?”
“I have to go—”
“Just stop for a minute, please,”
Alani stops in her tracks and turns back to face Harry slowly. His jaw is tight and the crease between his eyebrows is deeper than she remembers. 
“I’m sorry,” she begins carefully. “Thank you for tonight, but I really shouldn’t be here—”
Harry’s eyes clamp shut and he runs a frustrated hand through his messy curls.  
“Can you stop acting like you’re doing me a favor by leaving and just talk to me?”
“What do you want me to say?” Alani pushes back. “‘I’m sorry that I saw your name in flashing lights and I got caught trying to spy on you’?”
“‘I’m sorry that I tried to move on’?”
“Stop apologizing—”
“I’m sorry that I fell in love and fucked it all up because I was afraid and I’m sorry that I betrayed the one person who meant everything to me,”
Silence falls between them and the only sound is the sniffling of Alani’s nose as she tries, and fails, to hold back the emotions that pour over. 
“That’s why I went,” she continues, voice wavering. “Because I’m selfish and I couldn’t stay away. Every single day, I’m reminded of how royally I screwed everything up and it tears me apart, so I went to try to make things right and take some of that pain away. Even though I hurt you and there’s nothing I can ever do to change that,”
Harry swallows hard and his eyes sting, but Alani speaks up again before he can respond. 
“So please,” she begs. “Please, just let me finally do something right by you and let me go,”
He takes a cautious step forward and shakes his head. “I don’t want to,”
They both hold their breaths, anticipating the other person’s next draw. 
“And maybe that makes me selfish too,” Harry adds. “‘Cause I went back that day, back to the hotel,”
Alani blinks. “You did?”
“Yes,” he nods. “Because I wasn’t mad that you published the article, I was scared that it was the only reason you were with me—”
“But then I realized that I didn’t care,” he laughs dryly. “Because I still loved you, and I figured that having you— having just a little bit of your heart and your attention—was worth it, even if you didn’t really love me back,”
He takes another step forward and the toes of their shoes nearly touch. “And maybe I’m being selfish now by asking you to stay, but you’re not the only one trying to get rid of the pain,”
Alani takes a shallow breath and studies the eagerness in his eyes. The sight makes her chest pound. 
“I’m sorry that I ever made you doubt,” she whispers. “But I meant every word I said, you were everything to me. You were the sun that my life revolved around and I was terrified of losing you because the truth is that I hate the cold, too,”
Harry gently reaches a hand up to her cheek and Alani leans into the warmth of his touch. 
“Can I show you something?”
You and your goddamn surprises. “Yes.”
He leads them down several winding hallways before flicking a light on in the gallery. Alani’s heart stops when she sees it. 
“Not quite as impressive as the real thing,” Harry offers. “But Ms. O’Keeffe did a pretty damn good job,”
An original Georgia O’Keeffe painting of a waterfall, their waterfall, the one that Alani had mentioned all that time ago, is displayed proudly on the wall before them. A replica had hung above the bed they shared on many nights and all at once a faint memory resurfaces. 
“Where did you say the original was?”
“New York Botanical Garden,” 
 “M’gonna take you one day,”
Alani takes a step closer to the artwork and examines the details of the oil on canvas. A few steps behind, Harry is only concerned with her reaction and pays little attention to the piece of art on display. As far as he was concerned, Alani was the only one worth admiring. 
“Do you remember what you told me when I asked why you went to the falls to write?” Alani asks. 
Of course Harry had, but he remains silent to let her continue. 
“You said that you liked going there,” she adds, deliberate. “Because it made you forget about every bad thing that ever happened to you, because none of it was real in comparison to the feeling of standing in front of that waterfall,”
Harry nods gently, but he still doesn’t speak. 
“Do you know what that feeling is called?”
“It’s called home,” Alani says softly, turning to face him. “It’s what I felt, what I feel, when I’m with you,”
His breath hitches and he stands frozen as she carefully walks toward him.
“And while we’re making wishes come true,” she smiles delicately. “I never told you what I wished for the day we saw that rainbow,”
“What did you wish for?” Harry searches. 
Alani’s eyes fall to his parted lips. “That you would kiss me.”
His mouth curls at the edges and he releases a long breath. “Think maybe I can deliver on that one, too.”
Harry leans in, ever so slightly, and Alani closes the gap. They had been standing mere inches apart, but the meeting of their lips bridges an entire chasm. Over and over again, like waves against the shore, their mouths collide desperately as they pull each other closer with no intentions of ever letting go. 
February 14, 2018
“Comment est le temps?” 
Alani peers up at Harry and shields her eyes from the sun behind his back. “What does that mean?”
He grins softly and kisses the top of her head before taking a seat on the balcony next to her. 
“Means ‘how’s the weather?’,” 
“Oh,” she leans over, lips puckered for a kiss. “Full of perfectly Parisian sunshine,”
“Try sayin’ that ten times fast,”
Alani swipes his pink, heart shaped sunglasses and slips them onto the bridge of her nose with a contented sigh. Ahead, the Eiffel tower stands proudly in the distance and the lenses of her glasses tint the entire scene in a picturesque rosy glow. 
“La Ville de L’amour,” she hums. “Did I say that right?”
“Hey, you know what I saw on the room service menu?”
Harry shakes his head. “No, what?”
“Piña coladas,” Alani wiggles her brows. “Think they deliver at midnight?”
He chuckles lightly and his hand takes purchase on her knee. “They better,”
“Never had a Parisian piña colada. Sounds romantic, though.”
“Sure does, sweets.”
Alani stands and reaches for Harry’s hand. He accepts and rises to his feet, pulling her close. Below, the sounds of the city serenade them as they gently sway in the chilly breeze. When Harry feels Alani shiver, he hugs  her to his chest and rests his chin comfortably on the top of her head. She feels his steady heartbeat against her cheek and smiles softly, fingertips smoothing up and down his back. 
“Are you ready for Valentine’s Day surprise number one?” he asks, pulling away slightly to meet her eyes. 
She narrows her eyes. “Where are we going?”
Harry pulls back with a mischievous smile, hands still attached to hers, and leads them back inside.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Alani giggles but she doesn’t push. Instead, she happily follows him out of their room, down the hall, and into the bustling streets of Paris. 
We don’t know where we’re going 
But we know where we belong 
And oh we started 
Two hearts in one home 
It’s hard when we argue 
We’re both stubborn 
I know, but oh
Sweet creature, sweet creature 
Wherever I go, you bring me home 
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road 
You bring me home
39 notes · View notes
'If it's Harry you take it.'
LOL these guys are not subtle, are they? Is this how the Fine Line planning meeting went?
July 2019:
Irving: Okay, Harry - for this new era we want you fully grown with some rock and roll attitude!
Harry: I'm already there, Dad.
Jeff: No man, we love the bones of you but saying smoking makes you tired and you like waking up with a clear head...?
Irving: We're not promoting Christian Rock here, Hershel. I'm thinking another Rolling Stone cover; Rob can do the interview this time. You tried mushrooms out in Malibu, so -
Harry: I hated them! Hurt my tongue. Jeff, tell him!
Irving: - so you talk about them. Mention drinking Margaritas for breakfast maybe. Skinny dipping in the sea. You want to be seen as a free spirit who lives outside the rules. Think Morrison, man.
Harry: Van Morrison?
Jeff: Jim Morrison.
Harry: But didn't he end up -
Irving: Jeff, you and me will give an interview to an industry mag and I'll say we always smoke weed if Hershey here offers it to us.
Jeff: Should work.
Irving: Now onto your love life - you're too safe at the moment. Dating Camille for nearly a year with no cheating rumours ... you look too straight in every sense.
Jeff: He could come out as bi? Like Bowie? That would be edgy and his fans would love it.
Harry: No.
Irving: Nah, we don't want to lose the homophobic territories and this isn't about pleasing his existing fans. We want to appeal to an older, male demographic. Let's see. I'm thinking Mick and Jerry Hall. She was engaged to Bryan Ferry and Mick swooped in and broke them up. Harry can get a bit of a homewrecker rep, the rock guys will love that. He's too clean at the moment.
Harry: Okay, that's not terrible. I've already fucked around with a few married women.
Irving: They went back to their husbands. This time, you break them up. We need someone a bit rebellious, a bit naughty. A woman who's got the seven year itch. And a woman with young children.
Harry: Children? I don't -
Irving (shows him a picture of Olivia Wilde): 5ft 7, 115lbs.
Harry: Hey, nice work! She's my perfect physical type. The jawline, the blue eyes, the red - Wait.
Jeff: We can get her to colour her hair the same as Camille's and Nadine's.
Harry: Okay! I'm in.
Jeff: And Harry. In case there’s a pandemic.
Harry: What?
Jeff: If you can’t go on tour.
Harry: Jerome, what are you saying?
Irving: We want you to travel around the world, Harry. Meet your fans, the millionaires that sell your stuff, our people at Oak View Group. France, Italy.
Harry: Is that safe during a pandemic?
Jeff: When there are no protests going on, if it’s safe. If there are protests, we’ll go to plan B.
Harry: Which is—
Irving: A staged photo-op at the protest, H! Have you learned nothing from Kylie and Kendall in the last four years? Make sure you bring a Pepsi.
Harry: Oh, right. That might smooth out the British cop thing I’m doing later.
Jeff: *slaps him on the back* Now you’re cranking, genius.
Irving: And don’t shower.
Harry: *looking around puzzled* -what—
Jeff: A rock guy needs to be sexy and… pungent.
Irving: I’ve been around rock dudes all my life. Trust me on this, Harry. The greasier the better.
Harry: Well, it’s been three days for me.
Irving and Jeff: *looks at each other* Yeah ok. It’s a start.
22 notes · View notes
Only Mine (Pt. 6)
A/N: We’re using Taylor songs again because we love Queen Taylor. So these are not my works (obviously) but hers. However if you’ve never heard some of these I would highly suggest you check them out because all Taylor songs are absolute bops. Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Pop Star!Reader Word count: 3,541 Warnings: Swearing, implied sex (no smut though), arguing (minor)
You found the release of Fractious to be the most ironic days of your life.
You were in the media everywhere, selling only a few thousands copies less in it’s first week than your previous record. Which you were fine with, that was somewhat of the plan.
But you were no where to be seen. Hiding out in a new house you and Gerard had bought New Jersey for just under three million dollars. But no one knew about that purchase, other than your closest family and friends. Because no one needed to know.
The suspense of it all started extremely high, as you only announced the album 12 hours prior to its drop. And the world went insane, fans jumping to Twitter to go absolutely crazy over this new persona that they had already began to love, and some had already caught onto the ‘good girl gone bad’ idea.
You released the entire tracklist only three hours before the drop, and you were already stalking fan pages who began making theories about what it meant. There were already a lot of ‘THIS ONE’S ABOUTE GERARD’ and theories already popping up about him, which made you lightly smile knowing damn well a lot of it was.
The tracklist read: Blank Space I Knew You Were Trouble Style End Game I Did Something Bad I Know Places Out Of The Woods Dancing With Our Hands Tied Don’t Blame Me Getaway Car Clean
You smiled and lightly laughed once you refreshed your phone on the couch, your face and name at the top of iTunes and various other music providers promoting your new album.
“Congrats babe.” Gerard said from where he sat next to you, giving you a kiss and squeezing your thigh, “I’m proud of you.” “Thanks Gee.” You leaned your head onto his shoulder, “I love you. So much.” “I love you more.” He smiled down.
What made it all the better was how MCR was entering into their punk era, only making your album and new persona more believable. You had to admit, Gerard’s red and shaggy hair was really hot, and you were living for it, as you had told him a million times.
And you knew how much he loved your new era. As much as he genuinely loved the real, bubbly you (which is of course why he married you) he continuously admired your new all black look, managing to wear skin tight jeans and short shorts with more crop tops than usual and leather jackets galore. And you can’t forget how many pairs of Doc Martins you had, plus Louboutin boots all for the red bottoms. You basically looked like a filthy rich home wrecker, AKA the look you were going for.
But at home and in private you were the same old Y/N, always letting your natural hair fall into its regular ways, with little to no makeup and not ashamed to wear whatever you wanted.
What seemed to put the cherry on top to this new era was the newest addition to your family, AKA a black french bulldog named Rocko the two of you got. He was a tornado of chaos who would run around the house with his dozens of toys, taunting you and Gerard with them as if to show some form of superiority that he clearly lacked. You treated him like he was a newborn baby, constantly. You bought him clothes, beds, and toys, letting him sleep with you and Gerard despite your husbands protests about how he “took up too much room”. To you, the little canine could do nothing wrong.
That was until he chewed up your favorite pair of shoes, which just oh so happened to cost multiple hundreds of dollars. Gerard was furious at his actions, complaining that there was no reason for him to do so with the countless amount of toys he already had. You were mad at first too, but after only a few seconds of the pup giving you his eyes of sympathy you forgave him and moved on as if nothing happened. Gerard was still in his state of anger though.
“Oh, look, the designs for the tour outfits came in.” You smiled from where you laid on the couch, checking emails on your laptop, Rocko at your feet sitting between you and Gerard who was reading a book. You opened up the file to be greeted with all dozen outfits, which were beyond perfect. Gerard looked over, interested in the topic. “I like that one.” You pointed to one especially scandalous duo of tiny shorts and an even smaller top that could have been easily mistaken for a bra if it wasn’t for the thicker material on the all black set with black tights. “It makes me look like a whore.” Gerard nearly spat out his coffee.
“But you’re not a whore.” “Yeah, well, my alter ego is.” You smiled. “And you made her that way.” You looked up at him from quickly, “Take that as a compliment.” “How is me turning my wife into a whore a compliment?” He asked, puzzled.
“Just take it as one.” You huffed.
“I do think you’ll look bad ass in it though,” He remarked, returning to his book.
“Awww, thanks babe.” You blushed, “Maybe I’ll ask them to make you a matching outfit.” You lightly laughed. “Haha, very funny.” He rolled his eyes.
“It sucks we’ll be touring at the same time.” You sighed, “I miss being able to see you and the guys more.” “Yeah I miss you too,” He sighed as well, “And Ray does too.” You lightly laughed.
“Ray’s coming to the first show, right?” You asked, looking up at Gerard. He nodded.
“He cleared all of his schedule to go and he’s pumped.” You smiled.
“Good.” You closed your laptop, climbing over to give Gerard a kiss, which he happily accepted and did the same back. “Somedays I wish you kissed me the way as you do Frank.” You lightly smiled, letting go as he chuckled.
“I mean, I could.” He smiled at you, running his hands through your hair, “But that’s more aggressive and in the moment. I prefer to savor the kisses I have with you, let you know how much I love you.” You smiled, lightly rolling your eyes.
“You’re so sappy sometimes, Gee.” You responded, “But I love it.”
That night, as you were going to bed, you stopped in your mirror momentarily to take a look at yourself. You had gained 25-ish pounds since your break from the spotlight, still recovering from your ED. Your doctor said that you were healthy now, but some of the fatrolls that fell on your sides and hip dips as well were starting to bother you. And your stomach still had that bit of blub that you were never very fond of.
Gerard walked past you in the bathroom, immediately getting the memo. “Am I too fat?” You turned around and asked him, his face turning to a form of ridicule.
“You’re a fucking goddess.” He said looking you up and down, “So no.”
“Are you sure Gee-” Before you could finish, he grabbed your hand and practically dragged you to bed where he pushed you down with ease beneath him, giving you a searing kiss.
“You’re fucking gorgeous and the most beautiful woman alive. If you say one more thing about you not being perfect I’m going to frame every photo of you in every inch of this damn house so you know just how incredible you are.” “Fine.” You sighed reluctantly. “Now say it with me,” He began, “I, Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N-Way am perfect.” You sighed, choosing to go with it.
“I, Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N-Way am perfect.” “Good girl.” He said with another quick kiss. You lightly laughed, rolling over to your side of the bed to give Gerard his. You took your hand, running your fingers through his messy hair as the two of you stared at each other.
“After these two tours, I think I want to take a break.” You admitted, saying so above a whisper. He lightly nodded. “Maybe we can start a family.” He nodded again. “And settle down.” He gave you a kiss on the nose.
“That sounds perfect.”
-Time skip because I’m lAzY-
You were on stage doing what you do best, simultaneously swaying your hips to the music and going along with some of the choreography, as if the skin tight black and sparkly body suit and above the knee black boots weren’t enough.
As usual, you would look over to your husband where he was in the VIP section and sing to him, a smile plastered on his face. You would occasionally look over to see both the approval of your family, and friends, including Ray who seemed to be having the time of his life dancing and singing the lyrics.
The show was going absolutely perfect, it was bigger than any other that you had ever done, a larger stage, larger screens, larger everything. Even a larger crowd with over 100,000 people for your first show on tour. You could hear the audience echo your lyrics, jumping up and down judging by the movements of their light up wrist bands.
You of course played a few songs off of your previous album, doing a few acoustic with just you and the crowd which were some of your favorite experiences and moments. You also did a quick speech thanking all of your loyal fans who waited for you to come back with new music, despite the long period of time where you were no where to be seen.
After the finale, you ran back with a huge smile still on your face with your team, drinking some water constantly to hydrate yourself. It only took you a few moments in the back hallways of the stadium before you saw your husband at one end, smiling at you. You smiled back, running up to him and clinging your arms around him. He hugged you back, giving you a quick kiss. “You did great.” He whispered with a huge smiled, “I’m so proud.” “Thanks.” You smiled back, giving him another kiss. The two of you walked away, arms around each other as you leaned onto him. You tried to keep PDA to a limit, especially since the documentary was actively being made and was recording everything.
Once you were back in your private dressing room where no one else was, he gave you an even bigger hug, swinging you around and you lightly squealed. “You’re just so good.” He laughed.
“Thanks.” You smiled at him, letting go to go and take off your makeup at the chair. “I just gotta meet a few fans then we can go back to the hotel.” You told him through the mirror and he nodded.
“Y/N?” You heard your assistant knock at the door. “Hey, Betty.” You smiled up at her and she smiled back.
“I assumed you would want Rocky with you.” She said, putting the small black dog and he ran up to your chair.
“Ah yes,” You smiled down at him, picking him up and giving him a bunch of kisses on his little face, “Thank you.” You told her and she nodded, “No problem.” She closed the door back. You held the small dog in your lap, finishing off your face and hair before getting up and putting him down to change into regular clothes from your stage outfit.
“Gee?” You asked and he hummed, looking up from his phone, “Could you unzip me?” You asked and he nodded, getting up to do so. Usually Gerard would pull something after that, making it less PG, but you shot him a quick glare warning him not to do anything, so he didn’t.
You quickly replaced your stage clothes with a pair of jeans and sweatshirt, turning around to see Gerard still staring at you, wide eyes. “Oh please,” you sighed at him, “We’ve been together for over eight years Gee, handle yourself.” “Sorry, it’s just really hard to.” He tried to defend himself, you rolled your eyes.
“I’ll be back soon, babe.” You smiled, giving him a peck on the lips before excusing yourself.
The meet and greet went by as always, taking about half an hour before you said bye to everyone, taking photos, and then went back to Gerard. He was still on his phone on one of the couches in the room, Rocko by his feet. “Ready to go?” He asked, looking up, and you nodded grabbing your phone and backpack.
On the way out you couldn’t stop smiling, hand in hand with Gerard going in one of the large black SUVs, you going in first, then Rocko, then Gerard. “How’re you feeling?” Your husband asked and you just smiled.
“Great,” You admitted, taking a sip from your water, “Everyone loved it.” He gave your thigh a squeeze and looked at you.
“It was definitely pretty bad ass.” He smiled and you lightly laughed.
You had walked into your suite, setting your bag and the dog down, placing him in his bed (in the living room part of the room) while Gerard grabbed him a bowl of water. You gave the dog a quick good night kiss, resorting to your own room where Gerard followed, closing the door behind you.
Almost immediately your lips were clashed together, his hands on your waist as he swiftly put you on the large plush duvet of the bed, moving down to your collarbone and neck.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked for only a brief moment, as a double check. You shook your head violently.
“No,” You sighed out, “Please no.” He smiled down at you connecting your lips against. “Whatever you want, sugar.”
-Another time skip-
You wouldn’t have ever known if it wasn’t for the insane amount of fatigue and throwing up you were going through, only a month into tour. Initially you could’ve sworn it was just a cold turned to maybe the flu, as many of the symptoms you were having would go away within a few hours, so you were ready for show time.
But here you sat in your hotel room, curled up on the bed with Rocko next to you, your mind completely empty as you stared into the thin air, Betty had run to the nearest pharmacy. What were you going to do on tour? Fans would figure it out easily. But what would you tell Gerard?
Once Betty came back she gave you a somber, almost apologetic smile handing your the small bag. You thanked her, closing the door and going into the bathroom.
You stood over the bathroom sink, your hands gripping the granite edges for dear life as you stared down at the three tests. All positive. It took you a few minutes of staring, rocking back and forth, for everything to sink in.
This was not how you planned it, it was never supposed to go like this. You and Gerard were going to take a break, settle down, have your first child and be together all through your pregnancy. Now you were both on huge tours promoting your new work, away from home for at least the next five months. 
You could feel warm tears stream down your cheeks, a small sniffle coming from your nose as you grabbed your phone. Reluctantly, you pressed on your husband’s name, pressing the small phone icon displayed underneath it. You put your face up to the screen slowly. Only a few rings and he answered.
“Hey Y/N/N,” He said, “What’s up.” It took you a few seconds, but you immediately bursted into sobs. “Baby? What’s wrong?” He spoke up, voice with lots of concern.
“Gee,” You began, sniffing again through the sobs, “I’m um- I’m pregnant.” You said. No one spoke for the next few seconds, complete silence on both ends of the line.
“Sweetie,” He said in a light voice, a small laugh following afterwards, “That’s great!” “No, Gerard, it isn’t.” You snapped, “We had all of this planned out perfectly, no one was going to know unless we wanted them to. But no, in the beginning of a fucking world tour this has to happen.” You raised your voice, “And I get it, this is gonna be a fucking walk in the park for you because you’re not here, and you don’t have to play in front of over 50,000 people every night in body tight suits. And you’re going to be separated from your pregnant wife. Life’s probably fucking perfect for you.” You weren’t sure what had gotten into you, but whatever it was it wasn’t pretty.
“What?” He asked, “You say it like we never wanted this. Sometimes things don’t go to plan Y/N.” He snapped back.
“Well they have to in our world Gerard!” You yelled, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, “We have our lives set out for the next six months. And this is a big deal, and something we can’t do right now.”
“So are you going to get an abortion? Are you going to put it into the adoption system?” He yelled back. You took a few moments to think.
“No.” You admitted, barely above a whisper, “Gee, I’m sorry.” You began sobbing again, your sad feeling taking over any angry one.
“No, sugar, I am.” He clarified with a sigh, “You’re going through a lot and I should be supporting you, not arguing.” “Well I kinda started it.” “And I shouldn’t have continued it.” He responded. “Honey, we’ll figure this out.” He insisted, “We’ll talk to your tour manager and everyone who needs to know, we’ll figure something out. Some way to hide it.” “Okay.” You said somberly.
“Give me a few minutes,” He said, “I’m going to figure out a way to get to you.” “Gee, you’re booked for the next fews months on tour.” “And so are you, but you’re also carrying our child right now.” He spoke back, “We’re going to figure it out, okay? We’re going to have a kid, and start a family, maybe a little off track from what we intended, but this is what we’ve wanted, right?” You nodded despite him not seeing you.
“Yeah, of course.” You calmed down. “This is what we’ve wanted.”
It took a full week for a plan to be made. A week of unnecessary stress and anxiety for everyone on your team who was high enough on the roster to know about the pregnancy. Not even your families or friends knew, everything right now was business.
Gerard managed to fly in during a three day break the band had, consoling your emotions during the time as you two began to discuss personal plans. There was a lot of crying, both tears of sadness and joy, as you two began to discuss where you would live most of the time, which room the baby would take, how to even handle a child.
You already knew the baby’s name, which could go for either a boy or girl: Shiloh Monet Way. You were still very unsure about planning to have a baby, but since your tour would end when the third trimester began, you would have at least a few months to plan and figure out everything.
Gerard had already talked to the guys and their managers about pushing back some of the dates so there was a month break for him to be home around the baby’s due date. At the very least he wanted to be with you while giving birth, but he also wanted to help both you and the baby recover.
New outfits and plans to completely hide your pregnancy were already in the working with your teams. It was like a completely undercover operation to keep both you and your child’s privacy to a fine tune. And of course. Gerard and the guys promised to not say anything at all, even a hint towards you being pregnant wouldn’t be dropped.
“I say we wait to tell our families and friends,” You admitted to your husband, the two of you on the hotel bed getting ready to go to a sound check. “Just in case anything happens. I mean, we have to tell our teams and the guys and stuff, which we did, but no one else.” He nodded.
“Just not for too long,” He said, “Or at least once we know that baby’s developing fine.” You nodded and sighed.
“I was hoping having our first child together wouldn’t be this stressful.” You admitted, almost shamefully in a way.
“It’s okay, sugar.” He put his hand on your thigh and gave it a light squeeze. “We’re going to make the best of it, okay? You have a little less than five months left on your tour and then I get to take a break. This’ll work out just fine.” You nodded, placing your head on his shoulder as you knew he was right.
“You make everything better, Gee.” You said, playing with his hand as he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“I’ll do it for you, sweetheart.”
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eternallovers65 · 4 years
I was watching ikon tv on YouTube again and that made me look at a bunch of old clips from kpop, and I just want to say FUCK THE BIG 3 SO MUCH OR ANY OTHER COMPANY THAT TREATS IDOLS LIKE SHIT
Blatantly favoritism over Twice and Stray Kids, which leads to overworking them, and zero to nonexistent comebacks to got7 and day6 (idk about itzy bc I'm not a fan). For example in 2018, Twice had 6 comebacks (japanese/singles included) and in both 2017/19 they had 5 (japanese/singles included) Stray Kids on the year they debuted, 2018, had 4 and in 2019 they had 5 (japanese/singles included).
This situation got so bad that during a vlive Jeongyeon cried because of how overworked she was. She, Mina and Jisung had to take a break from promotion, I know that those breaks were in different eras but I think that there's a link on why only members of the most overworked groups needed a break.
Also Got7 has like zero promotion, when they had the world tour ahgases were the ones to promote then, because jype didn't bought ads. The boys songs were refused so many times, Mark's schedule were canceled so he couldn't meet his family. They refused to give a solo career to Yugyeom and Mark, when they failed to protect the boys from the sasaengs which lead them moving out so many times and on why Jackson got injured.
Edit: I am more than glad to say that today, 10th of January, all members of Got7 are leaving Jype. #Got7forever💚 I love you boys, thank you for 7 years of happiness, and I'll proudly continue to support all of you
How they forced that visual and hairstyle on Jeongyeon, even tho she didn't wanted it, she said during a vlive that she wanted to grow her hair but the company used to cut shorter everytime. They are extremely strict with the weight and the food, a few artists like Sunmi already said that. Somi has told some stories about how they had to sneak food and hide eating in the bathroom, and when Momo was forced to lose 7kg in seven days only to appear in a showcase.
The famous situation flag situation with Tzuyu. She was 16 when that happened, she introduced herself as Taiwanese and held the Taiwan flag as well. Which lead to many to many chinese users saying she was a pro-independence activist, she was barred from the Chinese television and suspended of all her activities in China. 2 months later, on the day of the election in Taiwan, Jype posted a video of her reading an apology saying that there's only one China and she is extremely proud to be Chinese. She was 16 at the time, and you can see during the video that she is so scared, sad and clearly hesitating on saying what she's reading, the whole video just has this weird, forced vibes. The 3 presidential candidates said that video was too cruel for a 16 year old girl and that she didn't need to apologize.
I will never forgive yg for disbanding 2ne1, for not helping G-Dragon when he was accused of plagiarism and started suffering from depression but had to continue with the promotion. Same thing with Top that was diagnosed with social anxiety and depression, and suffered a overdose because of the marijuana scandal but yg had also nothing to say.
For releasing Hanbin in a DAY because of false accusations, while it took them WEEKS to release s***gri and only after he released a statement saying that he was leaving bigbang. And for not telling the public or for not defending Jennie during that time everyone were saying she was lazy when in fact she had an ankle injury, but still continued the promotions.
Whether we like to admit or not, SM is probably the best company in the kpop history if we're talking about success, they have a formula that works over and over again, it's a pattern, we can especially see it in Suju, Shinee, Exo and Nct. But omg they have zero compassion for their idols.
Starting from the training, we all know the training for the debut is really difficult, but a lot of people say that between all the companies SM is the worst one, they are extremely strictly and controlling , especially the managers who abuse the power. They have this curated-ness that is quite toxic, and leads to an incredibly perfectionistic and controlling management system. Kai used to practice 8 hours a day so that everything was perfect, like surely work it out bc Kai is one of the best dancers in the industry, but still that's a lot of hours you're basically overworking yourself (I think)
As a result, many idols have even more outstandingly brutal beauty standards than there already are in the kpop industry generally. especially intense weight-loss standards, Taeyeon already said this, during the first 5 years of GG she was constantly battling with eating disorders. Baekhyun has this diet where, instead of eating the food he only chews and then spits out, Sehun in 2017 (I think) had this stage on the Exo tour and he said that he spend an entire month on diet, so he could do that stage. Taemin said on a few episodes of Mtopia that he was on a diet, but you can clearly see that he was extremely thin. Also they have a part in their contracts about plastic surgery, you can see that almost every SM artist has done it a double eyelid surgery.
The blatantly favoritism over Korean idols and the mistreats that happens with idols that aren't Korean (especially with they're chinese), as we saw many times already with examples like Tao, Kris, Luhan, Lay, Winwin, Ten and Lucas before they joined WayV. Or favoritism with certain members of groups, like Taeyong in Nct, of course that favoritism is a part of their formula but still pretty fucked up.
They have such a questionable promotion, like I already read once about. They said that SM promotes the new groups so they can form a better fan base and that way no longer will need the promotion, but still this is extremely bad. Like with BoA, Tvxq or Suju who are still relevant but we barely hear news about them because SM doesn't promote then, and I can already see this with Exo especially in their latest comeback.
They manage mental health horrifically. Like with Taeyeon in 2014/15 when a member (bc SM treated Jessica as garbage) of her group had to leave, which lead to the midia saying it was her fault alongside with the hate she received at that time because of her relationship with Baekhyun, that lead to her depression and eating disorders. Same thing happened with Baek, although he didn't receive the same amount of hate, he still had to suffer with his relationship being in the spotlight while 3 members of his group left, because AGAIN SM treated them as fucking garbage.
For stop carrying about f(x), as a result lead to a witch hunt on Victoria saying that it was her fault for that happening, for Sulli who was suffering from a mental illness but never received a break nor the protection from the media that used to say that she was a bad example. For Jonghyun who was also suffering from depression but never got any help or a break.
And our latest examples Irene and Chanyeol. I don't approve Irene's actions, but the fact that the media is so ruthless with her it's ridiculous and even more ridiculous of SM to not defend their idol, especially when there's so many other celebrities that are WAY worse than her. And for Chanyeol, who was accused of cheating on his girlfriend 10 times, but SM had nothing to say or to defend his image. It took the fans for that to happen, the fans were the ones to find out that was a fake and cover up scandal so the news about the government crisis were not to be seen.
They are so bad at dealing with idol apologies, like why did Taeyong in 2016 had to apologize for something he didn’t do, but they never had anyone apologize for their racist or the cultural appropriation that the idols have done many times already in a lot of mvs????
That's why I hate the kpop industry and the media so fucking much, bc they're ruthless and assholes who are putting so much pressure on the idols, who in the end of the day are humans and are deserving of things like love, privacy and a break to take care of themselves. I truly adore kpop and the dramas, but I'd stop watching and listening with all of my heart if it means that they would stop treating humans beings as fucking trash! They deserve so much more!
Thank you for coming to my ted talk!
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Does anyone know when exactly Camila's contract with her current label actually ends? Because someone mentioned this and I don't know if or could it be true. Camila is in this pr till the end of her contract with the label. And that Camila isn't staying with them. Infact who she's going to sign with or has/will hasn't made public either. Most of her team is not going to be part of her next journey and they already know it. The lack of support from them has made it obvious. Thoughts???
(long ass answer warning)
I saved this ask for last because I needed to think about it a bit more. And I'm going to start by saying that I have no idea about the end date of that contract. I have read that they say it is over or will end this month, others say it will do so in 2022, others say it will do it a year before that. I do not know. What I do know and I think half the fandom can agree is that Camila seems to have been left alone. A few days ago some of us have been thinking that Camila is in a kind of side fight where she has some people who support her and then there is the side of the circus that only supports the diva and company. Now, if we think about what happened with Camila, her era completely forced into a circus and the zero support she seems to have from her team it is possible that her contract expires much sooner than we expect and they are not supporting to Camila BECAUSE SHE IS NOT TAKING ALL HER TEAM WITH HER and the zero support she receives makes sense. We have to look at the people who are still there for her, there are not many people I think, but her dancers are there supporting her because she promoted a clothing brand that Sara and Calvin have. I really don't know the names of the people on Camila's team except the main ones and I hope they can disappear from her life when she leaves Epic. And I'm talking from Roger to Dvora Englefield and company. There are a couple of things we have to take into account, Camila doesn't seem to be working on CC3 yet. At least not in the same way that she worked for CC2 and we all know that Camila is obsessive when it comes to her music, she hates leaving things to chance and that can also mean that she is expecting something. Remember anon, Camila wants to make a living from music and have more freedom to do it. With Epic she could never have that so she's probably waiting for her contract with Epic to end. Second, Cinderella. Camila has that project with Sony, not with Epic, and hopefully that project will see the light of day on February 5, 2021. That is, they do not change the date, which is what seems to be going to happen, but let's leave that date there. So adding: - She doesn't seem like she has support from her team - She does not seem to be working at CC3 and the tour with the covid problem is a mystery. - She has the Cinderella project with Sony and not with Epic - She has decided not to take half of her team with her and that is why they are "abandoning" her. All that added up can mean that her contract with Epic is really about to end and if that contract ends, the best part comes folks, the circus also ends and there is no more showmila. If there's one thing I'm going to enjoy, it's when Camila Cabello finally leaves Epic. I'm going to have a fucking party in my room and it will be virtual so everyone will be invited. I hope this answer has been understandable.
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ohblackdiamond · 3 years
“you win again” fic tidbit (ace/paul, 1988) (pg-13)
I mentioned that this story was in the works awhile back. It’s about 40 percent there, I’d say. I stuck it under a cut because it’s a bit long. There’s a very obvious gap between the second and third parts that needs cleaning up, but the gist is there.
teaser: The truth is, his own distaste for the era makes it obvious he’s not a part of it. Paul can’t keep up with what’s in now, and that’s the surest sign he’s out. Thirty-six is too close to forty. Too old to play the game. He’s square. He’s fucking square.
“you win again”
by Ruriruri
No one knows the man he may become when he loses his self-respect. —Camille
There’s nothing to recommend the Cat Club. The big names don’t come here, just the has-beens. The security’s perfunctory. The parties laughable. But Paul comes anyway. Frequently. All the Cat Club asks out of him is a shave and a bit of halfassed charm, and all he gets in return is a drink and maybe a lay and the vaguest passing memory of the way things used to be.
Studio 54, the Ice Palace, all the old haunts are carcasses. Paul’s heard that the Limelight’s in now, their club owner some one-eyed, painfully straight Canadian, which is a sure sign the scene’s got to be dead in the water. Kids ten, fifteen years younger than him run the promotions. The shit that he remembers, aquariums underfoot at the discotheques, coke handed out at the door, orgies downstairs, all that’s gone. The big clubs get their pull from day-glo bright mascot characters and raunchy freakshows, pure excess that makes for a lousy bedfellow with AIDS and designer drugs. He doesn’t understand the appeal. He gets cynicism; he gets hedonism. But the nihilism he finds utterly repulsive.
The truth is, his own distaste for the era makes it obvious he’s not a part of it. Paul can’t keep up with what’s in now, and that’s the surest sign he’s out. Thirty-six is too close to forty. Too old to play the game. He’s square. He’s fucking square.
The lines on his face aren’t too bad. His cheekbones are maybe more prominent than they need to be. Paul’s watched Gene’s weight fluctuate over the years and hated the way it scared the hell out of him. They’d sworn to each other way back that they’d diet off at least twenty pounds apiece before they’d dare get a real band together. Paul’d kept that weight off, and more, but to Gene, it’s just become another mostly tossed aside tenet. The way he looks doesn’t matter to him. Maybe it shouldn’t anymore. He’s had Cher and Diana Ross and he has Shannon Tweed now. Great girls, all of them, better than the vapidly beautiful women Paul’s tried to make a go of it with. If Gene can attract all of them without giving a shit about his weight or his looks, maybe Paul ought not to care so much.
Except, as always, Gene’s looks just aren’t the appeal. Gene’s being in a band isn’t even exactly the appeal, no; Gene would probably still be stacking away entire albums of Polaroids if he were a senator or a school superintendent. Gene’s appeal is Gene. The total package. Confidence glimmering like grease on a burger.
Paul’s no total package of anything. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. His looks get him into beds, sometimes, and his personality gets him right back out of them before too long. Twenty-one years with Hilsen and there’s still nothing he can do about the latter, but he can at least try to preserve the former.
But what really bothers him about his mirror’s reflection isn’t the age imprinting itself on his face, or the three or four grays he plucks every month, or even the way his hair’s gradually gotten thinner, the curls more like frayed wires, brittle from years of dye and bleach and teasing. It’s the look in his eyes. Sometimes he catches a glimpse of something wholly desperate in them. And it’s not just in scattered, low moments on tour or in the privacy of his own bathroom. He’s caught that look playing back tapes of himself guest-VJing and interviewing on MTV. It’s the look of somebody—somebody scraping for relevance.
He’s ashamed of that. Ashamed because that look got in his eyes so fast, ashamed because he wasn’t able to savor those scant moments of being on top. He remembers thinking ten years ago, so cocky and self-assured, that the Stones were getting sloppy and long in the tooth, that maybe they needed to bow out before they got to be a bigger embarrassment onstage. They’d come out with Some Girls later that year, so what the hell did he know. What the hell did he know about anything.
There’s legends, real legends. Real greatness. There’s rockstars and then there’s rock gods. Chuck Berry. Muddy Waters. The Beatles, the Stones, fuck, even the Beach Boys with their obnoxious California sound created something eternal. KISS hasn’t. KISS won’t. KISS peaked at lunchboxes and pinball machines, and KISS descended—well, KISS is still descending. It’s just a matter of time before Gene lets the whole enterprise fold like a lawn chair.
Too close to forty, Paul takes a seat at an empty table and orders a Pepsi, and he tries to look for a girl the way a security guard might look for a shoplifter. His vantage point isn’t great. The crowd isn’t great. But maybe there’s someone he could waste his time with, someone that would humor him for an evening.
He hasn’t had that in longer than he wants to admit.
Oh, he’s with people. He’s with Samantha, but the age gap depresses the hell out of him. There’s always that tacit understanding between entertainers, anyhow, the knowledge that they’re both going to fool around on each other that goes almost unmentioned. Sometimes he wants to make a clean break of it, start something sincere, whether with her or some other girl, stripped away from the publicity rags, but then his own lonesomeness gets the better of him. Like right now. It’s just not enough to be wanted by one girl when he used to be wanted by thousands. It’s not enough to fill two-thirds of an auditorium when he’d once played Madison Square Garden.
It’s just empty.
He sees a tall, pretty blonde before too long, by herself and practically poured into a sparkling silver dress, hair wildly permed. He’s about to make a move towards her when he hears a sound that stops him dead in his tracks. It’s not so much a laugh as a cackle. He hasn’t heard it in two years at least, but he’d recognize it on his deathbed.
It’s Ace Frehley. Ace Frehley, here at the Cat Club.
Paul’s never known Ace to go anywhere unaccompanied. Now’s no exception. Standing with him is some long-haired guy that Paul doesn’t recognize from the rock scene. Not that that means much, these days. Ace’s arm is looped behind the guy’s shoulders, though the guy doesn’t seem too comfortable with it. Paul purses his lips, trying to gauge their relationship from fifteen feet away, but it doesn’t end up mattering. Ace spots him after not even five seconds, and stumbles to him, with the guy in tow.
“Paul! How are you, man?”
“Ace,” he says, standing up on automatic, reaching for Ace’s free hand. Ace’s palm is damp in his.
“Oh, oh, lemme introduce you, Paulie, this is--” and Ace untangles his other arm from the guy, “this is Gordon. Gordon, y’know who this is.”
“Paul Stanley,” Paul says anyway, offering his hand again. Gordon takes it with all the cursory indifference of being introduced to a fourth cousin at a funeral.
“Gordon plays keyboard,” Ace says. “He’s real good.”
“Cool.” Paul can feel his mouth twist a bit. It’s petty to already be bristling a bit, only a few sentences in, but he can’t seem to stop himself. He’s so used to faking being cordial that the words still come out warmly enough to his own ear. “C’mon, have a seat. Plenty of room.”
“He’s using you.”
“I know.”
“Don’t you care?”
Ace shrugs.
“I’m running low on friends, Paul.” A quick quirk to his mouth. “Maybe you are, too.”
“I only ever had the one.”
“Bullshit. You still got at least three, if you want them.”
“I’ve got a place in California. This is just a rental,” Paul lies. He owns this shitty apartment outright. “My parents are getting older, y’know, it’s good to have somewhere close by. And Ericka--”
“She’s gotta be in high school now.”
“She’s graduating in May.”
“Shit, man.” Ace shakes his head. “Monique’s gonna be eight this year.”
“I’ll send her something.”
Ace waves his hand absently.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“C’mon, let me--”
“You ain’t sent her anything in six years. Don’t start now.” Ace pauses, glancing at Paul in a flickering, fleeting way, and then he shakes his head. “Sorry, man, I didn’t mean it bad.”
Paul doesn’t say anything else for awhile, just crosses over to the kitchenette and opens the refrigerator. He takes out two Diet Cokes, handing one over to Ace, who looks at it before handing it back.
“’S fine. I’m not thirsty.”
“I don’t have any alcohol, Ace.”
“I don’t really want it.”
“You don’t?”
Ace shakes his head.
“What do you want?”
“Dinner and a movie, Paulie.” Ace’s mouth quirks up. “Dinner, we’ll have some of your fucking Lucky Charms; movie, we’ll put on an porno.”
“What’ve you got, anyway?” And he’s scurrying to the T.V. set. Beneath it is his tape player and a few stacks of movies still in their packaging. His workout tapes. And there--
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
it was one afternoon in may 2019, i was in charge of washing the dishes and i wanted to play music before doing so. and so, i searched "music videos" on our tv and when you do that, it will show you the music videos for that year right.
the first suggestion was "boy with luv by bts ft. halsey" and it made me so curious because i know what halsey's style is. i used to listen to her badlands album a lot and kpop at that time isn't new to me, it's been going on for so long... i know the name BTS because my friends mention it to me all the time (FR I HAVE A FRIEND WHO HAS BEEN A STAN SINCE THEIR DEBUT ERA) so i was like OOOH LET ME HAVE A LISTEN I'M CURIOUS and then 🤡
i didn't have a clue that i'll fall into the rabbit hole 🤧😂 well... BTS was a good destination to get lost into tho 😭
MY BIAS WAS JIMIN (i am saying was because now, i don't consider that i have a bias on BTS anymore i love them all so much 🥺) and it's bc of boy with luv too. He was the opening guy and I was like "OOOH THIS GUY I LOVE HOW HE DANCES" 👁👄👁 and as the mv progressed, I saw jin and immediately my mind went "OPPA!" bc he looks like the typical insanely handsome korean boyfriend you'll see on kdramas (i've been watching kdrama for a long time already, however, from my words of clownery i said 'hmm i'll watch kdrama but maybe i'll not be interested in kpop. it's just not me' AND WHERE THE FUCK AM I NOW HUH) and then the mv finished playing and i thought WOW I LOVE IT, i love the dancing (performances were new to me. i was a fangirl for a long time but the boy groups or "boy bands" that i stan don't do any of that shit hahaha) and i said "hmmm i want to see them dance to a different song, but i don't have any plans on being a fan tho! just gonna look at their dancing!!!" and so i watched Burning Up (Fire), I watched Not Today and then 30 minutes later I just realized I FUCKING FORGOT THE DISHES I WAS SUPPOSED TO WASH????? AND THE CLOWNEST THING IS I WAS WATCHING THE INTERVIEWS ALREADY?????? so where is the "dancing" there??? 👁👄👁 I CAUGHT MYSELF ON 4K 😭😭😭 when i realized that, that's when i knew 🤧🤧🤧
so jimin was kind of lich rally the reason why i became a fan but after just a few days of binge watching them, i eventually loved them equally 😭😭😭😭
most people becomes a fan during their comeback season, and if somebody influenced them, and so they "blame" them for being obsessed BUT IT WAS ME WHO MADE ME OBSESSED 🤧🤧🤧🤧 and it wasn't even a comeback week at that time 😭😭😭 if i'm not mistaken,,, they just finished the promotions for MOTS: PERSONA (if i'm not mistaken. and at that time once they finish their promo, the hype kinda dies down. THESE DAYS THO THEY JUST KEEP ON GETTING RECOGNITION AND WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!! IT'S WHAT THEY DESERVE 😭😭😭) and they are on the last bits of their speak yourself tour LICH RALLY I'M THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME FOR ALL OF THESE 😩😩😩
whooo! sorry if that was long... but yeah. that's my army story 🥺 also may you pls tag this with #jkp ?? so i can comeback on this ask on mobile when u reply 🥰
okay but the BWL era is so special 'cause it was my first comeback! it's so wild we knew people who stanned them from debut and we refused lol oh not the dishes lmao and going from dancing to interviews, that's how they get you and we can't forget "well i just wanna know their names" 'cause at that point you're gone! yes we have nobody to blame but our own curiosity lol and i do try to get others interested into bts and so far it hasn't worked too well lmao but my brother in law gave them a chance, he liked mic drop and i think waste it on me and the first poster i put up was the mots: persona one and its still up in my room lol
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