#peggy reavey
medverf · 6 months
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Peggy Reavey
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bonniegrrl · 4 years
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I love this photo of a young David Lynch with his first wife - artist Peggy Reavey - along with their daughter who would become an amazing filmmaker in her own right - Jen Lynch. ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CAM24axg6TV/?igshid=i5rjxrlrutn6
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livrery · 6 years
»David [Lynch] nahm keine Drogen - er brauchte sie nicht«, erinnert sich [Peggy] Reavey.
Kristine McKenna, Traumwelten (p. 101)
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littlemovieposters · 4 years
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2020 Home Viewing #164: Eraserhead. (dir. David Lynch, 1977) Repeat viewing.
Lynch’s first feature film, begun in 1972 and worked on over the years as money allowed. Star Jack Nance later played Pete Martell in Twin Peaks.
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2020 Home Viewing #164a: Six Men Getting Sick. (dir. David Lynch, 1967) [6 min]
His first film, a one-minute animated work looped six times, created for a contest at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Philadelphia) when he was a student there.
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2020 Home Viewing #164b: The Alphabet. (dir. David Lynch, 1968) [4 min]
His second film, inspired by the niece of Peggy Reavey, Lynch’s PAFA schoolmate and first wife, who had a nightmare about the alphabet.
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2020 Home Viewing #164c: The Amputee [Version 1]. (dir. David Lynch, 1974) [5 min]
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2020 Home Viewing #164d: The Amputee [Version 2]. (dir. David Lynch, 1974) [4 min]
The subject of both versions of The Amputee—filmed twice as a test for the American Film Institute to help them determine what brand of video tape they should buy, the film’s subject of no concern to them and volunteer filmmaker Lynch delivering a characteristically bizarre result—is Catherine Coulson, known to many as The Log Lady in Twin Peaks some 16 years later. Coulson did camera work on Lynch’s feature debut Eraserhead, and the two were close for a long time. Having recently seen the first episode of Twin Peaks Season 3, it was moving to learn about their relationship this week. In that episode Coulson is clearly ill and died shortly thereafter. I am glad that she had a chance to appear in that 2017 project.
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2020 Home Viewing #164e: Premonitions Following an Evil Deed. (dir. David Lynch, 1995) [55 sec]
Multiple filmmakers were invited to participate in a tribute to the Lumière brothers, the first substantial filmmakers. A replica of their wood and metal camera, which was capable of shooting only 55 seconds at a time, was sent from filmmaker to filmmaker to shoot one reel. Lynch’s contribution manages to fit tons of intrigue and mulitple worlds into that short burst. 
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eaadleoblog-blog · 5 years
“The Alphabet” Análisis
Durante el periodo de 1967 Lynch empieza a desarrollar sus primeros devaneos cinematográficos experimentando y ganando el certamen anual de la Academia con su obra “Six Men Getting Sick”. Debido al exito de ello logró desarrollar su segundo proyecto “The Alphabet”. Obtuvo la idea mediante una anécdota de su esposa en esa época, Peggy Reavey; dónde encontró a su sobrina de 6 años recitando el alfabeto mientras se retorcía y movía en la cama. Lynch adopto esta anécdota y decidió distorsionar la idea del alfabeto agregandola a la cinematografia con un sentido que combina el horror junto su raro sentido del humor. Dentro de la obra se presenta una paleta de colores oscuros, grises, rojos, etc. junto con el contrastado blanco, existen elementos de audio que desde mi punto de vista, son los que en verdad causan esa sensación de disconformidad y horror.
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imagingfall17 · 7 years
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- Ben Schulz
         David Lynch was born in Missoula, Montana in 1946. His most formative education experience was at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Here he met his first wife Peggy Reavey and conceived a child with her. Having fatherhood unexpectedly thrusted upon him, compounded with the gritty industrial scene of Philly, inspired his first major film production Eraserhead in 1977. This surrealist movie would come to represent many of the themes that Lynch used throughout the rest of his prolific directing career in films such as Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and the TV series Twin Peaks. David Lynch has also worked throughout his life as a painter, musician, and photographer.
           Lynch’s films and his paintings particularly contain dark themes and are heavily inspired by surrealism. There are consistent themes of dreams, sex, and death throughout his work. He has cited many artists as inspiration, including Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Francis Bacon, and Joel-Peter Witkin. Lynch is very passionate about Transcendental Meditation and has started a foundation to promote the practice. He believes that meditation can help to heal stress and trauma and raise performance in at-risk populations.
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rheo-tu · 8 months
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Фотографии в книге Линча отпад - в целые развороты (еще б на мелованной бумаге, эх). Есть раритеты. Например, я знаю его с бородой только по Weather Report. На фото режиссер со своей первой женой Пегги Линч (Пегги Риви), тоже художницей.
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headvis-contract · 12 years
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From Absurd Encounter with Fear by David Lynch (1967)
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medverf · 6 months
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Peggy Reavey
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