#peak helicopter design
aecholapis · 9 months
Went to a random Astral Chain playthrough with no commentary just to offer you this:
A helicopter compilation from the first chapter
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mjolnirswriststrap · 9 months
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 977
Summary: Part 5/6. The knock at the door isn’t who you expected.
Warnings: None.
“Friday, what’s our eta?” Steve yells out, too anxious to control his voice. “Five minutes.”. That wasn’t fast enough for him. Two days ago he was fighting his best friend on a bridge, now some intern is saying he’s in Austria. How did he get here so fast?
“Calm down, we got this.” Natasha gives him a reassuring look. “I know, but it’s Bucky, he acted like he didn’t remember me, what if I can’t get through to him?”
Natasha feels for her friend, but she can’t imagine what he’s going through. The guy Steve described couldn’t be the winter soldier they’d come to know. Something was afoot but they just don’t have all the pieces yet.
“I haven’t been here since I lost him, it hasn’t changed.” He says looking at the snow capped mountains. They see the clearing they designated for landing just ahead of them. Steve squeezes Natasha’s hand giving her one last terrified look.
They land and it was like any other mission, Black Widow and Captain America working perfectly in tandem. Steve swept the woods east of the helicopter, while Nat wordlessly cleared the west side. They met in the middle, facing south, Steve cocked his head towards the tiny clouds of smoke coming from behind a wall a trees.
You can’t even hear their foot steps in the snow as they sneak their way towards the cabin. You and Bucky didn’t hear a thing as you huddled low in the kitchen, it was the closest you’d been to him, maybe it was his military experience telling him what to do, or it was his natural instinct to keep you safe from whatever was outside.
You tightly held on to Bucky, your face buried in his shoulder. “He found me! I knew I shouldn’t have called Darcy.” You begin to cry, why couldn’t you just be free. You hear a knock at the cabin door and your body freezes. Bucky has his right arm tightly wrapped around you, keeping you close. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”.
You look into his icy blue eyes and you know what he said was a promise. You nod to him as he lets go of you and stands. He cautiously walks to the door, peering out of the window. All Bucky can see is two shadows through the frosted glass. He opens the door, holding his breath, waiting for a fight.
When he’s greeted by the face of his nightmare his heart skips a beat, which is odd, he hadn’t really felt it since he woke up in the snow. “Steve?”, he looks between his friends squinted eyes.
“Buck?” Steve sounds like his heart is breaking. Bucky watches as his eyes soften, this isn’t the Steve from his dream, he wasn’t out to kill him. Without another word Bucky crosses over the threshold, bear hugging his best friend. He doesn’t let go, even when the red headed woman beside them clears her throat.
You waddle to the front door and peak your head around the corner. It wasn’t who you expected. Bucky was squeezing the life out of Captain America, while Black Widow stood there looking utterly in shock.
Steve finally returns Bucky’s hug, understanding this isn’t the same man from the bridge. Bucky releases his friend for a second to say, “I thought I’d never see you again.”.
You never seen two grown men cry before. But here they were, Bucky sobbing into his friends shoulder while Steve stood there letting the tears fall down his cheeks. “It’s really you Bucky?” Steve can’t believe it.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Bucky relents from the hug. Steve looks into his teary eyes, “You don’t remember fighting on the bridge?”.
“My last fight was with you, on the train. I’ve been here ever since.” Bucky feels his heart again, but this time it’s racing. What could Steve possibly be talking about? He’d never fought on a bridge.
“You need to come with us.” The red headed woman said, pointing between you and Bucky. Your eyebrows raise, how were you getting out of this one?
“She’s not going anywhere.” Bucky finally looks away from his friend, now keeping his promise to you. He gives the black widow a murderous look. “There’s the winter soldier!” She says, taping Steve and pointing at Bucky’s face. She was done with today, this was not what she expected.
“Not funny, Nat.” Steve says, giving her a shameful look. He leans past Bucky, into the house. “You really do need to come with us, we can explain on the flight back.”.
With orders from Captain America you’re nodding your head. You couldn’t fight him on this, whatever he had going on was far more important than your disgust for New York. You grab your phone from the kitchen counter, pulling on your thick winter jacket. “Yes, sir.”.
Bucky gives you a look, silently asking if this really was okay. You give him a small smile, this was out of your hands now, you were just along for the ride.
You all packed into the helicopter, no words were exchanged between you as you lifted off from the ground. Your head was spinning, this might be too much for you to handle, but you had to push through, you couldn’t imagine how weird this is for Bucky or Captain America.
You lean your head against the window, letting your eyes close. The adrenaline is gone, leaving you exhausted. Right when you feel yourself drift off to sleep, you hear the woman say “Where did he go?” You look around the small cabin, Bucky’s seat was empty, no indentation showing that he was even there.
You look between the two Avengers, they looked to you for answers. “Did I mention to Darcy that I think he’s a ghost?” You say, scratching the top of your head.
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txttletale · 1 year
what would you say are the flaws of thirsty sword lesbians? i got it in a itch.io bundle a while ago and i've been on the fence on whether or not to run a campaign with it since
things about tsl that suck
the name. its bad. im sure it was really funny to everyone involved when they pitched it in a brainstorming session and were like 'haha what if we actually called our game thirsty sword lesbians XD' but as the name of an actual game that you have to play and talk about with real people it fucking sucks. instantly dated. sounds bad to say aloud. awful
on a related note, the game has a particular sense of humour--a certain tone and tenor that was super in vogue among, like, millenials who livetweeted steven universe in 2018. there's a move in one of the playbooks called 'i ship it!'. there's another move called 'big dyke energy'. i personally find this shit incredibly grating and insufferable, but if you think it's fun, hey, more power to you. not necessarily a con i just wanted to be a hater
okay those two complaints are just me being a hater but i do have a much more serious one which is that the game's themes are at war with each other in a way that i find bafflng. like, 'you are queer people fighting against systemic oppression' is baked into the rules, to the point of forming an inextricable component of two of the playbooks--the game is built around the idea that you're going to be Fighting Oppression in a major way. like it is very unsubtle about that and often looks directly at the camera and says 'This Is About Homophobia'. but it's also a core part of the game that you're going to be doing, like, flirtatious swordfighting, getting seduced by and seducing Hot Evil Women, longingly gazing at your homoerotic nemesis. and this is also baked into the mechanics, there are special social moves you can only do while fighting someone! so you end up with this really bizarre paradox that to take both these elements to their logical conclusion you need to create a world where all the representatives/enforcers of Homophobia/Imperialism/Capitalism are sympathetic lesbians. and it's not doing something interesting with that either, this isn't the masquerade or helicopter story--it's not highlighting this or asking you to explore this--it's just kind of stumbled into this bizarre unforced error by not thinking through what the logical result of its mechanics & tone is.
now of course it's possible to play around that last one and figure out different things to do with it. the campaign i've been running has the players within a v. broad united front against imperialism, so i've made their homoerotic rivals are ideological enemies within that united front--but the fact that we had to work around the implications of the system as written is kind of a problem with the system!
and, since i don't necessarily want to put you off running TSL, here's my list of things about tsl that are good
the playbook design is incredible. a lot of the supplement playbooks fucking suck but every single playbook in the core book is like, peak PBtA playbook design--mechanically unique, thematically fulfilling, rich with opportunities to shape the world by implication when you design your character. they do really fun and interesting narrative things with the way the playbooks are designed and i like them all a lot.
the social move setup is my favourite that i've ever seen in a game--the phrasing behind the social moves means that you can never roll to 'make' an NPC do something or 'persuade' them to your point of view, only to make them 'give in to desire'--which is obviously phrased to enable seduction as a core gameplay mechanic, but it doesn't have to be played that way! other moves allow you to ask questions and figure out what NPCs want and what motivates them--you have a mechanical basis by which you can figure out that an NPC wants friendship, or security, or power, and the 'give in to desire' phrasing means you mechanically benefit from offering them that thing to get what you want from them. it really elegantly and cleverly circumvents the 'mind control persuasion check' problem that i've always found to be a deeply & profoundly antisocial way to model interaction (as inherently zero-sum, combative, dominatory) & leads to much more emotionally satisfying stories and tense and interesting social encounters
you know those are actually kind of the only two things. but they're really, really good things!
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I'm just gonna call myself Purple Ballora anon lol
I like the subconscious theory ya have. The loose representation of family, but the apathy really fits your Bill. It's kinda like he only made Baby for Elizabeth so he could grasp at that sitcom dad vibe but at that point the only thing that really mattered at that point was himself and his ideology of Henry.
Each Funtime could represent the loose thoughts of his kids as an afterthought, but they could also represent hidden sides of himself or Henry too.
Freddy is generally fatherly. Funtime Freddy is a death obsessed machine that plays with people's emotions and lives.
Foxy is a rambunctious pirate. Funtime Foxy seems to be a self absorbed performer, a showman, and that's all that matters. Even gameplay wise they mention putting on a show and getting mad if you don't appreciate it.
This is just my theorizing, but I'd really like to hear yours.
Where did you think Bill started warping designs to focus more on his obsessions? Especially since his designs started acting as harvesting tools later on.
Also sorry for sending you a giant paragraph, I can't help myself.
Purple Ballora anon <33
I've made a post before about how Bill n Henry are reflected in the characters they create and yeh this definatly extends to Bill and the Funtimes. You tend to put a bit of yourself into things you create and the Funtimes as Bill's desire to entertain speaks to me I think. The clown stuff and gender weirdness they have going on is another bit of Bill peaking through I think.
I think Bill (and Henry also) have always had their art reflect their obsessions. I think Bill designed the Puppet and like... Yeah. Weird fucking clown. Literally a helicopter parent. Jumpscares you (jack in the box).
Also dw about the long asks i really really enjoy them. Yay <333
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runwayrunway · 1 year
what do you think about other types of vehicles (trains and automobiles, etc)
Automobiles: don't like them. I think modern cars are ugly (design peaked at like the Citröen 2CV and the 70s Lincoln Towncars) and they're also dangerous and they're also completely ubiquitous. I live somewhere with fantastic public transit and am still unable to apply for some jobs because they arbitrarily require a driving license. Which is a problem because I think I've mentioned a couple times I'm epileptic. THAT SAID I have a couple of close friends who are about cars like how I am about airplanes so I respect them for that
Trains: I feel a profound solidarity with Trains People. I think model trains and model planes are two sides of the same coin. I could have been a trains person in another life I think. I like trains a lot. I like to point at them and go WOW! TRAIN! and I used to force my family to ride the Cape Cod brunch train just because I liked being on the train. Also I <3 public transit even though the trains where I live are sort of notoriously not fantastic (we have a big light rail network though which is neat)
Ships: not mentioned but I like them. I used to be licensed to operate very very small sailboats but I'm fairly sure said license has long expired but the thing is I somehow enjoy ships and being on them but know nothing about them. I know a fair bit about maritime history but cannot tell a schooner from a frigate. I'm a fraud in this department. I <3 public transit though fast ferries are awesome if you live somewhere not landlocked
Helicopters: also not mentioned but I do feel the need to clarify that I know next to nothing about them and do not find them as charming as airplanes but I do...respect them, and sometimes I think they're very cute. I like the preposterously round ones. Robinson 44? I like it. Good shape
Submarines and submersibles: HUGE fan. Really like them. Never been in or near one but would love to. I think these are the only ones that aren't airplanes that I really understand but moreso because they're just the opposite of an airplane in most ways. I just think they're neat. I'd like to see a fish if possible.
Spacecraft: they're neat but I don't understand rockets at all. That's so many maths. Space shuttle/Buran are planes though. To me.
Vehicles that people don't conventionally think of: I am a MASSIVE fan of the humble ekranoplan. I think the USSR should have put all their resources into ekranoplan development, not for strategic reasons but because I like them
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otakween · 9 days
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Digimon Data Squad (Savers) - Episode 18
This episode had some sweet nuggets of lore in it. It was also satisfying to see all the perfect levels fighting together. Headed back to the human world already tho? I feel like we just got to the digital world! At least we get to see Ikuto's reaction to human stuff.
I like the Merukimon dub name better than Mercurymon 2.0. It's a lot easier to say and remember. I feel like it fits his tribal vibe better too.
What's with Merukimon having a bunch of baby digimon as his minions? Not very intimidating lol.
So we learn that old dude is Kamemon's master and also knows Ikuto's dad? He also seemed to know Merukimon, probably from a past digital world expedition.
We got an explanation for digi-death. Essentially, digimon can fully die (no reincarnation) if all of their digital data is destroyed. (Why was my first thought the vampire burning in Twilight? lol) Didn't Tamers kinda do something like that? (Like if you didn't absorb their data they had another chance at life). I need someone to make me a chart of all of the death lore in each series
So many off model moments in this one. Tohma kinda looked like he was balding in one scene because they drew his hair so flat lol
Falcomon trying to convince Ikuto to see the light and Ikuto stubbornly sticking to his guns was sad. Obviously we all know he'll come around eventually tho
Why is Merukimon's domain ice themed anyway? Nothing about his design really suggests ice (except maybe the furry boots haha).
The battle really felt like one of those JRPG boss battles where you're severely underleveled and you realize you're in for a lot of grinding. Classic.
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(Just noticed how cool this screenshot looks lol)
Gawappamon is peak 😎I didn't know I needed a DJ kappa digimon until now. He has main partner potential (for a future game)
The boss picking them up at the end in his helicopter looked kinda disappointed lol. Walk of shame...(or helicopter rescue of shame I guess)
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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Amon [birdwomen] Class: Birdwomen -> Sky Warrior
The blue lightning flash dancing in the skies!
*** She set off to find her husband Balbaroy, who had been injured and disappeared.
Once she found out of the danger Balbaroy was in, she asked the Shining Force for help. They become some of the few flying members of the team. She's a reliable married lady (?) whose power is on par with her husband. ***
Birdmen like Amon here and Balbaroy used to live in the eastern side of the continent.
Before being attacked by Runefaust, they had their nests at the peaks of rocky mountains near the Tower of the Ancients, but those were all burned down once the Pegasus Knights attacked.
Birdmen usually love to travel, and only return to the nest they were born in to give birth to and raise their own children (they are born from eggs). It isn't just a fancy phrase, the skies of Rune really are their garden.
Runefaust's army found out the time of the year where they reproduced, and attacked their nests at once. Many birdmen gave their lives trying to protect their eggs. _______
Kokichi [Human] Class: Wing Knight -> Sky Lord
The man who staked his life on the dream of flying
*** An elderly man who lives in Bustoke. Dreaming of being able to fly, he perservered at his research for 50 years.
He joins the Shining Force wearing his finished flying machine with flapping wings. His motive is of course, to fight for justice! ***
At first he uses a flying machine with flapping wings but, once claiming the title of "Sky Lord", he remodels it into a small-scale helicopter. What powers said helicopter is a prototype magical superconductor motor (see Guntz's section).
There's evidence of research into flying machines similar to Kokichi's in Runefaust too.
They completed many flying machines, and came under General Elliot's command with the designation of "Flying Soldiers". They were meant to debut at the battle in Pao Plains but, all had engine troubles, and crashed before arrival.
Notes on Amon:
No I don't get why there's that question mark when calling her a wife/married lady, I'm likely missing some joke here.
Also untranslatable wordplay time! The word used here for lightning flash is 稲妻, which is written using the kanji for wife (妻).
Just me speculating now, but birdmen originally living in mountains might have been inspiration for Bedoe in SF2? Though those live not at summit but all over the mountain. Small detail though.
The GBA version contradicted this though, in a way I always thought was boring as heck.
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Notes on Kokichi:
The GBA version connects his technology further with Dr. Crock's, by saying Crock gave him the pointers to make a steam engine for the first winged machine (he had to adapt it for flight though).
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dalroti · 2 years
hi @napworthysunbeam thanks for tagging me<3
nickname: nanni sign: gemini height: 5'6 (my friends tell me i'm 5'5 but they're haters and can't be trusted) last google search: "to go to product" (there is some context to this. and i use duckduckgo) song stuck in head: none number of followers: 0.2 (it's very few) amount of sleep: 7.5 to 8 hours  lucky number: i don't have any, not that i know of at least. not very good at recognising patterns like that :/ in fact the existence of numbers is unlucky for me and i hate maths what are you wearing: green tee and my sister's high school pajamas fav media: currently, Batman(so far the video games and the animated series. i never thought i'd enjoy batman because i hated marvel superhero stuff but i was surprised. the villain character design are all so fun and inspiring. it's also weirdly comforting, batman is just my little boy) and Twin Peaks. fav song: Helicopter by Deerhunter fav instrument: drums. love when drummers go all ┗(`O´)┛♫ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)=σ and bam bam you know what i mean. ancient musical instruments like the lyre are also very sexy
aesthetic: i enjoy everything. brutalist, detailed, indian embroidery, low-quality blurry videos, classical paintings, sci-fi character design, rough sketches, beige clothing, technowear, kidcore, etc etc
fav author: hp lovecraft? maybe?
fav animal noise:  birdsongs. (and though i haven't heard chaffy's meows i think they're my favorite sounds too now)
random: peanut butter! woag. +i'm so sleepy right now, taking a nap immediately
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Exploring the Himalayas: Everest Pikey Peak Trek, Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek, and Short Everest Base Camp Trek
The Everest region, home to the world's highest peaks and stunning landscapes, offers a wide range of trekking experiences. Whether you're looking for a shorter trek, luxury accommodations, or off-the-beaten-path adventures, the Himalayas have something for every type of traveler. Among the popular treks are the Everest Pikey Peak Trek, Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek, and Short Everest Base Camp Trek—each offering a unique journey through the Everest region.
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Everest Pikey Peak Trek
The Everest Pikey Peak Trek is a hidden gem in the Everest region, offering stunning panoramic views of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and Kanchenjunga, without the crowds typically found on the more popular trails. Pikey Peak, at 4,065 meters, is known for being one of Sir Edmund Hillary’s favorite viewpoints of Everest. The trek is relatively short and less demanding than the Everest Base Camp treks, making it perfect for trekkers looking for a quieter, more peaceful experience.
This trek typically takes 6-8 days and allows trekkers to immerse themselves in the rich culture of the Sherpa people, passing through picturesque villages, monasteries, and rhododendron forests. The highlight of the trek is the sunrise view from Pikey Peak, where trekkers can enjoy breathtaking vistas of the snow-capped Himalayas.
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Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek
For those seeking a more comfortable and luxurious experience in the Himalayas, the Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek is the ideal choice. This trek follows the classic route to Everest Base Camp but offers high-end accommodations in luxury lodges along the way. Trekkers can enjoy the same magnificent landscapes and cultural experiences while relaxing in lodges that offer heated rooms, gourmet meals, and spa services.
The Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek typically takes 14-16 days, providing a more relaxed pace with additional rest days for acclimatization. It's perfect for those who want to experience the beauty of the Everest region without sacrificing comfort. After a day of trekking, you can unwind in style, making the journey to Everest Base Camp even more memorable.
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Short Everest Base Camp Trek
The Short Everest Base Camp Trek is designed for trekkers with limited time but who still want to experience the iconic trek to Everest Base Camp. By using helicopter flights for some portions of the journey, this trek shortens the usual two-week trek to around 9-10 days, without compromising on the adventure and scenic beauty of the Everest region.
Trekkers on the Short Everest Base Camp Trek will follow the same classic trail through Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, and Dingboche, with the added excitement of a helicopter flight back from Gorakshep. This trek is ideal for those with a tight schedule but who don’t want to miss the opportunity to stand at the foot of the world’s highest peak.
Whether you’re seeking a peaceful off-the-beaten-path trek with the Everest Pikey Peak Trek, indulging in luxury on the Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek, or embarking on the iconic Short Everest Base Camp Trek, the Everest region offers diverse and unforgettable experiences. Each trek provides unique insights into the stunning Himalayan landscapes and the vibrant Sherpa culture, ensuring that your journey is as rewarding as the destination.
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Atlanta Wedding Photographer Shares Map of Atlanta's Best Wedding Venues
In downtown Atlanta there are a plethora of wonderful venues that make it so interesting for an Atlanta wedding photographer. They each have their own personality and are so much fun!  
The first one that comes to mind is Ventanas which screams Atlanta! It has the best view of the skyline of Atlanta. They have a wraparound terrace where you can have your ceremony or cocktail hour for your guests. In the interior there are two stories of floor to ceiling windows that overlook Olympic Park, Mercedes Benz stadium, the Ferris Wheel, and Georgia Aquarium. The crown jewel of the venue is the helicopter landing pad on the roof. It gives you a 360 panoramic view of the city that is unobscured. As well as a dramatic backdrop to memorable wedding photos. 
  One of the grandest of all venues downtown is the Biltmore Ballrooms. It was built in 1924 as part of the Biltmore hotel and was the premier hotel at the time, billed as the “the South’s supreme Hotel.”  The hotel was restored to its original glory in 1999 with the renovation of the Georgian and Imperial Ballrooms and it is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  The large columns and terrace are just the beginning of the grand historic details.  Inside the ballrooms are tall painted ceilings reminiscent of the great European palaces.  
  My favorite venue by far is the Fox Theatre.  It is an Atlanta landmark known throughout the south. It is famous for concerts and the mosque style architecture of the middle east. The ornate designed interior has gold leaf details and sumptuous handmade fabric. There is even exquisite trompe l’oeil art (an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create optical illusions) inside. There are two reception rooms and an outside terrace.  The biggest room is the Egyptian Ballroom where there are large columns accenting the room and in the back there is a large balcony to overlook the festivities.  The staff at the Fox are some of the better out there. 
The Fox Theatre is one of Atlanta’s premiere venues for live entertainment, and the photographers at Atlanta Artistic Weddings have been honored to shoot at this venue multiple times. This venue has an extraordinarily rich history in Atlanta, starting when it was bought by William Fox, who opened this “movie palace” on Christmas Day in 1925 with the premiere of Disney’s popular cartoon Steamboat Willie. The Fox quickly became a favorite venue of the Atlanta community and expanded over time to include performances by acclaimed opera and theatre companies, concerts from pop music legends, and community dances at the peak of Swing and Big Band music. 
  Rhodes Hall is a high-profile historic house in the heart of downtown known as the “Castle on Peachtree.”   Built in 1904, Rhodes Hall has been an Atlanta landmark for generations. While it was originally the residence of Rhodes Furniture founder Amos Rhodes, today it is a house museum and one of the most unique venues in Atlanta for social and corporate events. The upper floors of the “Castle on Peachtree” are also headquarters for The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. Rhodes Hall is a wonderful place to host your wedding. There is a wraparound porch for your guests at cocktail hour.  For the bride there is a large bridal suite for changing.   In the main room there is a grand staircase and wood paneling that makes a statement. 
999 Peachtree Street Center is the home of the Peachtree Club. The Peachtree Club is located on the 28th floor.  The club's high-rise terrace is the primary feature of the venue.  It is a large open terrace 28 floors up and has one of the best views of the city.  You are level with the top of some of Atlanta's landmark buildings.  Maggie is a wedding planner there and she is a consummate professional. 
The next venue worth putting on your radar is Terminus 330 located in the heart of downtown. The upstairs of the venue is the epitome of industrial chic with an impressive wrought iron entrance that welcomes guests into a large open space with original hardwoods, exposed brick, vaulted ceiling, and warm natural light. The downstairs is a 1920’s inspired space that reminds me of the prohibition days, with original stonework and vintage lighting. There is even a rooftop terrace where you get a panoramic view of the Atlanta skyline. 
Georgian Terrace Hotel
Fox Theatere
The Peachtree Club
Rhodes Hall
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nanas-45 · 14 days
Kamchatka Krai: Russia’s Volcanic Wonderland
Kamchatka Krai, a captivating federal subject of Russia, is located in the remote Russian Far East. As part of the Far Eastern Federal District, this rugged region is defined by its dramatic landscapes and active volcanic zones. Its administrative center is Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the largest city in the area, housing over half of its 291,705 residents as of the 2021 census slot demo. Established on July 1, 2007, through the merger of Kamchatka Oblast and Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka Krai is a land of striking contrasts and natural wonders.
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Geography and Terrain
Kamchatka Krai encompasses the majority of the Kamchatka Peninsula, a prominent landmass that separates the Sea of Okhotsk from the Bering Sea. In addition to the peninsula, the krai includes the northern mainland portion, Karaginsky Island, and the Commander Islands in the Bering Sea. The region is bordered by Magadan Oblast to the west and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug to the north.
The geography of Kamchatka is defined by its dramatic mountain ranges: the Sredinny Range, extending about 900 kilometers; the Eastern Range, around 600 kilometers long; and the Koryak Mountains, which include several subranges like the Ukelayat, Vetvey, and Penzhinsky Ranges. The highest peaks include Khuvkhoitun (2,613 m), Ledyanaya (2,562 m), and Acute (2,552 m). Kamchatka’s coastlines are extensive, with over 2,000 kilometers of shoreline along both the Bering Sea and the Okhotsk Sea.
Volcanic Activity
Kamchatka is renowned for its volcanic activity. The peninsula is home to around 300 large and medium-sized volcanoes, with 29 of them still active. Among these, Mount Kluchevskaya stands out as the tallest active volcano in Eurasia, reaching an altitude of 4,750 meters. The region's volcanic landscape contributes to its nickname, "Land of Fire and Ice," due to the combination of fiery geothermal activity and icy conditions.
Natural Wonders and Protected Areas
Kamchatka’s diverse ecosystems include lush forests and various types of vegetation. Stone birch forests dominate the lowlands, while higher altitudes feature alder and cedar elfin. The central areas are covered with expansive forests of larch and spruce, and floodplains are home to poplar, alder, and willow species kedai168. The region’s undergrowth includes hawthorn, Asian cherry, Kamchatka rowan, and numerous shrubs.
Over 14.5% of Kamchatka’s territory is designated as protected areas. These include six federal nature reserves, such as the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, which is Russia’s only geyser basin and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Established in 1934, the reserve spans 10,990 square kilometers and features a unique mix of volcanic and geothermal landscapes. Visitors to Kronotsky are limited, with around 3,000 tourists annually allowed access by helicopter for a day’s visit, costing about $700.
Other protected areas include the South Kamchatka Federal Reserve and regional parks like Nalychevo, Bystrinsky, and Kluchevskoy. These areas are critical for conservation and scientific research, preserving the unique flora and fauna of the region.
Climate and Accessibility
Kamchatka’s climate is characterized as subarctic, with significant variations due to its latitude and coastal position. It experiences monsoons from the Pacific Ocean, contributing to its harsh weather conditions. The climate and volcanic activity make Kamchatka a challenging yet intriguing destination for travelers and researchers.
The region’s remote location and harsh environment mean that much of Kamchatka is accessible only by specialized transportation, including helicopters for visits to the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Despite its isolation, Kamchatka attracts those interested in exploring its volcanic landscapes, unique ecosystems, and breathtaking natural beauty.
Kamchatka Krai stands as a testament to the untamed and raw beauty of Russia's Far East. Its dramatic volcanic terrain, diverse ecosystems, and protected areas make it a remarkable destination for adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. Whether you're exploring its active volcanoes or marveling at its unique geothermal features, Kamchatka offers a glimpse into one of the most spectacular and least explored corners of the world.
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bodymindnourish · 17 days
Kedarnath Yatra: A Spiritual Journey to the Abode of Lord Shiva
Kedarnath Yatra is not just a pilgrimage; it’s a journey that intertwines faith, adventure, and nature’s splendor. Nestled in the lap of the Garhwal Himalayas, Kedarnath is one of the most revered shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva and forms a crucial part of the Char Dham Yatra in Uttarakhand, India. The journey to Kedarnath, perched at an altitude of 3,583 meters, is both challenging and spiritually uplifting, attracting devotees and adventurers from all over the world.
The Spiritual Significance of Kedarnath
Kedarnath holds immense religious significance in Hinduism. It is believed to be the place where Lord Shiva absolved the Pandavas of their sins from the Mahabharata. The temple, a magnificent structure made of large, heavy stones, is surrounded by the majestic snow-capped peaks, including the towering Kedarnath Mountain. The divine aura of the temple, coupled with the breathtaking natural beauty, makes it a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those who embark on this sacred journey.
The Journey: A Blend of Adventure and Devotion
The Kedarnath Yatra is not for the faint-hearted. The traditional route involves a trek of approximately 16 kilometers from Gaurikund, which tests the endurance and determination of the pilgrims. The path is steep and challenging, but the sense of achievement and the spiritual fulfillment that comes upon reaching the temple are unparalleled. For those who might find the trek strenuous, there are alternate options like palanquins, ponies, and even helicopter services that provide a more comfortable way to reach Kedarnath.
The trek is also a visual treat, with the Mandakini River flowing alongside the path, lush green meadows, and the awe-inspiring sight of the Kedarnath Temple coming into view as you approach the holy site.
Choosing the Right Kedarnath Yatra Package
Planning a trip to Kedarnath can be daunting due to the challenging terrain and unpredictable weather conditions. This is where Kedarnath Yatra packages come in handy. These packages are designed to cater to the diverse needs of pilgrims, offering everything from transportation, accommodation, meals, and guided tours.
Depending on your preferences, you can choose from basic, standard, or luxury packages. Some packages also include visits to nearby holy sites such as Badrinath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri, allowing pilgrims to complete the entire Char Dham Yatra.
Opting for a Kedarnath Yatra package ensures that the pilgrims can focus on their spiritual journey without worrying about the logistical aspects of the trip. The packages often include services like helicopter rides, which can save time and energy, especially for elderly pilgrims or those with health concerns.
Best Time to Visit
The Kedarnath Temple is open to pilgrims from April/May to November. The best time to visit is during the summer months of May and June or post-monsoon in September and October when the weather is pleasant and the trekking route is relatively safer. The monsoon season (July to August) is generally avoided due to the risk of landslides and heavy rains.
Embarking on the Kedarnath Yatra is more than just a physical journey; it’s a pilgrimage that connects the soul to the divine. Whether you are drawn by faith, the desire for adventure, or the quest for peace in the tranquil Himalayas, the Kedarnath Yatra offers an experience that is both humbling and transformative. By choosing a well-suited Kedarnath Yatra package, you can ensure a smooth and fulfilling journey to this sacred abode of Lord Shiva.
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airmauryan · 20 days
Experience the Spiritual Journey of a Lifetime with Yamunotri Char Dham Yatra
Going on the Yamunotri Char Dham Yatra in itself is not just a pilgrimage. It is a revolutionary journey that takes you amidst the heavens and beauty of Himalayan surroundings. This also serves as a degree of spiritual comfort and an unbeatable bond with ancient customs of Hinduism. 
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Char Dham Yatra: Char Dham yatra is one of the most Sacred Pilgrimages in Hinduism. It covers sacred places including Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath. People belonging to other religions visit these holy places to receive blessings
Why It Is Best to Go on the Char Dham Tour by Helicopter
The journey to these holy destinations now becomes easier and more comfortable with modern technology. Yet the ancient method is all about patience and perseverance 3./an age-old way of slowish progress The Char Dham helicopter tour is a brilliant option. Beneath all else is for folks who wish to seek this Holy trip with no trouble.
A day in the helicopter can travel all around the trek to Chardham Yatra and instead of weeks, the whole journey is accomplished by using Doksaan(days). This is very helpful for those that are less time to travel, or who are old. 
Observers will also get a rare and stunning view of the mountainscapes, which undulate in great peaks on one side into Tibet (also part once of Nepal) dropping down like pins somewhere over 5 kilometres below to terraced fields that head-west from Kathmandu. It also reduces the dangers and physical demands of high-altitude trekking. This allows you to focus on the spiritual aspect of it.
Yamunotri Dham Ki Yatra:
To refresh the memory of devotees, Yamunotri Char Dham Yatra is considered a commencement source for pilgrimage to four eminent pilgrim destinations called CHARDHAM. The title Yamunotri, the source of river Yamuna is located at an acclamation height of 3,293 meters. The temple gives a peaceful and stunning start to the trek. Neatly ensconced amidst the lush valleys and high snow-clad mountains of the Garhwal Himalayas, this originality is at its best.
Passing through the helicopter to Yamunotri, a beautiful stretch of incredible natural beauty of India could see up close and personal. Pilgrims can visit the Yamunotri Temple after arriving, along with taking ritual dips in its holy waters and soaking in hot springs believed to have medicinal properties.
And this makes a complete Char Dham Yatra Experience.
Gangotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath: after Yamunotri the journey of Chardham Yatra enters into Gangotri & later it continues to Kedarnath and finally closes at last when devotees seek salvation in Haridwar or Rishikesh.
All of these shrines have different connotations spiritually and give you a variety. The holy river Ganges starts from here and Gangotri is considered among one of the most powerful sites. Kedarnath Temple attracts a lot of visitors because it is located in an isolated area with nature. Badrinath, the final stop is one of India's most sacred shrines devoted to Lord Vishnu.
With this Char Dham helicopter ride, you can pay a visit to all these holy places in and around the state with more ease. Helicopter service also includes Priority darshan (having the god's look and grace). This allows you to avoid the long lines which are quite prevalent during the pilgrimage season.
Why Book with Air Mauryan?
Air Mauryan is mainly focused on offering Char Dham helicopter services for pilgrims depending upon their requirements. Their packages are designed for an easy and divine experience, with attention to all the details throughout your trip. With Air Mauryan take a trip to Chardham Yatra that offers a comfortable stay and informed travel while lending you more time to set all the religious endeavours water-worthy (or at least try to have them on the right track).
The Yamunotri Char Dham yatra is a once in a lifetime experience and it is far more feasible now with a helicopter trip.
Orginal Source: https://airmauryan.livepositively.com/experience-the-spiritual-journey-of-a-lifetime-with-yamunotri-char-dham-yatra/
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sakhshimandal · 25 days
What to Look For in Premium Services: VIP Hajj Packages
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The Hajj pilgrimage is a profoundly spiritual journey for Muslims worldwide, an obligation that represents one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Given the physical and logistical challenges involved, many pilgrims seek to enhance their experience by opting for VIP Hajj packages. These premium services offer a combination of luxury, convenience, and personalized care that allows pilgrims to focus more on their spiritual journey rather than the logistical complexities of the pilgrimage. However, with the variety of VIP Hajj packages available, it’s important to know what to look for when selecting the right package to ensure a fulfilling and comfortable experience.
1. Accommodations and Proximity to Religious Sites
One of the most crucial aspects of a VIP Hajj package is the quality of accommodations. Premium packages typically offer stays in luxury hotels that are close to the Haram in Mecca and the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. The proximity to these holy sites is essential, as it reduces the physical strain of traveling back and forth, especially during the peak periods of the pilgrimage.
When evaluating VIP Hajj packages, check the specifics of the accommodations, including room quality, amenities, and views. Some packages may offer rooms with direct views of the Kaaba or the Prophet’s Mosque, adding an extra layer of spiritual enrichment. Additionally, consider the convenience of access to these sites, such as private entrances or priority access, which can significantly enhance your experience by minimizing wait times and crowding.
2. Transportation and Logistics
Hajj involves several phases that require transportation between different locations, including Mecca, Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah. A premium Hajj package should include top-tier transportation services that ensure comfort, reliability, and efficiency. Look for packages that offer private, air-conditioned vehicles, dedicated drivers, and VIP transport services such as helicopter transfers or exclusive bus services that avoid the traffic and congestion common during Hajj.
Another important factor is the coordination of these logistics. A well-organized VIP Hajj package will include a team of experienced guides and coordinators who manage all aspects of transportation, ensuring that you arrive at each site on time and with minimal hassle. This level of service allows you to focus on your spiritual duties rather than worrying about the practicalities of getting from one place to another.
3. Personalized Services and Attention to Detail
One of the defining features of a VIP Hajj package is the level of personalized service it offers. From the moment you arrive in Saudi Arabia until the completion of your pilgrimage, you should expect to receive individualized attention that caters to your specific needs and preferences. This might include a dedicated concierge service, multilingual guides, and private religious scholars who can provide personalized spiritual guidance and instruction throughout the Hajj rituals.
Additionally, some VIP packages offer bespoke services such as private dining experiences, tailored tours, and even spa and wellness treatments to help you relax and rejuvenate during the pilgrimage. The attention to detail in these packages ensures that every aspect of your stay is comfortable and aligned with your personal expectations.
4. Enhanced Comfort and Support Services
The physical demands of Hajj can be strenuous, particularly during the summer months when temperatures in Saudi Arabia can soar. A premium Hajj package should include enhanced comfort services, such as access to private tents in Mina and Arafat with air conditioning, comfortable bedding, and high-quality meals. These facilities should be designed to provide a serene and comfortable environment where you can rest and reflect between the various stages of the pilgrimage.
Furthermore, VIP Hajj packages often include on-site medical support, which is essential for elderly pilgrims or those with health concerns. Having access to healthcare professionals who are available 24/7 can provide peace of mind and ensure that any medical issues are promptly addressed.
5. Group Size and Exclusivity
Another key factor to consider is the size of the group included in the VIP Hajj package. Smaller groups generally translate to more personalized attention and a more intimate experience. Some VIP packages are designed for very small groups or even individual pilgrims, offering a high degree of exclusivity. This can be particularly important for those who prefer a quieter, more private pilgrimage experience, free from the stress of large crowds.
Choosing the right VIP Hajj package involves careful consideration of various factors that contribute to a seamless and spiritually enriching experience. By focusing on accommodations, transportation, personalized services, comfort, and group size, you can select a package that not only meets your practical needs but also enhances your spiritual journey. The right VIP Hajj package allows you to focus on the essence of the pilgrimage—your connection with the divine—while professionals handle the logistics, ensuring a fulfilling and memorable Hajj experience.
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hikingadventuretrek · 1 month
Experience the Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tours
Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour: A Thrilling Journey
The Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour is a quick and exhilarating way to witness the grandeur of the Himalayas. This tour is perfect for those who are short on time but still want to experience the beauty of Everest.
Highlights of the Helicopter Tour
The tour starts from Kathmandu and takes you directly to the Everest region. You will fly over lush green hills, terraced fields, and traditional villages. As you approach the Himalayas, the view becomes even more spectacular with snow-capped peaks all around.
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Landing at Everest Base Camp
One of the highlights of this tour is landing at Everest Base Camp. Here, you can step out of the helicopter and take in the breathtaking surroundings. This unique perspective of Everest is unforgettable.
Everest Base Camp Heli Return Trek: Best of Both Worlds
For those who want a mix of trekking and flying, the Everest Base Camp Heli Return Trek is ideal. This option allows you to trek to Everest Base Camp and return by helicopter.
Trekking to Everest Base Camp
The trek follows the classic route through the Khumbu Valley. You will pass through famous villages like Namche Bazaar and Tengboche. The journey is enriched with Sherpa culture and stunning landscapes.
Returning by Helicopter
After reaching Everest Base Camp, you can enjoy a thrilling helicopter ride back to Kathmandu. This not only saves time but also provides an aerial view of the route you just trekked.
Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour: Quick and Luxurious
Another option is the Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour. This tour is designed for those who want to experience Everest in luxury. It combines the thrill of flying with the comfort of a quick trip.
Luxury and Convenience
The helicopter tour offers luxury and convenience. You will enjoy a scenic flight over the Himalayas with stops at key locations. The helicopter is equipped with comfortable seating and large windows for the best views.
Experience the Himalayas in Comfort
This tour is perfect for those who prefer a comfortable and quick experience. You can witness the beauty of Everest without the physical demands of trekking.
Preparation and Tips for Helicopter Tours
To make the most of your helicopter tour, dress warmly and bring your camera. The weather in the Himalayas can be unpredictable, so be prepared for sudden changes.
Best Time for Helicopter Tours
The best time for these tours is during the pre-monsoon (March to May) and post-monsoon (September to November) seasons. These times offer clear skies and stable weather, ensuring the best views.
Conclusion: An Unforgettable Aerial Adventure
The Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tours offer a unique way to experience the Himalayas. Whether you choose the quick tour, the heli return trek, or the luxury tour, you will be treated to unforgettable views and experiences. Prepare well and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime.
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everestassistance · 1 month
Kathmandu to Kala Patthar Helicopter Landing Tour: An Unparalleled Everest Experience
Discover the wonders of the Himalayas with the Kathmandu to Kala Patthar helicopter landing tour. This journey offers an exclusive opportunity to witness Mount Everest and its majestic surroundings without the need for an extended trek. Perfect for adventurers and nature lovers alike, this tour provides a breathtaking experience that is both thrilling and comfortable.
Why Opt for the Kathmandu to Kala Patthar Helicopter Tour?
The Kathamandu to kala patthar helicopter landing tour is designed for those who wish to experience the beauty of the Everest region in a short span of time. Departing from Kathmandu, this tour takes you directly to the heart of the Himalayas, where you can enjoy unobstructed views of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, and other towering peaks. The convenience of a helicopter flight allows you to bypass the lengthy trek, making it an ideal choice for travelers with limited time.
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Spectacular Aerial Views of the Himalayas
One of the most remarkable aspects of this tour is the scenic flight from Kathmandu to Kala Patthar. As the helicopter ascends, you'll be treated to panoramic views of the rolling hills, lush forests, and gradually rising snow-capped peaks. The journey continues over the rugged terrain of the Khumbu Valley, offering aerial perspectives that are simply unparalleled. The helicopter's large windows ensure that you capture every moment of this awe-inspiring journey.
Landing at Kala Patthar: A Close-Up View of Everest
Kala Patthar, standing at an elevation of 5,545 meters, is one of the best vantage points for viewing Mount Everest. The helicopter lands here for a brief stop, giving you the chance to step out and absorb the breathtaking views. The close proximity to Everest, along with the panoramic vistas of the surrounding peaks, makes this a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Be sure to have your camera ready to capture these unforgettable moments.
Ensuring Safety and Comfort on the Tour
Safety and comfort are paramount on the Kathmandu to Kala Patthar helicopter tour. The helicopters used for this tour are state-of-the-art, equipped with the latest technology and safety features. Experienced pilots, who are well-versed in flying in the challenging Himalayan terrain, ensure a smooth and secure flight. The helicopters also offer spacious seating and noise-canceling headsets, making the journey as comfortable as it is exhilarating.
Booking Your Kathmandu to Kala Patthar Helicopter Tour
Booking your Kathmandu to Kala Patthar helicopter tour is a simple process, with several reputable tour operators offering this service. Due to the popularity of the tour, especially during peak seasons in spring and autumn, it’s advisable to book in advance. Tour packages often include hotel transfers, permits, and other amenities, ensuring a hassle-free experience from start to finish.
The Kathmandu to Kala Patthar helicopter landing tour is an extraordinary way to experience the splendor of Mount Everest and the surrounding Himalayan peaks. Whether you’re an adventurer seeking a new thrill or a nature enthusiast longing to witness the world’s highest mountains, this tour offers an unforgettable journey that combines convenience, comfort, and breathtaking beauty. Don’t miss the chance to see Everest up close and create lasting memories.
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