#pen on the other hand was unanimously decided by the fandom to Look Like That
vesselvindicate · 6 years
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Objectober Day 20: Scene Redraw
This piece cost part of my soul
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Heavy is the Crown
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Summary: During a case, you learn that Spencer never got to go to a high school dance. And that just doesn't sit right with you, so you decide to fix that.
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The case was closed. Several young teenage girls had been kidnapped and murdered. The unsub was a thirty-seven year old male who’d been humiliated at his senior prom, so he saw the young girls as surrogates for the girls who humiliated him at his prom. Before he was able to hurt two more girls, you and the team managed to track him down in time.  
You, Spencer, Derek headed towards the SUV after the capture of the unsub. You shook your head in disbelief, “Wow. Prom. Not gonna lie, I didn’t see prom as a big deal, but I went anyway because I didn’t want to miss out.”
Derek smiled with a hum, “My prom is a bit of a blur, honestly. A lot when on that night,” he gives you a knowing look and you and Spencer roll your eyes at him.
Then Spencer spoke up, “I never got to attend prom.”
You stopped him, before getting into the car, “Wait, you’ve never been to prom?” 
Your friend and crush, Spencer, shrugged, “Well, I wasn’t very liked in high school. I got bullied a lot so didn’t bother going. No one wanted to go with me.” he hopped into the front seat with Derek in the driver’s seat, and you took the back.
You shook your head, not liking the idea that Spencer’s high school experience was tainted by bullies. Then an idea popped into your head....
Friday morning, Rossi walks into the bullpen gathering everyone’s attention, “Joy, Kai, and Shawn are coming over to visit tonight so I’m inviting everyone else as well. Dress to the nines. It’ll be a formal dinner cooked by Hayden and myself.”
Everyone’s eyes lit up with excitement. Yours especially. You watch as Emily speaks with Spencer and you gather everyone else near you, “Okay. Remember everyone needs to get to Rossi’s a half hour before the designated time. We all know that Spencer likes to be punctual.”
“This is so exciting!” Penelope squeals and you, Tara, JJ, and Luke quiet her down, “Sorry!” She then whispers her previous statement, “This is so exciting!”
You giggle, “Okay, remember, Spencer doesn’t know. And try to act cool guys. He’s a profiler. He’ll know if we’re up to something.”
“Who’s up to something?” you jump when you hear Spencer’s voice behind you. He winces and murmurs out an apology.
You shake your head, “It’s fine. We’re planning on pulling a prank on Hotch. You in?”
He shrugs, “Depends what it is.”
“Well, we’re still fleshing out the ideas, but I’ll let you know.” you pat his shoulder and everyone goes back to their respective desks. 
Spencer follows you to yours and leans against your desk as you sit down, “Can I give you a ride to Rossi’s tonight?”
“Sure! You’ll be my DD!” you giggle and he smiles back when he asks, “So, what’re you thinking about wearing tonight?”
“I have this maroon satin gown that I’ve been meaning to wear. Guess I’ll wear that. You?”
“Coat and tie?” he gives a shrug.
“At least add some color, Spence! I know you have some colored ties on you.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I’ll wear a maroon one so we could match,” he teases.
You scrunch your nose up in playful distaste, “Ew. Matching with you? No way.” you both giggle at the teasing. 
When you answer your door, Spencer is taken back. Your hair is done nicely, makeup glamorous, but not too subtle. The maroon satin dress clings to you perfectly, showing off your figure well.
Spencer gulps, “W-Wow. You look-You look beautiful.”
You shy from his compliment, “Thanks, Spencer. You look pretty good yourself.”
“Oh, uh, thanks,” he says as he smooths down his maroon tie. Looks like he decided to match you after all. 
He gulps when you move around your living room, collecting your purse and shawl, locking up your place. There’s a slit on your dress that reveals your leg when you move and he feels himself grow a little hot.
“Ready?” you ask expectantly. 
“Yup!” he shoots you a smile and helps you into his car. 
You sway to the classical music he plays in his car, completely unaware of the conflict swirling through his mind. Spencer has had feelings for you for a long time, deciding to never say anything to you because he’d rather keep you as a friend than potentially lose you due to his own feelings. 
But tonight, he feels like he’s being tested. You’re so beautiful and there’s this elegance to you that you’re exuding tonight. He feels so overwhelmed. Maybe at the end of the night, he might tell you. Just maybe.
When the door to the Rossi residence swings open, Rossi lets out a whistle, “Look at you two kiddos!” Rossi hugs Spencer and he kisses you on both cheeks, “Bella.”
You giggle out a “thank you,” and then go to greet Hayden who’s donning a beautiful navy blue gown.
“Everyone else is already in the back,” she gives you a wink. 
You begin heading towards the backyard, Spencer right at your heels. With your shawl wrapped around your shoulders, you step outside and you’re beaming.
Rossi’s backyard as lights everywhere, a photobooth, a table lined with hors d'oeuvres and a punch bowl. Music is playing in the background as the team and their significant others mingle. All the while their children are running around playing with Luke’s dog Roxy. 
“Wow. This is nice. Wait-” Spencer then spots a banner that says BAU PROM, “Prom?” he turns to you with confusion in his eyes. 
You gave him a shrug, “You said you never got to experience prom, so now you can. And you’ll be surrounded by the people who love and care about you.”
“You did this?” he asks in disbelief.
“Well, yeah, but Derek, Penelope, and Rossi helped.”
“Reid!” Derek emerges from the group and Spencer’s eyes light up. He rushes to his big brother’s arms, getting a strong hug from him. 
You giggle as you move to greet Derek as well then moving to the rest of the group. Everyone looks at you in awe, “Woooow.”
“You look beautiful, my maroon goddess!” Penelope swoons, hugging you while also not trying to spill her glass of wine. 
“Thank you. For helping out and showing up. This is gonna be so fun!” you jump for joy as your coworkers and friends surround you. 
After mingling for about an hour, dinner is served and you all pick your designated tables. You don’t expect Spencer to sit with you, but he does anyway, pulling out your chair for you. 
At your table is Derek, Savannah, and Hank. You all make small talk, occasionally pausing to coo at little Hank who’s now two years old. 
An hour later, plates are cleared, drinks are flowing, and the music is booming. You dance with various people on the dancefloor while Spencer decides to spend some time with the kiddos. He doesn’t dance and you respect that. 
The music is now cut and Penelope has a mic in her hands, “Alright, everyone! It wouldn’t be a prom without a prom king and queen!”
You look at her with confusion and walk up to her, “Pen, we didn’t even vote.”
She gave you a mischievous grin, “We did. You didn’t. And by unanimous vote, our prom royalty is our very own Spencer Reid and Y/N L/N!”
Your eyes widen in shock as everyone bursts into hollers and applause. You laugh as you watch Penelope rush to Spencer and drag him towards you on the dancefloor. Hotch comes around with a plastic crowns for you, placing one on each of your heads. 
Everyone applauses again and Penelope announces, “Now, if the prom king and queen would like to make their way to the center of the dancefloor for their royal dance!”
You’re now suddenly nervous. You look to Spencer and give him a small smile, “We don’t have to dance, Spencer. It’s okay.”
“It’s alright,” he slips his hand into yours, “You did all of this for me. I can do this for you.” he tugs at your hand, bringing you to the center of the dancefloor. Everyone circles around you as you bring your hands to rest on Spencer’s shoulders and his hands rest on your hips. 
You sway to a cover of Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight”. Spencer is looking at you and you’re looking at him. And the world around you seems to fade away. 
“So...we’re BAU Prom royalty,” you state.
“Yeah. Looks like we are.”
“Have an idea what you’re gonna do now that you’re king?” you ask jokingly and Spencer licks his lips and gulp, “There are a lot of things that I want to do and say, but I’m not sure how.”
You hum, “Uneasy is the head that wears a crown.”
“Henry the fourth,” Spencer murmurs. 
“Yeah. I remember you said it was one of your favorites.” you look down, unable to handle Spencer’s gaze anymore.
The more you two slow dance together, the closer you guys seem to get. You’re completely unaware of the dancing couples around you or the fact that Penelope is anxiously waiting for something to happen. 
“Hm?” you look up and as soon as you do, Spencer’s lips on yours. You stop swaying as his hands cup your face and your hands move to grip the lapels of his suit jacket. 
On the sidelines, everyone is beaming from ear to ear, while Penelope is jumping for joy. JJ and Derek fist bump and Hotch and Rossi are just giving supportive smiles. 
When you pull away, you chuckle at the smeared lipstick on Spencer’s lips. You use his handkerchief to wipe away as much as you can while helps you.
You two don’t say anything, but go back to holding each other and swaying to the rest of the song. 
This may have been Spencer first and last prom he’ll ever attend, but it was certainly the best one ever. 
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superyangarang · 6 years
God, Yang’s Scroll, and Tea
Summary: It was finals day at Beacon, but then Yang’s cellphone rang. a/n:  all my bumbleby stories have been angst so i figured i should write something where the bees aren't crying. this fic is based on the fic I wrote and posted on my main blog for the anr fandom three years ago. this is my absolute favorite fic and i wanted to just make a bees version of it, of course i changed up a few things. i hope ya'll enjoy. 
(also posted at AO3)
Last two words.
Later, Dad.
Yang was about to hit send then –
“Miss Xiao Long.”
Yang groaned and looked up. She saw substitute teacher, Professor Goodwitch, glaring at her through her glasses.
Yang stared at her nervously. “Uh, s-sorry, Professor Goodwitch. I was just tex – ”
“Give me your scroll.”
Damn, Yang thought. Professor Goodwitch looked at her expectantly; Yang didn’t have a bad reputation amongst the faculty of Beacon. She got along with the teachers. She got along with everyone. Okay, well maybe she wasn’t on Professor Goodwitch’s good side all the time but Yang was never considered a bad student. She wanted to be someone Ruby can look up to. However, the universe always allowed an exception. And their stern professor was the perfect example of an exception to Yang-Xiao Long-Gets-Along-With-Everyone-Reputation.
Yang silently cursed the universe and wondered why of all the days in the school calendar, Professor Port chose the day of their finals to call in sick.
With the test papers still in hand, Professor Goodwitch stared at Yang. She appeared disinterested but the prodding look she gave Yang was unwavering.
Damn it.
The rest of the class started murmuring; they wanted to be done with the exam as soon as possible but Yang not giving up her scroll only stalled their already inevitable fate.
A few chairs away, Sun nudged Blake. “Blaaake...”
Blake glanced at him and signaled her to keep quiet with one of her signature disinterested yet piercing stares.  
“But Yang’s being –”
“Shut it, Sun.”
Sun sighed and grinned. “Professor Goodwitch sure is on a roll. Don’t you think so, Blake?”
Blake rolled her eyes at Sun and stole a glance at Yang, who looked like she was having a staring contest with the teacher.
Christ. She’s gotten into trouble.
I guess I should save the day, Blake mused.
She was about to speak up but Professor Goodwitch beat her to it.
“Miss Xiao Long, are you going to give it to me or do I have to come over there and pry it off your fingers?”
The class’ murmuring became full-pledged. She could hear Nora and Pyrrha’s muffled voices several chairs away. Weiss caught Yang’s eye. Yang could tell she was sending her a telepathic message.
Yang Xiao Long, give the scroll or I will hit you with a binder.
Yang cringed. She did not want to get hit by Weiss’ huge ass binders so she forced herself to get up from her seat and surrender her scroll. She glanced at everyone as she walked up to the teacher’s lectern.
Look at them; they’re so freaking ready to take the test and ace it, Yang thought displeasingly.
Yang handed her scroll to the pissed yet smug looking teacher.
Blake rolled her eyes.
Professor Goodwitch smiled.
Yang felt a chill. Blake felt a chill. Everyone in the class started murmuring again. Professor Goodwitch pressed a few buttons, her nails grazing the keypad and placed the scroll on the ledge of the blackboard, chalk dust and all. Yang just stared at the confiscated item as she tried not to cringe. The teacher glared at her. The glare made Yang drag herself back to her seat.
“Let this be a lesson to you, brats, never to cheat.”
But I wasn’t cheating, damn it, Yang thought angrily. She studied, and she was good in classes. Yang never cheated. And never will. 
But she had no choice but to shut up.
As soon as the scroll debacle was over, Professor Goodwitch distributed the papers immediately. Pens and pencils being raked across the papers were heard across the room as everyone in the class skimmed the test papers in haste. The geniuses in the class, like Pyrrha, Weiss, and Blake, started answering the test as if they were just answering stupid, useless, time-consuming quizzes on Facebook.
Silence enveloped the room for a record-breaking minute.
Suddenly, a sound of a muffled doorbell was heard from the front of the room, somewhere near the blackboard ledge. Yang began cursing the sheep, pigs, and pigeons alike. Blake gave her a sideway glance. She saw Yang’s brows furrowing.
Blake sighed.
She did warn her on their study night the day before to concentrate but Yang kept arguing that she was already done studying for the exam. Knowing her girlfriend, Blake assumed it was true. Yang’s smarter and a lot more dedicated than people make her out to be.
The muffled doorbell sound rang again. Blake looked back at Yang again. Yang was now looking at her confiscated scroll in front of them. Blake looked at her disbelievingly and looked away, leaving Yang twirling her pen absentmindedly. Blake wondered why Yang was so disoriented and nervous.
Was the message just then so important for her that she could concentrate? Was it from her dad? An emergency perhaps? The network service provider offering endless –
“Yaaaaaaaang – ”
FUCK, capitalized, bolded, underlined, size 72, Sun heard Blake say. Lie Ren, who was seated at the back of the room even heard the curse. Ren looked up from his test paper and glanced at Blake and then to Yang, who was next to him, and lastly at Professor Goodwitch. The substitute teacher seemed to be listening intently. The scroll’s playback continued to ring – obviously, this was no longer a text message but a scroll call. It must be really urgent. So urgent that the caller would sacrifice his or her life.
“Yang, don’t be rude. Come here right now. I want youuuu – ”
By this time, the class had already forgotten the possibility of flunking the most dreaded exam by the strictest substitute teacher on the most dreaded subject. The students looked back and forth at, the owner of the ringing scroll and the owner of the voice ringing on the scroll, Yang and Blake.
FUCK, GOODWITCH FUCK WHY DID YOU PUT IT ON LOUD MODE FUCK, Yang cursed in her head. She stared at her test paper to avoid the glances of her classmates and her girlfriend. Yang wondered if Professor Goodwitch was the devil’s spawn. Blake on the other hand, started making a list on the margins of her paper.
She was not usually this agitated and murderous but she started filling out her Assassination List and preferred method of assassination beside the names.
 Blake’s Assassination List:
1.              Yang Xiao Long by choking performed by someone who has mastered the skill of choking people to death, maybe me.
2.              Professor Goodwitch, by gradual slitting of neck using Jaune’s sword.
3.              Dumb Caller by immersion in 1000 degree Celsius temperature, freshly boiled water from the Dead Sea.
4.              Yang Xiao Long by induced coup d’état by all the governing bodies of Remnant.
5.              Yang Xiao Long by world war times infinity.
Wow, she could be creative, reading those books sure did pay off.
“ – Yang, I want to see you naked – ”
Ruby, who struggled to ignore Yang’s ringtone that featured Blake’s seductive slurring followed by Yang’s drunken laughter, finally looked at her sister, face tremendously horrified and scandalized. Blake remained motionless in her seat, head down on paper. Yang started to pray and decided that if she lived through this day, she’d become a monk.
“ – I want to touch you –”
Nora slowly dropped her pen on her desk and popped her head on her elbows; the dreamy look on her angelic face was evident. Oohh, fun, me likey, she thought.
“ – I want to feel you, Yaaaaang – ”
Blake gripped her pen tightly as she started scribbling ALCOHOL MUST BE BANNED. SCROLLS MUST BE BANNED. YANG XIAO LONG MUST DIE.
Yang was starting to imagine God himself. She imagined him sitting cross legged, drinking earl grey tea calmly as he watched Yang suffer from below.
“– Let me play with you – ”
“Oh my.” Pyrrha mused, placing a hand on her mouth in shock. 
Ren closed her eyes and leaned back on his seat. A hint of amusement was seen on his face for a full minute.
Jaune’s was as red as Pyrrha’s hair.
Weiss bit back a smirk of her own and looked at Blake who looked like she was ready to murder someone right off the bat.
“ – God, you’re so sexy, Yang Xiao Long, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck – ”
 The classroom was dead silent and the people from the class then and there unanimously decided that this moment mattered more than answering the bloody exam.
“Message saved to voicemail.”
No single soul in the class dared to speak. All ears were glued at the vibrating, loud, blinking gadget on the blackboard ledge. The message started its playback. 
HOLY FUCK, IT’S TAI, both Yang and Blake yelled inside their heads.
“Yang, honey, I was worried for some reason so I decided to call you. You told me you’d be at an overnight trip with Blake tonight, right? Oh well, you’d better crash here first to change so your clothes would be washed and so you can pick up your overnight bag for you trip – if I may quote ‘your trip to Nirvana’. Seriously, Yang.”
Half of the class looked at Blake. Half of them looked at Yang. Professor Goodwitch looked pissed but slightly amused at the interesting turn of events.
“Oh, and please don’t exhaust yourself too much. I remember you being too sore to stand when you got home from the last trip you two had.”
Ruby reached over the space between the seats to cover Penny’s ears.
“Penny, you’re too innocent,”
“Oh, Ruby, it’s fi –”
“Penny, no.”
Sun could not take it anymore so he let out a loud parade of laughter. So did Neptune. The pen Blake was holding broke into two.
And Yang, the cause of all this, started writing her last will and testament out of haste.
 “I hope you and Blake will have a good time tonight, little dragon!”
 There was another beep, signaling the end of the message and then the gadget fell silent.
In that moment, Yang swore she felt her soul finally leave her body.
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