#people are not equipped to handle & care for specific mental illnesses!!!!
scarletfasinera · 5 months
I like both 1980s Marc backstory & Lemire Marc backstory so I'm always thinking about how they can both exist in the same universe at the same time. I want Marc to feel neglected by his family for sending him to a mental facility most of his childhood AND I want Marc to punch his dad and spend the rest of his life regretting it so bad
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Bae Seok-Ryu and Song Hyeon-Jun
I am surprised by the turn writers took for their relationship. It’s such a copout to make him cheat on her after the cancer detection and make a villain out of him - an easy thing to do too.
The writers chose to show us the nuanced version of how you can just drift apart, of how you can be unsuitable for each other without it being anyone’s fault.
Hyeon-Jun loved Seok-Ryu with everything he got - he supported her, put his life on hold, held her hands while she was dealing with this new curve the life threw at her. He never faltered in his care for her when she had surgery or was even going through the chemotherapy. In fact, he was her pillar of strength and someone who believed that she would overcome this hurdle of life as well and come out of the other side as a champion. He would have happily continued to support Seok-Ryu for as long as she wants but where it all fell apart was that he, alone, had to bear the burden of looking after her.
One of the first things I was taught as a psychologist was the importance of a proper support system. It was emphasized that I can never or rather should never put the burden of all my physical, emotional and social needs on one person. It is no one’s duty to carry that baggage for us. We all have a different person who fulfills the need for a different part of our personality. Maybe there is someone specific you go to have deep, existential level of conversation or someone else altogether when you want a good session of bitching about someone to just vent it all out. Someone to go on hike with, someone to take you down the nostalgia lane or even someone who’s hug could make you forget everything else in the world. All these someones are different people in our life.
What happened with Seok-Ryu and Hyeon-Jun was the lack of support system and the vacuum it created because of Seok-Ryu’s decision. I am not blaming her for not telling anyone else in the support system about her illness (that beast will be tackled later) but her decision of keeping the fact from everyone and his decision of respecting that was the point where the first crack came in their relationship. And even then, he held fast for her treatment for stomach cancer. What threw an unexpected curveball in the entire scenario was the depression Seok-Ryu had to deal with. When everything was finally making sense and going back to how it was, Seok-Ryu’s depression made them take four steps back.
“If you drag me down with you to the bottom, are you going to stop then?”
It is extremely emotionally and mentally exhausting to take care of someone who faces ailments such as cancer or depression. Having to do so without there being anyone else who could give you a break to sort out your own emotions is exhausting. Hyeon-Jun was just a victim of caretaker burnout. Yes, he shouldn’t have said those words to Seok-Ryu - they were the final nail in coffin of their relationship. But I can’t blame him for saying that even if had meant to (which he didn’t). He was trying his best to be understanding and supportive like a good partner should be but even the best trained caretaker would feel the resentment creeping in if they were the one and only support system of someone. And Hyeon-Jun?  He was just a normal human being trying and not being enough.
“You really tried your best. I know that better than anyone.”
As Seok-Ryu said, he was not at fault, but cancer did change her life. She will always worry about remission; she will always worry about her tomorrow and Hyeon-Jun was not equipped to handle that. She doesn’t fault him for it, but she also knows that they both can’t continue to live like that. He might still love her, she might have some lingering feeling for him, but love cannot be enough for them to last.
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
Do you ever notice how it’s only ever “mental health awareness” until said mental health starts making other people uncomfortable? People preach about suicide awareness until they have to actually face what would make somebody want to kill themselves.
Society has this thing where it’ll go on and on “reaching out” or for example “talking to a school counsellor” but the only image people have in their heads is some teenager from a troubled home, divorced parents probably, suffering from some mild depression, a bit of anxiety, and then they’ll comfort them and oh won’t they be the absolute hero, being such a good support to a poor suffering soul.
And of course, that hypothetical scenario I just gave is perfectly serious in its own right – of course no matter the severity of the mental health condition, no matter what the individual has gone through, of course they’re still deserving of help and comfort and love, and of course “mild depression and a bit of anxiety/divorced parents” is absurdly shitty to have to deal with and nobody should have to go through that alone, and yes, of course they should be comforted (although wholly without the aforementioned saviour complex.)
But society preaches about supporting those pushed outside the norm by their psychological health, but even then it fully has its own idea of what is inside the norm of outside the norm. Anything that falls outside that is pushed away and not spoken about, or, frankly, even viewed as depraved in some form or another. The moment somebody’s psychological condition starts to make people uncomfortable, all their self-righteous rhetoric about supporting those who need support flies outside the window, and society starts to panic. ‘“It’s ok not to be ok”, unless you start to make me feel uncomfortable.”
For example, yes, support the mentally ill until the mentally ill start to have intrusive or violent impulsive thoughts. Support the mentally ill until they find it difficult to communicate and function in society. Support the mentally ill until they can’t take care of themselves, don’t clean themselves. Support the mentally ill until they’re paranoid, until their thoughts aren’t based in logic. Support the mentally ill until they start to have hallucinations. Support the mentally ill until their psychological trauma disturbs you.
Support the mentally ill until they make you uncomfortable. If people start to be tormented by their own thoughts and the “vents” you expected of simply the four words, “I think I’m depressed” start turning into ranting that disturbs you, then they’re “weird” and that person is ostracised and left to rot in those thoughts. If someone self-harms, then they’re immediately labelled as “emo” or “doing it for the trend”, which is completely disgusting, but also interesting that most of the time this happens because society can’t comprehend the idea of wanting to harm yourself. Society can’t comprehend mental illness generally, so it’s shunned or seen as pathetic or laziness.
Of course, not everyone is equipped to deal with mental illness, and that’s perfectly fine. Some people may genuinely feel out of their depth and unable to help, and that’s ok. However it’s that ostracization, that dismissal out of discomfort or fear towards people that makes it all the worse and makes the people who preach about mental health awareness hypocrites.
It’s ok not to be ok until you fall outside the norm. Then you’re no longer human. You’re a disease.
Society can’t handle what it doesn’t fully comprehend, and instead fears it. It’s the same way with queer folk/specific different cultures, depending on your own/anything that society doesn’t understand, it fears. And the same is the way with mental illness. And when society fears something, it either becomes unspeakable, or it’s mocked.
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Hi! I was looking up the kokobot tag on Tumblr (it found me lol) and I stumbled across your post, and I have a genuine question about one of your tags.
I'm curious why you're against crisis lines? I thought they were a good thing? Is there something Not Good™️ about them that I haven't heard about yet?
Crisis lines are not equipped to handle actual crises. If you express any real suicidal ideation they are trained to talk you into seeking immediate psychiatric help. If you are mildly upset maybe they're nice to talk to, but I've only ever used them when actually in crisis and the result is the person on the phone obviously and desperately trying to make someone more "official" (ex. A psych ward) to take over your care.
It would be nice if crisis lines could function as an alternative to psych wards. Instead their heavy handed attempts to funnel me back into the "care" of the people that hurt me only makes me feel more hopeless about my situation and therefore more suicidal.
Depending on the policies of the specific organization, they may contact the police to perform a wellness check. Mentally ill people are one of the groups most likely to be murdered by police. Police have killed people when performing wellness checks in the past. They do not de-escalate situations. They make people feel scared and desperate, which only increases someone's risk of committing suicide.
Crisis lines may also attempt to profit from you by selling your data. It's important to keep in mind that although you're hearing just one person when you call, you are, in a sense, having a conversation with the entire organization. The policies of the organization dictate what advice a line operator may give you and how confidential your information really is.
I have had crisis lines hang up on me before. Calling and being ignored or mistreated is far, far more damaging than not having a line to call in the first place.
If other people have had positive experiences with crisis lines, I am open to hearing about them. Personally, I have never benefitted from calling a crisis line.
*Please note, this is specifically about mental health crisis lines. I am not well educated on other forms of crisis lines such as ones that support victims of domestic violence.
This article is a decent jumping off point.
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robertgoodmanmd · 22 days
Living with Kidney Disease: Key Support Services in Brooklyn
Kidney disease is a chronic condition that affects millions of people with varying degrees of severity. For Brooklyn residents, living with kidney disease presents challenges that require medical care, emotional support, and lifestyle adjustments. Thankfully, Brooklyn offers a range of services tailored to the needs of individuals managing kidney disease, ensuring they have access to quality care and resources to maintain their well-being.
Early Detection and Kidney Health Awareness
One of the most important aspects of managing kidney disease is early detection. Brooklyn healthcare providers emphasize the importance of regular checkups, especially for individuals at higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD). Conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure are closely linked to kidney disease, making routine screenings vital for these populations.
Local clinics and community health centers throughout Brooklyn provide free or low-cost kidney screenings and education programs. These initiatives help raise awareness of kidney disease and its risk factors, empowering residents to take control of their health before the disease progresses. Early detection can slow the onset of kidney disease, improve health outcomes, and prevent the need for more invasive treatments like dialysis.
Dialysis Treatment Options in Brooklyn
For patients whose kidney function has significantly declined, dialysis becomes a critical treatment. Brooklyn is home to numerous dialysis centers that offer state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained medical staff. Dialysis is a process that removes waste and excess fluids from the blood, a function that failing kidneys can no longer perform.
In Brooklyn, patients have access to both in-center hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, which can be done at home. Dialysis centers provide medical treatment and support services such as dietary counseling, social work assistance, and even transportation for those who may have difficulty traveling to appointments. The goal is to make dialysis as comfortable and manageable as possible while maintaining a high quality of life for patients.
Kidney Transplant Services for Brooklyn Patients
While dialysis is essential for many, a kidney transplant can offer a permanent solution for some patients with end-stage renal disease. Brooklyn residents can access top-tier kidney transplant services through hospitals and specialized medical centers. These facilities are equipped to handle the entire transplant process, from initial evaluation and donor matching to post-operative care.
The transplant process is complex and often involves a lengthy waiting period. However, transplant coordinators work closely with patients to guide them through the process, providing support at every step. Whether helping with paperwork, organizing medical tests, or finding potential donors, Brooklyn's kidney transplant services aim to make the journey smoother and more manageable for patients and their families.
Support Groups and Mental Health Services
Living with kidney disease can take a toll not only on the body but also on mental health. Many patients find themselves feeling isolated, anxious, or depressed as they navigate their diagnosis and treatment. In response, Brooklyn offers a variety of support groups and mental health services specifically designed for individuals living with chronic illnesses like kidney disease.
Support groups allow patients to connect with others facing similar challenges, offering mutual encouragement and practical advice. Healthcare professionals often facilitate these groups and can be found in hospitals, community health centers, or nonprofit organizations. In addition to group support, patients can access one-on-one counseling services with licensed therapists who specialize in helping individuals cope with chronic illness. These mental health resources are an essential part of holistic kidney disease care.
Nutritional Guidance for Kidney Health
Diet plays a pivotal role in managing kidney disease, particularly when controlling the levels of certain nutrients in the body. A kidney-friendly diet often restricts sodium, potassium, and phosphorus to prevent further kidney damage. Adjusting to these dietary changes can be challenging for many patients without proper guidance.
Brooklyn has a wealth of nutritionists and dietitians who specialize in creating personalized meal plans for kidney disease patients. Many of these professionals work in hospitals or dialysis centers, offering their expertise to help patients manage their condition through diet. These dietary experts focus on crafting nutritious meals that meet each patient's specific needs while ensuring that their diet remains enjoyable and sustainable over the long term.
Home Health and Rehabilitation Services
Patients may require additional support at home as kidney disease progresses, particularly after hospital stays or surgeries. Brooklyn offers various home health services that provide essential care in the comfort of a patient's home. These services range from helping with daily activities such as bathing and meal preparation to more specialized medical care, including medication management and wound care.
Rehabilitation services are available through local healthcare providers for patients recovering from kidney-related surgeries or hospitalizations. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other rehabilitation professionals work with kidney disease patients to help them regain strength and independence. These services are crucial in helping patients maintain their quality of life and prevent further complications.
Financial Assistance and Insurance Navigation
The cost of treating kidney disease can be overwhelming, especially for individuals who require long-term dialysis or are awaiting a transplant. Brooklyn residents can access various financial assistance programs to help manage the costs associated with kidney disease treatment. Local hospitals and social workers are often well-versed in navigating insurance policies and finding financial aid to help cover out-of-pocket expenses.
Organizations like the American Kidney Fund and the National Kidney Foundation provide additional patient resources, offering financial support for medications, transportation, and treatment costs. Social workers in Brooklyn healthcare facilities are key in connecting patients with these resources, ensuring they receive the help they need without undue financial strain.
Educational Programs and Community Initiatives
Education is critical to preventing and managing kidney disease. In Brooklyn, numerous community initiatives aim to raise awareness about kidney health through educational programs, workshops, and health fairs. These programs offer valuable information on risk factors, early detection, and lifestyle changes that can help prevent kidney disease.
Many local organizations partner with hospitals and healthcare providers to offer free kidney health screenings, allowing Brooklyn residents to check their kidney function and receive advice on maintaining kidney health. By promoting awareness and prevention, these educational efforts aim to reduce the incidence of kidney disease and improve outcomes for those already affected.
Living with kidney disease presents many challenges, but Brooklyn's wide range of supportive services makes it easier for individuals to manage their condition and maintain their quality of life. From world-class dialysis and transplant services to emotional support, nutritional counseling, and financial assistance, Brooklyn's healthcare community is committed to providing comprehensive care for kidney disease patients. By taking advantage of these resources, residents can live healthier, more fulfilling lives despite the challenges of kidney disease.
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newpostad · 29 days
The Impact of a Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin on Senior Health and Wellness
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As individuals age, their healthcare needs become more complex, requiring specialized attention and care. A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin is trained to address these needs comprehensively, ensuring that older adults receive the best possible care to maintain their health and well-being. This blog delves into the various ways a geriatric medicine specialist can positively impact senior health, highlighting key services and benefits that contribute to enhanced quality of life for older adults.
1. Personalized Care Plans
One of the primary roles of a Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin is to develop personalized care plans tailored to the unique needs of each senior patient. This personalized approach ensures that all aspects of a patient's health are considered, including physical, mental, and social factors.
Assessment and Planning:
Detailed Health Evaluation: A thorough assessment of medical history, current health conditions, and functional abilities.
Customized Care Plan: Development of a care plan that addresses specific health needs, goals, and preferences.
Comprehensive Care: Addresses multiple health issues simultaneously, considering the interactions between different conditions.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Tailored plans focus on improving overall well-being and maintaining independence.
A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin provides personalized care plans that cater to the individual needs of seniors, ensuring effective management of their health conditions and promoting a higher quality of life.
2. Coordination of Multidisciplinary Care
Older adults often require care from multiple healthcare providers due to the presence of various health conditions. A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin plays a crucial role in coordinating care among different specialists and healthcare professionals.
Multidisciplinary Team:
Collaboration: Working with specialists such as cardiologists, endocrinologists, and orthopedic doctors.
Integrated Approach: Ensuring that all aspects of a patient's care are harmonized and that treatments are complementary.
Streamlined Care: Reduces the risk of conflicting treatments and medication interactions.
Improved Health Outcomes: Provides a unified approach to managing complex health issues, leading to better overall health outcomes.
By coordinating care across multiple disciplines, a Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin ensures that seniors receive comprehensive and well-coordinated healthcare, enhancing their overall health and well-being.
3. Management of Age-Related Conditions
As people age, they become more susceptible to various age-related conditions that require specialized management. A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin is equipped to handle these conditions with expertise and precision.
Common Age-Related Conditions:
Osteoporosis: Management of bone density loss and prevention of fractures.
Cognitive Disorders: Diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Chronic Pain: Treatment of age-related pain conditions, including arthritis and neuropathic pain.
Targeted Treatment: Provides specialized care for conditions commonly affecting older adults.
Prevention and Management: Focuses on preventing complications and managing symptoms effectively.
A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin offers targeted treatment for age-related conditions, helping seniors manage their health and maintain their quality of life.
4. Focus on Preventive Health
Preventive health is a critical component of geriatric care, aiming to prevent illness and maintain optimal health in older adults. A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin emphasizes preventive measures to reduce the risk of disease and promote overall wellness.
Preventive Strategies:
Regular Screenings: Conducting routine screenings for common health issues such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Health Education: Providing guidance on lifestyle changes, nutrition, and exercise to promote healthy aging.
Early Detection: Identifies potential health issues before they become serious problems.
Enhanced Longevity: Encourages practices that contribute to longer, healthier lives.
Through preventive health measures, a Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin helps seniors stay healthy and active, reducing the risk of developing serious health conditions.
5. Support for Caregivers and Families
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Caring for an older adult often involves the support of family members and caregivers. A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin provides valuable support and resources for caregivers, helping them manage the demands of caregiving.
Caregiver Support:
Education and Training: Offering guidance on managing medical conditions, administering medications, and providing daily care.
Respite Services: Assisting caregivers by arranging for temporary relief to prevent burnout.
Improved Care: Equips caregivers with the knowledge and resources needed to provide effective care.
Reduced Stress: Offers support and relief to caregivers, contributing to their well-being and ability to provide care.
A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin supports both seniors and their caregivers, ensuring that the caregiving process is managed effectively and that families receive the help they need.
What is included in a personalized care plan developed by a Geriatric Medicine Specialist?
A personalized care plan includes a comprehensive assessment of medical history, current health conditions, and functional abilities, resulting in a tailored approach to managing health needs and goals.
How does a Geriatric Medicine Specialist coordinate care among different healthcare providers?
They work closely with various specialists and healthcare professionals to ensure that treatments are well-coordinated, preventing conflicts and optimizing overall care.
What are some common age-related conditions managed by a Geriatric Medicine Specialist?
Common conditions include osteoporosis, cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, and chronic pain conditions like arthritis and neuropathic pain.
How does preventive health contribute to senior wellness?
Preventive health involves regular screenings, lifestyle modifications, and health education to prevent disease, detect issues early, and promote overall wellness, contributing to a longer and healthier life.
What kind of support is available for caregivers of older adults?
Support includes education and training on caregiving, respite services to provide temporary relief, and resources to help manage the demands of caregiving effectively.
A Geriatric Medicine Specialist in Elgin plays a pivotal role in enhancing the health and wellness of older adults. Through personalized care plans, coordination of multidisciplinary care, management of age-related conditions, emphasis on preventive health, and support for caregivers, these specialists provide comprehensive and effective care. By addressing the complex needs of seniors and their families, a geriatric medicine specialist helps improve quality of life and supports healthy aging.
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speckcleaning · 2 months
Creating a Productive Workspace: The Benefits of Professional Office Cleaning
A clean office is more than just a pleasant environment; it's a powerful tool for boosting productivity, ensuring employee health, and leaving a lasting impression on clients. At Speck Cleaning, we understand the importance of a pristine workspace and offer top-tier office cleaning services tailored to your business's unique needs. In this blog, we’ll explore why professional office cleaning is essential and how it can benefit your organization.
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The Importance of Office Cleaning
1. Boosts Employee Productivity A cluttered and dirty workspace can be distracting and demotivating. Clean, organized offices create a conducive environment for employees to focus and perform at their best. Regular cleaning minimizes clutter and reduces the mental load associated with a messy workspace.
2. Ensures a Healthier Workplace Offices are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria, with high-touch areas like keyboards, door handles, and shared equipment being hotspots for contamination. Professional cleaning services ensure these areas are disinfected regularly, reducing the spread of illnesses and keeping your team healthier.
3. Makes a Great First Impression Your office is a reflection of your company. A spotless and well-maintained workspace conveys professionalism and attention to detail, making a positive impression on clients, partners, and potential hires. It shows that you value your business and the people who come into your office.
4. Enhances Indoor Air Quality Dust, allergens, and pollutants can accumulate in office environments, affecting indoor air quality and potentially triggering allergies or respiratory issues. Professional cleaning services include thorough dusting, vacuuming, and air vent cleaning, leading to a fresher and healthier workspace.
5. Prolongs the Life of Office Equipment and Furnishings Regular cleaning and maintenance can extend the lifespan of office furniture, carpets, and equipment. By removing dirt, dust, and grime, you prevent wear and tear, saving your business money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent replacements.
Comprehensive Office Cleaning Services
At Speck Cleaning, we offer a range of office cleaning services designed to keep your workspace immaculate and your employees productive. Our services include:
General Cleaning: Dusting, vacuuming, and mopping all office areas, including workstations, conference rooms, and common areas.
Restroom Sanitation: Thorough cleaning and disinfecting of restrooms, including sinks, toilets, and fixtures, to maintain a hygienic environment.
Breakroom Cleaning: Cleaning and disinfecting kitchen and breakroom areas, including countertops, sinks, and appliances.
Window Cleaning: Interior window and glass partition cleaning to maintain a clear and professional appearance.
Trash Removal: Regular emptying of trash bins and recycling containers to ensure a tidy workspace.
Specialized Services: Customized solutions like carpet cleaning, floor polishing, and upholstery cleaning to meet specific needs.
Why Choose Speck Cleaning?
Experienced Professionals: Our skilled team is trained to handle all types of office cleaning tasks with precision and care.
Eco-Friendly Products: We use environmentally friendly cleaning products that are safe for your employees and the planet.
Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible cleaning schedules to minimize disruption to your business operations.
Attention to Detail: Our meticulous approach ensures every corner of your office is spotless.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: We are committed to exceeding your expectations and ensuring complete satisfaction with our services.
Invest in a Cleaner Office Today
A clean office is an investment in your business’s success. It boosts productivity, enhances health, and creates a professional atmosphere that impresses clients and motivates employees. Let Speck Cleaning handle your office cleaning needs, so you can focus on growing your business. Visit Speck Cleaning to learn more about our office cleaning services and book your service today. Experience the difference a pristine workspace can make with Speck Cleaning.
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The Rising Need for Geriatric Hospital in India
As India's population ages, the demand for specialized healthcare facilities that cater to the unique needs of the elderly is becoming increasingly critical. Geriatric hospital in India play a pivotal role in addressing the comprehensive healthcare needs of senior citizens, ensuring they receive the specialized care required for a healthy and dignified life. Among these, Preethi Hospitals in Madurai stands out as a notable institution dedicated to geriatric care.
Understanding Geriatric Care
Geriatric care focuses on healthcare for the elderly, aiming to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults. This type of care involves a multi-disciplinary approach, addressing the physical, mental, and social aspects of aging. Specialized geriatric hospitals are equipped to handle age-related health issues such as chronic diseases, mobility issues, cognitive impairments, and more, providing a comprehensive care plan tailored to each patient's needs.
The Importance of Specialized Geriatric Hospitals
As people age, they encounter health challenges that are often complex and require specialized attention. Here’s why geriatric hospitals are essential:
Comprehensive Healthcare: Geriatric hospitals provide a full range of services, from routine check-ups and preventive care to treatment of chronic illnesses and rehabilitation. This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of an elderly patient's health are addressed.
Specialized Equipment and Facilities: These hospitals are equipped with advanced medical technology and facilities designed to meet the specific needs of older adults. This includes mobility aids, specialized beds, and diagnostic tools suited for age-related conditions.
Expert Care Teams: Geriatric hospitals have dedicated teams of healthcare professionals trained in geriatric medicine. This includes nurses, therapists, nutritionists, and social workers who work together to provide coordinated and personalized care.
Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and compassionate environment is crucial for the well-being of elderly patients. Geriatric hospitals focus on providing a comfortable and safe atmosphere that promotes healing and mental well-being.
Preethi Hospitals, Madurai: A Leader in Geriatric Care
Preethi Hospitals in Madurai has emerged as a leader in providing exceptional geriatric care. The hospital is renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and a dedicated team of healthcare professionals committed to the well-being of elderly patients.
Advanced Medical Facilities: Preethi Hospitals is equipped with the latest medical technology to diagnose and treat age-related health issues. From advanced imaging systems to specialized surgical units, the hospital ensures that elderly patients receive the best possible care.
Holistic Approach: The hospital adopts a holistic approach to geriatric care, focusing on the overall well-being of patients. This includes not only medical treatment but also physical therapy, nutritional support, and mental health services.
Customized Care Plans: Understanding that each elderly patient has unique healthcare needs, Preethi Hospitals offers personalized care plans. These plans are designed in consultation with patients and their families, ensuring that every aspect of the patient’s health is addressed.
Support Services: Preethi Hospitals provides a range of support services for elderly patients and their families, including counseling, caregiver support, and education on managing chronic conditions. This helps families to better support their elderly loved ones at home.
The Future of Geriatric Care in India
The future of geriatric care in India looks promising, with increasing awareness and demand for specialized services. Geriatric hospitals like Preethi Hospitals in Madurai are setting the benchmark for quality elder care, demonstrating the importance of dedicated facilities and expert care teams.
As India's elderly population continues to grow, the need for specialized geriatric hospitals becomes ever more critical. These hospitals provide essential services that cater specifically to the unique health needs of older adults, ensuring they lead healthy and dignified lives. Preethi Hospitals in Madurai exemplifies the best in geriatric care, offering advanced medical facilities, a holistic approach, and personalized care plans that set a high standard for elder care in India.
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tulasihealth · 4 months
Discovering the Best Psychiatrist in Gurgaon at Tulasi Healthcare
In today’s fast-paced world, mental health issues have become increasingly prevalent, affecting millions of people globally. The bustling city of Gurgaon is no exception, with its residents grappling with anxiety, depression, and various other mental health disorders. Finding the right support is crucial, and for those searching for a reputable psychiatrist in Gurgaon, Tulasi Healthcare stands out as a beacon of hope and healing. With its team of highly experienced psychiatrists and a holistic approach to mental health treatment, Tulasi Healthcare is dedicated to transforming lives and fostering mental well-being.
The Importance of Mental Health
Mental health is as vital as physical health, impacting every aspect of our lives, from our thoughts and emotions to our interactions with others and our ability to cope with stress. Despite its importance, mental health often remains neglected due to stigma and lack of awareness. This neglect can lead to serious consequences, making it essential to seek professional help when experiencing mental health issues.
Why Choose a Psychiatrist in Gurgaon?
Gurgaon, a thriving metropolis, is home to some of the best mental health professionals in the country. Opting for a psychiatrist in Gurgaon ensures that you receive top-notch care tailored to your specific needs. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses. They are equipped to handle a wide range of mental health conditions, from mild anxiety to severe psychotic disorders.
Introducing Tulasi Healthcare
Tulasi Healthcare is a leading mental health facility in Gurgaon, renowned for its comprehensive and compassionate care. The center offers a wide range of services designed to address various mental health concerns, ensuring that each patient receives personalized treatment. The team at Tulasi Healthcare comprises some of the most experienced psychiatrists in the region, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.
Meet the Experts at Tulasi Healthcare
Tulasi Healthcare prides itself on its team of distinguished psychiatrists, each specializing in different areas of mental health.
Dr. Gorav Gupta, the CEO and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, boasts over 25 years of experience. He specializes in addiction, OCD, personality disorders, and schizoaffective disorders. His extensive expertise and dedication to his patients make him a highly sought-after psychiatrist in Gurgaon.
Dr. Ratnarakshit Ingole, a Senior Consultant Psychiatrist with 15 years of experience, specializes in dual diagnosis, panic disorder, geriatric psychiatry, and bipolar disorder. His compassionate approach and thorough understanding of complex mental health issues ensure effective treatment outcomes.
Dr. Anil Kumar, a Consultant Psychiatrist at Tulasi Clinic Paras Hospital, brings over 15 years of experience in treating psychotic disorders, personality disorders, and OCD. His commitment to patient care and innovative treatment methods make him a prominent psychiatrist in Gurgaon.
Dr. Anu Yadav is a Consultant Psychiatrist with 5 years of experience, specializing in borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, female psychosexual disorder, and PTSD. Her empathetic and patient-centered approach helps her patients navigate their mental health journeys with confidence.
Dr. Shweta Kiran and Dr. Ichpreet Singh are both Consultant Psychiatrists with 7 years of experience each. Dr. Kiran specializes in psychotic disorders, OCD, and addiction, while Dr. Singh focuses on psychosexual disorder, psychotic disorders, anxiety, and OCD. Their dedication to providing comprehensive care ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment.
Dr. Viddur Arya, a Consultant Psychiatrist at Tulasi Clinic Faridabad, also with 7 years of experience, specializes in psychosexual disorder, psychotic disorders, addiction, and anxiety. His holistic approach to treatment helps patients achieve long-term recovery and mental well-being.
Comprehensive Mental Health Treatment
Tulasi Healthcare offers an extensive range of mental health services, addressing conditions such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, addiction, dementia, depression, sleep-wake disorders, and stressor-related disorders. Each patient receives a customized treatment plan, ensuring that their unique needs are met.
Holistic Approach to Mental Health
At Tulasi Healthcare, the focus is on holistic treatment, addressing not just the symptoms but the root causes of mental health issues. This approach includes a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes, providing patients with the tools they need to manage their conditions effectively. The goal is to help patients achieve lasting recovery and lead fulfilling lives.
Why Choose Tulasi Healthcare?
Choosing Tulasi Healthcare for your mental health needs means opting for excellence in care. Here are some reasons why Tulasi Healthcare is the preferred choice for those seeking a psychiatrist in Gurgaon:
Experienced Team: The psychiatrists at Tulasi Healthcare bring years of experience and expertise in treating a wide range of mental health conditions.
Personalized Care: Each patient receives a tailored treatment plan designed to address their specific needs.
Holistic Approach: The focus on holistic treatment ensures comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of mental health.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Tulasi Healthcare is equipped with modern facilities, providing a comfortable and supportive environment for patients.
Compassionate Care: The team at Tulasi Healthcare is dedicated to providing compassionate and empathetic care, ensuring that patients feel supported throughout their treatment journey.
Book an Appointment
Taking the first step towards better mental health can be challenging, but the team at Tulasi Healthcare is here to support you. If you are looking for a trusted psychiatrist in Gurgaon, book an appointment with Tulasi Healthcare today. You can schedule an OPD or video consultation by calling +91-8800000255. Your mental well-being is our priority, and we are committed to helping you achieve a healthier, happier life.
Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and finding the right support can make all the difference. Tulasi Healthcare, with its team of experienced psychiatrists and comprehensive treatment approach, is the ideal choice for those seeking a psychiatrist in Gurgaon. Take the first step towards better mental health and reach out to Tulasi Healthcare today. Let us help you on your journey to recovery and well-being.
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mohamedzeyarasblog · 10 months
Mohamed Zeyara shared Modern Medical Education Pathways
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Is it ever on your mind how aspiring physicians manage the demands of modern medical education? From the days of ancient remedies to today's high-tech methods, we're peeling back the layers of what makes a healer. Let's chat about the basics, what students learn, and the cool new ways they're being taught. Let's have a look at the world of contemporary medical schooling, where compassion meets the classroom.
The Contemporary Medical Curriculum
According to Mohamed Zeyara, students studying medicine today are taught about illnesses, the human body, and how to treat patients. The curriculum includes a mix of science, technology, and hands-on practice. 
Pre-Medical Education:
Undergraduate Requirements: Students tick off specific classes, ensuring they're equipped with the basics.
Importance of Interdisciplinary Studies: Students engage in various subjects, realizing that health is like a puzzle with pieces from different disciplines.
Medical School Admission Process:
Entrance Examinations: Doctors  face intense exams to prove they're ready for the challenges that lie ahead.
Holistic Admissions Approach: They look at the bigger picture, considering personal qualities and a genuine love for medicine.
Core Medical Curriculum:
Basic Sciences: Students dive into the nitty-gritty of how our bodies work, setting the stage for the medical drama ahead.
Clinical Rotations: This is where they get their hands dirty, applying what they've learned in the real world.
Integration of Technology in Education: Accepting the Digital Era, since medicine is more than just charts and stethoscopes these days.
Innovations in Teaching Methodologies
Medical education is always changing, and so are the ways we teach and learn. This is the new era of teaching methodologies, where teachers are finding creative ways to make learning fun and effective.
Problem-Based Learning (PBL):
Students become medical experts figuring out real-life cases and cracking the code of diagnoses and treatments.
Simulation and Virtual Reality (VR):
Simulations let students practice surgeries and handle emergencies in a virtual world with no real patients involved.
Team-Based Learning (TBL):
TBL gets students working together, tackling tricky healthcare challenges as a squad.
Flipped Classroom Approaches:
Students do the homework at home, and when they come to class, it's all about diving into discussions and solving problems together.
Technology in Medical Education
In the field of medicine, this marriage of education and technology has given rise to exciting possibilities. Get ready to delve into the exciting intersection of healthcare and innovation!
E-Learning Platforms:
E-learning is like that - lessons whenever you want, wherever you are. It's school, but on your own schedule.
Telemedicine and Remote Learning:
Telemedicine is not limited to patient care; it is also providing future physicians with medical knowledge wherever they may be relaxing.
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Training:
AI helps with diagnosing, practicing surgeries, and tailoring lessons just for you. It's like your own personal medical coach.
Challenges in Modern Medical Education
Modern medical education faces a range of issues that impact how future healthcare professionals learn and train. In this discussion, we'll explore some of the key challenges pointed out by Mohamed Zeyara that shape the landscape of modern medical education.
Burnout and Mental Health:
The workload and emotions can be like running a marathon every day, leading to burnout and taking a toll on the mental well-being of these future doctors.
Addressing Diversity and Inclusion:
Making sure the healthcare world reflects all kinds of people can be a bit tricky but super important.
Balancing Technology and Human Touch:
Technology is cool, but finding that perfect balance where it works with the human touch in healthcare can be a bit of a challenge.
 Future Trends in Medical Education
As we look ahead, several exciting trends are emerging in medical education, promising to change the way aspiring healthcare professionals learn and prepare for their careers. 
Let's explore the intriguing opportunities that lie ahead in the realm of medical education.
Personalized Learning Paths:
The future is all about customizing learning, so each future doctor gets a journey that suits them, with strengths and needs in mind.
Integration of Genomic Medicine:
The future is taking a deep dive into genomics, figuring out how our genes influence our health and what makes us unique.
Ethical Considerations in Medical Technology:
It's like drawing a line between cool and ethical. As technology gets fancier, there are talks about how to use it responsibly and ethically in the medical world.
Takeaway Points
In the world of medical learning, imagine a future where students explore a mix of digital wonders. From virtual reality experiences to personalized lessons, tomorrow's doctors will have a unique journey. Mohamed Zeyara came to the conclusion that when technology and medicine come together, magic happens. As we end this peek into the future, picture a canvas filled with creativity and compassion. It's a colorful world where healthcare heroes grow, learn, and make the world a healthier, happier place. To the exciting times in medical education that lie ahead!
Source : https://www.bignewsnetwork.com/news/274045176/mohamed-zeyara-shared-modern-medical-education-pathways
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The Mind-Body Connection: How Mental Health Affects Physical Well-being
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Mental health and physical well-being are inextricably linked. The mind-body connection is a complex one, with mental health affecting the body’s ability to function properly, while physical illness or injury can also affect our mental state. According to the best psychiatrist in Indore, a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep helps keep both our minds and bodies functioning at their best.
The relationship between mental health and physical well-being has been studied extensively over the past few decades. Research has shown that people who suffer from anxiety or depression tend to have poorer overall physical health than those without such conditions. This could be due to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease or diabetes as well as higher levels of stress hormones which can interfere with normal bodily functions such as digestion or immune system responses. Additionally, individuals who struggle with mental illness may not take care of themselves properly by engaging in unhealthy behaviors like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol excessively, or neglecting personal hygiene habits which all contribute to further deterioration of their overall wellbeing.
On the other hand, poor physical wellness can also have a significant impact on someone’s psychological state leading them into deeper states of depression for example if they experience persistent pain from an injury it will become very difficult for them emotionally to cope with this situation. It is important, therefore, to understand how closely intertwined these two aspects are when trying to maintain good general wellbeing.
Also Read: The best female psychiatrist in Indore
In order to achieve an optimal balance between your mind & body, it's important that you pay attention to both your emotional needs &physical ones equally so you don't end up compromising either one unnecessarily - focus on eating right, getting enough restful sleep every night & exercising regularly but make sure there's time set aside for activities specifically designed around reducing stress levels too (like yoga/meditation) so you're able to give yourself some much-needed peace away from everyday life pressures.
By understanding the intricate link between our minds & bodies we'll be better equipped to handle any difficulties that arise along the way more effectively enabling us to lead healthier lives.
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southwestcare · 2 years
Emergency Care Assistance For Elderly People
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Emergency care assistance for the elderly can come in many forms. It can range from driving an ambulance to performing household chores and assisting paramedics. Emergency care assistance Sydney is a valuable asset to any medical team and requires physical stamina and fitness. It's also an excellent career choice for those who are dedicated to providing quality care to the elderly.
Experience with older adults
The experience of older adults with mental health problems in EMS settings can be varied. Some older adults describe an ED experience that was traumatic or frustrating, while others describe a caring and compassionate experience. The experience of EMS staff in this context can be critical, as it can help older people in a stressful situation.
A good experience in an ED is correlated with fewer care transitions. This may include moving from an ED room to an ICU, or from a nursing home to a rehabilitation center. In addition, older adults often have more problems with communication with hospital staff and with a lack of privacy.
Entry requirements
There are certain requirements to receive emergency care assistance. In some cases, a chronically ill patient may not qualify. For example, services like nursing care aren't considered emergency medical services. In this case, the geriatric emergency care assistance program will help to coordinate and arrange for the services needed to treat the chronically ill patient.
Job duties
Emergency care assistants are trained to work with paramedics and provide potentially life-saving care to patients. They often travel long distances to provide emergency assistance and can use a defibrillator to resuscitate patients with heart failure. They can also administer a variety of medications and other treatments.
In addition to supervising patients and monitoring their vital signs, care assistants also help their patients with personal hygiene and other basic activities. This allows medical personnel to focus on other tasks, such as administering medications. Ultimately, their job is to provide the highest quality care possible. They also supervise patients during exercise and answer their phone calls.
While many emergency care assistance providers are CPR-certified, additional training is also essential to provide the best care possible. This is especially important because older adults are at high risk for sustaining injuries or illnesses, such as heart attacks and falls. Obtaining basic first aid and CPR training from an organization such as the American Red Cross can help you save the life of an elderly patient.
The state EMS office should identify special populations that require specialized training and preparedness. Such special populations include people with special needs or those who speak limited English. EMS personnel should have specific training for dealing with these patients, as well as supplies and equipment that are specifically designed for them. Local health departments and emergency management should also coordinate with local EMS providers to provide the best possible care for these patients.
When elders cannot care for themselves, an emergency care service is necessary. These professionals can help provide medical care, transport them to the hospital, and help them with household tasks. These people are a valuable addition to the medical team. However, they must be physically fit and have the stamina to handle the demands of the job.
If a patient requires emergency medical care, emergency care services provide 24-hour medical monitoring and can even provide overnight care. The services offered by emergency care providers are usually more reliable and effective than self-care. They are often staffed with experienced medical professionals and offer extra help and support.
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nicoconti0 · 2 years
What Is the Distinction Between Primary Care and Internal Medicine?
Primary care doctors concentrate on non-emergency diseases and conditions, while internal medicine professionals focus on disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. While these two areas share many characteristics, specific variances may influence your choice of physician. Here's everything you need to know.
Primary care physicians maintain their patients' health and, if required, send them to specialists. They are the most equipped to identify and treat non-emergent symptoms. While certain diseases are best treated at an urgent care center, the majority of non-emergent illnesses may be handled by a general care physician. Furthermore, these physicians are acquainted with their patient's medical history and may test them for infections such as STDs or the flu.
A primary care physician, often known as a family physician or internist, is responsible for providing health care to individuals of all ages. They often specialize in internal medicine and may address patients' non-emergent ailments. Primary care physicians, for example, may treat chronic disorders such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome. If required, they might send their patients to professionals in other specialties.
Internists specialize in illness treatment and diagnosis and offer preventative care. They specialize in preventing and treating common ailments, including colds, flu, and heart disease. They are also well-versed in mental health and drug misuse. They may also cure common eye, ear, and nervous system problems. Most elderly adults do not need to visit a specialist for these problems since they see their primary care physician first.
An internist's job is comprehensive, requiring them to examine the whole body, including organs and their interrelationships. As a result, internists must understand how one portion of the body might impact the other. The greatest internists also advise their patients on lifestyle adjustments that can help them avoid getting certain diseases.
While family and internal medicine are both concerned with adult patients, there are significant variations between the two professions. Family physicians are general practitioners who handle patients of all ages, while internists manage medical disorders in adults. Both have a long history and different traits, and doctors in both occupations often specialize in a specific area of medicine.
While internists only treat patients above 18, family physicians may see patients of all ages and provide certain OB-GYN services. You should be able to obtain quality treatment as long as you are comfortable with your doctor.
While the two professions of medicine have identical aims, there are substantial disparities between them. In addition, both techniques take distinct methods and need different skill sets. In this post, we'll look at the differences between internal medicine and family medicine and discuss why either can be a good fit for your family.
Family medicine is a medical specialty that specializes in treating families. Family doctors may care for numerous generations of a family. Family doctors also deal with children and adolescents. The main distinction between family medicine and internal medicine is the people they serve.
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Alright well as a Christian I'm supposed to forgive you but it's NOT gonna be easy. You, that pervert guy and that pedo tranny Dasha are EVERYTHING wrong with the world right now. It's YOUR FAULT our society has no morals. Congradufuckinglations you've made a girl with anxiety depression and BPD cry :)
forgive me for what, exactly? what did I specifically, only me, do?
because I don't remember doing anything bad to or with you, I wasn't involved in any group chats, I didn't spend time with you nor attack you. honestly, as far as I recall, I've said more about you these last few days, and all of that has been talking about finding out who you are, what happened, and what can be done to help end this mental break you're having - a mental break you seem to think justifies bombarding people with slurs and insults.
if you're gonna start forgiving me for shit I didn't do, then I'd rather you start by forgiving me for killing the dinosaurs, demoting pluto, and creating the coronavirus with stolen lab equipment.
dasha isn't a pedo, you dumb fuck, and falsely accusing people of being attracted to kids isn't gonna cure you of the alleged trauma of being a dumb kid who thought you'd make buddies in the anti-feminist community and then it turned out they were just as fucked as any community, and you got hate and made enemies.
we've all been through that shit, but the rest of us get therapy and move on with our lives - if I'm not blowing up the inboxes of people who tortured, sexually assaulted, starved, and beat me as a toddler, a child, a teen, I think you can handle not harassing people who knew someone who knew someone who said some mean shit in your tumblr inbox. when you're afraid of someone who actually hurt you, you don't make it your life's mission to antagonise people tangentially related to them to put yourself back on the radar of the people who actually dislike you - or, in case I need to spell it out, I don't buy your claims about your reasoning one bit.
I think you're being a pathetic attention whore who knows none of the people you're messaging - ace, dasha, etc, and now me - could or would do a single thing to hurt you, you know we're not what you claim, so you feel safe slinging whatever insults your tiny brain can conjure up, so that you can scream about how sad you are and get validation and comfort and requests for forgiveness from people nice enough to care about your temper tantrum. or more backlash and argumentation to fuel your persecution complex.
and you're too pathetic to even think of anything imaginative so you resort to ace's username, dasha's trans status, false allegations, and now you're trying to use the fact that I advocate for mentally ill people as a way to get at me - it's hollow and low effort.
I've tried to be nice the last few days, tried to say it sucks that stuff happened, that I hope you get well, etc, and all you've done is get worse and worse to people in their anons, I'm tired of trying.
as a "christian" (which you barely even are, you're just a wanna-be evangelical fundie fuck repeating what the big names in that area disingenuously vomit out), you're supposed to believe that forgiveness comes from god, that mortals are not called to judge on his behalf - and it's a damn good job because you'd be throwing people in hell for passing some guy on the street who's cousin once sold a spliff to someone he didn't know was seventeen.
while we're on the topic, I was raised around dumbass fucked up catholics (if you couldn't tell from my aforementioned childhood experiences), and you've got every single red flag for "fuckface who's only religious to justify being a fuckface" disease.
buddy, I'm a zombie, I know brain-dead when I see it, and you're on a whole new level of it. so cry more. your mental health issues make me feel sorry for you no more than mine made you not want to send this anon. or, in case I need to spell it out again, I don't give a fuck, you ain't special, I've got a list more than ten times as long as that and I'm not here using it to justify calling people slurs.
sucks that you're sick, but you're not gonna get sympathy points when you act like a slimy little wretch for days on end. I get it, being ill makes you mean sometimes, I've been there. still not my job to be your daddy and tell you to go eat some pasta and chill.
and I wish society had no morals, I wish I was giving it none, I wish I was half the amoral influence that you give me credit for.
I'm sick of puritanical, pseudo-religious, over-moralising of every insignificant aspect of our lives - we don't get a moment's peace from being asked to weigh in on every allegation in the news, every company's practices, whether it's okay to listen to some guy's songs, if your thoughts can make you a terrible person, the politics of other countries, the backlash to the backlash to the backlash to the backlash to some celebrity's baby name, whether some rando is "really trans", and a youtuber's mental health issues.
at this point I would gladly trade it in to be a four year-old chimney sweep in victorian england engaged to my cousin, fuck it. at least my aunt-mother-in-law in that world wouldn't believe in chemtrails and couldn't even spell problematic. it'd be total bliss.
in summary, I don't want forgiveness for shit I didn't do, especially from you. I want you to grow up, you bitchy little cunt.
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→Time for a master post, as always, a wip←
♪ a bizarre entity is spotted ♪ prepare for encounter ♪
Hi. Don't mind all the emojis, I just think they're super fun. This is colorful because it helps the depression. I update this post frequently because things will change over time. Also, words are tough sometimes.
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
“Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living.”
I'm Lilitu (or Cari, my regular name, whatever you like), your local eldritch mess in human form. I will also respond to Legion for hilarious (screw you foster hell) reasons. I'm a fae (polymorph) otherkin just trying to live for the little things (also for spite, but that's because I won't let them (abusers) win). I am absolutely a weird person. And I don't plan on changing that. My bio says chaotic queer for a reason. In fact, I have a favorite song about being weird.
Please note that blank accounts will be reported as spam and blocked on sight. If you want to follow me, please at least add something to your title or bio indicating you're not spam/pornbot. Ideally, change your icon and header from their defaults, as well.
Please also be aware, requests for donations are not something I feel equipped to handle most of the time. It's not an automatic no, but I will be very selective about what I do share. This is never a personal attack on anyone, I simply feel there are far better people than me to ask at this point in time. To try and obligate myself to share donation links whenever asked would add more stress than I can currently manage. I'm also healing from severe trust issues with people in general due to things I won't mention here.
This blog is a dumping ground for the stuff I like and topics I care about. So there's little bits of fandom stuff, regular old shitposts/tomfoolery, magical/spiritual/religious topics, current events, and generally whatever else I decide I like. I generally dislike politics, but multiple facets of my identity have been turned into political talking points (disabled and queer mostly). Ergo, can't totally ignore it.
Discourse, though? Nah, I'd really rather not, if all it's gonna do is devolve into a poo-flinging contest. I have limited energy and I'm using most of it for trauma recovery and developing healthy coping skills. And just generally enjoying my time online and using it to enhance my life in various ways, because that's the whole point for me.
If it looks like I'm ignoring a topic, it's usually not what's actually going on. It's really almost always because I need to prioritize my own mental health. There are a lot of triggering things going on around the world, and I won't be any help to the cause if my mental health and stability is already tanked.
You want my stance on any given conflict or whatever around the world? Ok. Here's a post. But also, I have a specific song for that, too. Here, it's from the original Pokémon Mewtwo Strikes Back movie (I'm literally 100% serious, this song has been a favorite since I was a young child):
I'm something of an erratic person, but it comes with all the mental illnesses I deal with. I'm still patching myself back together from a life of stress and so much hell. I talk much more about all that on my system sideblog listed below.
I have a very wide range of interests. The main thing driving this is that I have an insatiable hunger for knowledge. Trust me my curiosity about things is neverending. But then I am the child of trivia buffs. I am very much a nerd. I like learning new things. My parents supported my curiosity and only got upset when I started taking perfectly good electronics apart to see what was inside (they would give me nonfunctional electronics to take apart afterwards as a compromise). When the lockdown began, I dove headfirst into the educational side of YouTube because I missed actually physically going to college. My most precious interests are science, culture, and history (in no specific order), but that's just a jumping off point (for literally everything).
I'm also still awkward with people in general, but I literally grew up in the woods for the bulk of my childhood. And sometimes, other animals are easier to relate to than people. The childhood isolation means that I still struggle with social cues and have spoken with my foot in my mouth before. I'm always trying to do better, but nobody's perfect.
You can also find me on Instagram at LunarMageSilverRose, if you want. I mostly use it to look at cats and other animals, but not exclusively. I also post my poetry and art there, now that I'm back into it. My old deviantart account is wanderingsilverrose. Please note that most of my work there is older, pre-covid, and not necessarily up to date with my current beliefs.
If you like my stuff and are financially able, any donations to my Paypal or Cashapp are deeply appreciated.
And if you can, please support United Workers of Maryland. I've only joined in recent years, but we're a nonpartisan grassroots human rights organization based in Baltimore. We've recently launched our Right to Health campaign, because poverty is killing us and someone has to do something about it. We're completely donation funded and don't receive any grants from other organizations. This means we are not swayed by what the bigger partisan groups want us to do just so they fund us.
If you're in Pennsylvania, one of United Workers' partner organizations is Put People First! PA. Please go support them if you can, too.
All the other stuff about me, including my sideblogs, is under the cut because this post got kind of long over time.
Some of these aren't shared to very frequently, but are more just for when the mood strikes. I try to share things on the cat blog regularly, though, to have a lot of content to go back through later. Cats literally make me happy by existing. The system blog is where I usually go to talk about my shit, not all of which is entirely about being a system. I kind of just use it to let various parts individually be weird, too. The drone blog is technically kink-related, but is not meant to be explicit in any way. It's just there when I want to be a silly little drone.
DID system shenanigans (also just a mess): @eldritch-queern-magicat
Horror/creepy aesthetic: @magicathauntednest
Cats for scrolling and serotonin: @magicclanofcats
All the other creatures of the earth: @magicatsloveallcreatures
The place for all the plants and fungi: @magicatfloramode
Food and recipes to drool over: @magicatfoodieworld
Collection of shiny things: @magicatshinycollection
Collection of awesome fashion: @magicatfashionwatch
Where I dump music that could be anything: @magicatmusiccollection
Super easy access to tarot stuff: @magicattarotresource
Tips and tricks for writing: @magicathordeofwritingtips
Place for art models and guides: @magicatartstuffdump
As Pokémon also gives me serotonin: @magicatadorespokemon
The Evilious fan blog I can't believe I didn't make sooner: @magicatevilious
The Kingdom Hearts fan blog I also wish I'd made sooner: @magicatkingdomhearts
Meme-able posts based on mythology: @magicatdivineshitpostcollection
My silly little drone roleplay blog: @drone-unit8454
Xenogender Hoard:
The toppings of my transgender sundae. Possibly somewhat out of silliness, but also because I can't separate these things from who I am. Each one has a special reason to be listed. I also just want to make another list.
Though let's be real here, silliness is good in moderation. So I shall be a gender collector. It's largely just conceptual (as in, ideas put forth by people based on observation and experience), right? Let's have fun with it. Not everything needs to be so serious.
This is likely to be added to, because you never really stop discovering parts of yourself. And I'm a polyfragmented system, so...
Lol, I guess!
Other Notes:
The biggest rule here is to be kind, but also honest. I don't like assholes, and I don't like dishonesty or misinformation. I've reached the point where I just don't have the patience for bullshit. Bigotry doesn't belong here. You want a ‘do not interact’ thingy from me? That's my dni. I don't like bigots. If you come over here acting like some people are less valuable than others for being too different, I'll probably finish the interaction by telling you to fuck off, one way or another.
The anonymous feature is on as a courtesy for people who feel more comfortable being anonymous for their personal mental health. I completely understand, talking to people can be scary.
My tagging is messy and not totally consistent. I'm working on it. I would personally recommend you just filter content if you want to be safe. I do try to tag for most common triggers I can think of, but sometimes I do forget and I can't account for every possible thing, no matter how hard I try. Seriously, the content filters are a blessed thing. I also don't entirely know what I'm doing with image descriptions.
Follow if you like, or not, I literally don't keep track of that. I won't really even be that upset if you unfollow me for personal reasons. If what I share here no longer suits you, don't feel like you have to stick around. You don't need to justify it, either. I'll ultimately just shrug it off and move on. People change over time, that's just nature.
If you have any real concerns or anything, feel free to message me. I'm not a perfect person. No one is. I'm still learning and trying to improve. And please, if I make a mistake, let me know and give me some proof to back it up. No baseless accusations, though. Also, no vague-assed questions that don't give enough details to go on. We don't do that here.
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 years
This hasn’t been a good year for me first I was stalked then I lost someone who I thought was a friend because my mental health issues caused me to impulsively lash out at people I been apologizing and apologizing they refuse to listen to me all they told me was get outside help. The thing is I was there for them when they needed me but when I needed them they abandon me I am autistic and have trouble regulating my emotions I explained that to them when they told me that I keep lashing out at people even after I apologize for it. :( what should I do? Should I just just keep spamming how sorry I am and that I will keep my mouth shut and not lash out at people anymore I just want them to like me again I don’t like lashing out at people I have no control over that why can’t they understand? How many times do I need to cry in their inbox until they realize how sorry I am and that this time I won’t lash out impulsively.
Hello, friend. <3 I'm really sorry for the struggle and pain you are going through. That's tough. My heart reaches out for you. I was in an extremely similar experience once (I'll talk about the experience and results below), so I both care about your situation, and I hope my message can help you with your choices moving forward. My phrasing might sound blunt, but every word is written with love, and I will give comfort through the end, so bear with me. Sorry that I suck at brief. XD
From the way you’ve described your situation, you’ve already been messaging friend(s) repeatedly explaining your actions, giving apologies, etc. My answer is under the assumption you’ve been sending repeated messages. Here’s the unfortunate kicker.
You need to stop messaging them. Period.
If you want them to feel better and feel better about you, you need to give them space for a decently long period of time without breaking that silence once, it doesn’t matter if your desired topic is helpfully explaining how you tick, apologizing, or talking about something entirely unrelated to the drama.
I know that's probably the hardest thing to do. I know for me, when I was in a situation like this, every fiber of my being *SCREAMED* at me to try to make things right by messaging again. I was so terrified I couldn’t leave it alone. I understand how scary it can be for someone to not listen to your apology. I understand the drive to get someone to understand your circumstance for why you messed up. I understand the overpowering pressure of guilt for having done something wrong and the itch to keep acting until I make it right. But you can't make it right by messaging someone repeatedly.
While your intent is reparation, your result is harassment. I'm so sorry to say this, but if you’re messaging like that, you are continuing to inflict pain and make matters worse because your constant messaging gives them no relief. It’s like constantly picking a scab to make it bleed again rather than letting it heal without touching it. If you pick that scab too much, you’ll lose more blood and you’ll get a scar. Lots of people, after being hurt, need time to process their emotions before they can be comfortable resuming a chill conversation. So long as you keep acting like this, they aren't going to want to listen to you, and your actions are going to make them wish they weren't around you. They’ll see you in a worse light because if you can’t give them time and space to heal themselves and you can’t stop fixating on past events, then they see that you’re not handling the situation well.
Now. If you do talk to them again, after that *LONG* break, there are several things you have to do. Ask if it’s okay to talk first and be clear it’ll be a one-time event. Be rational, be calm, be objective, accept responsibility for yourself without trashing yourself or sounding desperate for their response, and make sure you acknowledge their feelings and experiences as much as your own. Accept responsibility for yourself in your words. Make sure you listen to them, too, and respect their thoughts. 
I know that’s hard to do. I can get scared, tongue-tied, and emotional in conversations like this. The way I get around that is writing down what I’m going to say beforehand. That way, I can spend several days carefully tweaking my words so they’re optimally diplomatic (and have someone else check me if I need a second perspective). Now I have a script I can follow that can prevent me from tumbling into babbling emotion. “I’m sorry, I’ll keep my mouth shut, I just want you to like me again” will turn more people away, unfortunately. People don’t trust that because it sounds like you don’t have control of yourself, which makes them think more bad things could happen. Level-headed but kind discussion of the issue is essential; it shows you are *capable* of handling the situation. Showing capability helps engender trust. Also, please make it clear to your friend(s) that once this convo is done, the goal is to move on.
Note that your friend can say “no” if you ask to talk. And that’s okay. If they say “no,” leave it at “no,” and don’t try to get a “yes.” Your friend can still say “no” to points you make during your conversation. Those aren’t the words you want to hear but you have to accept them if they come. Stay humble. Do not try to get them to fully be in sync with you because that may be impossible and only hurt everyone more. All you can do is present yourself at your best; after that, it is their choice how they respond, and their responses must be accepted. If they are bitches, that’s on them, and you’re better off not being friends with shitty-ass uncaring bitches. If they choose not to be friends with you for understandable reasons, it hurts, but it’s valid; we do not have to be friends with every person we meet, even if they’re cool. And if they choose to forgive you, which they could too, then you guys have a basis to move forward again without reopening cans of worms. I do want to reassure you: I’ve had plenty of conversations like this go well and friendships get repaired. <3 It can be done.
Now. You said you feel your friends aren’t helping you at your time of need. I understand the pain of supporting a friend but the friend doesn’t reciprocate at the time I need them most. This was hard for me to learn, but: a friend is not obligated to help you. Yes, good friends will help when they can. Yes, if you’re only helping them and they’re nevvvvvvver helping you, that’s a one-sided relationship and that’s a bust. But healthy relationships also have boundaries and “no”s. It’s not a contractual obligation to help a friend through everything. Plus, not everyone has the skillset to help you for every need. Friends who are not used to neurodivergence might not know how to handle neurodivergent-specific challenges (that’s what I’ve experienced with my own support networks). You can explain it and hopefully they’ll get better about understanding how you tick, though. There’s even types of friends who understand how you tick but still not want to be around it, and sometimes that’s because they have to protect their own health. They can understand you lash out but still need to leave to heal themselves because lashing out hurts them, and they don’t have the energy or emotions to help or listen to you right after. They have enough on their plate trying to keep themselves going without assisting someone else too. Those things can happen. You may find out what type of friends yours are later.
And I know it’s really hard to regulate emotions... I’m saying this as someone who had extreme issues regulating my emotions due to neurodivergence and mental illness, albeit of different kinds... but ultimately mental health is an explanation, not an excuse, and you are still responsible for the results when you are cognizant enough to act well enough. You are valid for being autistic and that is not a problem, that is who you are period, and if they don’t respect that, that’s their issue. Explaining why you act like you do is a first step. It’s good to communicate and I think it’s good you want to your friends to know why it’s hard. But you do have to work at getting better with your treatment of people, too. Sometimes we do things outside of our control. Sometimes these will never be in our control. But some things will be in our control. Part of our responsibility as a friend is to not just admit we hurt someone in the past when we’re at our worst and least controllable, but make an effort, as we can, to prevent these things in the future, as we can. Figure out prevention tactics. Figure out ways your friends can be equipped and prepared if something happens. Find professionals who can help you with emotional regulation. And so forth.
Your friends do have a point about getting outside help. I love supporting my friends and helping them through emotionally dark times, but sometimes a friend’s mental health struggles are out of my abilities and I can’t be expected to be the one to handle it. I cannot help my friend with heart surgery because I am not a heart surgeon; likewise, sometimes I can’t help my friends with mental illness ailments because I am not a professional psychologist. If it is within your budget, this may be a valuable resource for you that will help you, your friends, and more.
If you’re anything like I was, what I said may make you want to go into another round of apologizing, but before you do that (you shouldn't! you can't!!!!), I want to explain what happened to me. This involves me talking about the worst period of my life, the worst mistakes I ever made, and the worst legacy I'll have to contend with. I haven't talked about it on tumblr because I haven't wanted people to misread me or judge me, but the truth is, those old mistakes are a defining characteristic of my everyday life because of how thoroughly I fucked up and hurt someone else by my desire to "make things right."
I was eighteen and sharing a dorm room with my high school significant other. We broke up several months into the school year. At first things were okay, but then our friendship started to slide. We both did foolish things and wrongdoings against each other. The result was my ex needed breathing space to heal, whereas I felt I needed to heal by coming closer to them. As you can see, these are opposites, and it... didn’t work. It resulted in me pestering them and them wanting to get further from me.
I was also suicidal at the time. I had undiagnosed ADHD and rejection sensitive dysphoria and maybe more, and all that put me in the worst psychological state of my life. My emotions were more powerful than I could control. I had no coping mechanisms yet. My diary entries sometimes don’t sound... sane... from that time period. Being suicidal, I begged my ex for help, and my ex said “no”. My ex was rude and cold (understandable... hard to be polite when you’re stressed), but still, she had a right to say “no.” No one is obligated to do anything, but I was extremely emotional at her denial. Terrified for my life, I tried telling my ex that I had helped HER through HER problems when SHE was depressed, why the fuck wouldn’t she help me with my low point? I felt like she abandoned me and I told her so. I was intending to suggest she was breaking a promise and being an uncaring, unfaithful friend... but my words came out sounding like I was guilt tripping. My friend felt emotionally abused, forced into a situation where someone was threatening their life if she didn’t do what I said.
That’s a lot of pressure on someone, a roommate screaming at her that she had to do X or someone would die. It’s a cruel thing to shove someone into. I did that. I did it accidentally, my only intentions were making amends and saving my life, but I’m still 200% responsible for the results. It destroyed her psychologically, and ten years later, I don’t think she’s fully recovered.
When I recovered from the worst of my mental illness lapse, I felt sick to my stomach about how much my emotional responses harmed her. Thus began my rounds of apologizing. At first she coldly “tolerated” it, but I couldn’t leave it alone because it didn’t feel like closure. She outright told me she would never forgive me and that made me more desperate. About once every six months for the next three years, I tried talking to her. She felt harassed. She increasingly hated me. Soon, she thought I was stalking her, and sent the start of what could’ve become legal action against me. One time, I tried talking to her about something entirely unrelated (I was trying to save a friend who was having panic attacks and my ex was unknowingly responsible for the panic attacks), I panicked, I grabbed her arm, she threatened to call the police on me, had the teacher drive her home from class, and the next thing I knew, we were both in the university’s Office of Student Conduct. Oof.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
For the rest of my life, I will have to contend with the fact I fucked up the person I loved the most, and that the best thing I could ever do to help her was... to... leave... her... be.
If I had let my friend breathe after my first apology, if I had given my friend space to process through her hurt emotions until she no longer felt hurt, we might have been able to rekindle a friendship. But I never gave her the time to heal. I never respected her “no, stop talking to me.” My apologies were intended to make her feel better because I knew I was hurting her, my apologies were intending to say “I’ll never hurt you again!” But instead I kept digging a deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper hole.
I realize this is a dismal story. I don’t want to scare you. I want you to read this private story of my pained heart to understand what happens when I let desperation do all the talking. I want to share it to show how much I care for your situation. And I want you to understand that... after I learned taking a step back... I had radically better results with the friends I got into conflicts with. It took a ton of effort and work to retrain my conduct, but it worked, and I’ve found stabler and happier and relatively drama-free relationships. And if I fuck up for some reason mental-health-wise, it’s usually a single conversation and done to get us back on track.
I fuck up, but I’ll never fuck up like that again, never ever EVER, nowhere CLOSE. And that’s a... happy ending in its own right, yeah?
I do believe in you. I believe that not every story has to end like the one between my ex and me. I want to give you that hope. I believe you have a good heart and you definitely want things better. You wouldn’t have messaged me (and I believe... others... on tumblr?) if this didn’t matter to you. And anyone who wants to do something about a problem has the starting kernel of Betterness happening. I believe you can find more peace. Maybe it won’t come right away and maybe there’ll be rocky points, but life can become better, relationships can become better. There are ways, even with mental health struggles, to find that comfortable equilibrium again.
I wish you the best, friend. Take care. <3 Rooting for you. I apologize if any of my words ended up coming out wrong accidentally. I really do hope you find some relief in this situation. <3
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