#people are dumb sometimes and my favrite thing to do is yap
adashulaz · 23 days
I hate when Apple fans try to excuse her actions because of her mom being horrible. Yes her mom sucks, she isn't the best and Apple would've possibly had a better chance at being a better person if she didn't have Snow White as her mom or had some other adult for support. This argument doesn't work because plenty of other characters have horrible parents and end up being good people. I'll use Soren as an example because they're both blue eyed blondes. Soren was treated coldly by his father. Viren, his father, would constantly call Soren easily confused(dumb basically) and just be cold towards Soren because Soren isn't like him and Claudia, Sorens younger sister. Now Soren was pretty mean towards Callum due to jealousy, this jealousy was because of the fact Harrow, Callums step-dad, treated Callum like his son while Viren never bothered to treat Soren with any kindness. That is where Soren and Apple are similar. They both are treated harshly by a parent, high expectations thrown onto them.
Where do they separate? Apple is selfish, point blank. Apple might've agreed to end signing the book in the Wonderland arc but she immediately fell back into wanting Raven to sign the book once she was given the chance. She never once thought of how it would affect Raven, she even saw how it did affect Raven. She saw that signing the book changed Raven, Apple saw that signing the book made Raven evil. Yet Apple didn't care because it means she gets her happily ever after.
Soren isn't selfish, most things he does are for everyone else. The only selfish thing he did was leave Claudia and Viren. This was due to seeing how Virens actions hurt others. Soren was used to being hurt by his father emotionally, he was used to his father being cold to him. Once he saw that Viren was willing to turn others into monsters, he left to warn Callum and Ezran. Soren even offered for Claudia to come with him, an offer she declined. But that was the only selfish thing Soren ever did, he left Viren because he was a bad person. He left because Viren didn't just hurt him but is now hurting others. While Viren was the temporary king of Katolis, something he gained through manipulation, Soren still left. Soren would have gained so much if he stayed. Soren would've been royalty, he would have a higher status. Yet he didn't care about that, he only cared about the fact that Viren was willingly hurting others.
That is where Soren and Apple separate. They both had a terrible parent in their lives. The only difference being one was selfish and one wasn't. That is what makes the argument pointless. Soren was in a similar situation as Apple but he still decided to help others. He didn't put himself above others unless he was standing up to Viren and leaving. Apple kept her own dreams and ambitions above those she claimed to care about. That is what makes Apple a horrible person, she put herself above others.
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