#peaky blinders fanic
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smcc212 · 5 years ago
Uncommon, Yet Perfect
Pairings- Bonnie Gold x fem!Reader x Isiah Jesus(Bonnie x rem!reader, Isiah x fem!reader, Bonnie x Isiah)
Word count- 1,319
Warnings- Morning sickness, child birth(not in detail I pretty much just let you know it’s happened haha), People not understanding polyamory, fluff, not proofread. I think that’s all.
A/N- So... I wrote a thing... I don’t really know what to say about this. So... Enjoy!
P.S. Why is there only like two Isiah gifs??
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You and Isiah had been together for a year when both of you fell in love Bonnie Gold. After a long and awkward conversation, the three of you started dating. The three of you had been dating in secret for a year when you realised...
“Are you okay, ves’tacha?” Bonnie’s concerned voice flowed through the door. Once you’d finished throwing up, you sat back, wiping your mouth on the back of your hand.
“Bon, do you know when my last period was?” You asked after you opened the door.
“Erm... eight weeks ago? Why? Is that ba- oh.”
“Oh my fucking God.” You rushed passed Bonnie and sat on the bed. “Where’s Isiah?” You breathed out.
“He’s making breakfast, want me to get him?” He asked, his voice shaky.
“Yes, Bonnie! Of course you have to get him!” You exclaimed.
“Okay.” He walked out of the room, returning a few seconds later with Isiah behind him.
“What is it?” Isiah’s face had confusion written all over it.
“I-I think I’m pregnant...”
“Wh-what? That’s amazing!” Isiah looked at Bonnie, both exchanging wide smiles.
“No! It’s not! We have to tell my family now!” You shouted. How could they not see the problem here.
“Yeah, but they can’t break us up anymore, can they?” Isiah chuckled.
“Yes they can! Once I give birth, they’ll make whoever’s not the father leave!” The smiles fell off their faces as they realised, one of them would have to leave. Either that or... they’d both leave you. This couldn’t get any worse.
“Alright, (Y/N), why have you called a family meeting? And why are Bonnie and Isiah here?” Tommy spoke sounding bored.
“Well... I, erm, I’m pregnant...” You trailed off.
“You’re fucking what?!” Arthur shouted.
“Wait, are one of them the father?!” Tommy shouted, suddenly no longer bored. I nodded. “Which one?” When you didn’t say anything Tommy got more annoyed. “Which fucking one, (Y/N)?!”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?! How can you not know?!”
“Because we’re both dating her,” Isiah spoke up, sounding a lot more confident than he really felt.
“What..?” Confusion was clear on all of your family members faces... all a part from Polly, who now decided to speak up.
“Fuck sake, you’re all blind if you’ve not seen the way they all look at each other.” She then turned to the three of you. “Congratulations.” She smiled, the three of you smiling back at her.
“Thank you, Mrs Grey,” Bonnie mumbled, smiling fearfully. “Mr Shelby, I promise that myself and Isiah will take care of (Y/N) and the baby growing inside of her. We’re both madly in love with her.” Tommy stared at you and your boys, perplexed.
“He’s right, Tom,” Isiah said. “We love her, more than you’ll ever know.”
“(Y/N), you love them...both...as well?”
“Yes, Tommy. I’m in love with both of them, and I know that they’ll both look after this baby, regardless of who the biological father is,” You spoke as clearly and with as much confidence as you could. Tommy looked at the floor, clearly thinking about everything that had been said.
“Okay, okay. I’ll allow this, but if either of you dare lay a finger on her, I’ll kill you both, blinder or not,” He stared the boys down. “Got it?”
“You don’t ‘ave to worry mr Shelby, neither of us would ever hurt the best thing that’s ever happened to us, right, Bon?”
“Exactly, Iz.”
“Well, one of you are going to have to marry her. You’ll have to choose one.” You hadn’t thought about that, having to get married to only one of your boys.
“Isiah, you can marry her,” Bonnie spoke, looking down at the floor.
“Bonnie, are you sure?” Isiah asked, taking in the sadness that radiated off Bonnie.
“Yeah, yeah, you can do it. Your dad said that’s all he’s ever wanted for you, so you’ll marry (Y/N).” You had to speak up when you saw how upset Bonnie was at the thought of never marrying you.
“I’ll marry you both.” Your boys opened they’re mouths to explain that wasn’t possible, but you cut them off. “No, I know that I can’t legally marry you both. I’ll legally marry Isiah, but the ceremony will be for the three of us. I’ll marry both of you, even if they government won’t recognise that I have,” You explained, happiness flooding your veins when you saw wide smiles spread across your boys’ faces. Without thinking, the two of them kissed each other. If your family wasn’t confused before, they definitely were now. However, what confused them more was the smile on your face. Seeing how much Bonnie and Isiah loved each other always made you happy.
“We’re getting married!” Bonnie exclaimed, wrapping one arm around you and one around Isiah. The three of you stayed in that warm embrace for awhile.
“Right!” Polly clapped her hands, cutting your three-way embrace short. “We’ve got a wedding to plan! For once,” She mumbled the last part making you laugh.
The wedding was perfect. It was a small affair, just friends and family-for obvious reasons- but it was amazing. Both Arthur and Tommy walked you down the aisle, your boys waiting at you in front of a proud Jeremiah Jesus. Aberama Gold sat next to Tommy, smiling happily at the three of you. You couldn’t have been happier.
When you found out you were having twins, the boys would consistently joke about having a baby each.
You were at church with Isiah and Bonnie, listening intently to Jeremiah, when you felt a pain in your abdomen. It wasn’t long after that your water broke, you grabbed both boys arms making them look at you.
“What’s wrong?” Isiah whispered.
“My water just broke,” You panicked. The boys instantly stood up, helping you out to a private part of the church. An office, you assumed, but you didn’t really care at that moment in time. They put you down on the couch, panic coursing through all of you. “Polly. Get Polly here!” You demanded.
After about twelve hours, your babies were finally coming. You were breaking both Bonnie and Isiah’s hands as you pushed your babies out. Screaming out in pain as your first baby came out. Polly cut the umbilical core and handed the baby to Ada who quickly wrapped them up, cleaning off the blood. You were too busy pushing another human out of you to pay attention. Bonnie and Isiah, however, turned their heads and saw smooth pale skin on your baby’s face. They were, biologically, Bonnie’s... or so you thought, but seventeen minutes later your other baby is born. Ada hands you the first born.
“Congratulations you three, it’s a girl.” You smiled down at your daughter as Ada went to wrap up and clean your second born child.
“Oh my God,” You heard your sister mumbled.
“What?!” You panic.
“Your son, he’s-he’s... Isiah’s.”
“What..?” Confusion filled you and your husbands. When Ada turned around, however, you knew what she meant. In her arms was your son, with smooth dark skin, only slightly lighter than Isiah’s.
“That’s...possible?” Bonnie asked.
“Clearly,” Isiah responded, going to take a hold of your son.
“What’re you going to name them?” Ada asked, looking at your babies in awe.
“Jaheim and Roma,” You mumbled back, looking at your perfect babies.
“Jaheim?” Jeremiah asked with a smile.
“Yeah, Jaheim is a Caribbean name and Roma is a Romani name. Fits well with who their, biological, fathers are,” You laughed quietly.
Your families were in love with Jaheim and Roma, as you were the three of you. Yes, people weren’t very accepting. Yes they called you a whore. But you didn’t care. You had the best husbands in the world and two gorgeous kids. Plus, your family put a stop to the rude comments the only way they knew how, threats and violence. Your uncommon, yet perfect family.
A/N- For anyone wondering, yes, it is possible to have twins that have different fathers. It’s incrediblely rare, but not impossible. It’s called hetroparental superfecdunation.
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smcc212 · 5 years ago
Coming out - Part 2
Pairing- Shelby family x sister!reader, reader x oc
Word count- 922
Warnings- Fluff, swearing, (nervous as fuck these girls ngl), mentions of 1920s attitudes towards homosexuality(no homophobia though, at least not in this part...), not proofread. I think that’s all, as always, let me know if I missed any.
A/N- Thank you @mt2413 for requesting this, I’m not proud of this though, I think it’s quite bad. I’m going to write a part three were Amber meets the family and all that good stuff. Even though I think this isn’t good, I hope you enjoy!
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You’d spend hours getting ready. Putting on dress after dress until your aunt Pol came in and told you to wear your blue on. You didn’t know if she was helping you out or if she was sick of you dirtying all your clothes, but you listened to her.
Then you sat down to do your hair and makeup, constantly calling Pol into the room to ask her how you looked, and if it was too much, or not enough. Your brothers found it hilarious how worried you were. But how could you not be? You’d been in love with Amber for what felt like forever, and now was chance. You couldn’t fuck this up.
Six o’clock, eventually, rolled round and Amber knocked on your door. She looked stunning. Her hair that was always tied up, was cradling her made-up face. The green dress on her body was tight, showing off her immaculate figure. You couldn’t believe your luck.
After a pep-talk from your brothers- which was mostly Finn and Arthur wishing you luck, John giving you tips on ‘how to get some’ and Tommy slapping the back of John head and telling you to ‘not do anything I would do’- you left, With Amber on your arm and made your way to the pictures.
“You look... breathtaking,” You breathed out. Dragging your eyes over her. Your heart was racing, nerves eating away at you.
“Thank you,” She giggled. “You too.” She smiled. “I’ve been wanted to do this for so long,” She admitted quietly.
“Trust me, I’ve wanted this longer than you,” You laughed nervously. Mentally kicking yourself for saying that.
“I doubt it, but let’s agree to disagree, huh?” She laughed, making you smile even wider if that was possible.
“Okay... I’m sorry, but I have to know, who told you about my... preferences,” You asked carefully, fully aware you were in public.
“Finn did. After he found out I have the same preferences.”
“How did he find out?”
“One of his friends kept hitting on me, he just wouldn’t give up. I was drunk and annoyed and I just blurted it out. I’m glad Finn was there, he threatened to kill them all if they said anything.” She laughed, her angelic laugh that made you fall even more in love with her every time you heard it. “They were all scared shitless.”
“I’m glad he was there to look out for you. I don’t know what I’d do if you were hurt,” You murmured.
“You’re adorable,” She giggled, leading you inside the movie theatre.
As you sat down, you handed the popcorn you’d bought to Amber. She smiled at you and, fuck, it was the most amazing sight in the world.
You were only half paying attention to the movie, you kept looking at Amber every few minutes. Once the two of you locked eyes, you slowly reached and grabbed hold of her hand. Two of grinned before turning your attention back to the movie.
It was a feeling no heterosexual person would understand; the thrill of holding hands, especially in public. For them, that was normal, no one would blink an eye at it. But for people like you and Amber, getting caught holding hands could make people suspicious. However, knowing you were in a dark room were everyone’s attention is ahead of them, you had to. It was really the only time the two of you would be able to, somewhat, show your affection for one another.
The night was amazing, you and Amber talked for hours about everything and nothing. Laughing the whole the time. You thought it was impossible to love her more, but here you were.
After walking Amber home, looking around to make sure no one saw you kissed her. Gently, just for a few seconds before heading home yourself. You walked with a spring in your step and a smile plastered on your face.
The second you shut the door behind you, you were bombarded with questions from your family.
“How did it go?” From Arthur.
“Live up to your expectations?” From Finn.
“She didn’t make you uncomfortable, did she?” From Tommy.
“Did you fuck her?” From John, which quickly got him a slap from Polly and Tommy. An “Ow” echoed through the house. You laughed and sat down, your smiling never leaving your face.
“It was amazing. She’s amazing. We’re going out again tomorrow,” You mumbled, still thinking about the brief but breathtaking kiss the two of you shared.
“Oh fuck, she’s leashed,” John chuckled. Another slap from Pol. “Stop fucking hitting me.” Another slap.
“So,” Finn started, “all went well then?” He smiled at you.
“Yeah, it all went well.”
“You still haven’t answered my question,” Tommy said pointedly. “Or John’s.”
You huffed. “No she didn’t make me uncomfortable, quite the opposite in fact. And no, John, I didn’t fuck her. It was our first date.”
“I’ve fucked girls on the first date.”
“That’s because you have no real respect from women, John,” You snapped back. “I’m going to wait until she’s ready, I’m in love with her, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.” You stood up at walked towards the stairs. “We’ll continue this conversation after amber and I have had more dates, okay?” You didn’t wait for a response as you heeded up the stairs.
If this was how worried they were after ONE date, what would they be like when you, eventually, brought Amber around to meet them. They would be a fucking nightmare. Oh god!
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