dangan-imagines · 7 years
SDR2 girls finding their S/O asleep in the tub
I’m really sorry for not posting last week guys, and woohoo! Almost to 700 followers! 
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-Mod Rantaro
Sonia Nevermind
• You two had just finished watching a horror movie, and it was pretty late
• And you were already pretty tired, so I mean, what better way to unwind than a warm bath, though you didn’t tell the blonde-haired female
• But, you just didn’t have the energy, and passed out before you could even get undressed
• And after a short while, Sonia noticed, worriedly calling out your name and searching the whole house for you 
• And after about a half hour of turning the house upside-down, she noticed the bathroom light on, quickly barging in
• Only to find her S/O on the floor, out cold
• She didn’t mind changing you into your pajamas, after all, it was her duty as your girlfriend to make sure you went to bed in the appropriate attire
• And afterwards, she just carried you back to bed
• The next morning though, you woke up confused as hell
Peko Pekoyama
• Peko being Peko, she was extremely overprotective when it came to you
• So of course she grew quite upset when you asked to use the bathroom during your pet-sitting lesson with her how else would she learn to become more approachable
• Only to disappear for what seemed to be a little over an hour
• Mother Mode Activated
• She searched everywhere for you, inside the house, outside the house
• She even had to visit Hanamura to make sure he didn’t kidnap you or something
• She had checked the bathroom beforehand but it was only a quick scan through it, so of course she went back to check it a bit
• And was very surprised to find a snoring S/O in the tub
• She tried to wake you, but eventually just gave up and gave you a piggy back ride back to bed
Chiaki Nanami
• You two were tying to pull an all-night Super Smash Bros. competition
• And after 30 rounds with a final score of 2:28 (I’m sure the outcome was obvious) with you only winning due to the two times she fell asleep during a match
• You decided to make some snacks for yourselves
• That is until you felt the 5 gallons of Sprite you drank earlier come back to haunt you
• Though it was difficult with how tired you were, you still somehow managed to make it
• Meanwhile Chiaki was dozing off again, trying to get some sleep before you came back and shook her awake, and almost peed herself when she heard a loud thud coming from the bathroom
• Getting up with a start, she cautiously tiptoed while trying to remember the Luigi’s Mansion tutorial just in case
• And carefully opened the door to see you slumped over in a heap, covered in the shower curtain
• Without question, she just casually slid in next to you, and before falling asleep, pumped her fist in the air
• “Another flawless victory.”
Hiyoko Saionji
• You’ve spent the last few weeks helping Hiyoko practice for her upcoming performance
• And although it wasn’t easy, she seemed to be very grateful for your help, which was honestly the only thing keeping you going
• Of course you hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep either, between her dance routines and struggling to find kimonos
• So the day of her performance came, and you were putting on her makeup
• “Tch, you should just stay home and sleep. You don’t have to go if you’re that tired!”
• “Haha, then who would be there to cheer you on? Plus you wouldn’t want Mahiru taking pictures of you with smudged make up, right~?“
• But after a few minutes of bickering, you agreed to take a nap before you left
• Honestly though, as soon as she left the room, you passed out in the tub
• And she returned minutes later, scoffing at your sleeping state
• With a little smile on her face
• Unfortunately though she had to haul you into the car via shopping cart to avoid being late
Mikan Tsumiki
• It was two in the morning
• And you were helping Mikan with her new nurse job
• Helping her with things like unloading medicine, and tending to the sick patients
• Luckily though she only tripped once, while walking into a patient’s room
• Apologizing profusely afterwards, hoping she hadn’t embarrassed you
• Though honestly​ you enjoyed the view
• As it grew later, you became more and more tired, unlike your timid girlfriend, having much experience with such late hours
• But seeing you so tired made her feel bad, so she apologized a few times before suggesting you rest in one of the empty rooms
• Of course you declined though, you couldn’t leave her by herself
• Eventually you gave in to your sleepiness, however you sorta kinda ended up mistaking the bathroom for a room, sliding into the bathtub, passing out immediately
• And after her shift ended, she came to wake you up
• Only you weren’t there, causing her to let out a small squeak, searching every room of every floor, until she saw the third floor’s bathroom light on, with the door wide open
• To reveal you inside, feet hanging out, drooling slightly
• “A-Ah, S/O? Y-You shouldn’t be sleeping in there, it’s full of germs!”
• Eventually though she got tired of trying to wake you up, and just dragged you out of the tub and onto a bed, occasionally coming back to check on you
Mahiru Koizumi
• The red-head was out for the day, at a photography job of some sort
• While you were at home, mindlessly scrolling through an app on your phone
• She would call every few hours, making sure you were okay
• Until at one point in the day, you had stopped answering
• At first she wasn’t too concerned
• You were probably watching TV or something, and your phone wasn’t within grabbing range, or it was on silent
• But after a few more hours, she grew worried
• Since number one, who the heck watches TV for that long, and two, if it was on silent, you should’ve seen that you’d missed calls from me right?
• So she impatiently waited for her shift to end before racing home, knocking on the door, but to no answer
• Eventually she became anxious, hurriedly unlocking the door, and yelling out your name
• And almost having a heart attack when she heard rustling coming from inside the bathroom
• Throwing the door open, she was relieved to find her S/O, angrily muttering due to the sudden harsh light
• She couldn’t even bring herself to scold you, though her overly-tight hugs were punishment enough along with the photos she took of you during your nap
Akane Owari
• She had challenged you to an eating contest earlier in the week at the local All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
• But honestly, you didn’t expect it to get this out of hand
• Ten minutes into the contest half of the food containers were empty, mainly because of Akane smh and the manager was begging you to stop your out of control girlfriend
• After aggressive pulling and shouting, you managed to get her away from the food
• And of course you had to pay for the ‘damage’ done before going back home
• Upon arriving however, you immediately grew tired due to the massive amount of food you consumed
• And of course nausea, resulting in Akane having to carry you inside, gently placing you down in the bathtub with ease
• Before leaving to get a bit of medicine to help with your nausea
• To her surprise though, when you came bavk you were fast asleep
• So, not wanting to disturb you, she kinda just left you there
Ibuki Mioda
• You were watching the young musician play, enthusiastically listening to her newest song, getting your ears blasted out before the noise complaints came in “Shovel Penetrates the Dirt”
• Clapping every time she sang a verse, earning a bow from her each time in turn
• Of course this went on for hours, seeing as the energetic girl never got tired
• So you excused yourself before you became deaf to the bathroom
• Before deciding to take a bath, because after all, you were sweating quite a bit in that garage
• So you turned the water on, and watched it fill up before getting in, dosing off a bit due to the warmth
• Before Ibuki’s music rang throughout the halls again
• Y'know what, you didn’t sleep at all
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