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raurquiz · 5 months ago
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#happybirthday @MsKetherDonohue #ketherdonohue #actress #peanuthamper #startrek #lowerdecks #TheBay #royalties #PitchPerfect #dinosaurking #OpeningNight #HopeandFaith #RoyalPains #TheMindyProject #YouretheWorst #BPositive #MewMewPower #YuGiOh5Ds #ElenaofAvalor #Birdgirl #boywonder
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys · 8 months ago
While the core is in therapy,they meet Bill while he is in a crazed state of making the book of bill
Now I'm just picturing a relationship like Agimus and Peanuthamper in Star Trek: Lower Decks. The question is who's who
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ladywaffles · 3 days ago
i was tagged by @redbelles and @starrybouquet :)
what's the origin of your blog title?
a quote from this interview that bridget jones nelson, writer for MST3K, gave sometime in the late 90s, because i too was built by the catholic school system. take that as you will.
otp(s) + shipname(s):
christine/raoul, phantom of the opera; blaine/sebastian, glee; posner/scripps, the history boys; iceman/maverick, top gun
favorite color:
song stuck in your head:
pick a number 1-12 and then check what track that is on saint motel and the symphony in the sky, and you're probably right
weirdest habit/trait:
i always walk/sit to the left of a person when i can, on account of the whole "i can't hear out of my left ear" thing
knitting, crocheting, trying (and usually failing) to remember my hanon exercises for piano warmups, occasional scrapbooking,
if you work, what's your profession?
professional student, one day MPH
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
idk man at this point i'd just be happy to have a field to work in. ideal job? designing and conducting health studies examining disparities between sexual and gender minority young adults and their cis/hetero counterparts, and why those disparities exist. if not that, the ability to prevent myself from ever getting carpal tunnel so i can do knitting and crochet commissions without feeling Pain.
something you're good at:
piano (10+ years of lessons, i better fuckin well be good at it); grammar edits (my middle school english teacher once made us memorize all of the prepositional phrases in alphabetical order); getting boxes and furniture into a space while moving like a full-sized version of tetris
something you hate:
molecular biology :) yes i technically went to school for it, why do you think i hate it <3
something you collect:
yarn that i am 100% going to use for a project, i swear!; dice; rubber ducks (not for jeep reasons—story for another time)
something you forget:
where i put my keys. where are my keys i cannot find my stupid keys.
what's your love language:
i LOVE sending letters and postcards to my friends via snail mail. also shoving soup at my friends whenever they feel bad.
favorite movie/show:
movies: jurassic park, evita, the martian, top gun: maverick, hugh grant romcoms
shows: the west wing, madam secretary, mystery science theater 3000, star wars: the clone wars
favorite food:
arroz caldo :)
favorite animal:
giraffes! they have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as humans do. they can lick their eyeballs! their lives start with a five foot plus drop to the ground out of their mothers' womb. absolutely funky creatures.
what were you like as a child:
well-behaved, precocious, got along with all the old biddies at church, special interest in the titanic and the battle of gettysburg (?), which is to say most likely undiagnosed autistic
favorite subject at school:
history & chemistry
least favorite subject:
fucking ECON
what's your best character trait:
i love my friends! i love my friends very very much.
what's your worst character trait:
if and when i am not having a good time, you can absolutely tell by my mood. i do not hide it well, if i try to at all.
if you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
I Would Like To Be Done With Grad School
if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
howard ashman, so i can hear his master class on storytelling through animation and song and ask him about all his ideas and then tell him how hundreds of millions of people were raised on his songs and how cherished his work is even decades later
i am tagging: @twinkboimler @peanuthamper @paxdracona @doodledrawreblogs and anyone else who wants a go!
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twinkboimler · 1 year ago
9 people to get to know better
I was thinking about not doing this, but then I got tagged by @spongynova, @chaosdragonhoard, AND @appleofmyonlyeye, so! Clearly y'all want me to fill this out 😂
3 ships you like: mckirk, spones, spirk (and let's just throw in mcspirk too so they don't feel left out)
Honorable mention: thinking a lot about Butcher/Hughie (and Butcher/Hughie/Starlight) again
First ship ever: spike/buffy gave me brainworms when I was 11
Last song: BANGER!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite childhood book: Curious to know who else read this one
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Currently reading: The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Vulcan! by Kathleen Sky, and a music theory workbook to reteach myself the shit I forgot from band. And a whole bunch of trek fic still.
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi, season 4 of Enterprise, season 2 of DS9, season 3 of TOS, Taskmaster, just finished season 1 of Survivor (which I only watched because I rewatched Dropout's Survivor-inspired Game Changer episodes and felt the urge to watch the actual series for the first time).
Currently consuming: Nothing, but I think I'll get up and make myself some Paris-blend tea in a second
Currently craving: Sour skittles and a grape soda
Tagging: @ladywaffles, @kyberghoul, @antspaul, @agentdarcylewis, @existentialcrisistime, @borbtrek, @eddiesfavoritelobster, @peanuthamper and @frogayyyy
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mrpuppett · 8 months ago
tagged by @russilton and @fabian-vettel!! ty sm <3
Currently watching: ehhhh I don't really watch shows so I guess just F1 lol
Spicy/sweet/savoury: Savoury!!
Current obsession: Dragon Village Collection.... I want all the cute dragons...
Relationship status: Engaged (:
Last song I listened to: 5 Year Plan by Chance the Rapper
I tag @existentialcrisistime @peanuthamper @twinkboimler and @miskhos if u wanna do it!! :3
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peanuthamper · 8 months ago
hi I’m so sorry but did you recently change your url and if so who were you before. suddenly half my dash is peanuthamper and I have no idea who’s doing the hampering. thank you very much
jfjfdjdjdj i changed my url maybe a year or 2 ago? i cant remember lol, but it used to be taintedlovesoftcell. peanut hamper is a character from star trek lower decks
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servermonkey · 4 years ago
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Peanut Hamper, noooo! #exocomp #startrek #lowerdecks #peanuthamper #cbsallaccess https://www.instagram.com/p/CJUbJA9HgWS/?igshid=1ldrgous2a0e4
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mikanferno · 2 years ago
i wanted to reblog back with another poll but alas im still forbidden from doing so. mystifying as it is to see the fabled poll reblog, it appears im still restricted from obtaining such wonders and treasures for my own enrichment. why must staff restrain me so, i may never know.
i want polls to be allowed in reblogs SO BADDDDD LIKE
🤖 tricochet-barked
guys i just ate so much shampoo like so much of it what should i do
🧱 brick
Guys! how soon is ze going to die.
in an hour ------ 69%
in two hour ------ 31%
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#happybirthday @MsKetherDonohue #ketherdonohue #actress #peanuthamper #startrek #lowerdecks #TheBay #PitchPerfect #OpeningNight #HopeandFaith #RoyalPains #TheMindyProject #YouretheWorst #BPositive #MewMewPower #YuGiOh5Ds #ElenaofAvalor #Birdgirl #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore
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ladywaffles · 2 months ago
tagged by: @sluttyhenley <3
rules: Without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films, then tag ten people to do the same!
in no particular order:
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i am tagging: @twinkboimler @starrybouquet @peanuthamper @nicejobkid @doodledrawreblogs @thebaconsandwichofregret @lannisterdaddyissues, and you, dear reader, if you want to play
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twinkboimler · 7 months ago
tagged by: @existentialcrisistime, thanks Nic!
last song: Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad - Tammy Wynette
favorite color: not quite this, but this shade of green is close!
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currently watching: rewatching TOS, season 1 of Interview with the Vampire, and getting ready for football season (though I guess right now as we speak I'm watching old eps of TLC pregnancy shows for a fic I'm writing)
last movie: watched Cloverfield (2008) while making my lunch today!
sweet/spicy/savory: savory. and sour!! love sour
relationship status: just celebrated 7 years with my boyfriend!
current obsession: still star trek!
last think you googled: the year Cloverfield came out LOL (but before that vernix caseosa)
I'm tagging: @ladywaffles, @affixjoy, @peanuthamper
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ladywaffles · 7 months ago
i was tagged by @redbelles and @sluttyhenley!
rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
i'm tagging @twinkboimler @peanuthamper @starrybouquet and anyone else who wants to play!
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mrpuppett · 10 months ago
tagged by @russilton to post my wallpaper, my homescreen, last song I listened to, and a pretty picture - ty!! <3
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Illustration of SCP 073 I think that I've had as my lockscreen for like 3747837483743 years atp it's just so pretty LOL
screenshot from nagi no asukara which is like... ok the show itself isn't my cup of tea but the AESTHETIC? THAT FIRST EPISODE WHERE THEY'RE ALL LIVING UNDERWATER AND THERE'S FISH EVERYWHERE OH MY GOD I WANT TO LIVE IN THAT UNIVERSE SO BADDDDD
A good running song hehe
the cacti in my area are blooming a lot!!
I tag @existentialcrisistime @twinkboimler @peanuthamper and @kyberghoul if you want!!
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twinkboimler · 1 year ago
List of Seven Comfort Movies
Thank you @crystal-mouse and @frogayyyy for the tag! I knew exactly what I'd list for the first five, but then struggled with determining my last two
-Star Trek Beyond (obvious since I've seen it some 30+ times)
-Saved! (all-time fave)
-The Princess Bride (duh)
-Dirty Dancing (ngl I've got some gender envy for patrick swayze)
-Star Trek: Wrath of Khan (for when I need a good cry)
-Brother Sun, Sister Moon (ok this one i may have to explain. yes it's about Saint Francis of Assisi but 1) it's beautifully filmed 2) the English language soundtrack is by Donovan and has a great folk sound and 3) it's gay as hell. it's directed by Franco Zeffirelli who did that 1960s Romeo and Juliet that was also gay as hell. oh also Pope Innocent III is played by Alec Guinness)
-idk Grosse Pointe Blank maybe? It's been a while since I've watched it but there was a week in high school where i watched it four separate times
Tagging: @antspaul @agentdarcylewis @peanuthamper @existentialcrisistime @spirkme915 @torsamors and @ladywaffles
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ladywaffles · 1 year ago
✨ 9 favorite films that i watched (for the first time) in 2023 ✨
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i was tagged by @sluttyhenley! similarly to her, i also had a bit ("bit") of a tom cruise meltdown this year. yes, i've made it everyone else's problem. no, i will not be stopping <3
tagging @peanuthamper @twinkboimler @redbelles @starrybouquet @starryinspace :D
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twinkboimler · 1 year ago
Tagged by: @nefarious-nightjar (thanks!)
Last song: Desperado - Linda Ronstadt
Favorite color: green!
Last movie/TV show: Deep Space 9! I'm close to finish s2 in my watch-through
Sweet/spicy/savory?: Savory for sure. I'm not huge on dessert, I'd rather have an after-dinner snack that's savory or salty
Relationship status: going strong for 6 years now
Last thing I Googled: the Tijuana Flats menu so I could pick something for dinner
Current obsession: still star trek, seals, and I guess dropout's shows, I've been watching a lot of game changer, make some noise, etc. Oh, and reading books again; I'm super close to hitting my goal of 52 books for the year.
Tag 9 people: @existentialcrisistime, @thegreatestegg, @antspaul, @peanuthamper, @diabeticjedi, @torsamors, @trekinist, @an-absurd-epiphany, and @gayfour
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