#pbh Mother Series
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(Part 1) (Part 2)
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Humanitarian work, service, and research.
Juliann Mecham
Fish Burton
English 2010
Monday Wednesday 1:00
Annotated Bibliography
Albuquerque, Sara, et al. “The Rite of Passage of Becoming a Humanitarian Health Worker: Experiences of Retention in Sweden.” Global Health Action, vol. 11, no. 1, 2018, p. 1417522., doi:10.1080/16549716.2017.1417522.
This resource did a research project on health workers and Sweden. They found that in this study that the retention of humanitarian workers possess constrained and humanitarian organizations how they affect the disasters. They found when researching the long-term commitment on humanitarian work. Their objective in this research project was to understand what motivates the humanitarian health workers to remain thing I needed area. I found that this source on the research of service was very reliable and effective because of the conducted individual interviews. Which brought firsthand experiences of nurses who had at least been in three field missions in Sweden. They interviewed why they chose to go on missions and how they were supported in those things. they found that in the research that their views on how they saw themselves changed overtime in the continuation of humanitarian work they found that their many motivations to do humanitarian work. They found the way that they were able to overcome the lack of support of it from their family and how to help a quiet new skills and doing the work. I found the important parts of doing humanitarian work and leaving positive examples. I found the source reliable and the fact that they conducted interviews and it brought a new aspect to my research project because it's all the change throughout time of those people who continuously rendered service in the humanitarian field. I found that this resource greatly benefited my research project in the fact that it brought personal experiences of those nurses in Sweden and humanitarian work in the mental aspect that have drawn their individual well-being.
Bennett, Mary Morrison, and Stephanie Eberts. The Experiences of Short-Term Humanitarian Aid Workers in Haiti. eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=5&sid=4eeefe6e-c8fd-4a08-bfe4-396bb0b8ea1a%40pdc-v-sessmgr06&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=109575000&db=pbh.
This study takes inexperienced humanitarian group who dedicate service to the recently earthquake damaged country, Haiti. They discussed the shocking effects the individuals went through during the eye opening experience to the recovering natural disaster country. I thought that this article definitely helps me in my research project. It brought a new perspective in seeing the potential dangerous effects of humanitarian work on mental health. It would be a shocking experience to take someone who has never lived in a poor country to a country that has just experienced a horrific natural disaster. This could drastically affect the mental state of the individual. Because not only are they going to have to adjust to living in an entirely different country, they are going to have to forget about themselves and how they are feeling and put themselves to work to see help the  This does not provide time for the individual to cope with what is going on around them. I feel that as those who've gone to Haiti without preparation or training before hang could cause stress if we put them through a mental situation that would need a lot of time to recover. I feel like this resource was very beneficial to give a real case study on a real group has gone to hated and see the effects of those who have done intense humanitarian work without any experience. I thought this source was dependable, and took a real situation of an effort of humanitarian aid of a country in need which really helps me with my project of showing the need for humanitarian work around the world.
Curtis, Heather. “7 Mental Health Benefits of Volunteering.” AbleTo, 28 Aug. 2018, www.ableto.com/resources/mental-health-benefits-of-volunteering/.
This resource was very beneficial to figure out the mental aspect of the health benefits of serving other people. In this article it gives seven benefits of those who vendor surface to those around them. The seven benefits include reducing stress, combats depression, prevents feelings of isolation, increases confidence, gives a sense of purpose and meaning, ignites passion, and makes you happy. All of this research done to show the benefits of serving helps me greatly with my project to understand the reasons why people serve in the benefits that come from I thought this resource was somewhat useful however, I thought it already but it was redundant with the sources that I already had. I also didn’t find it very specific, and didn’t mention what kind of service these people were offering, for however long of period of time, or where they were offering the service. They also neglected to mention the age group of the people they were studying and how they planned on giving specific scientific results and comparing it to another population. I thought this source could be more convincing and useful if they showed specific examples, showed results from studies, or compared to another part of the population. I thought this was also a biasas resource because they didn’t consider those offering service in high stressful situations, ending in a potentially situation where their mental health would decrease. Compared to my other resources in my project I felt like this was an average resource to use, not exceedingly convincing or beneficial.
Ginnsburg, Kenneth. “Serving Others Will Help Your Teen Thrive.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/raising-resilient-children-and-teens/201112/serving-others-will-help-your-teen-thrive.
In this article, research shows the results of those who serve at a young age, and the benefits that come from serving, and those who do not participate in such selfless acts. They find in their study on teenagers who give service to others of the physical and mental health benefits come from serving, especially at those developing years. Some of the benefits include better mental health care for their current well-being and in the future. They found that they were able to find my purpose in your life and did not feel as lonely in my future. To serve at a young age shows to look at side of themselves and not focus on the personal problems. The great part of this study is it studied  have those who just serve around the community. I think small acts of kindness everyday, bring high benefits, the people serving do not need to go to some dangerous country and serve, they found that serving others in their own community builds character and helps them overcome challenges when they were faced with him in the future. I thought that this resources very relevant and showed great studies. It also helped me find a different age groups have not specific or young Elementary age, it was focused on the teenagers of America. I thought that this was able to bring more information to my study the more series project and how I can find the benefits of service to all ages in the population.
Huang, Li-Hsuan. “Well-Being and Volunteering: Evidence from Aging Societies in Asia.” Social Science & Medicine, vol. 229, 2019, pp. 172–180., doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.09.004.
One source that I used was a different study done in Asia about those who served others at an older age to those and they noticed that they were not stressed. What I thought about this resource is I thought it was very reliable in the studies that they did. Overall the study showed that in Asia, which I thought was interesting to do a different study of a different part of the world in a different culture to give more of a broader research project to my project. I thought that it was interesting how they researched the older generation ensuring that it doesn't matter how old you are that service does benefit you and does benefit your health at any time or any stage of life. Other things that I thought about the resources I thought it was very reliable in the studies that they did they able to show throughout the study other benefits that come from serving others in the happiness level. Because it what we all search for in this life is happiness. And there are different interpretations to find true happiness., However what we find happiness changes within oneself. Another thing that I thought about this resource is that it shows the benefits of service and what it can do to the people being served in the people receiving the service. Overall I thought the source is very reliable and will benefit the world to know the different aspects of people serving others.
Mecham, Juliann S, and Meggin Mann. “Elementary Kids Changing the World through Service.” Tumblr, 25 Nov. 2019, www.tumblr.com/dashboard.
To help with my research I interviewed a woman who lives in Washington with the name of Meggin Mann. Meggin Mann is a mother of five children who had the desire to create a club at the elementary level that builds character and wholesome recreational activity for the elementary kids. She wanted to fill their time with good acts and give an opportunity to create relationships, and to help the community. She created a service club for elementary children to do service projects in to sacrifice their time to help others in the community and other people such as military or any other children in the hospital. I thought this resource was very reliable and the fact that she you first hands of the impact of service as she watched the children grew up throughout the years. She found that the children who rendered service at a young age were more likely to serve others at an older age and as they went through the awkward teenage years of typically looking inward they were able to look outward to fill their time with ruseful service to others. I thought this resource was able to help me on the impacts of service in general and to know what a difference can make to help the community and to help the children teach them how to serve and change their lives and those around them. I Â thought this brought a great impact to my research project to see the influence that comes from those children who serve at a young age. This help me to know that there are little acts of service that children can do and can influence themselves and all of those around them influence their friends to become better and build their character in a positive manner.
Ostuzzi, Giovanni, et al. “Mapping the Evidence on Pharmacological Interventions for Non-Affective Psychosis in Humanitarian Non-Specialised Settings: a UNHCR Clinical Guidance.” BMC Medicine, vol. 15, no. 1, 2017, doi:10.1186/s12916-017-0960-z.
In resource they found in their research that populations exposed humanitarian emergencies are particularly vulnerable to mental health problems including relapse deterioration and psychotic disorders. This group of people showed that those who were exposed to humanitarian emergency were able to fall into mental health disorders. Or go back to the ones they already experienced, and already worked hard to overcome those hard challenges. They found the inadequate care for this group leads to potential abuse and premature death. They found that the un-trained people who go to certain extreme humanitarian causes were affected greatly negativity in the mental health aspect. I found this resource to be very reliable and the fact that they were able to observe those who give service in extreme humanitarian emergencies. They found those inexperienced people later  go through shock and trauma. I found this resource to be very reliable and the fact that they were able to do real life situations and record the results of they found their of. I found this to bring in a different aspect into my research and will be very beneficial to my research project. I found that this resource compared to my other resources was able to bring a wide variety in the fact that there are not only positive effects of serving others. To learn about extreme situations where they could potentially bring negative emotional effects to the person during the service, brings a different aspect on humanitarian work. Although they may not be able to realize what they're going through the moment when they are serving the people in the impoverished country they can later go through depression and mental health disorders after causing a lot of stress and negative effects on the individual.
Skeoch, Kelsey, et al. “Future Role Aspirations, Achievement Motivations and Perceptions of Personal Help-Seeking among Humanitarian Aid Trainees.” Journal of International Humanitarian Action, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017, doi:10.1186/s41018-017-0027-y.
In this specific study on those who performed abstract humanitarian work and those who performed  their trained stressful services shows the different effects of experienced service to others and inexperienced abstract service to others. They studied the effects of training professionally before doing humanitarian work in high-risk situations such as nurses and military personnel, and the mental state throughout time their service. In this study they showed how those without any trained experience before hand go into countries to offer humanitarian work go into an unhealthy mental state because of situations that they are not accustomed to and living in uncomfortable situations. They also showed the negative effects of those, yet still trained professionals, and the effects they have on their overall mental health.
I thought that this article definitely was a reliable and useful article. The author showed how the effects on the mental health of the individual in high stressful situation decreases. In this article it shows how a high-stress situations such as military or a nursing affects the human brain. They found that humanitarian work can definitely stress an individual's mental well-being and to see the negative effects on the individual made me change my perspective. I thought that this source was reliable and put a different perspective on the negative stressful effects when giving service to others. I feel like there can be an extreme which is shown in this article of those who neglect them self and don't take care of himself but only serve others. This can diminish your mental health and overall create more problems. I thought that this service would be able to help towards the project in general.
Watson, Stephanie. “Volunteering May Be Good for Body and Mind.” Harvard Health Blog, 30 Oct. 2015, www.health.harvard.edu/blog/volunteering-may-be-good-for-body-and-mind-201306266428.
I thought that this source was very useful and very reliable in the fact that they gave good research and results. In this study Harvard students observed those who rendered service to others and the health benefits that come from it. I found the city interesting, because normal study show the mental health benefits from serving others, however, this study gave physical health benefits that come from serving others. They found that those who serve others have lower blood pressure leading to better health. They found that those who are not very active that begin to render service to others lower their blood pressure coming healthier. They also found other benefits that come from serving others, including mental health. In the study a Rodlescia Sneed, a doctoral candidate in social and health psychology at Carnegie Mellon UniversityMany found that, “volunteer work to be helpful with respect to stress reduction, and we know that stress is very strongly linked to health outcomes,” We know that stress is a big aspect of life in this high stress, fast moving world. To know that there is an act to take to reduce stress, increase mental and physical health, will help the population of the world and help us become the world that good people need. I thought this resource was very reliable and cited the sources used, research has shown, and gave convincing evidence of their case. I thought it brough specific data to my research project which compared to other sources will benefit me greatly.
Yeung, Jerf W K, et al. “Volunteering and Health Benefits in General Adults: Cumulative Effects and Forms.” BMC Public Health, BioMed Central, 11 July 2017, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504679/.
In this document a lot of research was done to find the health benefits of those who serve others around them. I found the industry source that they talked about different health benefits over the general population of adults. The research shows in their study that participation in voluntary services is significantly predictive of better mental and physical health including, life satisfaction, self-esteem, happiness, lower depressive symptoms, psychological distress, and mortality and functional inability. As proven recently, the health benefits of volunteering are not due to self-selection bias, although there are many results in the studies I find it very useful that they had a slight amount of research and reliable data. In this research program they studied a group of adults who took a survey in 2004 in Texas of a general group of adult right amount of data. I enjoyed using this resource because it gave it in the format of the scientific method, making it easier to read and more organized. This resource was very specific and reliable. In this source I learned about different health benefits from serving. I found this source reliable because they used a specific example in their research and gave scientific evidence to support their claim. I found this to greatly benefit my research and sources because of the relevance to their study. Compared to my other resources I found this source one of the more reliable sources to add to my pool of data, however I wish the source went in more depth and gave greater detail on their study.
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religion and politics
7-The abuse of the Great Prophet Mohammed (pbh), vs. freedom of speech
Islamic and Arab reactions were limited to the recent abuse by a Danish newspaper of publishing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad on a series of official statements that did show a respectful picture about the prophet Mohammed (pbh) and it caused harm in the hearts of Muslims everywhere.
perhaps because of the failure of many official and civil authorities to take a firm stand or to resort to the best ways to respond to the obvious insult to Islam and Muslims; the Danish government and some other extremist media, in the abuse, by reprinting the cartoons again in a magazine. The Danish prime minister refused to meet with Arab and Islamic figures to talk about the position of Islamic countries on the event, as well as the rejection of a lawsuit in a local court in Denmark; Claiming that there is no law criminalizing what the local newspaper did.
 Fickle crisis:
Denmark's Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, published on September 30, 2006, a competition to select the best caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.
According to the newspaper, which defended the idea as "intellectual freedom," or what we called here freedom of speech it received more than 30 drawings, claiming 12 of them won (!!), before publishing these drawings on the pages of her footsteps.
 The abuse was not the first in the history of exposure to Islam and Muslims in Western countries, but the persistence of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which Muslims love more than themselves , caused a large reaction to Muslims everywhere, Denmark, where Muslims found no means other than mass demonstrations, gathered around 10 thousand Muslims.
 The recent crisis did not witness any violence, where only Muslims there to take part in demonstrations, Rejecting the extremist newspaper and demanding a big apology.
I would say  again that freedom of speech is important value as the video says ,but when it cause a harm for a 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, then we should not called “freedom” at all.
8-Jehovah witnessesÂ
Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to transfer blood to a patient, even if it leads to his death!!
They deny it, even in serious surgery. One time a little girl needed blood transfusions or else she died. And her father said, "Behold, let the will of God be, and we shall not break the law!
In the first was the American judiciary against them, in the interest of the lives of people. Now there are many judgments in their favor. Where judges say that man is the master of his body. If he is sound, he can explicitly prevent surgery for his life. And the doctor does not force the patient to transfer blood in surgery, otherwise falls under the rule of the judiciary. There is a view declared by the Supreme Court of Kansas in America: that the law does not allow the doctor to impose his opinion instead of seeing the patient in any form of deception. Do not deceive the patient and transfer his blood even if he is under anesthetic. But saw the doctor subject to the opinion of the patient.
 What is strange about their rejection of blood transfusion is that they claim that these are the teachings of the Bible! While all the verses on which they rely, it prevents the eating of blood (i.e. drinking), and not blood transfusion through the veins (injecting for example).
"Every living creature will have food for you, as the green grass has given you all, but flesh with his life, his blood, do not eat it."
And in Quran: book of Islam there also Prohibition for drinking blood.
“He has forbidden to you only carrion, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that over which any name other than God's has been invoked; [139] but if one is driven by necessity - neither coveting it nor exceeding his immediate need -no sin shall be upon him: for, behold, God is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace. -chapter 2: verse 173 Al-Baqara (The Cow).
9-History of the suffering of blacks in America
After the invaders destroyed the Crusaders most Native American Indians found that the reclamation and cultivation of tens of millions of acres on the almost all western European countries have begun to implement that African Negroes are one of the strongest types of human beings and most skin  patience and  can bear the hardships and harsh atmosphere.
Thousands of European ships loaded with soldiers armed with guns crossed the west coast of the Black Continent carrying death and destruction to most of its inhabitants, kidnapping and enslavement and humiliation for life for those who survived them.
In just 50 years, nearly 40 million Africans have been kidnapped and deported and sold as slaves in the markets of America and Europe, of every 10 Africans perhaps only one was captured and the other nine were killed by invaders
140 million Africans were captured and tied in chains to Europe and America on the ships. About 40 million only are already arrived and 100 million died of starvation or disease or killed in the road and dumped their bodies in the sea.
As a reaction to the revolution of blacks against racism in the sixties of the last century made (Islam) slogan and the message of their revolution! At first deceived by a person named himself Alija Mohammed claimed to be a prophet and founded a group called "Nation of Islam"
Alija Mohammed exploited the ignorance of people to distort Islam completely and summarize that black is the color of good and white is the color of the devil, and so was the war and racism between the white devil and black angels this was followed by young Malcolm X.
When Malcolm X traveled to Mecca and read about the true Islam, he returned with the correct Islamic thought.
There is no difference between white or black and that our master Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets and not the Antichrist Alijah Muhammad said.
Martin Luther King was the Christian version of the new Malcolm X. The difference between their messages was that Martin Luther's call focused on peaceful resistance and calling for a kind of civil disobedience without any friction on the part of the blacks with the security forces no matter what they suffered.
While Malcolm X has made a major difference in his call, he calls for peaceful change, but if you encounter any impediment, you must resist it vigorously and prevent and engage with it
In one term today and even after Malcolm X, and martin Luther king ,black people still  suffering from sort of racism and we still have today some Black men being harassed by police men and in the video we can see how the police shoot unarmed black person who were telling them clearly that he does not have gun.
10-Jewish community and sensitivity in today’s politics
      Since biblical times, Jews have embraced the doctrine of monotheism, Judaism, which involves both a religious and a national concept. By the beginning of the eighteenth century, most of the Jews of the world lived in Europe, where they were isolated in ghettos and had little interactions with them. The Jews administered their own affairs within the community, based on Jewish law (Halakha), a law developed and developed by Jewish scholars over hundreds of years.
In the 19th century, Europe was swept by a wave of national liberation and vigilance. This wave also penetrated the walls of the ghetto, giving rise to more liberal attitudes towards education, culture, philosophy and theology. This wave also resulted in a number of Jewish intellectual movements, some of which followed a liberal religious trend. While others adopted national and political ideologies. As a result, many Jews have moved away, and most of them have become Orthodox (Orthodox), some of whom have tried to integrate fully into the whole society.
Internal dynamics among Jewish groups
Since there is no clear separation between religion and state, one of the central issues that cause controversy among different groups is: to what extent should Israel highlight its religious identity? While the leadership of the Orthodox Jews extends the scope of religious legislation beyond personal status matters (where the Orthodox religious establishment is unique to judicial powers), a non-religious public sees religious coercion as an infringement of the democratic nature of the state.
One of the issues constantly revolves around the question of what elements are required to be identified as a Jew. The Orthodox sector insists that this definition requires that a person be born to a Jewish mother, based on the provisions of Jewish law. Secular Jews see that the measure of this definition must be the individual decision of a person to define himself as a Jew. As a result of this controversy, efforts have been made to find legal means to determine the dividing line between religion and state. Until a comprehensive solution is reached, the various parties rely on an oral agreement reached on the eve of the establishment of the State, known as the "status quo", which provides for no fundamental changes to the situation in relation to religion.
Today there is some sensitivity talking about issues related to Jewish doctrine community because of the Palestinian issue. The conflict about who own the land of Jerusalem and to whom it will be at end of time is still going on. Â Even the United State politician have their reservation talking about this issue. In the video two surveys have been taken, the first show American Jews critical about Jewish politics and the second survey 80% of the rabbis said they avoided expressing their own stance and it is conflict with Palestinian quote unquote out of fear.
So this conflict is still have its religious dimension even in our university today there is both movements from both Jewish and Palestinian and both have their supporters.
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Made a cover for my Mother 1 playlist.
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dog friends
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