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sleepisfortherich · 4 years ago
I Love this Song so much I once Sang it Accapella, Solo in front of my Whole Church... (I wasn’t even a member of the “Praise Team” I just Went with my Move...🤣🤣🤣 Ask @dreambigorlivesmall he was there. lol 🤷🏾‍♂️ #DoTheUncomfortableThingsInLifeYoungHomie #SpeakYoMindMane #WhomShallYouFear #ThePeopleYouWorriedAboutAintGotSh_tGoingWothTheyLife #NeverComplainAlwaysHustle #LouisianaKings #LouisianaQueens #FromLouisianaToTheWorld™️ #LookGoodSmellGoodFightGoodShootGood™️ #SleepisForTheRichGunClub #PeacefulMane #TheTexasStreetChapter #NickiDanielsFineSouthernPhotographyStudios #BlackMuseumsMatter #BlackArtGalleriesMatter 🎶 I Wish @songbirdsylvia or My Girl @christina_official or Even my Man Johnny The Piano Player (SO SOULFUL) Could Could One Day Sing this For Me.... #YourThoughtsCreateLife (at Sleep is for the Rich Clothing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9bHdXhzTV/?igshid=efv8miv4iwnk
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theresah331 · 2 years ago
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People of the Sea (First Americans Book 5)  W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear     Nov 1993   Forge
K: B00823ZWIC
N: 9781466817838
E: 9781466817838
People of the Sea (North America's Forgotten Past, #5) Gear, W. Michael Gear. Kathleen O'neal The People of the Sea are a great story of survival and surrender. How the mammoth was destroyed and how man was saved. Kestrel is a young woman abused by her Trader husband Lambkill. After years of abuse and loneliness Kestrel falls in love with her "Cousin Iceplant" whom believes they are not cousins because he draws his birth line through his mother. The relationship has brought Lambkill to the edge of insanity. Lambkill hunts down Kestrel and Iceplant, in a misplaced trust, he kills Iceplant, and Kestrel runs away, only to give birth in desolation. Running for her life Kestrel is drawn into the wiles of power. From the birth of her daughter, and infant son, to the man she soon learns to love, Sunchatcher the greatest dreamer of the people of the sea. Sunchatcher has tried to change the balance of the world, in an attempt to save mammoths, and balance the sides of dark and light. But he is being witched, and just does not know it. Our heroes are drawn down a dark path, with murder, intrigue and deception.
Character list: People of the sea
Dreamer: Sunchaser: greatest dreamer of the people, startedthe mammoth dance. Finds that life has a different pattern for him then heexpected.
Kestrel: banished from her tribe because of incest. Motherof twins, left one twin unnamed boy to save her daughter. She is drawn by powerover the wilderness to the cave of Sunchaser.
IcePlant: “cousin”of Kestrel and lover, is tricked intoleading her husband to her believing that he will live peacefully with her.
Goodplume: Sunchaser’s …aunt, old dreamer, teaches him todream, and cares for the butternut village.
Cacthstraw: false dreamer, challenges Sunchaser out ofjealously. He twists the maze and becomes a witch. His bid for power turns himto a brutal reality that leads him down a dark path.
Lambkill: husband of Kestrel, trader, very brutal man,hunting Kestrel. He is obsessed man because of the death of his mother at hisfather’s hands.
Tannin: Younger brother of Lambkill follows his brother onthe trail of Kestrel hoping that he can help both of them.
Twisting cloud girl: Kestrels daughter seems to have been touched by power.
The boy: the youngest dreamer, never to be born before hehas to learn to sacrifice to save the spiral.
TheMan: (Wolf Dreamer): talks to the boy, and works to sendmessages to SunChaser helping him see beyond the maze and help balance thespiral.
Oxbalm: leader of the Otter people. Oxbalm is a peacefulman who wants to help balance the world, but is lost in the dynamic forces.
Sumac: Oxbalm’s wife and aid in guiding the Otter people.
Horseweed: Oxbalm’s grandson, and a young warrior wantingto help his people.
Power object: Sunchaser’s maze, given to him by Wolfdreamer when he nearly died of an illness, he believed that through it allpeople can reach the realm of the dead.
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lalalae · 7 years ago
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Happy Martin Luther Luther King Day! #civilrightsleader #reverand #pathmaker #godlyman #stregth #courage #peacefulman #thankyou
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sleepisfortherich · 5 years ago
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I wanted smoke. 🐟 #GrilledSalmon #GrillDaddy #Saturday #PeacefulMane (at Shreveport, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQ2561gHF3/?igshid=1vloavaj93u9e
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