dreaminglee · 8 years
Pentagon Hogwarts!AU
Gryffindor :
1. Hui
Sorted to Gryffindor in an instant, all of his family was Gryffindor student as well.
Courage and brave, ready to take a bullet for his friends.
Leader of the famous Frog Choir.
Sometimes reckless.
Well-liked and known by everyone, who doesn’t know the main vocalist-slash-the Leader of Frog Choir?!
Aside from his status in Frog Choir, everyone know him because he’s friendly as well.
Arrogant in terms of his musical prowess.
When you can’t sleep and went down to Common room at night, Hui will be glad to sing you a lullaby.
But also likes to nag at other Gryffindor student about everything. He basically cares for everyone.
The one who organized cool Gryff parties and invited other Houses only to brag. lol 
The one who come with ridiculous dare when playing Truth or Dare.
Also the one who will do any dare thrown at him.
Will start singing We Will Rock You at Quidditch match.
Ofc everyone will follow him.
2. Wooseok
School’s Prankster Mascot.
Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes’ VVVVVIP customer.
Also on Filch’s VVVVVIP detention list.
Dangerously reckless.
Almost fell down from the Owlery just because someone dared him to pet one of the sassiest owl.
Lots of pranks going wrong so he got quite a lot of bruises.
Madam Pomfrey scolded him a lot, but that didn’t stop him.
Gryffindor Quidditch Team’s Keeper
Because... come on, no one fits Keeper more than our Giant Wooseok.
Really use “You will like me because i’m a Keeper.” pick up line.
Surprise, surprise! Slytherin Yuto’s bestfriend!
Hogsmeade weekend trip go to : Spinwitches Sporting Needs. To check on Quidditch gear. Ofc with Yuto too!
In contrast with Jinho, he often mistaken as senior.
His Mom bought him an auto-grown uniform robes from Madam Malkin since he grow like a damn tree.
3. Shinwon
Gryffindor’s Catalogue Model.
Popular because his body proportion.
Kidding. He’s popular because he’s Go Shiwon, everyone loves Go Shiwon.
Surprisingly, member of the Rat Race Club.
One of the Quidditch Commentator Duo.
Extra af.
Lots of unnecessary comments during the match.
And a lot of roasting other Houses too.
“Nice dodge by that giant Gryffindor keeper over there! Really good at dodging Bludgers but unfortunately bad at escaping from Filch!”
“Go Shinwon!”
“Sorry Professor!”
“Back to the game, oh by the way Wooseok I heard you asked that senior from Hufflepuff on a date?”
McGonagall whipped out her wand and cast the mic on silent.
Favorite sweets : Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans.
Favorite Hogsmeade trip : following Yanan to Honeydukes.
Afraid of dogs and werewolf-type animal, nearly fainted when he met Fluffy.
Hufflepuff :
4. Jinho
Hufflepuff’s Head Boy
Hufflepuff’s Sunshine
Frog Choir’s Ex-Leader, left the Choir when appointed as Head Boy, but sometimes joined them on special occasion.
Moved to the Magical Creature Club, can be seen carrying around Bowtruckle on his shoulder.
Really likes Care of Magical Creatures subject, all the creatures loves him! even the Niffler and Hippogriff.
Everyone wants to hug him.
Come on, even when he’s the oldest amongst his friends, he’s still the most adorable.
Lots of first years mistaken him as a fellow first year. (so yeah, imagine their horror-stricken face when Yanan told them that the boy who’d they called by ‘bro’ for the past 1 hour is Jinho, the Head Boy, seventh year, and all that).
But he’s just laughing and told them not to be scared that much, after that, all Puff’s younger student idolized him.
Don’t be fooled by his appearance tho, because he’s really damn scary when mad.
One time Jinho blew up mad in front of lots of kids, even Hui and Hongseok had to drag him out of the room to calm him down.
Everyone got shocked to see him that mad even the younger kids starts crying.
But Jinho will go back to his usual self when the problem got sorted.
The one who will stand by with a glass of warm milk / coffee when everyone get hangover.
5. Yanan
Made in China
“Annyeong Chingudeul”
Loves herbology
Everyone’s friend, greets everyone, no matter what house or which year are they in.
Fat Briar’s bestfriend (?)
Every Hogwart’s Ghosts bestfriend tbh, this kid just love to befriend everyone, even the ghosts!!
Comes from a long line of Old Great Chinese Wizard Family, but no one realize because Yanan is too cotton candy looking to be the heir of ancient wizard family thing.
Don’t be fooled by that face because he won’t hesitate to kick your ass when he is mad.
His favorite part of the weekend Hogsmeade trip : Honeydukes.
From Acid Pops to Wizochoc, this boy right here have tried all of it.
On the top of his list : Fizzing Whizbees and Sugar Quill (because he can chew at it on class).
Treats puff’s younger kids who’s in a bad mood or sad to Honeydukes, sometimes you can see Shinwon by his side for a box of Bertie Bott’s .
Karamela Flume -the owner- sometimes give him bonus sweets, as Yanan is very polite and also bought lots everytime he come.
Favorite subject : Muggle Studies, Potion, and Herbology!
Muggle Studies because he really amazed by how Muggle world works, nowadays he’s fascinated by their cotton candy machine.
Potion and Herbology because his family is famous for their ancient chinese healing magic, Yanan can concocted various healing potions and his love for Herbology clearly helps him when making potions.
6. Hongseok
Straight O’s student. 
Instead of helping kids who cannot solve the riddle, he’ll helping them by giving hints.
Likes to have a deep talk with the Eagle Knocker.
Ravenclaw’s famous hot nerd.
But also pretty buff up, working out everytime he’s not studying.
Girls silently died when Hongseok rolled his sleeves just because
Dem muscular arms of him ofc *A*
Awkwardly tried to joked with others but mostly failed.
Very familiar with the kitchen’s house-elves altho he’s not hufflepuffs. It’s because he sometimes come to cook or grabbing snack for his late-night studying.
Good at food related charm. Don’t ask why.
Frog Choir’s fixed member, but he always said that he’s not and only performing because Jinho and Hui asked for his help.
He can see a person’s potential just by talking with him, and he’s a good adviser too.
Great observant. He’s good at sensing everyone’s mood, always know whether you’re in a good/bad mood or have some good/bad news to tell.
7. Kino
Change his hair color on hourly basis, but only his close friends who know the meaning of his hair colors.
Transforms into other Professor to release Wooseok from Filch’s detention.
Only McGonagall and his friends who can tell Kino behind all of his disguise. (yeah, even Flitwick, his own Head house, sometimes got fooled by his ability. But he never gets mad)
Use his abiility to sneak out at night, to find Room of Requirement. (Again, Filch never realized the Flitwick he meet every night is Kino in disguise)
Why Room of Requirement? Boy need to practice his dance every day, and which room can fulfill his need?
The first one who will go whenever McGonagall held the ball dance practice. And he’ll be willing to help teaching the younger kids who can’t.
Needless to say, he and his partner will be the first one to hop on to the center of the hall @ Yule Ball.
Cannot control his appearance when he talk to the girl he likes. His hair color, nose and ear shape will change uncontrollably.
 A really, really sweet kid.
8. E’Dawn
The epitome of eccentric.
Likes to give vague answers to the door knocker. Makes other Claw student groaned because it means it’ll be a long time for them to get in. Also loves to argue with the eagle.
Only his close friends can call him Hyojung.
Can emitted a dolphin-like scream.
But also spitting rap like fire.
Sometimes use rap-rhymes when insulting people.
Throwing aegyos whenever he got the chance. Making people want to coo but also kick him at the same time.
Hardcore deadliner.
Transfiguration test at 11 A.M? This boi will only start studying at 10.45.
But then got the highest mark among his classmates.
Late-night, philosophy-related discussion with Hongseok.
A good listener, when there are other Claw students who can’t sleep or having a problem, he’s beyond ready to lend ears.
Great observant no.2. But different from Hongseok, he’s good at reading situation. Someone joked too far? He’ll steered the conversation so the jokee know that he/she crossed the line. Someone got uncomfortable with the discussion topic? He’ll change it naturaly.
9. Yeo One
Have two persona. The cold, intimidating Yeo One & Bright, friendly Changgu.
You’ll get Yeo One at the first time you meet him, or if you’ve ever got on his nerves. And also if you insulted, or looking trouble with his friends/loved ones.
But when he trust you to be around him, you’ll see Changgu.
Even though he’s a pureblood, his family is the lenient one, he’s not that judgmental about blood status.
Cunning, good at making people to obey or doing something for him. But not in a bad way.
Slytherin’s Seeker.
Have a big fanbase among the other Quidditch players.
Good at fan service.
Loyal af. But never showed his loyalty in front other people.
Dare him to do something? He’ll do it to prove you wrong.
Girls like it when Yeo One styled his hair up because Yeo Chang Rude. they think he looks hotter with that hairstyle.
Pro at controlling facial expression.
10. Yuto
Transfer student from Mahoutokoro.
Beater in Toyohashi Tengu Junior.
Sorted to Slytherin when he transferred to Hogwarts and naturally scouted to Slytherin’s Quidditch team as Beater.
Have a small group of loyal fans who cheered him every match.
Surprise, surprise pt.2 ! Gryffindor Wooseok’s Bestfriend!
So it all started at 2002 Quidditch World Cup.
Yuto ride his mini broomstick outside his family tent, when he saw a kid taller than him riding his mini broomstick too.
They started a race (cute one ofc) and their family found them so cute, they exchanged addresses.
So Yuto and Wooseok become an Owl-pal and always met on a Global Young Quidditch Player Summer Camp.
Ofc Yuto jumped when an opportunity to be exchange student to Hogwarts come.
lol so done with Yuto-Wooseok backstory ppl.
Yuto is a shy puppy. But his flat expression make people mistake him as a scary, cold, typical Slytherin.
Will start blabbering in Japanese when caught off guard/shy.
But that’s his charm that make girls secretly like him.
A gentleman.
A hard worker.
Even when everyone always told him that he’s the best Beater Slytherin ever had, it didn’t stop him from training every day.
And he never forget to give credit to others.
“Oh no, of course we win because Yeo One Hyung caught the Snitch so quick!”
When Slytherin won a game but he thought that he did bad, he will go to the Training Grounds for another hard training.
A loyal friend, will silently support his friends.
When he smiled, everyone doted him. 
lol finally done with Pentagon Hogwarts!AU *dies* it took me almost 2 weeks because of work, lots of distraction lol, and mainly because I kept adding point to all members lol. I’m sorry if there are members who didn’t get as much background stories as the other :( and if my sorting is different with what you guys had in mind... I planned to make few short scenarios based on this also :> (after I finish one scenario request I got a few days ago omg so happy lol).
Hope you guys enjoy <33333333
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karizma114 · 7 years
Create Your Own Kpop Group
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Ever wondered what it would be like to make your own kpop group. Who would the members be? Well this game will try your bias list like no other.
Rules Of The Game: 
Choose 2-12 members for your group
Pick no more than one person from each group
Pictures or Gifs Of Members
Group Name
Music Genre  
# Of Members  and their Position in the group (Leader, Main Vocalist, Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Visual, Maknae, Hype-man/ Life Of The Party)
Debut Song
Fandom Name
Sub-group (Not needed,only if you want one.)
Entertainment Company (Real or Made Up)
And Their Hit Song That Goes Viral
Then tag me in your post. I would love to see what you come up with....
Note: This is your group so it can be whatever you want (Boy-Group, Girl-group, or mix) be creative with it. And trust me its not as easy as it looks but it is still fun.
Here Is My Kpop Boy-group If Anyone Cared lol.......
I Tag: @eddycakeway18 @gabs1819 @pentagonscenario @kookievmyoppa @fluffy-kpop-scenarios @babymonsbaby @taehyung-the-baehyung  @mysticships@ahgaseposts  (And anyone else that would want to play)
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dongsooks · 8 years
Can I have an imagine with YeoOne when we date for a year then I go away for a year then come back and walk in on him kissing another girl (he moved on because I wasn't there). I move on (with HongSeok my bff in Pentagon) and he tries to take me back after breaking up with the girl. Could you make it angsty? Thank youuu 😘😘❤️❤️
Hey first of all sorry for taking so long! Further there is already a very similiar piece written by @pentagonscenario (Link is here)If you would still like me to write one I will of course do it! I just wanted to credit the author first before writing something smiliar/close to identical.
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karizma114 · 7 years
My Kpop Boygroup
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This took me a while to think about especially since I couldn’t pick more than one member from each group.   
If you want to play along here are the Rules/ Requirements
Group Name: D.N.X. (Dynamix)
Fandom Name: Dymidians (or Dymes for short)
Music Genre : K-Pop/Hiphop/ R&B
# Of Members: 7
Debut Song: Dynamic
Hit Song That Goes Viral: Polaroid 
Sub-group: Name: JIJAE   (Mems: Bobby & Jaewon)
Entertainment Company: YG
Meet The Members.....
Leader: Bobby
The Reason My bias list keeps getting wrecked....
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Main Vocals: Jungkook
The one that can make anyone tear up just by singing….
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Main Rapper: Jaewon
With that amazing smile you almost forget he’s even a rapper….
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Main Dancer: Daeil
I guess dancing is 2nd nature to him….Lol, I’ll just observe. …
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Visual: Heedo
I just can’t seem to stop looking at him…..Can you?
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Hype-man / Life Of The Party: Jackson
He may be hilarious but don’t underestimate his sexiness……
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Maknae: Subin
Just calling him adorable is an understatement….
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What is your kpop group? I would love to see what you come up with so feel free to comment or tag me if you played along....
@eddycakeway18 @pentagonscenario @kookievmyoppa @babymonsbaby @fluffy-kpop-scenarios @taehyung-the-baehyung
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karizma114 · 8 years
Question Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @chenderellastrash……she’s so nice and very easy to talk to…..u guys should also follow her @kookievmyoppa where she writes a lot of kpop imagines, scenarios, and reactions for both EXO and BTS….😊
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 people you would like to get to know better……(I just picked 14….☺)
Your nickname : My family calls me Rizzy
Starsign: I am a Scorpio
Height: Im not exactly sure but I am between 164cm/5'4ft  and 166cm/5'5ft
Time right now: 12:15am on a school night……Ikr…such a badass 😜
Favorite music artist: you’re gonna make me hurt myself thinking about this…..there are way too many to choose from….
Song stuck in my head: NCT U Ten & Mark rapping to S.E.S Im your girl…..I love them to death but they made that song ass……I swear I can’t listen to it without laughing 😂
Last movie watched: Don’t Breath…..that shit was crazy!!!
Last TV show watched: Impractical Jokers…..I love that show….but usually I don’t watch TV…..YouTube is my bestfriend
What are you wearing: a hoodie, baggy T-Shirt,& some comfortable shorts to sleep in
When did you create your blog: that’s a good question because I don’t exactly know…..Im just gonna say a few months ago
What kind of stuff do you post: well originally it was supposed to be a kpop fanart/edit blog (like what I said in my bio….I love to draw portraits of people)….but I reblog so much kpop stuff you wouldn’t even think it was meant for that…..so anything kpop related (pics/gifs, videos, stories, memes……ect)
Do you have any other blogs: yes I have 2 others…..my second blog is @karizma 114imagines where I reblog the kpop imagines I have requested……and my third blog is @ulzzanglover where I post cute Asian guys from kpop or just regular people that I have found either on Instagram/Tumblr/Google
Do you get asks regularly: No actually….I don’t but I wouldn’t mind getting them….even in message. I have been more open to talk to people on here and I am really easy going and not hard to talk to…..so anybody feel free to message me anytime……..☺
Why did you choose your URL: idk Im just a really simple person so I just put my first name (Karizma like the word Charisma….Oh and fun fact about me….all of my siblings except one has a word for a name aswell…..Lol) and my birth numbers 11-4 at the end
Gender: female
Hogwarts house: Im not really big on Harry Potter so Im not really familiar to that
Pokemon team: same with Pokemon Im not to big on it anymore…..I lost my spirit when my mom throw away my card collection when I was younger……she’s so mean…😥
Favorite color: 1st Green & 2nd black……I guys you could say Green is my ultimate bias color…..😜
Average hours of sleep: it depends on the day it could be between 4-10 hours
Favorite number: 4
Favorite character(s): To The Beautiful You - Cha Eungyeol 😍 High School Love On - Sungyeol Valid Love - Kimjoon or Carpenter Kim 😍 Marry HimIf You Dare - Park Sejoo 😍 My Love From The Stars - Chen SongYi Exo Next Door - Sehun
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1……I usually like being cold when I go to sleep
Dream job: Youtuber…..it seems like so much fun to just make a video and get paid for it….☺
Following: 494…..😦god damn I have a following problem 😉
I tag: @eddycakeway18 @pastelbxliefs @pentagonscenario @taehyung-the-baehyung @toki-chan88 @gabs1819 @intimatelykorean @ahgaseposts @mysticships @kpop-cutie17 @fluffy-kpop-scenarios @got7fantasies @nctscenariosxo @fluffballjimin
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