#pennitha dreadful
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the-insouciant-scientist · 1 year ago
🌿❣️pennitha and agnes with 3? ~the dye stained socialite
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This too is doomed yuri
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pennitha and her lover with 4! :3c
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look at how happy Pennitha is, laughing with her lover!!!
they care about eachother so much <3
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prophet's post made me realize i should probably write down everyone's relationships
Elias Leroux
♡ QPR with Harper Faraday (@the-insouciant-scientist ) (go through a lot of the motions of romance and are dedicated to and married to eachother)
♡ Happles (romantic on occasion (usually intensly so), frequently sexual, but platonic ownership/dedication a lot of the time. relationships with masters are strange)
♡ Irving Merrit (@the-insouciant-scientist ) (Very picturesque romance on the outside, lots of dates and letters to eachother, but very platonic in private, mostly enjoying eachother's company)
♡ The Bloody-Handed Prince (Post the Bloody Wallpaper and some Parabolan incidents. Not frequent, but intense, and ends in much bloodshed)
♡ The Once-Dashing Tomb-Colonist (long distance unless Elias gets exiled, many passionate letters are exchanged frequently, it's a good arrangement for the both of them)
♡ The Bewildering Procession (varies from paramour to paramour, but never looks like a 'typical' relationship)
♡ The Silk-Clad Expert (Lots of fun BDSM and kink in Parabola, occasional flirting and kisses)(Femdom)
♡ Furnace (Elias has a crush and is perfectly content to dream away)
♡ Veils (again, strange relationships with masters. there is desire and want and calm moments together, but everything is very rare)
♡ Poor Edward (he stalks them through mirrors, they grow to enjoy it. Very complicated on both ends though)
♡ The Clay Highway Man (ouch)
♡ The Cooperative Clothes Colony (a parasite loving its host, and a host who loves the parasite)
Also of note: Elias is on the aromantic spectrum.
Pennitha Dreadful
♡ Her Lover from the Surface (Lover was murdered, and Pennitha most learn to overcome her grief. She's devoted to their memory.)
♡ The Secular Missionary (starts off sweet, but ends Very Poorly for the both of them. They were never good for eachother, and have regrets, but may reconcile eventually. neither were in the wrong, but as they grew, they grew apart)
♡ Agnes Day (@the-insouciant-scientist ) (Friends at first who go through similar tough journeys, and eventually find solace in eachother
Pheobe Mesbah
♡ No one yet! may change as he developes.
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Orchid, tulip, winterberry? :-)
Orchid: What's your oc's biggest fear? Elias has two big, main fears. The first i've talked about before, with them being terrified of losing their freedom and being trapped again! The second, however, I haven't mentioned much! The Socialite is incredibly scared of nobody liking them. They want to be loved and adored, and the thought of everyone hating them, resenting them? Horrific to them!!! Pennitha is afraid of never finding any love ever again. Of being lost, consumed, and nothing but a hollow shell of who she was. Forgotten as a ghost. Pheobe is terrified that the other Varchaasi were right, and that they are doomed to never walk in Mihir's Light, cast aside forever. Tulip: If you could say/do one thing to your OC, what would you say/do? I would wrap Elias in blankets and tell them that they are loved, and that they can finally live their life, and live it for themself. They'll do things they may regret, but that doesn't mean they've ruined their newest chance. I would give Pennitha a hug, and tell her it's not worth it to sacrifice herself to bring others back. She can live her life with their memory beside them, and it won't be a betrayal. She's allowed to feel happiness again. I want to tell Pheobe that he can engage with his beliefs in a way that it won't hurt him, and help him deconstruct what happened to him. I want to explain that if he chooses, he can still love his faith without overwriting what about it harmed him. his worth is not based entirely in what others say his god should be like.
Winterberry - Use one or more photos that encapsulates your OC's clothing style. Elias:
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now please picture this but all absolutely stained Pennitha:
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i do not have a solid enough grasp on pheobe's style yet unfortunatly!!
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he wear masculine styles, and gauzier fabrics that light can soak through! very light colors for this man!
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🧍‍♂️ and 🐀 for the ask game!
answering the companion question for Elias!
Bad Ending #2: The Irrigo-Stained Socialite. Found in the Cave of the Nadir. Persuasive +11, Watchful -7, Mithridacy +2, Dreaded -4
Answering the second for Pennitha!
Any rat friends? Pennitha has formed a bond with the White Rat. They both grieve their lost loved ones, and are doing their best to pull their selves together again
game here
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D8 for pennitha & B9 for elias for the expression meme?? :D
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pennitha!!! she deserves a nice break i think, and lovely cup of tea!! please ignore the lines i had a shakey hand
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what do you have to do to get elias leroux not only pissed off, but visibly so? no idea, but I'd start running!
ask game here (still open )
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flower ask game! lily and lavender :D!
Lily answered here!! Lavander: how do they cope with loud noises? Elias: Elias had some practice with this when their parents had lots of guests over, and even more when they were in court, but they still don't like it! If they're having a good day they'll be able to tolerate it and have quite time afterwards, if they're having a bad day they'll start to dissociate and not realize what's going on until it's stopped! Pennitha is remarkably okay with others' loud noises! A sudden loud noise though and she'll jump out of her skin! But in general she really doesn't mind it! Pheobe is already HoH, and will be much moreso after a certain point in Bagging that Legend, so they prefer when people Speak Up Please! He can't hear :( Lower tones are easier though, but High and Loud can actually hurt a bit! ask game here
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drawing surface pennitha and oh it Hurts. my poor little nemisis player 😭
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the-dye-stained-socialite · 2 years ago
...... 🍎 [RED APPLE]
okay, so i thought that said WHAT does your oc value above all else, not WHO, so i already typed out a response for what, so you're getting both!
above all else, elias values.. personal freedom. the ability to choose what you want from your own life. they've been in situations before where that has been taken from them, and that was awful for them. and they hold this for other people as well, even if someone else chooses something awful, elias could never bring themself to take away someone's right to choose. it has lead them into many sticky and horrible situations before, but they still won't shake it.
pennitha values memories and histories. she writes a lot, because when her lover was murdered, all she had of her was a few scant photos and letter snippets. when she dies, she wants her knowledge to be passed on, for others to know she existed.
letters values... well, letters. a similar, but different reason to pennitha. it's how we communicate, how we share our knowledge and stories, and really it collects forms of communication. it seeks to understand others. this also leads to it prying secrets out from unwilling victims, but such is the price for knowing.
for elias it would be their partners, chief among them Harper Faraday! Harper has been there for them for a long time, taking care of them on bad days, but never seeing them as anything less than a whole person.
pennitha values her dead love most of all, but in her grief, she's started seeking out and mourning another
letters does not value any specific person, and in fact it has trouble connecting those its corresponded with to when it meets them in person, there's a bit of a disconnect. over time this can be mitigated, but not ever fully solved.
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the-dye-stained-socialite · 2 years ago
👕 Pennitha
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[hide and SEEK-ing neath champion]
here she is! my lovely mourning seeker!
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the-dye-stained-socialite · 2 years ago
what will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
elias will never back down about being allowed their autonomy. if someone grabs their handles without consent they will bite and scream and even ditch their chair if they must, they will Not be controlled by another person. this frequently makes them look like an asshole. at the same time, they won't remove someone's choice in a matter if they won't budge. if they can be persuaded to come around, that's great, but to remove someone's ability to choose is too much, and yes, this did leed to Beechwood becoming a full monkey.
pennitha... hm, she tends to be more passive just out of depression, so this is hard to answer. at this point, getting revenge for her lover, and doing what (she thinks) will get revenge for another wrongful murder, even if both lead her to bad places.
letters won't let go what it doesn't understand, and it needs to work on that. it will keep asking questions about someone's exact thought process and mentally dissect them, and it needs to figure out some secrets must stay secret
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aaand Pennitha and Pheobe!!
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wanted to have fun with picrew too, but the other had no good round options at all, so i used this one instead!! here's elias!!!
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bluesky: The Dye-Stained Socialite
discord: ask!
Elias' profile link here! responds to things in or out of character depending on if you're also in or out of character! (basically,.matches what you do, and loves to talk)
i post kink, it's tagged as #suggestive. smut is tagged #the parlour of virtue .
i very much adore happles <3
please note: I'm a sickly victorian with chronic pain/illnesses, my activity is likely to be spotty!!! i do love to chat though, but i may be slow to respond or give short answers! don't let that stop you from talking to me though, I'll reply when i get the spoons!
will edit more later
Art Tag
Fic Tag
May's Strip Game
In game OCs:
Elias Leroux/The Dye-Stained Socialite. Heart's Desire (completed! Love/Adoration), wheelchair user, They/She (married to @the-insouciant-scientist 's Harper Faraday, and has Things going on with Happles and the Red Court, as well as many other partners)
(modern terms: bi-gender, aro-spec)
Bio Here. Speech ref here
Thursday, The Portentous Pawn: Nemisis. Cane user. They/She/He. Mother was the assassin, and is struggling against a pre-determined life. Rev aligned. Hard of Hearing on their right side.
Bio Here
Marigold, the Love-Sick Captive: Honey-hive in love with their torturer, the Captivating Princess. They/Them only. Was originally meant to play Nemesis. Ex-Revolutionary. Low-vision blindness, can vaguely see shades of red like a migraine aura, all as a result of the red honey harvesting.
Bio Here
Pennitha Dreadful/???: Nemisis. Cane user, in mourning. She/They. on the back burner while i work on story.
Bio Here
Relationship Post
Not In-Game OCs:
Pheobe Mesbab: Bag a Legend. Cane user? Varchasi/Greek, now Taamas. He/They. on the back burner for now while i work on story
Mr Ephemera: Collects letters, secrets, horrible truths, and anything that is doomed to fade. Mexican Free-Tailed Bat. Crime:???. It/its
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elias was originally a standalone character as well, meant to partner with harper!! they were also originally a very very recently turned vampire, who was still adjusting to all that entailed!! of course, when @the-insouciant-scientist ported harper over to fallen london, elias joined them!!! nowadays they very much Do Not resemble the original, and have developed a whole lot! their original ambition ending was going to be Power, which is now reflected in the nightmare version: Mr. Stains.
pennitha dreadful was originally based off of a different character of nearly the same name from a different game i play, but she quickly turned into someone else! lot sadder too!!! still has some minor allergies though...
the rest of my OCs were created specifically for the fallen london universe!!
Out of curiosity, were your OCs made specifically with Fallen London in mind, or were they other existing OCs that you changed to fit the setting?
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aaand Pennitha and Pheobe!!
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wanted to have fun with picrew too, but the other had no good round options at all, so i used this one instead!! here's elias!!!
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