#payment tracking software onlinepayment collcetionsoftware
Why Automate to get paid Faster
Automations across the board save you time and money. And time is money for a busy entrepreneur.
But the benefits of automating invoices extend beyond that—especially if cash flow ebbs and flows. Automated invoicing can help you get paid faster. Sample data from 2016 reveals that micro businesses (turnover < Rs10 crore) had a greater burden of delayed payments with median days sales outstanding (DSO) of 79 days, followed by small businesses (turnover < Rs50 crore) at 72 days.
Comparatively, large companies enjoyed much quicker payments at a DSO of 56 days. The construction sector was the worst hit, with micro businesses waiting 180 days to receive payments. In manufacturing, micro businesses had a DSO of 85 days compared to 54 days for large corporate entities.
Plus, automated invoicing means your books are always up-to-date. Access to real-time financial records and reporting is crucial if you’re always on the go. (You’ll really appreciate this during tax time too.) This is why TrackPayOut would be doing your job easy.
Feature of TrackPayOut
Complete dashboard of your all Oustanding Payment,follow up, Invoice payment status & many more.
Payment Tracking System
Payment Tracking Software
Financial Reportingand Analysis
Online PaymentTracking
Online PaymentCollection
Automated InvoiceProcessing
Invoice ProcessingSoftware
Online PaymentCollection System
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