taronunwin · 5 years
pearlsinaclamshell replied to your post: bluemusicals replied to your photoset ...
Girl, I come a millimeter away from crying watching the trailer CAN’T WAIT TO BE WRECKED BY THE ACTUAL FILM
Oh and wrecked you will be, my dear friend. And this sweet angel is just the cherry on top <3
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clonecaptains · 6 years
My honest opinion of you Miss Taylor is that you are sweet, kind, funny, creative, talented, beautiful, and a d o r a b l e as h e c k and I'm really glad we've met and are getting to know each other (slowly but surely given my inconsistent use of this website lol)
YOU SWEETHEART YOU!!!! this is so kinda!! and same to you ;) 
what’s your honest opinion of me?
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marriedfics · 6 years
pearlsinaclamshell replied to your post: MD Fic - Memory
Oh my goodness. It’s like coming home. ����������
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egertonunwin · 3 years
Same Song, Third Verse
If you’re looking for Clara, she’s @luminousnotmatter 
It was just time, y’know? She felt like freshening up. 
She’s still the same, don’t you worry!
She’s gonna stop talking in the third person now ‘cause it’s weird. 😂
See you there!
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luminousnotmatter · 4 years
Answer the questions and tag people you want to know better
Name: Clara
Nickname: I don’t have, like, a short-form-version-of-my-name-type-nickname but I’ve kind of always wanted one hehe. My family sometimes calls me Miss Boo or Boo, and Cricket.....I have a dear friend who calls me Duck.... you can make a nickname up for me and use it if you want, I love nicknames. ^u^ 
Zodiac: Jake Gyllenhaal. That’s Tracy’s answer but I’m keeping it because it’s perfect and makes me laugh. 
Height: 5'5″. I made it to my goal of being taller than my mother. *fistpumps* Is it only by one inch? Maybe.
Languages: English, sarcasm, movie quotes, and I can recognize some numbers and maybe a dozen words in Spanish. 
Nationality: American
Favourite Season: Autumn and Spring. The beautiful transition of both, the transformations in nature and the atmosphere and people’s moods.... *dreamy sigh* ❤ Autumn would probably win if I was forced to pick between the two.
Favourite Flower: Oh, my friends. SO MANY. Peonies and sunflowers and roses and daisies and ranunculus and lilacs and dahlias and camellias and tulips and hollyhocks and zinnias and daffodils and irises and black eyed susans and violets and pansies and apple blossoms and cherry blossoms and wisteria and lilies and magnolias and dogwood flowers and sweetpeas and lavender and foxgloves and poppies and delphiniums and forsythia and and and and I just love all the flowers. ^u^ ❤
Favourite Animal: I love animals, period, with a few exceptions, but dogs and horses and cats have always been especially special to me. ❤
Favourite Scent: Again. So many. !!!! I really like warm scents? Like baked goods and comfort food and my dog’s fur and chocolate and the smell of my home....but I also really enjoy citrusy aromas too. Lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit. And then there’s sun-dried laundry....and lavender, lilacs....and the ocean....the smell of rain....the forest...... I’m a real sensory person so I could be here for a g e s.
Favourite Fictional Character: Eggsy Unwin, y’all. ❤ But then Steve Rogers  and Sam Winchester too. ❤
Tea/Coffee/Hot Chocolate: Tea please. ^u^ Though I do love me some hot chocolate. Coffee is whatever. 
Average Sleep: Ehhhh…..idk.....7 hours?? It really depends on how well my self-control is operating on a given night haha, though right now I mostly have the freedom to sorta cover those poor choices by sleeping in, what with quarantine and all. :P
Favourite Colour: Yellow is my very favorite, but I just love colors in general.
Dogs or Cats: Dogs. But see favorite animal answer. 
Number of Blankets: That I own?? That I sleep under?? Be specific, Tumblr. ;) I sleep under a sheet, a duvet on top of that, and I throw a quilt on if it’s real cold. But I really enjoy being cozy and have a fairly decent collection of other various blankets.   
Dream Trip: The UK, Ireland, Hawaii with Tracy please ❤, I’ve always dreamed of roadtripping the U.S, France, Italy, NZ, Australia...y’know....basically everywhere. The more history there is in a place the more I wanna visit.
Blog Established: Oh man. I’ve been on here since...2013. Holy crap? Had one url (shoutout to pearlsinaclamshell you’re still mine and you’re still special to me) and many loves for the first 6 years and then late last summer Taron Egerton happened to me and nothing’s been the same since tbh.  
Random Fact: I have curly hair and a pretty freakin good? good singing voice. #TwoFactsForThePriceOfOne
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Harry Potter Moral Compass: I’m not even going to dignify this confounding question with a response. Once again, stealing my Brain Twin’s response because same.
Where Are You From? California, U.S.A.
Why Did You Start This Blog? So many good and important and wonderful reasons haha. ^u^ To share an AU Fic idea with Tracy. To be a part of a sweet, fun, beautiful, talented group of humans from all over the world who loved a thing I loved as much as I did. I stay because that sense of sweet community and togetherness is always here through shifting loves, and for new friends and old. I’m here because of the openness to love and freak out over and babble about and crush on the things and people I love and freak out over and babble about and crush on with as much vivacity and passion and silliness and loudness as I please with zero judgement because we’re all trash for Our Fave(s) and it’s a beautiful wonderful amazing thing. ❤ Sister Wife, your answer was so much more succinct and eloquent than this ramble-fest what the heck.
Most Recent Album Played: Dude, I don’t even know....I’ve been listening to playlists and Pandora stations so much today and lately...…I think my Elton John Diamonds disc 1, which is like a greatest hits album basically, and the first disc of it is my favorite. ^u^ ^u^ ^u^ 
Thanks for the tag, My Girl! @taronunwin ❤I nominate my Sweet T @djjarindin My Pineapple @noturbaby, if you gals wanna participate. ❤
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pprincesstaylor · 7 years
I miss my old SPN friends @winchesterandwinchester and @pearlsinaclamshell 😭😭😭
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ltcdrmcgarrett · 6 years
pearlsinaclamshell said: I do the same thing. Do you also like how we have an actual heartfelt adult conversation going on FB that I haven’t replied to for like over a week like a lame-o but when I see you posting on tumblr I’m like OH HEY HI TRACY instantly?
Seriously, a different site is like a different version of each other and it seems like this is the place for casual excited appearances 🤣 Like I haven’t talked to THIS you in a really long time wow hello how are you dear?
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xhogwartsismyhomex · 9 years
Rey and Han Solo for the Star Wars Character ask thingy. :)
Rey: What is one thing you are hoping to happen this year?
Finally getting my first kiss/boyfriend would be great
Han Solo: Do you view yourself as an optimist or a pessimist?
For me this kind of changes day to day but for the most part an optimist I think?
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dancewithmejensen · 9 years
pearlsinaclamshell replied to your post “I’m feeling very reflective this week… I am getting ready to return to...”
Oh dear Kris. *u* You are such a sweet love. <3 I'm so thankful SPN and this silly little website have brought us together and that you're feeling so warm and fuzzy about things <3 Loads of love and ((hugs))
Clara <333 I’m thankful toooo! Love you xoxox
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taronunwin · 5 years
pearlsinaclamshell replied to your post: One is a guilty pleasure, the other makes me sob...
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS. Just so much L O V E a;sldfa;sldkf jand I cannot wait for the gifs. Cannot. Wait. Also I’ll join his resistance any time he pleases. Fffrick.
Hey Clara, you wanna... resist with me?
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clonecaptains · 6 years
For the Kiss Prompt Ask game: #60 Kastle Style™️ BECAUSE I NEED IT PLEASE TAYLOR
60. Throwing their arms around the other person, holding them close while they kiss
Karen’s eyes opened slowly. She blinked the sleep from her eyes to check the time. 5 am. She had another hour before she had to get up. Her body was too tired to move, but her mind started to kick into gear. She thought about Frank, and how she needed to get more for the first aid kit. He always went through it so quickly. 
She sat up, and looked through her open bedroom door. She could see the back of her couch in the living room. A grin swept across her face when she saw Frank’s boot clad feet sticking out off the end of the couch. He was asleep. And he’d made it home safe. But who knows what damage was done to his body. 
She made a mental note to get first aid stuff first thing, then she drifted back to sleep. 
Her dreams were full of Frank. Sometimes she dreamed about past things, memories she can’t, won’t ever let go. The cheek kiss, that dreadful day in the elevator. When he finally found her again after seeing him in that elevator. But sometimes she dreams about things she wants, a deeper kiss or the feeling of him between her legs. She doesn’t know if that’ll happen, but she can’t stop her dreams. 
A particularly steamy dream caused her to sleep through her alarm. 
“Karen,” Frank’s voice echoed in her mind. 
Karen jumped up and flung her arms around his neck and kissed him with everything she had. Hey, it’s a dream, she can kiss him if she wants. His hand on her hip felt so warm and real. The scrape of his stubble on her chin felt reminded her of when he kissed her cheek. She sighed into the kiss. She was surprised her subconscious hadn’t torn her from this dream. 
She pulled away with a gasp when she realized his voice was real. He was real, that kiss was real. A blush bloomed on her cheek and neck. His eyes were dark, but full of surprise. She felt horrible, but as she looked, he certainly wasn’t pulling away from her. 
“I’m so sorry,” she gasped again. That kiss left her breathless. 
Frank only grins his famous crooked grin. 
“I didn’t know you’re a sleep walker,” he mused. 
“I didn’t either,” she tried to hide her blush, but it was too late. His observant eyes had seen. 
“We’re just lucky you didn’t knock this coffee out of my hands,” Frank smiled trying to diffuse the tension. He knows she’s embarrassed. He held up the coffee mug, he’d come in to wake her since she slept through her alarm. 
“Thank you.” 
He nodded. 
She felt dizzy. Were they going to talk about it?
He seemed to read her mind, he saw her uncertain eyes. 
“Karen?” he gently spoke. “It’s ok.” He leaned in and tenderly placed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Don’t be late for work.” 
Karen dressed for work in a dazed hurry. It was a good thing Frank didn’t have any major injuries, because she forgot the first aid kit. 
All she could think about was his kiss, and the hope for more. 
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lumikettu · 9 years
Name Ten Favorite Characters and Tag Ten People..
Dean Winchester
Susan StoHelit
Esmerelda “Granny” Weatherwax / Gytha “Nanny” Ogg
Samuel Vimes / Sam Winchester
Margaret Houlihan
Benjamin F. “Hawkeye” Pierce
Morticia Addams
Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz
Now, who to tag..... kainoliero, miravisu, Elenilote, vespera719, normalcyisoverrated-beyou, mayhapmurklings, siren10101,
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ltcdrmcgarrett · 9 years
Oh my word on the "what are your favorite eps" ask you listed "we insist" Oh my word I love you.
UM NO LIST WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT THAT MOMENT seriously how long did we have to keep going over that, not including repeatedly returning to it through the episode??
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xhogwartsismyhomex · 9 years
Poe or Anakin?! :D
That one is hard! Probably Poe because he is a sweet baby while Anakin gets crazy and kills a bunch of kids (although before that…damn)
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noturbaby · 9 years
Yo! Winners of my t-shirt contest.  I hope your shirts arrived today.  jensenwonderland I’ll be mailing yours out tomorrow. How long does it take to get to Australia? 
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dancewithmejensen · 9 years
It's like J2 fills you with so much happiness... something else has to balance it out. You know how we get an hilarious breather ep before devastation?
That’s very true Alex. :)) Yeah and the Winchesters sure know how to devastate ;)  It is a great ep. 
pearlsinaclamshell replied to your post “I’ve gone from watching happy funny J2 panel videos to watching Swan...”
That's quite the about face there Kris-O..best of luck! <3 //sends you tissues, blankets, and whatever other comfort supplies you need, as well as a big hug from me//
Thanks for the snuggles Clara. So happy to see you and your epic tags in my notes. I’ve missed you sweety. <3
rizlow1 reblogged your post and added:
Ohhh, Kris… *HUGS*
*hugs back* Thanks Nancy :))  *hits pause* because yeah WINE is so needed!!  (nah not a lethal combo at all...)
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