#pdw asks: min~ji seong
plantdonutwrites · 2 months
FOR MIN-JI: obligatory 🔵 Blue; but also 🪩 Disco Ball and ⚪️ White
OC Ask Meme (with the Colors) 🌈
🔵 Blue - How would your OC spend a single day of [un]interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
The most 'boring', Occam's razor answer would be that she would be reading in bed. All day. Min-ji is one of those people who will read an entire book trilogy in one 24-hour sitting and be like "Hell yeah, day well spent." And good for her! But assuming she would want to be slightly more active than that: She would want to spend time outdoors near the water, be it a creek or a river or a lake (i.e. at the farmhouse probably). Maybe she'd bring her guitar, practice playing it, write music, all while sitting under a large, leafy tree that would provide shade. In terms of who she would spend such a day with, if she wasn't alone... probably Leo. Not just because they're dating, but because he wouldn't mind the quiet and sitting in stillness for a while. 🪩 Disco Ball - What was an achievement that your OC felt worthy of celebrating? Was it a personal victory or a big impact on everyone around them?
The one area of her life where Min-ji feels completely confident and empowered is her music. Whenever she finishes a concert, a recital, or some other big event where she is featured as a pianist... the high from that is exhilarating. Post-music related events is the only time where she may come off as more extraverted; more social, more charismatic... it's just an amplifier for personality facets she already has, but are usually softer and only reserved for her closer ring of friends and family. So musical achievements are definitely things she does not shy away from celebrating; she feels very worthy of those. And those sort of victories and accomplishments are contagious, as though Min-ji's post-performance high spreads to everyone else and gets THEM excited even though they weren't performing themselves. It's a nice change of pace for her loved ones, I'm sure!
⚪️ White - When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
Oof--the answer to this one could actually be its own dissertation, deadass. I'll try to sum it down to the cliff notes:
The first time was when she was on a train in the subway when said subway was bombed. She and hundreds of other people were buried alive in the tunnel and platform, and it took almost a full day to unearth all of them... some were alive, some dead. And she saw a lot of it firsthand. You can imagine how vulnerable and exposed that would make anyone, let alone an 11 year old child. She lost her arm, and her recovery--both physical and psychological--was hard, and at times brutal. It still lingers in her to this day, and how could it not?
The next time was a few years later--she was caught in a confrontation between the Foot and the Purple Dragons. All because someone who she was coming to trust decided to use her as a form of deflection from said confrontation, and ended up getting her involved. She was followed, stalked, attacked, spied on from all sides, to the point where she had no where safe to go anymore. It caused her to unravel in front of her four newly acquired ninja turtle friends, who took her in for a while to keep her safe. That's also pretty vulnerable rock bottom stuff, right there.
Sorry to keep a lot of this vague, but it is seriously so much. (I will include it in Min-ji's character profile when I eventually post it here)
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