tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— the moon will sing.
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pairing: aether / fem!reader / venti
warnings:  dark content, breeding kink, somnophilia, creampie, threesome, manipulating, gas-lighting, dubcon-noncon elements, reader is a sister of the church of favonius, she also has an anemo vision, innocent!reader, shy!reader, corruption, venti has a god complex, mild exhibitionism, alcohol consumption, reader gets drunk (also it seems like they drugged her, they DID NOT she just gets bat-shit drunk), venti calls reader my cecilia flower 
word count: 6.1k
summary: you love being a sister of the church, love helping out people and grateful for all the friends you made. Especially Aether and Venti who keep on teasing you, but you always ignore it thinking that the things they did were nothing more than “accidents”. But what happens when they finally have enough of you “good two shoe” role?  
a/n: just wanted to give a huge thank you to the anon who commissioned this <3 it was really fun to write and just up my alley! I’m also grateful for how patient they’ve been, hopefully you’ll enjoy this!
!all characters are aged up to be 21! 
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The weather was bright and sunny, white clouds moving along the blue as it casted temporary shadows over the city. You smiled, leaning against the stone balustrade. It’s always been like this since the traveler, Aether, cured Dvalin. You were grateful, like most citizens of Mondstadt, and couldn’t help but give words of praise whenever you saw the blond man. Stretching, you cracked your neck and stared at the statue of Barbatos once more before you turned around. Being a sister of the church of Favonius was no easy task. You had a lot of duties, most of them concerning doing favors for certain sisters– Ahem, Ahem Rosaria– and the townsfolk. You loved the people so you never truly minded doing jobs for them, besides you had a vision, an anemo one at that, so you had a responsibility towards the archon you vowed to serve at all times.  
Going down the stairs, you let the warm wind caress your skin. A week before you had promised Diona you would help her take the cats to the vet… Which was going to be hard you admit, but if push came to shove you could always ask for help from someone nearby. Diluc would be ideal, he was strangely very good with felines. But you had your doubts Diona would let you ask him for help. 
When you finally reached The Cat’s Tail, you were pleased to see that most of the cat’s were already in boxes. But you knew it wouldn’t be all smooth sailing when you noticed Diona freaking out in front of the cages, her head was between her tiny hands as she wallowed in desperation. You stood next to her as you were just about to ask her what was the problem she acted before you.
“Cinnamon, Coffee, Toffee Nut and Rose are nowhere to be found!” 
“You named one of your cats Rose?” 
“Well I found him–” 
“Yes Rose is a boy cat!” she groaned as her tail lashed right to left. “I found him in a rose bush that’s why I named him Rose.” 
“Sorry,” you replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “So where do they usually hang out?” 
“The appointment is in an hour,” Diona continued, ignoring you completely with panic in her voice. “There’s no way we can find them all, no way…” her ears fell. 
With an understanding smile you placed a hand over her shoulder, she looked up at you, tears glistening in her light blue eyes. 
“We’ll find them, don't worry,” you said. “Just tell me where they might go.” 
Suddenly Diona started bawling, hugging you and nuzzling your stomach. You chuckled as you placed both arms around her and hugged her back. 
“You’re the best Y/N! Thank you!” she sniffled before looking back up at you. “Cinnamon and Toffee Nut usually hang out on top of the roofs. Cinnamon specifically hangs out on the roof of the church. Rose likes to play with dandelions so he might be there as for Coffee–” her ears flattened and her pink hair stood up. “That traitor always goes to Angel’s Share, looking for Diluc.” 
“Alright,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “How about I look for Cinnamon, Toffee Nut and–” you sighed knowing that she would never go to Angel’s Share. “--Coffee. You can go and find Rose. Sounds good? We’ll meet back here in forty minutes at most.” 
Diona’s ears perked up as she nodded. “Alright!” Then she jolted down the stairs, waving at you. “See you in forty minutes!” 
When Diona disappeared from view you turned on your heel and started to walk, staring up at the roofs as you did so. Sighing, you stopped right in front of the crafting bench. There was no way you were going to find any kind of cat down here. The only way was to scour the roof tops. Closing your eyes, you willed your catalyst to appear before you and felt anemo energy building up inside, just as you were going to fly up you hear rushed steps coming towards you–
“Hey Y/N!” 
Stumbling, your concentration vanished and you found yourself doing an awkward little jump instead of flying. Your heart skipping a beat, you turn your head only to see Aether, savior of Mondstadt, and his cute little companion Paimon. He waved at you with a wide grin and stood only an inch away from you. 
“Whatcha doing Y/N?” he asked, placing his hands on his hips. “Something fun I hope?” 
You smiled as you waved your hand and made your catalyst disappear. “I wouldn’t exactly call it fun. I’m looking for Diona’s cats. What are you doing here?” 
“Well,” he began sheepishly. “I got a bit bored from Inazuma and wanted to make a short visit to the land of the free.” 
“Yeah the air is so stiffy there!” Paimon chimed in. 
“So yeah, that’s why I’m here.” Aether said with a shrug. Then he pointed up towards the roof. “Want any help with the search?” 
Your heart fluttered. In all honesty your infatuation with the savior of Mondstadt might’ve been a bit more than just gratefulness. You loved seeing him run around, doing selfless deeds or causing fun little mishaps. For some reason most of the time you turned a blind eye to these “mishaps”, Barbara always teased you about it and you just said you were patient with him, like a sister should be. Though most of the time Venti would be with him as well so it was tad surprising seeing him alone, but maybe it was the best since Venti was allergic to cats. This wouldn’t be the best adventure for him. 
“Sure,” you finally replied, turning your gaze to the ground. “If you have nothing else to do–” 
“Great!” he exclaimed, then turned to Paimon. “Here Paimon you take this,” he gave her a rather sizable pouch full of Mora. Your eyes went wide, just how much did this man make from adventuring? “Go get yourself some sticky honey roast or something.” 
Paimon pouted, “Why can’t Paimon join you!?” she asked, then her stomach growled. “But then again there’s no need to second guess the adventurer! Bye you two!” 
Then as she hummed, Paimon floated away. 
“So where are these cats?” Aether asked, taking a step forward. 
“Apparently one likes to hang on top of the rooftops and the other enjoys hanging on top of the church. Lastly we need to– What are you doing?!” 
The words died in your throat as Aether hugged you from behind, his arms directly under your breasts, slightly lifting them as he squeezed you. He shot you a confused, innocent look. 
“I thought we were going to search the rooftops?” 
“Y-Yeah but… You can use anemo, you don’t need me to fly you up there?” 
He hugged you tighter. His lips touching right under your ear, you shivered. You could feel his muscular chest right behind you, taking in a shaky breath you tried to collect your thoughts. 
“Well I can’t exactly fly up like you,” he muttered, his chapped lips moving against your skin. “My means of getting up there is much harder, and much more complicated. This’ll be easier for both of us.” 
You couldn’t really argue with that. Besides, if you could make things for him a little bit easier why wouldn’t you? You held your breath as you called upon your catalyst, the anemo energy building inside of you once more. 
“Good girl,” Aether muttered against your ear lobe. 
Blood rushed to your cheeks as you took off, pulling Aether with you. When you felt Aether’s hands on your breasts, squeezing and massaging you almost fell upon landing on top of the roof. You stood there for a while, his hands still on your breasts, Aether squeezed one last time before letting go and parting away from you. 
“Whoops sorry,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “My hands must’ve slipped when we were in the air.” 
“I-It’s alright… No worries.” 
You were taken aback when Aether ignored you completely, as if nothing happened. He started to search the roof, calling out to the cat as he looked behind the chimneys. You stood there for a while, confused as you fiddled your fingers. It was an accident, just like he said. But… for some reason you were slightly disappointed, you rubbed your legs together, grateful for the long dress all the sisters had to wear– Accept for Rosaria of course. 
“Are you alright?” 
Your head snapped up only to see Aether worried glance. Quickly you waved your hand and shook your head. 
“Yeah, I’m fine, sorry.” you snapped your fingers and the catalyst went to your back. “Is there any sign of an orange cat?” 
“Hm I don’t think Toffee Nut’s here…” Aether shielded his eyes from the sun and looked further ahead. “But I think there’s something small moving on top of the bulwark.” 
“Alright let’s head there then.” 
Suddenly Aether scooped you up off of the roof and started walking towards the edge. You yelped as you tried to hold your skirt in place, your feet dangling as he moved. His arms were warm and strong underneath you, the skin of the back of your thighs scraping against it. Aether raised an eyebrow as h
“I can walk,” you exclaimed, trying not to seem bothered. “You can let go.” 
“I was just going to jump towards it. Wouldn’t it be faster?” 
“Y–Yeah, I just don’t want people… accidentally seeing me if they look up.” 
You averted your gaze when Aether raised an eyebrow, he stared at you intently before smirking. 
“Seeing you?” he teasing. “Aren’t you wearing your usual white stockings?” 
You quickly covered your face as Aether stood at the edge of the roof, ready to jump towards the bulwark. 
“It– It’s hot today so I didn’t wear them…” 
When you were answered with silence you peeked through your fingers to see Aether’s face. He seemed thoughtful… yet please. He finally shrugged and bent his knees, getting ready for the jump. 
“Don’t worry, I have an idea to solve that–” then he chuckled. “I won't let anyone see your cute panties except for me.” 
You gasped when you felt him spreading out his fingers across your ass, covering most of it. Your face warmed up as you made yourself smaller in his arms. Now if someone– Barbatos forbid– did look up, they would only see Aether’s hand sprawled across your bottom. Honestly you weren’t sure if it was better or not. But before you could think more of it you were suddenly in the air, your body flying up as anemo energy surrounded both you and Aether. He pulled you closer when you were about to land, his hand squeezing your ass so you wouldn’t fall. 
You took in a deep, sharp breath when you were finally on the ground. Aether gently dropped you from his embrace and you quickly fixed your crumpled up skirt. Then you turned to him, as if everything was alright while you were mentally screaming. 
“So where did you see Toffee Nut?” 
“Somewhere over there– Hey look, a chest!” 
You looked at the direction he was pointing at, indeed there was a chest. A common one adventurer’s found all the time and right next to it was… Toffee Nut! How convenient, you thought. Starting to walk towards the cat you fished out the treats you had stashed in your pockets right before your hunt. 
“Your dress has pockets?” Aether asked as he trailed behind you. “I had no idea.” 
“It’s custom made,” you replied, crouching and throwing the treat towards the cat. “I hate not having pockets.” 
“Good to know.” 
Toffee Nut jumped towards the treat and you caught it by stumbling forward. Hugging the cat you almost fell face first into the stone ground, you scrunched up your face as you prepared yourself for impact but Aether grabbed you by the hips and pulled you up. 
“You alright?” he asked, holding you still. 
Your breath hitched. You were still slightly bent over with the cat secure between your arms, Aether’s chest was flushed against your back, his… his thing prominent under his pants. You could feel everything. When you didn’t reply he leaned in more, his– you swallowed– cock, brushing against your ass. 
“Are you alright?” he asked again, his voice deep and stern. 
You quickly nodded. “Y–Yeah, thank you.” 
He sighed, seemingly relieved that you were safe and sound. 
“Good.” he replied as he let you go. “Let me empty this chest and we’ll go look for the other one, what was its name again?” 
“Diona isn’t the most creative one with coming up with names, huh?” 
You chuckled, “I guess she isn’t.” 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
After putting Toffee Nut in her cage, you and Aether headed directly towards the Church. Hopefully finding Cinnamon would be much easier and without any incidents that made you want to bury your head into the ground. You couldn’t even listen to Aether who was chatting happily, talking about his latest adventures in Inazuma. Your mind solely was focused on the events that took place before you captured Toffee Nut. The way he hugged you, the way he put his hand on… on your bottom. It was all new to you, or maybe he always acted this way and you were only noticing it now. 
Again he asked you to fly the both of you up to the roof and you agreed after scanning your surroundings with panic. You didn’t want any of the other sisters to see the traveler hugging you from behind as you floated up to the roof. There was no way you could explain the situation to them. The two of you landed on the roof and Aether let you go, but not after accidentally grazing your breasts with his hands. You swallowed and looked around, hoping that Cinnamon would be in eyesight but nope. 
“I always forget how big this place is,” Aether whistled. “The view is amazing don’t you think?” 
You followed his gaze, he was right, the whole of Mondstad was spread before you. You could even see the anemo archon statue in Windrise, it was truly beautiful. You smiled and turned back to Aether who was staring at you. Blinking, you turned your gaze back to the horizon, your heart fluttering in your chest. 
“Yeah,” you spoke softly. “The view is amazing.” 
“Hey Y/N,” you turned to face him again, the wind made your skirt rise up. “Can I have a kiss?” 
Your mouth fell open, “What?” you managed to ask. 
Aether chuckled and took a step forward, he rubbed his neck as he stood only an inch away from you. Swallowing, you waited for his answer. 
“Well…” he began. “I’ve been feeling awfully lonely these past couple of months and I’ve been missing the company.” 
 Your head spinned, what was he trying to say? What was going on? 
“And a little kissing never hurt anyone right? Please?” 
You swallowed, suddenly you had no idea how to speak. Especially since he was staring at you with those beautiful eyes that you just couldn’t say no to. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? And no one could see you up from here anyway. Biting your bottom lip you locked your eyes with him, then you slowly nodded. 
This seemed to excite him because as soon as you gave him approval, he crashed your lips together, his gloved hand fisting a full of your hair as he pulled you even closer. He sucked the air out of you. Sliding his tongue between your lips and tasting the inside of your mouth as he grinded against you. Your knees buckled at the roughness and you quickly grabbed the front of his shirt, clawing at the fabric as he tilted his head for further excess–
Then he stopped. 
When Aether pulled away you were completely shocked, confused and embarrassed. He suddenly pulled his hips away, threw his hands to the back of his head and started strutting along the rooftop, calling for Cinnamon as he did so. Still shaking, you touched your lips, they were still damp with Aether’s spit. You turned and started to follow him, your head still feeling too fuzzy to do anything else. 
“Thanks for that,” he chirped. “It was really nice.” 
“You’re welcome,” you said, your voice sounding like a stranger to your own ears. “I’m happy to help.” 
He turned only to smile at you and continued his search. You weren’t even looking anymore, still focused on the kiss. It truly was something else and it had stunned you completely. Also why did he stop so suddenly? You thought… After all the incidents today he was fishing for something more. Maybe he didn’t and all of those things truly were accidents. Suddenly an overwhelming amount of guilt washed over you. All day you had been suspicious, even if you hadn’t admitted it to yourself and apparently he was just feeling lonely and trying to help a friend. You were only being foolish– 
“I found Cinnamon!” 
You were aggressively pulled away from your self-deprecating thoughts. Aether waved at you as he held a dark brown cat. You forcibly smiled at him, your heart still aching for having been so judgemental. Aether seemed to be unaware of your thoughts, he grabbed you from the waist and jumped off of the cathedral, the sudden burst of anemo helping the both of you land gently. Then he swiftly let you go, you stumbled forward, your legs still felt a bit shaky. 
 “The last one was at Angel’s Tavern right?” 
You nodded. 
“Alright, let’s head there then.” 
Shaking your head, you forced a smile. 
“Yeah, let’s go. Diona is going to be so relieved.” 
The walk to Angel’s Tavern was oddly normal. You managed to talk about the stuff you’ve been up to these past months and Aether listened, gave advice and even gave words of encouragement. You were happy to talk about stuff instead of worrying about, “the kiss”. You were probably talking so much to avoid thinking about it but hey, it was working. When both you and Aether reached the Tavern you saw Diluc sitting outside, he was swirling a wine glass that was probably filled with grape juice. You squint your eyes as you came closer, there was something black and fluffy on his lap– 
“Coffee!” you exclaimed, starling both Diluc and the cat. Lucky before it could run away Aether swooped in and caught it, Coffee didn’t put up much of a fight when he started to scratch the back of its ears. 
“Aw it’s purring,” he said, smiling. “So cute.” 
Then a familiar gust of wind blew and a voice chimed in. 
“Oh is that the traveler I see– And Y/N! Good to see you!” 
Both you and Aether turned your heads towards the voice, Diluc only rolled his eyes. A smile spread across your face when you saw Venti, the most popular bard in all of Mondstadt. You were wondering when he would show up, he had a habit of just popping out whenever Aether showed up. Venti waved at both of you and took a seat next to Diluc, but when he saw the cat he wrinkled his nose and scooched further away. Aether smirked and held out the cat. 
“What’s wrong?” the blond teased. “Are you afraid of a little cat hair?” 
“You know that’s not it–” Venti started to sniffle. “Get that feline away from me.” 
Aether stuck his tongue out and took a step closer, you rolled your eyes as you smiled. Diluc crossed his arms as he pushed Venti’s chair further away with his foot. 
“If you’re not going to behave like adults, get out of my bar.” 
“But Master Diluc we’re not in your bar,” Venti replied, his grin wide. 
“You know what I mean.” 
Deciding to give Diluc a bit of peace of mind, you took the poor cat away from Aether and hugged it as the cat put his little paws on your shoulder and started to purr. 
“How about we don’t include our furry friends into our childish confrontations?” you said with a gleeful smile. 
Your smile almost wavered when Venti and Aether locked eyes momentarily, the blond smile before turning his gaze back to you. 
“You’re right,” he said. “Let’s go.” 
You waved both Venti and Diluc goodbye as you quickly followed Aether to the Cat’s Tail. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
 When the day was finally over, you sighed as you stood at the feet of the great Anemo Archon statue in the plaza. It was a tiring day indeed. After getting all the cats and helping Diona carry them all to the vet you were more than tired. All you wanted to do was eat and sleep. But before you did you couldn’t help but visit the anemo archon and thank him for blessing you with a life filled with joy and friends. Even if the work was tiring from time to time you were grateful. Closing your hands in front of you,  you did a quick prayer. Then you took in a deep breath, the scent of cecilias overwhelming your senses. 
“What are you praying about?” 
You flinched and quickly turned, only to relax when you saw that it was only Venti. Funnily enough you hadn’t even heard him walking up to you, you must’ve been even more tired than you initially thought. He jokingly bumped his shoulder into yours and you smiled, gently nudging him back. 
“That's between me and the Anemo archon,” you replied with a giggle. 
“Can I guess?” he asked and you nodded. “I think… You thanked the archon for blessing your life that’s filled with joy and friends. Even if the work is tiring, you’re still grateful. Am I right?” 
Your eyes went wide, your jaw slack as you stared at him. Venti giggled as he fully turned towards you, his body now facing yours. He placed his hand on your cheek and placed a quick kiss on your lips. 
“I think it’s time you learn my secret,” he said with a wink. You continued to stare at him, confused. “I’m the archon you devoted your life to.” 
“What?” you coughed when you finally managed to say something. Your throat felt dry and your hands went cold. “You can’t–” 
Before you could finish your sentence both you and Venti were suddenly standing on the open palms of the statue. You shrieked as the wind blew and grabbed Venti, hugging him as your legs shook. You felt his hand caressing your back. 
“Is this proof enough of my Cecilia flower?” you could hear the smile in his voice, you quickly nodded. “Let’s get down then.” 
And just as quickly you once again found yourself on the ground. Your body trembled as you let him go. You still couldn’t believe your ears but the way Venti was so nonchalant about it calmed you down a little. So all this time you were just chatting with an archon? Now you’re even more pleased you turned a blind eye to the mischiefs he and Aether got up to. 
“Do you want to go to Angel’s Tavern?” he asked as he wrapped an arm around your waist. 
Venti didn’t really wait for your answer as he led you out of the plaza and down the stairs but you nodded anyway. The front of Angel’s tavern was packed like always, the two of you pushed through the crowd and went inside. Venti started to look around and slowly you started to think that maybe coming here was a bad idea. You just wanted to take a hot bath and rest. But just as you parted your lips to speak, Venti frantically waved at someone, you followed his gaze and saw that Aether was sitting alone at one of the tables in the corner. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw the blond man, Venti noticed this and leaned into your ear, his eyes suddenly a shade darker. 
“I’m your god not him,” he basically growled. “Don’t ever forget that.” 
You shivered as he suddenly smiled at you like nothing happened. His usual care free demeanor was back, he tugged you along as he walked towards Aether. The both of you sat down right across from him and the traveler ordered three glasses of dandelion wine. As he ordered you wondered if he knew that Venti was the anemo archon, he probably did. They did save Dvalin together after all. 
“I don’t want to drink,” you spoke suddenly, surprising both Aether and Venti. “I–I don’t think it’s appropriate…” 
You couldn’t help but eye Venti, Aether followed your gaze and laughed and as if on cue the waiter brought three glasses, placing one in front of you. 
“Oh I don’t mind my Cecilia flower,” Venti replied, his voice cheerful. “I drink all the time.” 
“So the traveler does know…” you muttered your inner thought out loud. Aether’s eyes went between you and Venti, then he shrugged. 
“Yeah, I mean it’s kind of obvious when you start talking to him– Especially when he’s drunk.” 
“You should relax,” Venti chimed in with a sing-song voice. 
He took a sip of his wine and grabbed your chin. Forcefully turning your head to face him, he pressed his lips against yours, slowly he let the wine slid down from his mouth to yours. It tasted bittersweet against your tongue, your pulse quickened as your face heated up. When you swallowed, Venti took another sip, swirled it in his mouth and kissed you again. The wine dripped from the corner of your mouth, looking like blood, and you swallowed again. Before you knew it the glass was empty and your head was dizzy, not from the alcohol– though that probably added to it– but from Venti. 
“How did that taste?” Venti asked, smug. 
Before you answered your glance shifted towards Aether, he was silently sipping his wine staring at you both. A cold shiver ran up your spine and you turned back to Venti who was still waiting for his reply, ignoring Aether completely. 
“It was… fine.” you hesitantly answered. 
Venti giggled and pushed your full glass in front of you as he ordered another one. You started to take small sips, missing the way the wine tasted coming from Venti. The rest of the night passed by in a blur, soon enough the weird tension disappeared and the three of you were talking like usual. If you had to be completely honest the alcohol did help. The wine kept coming and the laughter continued, you vaguely remembered Venti’s hands on your thighs you ignored it, assuming it was just a friendly gesture. Then you found yourself sitting on his lap after you returned from the toilet, Aether took your seat and he kissed your neck, his hands wandering along your body and squeezing your breasts. You parted your lips, about to tell them that they should stop and that there were a lot of people present, but before you could Venti pressed your lips together and sucked your tongue. 
After that you somewhat remember Diluc coming over saying something and Aether answering something about you being drunk. Then the traveler threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and the three of you took off. You could hear murmurs of a conversation and see the familiar road leading to your house. Slowly your eyes fluttered shut and you drifted off to sleep. 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Pleasure was all you could feel. A warmth crept up from your abdomen to your throat, almost suffocating you. A moan left your lips, your legs twitching as something thick intruded you. A dream? You thought. You hear murmuring, you let out another moan and you flinched. Your eyelids fluttered, you should have woken up but you didn’t want to. You took in a deep breath, the murmuring became louder, you heard a groan and the whisper of your name. 
Finally your eyes open. 
You’re confused at first, your vision was still blurry. You closed your eyes and opened them up again, there was someone above you, grunting– Aether!? Your eyes opened wide, your mouth falling wide open as he thrusted into you, his cock reaching your deepest parts. You threw your head back, your upper body jolting up as you tried to push him off. Your hand fumbled against his chest, your pathetic attempt to push him off was answered by a chuckle and another, deep thrust. You moaned. 
“Good morning,” he said, his voice deep, husky. It sent shivers up your spine. “How was your sleep?” 
“What– Ahh, What are you doing?” 
He leaned in, pressing his lips against your neck and biting into your skin. You hissed at the pain but your breast perked up at the pleasure, your groaned. 
“I’m so tired Y/N,” he replied, grinding his hips. “I’m tired of this game we keep on playing, the flirting, you acting like you don’t enjoy it… I’m done–” 
Your body shifted and you suddenly found yourself on all fours. Confusion muddled your mind, what was he even talking about? What game? What flirting? A wanton moan rippled in your throat and all thoughts abandoned you as he slammed his hips, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled your ears. Tears pricked the corner of your eyes, your arms shook, but then Aether grabbed a fisful of your hair and forced your gaze up. Your eyes went wide, your body convulsing with shock– Venti was sitting right across from the bed, calmly staring at both of you with a visible erection underneath his green shorts. Aether pressed his lips against your ear, breathing heavily as he spoke. 
“And I’m not the only one tired of it, Y/N. So, we made a deal,” 
“Deal?” you asked, breathless. You just couldn’t wrap your mind around it all, everything was just so confusing. 
“We decided that sharing is caring,” Aether purred into your ear. “Your archon really loves you.” 
Archon. That’s right Venti was the Anemo Archon. Tears flooded your eyes and you tried to reach out to him, your hands sliding forward and crumpling the sheets. Venti raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lips twitching up, he watched you with a curious gaze. 
“Please,” you choked, Aether’s movements slowed but his cock still stretched you wide. “I beg for forgiveness.” 
You flinched when Venti laughed. There was something so nerve wrecking about it, he swiftly stood up, unclasping his cape as he did so and made his way towards you. He gripped your chin between his fingers and tilted your head further up, your neck strained, your face contorted with pain. 
“You got it all wrong Y/N,” he purred. “This is a blessing. You’ll soon see.” 
You visibly trembled when he pulled his cock out, it was dripping with precum. You looked up to him but his gaze was on Aether’s instead. 
“Come on, fuck her good,” Venti ordered. “I want to see how her face gets when she cums and I want her to get so drunk on it that she begs to suck my cock.” 
You couldn’t see Aether but you guessed that he agreed as he let go of your hair and placed both hands on your hips. His blunt nails dug into your skin as he rocked his hips back and forth, pleasure built up in you once more, your whole body quivering at the way his cock rubbed your insides. Venti shuffled closer, the underside of his cock touching your face. His hand never left your chin, forcing you to look up to him. For some unknown reason you felt excited by this, he was an archon, a being above you. Venti had such a gentle smile as he looked down at you, his eyes never leaving yours as Aether pounded you. Your mouth agape, your gaze became half lidded as your mind felt like you were floating. The Anemo Archon said this was a blessing, who were you to second guess him? He was nothing but kind to you, giving you happiness that most couldn’t achieve in a lifetime. Your moans became louder. 
“Good,” Venti hummed as he swiped your bottom lip with his thumb. “I love that hungry look in your eyes.” 
He rubbed his cock against the side of your face, smothering his precum all over your skin. Aether’s hand slid down your leg and his fingers started to play with your engorged clit, your eyes rolled back and your mouth opened even wider. Aether continued to roll, pinch and pull the sensitive nub and Venti continued to rub himself against your face, you felt like you were going insane. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth as you tried to taste Venti’s cock. 
“Beg.” he simply said, the way he rutted against your face quickening. 
Aether leaned in and bit your back, your body jolted as tears streamed down your face. 
“Please,” you hissed. “I want to taste your cock,” 
“Do you, now?” he teased. 
You nodded and stuck your tongue out. His smile growing, Venti placed his cock directly above your tongue. Without pushing it in completely he teasingly rubbed it over your tongue, it felt hot and heavy. You whined and he finally shoved it all in at once. 
A muffled scream ripped from your throat, tears continuously streaming down your face as your air was cut off. Venti shushed you, placing a soothing hand over your head. The tip of his cock was down your throat, he didn’t move until you started taking deep breaths from your nose. Finally you swallowed around him and he pulled his hips back only to shove his cock back in. Spit mixed with precum dribbled down your chin as you squeezed your eyes. 
With your eyes closed you could feel everything more clearly. The way Aether’s cock was drilling into you over and over again, chasing his own orgasm and the way Venti’s cock felt in your mouth, salty and bittersweet. Your body trembled between the two men, your head floating above and spinning as they used you however they pleased. Aether’s cock throbbed inside you, his fingers still playing with your clit, his breath was uneven as he groaned. 
“Venti,” he said between pants. “I’m going to cum– I…I want to hear her asking to be bred,” 
The anemo archon hummed as he suddenly pulled out of your mouth. You gasped for air, your throat starting to feel sore already. He hit the side of your face with his cock, leaving wet marks all over your skin. 
“You heard him,” he hissed. “Ask for it so I can continue fucking your mouth my cecilia flower–” 
“I–” you coughed. “I want to be bred. I want your cum Aether, please–”  
Suddenly Aether was like a wild animal, rutting into you as if he was in heat. His balls slapped against your skin, making you hiss every time. His hand left your cunt as he grasped your hips with both hands, his cock sliding in and out of you with ease. Then he let out a loud moan and you felt something warm feeling you up. You moaned as well, your eyes rolling back and your tongue lolling out. Aether let out a breathy chuckle as he pressed his chest flush against your back and cupped your naked breasts. He squeezed them as he pushed his cock further in, the cum spilling out around the sides of length. He kissed your shoulder and before you could bask in the comforting gesture, Venti’s cock once again filled your mouth. 
“Don’t forget about me,” he groaned. 
Venti snapped his hips with an inhuman speed, his cock filling your mouth again and again. You felt like puking but you managed to hold it back, every time his cock slid down your throat you swallowed around him. His length twitched and before you knew it he wrapped both arms around your head and pulled you close, making you swallow him all as he spurted down your throat. His balls laid heavy on your chin as you swallowed every bit of cum, fearing that if you didn’t you would disappoint your archon. When he was done he pulled back and you fell face first into the bed. You cunt still twitched, unsatisfied. 
“I think she wants more,” you heard Aether say, you flinched when he grazed his fingers between your folds. 
Venti hummed, “Well she’s in luck because we’re nowhere near done, isn’t that right my sweet cecilia flower?” 
Hearing the nickname made your heart flutter and you quickly nodded. The last thing you remembered was the bed dipping as they switched places. 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— dressing up as one of the sisters of the church of favonius.
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+ featuring: venti (+ fem!reader)
as a present you dress up as one of the sisters of the church, venti approves.
> a/n: happy birthday venti <3
warnings: creampie, dirty talking, dom!venti, sub!reader, he calls you whore once, mild dumbification, breeding kink, god archon kink
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Venti is a bit surprised when he sees you in a sister’s outfit and he’s even more surprised when you star to refer to him as the great anemo archon barbatos. 
You tell him that you’re from the church and came here to tend to his needs, whatever they might be. 
He feels his shorts starting to strain against his cock. 
He’s a god of freedom isn’t he? He left that life behind so the people of mondstadt could experience freedom, why is he enjoying this so much? 
You kneel before him and part your lips, he notices you’re waiting for him to violate a sisters mouth. A shiver runs up his spine. 
When he pulls out his cock he’s already rock hard. 
Groans and moans falling from his lips Venti uses your mouth however as he pleases. He doesn’t care if you’re chocking, or gagging around him, it only adds to the pleasure he feels. 
You’re drooling over his cock and balls like some kind of mutt, with a smile he tells you as such. Tears slid down your face. 
With one more harsh thrust he buries himself completely into your mouth. Balls laying heavy on your chin, he cums down your throat and makes you drink every last drop. 
When he finally lets go, your head drops and a coughing fit overtakes your body. 
He snickers as he grabs your chin and force your gaze up to face him, he loves how teary eyed you are. 
“Weren’t you sent to serve me?” he purrs. “We’re not nearly done yet, whore.”  
“V-Venti,” you choke out. “Please slow down...” 
Tears dampened your cheeks and the pillow that laid underneath. Spit dribbled down your chin as your heart pounded against your chest, you couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much. The dress you had burrowed from Rosaria was in ruins, ripped and stained with cum. The front of it was completely torn, your breasts bouncing freely as Venti, Lord Barbatos, continued to have his way with you. 
His hand swiftly landed on your ass and your upper body jolted, pain sizzling underneath your skin. You sobbed at the pain as you buried your head into the pillow once more. 
“Lord Barbatos,” he growled, his cock still spreading you wide. “Have I fucked you so stupid that you don’t even remember your archons name?” 
You shivered as your cunt throbbed around him, you mumbled something unintelligible. Venti chuckled, nuzzling your neck he placed feather like kisses before pulling back.  
“Poor baby,” he whispered, breath ghosting over your face. “You can’t even speak can you? Did you think appeasing an archon would be easy?” 
Flipping you on to your back, he lifts both of your thighs up into the air, he was going in deeper, harder. With each trust the air in your lungs were being knocked out. Your pussy was being fucked raw, you couldn’t even count how many time he came inside or made you cum. His balls continuously hit the hand print he had left on your ass, signs of a disobedient sister. 
“Rejoice,” he suddenly chirped, nibbling at your leg. “You’ll be bearing the great anemo archons children, you should be happy, grateful even.” 
When you feel his seed filling you up for the nth time, your pussy clenched around him as if it knew what the archon wanted. Tongue lolling out you give him a lopsided smile and nodded as he pushed the drops of semen that spilled. 
Getting filled up by your archon was a blessing. 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— haunt me. 
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🎃  spooky-week : day four 🎃
 w i t c h c r a f t
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pairing: witch!aether / fem!reader
warnings: creampie, bondage, soft & vanilla, romance, hurt/comfort - ish, story opens up with reader thinking they won’t find anybody just saying in case that’s a sensitive topic, it’s very light hearted tho, 
word count: 1.3k
summary:  you visit the local witch to help you find love.
a/n: I literally wrote 1k words and then scrapped it because it felt sooo long. Then I started writing this one instead. Never thought the story in my head required so much story, hopefully this one is enjoyable pls ignore plot holes <3 (i kinda feel like this should have multi chapters)
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⤿ spooky week masterlist.
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“You’re so beautiful… even when you’re crying.” 
His voice was barely a whisper but it was enough for you to lift your gaze away from the inside of your palms. Aether’s kneeling before you, his fingers wrapped around your wrists and eyes filled with worry. Another whimper left your lips. A knot formed in your throat as you tried to stop your tears, blinking, your wet lashes kissed the underside of your glistening eyes. Seeing that you’re finally looking at him Aether places a hand on the side of your face. The tip of his fingers touched your temple, you immediately felt warmth radiating from them. The beating of your heart stilled and your breathing returned to normal. 
“Better?” he asked, you slowly nodded. 
“I thought you didn’t use magic in trivial matters.” 
“Nothing about you crying is trivial to me.” His voice was so soft when he spoke. It was the softest you’ve ever heard. “What’s gotten you so upset?” 
“Never mind...it’s stupid,” he met your gaze and you could tell that he wouldn’t let you go until you confided in him. You sighed. “Do you remember when I first came here?” 
“How could I forget,” he replied with a smile. “You asked me to make you a love potion. But then you decided not to use it because--” he made air quotes. “You decided it wouldn’t be “ethical” .”
“Yeah well I’m just having one of those days where I’m scared I’m going to die alone,” Aether chuckled at your distraught and you glared at him. “I thought you wanted me to talk.” 
He raised both hands as his chuckle died down. 
“Sorry sorry, I’m just having trouble believing someone like you would think about something like that.” 
“Well easy for you to say mister good-lookin’,” you crossed your arms in front of you. “Not all of us can be both handsome and an amazing witch.” 
“You think I’m handsome?” 
Silence followed his question. Your palms sweat as you fiddle with the hem of your plain black shirt. You didn’t know how to answer him. It was true that you found the witch rather attractive and witty but so did half of the village women. Your pulse started to quicken once more, you could swear that the beating of your own heart filled the silence of the room. Not wanting to answer his gaze no longer, you lower your eyes. Despite your friendship growing the past couple of months you still had no idea what thoughts roamed in his mind. 
As you contemplate an answer Aether’s fingers left your cheek and took a hold of your chin. Before you could react he forced you to look up, you gasp at how close he was. With a desperate attempt you try to avoid his gaze but you can’t, his golden stare proving to be too intense for you to avoid. 
He cut you off. “Shhhh, I’m trying to figure out something. ” 
Without a second thought Aether closed the gap between the two of you. Your breath got caught in your throat as you felt his lips over yours. They were so soft. So sweet. You followed his lead, your lips moving against his as you struggled for breath-- You didn’t dare to part away from him-- His hands came down to your arms, squeezing and kneading your flesh as he tilted his head to the side and slid his tongue between your lips. Moaning into the kiss you bury your fingers in his soft locks and tug. Aether bit and pulled your bottom lip as he parted away, a sly smirk spread across his face. 
“I guess you do like me then,” he nuzzled your neck and lifted his right hand, reading his fingers for a snap. “How about we go somewhere more comfortable?” 
Before you could gather your thoughts, or your breath, you hear a snap and suddenly you’re naked, laying on his bed. Your arms are bound behind your back but you feel nothing around them. 
“Tell me if this is too much.” he said as he crawled between your legs. You shivered and nodded. 
He placed a hand on your naked thigh and gently caressed the skin. Your breath hitched as a shiver ran up your spine. His hands went further up, fingers dancing along your soaking clothed cunt. Sharp little breaths reached your ears as he inched closer and closer-- 
Then he stopped.
“Go on,” you said, your words coming out strained. “Please-- Aether.” 
He rewarded your honesty by pressing a finger against your cunt. Immediately your whole body gave in with a quiver and your lips parted with a wanton moan. Aether let out a pleased hum and you quickly bit your bottom lip as your cheeks started to heat up. He barely touched you, yet you were a mess. 
You felt a pair of lips on your neck and goosebumps rose on your skin. Aether was so gentle with you, gentle hands ghosting your body, teeth nibbling on your skin. He didn’t rush as he explored your body. With every touch, kiss and bite, your mind becomes more and more numb. Your skin was on fire and your heart was set ablaze as it thudded loudly in your chest. 
“I’ve been waiting for a long time for this,” he groaned. 
You felt his cock against your entrance and you sigh happily. Aether’s hands squeezed your thighs as he lifted you up. Electricity ran up your spine when he finally buried himself into you with one swift motion, you were ridiculously wet and felt embarrassed by the lewd noises echoing. 
“You’re deserving of love,” Aether reassured you, his voice raspy. “You’re the most amazing person I know.” 
You moan at his words, knees butterflying against him as you adjust to the size, the way he filled you up was enough for your eyes to roll back. Luckily for you he couldn’t see how close to the edge you actually were. 
You took in a deep breath when he pulled back and slammed his hips. Your back arched at the force and a strangled out moan escaped you, his nails dug into your flesh as he buried himself into you over and over again. Soon enough you’re screaming his name and quivering underneath him, you hang on to every groan, sharp inhale you could hear. Aether leaned in and kissed your neck as his movements became sloppy, he was close, his movements now resembling an animal in heat. The thought of him starting to lose control made your cunt squeeze around him, you could hear him repeating your name over and over again-- telling you how much he loved you, how good you were. Soon enough he let out a groan and you felt something warm filling you deep inside. 
Your back arched and your toes curled at the sensation, your insides quiver and fluttered around his cock. You could feel fluids overflowing and dripping down and staining the sheets. But just as your body started to get used to the feeling, Aether’s fingers found your sensitive clit and started to toy with it. He twirled the nub between his fingers and rubbed it, your body lost control, convulsing and shivering as the unexpected orgasm hit you like a truck. You couldn’t see but you were sure that he was smiling as he finally pulled out. 
“Good girl,” a hand came behind you and pulled the blindfold off. Then you heard another snap and the spell that held your arms together disappeared. 
“For what it’s worth,” he breathed out. “I love you.” 
Your eyes swelled up with tears, wrapping your arms around him and you pulled him in for a hug. You could feel him smiling against your skin. 
“It’s worth everything,” you whispered. “I love you too.”  
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— take a slice. 
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pairing: albedo / fem!reader
genre: smut
wordcount: 1.6k
warnings: established relationship, vaginal fingering, edging as punishment, creampie, subspace, spitting, dom/sub, squirting,  eader kind of roleplaying as sucrose at the end but not really
summary: for some unknown reason you decide to borrow sucrose’s clothes and wear them as a gift for albedo. He finds the situation a tad bit awkward and you decide to tease him about it, he doesn’t approve. Happy birthday to my favorite alchemist!! Love you Albedo <3 
edit: since a lot of people have been asking in the replies this was inspired by @ThiccWithaQ on twitter, the work that inspired it is here (warning for aether x keqing) 
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“Why are you wearing that?” 
“I thought you would react better to your gift.”
“This is a gift?” 
You sigh as your eyes linger on your reflection in the mirror. Albedo was only blocking half of the view as he stood before you. He seemed to disapprove but you knew that he liked the idea, at least you hoped so. The day prior you had begged Sucrose to give you her alchemist uniform, honestly after wearing it you thought Albedo would be ecstatic. It did look good on you, the dress hugging you a bit tighter than it did Sucrose. But maybe the complication you refused to think about before surfaced in him instead. Pushing your bottom lip out, you pour and tear your eyes away from the reflection. Noticing this Albedo wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, effectively burying your face in his chest. 
“You do…” he swallows. “You do look beautiful, it’s just...I don’t know, wouldn't it be weird-- For you that is?” 
“For me?” you inquire as you pull away and look up. 
“Sucrose does have a minor infatuation towards me after all,” he continues and you raise an eyebrow. Averting his eyes he starts to ramble, his voice going up an octave. “Not that it’s important, of course. I-I’ve never thought of her in that light. She’s just a colleague.” 
You can’t help but giggle at his newly found embarrassment. Shaking your head, you playfully hit his chest prompting him to stop. The faint shade of red dusting across his cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by you and you figure you could unleash the beast laying dormant inside of him. 
“You can’t fool me Albedo,” you purr, slightly raising on your toes you caress the side of his face. He holds his breath. “I’m sure, before me that is, you imagined fucking every thought out of Sucrose’s head while you worked--” 
“T-That’s not--” 
“Are you telling me you never felt pent up at work?” you continue barely in a whisper. Your other hand ghosts over his body, going lower and lower until you feel a rather mouth watering bulge. “You never wanted to fuck the stress away? It happens to the best of us you know--” 
“Have you?” 
You try hard not to smile. He fell for the trap. Looking up you notice the hints of jealousy lingering in his eyes, his hands that laid softly on your waist before now squeezing your flesh. It made a cold shiver run up your spine, you feign embarrassment as you reply. 
“Before you? Of course. It’s normal to fantasize about people.” 
Shit. This time you can’t help but bite your lip, the tone of his voice almost makes you moan out loud. Stern mixed with hints of anger and jealousy. You shiver as you fully cup his bulge, you start to rub it, the heat radiating driving you insane. Albedo clicks his tongue with annoyance as he grabs your wrists and moves your hand away, you feel a bit disappointed but you figured he wouldn’t just let you stroke him without receiving an answer. 
“Kaeya,” he repeats, clearly pissed off. For a moment you’re scared that you’ve taken it too far but that doesn’t seem to be the case as he throws you to the bed and climbs on top of you. “Do you still think about him at work?” 
“Do you think about her?” 
You don’t expect him to suddenly pull you off of the bed so when he does you squeal, your world spins until it stills again. You notice that you’re laying stomach first on Albedo’s lap, his hand promptly squeezing your ass. Letting out a shaky breath you try to control yourself, maybe a joke would ease him up a bit? But before you can say anything he rolls up your skirt, exposing you completely. You hear him taking in a sharp breath when he realizes you didn’t wear anything underneath. 
“Were you anticipating this?” 
You reply with silence. Your body is trembling with want, your bare cunt already drooling and clenching with a need to be filled. He laughs as his fingers ghosts over your heat, it makes you whine and push your ass further up.
“What’s wrong? Suddenly you’re so silent, where did all your confidence go?” he mocks, before he continues he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls your head back. The strain on your neck feels unbearable, you try to say something but only choked out nonsense leaves your lips. “Do you think I don’t know what you’re trying to do?” he continues. “Trying to get me all riled up by mentioning Kaeya, you won’t be getting what you want. You know I don’t tolerate childish behavior.” 
He lets go and your head falls back in place, tears already starting to flood your eyes. You quiver as you feel Albedo’s fingers parting your folds and pushing in. He’s already knuckle in deep and it embarrasses you how easy you made it for him. He starts to pump two digits in and out, the squelching making your face burn, your heart starts to thud loudly against your chest and your voice gradually becomes louder and louder. Albedo wiggles his fingers and pushes them in deeper, your back arches as he bends them and presses right under your bladder. Your cunt squeezes around him and heat starts to build up in your lower abdomen, it feels so good, so so good--
Then it’s gone. 
“Wha--Albedo please--” 
“It wouldn’t be much of a punishment if I just let you cum now, would it?” 
“Good, you understand the situation you’re in. Hopefully you won’t play tricks after tonight.” 
Albedo pushes his fingers in once more and it makes you cry out. He adds another and scissors them inside you, stretching your hole and making your mind feel numb. Spit dribbles down your chin and you start to grind against his leg, as much as you could. But the friction was nowhere near enough to satisfy you. He chuckles at your distraught and speeds up his movements, only bringing you to the edge and stopping over and over again. It drives you mad. All you can think of is his cock, his beautiful, thick cock. 
“Please--!” you scream out when his fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot inside. “Fuck me, Albedo please, I’m sorry-- I’m so so sorry-- J-Just fuck me--” 
“Have you learned your lesson?” he asks, his voice caring hints of a tune. “I can do this all day you know. I love seeing you getting all desperate for me.” 
“I have,” you quickly reply. “Please just fuck me, make me cum with your cock.” 
“I really can’t say no to you.” 
Before you know it you’re on all fours with the tip of Albedo’s cock nudging your entrance. He bottoms out with ease and lets out a silent moan, you’re no better than he is, immediately collapsing when you feel his balls against your skin. Your arms give out but before you can fall he grabs both of them and hoists you up. He pulls his hips back and slams into you, your cunt squelching in the process. 
Each time he pulls back strings of slick follow, the sound of skin slapping against skin making your head spin. Everything about him feels so good and he makes sure that you feel every bit of his cock with the angle of his hips. Your moans are uncontrollable, half of it consisting of his slurred out name, he’s also whispering things into your ear but you can’t process any of it. Your cunt tingles every time he buries his cock, pleasurable warmth washing over you each time. You feel his hand around your throat and he pulls you up, making you bend uncomfortably and face him, he hooks a finger in your mouth and forces it open. Your eyes roll back as you stick your tongue out, sticky fluids leaking down your cunt and staining your thighs. 
“ ‘bedo more…” you moan, voice slurred. “Stir “Sucrose’s” pussy up more…” 
Albedo’s demeanor completely changes. His heaves raspy breaths as he releases you and takes a hold of your hips, his blunt nails leaving crescent shaped marks on your skin. He resembles much of a wild animal as he slams his hips. You can feel him reaching your deepest parts, you’re writhing underneath him, heat building, building and building. Finally you reach your breaking point as a wave of pleasure washes over you, your body tries to flinch away as clear fluid dribbles down his cock and balls. Now each thrust is like a jolt of electricity shooting up your spine, his movements are relentless, his cock disappearing into you over and over again. 
Albedo hugs you thighs as he buries himself deep, his pelvis sticking to your ass as he paints your walls white, endless thick ropes of cum squirting and filling you up. Your pussy twitches and clenches around his cock as another wave of pleasure hits you, the feelings are so intense that it makes you sob. 
When Albedo empties himself completely,  he slowly pulls out and watches the mess of cum leaking out your pretty little hole unfold before him. His cock twitches at the sight. 
“Are...are you alright?” he manages to ask, his voice trembling. 
“Yeah,” your voice is hoarse. “That was amazing.” 
“May we do it again?” 
You smile as you turn yourself so you can lie on your back. Your body is acking, pussy throbbing, but you can’t say no to his pleasing face. You lift your trembling arms and he immediately climbs on top of you, you give him a hug as you take a deep breath of his scent. 
“Of course,” you say. “I am your present after all.” 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— hello neighbor. 
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🎃  spooky-week : day one  🎃
t r e s p a s s i n g 
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pairing: albedo / fem!reader
warnings: pet play, noncon, yandere!albedo, obssesive behavior, non consensual drugging, captivity, mindbreak, dumbification, degradation, drugging, creampie, dark content 
word count: 2k
summary: a mysterious neighbor moves in and you can’t help but snoop around a bit, how were you supposed to know this would be the worst thing possible?
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⤿ spooky week masterlist.
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The humidity stuck to your skin in a thick layer and the heat made it feel as if you couldn’t breathe. It was uncomfortable, suffocating and overall terrifying. Memories of a time you weren’t sure how long ago flashed before your eyes-- a handsome neighbor who just moved in, your curiosity to learn more and in the end your capture, though your mind was still foggy on how it all went down. You just remembered a pleased laughter coming from a rather handsome devil. 
Your eyes stung from the tears you shed the night before and your mouth felt dry like sandpaper. Eyes wandering across the steel cage you were in, they landed on the bowl that sat on the floor, mocking you. It was filled to the brim with fresh water, you would know, he came and changed the bowl twice a day but you refused to drink it. You weren’t a dog or a pet as he put it. But your body screamed for it, your sense of time was muddled, maybe you were only trapped here for a day, maybe a week though from the way your body screamed, it was clearly more than a day. 
Your eyes were glued to the bowl. The faint light reflected in the water’s clear surface, you gulped as you imagined how it would feel to take a sip. It would feel so good against your sore throat. Slowly, on your knees and hands, you started to crawl towards it. The water gently rippled with you coming closer, leaning down, your lips stood an inch away from the surface. You had hoped the water would be cool and your wish had come true, even without drinking, just by being near, you could feel it in the air. Were you actually going to do this? Have you lost all sense of pride? 
As you continued to stare at the water your mental resistance slowly faded. You could only think about how thirsty you were, your body was literally screaming at you to drink the whole thing-- 
First you dip your lips, before that you hadn’t even realized how dry they were, then you stuck your tongue out and took a big gulp. The water was tasty, maybe the tastiest water you ever tasted. Your hesitation disappeared and you lapped up the drink, you were so thirsty and the way the cool water slid down your throat was exhilarating. You continued to drink until the flat of your tongue touched the bottom of the bowl, you stared at it with disappointment. You craved more. 
“It seems like my dearest little pet was thirsty.” 
 You jolt and jump back at the voice. You stare up in fear, Albedo was smiling down at you and hate filled your heart. Despite everything, his ash locks and dazzling teal eyes made you soften up and you hated it. He came closer and with both hands grabbed the steel bars, he tutted as his eyes fell to the empty bowl. 
“See this is what happens when you don’t drink your water regularly,” his eyes shifted back to you. “Now you’ll have to wait and stay thirsty. There’s still two hours left for me to refill the bowl.” 
You wanted to cry. You wanted to beg. 
You wanted to be free. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” Albedo sneered. “You’re the one who trespassed. This is punishment.” 
“For how long?” you managed to ask, your voice cracking. 
“Who knows?” he chuckled. “You’re not exactly an obedient pet. You need training,” his smirk stretched out into something sinister and your whole body trembled. “Besides, you don’t really want to leave now, do you?” 
You stared at him in confusion. Of course you wanted to leave, you were living in a cage, drinking water from a bowl, eating from the floor, it was cold and dirty and--
“I’ll spoil you if you behave.” 
Albedo laughed and removed his hands from the bar. He took a step closer, you cowered in fear but couldn’t move. You hugged your knees close to your chest. 
“Of course,” he hummed. “It’s only natural to reward a pet when they behave.” 
“What do you want?” your voice trembled. 
“Hmm, I wonder…” 
Albedo knelt down, reached through the bars and managed to take a hold of your chin. He forcefully turned your head so that you would face him. Gritting your teeth you stare into his teal eyes, they sparkled, as if he wasn’t holding you captive. His thumb gently slid up and pulled your bottom lip down, if it was any other scenario you would almost call the action affectionate. 
“I want you to be mine.” he growled. “Body, soul and mind.” 
Your eyes widen and you pull back. Witnessing how his formerly gentle look shifted into one of anger struck fear into your heart but you still stood your ground. It was too late for you anyway. 
“That can never happen,” you replied, voice meek. “You kidnapped me, put me in a cage. Now you expect me to love you?” 
Albedo snorted, “Love? Who said anything about love?” 
He stood up and strutted away from the cage. Waving his hands in the air, he continued to speak. 
“I want you to be my property. I want you to worship me. I want to own you.” he chuckled. “Love? What a childish idea. Believe me you will be happier this way.” 
Albedo suddenly turned and you flinched. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, what was wrong with him? 
“I’ll treat you well. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything or no one. If you’re really good, I would even allow you to meet your friends.” 
“You’re insane.” 
His eyes darken, you should’ve learnt by now not to talk back. 
“Don’t make me do this the hard way. You don’t want me to break you now, do you?” 
“Are you going to torture me?” you asked in a whisper, your mouth felt dry. So very dry. 
“Of course not,” he waved his hand and dismissed your question. “I’m not a monster. I’ll just use other means of persuasion.” 
Albedo turned on his heel and started to walk towards the end of the room. 
“In fact,” he muttered. “I’ll try one right now.” 
Your blood froze as he disappeared to the back, you couldn’t quite see what he was getting, only the rustles of plastic bags. The air felt thick and you could almost taste bile in your mouth. Finally when he came back, you saw a needle in his hand and your body trembled. Quickly you crawled towards the other side of the cage but it was futile and sadly, you knew it. With a sigh, Albedo quickly made his way and snuck his arm through the bars, wrapping the limb around your neck and forcefully pressing your back against the cold metal. 
“Don’t resist,” he said, calm. “You’ll be fine, you’ll just feel a bit of a sting.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes. Why? Why did he sound so soft? So caring. You wanted desperately to believe him, believe that you would be fine but your gut told you otherwise. Swiftly, Albedo pushed the needle into your arm, just like he said, it stung but nothing painful. You would even dare to say that he had a gentle hand, like he had done this many times before-- the thought made you want to puke. 
He let go and you lunged forward, desperately crawling towards the other corner of the cage. His gaze never left you, observing your every move. Frantically you grabbed your arm, only a drop of blood had escaped the wound. Letting out a shaky breath you turn your gaze back at him. 
“What did you give me?” 
He hummed, “You’ll soon see.” 
And soon it was. 
Heat blossomed in your gut, it was sudden and uncomfortable. You clawed your stomach and fell face first onto the cold floor. Your legs trembled, your loins felt as if they were burning. Without even noticing a soft moan left your lips and you started to pant. 
“Wh--ahh, what did you--” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as a wave of pleasure washed over you. 
“An aphrodisiac.” he replied nonchalantly, you heard his steps coming closer to your side of the cage. “Consider it a helping hand.” 
He did nothing but watch as you squirmed on the ground. Your thighs squished together and hands clawing at your stomach, you desperately tried to hold yourself back. But even the pressure of your thighs made a wanton moan leave your lips, your hands traveled lower and lower-- until it reached your heat. The sensations were too strong, your body burned, you needed to touch yourself, you needed relief.  You looked up to Albedo, he was staring down at you, his eyebrow elegantly raised as he observed you with the utmost curiosity. Trembling, your gaze traveled down, you could visibly see the bulge under his pants, your eyes lingered. Your loins were burning and your mouth watered. You so desperately wanted to fuck. You felt your face contort with incoming tears and you closed your eyes as you swallowed the lump forming in your throat. How could you not want something but also want it at the same time? 
You started to crawl towards him. Each time your thighs rubbed against each other a feeling of pleasure shot throughout your body like jolts of electricity. Grabbing the bars you lifted yourself up and met his gaze, he seemed slightly amused. 
“Please,” you choked out. “S-Stop this feeling-- I...I can’t, it’s too intense.” 
“There’s only one action that can stop it,” he replied, his voice becoming deeper. “Say it. Say what you want and I’ll provide what you need.” 
Your head was spinning.
“Fuck me--” you whispered. “Please Albedo… Just make it stop.” 
Without saying anything else Albedo grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you up, even the pain shooting from your scalp mixed with the pleasure. When you’re fully up he turned you and placed both hands on your hips, understanding what he wanted, you quickly bent over and pressed against him. The bars were cold but despite that you could feel the warmth of his cock between your cheeks. Your legs immediately start to tremble and you grind your hips against his clothed erection, a sharp breath is heard and his grip on your hips tightened. Finally a hand left you and you hear a zipper being pulled down. 
Albedo slammed into you without warning-- His cock stretched out your cunt, touching your deepest parts and beads of tears filled the corner of your eyes. A scream mixed with a moan ripped from your throat and your legs trembled, threatening to give out. You grabbed the metal bars as he pulled back, your body almost felt like it was melting when he started to rock his hips in and out. Your mouth agape, drool dribbled from your chin. It felt so so good. Genuinely you were confused in how good it felt, ragged groans came from Albedo as his pace became faster. 
“How does it feel?” he asked. “I bet it feels so good. See no need to act all high and mighty, I can satisfy you like this all the time.” 
You couldn’t reply, your eyes half lidded and lips parting with e very moan, you couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying. He chuckled. 
“Perhaps I should as later.” 
Albedo pulled out almost all the way out, only the tip remaining, and slammed his hips with one swift thrust-- You lunged forward, your palms scraping against the metal of the bars. He started to fuck you with such intensity that your eyes roll back. Heat pooled between your legs and your cunt quivered, sounds of squelching became louder then finally something snapped inside you. 
Your orgasm was violent, your body felt like it would tear in half as pleasure washed over your whole body. Cunt gushing out, you could feel slick dripping down your legs, it throbbed around Albedo’s weeping cock. He didn’t stop, his pace didn’t slow down and he certainly wasn’t done with you yet. Still going fast, his movements grew sloppy. You cried out, begging him to slow down but he never did and before you knew it another orgasm shot through you. 
“Fuck-- I’m cumming,” 
“N-Not inside!” you managed to cry out. “P-Please--” 
But your pleads were ignored as he plunged into you one last time. His cock twitching and throbbing deep inside you felt him emptying every bit of his cum. You felt so full-- He continued to cum a solid minute before he pulled out, cum oozing out of you as soon as he did. 
“Didn’t that feel good?” he asked with a slight sing-song tone. “Don’t worry about getting pregnant, I have a special pill for that.” 
You slid to the ground, now feeling colder than ever, even the strength to cry had left you. The effect of the aphrodisiac was already gone so why did you want more? Why did it feel good when he came inside? You closed your eyes. 
“I’ll visit you again tomorrow, maybe then you’ll understand what’s best for you.” 
Albedo poured you a fresh bowl of water before he left you in the dark once more. 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
how about dom kazuha and overstimulation?
The way Kazuha slams his hips into you makes you dizzy. His lips are on your neck and fingers on your puffy, overused clit. He never slows down as he furiously rubs against the sensitive nub, his cock stretching you out also adding to the pleasure. You’ve lost count of how many times he made you shriek in pleasure already, so much so that it’s overwhelming and you’re sobbing. Tears streaming down your face as you only manage to mumble out his name. Kazuha kisses the tears as he makes you cum once more, your cunt clenching and squeezing around his cock. 
The feeling alone makes him moan in ecstasy, he’s not gonna let you rest until you squirt all around him. 
“it’s good to be back” event! (CLOSED)
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— little miss perfect. 
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pairing: childe|tartaglia / fem!reader
genre: smut
wordcount: 1.3k
warnings: bondage, jealousy,  you’re his personal toilet, mouth fucking, creampie, dirty talking, watersports (piss kink), dirty talking, name calling (slut,whore)
summary: as a gift you decide to have yourself tied up and tell childe to use you how he pleases <3 happy birthday childe!! 
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“What’s going on?” 
You’re body visibly trembles when you hear Childe’s voice. He sounds surprised, intrigued. It’s understandable, really, you would be too if you came home to your lover being tied up with a big red bow on top. Your heart races. The wait had been nerve wrecking, your muscles sore and ropes painfully digging into your skin. You wish you could see him but sadly your face was pretty much buried in the pillows and your bare ass was raised into the air. Footsteps echo as he comes closer. The bed dips as he sits down near you and a gloved hand traces the ropes. 
“H-Happy birthday,” you say, voice trembling. “T...Today I’ll be serving you as your personal toilet.” 
Fuck-- your voice didn’t stop trembling. Heat rises to your cheeks and you’re happy he can’t see you. 
“Is that so,” 
Did he have to sound so smug about it? 
“Who wrapped you up so pretty, love?” 
You swallow as you contemplate if you should reply or not. Asking Zhongli to tie you up while you were naked was embarrassing enough, the only reason you asked him was solely because the man was good at everything. Luckily, he didn’t make fun of you and surprisingly he was quite thorough. Childe squeezes your ass and you take in a sharp breath. His patience is wearing thin. 
“Zhongli,” you reply meekly. 
“Zhongli?” he repeats, the tone of jealousy not going unnoticed by you. “You asked one of the most attractive men in Liyue to tie you up? Naked?” 
“It was for you--” you quickly blabber. “He left right after…” 
A sharp gasp leaves you as he holds you by the ropes and turns you so you would face him, well, face his bulge. With a groan he climbs on top of the bed and rubs his clothed erection against your face. Even behind his gray slacks, you could feel the heat, smell the familiar musky smell. Your mouth waters as you imagine what he’s going to do to you. Saliva gathering, you gulp. 
“You’re such a little slut,” he growls. “I bet you wanted him to fuck you. Use you like some toy.” 
“N-No,” you choke out. “I’m for your use only…” 
That’s the only warning you get before he pulls his cock out and shoves it between your hungry lips. Your gag reflex comes into play as he hits the back of your throat, his balls heavy on your chin. Eyes welling up with tears, you try to take in deep breaths as you swallow around him. He holds your head with both hands and starts to forcefully bob your head up and down his cock. It doesn’t take long before you’re drooling all over his cock and balls like some kind of mutt. The taste of precum is heavy on your tongue. Your neglected cunt drips and stains the sheets as the ropes near your folds dig into your skin. You moan around him, the vibrations making his eyes roll back. 
“Shit,” he says between pants. “Archons, you’re such a fucking whore. I’ve never been with someone who enjoys being used this much.” 
You look at him between half lidded eyes and an unfocused gaze, only able to blink at him as he continues to rock his hips into your salivating mouth. The ache of your chin makes you groan, what a beautiful ache it is. A fat tear slides down your cheek, you loved him so much, so much that it made your chest tighten. He wipes it away with his thumb and pulls out completely, rubbing the underside of his veiny cock against your damp cheek. Before he can ask anything, you take a deep breath and smile. 
“ ‘love you,” Your words slur. “--more,” 
Childe’s not the type to make you ask twice. He lunges forwards and bottoms out in your mouth, this time making you gag. You manage to hold it back as he starts trusting, cock throbbing in your mouth. String of insults falls from his lips-- whore, slut, perfect little fleshlight-- every word he mutters makes your pussy clench. His movements start to grow impatient and you can tell he’s close. He groans as he snaps his hips once more, this time reaching down your throat, and your eyes go wide. Thick ropes of bittersweet cum spurts down your throat and you try to swallow every last drop like you’re expected to. When he’s done, he strokes the side of your cheek as he pulls out. 
“You’re an impressive toilet,” he muses. “Not a single drop wasted. Are you sure this is your first time?” 
Your reply is a series of coughs mixed with a moan. He chuckles at your state, he loves it when you can’t even form a simple sentence. It’s enough to get him hard again. Licking his lips, he manhandles you and flips you around to your original pose. Ass in the air and face buried in the pillows. Childe parts your folds and stares down at your twitching cunt, you absolutely look delectable in his eyes. He couldn’t ask for a better gift. 
“Childe,” you whine, shaking your hips. “P-Please--” 
He gives himself a couple of strokes before teasing you with the tip but when he hears you whine a second time, he decides to just go for it. Fingers digging into your flesh, he buries into you with one swift motion. It makes your eyes roll back. You love the stretch, love the feeling of him throbbing inside you. Without even giving you a moment to adjust, Childe starts pounding into you. His thrusts are sharp, hard and each time he snaps his hips you’re screaming his name, moaning on and on about how good it feels to be used by him-- to be his personal toilet. 
“Shit,” he groans. “I’m going to cum inside, gonna fill you up real nice--” 
Childe’s breathing is ragged as he slams his hips. His cock absolutely drenched with your slick, he reaches out to squeeze your breasts and pinches your nipples. If you could your back would be arching right now but thanks to the ropes all you can do is strain against your bondage with a sheer moan. 
“Yes--!” Your tongue lolls out of your mouth. “Do whatever you want with me, I’m your toilet--” 
The way you desperately squeeze around him is enough to have him filling you up. He bites your shoulder and pulls you close, relishing in the feeling of your walls throbbing around him as you moan. Heat pools down your loins and you’re cumming right after, jolts of pleasure running up and down your spent body. When he pulls out, he watches with hunger as cum oozes out of you. You’re completely ruined by him, ropes leaving burn marks and his fingers leaving bruises. 
You groan when you’re being moved again, your body already sore. Childe flips you onto your back and holds the base of his softening cock. He smirks down at you as he aims the tip towards your stomach. 
“You’re my toilet aren’t you?” he hums. “I’m not done yet.” 
Your eyes roll back when a stream of piss comes down on your stomach, he sighs with relief as he throws his head back and closes his eyes. You can’t help but stare as the fluid washes over you, dripping down your body and staining the sheets. A pleasure filled shiver runs up your spine as a soft, meek whimper comes from you. When he’s done, he softly shakes his cock, the last drops falling onto your stomach. Closing your eyes, your body goes slack. You’re so tired, happy but tired. You only open your eyes back up when you feel his hands struggling with the ropes. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says, his previous mean demeanor gone. 
“Did you like your present?” you ask, voice sluggish. Before he answers he groans with frustration and starts cutting the ropes with a water blade. You sigh happily when your arms and legs fall free. 
“It was the best present I ever received,” he replies with a wide smile. He scoops you from the bed and heads to the shower. “Thank you so much, love.” 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
hiii can i request kazuha with a breeding kink for the event? thankyou for doing this event!! so glad you're back!!
Your world was spinning as Kazuha rammed his cock into you. Spit dribbled down your chin, forced choked out sounds ripping from your throat as he squeezed your waist tighter and tighter. Your eyes unfocused, you clawed the sheets. Noises of skin slapping against skin filled the room, Kazuha’s uneven breathing accompanying it. He pressed his wet lips against your ear, his voice almost coming out in a growl. 
“I’m going to cum inside you,” he said, panting. Without even thinking your cunt squeezed around him. “I’m going to breed you so good and so so much-- You’re going to be full of me, isn’t that lovely?” 
“it’s good to be back” event! (CLOSED)
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
for your event, how about zhongli with a size kink?
A golden gaze looks down at you as you squirm, nails digging into Zhongli's forearms. His lips quiver up into a satisfied smile when he notices your cunt fluttering around him, his cock only halfway in. It was truly a beautiful sight. You looked so small under him, your body struggling to take him all in.
He leans into you, pushing in only an inch more as his lips grazes your ear. Your eyes go wide, mouth agape.
"You're doing so well for me," he whispers. "But there's still a bit left to go my love."
“it’s good to be back” event! (CLOSED)
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
types of doms: mondstadt edition. 
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+ featuring: kaeya, diluc, albedo, venti (+ fem!reader)
what kind of doms are they? headcannons.
> a/n: this wasn’t requested i just wanted to write something quick + short and saw @seita ‘s “types of doms series” for haikyuu and wanted to do a genshin version <3 enjoy!
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Mean service dom
He loves to please but will also tease you until you start to sob 
Dirty talking is his specialty 
He doesn’t even have to touch you, his words are enough to have you dripping for him 
He’ll make you cum at least once before thinking about his own pleasure 
Though warning he might edge you a lot, stopping right when you’re about to cum, of course he argues that it’ll feel twice as better and that’s why he does it 
He loves it when you beg and pull his hair, that might be why he’s kinda mean 
“Are you sluttier then usual or is it just me?” Kaeya purrs as he rubs his erection between your ass cheeks. 
You let out a whimper and press against him. He has you up against a wall and you barely can hold yourself up. Kaeya’s hands are nestled on your waist, just in case you fall. 
“Kaeya,” you breathe out. “Please...” 
He hums, “Oh how I love hearing that sultry begging of yours, but fine I’ll be nice today. Don’t fall on me though.” 
Suddenly your ass is bare and Kaeya’s face is between your legs. He bends you a little for easier access and you shiver when you feel his lewd tongue grazing against your hole. His hands squeezes your lobes and hums as your legs quiver. You honestly have no idea how you’re keeping yourself upright and you fear you might actually fall when your orgasm hits. Kaeya doesn’t seem to care though, he continues to massage your ass and push his face between your cheeks further. His tongue wiggles between your folds and he pushes it further inside, your legs almost give out. 
“Oh dear,” he clicks his tongue as he parts away. “ Babe, If you can’t  even hold yourself up a punishment might be in order.” 
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soft dom
He is so soft that you need to beg him for mild spanking 
This doesn’t mean he has no kinks though
Bondage is one of them among with putting you in a cute maid outfit. 
But even then he’s so nice, and so soft. 
He just enjoys playing with you and pleasuring you. 
Aftercare is a ceremony with him. Candles, ointments for rope burns, your favorite desserts, a hot bath, rose petals. You feel like an absolute princess. 
“You feel so nice,” Diluc moans as he thrusts, his lips against your ear. “Always so good for me.” 
You have no idea how he can make his voice sounding so sweet while he’s pounding his thick cock into you over and over again. Your eyes are squeezed shut as you lose yourself in the words he constantly whispers and the pleasure he makes you feel. 
Diluc has you dripping all over the expensive sheets but you know he doesn’t care. He just cares about you and only you. Diluc continues to fuck you, the lewd noises of skin slapping against skin filling the room. It makes your have heat up and you let out another obscene moan. He chuckles against your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck. 
“I’m glad you’re feeling good kitten.” he suddenly lifts both you’re legs up and starts to pounds into your restlessly your gasp shifts into a moan. “Now time to make you feel even better.” 
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He’s either mean or soft. There is no in between, though to be fair he’s usually mean. 
He loves to tease and get you all worked up. 
The fact that he’s the master of keeping up a blank face makes the teasing even worse and all the more humiliating. 
Albedo calls you his pet and you call him master if you have permission to speak. 
BDSM plays a huge role in bedroom activities. 
When he’s mean he likes to keep it rough, bruising, biting... but when he’s soft he adores worshiping you.
He enjoys making aphrodisiacs for you, only with consent ofc. 
The sessions usually ends with sobbing and cumming for the nth time. 
When you’re being punished he refuses to touch you and watch you squirm. 
“M-Master, ple-- ahh... please slow down.” 
You’re drooling all over the pillows that are nestled beneath you, Albedo has both hands on your ass as he pounds into you. Your body aches and your ass his stinging. Albedo stills as his nails bite into your abused skin. 
“Who gave you permission to speak?” he asks, voice ice cold. “Such disobedience won’t go unpunished, pet.” 
You quiver as you imminently regret your actions. Albedo resumes fucking you, even going faster, harder this time. You cry out, tears streaming down your face. Your cunt aches from overstimulation, your poor clit puffy from being tugged on over and over again. 
A gasp is ripped from you when he grabs you from the throat and lifts you away from the comfort of your pillows. It’s not enough to cut your air but the fact that he has the power to do so has you dripping all over his cock. He chuckles at the feeling of you squeezing around him like a perfect little fleshlight. With his other hand he pinches and harshly tugs at your erect nipple, your hiss at the pain. 
“I’m about to cum,” he purrs, against your ear. “Does my pet want to get breed tonight?” 
“Y-Yes,” you cry out. “Please.” 
“Too bad,” he moans, you can feel his cock throbbing inside. “You haven’t been good.” 
He let’s go and you fall back to the bed. Without anything else he pulls out and a whine leaves your parched lips, soon enough you feel the all too familiar sensation of something warm on your back and ass. You cry out this time, hating to be punished. A low chuckle is heard and you feel a damp cloth on your back. That’s Albedo for you, always so efficient. 
“Are you alright?” 
A smile blooms on your face. 
“Of course.” 
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Hard dom that craves praise and attention. 
He just wants you to cry for his cock. 
A huge ass tease, especially in public. 
Him being the anemo archon doesn’t help with the teasing bit. 
If you piss him off he will lift your skirt up with a gust of wind. 
In bed he wants you to tell him how good he is, if you tease him about it he will edge you until you cry. 
He might’ve bought you stolen one of the sister’s outfits and make you roleplay once. 
He enjoys it when you’re fully submissive, thought he doesn’t mind when you playfully challenge him. 
Ngl he’s not the best at aftercare but he’s learning! 
You’re on your knees, calmly parting your lips as you offer yourself to the anemo archon. The bulge beneath Venti’s green short is prominent and it makes your cunt twitch. He gaze upon you with a hungry gaze and takes a step forward, unzipping himself he pulls out his cock and gives it a couple of strokes before laying it on your extended tongue. It feel heavy against the warm muscle and you just want him to shove it between your lips, that’s why you’re on your knees after all. 
“Such a great offering,” he chirps, softly slapping his cock against your tongue. “Do you enjoy being used by me that much?” 
You nod and part your lips even wider, he chuckles at your eagerness. He doesn’t make you wait any longer as he pushes his cock into your mouth and he doesn’t stop until he reaches the back of your throat. Venti doesn’t waste any time and starts fucking your mouth, his balls slapping against your chin every time he thrusts. 
You try to relax your throat for him but it’s hard. Spit mixed with precum dribbles down your chin, your eyes start to tear up. Venti grabs the back of your head and thrusts even harder, your tongue his flat under his cock and you try very hard for him not to pull back. Finally you blink and a sole tear escapes your eyes, he notices and gently smiles as he wipes the tear away. 
“You’re doing so well for me,” he says as his cock slides an inch more down your throat. “Don’t worry your efforts have been acknowledged.”  
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— uwu. 
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☀️ summer of spice / 1000 followers event ☀️
u n t y i n g   b i k i n i   t o p
requested by anonymous
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pairing: zhongli / fem!chubby!reader
warnings: squirting, vaginal fingering, public setting but no one is there
word count: 974
summary: Zhongli unties your bikini. 
a/n: I accidentaly wrote the same plot as sunkissed whoops. also i think i suck at writing zhongli ;-;
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⤿  summer of spice masterlist.
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Zhongli wasn’t the one to stare, he was a gentleman after all, so when he can’t get his eyes off of you it came as a bit of a shock. You weren’t complaining of course, but it still made you a tad bit anxious. Your white bikini top was hugging your breast ever so tightly, squishing the two soft mounds together, normally you wouldn’t wear such revealing swimwear but considering the fact that Zhongli bought it for you as a gift, you had a nagging suspicion that Childe had some role in it, you didn’t want to disappoint him. You also couldn’t deny that you looked good, sure you were muffin topping a bit but who cared. As long as Zhongli continued to stare at you like the most beautiful person in the world who cared about a few extra pounds. 
The two of you found a nice spot and settled down. Zhongli was quick to set up the sunbeds and laid down on his. You were tempted to do the same but the scorching sun reminded you that skin care was a thing and you shouldn’t ignore it. You sat next to him and waved a bottle of sunscreen just an inch away from his face. 
“Do you mind getting my back?” you asked. 
“Of course not.” he replied as he took the bottle. 
The sunbed creaked as Zhongli straightened up and you heard the cap being opened. He squirted a generous amount to his hand and started applying it to your skin. Zhongli kneaded your skin quite professionally, his hands went from your shoulder and to your arms, then he slid back to your back continuing to massage your tense muscles. 
You, of course, had no objections to a massage--that is until he untied your bikini top and made it fall. Gasping you quickly wrapped your arms over your breasts. You turned to glare at Zhongli who… seemed confused for some reason?  
“What are you doing?” you whisper-yelled. “Tie it back Zhongli.”
 “I thought you wanted me to put on sunscreen?” 
“I-I do but you didn’t have to untie my bikini.” 
He stood silent and you were just about to repeat yourself, anyone could show up after all, but you were left speechless when he hugged you from behind and grabbed your breasts. Zhongli placed his chin on your shoulder and looked down. 
He nonchalantly started to play with your nipples, he rolled them between his thumb and forefinger. Your body moved on its own and you pushed back into Zhongli. He felt so warm against your skin. 
“Why?” Zhongli asked, sounding genuinely confused. “You are enjoying yourself, are you not?” 
“But what if someone--” 
“If someone sees it’ll be the last thing they do.” 
You felt yourself getting slicker at his words. Possessive Zhongli was truly a rare sight and you lived for it. He continued to pull,pinch and occasionally push in your nips. You could feel your body starting to get warmer, your nipples now fully erect, you involuntarily spread your legs. 
“God you’re beautiful,” he mumbled as he bit your earlobe. 
Soft moans left your parted lips, you wanted him to touch you further. He seemed to understand this because soon enough one of his hands left your chest and traveled down to your body. His delicate fingers dipped into every crevice, feeling and squeezing the softness of your body. Your pussy throbbed when he finally dragged his fingers between your slit, he could feel how wet you were through the swimsuit. Biting your bottom lip you tried to contain yourself to not beg him to fuck your right then and there. 
Zhongli chuckled at your flustered state. 
“For someone who didn’t want to be touched, you are awfully eager.” 
You breathed out. “This is all your fault.” 
“How is this anyway my fault, love?” 
Before you could reply he snuck his hand under the swimsuit. His fingers slid inside of you with ease, and pushed them in knuckle deep. He started to skilfully thrust his fingers in and out, the squelching noises of the action started to reach your ears. Fluids dripping down from your inner thighs, your breathing became heavier. 
“Say my name.” Zhongli muttered, his voice laced with lust. 
“Zhongli,” you moaned out, lifting your hips. “Ahh…Zhongli.” 
He pinched your nipple and a mewl was ripped from your throat as you threw your head back. Your cunt throbbed around Zhongli’s fingers, begging him to go deeper. 
When you felt Zhongli’s teeth digging into your skin you knew you were as good as gone. 
Stars flashed before your eyes and your whole body spasmed, clear liquid spurted out of your twitching cunt. Your toes curling in the sand, you shouted his name over and over again, Zhongli continued to fuck you with his fingers. His gaze was fixated on how the clear liquid heavily dripped from his wrist. 
“That was unexpected.” he mumbled and pulled out his fingers. 
Panting, you finally realized what had happened. Your cheeks burning up you covered your face with embarrassment. 
“S-Sorry,” you said. “I have no idea where that came from, I…I-” 
“Wow,” Zhongli replied, breathless. “I’m pleased to know how much pleasure I can inflict on you.” 
He turned your head enough so that you could face him and peeled your hands away from your face. You couldn’t bear to look at him so you averted your eyes, sighing Zhongli held your head with both hands and forced you to look at him. 
“It’s okay,” he said, with a soft smile. “That was the most beautiful scene that I witnessed.” 
“Yeah,” he dipped down and placed a soft kiss on your lips. “Anything you do is amazing. You are amazing.” 
“You’re too smooth for your own good.” 
“Do you not like it?” 
You giggled. 
“Unfortunately I do.” 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
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—  chapter 1. bury a friend
pairing: fuckboy!xiao x fem!reader
genre: romance, smut, angst with happy ending, modern au 
warnings:  xiao’s pov, mean!xiao, emotionally inept xiao, dirty talking, sub/dom relationships, degradation, thigh riding, dumbification, name calling, spitting, dacryphilia, cumming on body
word count: 3.3k
chapter summary: you confess to xiao and he’s not happy about it. 
a/n: woo finally here it is chapter 1!!! Just wanted to thank the anon who gave me the idea to write this, 🍦 anon who read the story and gave valuable input and lastly @jardinsdeminuit​ for editing the story, y’all are the best 💖 
chapter 2 will be out next week so stay tuned!! 
playlist for the fic: click here
masterlist (check here for overall summary + warnings of the story)
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A small smile tugged at Xiao’s lips as he pushed himself up onto his toes and lifted the watering can to the hanging pot. He poured a generous amount into the philodendron’s soil. It had beautiful, large green leaves and he playfully tapped one of them before pulling back and turning to water another plant.
 “This sight never ceases to amaze me,” you said. “Your personality and home don’t match at all.”
 Xiao chuckled as he watered one of his smaller succulents, though not as much as the philodendrons, of course.
 “What sight?” he asked, resisting the urge to look back at you.  
“You and plants,” you chuckled. “I never would’ve thought you had such a green thumb.”
 “Looks can be deceiving.” He watered a spider plant. “Most of the time, anyway.”
 Xiao was about to move onto watering the next plant when something caught his eye and he stopped, a fond smile on his lips. The cactus you had bought him sat idly along the windowsill. It was his most prized possession, the first gift he’d received that actually mattered to him. He was hoping it would bloom one day.
 Lowering the can completely, he finally glanced back at you, surprised to see a steaming cup of coffee between your hands. Just as you were about to take a sip, you noticed his gaze and looked up. You tilted your head to the side in confusion. Xiao chuckled and made his way towards the kitchen, not surprised at all when he saw another cup of steaming hot coffee paired with a cookie waiting for him on the counter.
  “What are you chuckling about?” he heard you yell out.
 “Oh, nothing,” he replied with a smirk, knowing that you couldn’t see his face. He took the cup and walked back inside. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
 The white couch dipped with Xiao’s weight. He brought the cup to his lips as he waited for you to speak. The way your eyes fell shyly to your lap, your fingers twitched around the cup and your breathing hitched didn’t go unnoticed by him. But even if he was slightly taken aback by your sudden bashfulness, he was used to it by now. Most people got a little flustered around him. It was the way things had always been.  
“I,” you began as he placed the cup down. “I think… I might--”
 “Yeah?” Xiao edged you further, curiosity starting to bloom inside him. As he waited, he grabbed the cookie, dipped it into the coffee and took a bite. It was surprisingly tasty.  
“I think I have a crush on you.”
 Xiao’s eyes widened, and at the same time, a cookie crumb went down his windpipe. He erupted into a coughing fit. His whole body trembled. It felt like his lungs were burning from within. He could faintly hear your frantic voice, but couldn’t make out what you were saying over his retching. He punched his chest, and suddenly your hand was on his back, massaging the air back into his lungs.
 What the hell did he just hear you say?
 Finally, the crumb flew out of Xiao’s mouth. He heard you rush to the kitchen and come back. With a concerned mumble, you offered him a glass of water, but he refused it, instead choosing to stay slouched over, his elbows propped up on his knees. What had possessed you to say something like that? Everything had been great as it was, so why would you want to change it?
Xiao coughed, once, twice, and finally straightened himself up. He wouldn't allow it. You were clearly confused. It was always the same. The people who thought they were interested in him were only attracted to his face and ability to carry a conversation. Nothing more, nothing less.
 He hated how your voice quivered.
 “Are you alright?”
 He hated how you’d changed everything with a single confession.
 “I’m sorry if--”
 He hated how, in that moment, you’d suddenly become a stranger.
 “Shut up.”
 His voice was cold. Angry. You did as you were told and placed the glass onto the table. An awkward silence fell between the two of you. Xiao couldn’t imagine what you were thinking. Not that he particularly cared. He wanted you out of his sight.  
 “Get out.”
 Xiao still refused to look you in the eye, but that didn’t stop you from kneeling in front of him and placing both hands on his cheeks, forcing him to face you. He sneered when he saw how teary-eyed you were. It was disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
 “Come on,” you began with an awkward chuckle. “We’re friends… You can’t be serious.”
 “We were friends,” snarled Xiao. “You know how I am. I’m not exactly the type to settle down.”
 “I didn’t ask you to settle down,” you replied, annoyance working its way into your voice. “I just wanted to be honest with you.”
 “No, you didn’t.” Xiao shook you off and stood up. For a moment, his eyes drifted over to the cactus, but he quickly pulled them away. “You were hopeful. There’s a difference.”
 “So, what do you suggest, then?” You followed him across the room, but avoided entering his personal space. “Stop being friends? Just because of my feelings?”  
“You’re just another victim of my persona.”
 Xiao’s chest tightened when he saw you roll your eyes and sigh.  
“My God, this again.” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “You fuck a lot. So what? That has nothing to do--”
 “It has everything to do with it,” Xiao snapped back. “Everyone's the same.”
 “You once told me I was different.”
 “Clearly, I was wrong.”
 Xiao felt as if he was spitting venom. You looked so hurt by his words, but it was for the best. He’d told you to leave and you’d ignored him, so this was punishment. You were supposed to be different. You weren’t supposed to fall for him and just like him for him, as a friend. It still baffled him how suddenly you’d confessed. Of course he’d react harshly to it. He wasn’t exactly the relationship type. He just enjoyed fucking around. Simple as that.
 He noticed that you were shaking your head, and looked down. Your eyes were still glassy, and he wondered how long it would take for you to break down altogether. Some sick part of him wanted to see that, wanted to see you become a sobbing mess right in front of him.
 “You need to stop being so afraid, Xiao.”
 Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
 “You always do this. It’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, but to act so--”
 Xiao cut off your sentence with a loud, dry laugh. It was eerie, insincere. He wiped a tear from his eyes and took a step closer to you. He could sense confusion in your eyes, but there was something else there, too… A smirk spread across his beautiful features as he realised what it was.
 You were afraid.
 But why, exactly? Being rejected? The way he was acting now? Xiao wanted to know.
 He wanted to play.
 “You think you have me all figured out, don’t you?” His laughter died down as he shot you a condescending look. “You have no idea what I’m truly like.”
 “Is that so?”
 Xiao’s smirk grew wider. You were trying to act cool, unfazed. How cute.
 “Do you want to find out?”
 Like a snake about to strike its prey, Xiao leaned closer, stopping an inch away from your face. You looked completely hypnotized, lips parted, irises dilated, breaths hitching in your throat. Xiao licked his lips and watched you swallow. Drawing in even closer, he brushed his lips against yours, then claimed them.  
He was surprised how easily you surrendered to him, though it seemed you’d wanted to do so from the very beginning. Xiao pushed his tongue between your lips and you eagerly parted them, granting him entrance. He traced the muscle over your teeth and sucked. When a moan reached his ears, he wrinkled his nose. This was all it was about, wasn’t it?  
Your hands slid up his back, ripping a groan from his throat. He grabbed your wrists, tore them away from his body and broke the kiss. Then, without even so much as a glance at you, he led you to the bedroom.
 “Undress.” Xiao ordered simply, tearing away his black shirt and throwing it to the floor.
 You were hesitant at first, but when Xiao raised an eyebrow, you quickly started to undress as well. One by one, you threw each article of clothing to the floor. Once you were completely undressed, Xiao wasted no time in pushing you down and slotting himself between your legs. He drank in the sight of you, his golden eyes scanning your naked body-- hands sprawled above your head, chest frantically rising and falling and legs trembling. It was obvious that, unlike Xiao, you weren’t as comfortable with your nakedness. Not that it was a problem. He was used to being the confident one in the room. Still, despite it being your first time together like this, it all felt weirdly… natural?  
Leaning down, he licked a strip up your neck. Your breath hitched. He could feel the warm blood pumping beneath your flesh as he grazed his teeth against it. Xiao bit into the underside of your jaw and sucked on the mark. A whine left your lips. Without even thinking, you pushed yourself further down against his knee, gasping at the friction against your clit. He parted from you, a string of saliva connecting your lips. You gazed at him between heavy lids and he clicked his tongue with annoyance. He hadn’t even done anything yet and already you were this sensitive? It was absurd.
 Xiao grazed your skin with the tip of his fingers. It was odd to see you trash around and rub against him over something so minimal. His knee was drenched with sticky fluids. It was embarrassing.
 “You’re making such a mess,” he snarled. “I haven’t even properly touched you yet. Are you that eager for me to fuck you?”
 Your reply came out as a throaty moan. Xiao wanted to laugh. The fact that you were this turned on from so little baffled him. He’d had many partners, but none of them had been this eager to come so quickly. His fingertips latched on to your erect nipple, pinching and tugging at it. Your hiss only made him pull on the nub harder. He smirked as your back arched at the pain shooting through your body, your wet cunt grazing his thigh.
 “Xi--ahh, ‘t hurts.” Your words were slurred, almost as if you were intoxicated.
 Xiao chuckled. “It seems like you enjoy the pain. Bodies don’t lie.”
 He dug his knee into your cunt and pressed against your clit. Your whole body jolted up as you screamed out. For a moment, he thought that you’d cum before realising it was too early for that. And yet the way he felt your pretty cunt quivering around his knee and how much more wet it had become prompted him to look down.
 Sheets-- soaked, his knee-- drenched, cunt-- still gushing out.
 Xiao pulled away, laughing at the sight. It was pathetic. Truly pathetic. Your brows were knitted together as you panted, trying to catch your breath. Your half lidded eyes were unfocused and your whole body quivered on top of him.
 “What the fuck?” sneered Xiao. “Look at the mess you made.”
 “‘M sorry…”
 Xiao stared at you wide-eyed. “You can’t even talk properly, can you? God, you’re such a dumb whore.” 
 Xiao watched curiously as you whined and blinked blearily at him. He’d never imagined that you could be so kinky. The two of you talked about sex occasionally. Xiao would usually rant about his conquests, especially the ones that had unusual kinks. He dreaded knowing that you would soon be one of those conquests, his dear friend, now little more than a slut quivering under him. 
 “You like that.”
 It wasn’t a question, but still you nodded.
 If the look in your eyes was anything to go by, you couldn’t even hear what he was saying. It was adorable, in a way. Xiao’s hand slid to your throat, fingernails biting into your sensitive skin, leaving crescent shaped marks. He could almost hear your heartbeat and smell the excitement on you. Exhilarating.
 “Open your mouth,” he ordered.
 Xiao watched with amusement as you obediently parted your lips. He pursed his lips and spat. His cock throbbed at the way your teary eyes widened with confusion. With a smirk, he removed his hand from your throat and pushed your chin back up, closing your mouth and following the bob of your throat as you swallowed.  Then, without him even having to command you to do so, your mouth fell back open and you stuck your tongue out again. Xiao wasn't sure if you wanted to show him that you’d swallowed or whether you wanted more, but it drove him insane.
 He spat again. This time, he aimed for your cheek, and the saliva dribbling down made his balls tighten. He was feeling so much all at once-- anger, lust, possessiveness. The slight disgust in your expression made him want to taint you more. He swiped away the dribbling spit with his thumb and pushed it into your mouth, letting out a sharp breath as you closed your lips and sucked the digit clean.
 “That’s enough playing for now, don’t you think?” he cooed, pulling his finger out. “Time for the real deal.”
 You yelped as he swiftly flipped you onto your stomach. With an iron grip, he raised your ass into the air, then he leaned over you as he pressed the head of his cock against your dripping cunt and slipped it inside. Bottoming out instantly, Xiao ignored the way you half screamed, half moaned and snapped his hips back, only to bury himself deeply into you once more.
 Xiao looked down at your quivering body. He was angry. Angry at you for being so obedient, angry at himself for indulging your desires, and most of all, angry at your out-of-the-blue confession. 
His grip on your ass was hard enough to leave a bruise as he shoved his cock deep into your drooling pussy. He was amazed at how much of a mess you were making. His sheets were soaked, a white ring around the base of his cock, strings of your slick clinging to your thighs every time he pulled back. Xiao wasn't a stranger to women and men losing themselves to him, begging for a good fuck, but you… the way you whimpered, the way your cunt squeezed around his fat cock, all of it was different. He felt like a goddamn virgin. 
And he hated it.
“Fucking look at you,” he scoffed, his thrusts speeding up. “Letting yourself get fucked like this just because you have a crush on me.”
He heard your whimper and a smirk tugged at his lips. He wanted to see you cry, make you know that he wasn’t some nice guy who’d succumb to you just because you were in love with him.
With a growl, Xiao turned and threw you onto your back once more. He laughed at the sight of you trying to cover your face. Quickly, he grabbed both wrists and pinned them over your head. He wanted to see you.
“Are you suddenly shy?” he asked. “You're not the first to confess, you know. You people see a pretty face, and suddenly you think you're in love.”
Xiao noticed that you were trying to mumble a reply, but he didn’t care enough to listen. Leaning down, he bit your earlobe and whispered, “I've fucked so many sluts like you.”
He wanted to make you cry. He wanted you to be angry. He wanted you to hate him. He wanted you to know that he was nothing but bad news. He wanted to stop feeling.
So why did he start to kiss the trails your tears left as soon as you broke down into sobs beneath him?
Suddenly, Xiao’s movements turned comforting. He slowed down his thrusts, only pulling out slightly before grinding his cock back into you, slowly, senaully as he peppered your face with kisses. It didn’t make much difference to you, though. You continued to let it all out, crying and hiccuping as he fucked every last thought out of your pretty head. He hissed as your nails dig into his back, but he didn’t mind it. He was close, so very close. His cock throbbed as he shoved it into you over and over. Your cunt squeezed around him, like it was made to be fucked by him.
In a sudden moment of mercy, Xiao reached his hand down to his clit and started to thumb it. You screamed out his name as you gushed all over his cock and down his balls. Cursing under his breath, Xiao pulled back and stroked himself to completion. His mind blanked out for a second as thick ropes of cum spurted from his cock onto your stomach. A groan left his lips. He tried to gather his breath as he fell back onto the bed. It seemed like you were trying to do the same, your chest heaving with each breath beside him.
Seconds turned into minutes as Xiao thought about what to say. Despite his harsh attitude before, he didn’t quite have it in him to kick you out now that he’d fucked you senselessly.
His ears perked up at hearing your hoarse voice break the silence.
“Why don’t we just do this?”
“Do what?” he asked, confused. “Sex?”
He wasn’t facing you, but was sure that you nodded before replying.
Xiao chuckled emotionlessly. “I don’t really mind fucking around, but you just confessed. I’m not that heartless.”
“I’m serious.”
He flinched when you suddenly sat up. The way you winced with pain didn’t escape his notice.
“I...I know you don’t feel the same but…” You took a deep breath. “I'm happiest when I’m with you. I feel liberated, relaxed. I unwind.”
“What would it be in it for me?” he asked bitterly. “It’s not like I need you to have a good fuck.”
“I want to experiment.”
Xiao raised his eyebrow at that.
“I know you hold back with your fuck buddies. You don’t feel safe. But with me, you can. We could learn about our limits together.”
To be honest, Xiao didn’t need something like that. If he really wanted to, he could find someone suited for his more kinky endeavours. But the same could be said for you as well, and for some reason, it bothered him. It bothered him a lot. 
“Fine,” he replied begrudgingly. “But we’ll have to come up with some ground rules first.”
“Like a contract?”
He tilted his head to the side and gave you a puzzled look. You chuckled.
“That’s right. I watched Fifty Shades of Grey.”
“Alright, I want you to completely forget about that, but yeah, we’ll make a contract of some sorts.” He locked his eyes with you. The temperature in the room seemed to drop as the mood suddenly shifted. “I will break it off the moment I sense you starting to think this is anything more than sex. No strings attached. Just fuck buddies. Understood?”
“Loud and clear,” you replied with a smile as you got up on wobbly legs. Xiao couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. “I need to head to work. Can I use the shower before I go?”
“Sure. Knock yourself out.”
He continued to watch as you disappeared into the bathroom. When you were gone, his gaze fell to the succulents he had on his bedside table. This was a mistake. The thought was eating at his insides, but it was too late to do anything about it now.
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tartagliadevotee · 4 years
xiao with the "sitting on their face/being eaten out" prompt. (TUMBLR DOESN'T WANNA SHOW THE DAMN EMOJI YOU USED- 💀💀)
TUMBLR WHY???? also i’m super happy you sent me a xiao one, I’ve been meaning to write for him but had no idea what to write 
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[ 🪐 ] – sitting on their face/being eaten out
Your fingers were tangled in Xiao’s hair, the adepti was nestled between your legs and his fingers were spreading you open. You were flushed at the way he was staring at your gaping hole. His other hand was on your thigh, his thumb went in soothing circles, sending shivers up your spine. 
Xiao shot you a curious glance before licking a strip up between your folds. Your nails dug into his scalp and your back arched. His gaze filled with curiosity never left you as his tongue continued to lick between your folds and occasionally suck on your puffy clit. Human pleasure was still unknown to him, but seeing you thrash around as he lapped up your juices pleased him. 
“Xiao...” you moaned out. “I...please...” 
“I can’t read minds you know,” he replied raising an eyebrow. “Be clear.” 
You couldn’t manage to say anything else, your mind dazed with the pleasure he made you feel. Xiao clicked his tongue with annoyance but didn't press further. Tasting your sweet juices, he traced the tip of his tongue around your hole and pushed the warm muscle in. Your cunt twitched as he went deeper inside of you. The pleasure you felt was immeasurable, you couldn’t help but push him further into you. 
Xiao let out a growl as you pushed him deeper but said nothing else as he wiggled his tongue. He pushed the soft muscle in and out of you. The way he slurped and smacked his mouth as he ate you out almost drove you over the edge. It sounded as if he was feasting on your sweet cunt. Your moans became louder, you continuously muttered his name over and over again. 
Pleased by your chanting of his name, Xiao started to fuck you with his tongue. It was an absolute bliss. The way he penetrated you and then wiggled it inside of you was divine. It made you see stars. 
“Xiao...ahhh...I’m going to cum...” 
The adepti couldn’t care less. He continued to fuck you with his tongue, lapping away your juices with each stroke of his tongue. Heat pooled inside of you and your body jolted up as your orgasm washed over you. Without realizing you pushed his face further into your cunt and ride your orgasm out as you rolled your hips against his face. 
When you came down from your ecstasy, you fell back to the bed, your hand now limp on his head. You took in deep breaths and your eyes traveled down only to see Xiao staring at you, a glimmer of annoyance and awe in his yellow eyes. You swallowed at his glare. 
“S-Sorry,” you managed to choke out. “It just felt so good.” 
“You humans are always so selfish.” he groaned, standing on his knees. 
Your eyes quickly scanned down and immediately went back up, your face now burning with the realization of his erection. Even with his baggy pants the tent that had formed was quite visible. Xiao flashed you a smirk as he climbed on top of you, brushing against your worn out clit with his clothed erection in the process. 
“We’re no where near done yet.” 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— sunkissed.
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☀️ summer of spice / 1000 followers event ☀️
a p p l y i n g   s u n s c r e e n
requested by anonymous
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pairing: xiao / fem!reader
warnings: oral (receiving), teasing, established relationship 
word count: 900
summary: you ask xiao to put sunscreen on you, he does the task a bit more thoroughly than you initially thought. 
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⤿  summer of spice masterlist.
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“You want me to do what?” 
“Oh don’t be so dramatic,” you replied with a chuckle. “I just asked you to apply sunscreen on my back. I can’t reach some spots.” 
It took you a lot of begging and literal sobbing to convince the yaksha to come with you for a swim at Yaoguang Shoal. You had even considered asking Zhongli to help you out but before you could resort to such drastic measures, Xiao said yes. You were slightly surprised but didn’t complain as you picked out some black swim trunks for him and soon enough the two of you  headed out. 
Now, as you shoved the unopened sunscreen into the confused yaksha’s hands, you laid down face first and waited for him. His shocked state was quite cute, Xiao had seen so many gruesome things in his life span but when it came to putting on sunscreen… that’s what got him anxious. But still, you laid face first onto the towel and waited for him to apply it. Silence fell only for a moment before you heard the bottle being opened and the cold creamy substance being poured on your back.
“Just a sec.” you muttered and bending your arms you untied the knots of your bikini. 
“I’m just untying it so you can get my whole back,” you say as you roll your eyes. “I don’t want to end up with any light spots.” 
You could have sworn that you heard him gulp. 
Slowly Xiao started to spread the cream and rub it into your back, you couldn’t help but moan as he rubbed your sore muscles. You weren’t expecting him to actually massage you but Xiao was a thorough man and you loved him for it. He poured a bit more, you didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was enough, and he continued to rub you all over-- your shoulders, arms, back, lower back, ass?? 
Involuntarily you jolted and looked back. Forgetting about your untied bikini top you quickly cover your breasts, your eyes wide, you give him a confused look only to be greeted with a smug expression. 
“What’s wrong?” he purred. “I’m just doing what you asked.” 
“I-I…” suddenly the tables were turned and you were the one flustered. “I just wasn’t expecting it...you...you can continue.” 
You lay back down and try to contain your more… lustful moans. His fingers dug into your plump flesh and massaged the round lobes. Burying your face into your arms you try to focus on the sound of the waves, the seagulls, anything other than Xiao’s fingers going lower and lower. His fingers ghost over your inner thighs and you don’t even realize that he didn’t even bother pouring any sunscreen on. You squeal and with pure instinct close your thighs together, you hear him laugh as slid his hands back to your waist and before you knew it you were abruptly turned around. 
“X-Xiao.” you breathed out, your face starting to heat up. 
“We wouldn’t want your front to burn now, do we?” 
Shyly you avert your gaze. 
Your breasts are exposed and you arch your back as Xiao leaned and sucked one nipple into his mouth. The way he swirled his tongue, grazed his teeth and sucked on the sensitive nub drove you insane. His hand trailed down and a loud moan was ripped from your throat when he reached your drenched cunt. 
“Aren’t you a bit too excited?” 
“Shut up,” you grit your teeth. “Just touch me please.” 
“I like the way you beg.” he groaned, pulling your bikini bottom to the side. “But I’ll let you off the hook this time.” 
With that he buried himself between your legs and you were pretty sure you died and went to heaven. 
You tangle your hands between his soft hair and tug on the locks, your moans gradually become louder and with a feeling so intense soft whispers of stop fell from your sinful lips.  But Xiao didn’t stop and you were grateful for it. Pushing his tongue between your folds he circled your aching hole. With his free hand he rubbed your clit and rolled the sensitive nub between his fingers. Your nails dug into his scalp, Xiao pushed his tongue deeper and wiggled the warm muscle inside of you. 
He moaned as he tasted you, you were dripping all over his mouth and without even realizing you started to move your hips against his face. Xiao hummed at your aggressive movement, he was enjoying how you were losing yourself. Thrusting his tongue in and out of you he gave your clit a harsh pull and with that stars flashed before your eyes and you lunged forward. 
Your grip on his hair tightened as you came all over his mouth, you moaned out his name over and over again. Xiao continued to fuck you with his tongue as you came down your euphoric bliss. 
You were left breathless as he finally peeled himself away from your core, he looked up to you with the same smug expression. You were still coming down from your high but you managed to playfully punch him in the chin. 
“It seemed like you enjoyed yourself.” he cackled. 
“I did.” you managed to lift your upper body up, not caring if anyone saw you naked. “I guess it’s time for me to return the favor.” 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
— broken crown.
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pairing: aether/fem!reader 
genre: smut
wordcount: 3 k
warnings: dubcon, face fucking, dumbification, evil!aether, abyssprince!aether, manipulation, mentions of poly relationship with both lumine and aether, you’ve been traveling with the twins before teyvat
summary: when lumine finally knows where her brother is she’s impatient and decides to raid the abyss order all by herself and, of course, with you. 
a/n: so this was written before the quest “we will be reunited” so don’t expect this to be the same as canon because it isn’t fbfdbfg also this idea was given to me by one of my lovely anons even though it isn’t the same, i hope you enjoy it anon <3
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! all characters aged up to be 21 !
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When you take a step into the abyss with Lumine by your side you’re scared. It wasn’t like any of the domains you stepped into before nor it was like any of the camps the abyss mages occupied. Your lips feel dry and your mouth numb. With a weak resolve you try to hide your looming fear from Lumine, she was so happy when the two of you finally learned where Aether was. No matter what anyone said Lumine didn’t believe Aether had succumbed to the darkness and was convinced he was being kept hostage. You on the other hand, you had your doubts. Of course in a sick way you would rather have Aether being kept hostage instead of him being the one who ruled the abyss mages. 
A hand comes in contact with yours and you turn to Lumine. You can barely see her smiling at you, with confidence she squeezes your hand and you can’t help smiling back. You missed Aether as much as she did. The three of you traveled together for millenia and losing Aether was one of the hardest things you came to accept while journeying Teyvat with Lumine. It was brutal and you missed him but you know that rushing into unknown territory wasn’t the answer but you digress. 
Lumine takes a step forward and pulls you along with her. She’s beaming with confidence and beauty. It’s almost contagious but you can’t stop feeling afraid of just what might happen. With each step you take your surroundings get darker and darker. From a far the shrill voices of abyss mages can be heard. You’re on edge, your eyes constantly darting around in case something was lurking in the dark, you take another step forward—
You start to fall.
Your foothold disappears from underneath you and a scream echoes. Your hand slips away from Lumine’s and you find yourself falling deeper into the abyss. Lumine shouts your name as she watches you fall and with a you see her lunging forward as a weak attempt to catch you. Her gold eyes lock on to you one last time before your sight is completely engulfed in darkness. 
With a scream you continue to fall and fall, when the next thing you know, you’re hitting the hard cold floor with a loud thud. A pain filled groan escapes your lips and you get up, sitting on your knees. Between squinted eyes you look up to see from where you fell but you only see the darkness. Letting out an annoyed sigh you scratch the back of your head and get on your legs. 
“Now, what the hell am I supposed to do?” you hiss into the darkness. 
You look left, you look right and you sigh. You were seriously starting to get tired from all the darkness. Like, yeah their name is the abyss order but did they have to be so literal about it? Hugging yourself you gently touch the floor in front of you with the tip of your shoe and when you are sure that it is safe, you take a step forward. You need to find Lumine as fast as you can, who knows what other dangers lingered in the shadows. 
Upon taking a step the first thing you notice is how cold it is compared to where you were with Lumine. If there was any light you were sure you would be witnessing a puff of steam parting from your lips with every breath. Not sure where you were heading you took quick yet careful steps, deep down you wanted to call out to Lumine but you knew that would be foolish considering where you were. Instead, much like a moth, you headed towards the little amount of light you managed to see. It was such a dim, soft light. It didn’t seem like it was coming off of a fire or candle. It seemed prettier than that. You take another step.  
The light was purple. 
After facing many abyss mages, purple had become a color you wrinkled your nose at. It only reminded you of tiring fights and annoying spells and right now was no different. Your steps become a little bit slower, quieter. You pressed your body against the cold walls as you dragged yourself towards the light. If it was a mage you would rather not fight them in such conditions. Swallowing the fear down you peak inside without so much as breathing. 
A smile spreads across your features. It was Lumine. The faint purple light made it rather hard to see but you could recognize that pretty blond hair anywhere. Your heart fills with relief and comfort. It was as if warm, soothing water washing over you at the sight of her. Without thinking any further you go through the door and with open arms you lunge at her. 
“Lumine!” you shout out not being able to contain your joy. “I’m so happy I found you, I was terrified.” 
Lumine turns towards you and you bury your face into her chest. With the feeling of her arms around you, hugging you tighter, you humm happily with a bright smile. You also wrap your arms around her, your palms feeling the crevices of her back. Suddenly it was as if you weren’t in the middle of the Abyss mages hideout, she truly was a beacon of light in the darkness. 
Opening your eyes you rub your palms against her back. You couldn’t feel the smooth skin that was usually exposed due to her dress starting at her lower back. Instead your are met with the feeling of a soft shirt, you also notice that she felt more muscular. Your eyes widens further, her chest, again muscular and without...breasts. Peeling your face away from their chest you adjust your head light and look up. The face of the person was indeed familiar, their face was almost identical to Lumine’s. Same cheekbones, same facial structure. 
You hold your breath. There was no doubt in your mind that this was Aether. Your heart bangs loudly against your chest, blood rushing to your ears. With sudden panic you try to pull yourself away but Aether squeezes your tighter, almost emptying all the air out of your lungs. Now you fully turn your head upwards to face him, he’s looking down at you with a sinister smirk and you immediately notice that he looks...different. 
His usual bright gold eyes are now darker, more amber like as dark circles of purple surround the iris and spread out like spider webs. The corner of his eyes has yellow cracks and they’re glowing. It’s a similar glow to when geo vision wielders use their powers. Meanwhile there’s a tiara-like mark on his forehead, the part of the tiara that usually would hold an exquisite jewel dips down between his eyebrows and is also glowing a light shade of blue. This glow reminds you of the colored descriptions of Barbatos with similar marks marking and glowing around his body. 
Aether looks hauntingly beautiful. 
“I see that you still can’t tell us apart” he teases, his eyes threateningly glowing purple only for a moment. “You break my heart.” 
“What happened to you?” you breathe out, ignoring his remarks. 
His smirk widens into a grin. 
“Not much really, just trying to end all humans on Teyvat. The usual.” 
Your ears are ringing. What was he going on about? Ending all humans on Teyvat? You gulp. Was he actually the one to tull the abyss mages? The one who ruled the Abyss order? The prince? 
Even when you thought about the worst case scenario you just thought that he would be working with them at most. Not planning out a total genoicide. Involuntarily your body trembles and you start to sweat. All the alarms in your head are going off, telling you that you need to run, find Lumine and get the hell out of here. 
He must’ve sensed your fear because his grin diminishes and he raises his eyebrow ever so elegantly. He tilts his head to the side in a false hurt manner. 
“How long has it been?” he begins suddenly. “Too long that’s for sure and after everything, I would have hoped you would at least be happy to see me love.” 
Your heart comes to a halt at the hearing of the pet name and you avert your eyes. It was a name you had since long forgotten. But your mind can’t help but wander and remember the past where you were loved both by Lumine and Aether and you would return their love as well. It was a blessing what you had. But it was stripped away from you as soon as you entered Teyvat’s atmosphere. Your ears start to ring as you try to think of an answer. 
“You’re not you right now.” your breath hitches. “Aether you need to return to normal. This isn’t who—”
“And who am I, exactly?” he cuts you off, his palms pressing against your back. “I’ve seen it all y/n. Things your mind nor my sister’s can even comprehend. I’m doing this world a favor.” 
“You’re saying that you’re going to kill everyone.” 
He chuckles, “Yeah that’s the favor I’m doing.” 
You part your lips to speak but instead of words a throaty breath escapes, Aether’s hands travel down your body and squeezes your ass as he leans down and nuzzles your neck. You could feel the curve of his lips and the warmth of his breath, it made all the hairs on your neck stand up. You can’t help but shiver at the sensation. 
“Your body still remembers me,” he hums, lips moving against your skin. “You have no idea how long it’s been since I had a good fuck.” 
His words barely register in your mind before you try to push him away again. With a laugh he humors you and loosens his grip only a moment, you manage to escape his arms and take a couple of steps back.  Aether raises his eyebrows in the way you cross your arms in front of you.
“Aether...we really should go and find Lumine. You’re not well.” 
He lets out an exasperated sigh, “You keep saying that but you don’t even know what you’re talking about.” then his smirk comes back. “Besides I know how much you missed me too.” 
You stay silent and he continues. 
“Don’t you miss the way I fucked you,” he purrs, taking a step forward. You don’t dare move, almost hypnotized by the way he speaks. “Don’t you remember how you begged to have my cock inside of you? Spreading you wide open…” 
Without you even realizing he’s close to you enough that you can feel his breath ghosting your face as he speaks. You shiver at his words and feel yourself getting rather...worked up. Aether places a gloved hand on your check and caresses the soft flesh. You can’t help but lean into his touch. 
“You miss me don’t you,” his lips graze against yours. “No need to be shy.” 
With that he presses his lips against yours. You falter momentarily before giving in and gingerly parting your lips. Aether is pleased by this and slides his tongue in, exploring every crevice of your mouth. Feeling him devour you is almost like second nature. He presses on further, his chest flushed against yours, his tongue going in deeper as he dominates every part of your mouth. 
His semi-erect cock is rutting against you like an animal in heat and a moan tears away from your throat. Aether parts away and you find yourself following his lips, wanting more. He tangles his fingers in your hair and pulls you back with a harsh tug. He disapprovingly clicks his tongue. 
“I thought you didn’t want to do this?” he teases. “What happened to your resolve?” 
“I-I,” you feel your face starting to heat up. “I don’t know.” 
“God you’re so stupid,” his chuckle echoes. “I just talked about fucking you and you’re already a mess. Though to be fair, being a bit slow was always one of your charms.” 
You truly don’t understand what’s going on. Your mind feels blank and words have seemed to abandon you. Dumbfounded, you continued to stare at Aether. Was this truly the same man you watched stars dying with? He used to be so tender but now it was quite the opposite. The glimmers of affection were still there but his need to dominate seemed to be stronger rather than his love. 
His grip loosens on your hair and he massages your scalp with an adoring yet disparaging smile. 
“Don’t think too much of it,” he presses his lips against your ear and licks the shell before he continues. “Just get on your knees for me. You can do that right? Get on your knees?” 
He’s talking to you as if you’re a child. He even nudges you down just to make sure you understand what he wants, you stare at him with your lips slightly parted and eyes wide. But your shock combined with his words almost numbs you. You weren’t even sure what you wanted to achieve before and deep down you didn’t want to think and remember. 
You get on your knees. 
The ground below you is cold and hurts your knees but your focus shifts when Aether unzips his pants and pulls out his now fully erect cock. It’s as mouth watering as you remember. The tip is red with beads of precum decorating the tip, a single vein travels along his length and you can almost see it throb. 
“Look at you,” he groans, pulling you closer by the hair. “God you’re so hungry to suck me dry aren’t you?” 
As the gears in your head start to churn he rubs the shaft of his cock against your cheek. It’s hot that you almost feel your skin burning. A whine escapes you and he laughs once more before pressing the tip against your lips, smearing them with bittersweet precum. 
“Open up love.” 
You oblige. 
Aether sheaths himself with one thrust and you choke. Your open palms pressed against his thighs you quickly pull back and cough, spit dripping down your chin. You look up and see a flash of anger in his golden eyes but it quickly disappears and he sighs. 
“Poor baby can’t even suck cock right,” he shakes it head. “Let me help you.” 
Aether pulls you back and takes your jaw between his index finger and thumb. He squeezes until you obediently open your mouth, then he places both hands near your mouth and keeps your mouth open with his fingers as he slides in his cock between your lips. Tears stings your eyes as the tip hits the back of your throat. You choke once again and try to pull back but with no avail, the way Aether’s keeping your lips open grants him a way to push in deeper and deeper so much so that you feel him going down your throat. 
“See all you needed was a little help.” 
You feel helpless as he removes his fingers and tangles one hand amidst your hair. With a loud groan he starts to fuck your mouth, your vision is blurry and you stare at his pelvis with half lidded eyes. You can feel the dark yellow hairs tickling the bottom of your nose each time he buries his cock deep into your mouth. His precum mixed with your spit dribbles down your chin, your lips feel numb from the friction and his nails digs into your skin. 
He continuously thrusts in and out of your mouth, you can feel the desperation and want in his movements. He’s enjoying this, he’s enjoying having your lips wrapped around your cock as he slides down your throat. He throbs and his movements become more irregular.
Aether groans and you can feel hot thick cum shooting down your throat. You attempt to get away but he keeps your head in place and bruises himself deeper, making you swallow his entire load. Loud gulps can be heard and your stomach churns uncomfortably. When he deems you’re done he pulls out and pulls you up by the hair, you wince at the pain pulsing from your scalp. But before you can say or do anything he crashes his lips into yours and greedily tastes himself on your tongue. Your legs trumble and a muffled moan escapes you as he parts away. 
Aether licks his lips and you expect his tainted gold eyes to be fixated on you but they’re not. They’re fixated on something behind you, so you turn. 
Your eyes widen with horror when you realize who has been standing behind the two of you, watching.  
“Dear sister!” Aether chirps and wraps an arm around your waist as he pulls you flush against his chest. He chuckled. “Did you enjoy the show?” 
“Lu-Lumine…” you breathe out not knowing what else to say. 
Aether places his lips against your temple and shushes you. 
“You don’t need to talk when you’re fucked stupid my love, don’t worry.” 
For some reason your body listens and you relax. 
“Aether,” Lumine begins, shocked. “What have you done?” 
He hums, “Nothing out of the ordinary, I doubt you forgotten how we used to live prior of our arrival on Teyvat.” 
“What happened to you?” she asks this time, taking a step forward. 
“Nothing,” Aether replies, voice raised and clearly bored. “I’m fine, maybe even better. Why does everyone keep asking the same things?” 
Aether clicks his tongue and closes his eyes before opening them once again. His hand traces the curves of your body and lands on your breasts, he squeezes them and smiles broadly when he coaxes a moan out of you. 
“Lumine, haven’t you touched her at all?” he teases. “Look, she’s so desperate. So needy for us.” 
You glance at Lumine and you know Aether has her right where he wants her. It is his sister after he knows all the tricks to lure her into a trap. Lumine gulps and slowly makes her way towards you. She softly places both hands on your cheeks and lovingly caresses them before leaning in for a kiss. 
Aether and the abyss managed to engulf you both with not darkness but lust. 
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
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— biting on a rose masterlist. 
pairing: fuckboy!xiao x fem!reader
genre: romance, angst with happy ending, smut, modern au
summary: xiao’s world is turned upside down when you, his close friend, decided to confess. 
warnings: xiao’s pov, mean!xiao, emotionally inept xiao, dirty talking, sub/dom relationships, degradation, thigh riding, dumbification, name calling, spitting, dacryphilia, cumming on body/face, punishment, face slapping, subspace, public sex, jealous!xiao, possessiveness, implied prostitution (xiao’s past), implied fwb between venti and xiao, implied diluven, implied poly venti, xiao fucks a lot 
playlist for the fic: click here 
!!each chapter will have individual warnings before and will be tagged accordingly!!
chapters (completed)
01. bury a friend
02. biting on a rose 
03. i’m just your problem 
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