#pentagon jinjo
peachybun-bun · 3 years
🔞Smut/Mature/Suggestive 🐇Fluff 💣Angst 💕 Poly/Multiple 🖤 Toxic 😆 Comedy
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MLT Kinky
Hui Choose Your Own Lyrics #1  🔞 Day 6 – Degradation – Hui  🔞
Jinho Breathe For Me  🔞 Hongseok
Shinwon Choose Your Own Adventure #1  🔞 Day 9 – Sex Toys – Shinwon  🔞 Day 13 – Thigh Riding – Shinwon  🔞
Yeo One
Yanan Day 26 – Hate Sex – Yanan  🔞 🖤
Kino Between Friends (ft. Vernon of Seventeen) 🔞 💕
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ultadachi · 4 years
pentagon as pro gamers
anonymous requested: hi! first of all big fan of your writing ♡ i wanted to ask about your take on ptg pro gamer au~ like what would their roles be on their team/teams? what’s their main? do they stream on the side? ♡ have a nice day!!!
a/n: i made them specifically overwatch pros since i know the most about that game lol i hope thats okay!!!
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gamertag: huing
support main, specifically mercy
when he started playing the game tho, he tried to be a tank main
would pick rein, charge straight in, and die
mercy is definitely more his speed
his streams are unintentionally goofy, as in he doesnt even try to be funny
he accidentally does stupid stuff and bam: content
always has a positive attitude
unless he’s not streaming then he might babyrage a bit lmao
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gamertag: mu$h jinjo
honestly he can flex and play any role
you need a rein who will push but won’t walk his ass in alone? that’s jinho
a zen who will get more kills than dps? that’s jinho
an actually competent dps that doesn’t just go mei? that’s jinho
he’s also amazing at shot calling
he sometimes streams but honestly not often
he doesn’t find streaming fun because he takes the game kinda seriously
can get tilted sometimes lmao
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gamertag: ir0nman
honestly has different tags for everything tho
absolutely a tank main 
sometimes will flex to like soldier or something but usually plays tank
mostly dva and hog and rein and winston
owl pro but he also streams variety stuff and dicks around
sometimes does irl streams too
everybody simps for him and he knows it
he’s so competitive, obviously he takes the game seriously and turns into a big baby when he loses
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gamertag: dawn
dps main but mostly like soldier and junkrat and mei and hanzo
basically anything that annoys the hell out of people
always screaming in comms and you cannot stop it
also plays ana sometimes
you know sleepy? yeah dawn’s streams are a lot like that
duos with wooseok a lot and it’s just constant yelling
complete chaos but it’s amusing chaos
he honestly just started as a streamer and got picked up so he’s just here for a good time and doesn’t take it too seriously
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gamertag: mcwon (because mcdonalds haaaa im so original)
healer main, mostly ana and lucio
always confused but honestly who isn’t at this point of ow
he says he’ll stream consistently but then never does bc he forgets
but he really wants a mcdonalds sponsorship
every other tweet is him getting mcdonalds
also trying to get his team sponsored
it’s 50/50 on if he’s going to rage or not tbh
he do be a sleep dart god tho
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gamertag: yeo1
healer/dps main
mostly widow, mei, bap, mercy, ana
he’s just here to do his best !!!!!
never toxic and never bms
okay well maybe sometimes he bms but he’s giggling the whole time
streams mostly ow but also random shit for no reason ?????
he’s just here to have fun
so he also never really gets angry when he loses
always types ggs! :) in chat
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gamertag: kimchi (idk he likes kimchi and im not very creative w names)
healer main
however he has an ult account and only plays dps because he’s just as good
but his team only really uses him as a healer, his talent is wasted
can and will flame the fuck out of you
actually can be really toxic lmao
easy to tilt
stereotypical angy dps main lmao
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gamertag: yutoda
flex player
usually plays off tanks, zen, mercy, ana, tracer, genji, and reaper
but he can play a variety of heroes
not much of a shot caller unless he’s playing zen or someone’s low or something
always very positive but very quiet
likes talking to his stream and rarely talks in voice chat w his team lmao
likes to play animal crossing and stardew valley between games
doesn’t get tilted and is always super sweet to everybody involved lmao
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gamertag: kino
another talented flex player :’)
mostly plays orisa, ball, mei, sombra, phara, ana, bap, and moira
consistent streams always
does shit show saturdays where he plays games w his friends (sometimes drunk) and’s it’s a mess but it’s funny
and sub sundays where he plays games w his subs
doesn’t get tilted but he will get upset if he’s on a losing streak or can’t win in actual owl matches
always tweeting positivity
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gamertag: jungwooseok
everyone just calls him wooseok (like how ryujehong was just shorted to jehong)
he’s very creative i know
tank main
plays a lot of rein and hog
doesn’t always take the game too seriously, he mostly goofs off between tryharding
lots of screaming but i mean that’s probably normal for rein mains
streams pretty much every single day but his sleep schedule is also fucked lmao
sometimes gets tilted but usually just gets kinda pouty instead lmao
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