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birpaylass · 2 years ago
Birpaylaş Olarak Sizlere Bir Nebzede Olsa Yardımcı Olmak Adına Araştırmalar Yapmış Bulunuyoruz. Arasından En iyi Tercihleri Sıralayıp Sizlerle Paylaşacağız. Şimdi Akıllı Telefon Almadan Nelere Dikkat Edilmeli?.
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16c17 · 6 months ago
She’s with Kayla, obviously Pazzi broke up and Paige is bringing her new girl on a date. So… Kaige or Payla?
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vitas-posts · 3 months ago
bugun dunya kopekler gunuymus surekli paylasiyordun artik neden paylasmiyorsun paylas vitacim eski aktifligini ozledim
Eski sevgilimin günüü
Merkatan bakıyodum hergünde artık bakmıyorum
Bakarım bundan sonra
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imaginespazzi · 5 months ago
I think a Kayla x Paige fic coud be cute. Look at Paige insta post, they look good together 😘
Kayge? Payla?
Clearly she fits Paige's type...
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nefretim-kazand · 7 months ago
"Bizi bilmeyen ne bilsin, bilenlere selam olsun."
Dede Korkut kopuz teline mahsus
Destan başlayınca hey'le bilinsin !
Yirmidört boy soyda önemli husus
...Oğuz Han otağı toyla bilinsin
...Uçmağ tadı, okla yayla bilinsin !
And içen ecdadın haklı yurdunda
Töre,dil ve kültür yüklü yurdunda
Dahil mazimizin rehber kurdunda
...Kül Tegin,Kür-Şâd'ca huy'la bilinsin !
...Sıfatın âlâsı bey'le bilinsin !
Boyların has beyi yiğitin ası
Giymişsin kimliğe en şanlı libası
Ki Ahmet Yesevi harcının hası
...Bizim dergâhımız böyle bilinsin !
...Himmeti aldığım payla bilinsin !
Hacı Bektâş Veli, Sarı Saltuk'un
Yunus'un âlimi,şeyhi,Tapduk'un
Târifi yok ise nimete dokun
...Hakikât bağında Hây'la bilinsin !
...Erenlerin dağında ney'le bilinsin !
Anadolu ,Sultan Osman'ın yolu
Türbesi,ereni,yiğidi dolu
Toprağın altında uygarlık kolu
...Nehir,dere,gölle, çayla bilinsin
...Şehri,kasabası, köyle bilinsin !
Tarih sayfasında düne götüren
Türk'çe sözü ile beni getiren
Vatan Millet olup hilale eren
...Mustafa Kemâl'dir söyle,bilinsin
...Albayrağım yıldız ay'la bilinsin !
Alsancak altında açan Mehmet'çik
Şehitlik şerbeti içen Mehmet'çik
Melekler yolundan geçen Mehmet'çik
...Yıkanır zemzemli suyla bilinsin
...Peygamber kucağı öyle bilinsin !
Ki; her sabah ezan sesiyle uyan
Duâyı camide hûşûyla duyan
Kur'an'da manevi hazlarla yuyan
...İlimlerin başı Hû'yla bilinsin
...Bilgenin nûr sözü rey'le bilinsin !
Bizi bilen bilir,lâf bilmeyene
Okyanus ötesi başı eğene
Türk Dünyası değil, Arap diyene
...Türk'ler ; Börk başlı Âl-tay'la bilinsin !
... ...Parlayan tuğları soyla bilinsin !
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allahsizbugra · 2 years ago
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intihar mektubum > paylas 👈🏻🚶🏼‍♀️💅🏻👍🏿
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acid-gramma · 5 months ago
nej senin yesilimsi ve sapı mavi olan gunes gozluklerin var ya nerden onlar cok begeniyorum ve asla bulamiyorum bnimle paylas lutfen😭😭🙏
prada ama eski sezonlardan
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yuregindenyarali · 5 months ago
her seyini benimle paylas beni seni her zaman anlarim diyen ablama palavra siktigi icin hicbi sey anlatmiyodum simdi onceki sevgilimi,sigarami alkolumu ogrendigi icin milletin icinde dovcekti beni neymis buyudugumu kabullenemiyomus abla ne diyon ati alan uskudari gecti
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bitmeyenkaoslar · 6 months ago
Ne zaman istersen blogunda paylas sarki ben dinlerim)
ben cok rb yapiyorum paylassam da görmeyebilirsin hahsakaşsnslaösl
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harepare · 1 year ago
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baglabetonusuyaatla · 10 months ago
Yok mu şöyle güzel sözler. Paylaşta nasiplenelim
Yok varsa sen paylas
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cehennemindibindeki · 10 months ago
Amini sikerim tumblr paylas post attigim seyleru
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delifurkan · 2 years ago
cagri sinci’nin lobotomi parcasini cok seviyorum. melodisi, sozleri bir yana; sozleri arasinda beni cok etkileyen bir kesit var. cagri sinci sanki orada sarkiyi falan birakip kendiyle yaptigi ufak bir sohbeti bizlere sunuyor. aynen soyle sozler:
dedim “nedir hayatin anlami?” durup dusundu. sonra guldu. “benle kesin paylas eger cozersen bi’gun”
-buradan sonra sinci, diger benligine yukleniyor-
dedim “basit, hayat sacmaliktir sacmalik butun. biraz karbonhidrat tuket, sonra birazcik tutun”
-diger yani cevap veriyor-
boyle diyenler kacarlar hep, sen hala burdasin ve sacmalik vazgecilmezdir kacmayan icin..
-tam bu noktada dinleyici olarak “vay amk ne guzel vazgecirmis kendini” diye dusundum. ama sinci beni ters kose yapti ve sunlari dedi-
belki yarin oyle olmaz yok garantisi bilirsin bazen insanoglu aniden karar verir bana rol yapmayi tarif et bi’ gun, aklim ermez hic bu toplulukta oyunculuk marifet midir? ben misafirim, sacim siyah ruhum afrikanidir kendi irademle bitiricem merasimi..
vay anasikim. tamam butun sarki cok anlamli ama bu kesim nedir ya? bir insanin icsel hesaplasmasi bu kadar mi guzel tasfir edilir? bunu kafiyelere, ritme oturtmak ne kadar zor bilseniz.. 
bence bu parca sanattan daha otede bisi. saglikli bir insan boyle bir sey yazamaz, yazmamali. elbette buna denk bircok parca biliyorum bilmediginiz ama, bu parcanin yeri cok ayri bende..
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izahtanvareste · 1 year ago
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“Kör olasın demiyorum
Kör olma da
Gör beni..”
Diyor şâir… Benimse duyurmak istediğim ne bir iletim ne de muhatabım yok artık, bu kara düzen çağ, bu kara yüzlü toplumda neye uzansam elimde bir kül, ağzımda bir küf tadı kaldı.. Demeden geçemem ayrıca; Şiirler yaktığım Mavi Denizden ise bir kara is, genzimde…
Önceleri “bu hassas kalbim vazgeçmeyi öğrenirse çok üzülecekler” diye safça bir heyecan duyardım.. Bu saçma fikir içten içe güçlü tutardı bir yerimi, içerimde.. Şimdiyse vazgeçmek mi denir, umursamamak mı, akışına bırakmak mı adı her neyse ona çok yakınım ve ne kazanmak ne kaybetmek gibi bir şey; göğsümde asılı olan.. Kaybetmeye daha yakın belki de çok az bir payla. Sanırım vazgeçmeyi beklerken yılgınlığı kazandım. Evet evet.. Yıldım. “Yıldırın” emriyle bezenmiş insan suretli yıldırımlarla mücadele edersen yılarsın. Yılansın?! Yılanlardanım artık.. Vay be, şimdi keşfettim bak! Yılmak insanın kalbini süründüren bir eylem.. Sürüngen.. Oysa ben kalbimi, portakal ve nar çiçekleri eşliğinde bir şiir tacirine satmak isterdim, kazancı bir göz aydınlığı ve hoş sohbet olsun; şu bir ikindi vakitlik alçak dünyada.. Güyalar ve rüyalar boş he?! Yılgın ve dalgın düşerken yola ben, siz şehrin insanları, ne kör olun ne de görün beni… Lâ Ubalî diyorum arapça, Umursamıyorum.
Ne kör olun ne de görün.
“Hiçbir pul hiçbir zarfa yakışmadı
Hiçbir zarf üç beş satıra..”
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 2 years ago
Phoenix Blood
Chapter 1 Accident
A girl woke up to her alarm going off loudly, she groaned and rolled over to turn it off. She then laid back down and tried to go back to sleep, till she heard her mom calling her.
"Hey Payla, hurry up and get ready your breakfast is getting cold!" Her mom called out.
"Ugh, coming mom." Payla called out and begrudgingly got out of bed.
She sat up and rubbed her eye's before getting out of bed and going up to her wardrobe. She opened it up and got out her school uniform, which was a blue knee high skirt, a short sleeve shirt with a red bow on it. She didn't really like to wear uniforms and preferred to have her own wardrobe, but her school had a strict school dress code and students had to wear the clothes that the school provided them. So she just sucked it up and dealt with it as her parents worked hard to allow her and her siblings to go to the school as it was a private school and wasn't cheap.
"Ugh mom dad why can't me and my siblings just go to a normal school with no dump dress code. I can still have great opportunities with a normal highschool degree as long as my grades are good." Payla said to herself as she slipped out of her Pajamas and into her school uniform.
She then went down stairs and sat in the kitchen with her family. Her family consisted of her parents, siblings, grandparents, aunt's, uncles, and cousins. They were a multi generation family and all lived together, however she had a problem with one of her male cousins named Kile as he was a problem child.
He'd act all kind and sweet around his parents, but when they weren't around he'd be a complete menace to society, as he hung around with a group of troublemakers. Not only that but he'd trick people into giving him money, by pretending he was homeless or had cancer. She always hated that about him, but she mostly avoided him and let it slide as she knew one day he would be caught and punished.
"Aw great another one." Payla's father groaned.
"What is it honey was there another murrder?" Payla's mother asked.
"Yes and this poor guy was killed by another Phoenix Blood." Payla's father explained.
"Huh? Phoenix blood? What's that?" Payla's younger sister Clementine asked.
"Um, I'll tell you another time kiddo I gotta get to work now, but when I get back tonight I'll tell you what Phoenix blood's are." Payla's father said before finishing his breakfast and heading out to work.
"Oh and Payla, your teacher called and told me that you were valedictorian in all your classes!" Playa's mother exclaimed.
"Really? I am?" Payla asked.
"Yeah I'm so proud of you sweet heart! We should celebrate! Who wants to go out to a steak house tonight after school?" Payla's mother asked.
Everyone got excited and raised their hands with joy in their eyes.
"Great! I'll make reservations for a good place today!" Payla's mom said.
"Awesome! I can't wait to eat some good steak!" Playa's older brother Thomas exclaimed.
"Yeah I like steak, it's really good!" Playa exclaimed.
Everyone else agreed and finished up their breakfast, they all then got their school stuff and set off to the train station to go to school. On their way there Payla got out her flash cards and started going through them as they had a test that day.
"Hph why are you always getting praised by Aunt Mary and Uncle Mark?" Kile asked angrily.
"Because I take the time to study and work hard while all you do is make excuses on why you didn't do well on a test and hang around those troublemakers." Playa explained.
"Hph well one day you won't be their little girl anymore and I'll be the king of the house when that happens. Now if you all will excuse me my friends are expecting me so I'll see you all later." Kile said then left.
"Ugh what's his problem he's such a nightmare! While I'm working my ass off to become a doctor, he lazy's around and hangs around those idiots and takes advantage of the other smart girls in our school to get good grades!" Playa exclaimed angrily.
"Just let it go because The Karma police will catch up with him and he'll pay for all the bad things he's doing." Playa's cousin Mechell explained.
"*Sigh* You're right, thanks Mechell you're much better than that ass hole." Playa said.
The siblings and remaining cousins then reached the train station and stood there waiting for it.
"Okay red blood cells carry nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. White blood cells are a part of the nutrafill division and destroy bacteria, germs, and viruses. Platelets are also a part of the healing process and stop the bleeding." Playa said as she went over all her notes for their test.
"Damn how you study this much gives me a headache." Playa's cousin Fred groaned.
"It's just easy for me to study, that's all." Playa explained.
"Well I had some help with this test, that cool anime cells at work helped out a lot as it made what goes on inside our body look awesome!" Playa's older brother Sebastian explained.
"I saw that it was very helpful when it came to studying for this test in science." Playa's older sister Scarlet said.
After some more small talk and Playa going over her flashcards the train arrived and they all got on.
Playa, her brother, and sister were in their history class waiting for their teacher to show up.
"Man, that science test was really hard!" Thomas complained.
"Yeah but hey we all studied hard and did our best... well except for Kile." Scarlet stated.
"Yeah and knowing him he'd possibly used a smart girl in our class to help him pass the test." Playa said while rolling her eye's.
Just then their history teacher came in and he got his stuff together before starting roll call. Once he was done with that he said "Great no one's absent today great job to all of you! Now today we'll be learning the history of a rare race of Phoenix bloods."
"Ohh I've been hoping we'd learn about this!" Thomas whispered to his sisters.
The two giggled and went back to focusing on what the teacher was saying.
"Alright So a few years ago during the Vietnam war. There were these two soldiers who no matter how fatally wounded they were would never die. After the war was over the government interviewed the two and asked them a variety of questions.
The two explained that they had no clue on how they were unable to die, along with that they had more powers aside from what witnesses had seen. The two could also control different types of fire, summon different types of weapons with their flames, and could summon holy creatures of fire.
Their abilities were like that of phoenix's so they were given the name phoenix blood.
However the more Phoenix bloods were found the more concerned the government became about them. This is because a large portion of the population would use their powers for entirely selfish and criminal purposes and they would often hurt or kill people with their powers.
Because of this the government stated that if anyone was discovered to be Phoenix Blood then they would immediately be put into custody till they are proven to not be a threat to humanity. Once this happens they are allowed to reenter society as a normal citizen under the condition they use their powers to help others. Until the day they break this moral code they will not be bothered by the government.
Unfortunately this has not stopped a certain number of scientists from performing cruel and harsh experiments on Phoenix Bloods, they do this by constantly killing them to quote "see what they can and can't die from." This is incredibly illegal and ones who are found doing this kind of thing will face the full extent of the law." The teacher explained.
Just then a student raised their hand indicating they wanted to ask a question.
"AH James what would you like to ask?" The teacher asked.
"Well Mr. Marco, how can we tell the difference between a normal person and a Phoenix Blood?" James asked.
"Well there's no actual way to tell as anyone could be Phoenix Blood, there could even be one sitting in this room right now. The only way to tell if someone is a Phoenix Blood is when they die, then their body burns up into ashes, and they are reborn from the ashes just like how they were before." Mr. Marco explained.
When he was done explaining that everyone felt chills run up their spines as that sounded pretty dark. Playa was also disturbed by this, but she relaxed as she knew the likelihood of her being Phoenix blood wasn't very high as they were pretty rare.
'Besides I've got plans for my future and all I want is to live a normal life like every other girl my age. If I was a Phoenix Blood then that would make things in my life harder and imagine dying then reviving with memories of your death and the pain you felt. Ugh no way hozay for me I don't want to live with the trauma of dying for the rest of my life." Playa thought to herself as she focussed on the class.
(Later that day)
Playa, her siblings, and cousins were all heading home and they were talking about what they went over in school today.
"Agh! I got a C on the test!" Fred groaned.
"Well it's better than what you got last time." Mechell reassured her brother.
"Yeah by the way did you guys learn about Phoenix Blood's in class today?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah, and wow their history is pretty dark. Same goes on how someone can find out how they're a part of this race." Mechell said.
"Yeah but it would be cool to have those powers!" Sebastian said.
"Too bad that the government views them as dangerous as a bunch of lunk heads who are a part of the race use their powers for selfish reasons and hurt people." Scarlet explained.
"Yeah... wait where did Playa go!?" Fred asked, noticing that she was gone.
"Oh no! LOOK!" Mechell screamed then pointed to the road.
The family looked and saw that Playa wasn't paying attention to where she was going as she was lost in the flash cards she made.
When the other siblings saw this they all ran to their family member in an attempt to save her. When the driver of the truck saw Playa he panicked and desperately tried to stop the truck before he made the biggest mistake of his life. When Playa heard the engine she looked and froze as she saw it coming right at her... then her world went dark.
The siblings and cousins froze by what they saw, Clementine buried her head in her older brother's pants so as to not see what happened to her little sister. The truck driver jumped out of the car and went up to Playa's body and was horrified to see the state she was in.
"Hey what happened- wow!" Kile walked up and asked before he saw what happened to his cousin.
Thinking fast Mechell got out her phone and called 911 hoping that they could still save her. However anyone who saw Playa in her state knew one thing, it was too late and she was dead.
"*Sniff, Sniff* Why do I smell smoke?!" Fred asked.
Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, however Scarlet started smelling the air as well and she too could smell smoke in the air.
"AHH!" The truck driver screamed in pain.
Everyone looked over at him and they saw that he was holding his hand, which strangely looked burned. They then looked at Playa's body and were shocked to see flames started coming off her body. The flames soon got bigger and bigger till they finally covered her whole body.
Everyone backed up as the flames consumed Playa's entire body and soon burned it to nothing but ashes. They all stood there in shock for a moment unsure what to do or say about it.
That is until the ash pile started to move and soon Playa emerged from it in shock and panic. She was good as new aside from her clothes being ripped up and blood stained she was fine. She then got up on her feet and looked at herself, when she remembered what happened she freaked out as she was dead and had come back to life.
Everyone around knew that meant one thing, she was a Phoenix Blood and now the government was most likely after her. Not only that but some twisted and corrupted scientist would most likely capture her and perform horrific experiments on her. She would die over and over again from those experiments and be in tremendous amounts of pain from it all.
"Playa! Listen to me, just take a deep breath and calm down okay." Thomas tried to reassure his sister.
However Playa backed away in fear before she started running away from the area in fear for her and her family's safety.
"PLAYA WAIT! UGH GOD DAMMIT!" Scarlet screamed.
"Okay why is she running away we're not going to hurt her!" Fred asked, confused.
"She's scared and she most likely thinks she's going to be arrested as stated in history class Phoenix Bloods are locked up till they are proven to not be dangerous to society!" Michelle explained.
"Oh right... well what the hell do we do now?!" Fred asked.
"Thomas Is the government going to take Playa away because she's a Phoenix blood?" Clementine asked.
Thomas looked down to his little sister, he then knelt down to her and said "No mom, dad and the rest of the family wont let that happen. Playa won't use her powers to hurt others, that's what the government is mostly worried about, the safety of others. Right now we need to get Playa to calm down and not do anything stupid, Fred your the fastest on the track team right?" Thomas asked.
"Yes I am. I won first place in all the track races we had in school." Fred explained.
"Good so put that to good use and chase down Playa and help her calm down enough. Once you do that, bring her home and the rest of the family will help her out in this. As for the rest of us, we'll tell everyone else at home about what happened and try to help them process this." Thomas explained to everyone.
They all nodded their heads in agreement knowing that it was all they could do right now in this situation. So Fred took off running after Playa to try and get her to calm down. While the other ran home to tell the adults about what happened and the newest discovery.
Meanwhile Kile had snuck away from his cousins and siblings to find his trouble making friends. He looked around the area for a bit till he found them smoking in a nearby alley way. One of them, Denis, looked up and saw him standing at the entrance.
"Yo Kile what's up I thought you had to go home to keep on your "good Boy" appearance to your parents." Denis said.
"Yeah man what's the big deal?" another one of them named Addie asked.
"Hehe well you guys I've got something very interesting to tell you all." Kile explained.
"And what's that?" Another boy named Carl asked.
"Well apparently my cousin who's the golden child of the house and family is a Phoenix blood." Kile said.
"Oh really she is? But wait, how does that have anything to do with us?" Addie asked.
"Hehe well I just so happen to know about a scientist who will pay 80 million dollars if someone turned in a Phoenix blood for their experiments." Kile explained.
When his friend heard that their eye's flickered with greed and their pupils turned into money signs (not literally just that thing you see on cartoons).
"HAHA well what are we waiting for! Let's get rich!" Denis exclaimed.
"Yes lets But we need to be smart about this. If my family finds out about what I did I'll surely be disowned and kicked out of the house." Kile explained.
"We know and don't worry bro we'll make sure that no one finds out about any of this. After all, living in a big house like the one your family owns is awesome! Who'd ever give up a life like that?" Carl explained.
"Yeah you're right, now let's get down to business." Kile said.
Him and his friends then left to go tell the scientist and get their money with nothing but greed filling their hearts.
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acid-gramma · 1 year ago
bir ara eyeliner cekisini asamali foto veya video seklinde bizimle paylas
ayrica hangi marka eyeliner kullaniosun goz seklimiz benzer ama ben asla boyle yapamiyorum aglicam
goz tipine gore eyelinerlar hep farkli duruyor zaten ya. cekerim ama bi ara
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