#paul going on a walk with his big scary dog for safety and the dog in question is his good friend john lennon
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bowielit · 3 months ago
one of my favorite johnpaul moments that i think about very often is that time when paul mccartney like idiot doofus the third told tv reporters that he's taken LSD and obviously got backlash and was explaining himself to a journalist and john jumped in like Yeah well the Tv Reporters shouldn't have fucking Reported on it it's not Paul's fault He got asked a Question what do you want him to do Lie? You want us to fucking Lie? This is all the fault of Big Media. Fuck you. and paul is sitting beside him like Yeah... :)
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bumblesimagines · 5 years ago
The Older Lahote
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Request: Yes or No
Because I have so many requests, the lovely and soft @magmagicstyle​ offered to help and ended up writing this request! Please give him lots of love!
Alright, I’m thinking a lot of things about this request and I ended up doing something at some point angsty and well, just long, but it will continue so… don’t worry it won’t end up being totally angst. I wanted to include the fact that the reader is soft and not moody at all with Charlie so I wrote that little moment in the woods. Also, yes, this will be a series because… I got permission from the little lady to do what my heart thought was right. I hope you like it! -Mag.
You were Paul’s older brother. To be honest, you were the moodier and stronger brother. You became a shifter before your little buddy; nickname that you liked to use when you were talking about Paul because teasing your brother and watching him get “mad” over something so little as a stupid nickname was way too funny; your size as a wolf was big, almost the same size as Sam’s and well, let’s say that the elders and Sam were confused by this. Of course that with a few months they grew used to this and well, now you were Sam second in command. 
Always helping him get the new wolves accustomed to their shift and well, their life as a pack. Of course, when you met them for the first time, the first thing that came to their minds was always these two words. Strong temper. When the new members of the pack saw your wolf form they could be easily intimidated by this, your dark (you could say that your fur’s color was a mix between your brother’s and Sam’s), big complexion and also your mental state showed you as someone strong that absolutely no one wanted to mess with. You always were the one who walked with the new member, to show them what things they could or couldn’t do depending on different situations. You took care of the threads, using every method that was necessary,  you were Sam’s right hand and helped him in everything he needed. You were in control always, even if you had a strong temper you didn’t let it go in the way of work you never played around or acted like with stupidity or like a little kid. That’s why it was a shock for the members of the pack when they saw you act like an excited puppy in front of Bella Swan’s father. 
The first time you saw the man; Charlie Swan; you haven’t gone through the shift, so you just thought as him as someone passing by, someone who wasn’t so special and you could easily forget in a couple of months. Of course that when you saw him for the first time you thought that he was quite handsome and well, maybe you had a few dreams about kissing him and doing some other things, but you would never admit that out loud. He didn’t look too young but also not too old, He was probably around his middle thirties (that was still quite older than you) and by what you heard from your parents he just got divorced from his wife that took their child away and was living in another state. This made you feel quite bad for the man because he looked genuinely sweet and caring, even if he acted quite awkward from time to time. 
You saw him a couple of times later that year and when he saw you he talked with you for a while, not really engaging in a long conversation but you didn’t expect a lot considering the fact that you were still a child finishing your high school studies. Still, he was always kind and patient with you, maybe because you made him think about his daughter  (even if you were at least ten years older than her). Even you could remember that in one of his visits; when you were some years older than the first time you saw him; you talked to him about some problems that you had controlling your temper, knowing that this issue was out of control around that couple of days, not really understanding why was that happening to you. 
Then; just a couple of weeks later; you went through the change of becoming a wolf and well, you forgot about your life before this. You even gave your brother a cold shoulder for a couple of months, understanding that being a young wolf and not really knowing how to control your temper would put him in danger of getting hurt because of you; and even if you liked to tease your brother, you didn’t want to cause him pain. Then he also became a shifter and even if your relationship was a little bit hard because of the months in between yours and his change, he eventually understood and you were already in good speaking terms.
The second time you saw Charlie you were in your wolf form, the pack was hunting some vampires that were threatening the lives of some people in the reserve and well, also the Cullens; and even if you didn’t like them so much (let’s be honest, the smell of death that surrounds them is horrible) you respected their power and also you wanted to protect the people that couldn’t protect themselves. You were alone in the woods when it happened. This man appeared out of nowhere, with a shotgun in his hands and a big jacket around him; at that moment you didn’t see him clearly but you couldn’t help but think that it was good that he had a jacket because of the cold weather  (of course this thought was quite weird for you because you didn’t have a relationship with the man, not even as friends). After a few seconds you reacted and turned to see him directly, he was frozen on the spot, his eyes wide as a deer in front of a car and you couldn’t help but think that he was quite adorable. 
Then, just in that exact moment; or maybe after a few milliseconds; of looking into his eyes, it happened, you felt how a thread pulled you and him, making you want to go and take care of him, making you feel the need to protect him, to be around him, to be his friend, his lover, to be the most important person in his life. In that moment nothing around you mattered anymore, the things that just a few seconds ago were the most important things in your life, those things were in a second or even a third-place compared to Charlie. In your eyes, this man became the most perfect and wonderful being in the entire world, his brown curls and chocolate brown eyes because the most beautiful features that a person could have. Your life, in that exact second, had a new purpose, this being the fact of making the man in front of you, as happy as possible.
After the storm of feelings that attacked you ended, you saw that Charlie looked quite scared of you,  making you whine softly, but then you had an idea, hoping it would work you just lay down of the grass, looking to the floor, trying to help Charlie to feel more comfortable around you. In that moment he lowered his weapon and put it down on the grass, approaching you slowly, carefully and almost with doubt. The man extended his hand and touched your head softly, patting it like you were some kind of dog. 
‘I can already imagine the reaction of the pack, fuck’  You thought and let out a soft sigh, and even if that wasn’t your intention, Charlie took that sigh as a happy one, so he sat by your side and kept caressing your fur. 
“What is a wolf as big as you doing here?” He asked softly, not really expecting an answer but still, not wanting to keep quiet about the situation.
‘Apparently, I’m here to imprint on a human... ‘ You thought while opening your eyes and moving your head closer to Charlie’s hand, just wanting to get more caresses and enjoying the fact that his imprint liked his wolf form. The older man in this moment chuckled as a reaction, he couldn’t believe the fact that this big and in some point scary wolf was acting like a puppy who was waiting to be adopted.
“Well, little one, I have to get going.” Charlie said, earning a soft ‘huff’ from the wolf, in some point because of the nickname that, well, for you it didn’t make any sense taking into consideration your size and also because you didn’t want to let him go and leave you, but you knew that he needed to be in his home, safe and where the crazy vampire that was attacking humans couldn’t harm him or even smell him.
In that moment you stood up and pushed him softly towards the end of the woods, wanting to go with him but knowing that you couldn’t do that. So you just moved him until he was close to the end of the backyard of his home, just wanting him to be safe. 
“Alright, alright, I see you want me to go home...” Charlie said in between chuckles, not really asking himself about how the mysterious wolf knew about his home but just thinking about it as a coincidence.
You stayed in the woods, taking care of his imprint safety, then, when you could hear Charlie inside his home, making himself some dinner and just fixing his things to get a good night of rest, in that moment you let yourself breath softly, relaxing and going back to your usual mental state; just thinking about how now that his imprint was alright, you could go and work like you were supposed to do. Slowly, you started to walk towards the woods, disappearing inside them and just looking around, having another reason for killing the fucking vampire that was hurting the people of Forks.
Just like this, your patrol hours were over and you could go home and take a shower, rest and just enjoying that this night you could sleep in your bed. You easily changed to your human form and put on some jeans, then you kept walking until you got home, from your sides you could see two wolves going to take their positions and start patrolling. On your way home you stopped by Sam’s, hugged Emily as a hello and as a way of calming yourself (even if you were moody and well, really intimidating, Emily wasn’t scared of you and often treated you as if you were her older brother, something that was quite comforting and well, she always helped you to feed your little buddy) and just went to talk to your alpha. 
“Sam.” You said, your voice sounding softer than it has ever sounded before, even if your stance was strong and quite similar to a soldier’s ready for receiving orders, Sam could see that you were nervous, also, there was the fact that you weren’t in your wolf form like you did always after a pratol because this way it was easier to inform him about the things around the reserve. 
“What happened, (Y/N)?” Sam asked while looking directly to your eyes, not really trying to intimidate you but also not allowing you to lie about the situation that happened before.
“I imprinted on someone.” You said, direct, firm and not really thinking about the possible reactions of your alpha, knowing that it was quite probable that he would be excited for you and that he would congratulate you because of this. You weren’t wrong.
“That’s wonderful (Y/N)!” Sam said with a big smile on his face and then went closer to you to give you a hug and a pat on the back. “Who are they?” He then asked, and stayed silent waiting for an answer.
“Charlie Swan,” You said, and in that exact moment, while you saw how Sam’s eyes became wider and how his smile disappeared while you heard how the door opened and the rest of the pack (except Embry and Paul; thank god; that were patrolling at that moment) entered the room like wild animals and just started talking or yelling their opinions and concerns, in that second you could feel how hell broke loose.
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actualbird · 5 years ago
nobody (okay, well, 2 people DID ask, but it’s too late to change the title of this essay series now) asked but here are three main humor techniques i apply a lot in my fanfiction | a 2k word long post where i talk humor theory at you for entirely too long
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I love humor. A good 75% of my personality is based primarily on whether or not it would be funny and thus, the study and application of comedy is something of a very big huge large interest of mine. I love watching standup comedy, I love telling jokes, but most of all, I love literature that makes me laugh. 
I write humor, and I put a lot of thought into it, and here, I will do the least funny thing ever: I will over-explain my jokes.
Before we do that, we must set some ground rules first. What is humor? Well, in Humor: Its Origin and Development, Paul McGhee contends that no single theory could encapsulate the entirety of humor. Additionally, according to McGhee, humor does not physically exist. It is, instead, a perception brought about by certain scenarios with certain characteristics. What we can take away from here is that first, humor is vast, and there are many ways to both explain it and achieve it, and second, that humor is something caused by certain other things. 
I do not claim to be an expert in humor, just an enthusiast, so what I will not be giving a cheat code to humorous writing. I will, instead, share three techniques that I frequently use and explain how they work.
The three techniques are the following:
INCONGRUENCY: Things that don’t fit.
SLAPSTICK: I hope that doesn’t happen to me.
CHEKOV’S GAG: If the gun is there, it better be funny.
My examples for each of these techniques will come from various sources of media. My examples of my own writing will all be coming from the most recent fanfic I have written, my Polygon Cyberpunk Red high school au “teenagers scare the living shit out of me.” Examples will sometimes have overlap in the technique they utilize, but I’ll try my best to keep everything clear on what exactly I’m trying to explain.
Without further ado, let’s jump right into it!
INCONGRUENCY: Things that don’t fit.
Göran Nerhardt, in McGhee’s book, states that “Humor is seen as a consequence of the discrepancy between two mental representations, one of which is an expectation and the other is some idea or percept.” Nerhardt’s definition of humor is one that relies on incongruity: wherein there is an element that is not in accordance with the other elements. An incongruous element is one that is not the expectation, and in this subversion of expectation, humor is achieved. 
In simpler terms, a congruent situation would be “A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.” An incongruent situation would “A man walks into a bar. ‘Ow!’ He says.” 
In the first example, everything is as expected, and in the second, the word “bar” has the characteristic of being a homophone, a word with different definitions. The second example takes advantage of the other definition of the word “bar”, that is to say a metal tube object, and thus the reaction of the man. 
Incongruency plays on the unexpected, the out of place, and the odd. This technique in particular I learned from writers like Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. They use incongruence, they use it A LOT but what I want to talk about is, first, its use as a descriptor. 
“The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.” -Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
“In a distant forest a wolf howled, felt embarrassed when no one joined in, and stopped.” -Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic
Description is a fertile ground for humor. You have a thing, there are expectations to how that thing will appear or act, and then you describe it in a way that’s unexpected. I pull this trick off in so many fics, but here is an example from chapter 4 of the high school au.
Mr. Hypo sits at the desk in front of the classroom, staring all three of them down. Vang0, Dasha, and Burger are seated in the stupid circle again, looking at Robbie as it powers up like a man with gout.
Incongruency here is Robbie, the animatronic. Expectation is that it will be described in a robot like manner. Reality is that I describe it having the same condition that occasionally ails my nearly 50 year old father. 
Aside from description, incongruence is also something I play around with in the events of situations themselves. The most clear example I can give is this scene, from chapter 6, is this:
Burger picks up the closest thing.
That thing happens to be Peter.
“Peter!” Burger looks at Peter in the eye as Edmundton picks up a chair and starts menacingly walking towards Burger. He says, very quickly “Do you consent to be used as a self defense projectile!?”
Peter, pigeonly, nods.
“Thank youuuuuuuu!” Burger yells as he throws Peter at Edmundton’s face.
The context of this scene is that Burger has just entered active combat. Combat is serious. Combat is deadly. Combat is hitting and getting hurt. So what’s something unexpected you can do in this situation to make it funny? Have Burger ask a pigeon if it’s alright with being thrown at an enemy, and then make Burger actually throw the pigeon at the enemy. 
Incongruence is something that is present in a lot of humor situations and it’s very, very fun to play around with. Messing around with incongruence makes you think about what is expected in writing and forces you to think outside of the box in a manner that will elicit laughter.
Let’s move on to our next topic now!
SLAPSTICK: I hope that doesn’t happen to me.
Kevin Casper in his article I’m so glad you’re fake! describes slapstick comedy as a physical type of humor wherein actions are done in an excessive, ridiculous, and sometimes violent manner. Slapstick is Mr. Bean exploding a can of paint to paint his apartment. Slapstick is Courage the Cowardly Dog’s eyes popping out of his sockets when he sees something scary. Slapstick is the ending of Polygon’s video on Slapstick and Doom Eternal (a very good video about slapstick and horror violence) where Pat Gill gets hit in the face with a tube of paper. 
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The excessiveness of slapstick creates a non-reality for viewers to enjoy in safety. It is a type of humor that revels in the suspension of reality, but more than that, it is a type of humor that you particularly gain enjoyment from because of the fact that it’s not happening to YOU.
Now, I use slapstick comedy sometimes, but I deviate from excessiveness and instead lean more into that last thing I said. I write situations that are funny and that you also don’t want to ever happen to you as a person. One example of “fuck, that’s hilarious, but I hope it never happens to me” is the following scene from Spiderman: Into The Spider Verse, where Miles Morales, invisible, has to find information on Doctor Octavia’s computer. When he accesses the computer, he is met with this.
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You don’t want this to happen to you. But damn is it hilarious that it’s happening to somebody else.
When I am creating scenes that I want to be funny, I think about whether or not it would be funnier if I made it excruciating for the characters involved. So excruciating that you really, really, wouldn’t want to be in that situation. An example of this technique in play is from chapter 4 of the high school au, where the gang are in a room they shouldn’t be in, somebody is about to come in and stop them, and they are all at the mercy of a program slowly, slowly uploading.
 “Hey!” The somebody outside says, jangling the doorknob more violently. “Club time is over, nobody should be in this room!”
“Vang0, how long until the program is done?” Dasha hisses.
“43% Uploaded,” Vang0 says, panicked.
“I can’t make technology be faster.”
“Who’s in there!” The person outside yells.
“Should I answer?” Burger asks.
“Do not answer.” Dasha says.
Burger nods. “I’m gonna answer.”
“Who are you!” The person outside yells.
“Do not answer, Burger,” Dasha says, sounding like this conversation is actively shaving years off of her lifespan.
“But he’s asking,” Burger looks at Dasha then at the door then at Dasha again, looking very nervous.
“Just lie then,” Dasha tells Burger.
“Gotcha,” Burger nods, determined, and turns to the door to yell. “I’M NOT BURGER CHAINZ.”
“Oh my god,” Dasha thunks her head onto Vang0’s shoulder. “Is it done loading, yet?”
“98% Uploaded,” Vang0 says, feeling his blood pressure in a way he’s never felt before.
I make this situation worse for the characters by making Burger completely fail at being stealthy. As one reader told me about this chapter “I love Burger, but if I were in that room, I would strangle him.” Exactly! It’s not a situation you’d ever want to be in! 
But the characters are in it and you get to enjoy their suffering from a safe vantage point as a reader. 
Slapstick comedy is all about making situations outrageous and ridiculous and something readers wouldn’t want to legitimately experience. It’s about tapping into your audience’s mind and wondering what they want to see but not want to go through.
And last but not least!
CHEKOV’S GAG: If the gun is there, it better be funny
The principle of Chekov’s Gun is a principle that emphasizes that objects in a story should have a use. According to Bill in Chekhov: The Silent Voice of Freedom, Chekov says “If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there.” 
Chekov’s Gag is that same rule, but instead of the gun going off, the gun better be fucking hilarious at some point. 
The first example I can think of is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. In the beginning of the movie, King Arthur stops by a castle and asks the guards to tell their master that he is here. This exchange happens:
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Now, this, on its own, is already hilarious. It plays on incongruence (guards being very enthusiastic about bird’s holding coconuts and the logistics of that), slapstick (if you were Arthur and you wanted to have a simple conversation, people suddenly talking about birds and ignoring you is not a situation you want to be in), but what about Chekov’s Gag?
To become Chekov’s Gag, this situation must be brought up again in a funny manner later in the movie.
And so it does.
An hour later in the movie, The Knights of Camelot are at the Bridge of Death. There, they have to answer 3 questions correctly. If they do not have an answer, they are shot into a deadly cavern of doom.
King Arthur steps up to answer his 3 questions. Here is what happens:
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The African swallow or the European swallow has achieved Chekov’s Gag-age.
Chekov’s Gag is something I’ve only started doing recently, in fanfiction. An example of this in the high school au is that, in the first chapter, I introduce two things. 1) Peter, an overfed pigeon, and 2) Robbie the RoboDog, an animatronic of the school.
Throughout the fic, I don’t forget about Peter or Robbie. I bring them up again and again and I make sure to make their presence not just integral to the winning of the final boss battle in chapter 6, but I make their presence funny.
Chekov’s Gag is a new trick I’ve started doing, and it definitely requires foresight and planning. It makes you think long term but at the same time forces you to think about the things you already have present in your story and make you re-evaluate just how else they could be used. If done correctly, the effect is hilarity, but also deep, deep satisfaction.
So there we have it! Three humor techniques that I use in my fanfiction. Shit that doesn’t make sense, shit you don’t want happening to you, and shit that you saw a while ago which you’ll see again later and when you do, it’ll be awesome.
Thanks for reading! 
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bbusallday · 8 years ago
BB19 Nighttime Updates - 7/27 - Day 37 (Complete)
Updater: Hannah & Madison
Recent evictee: Ramses HOH: Paul Nominees:  POV players:  POV holder:  Have nots: Josh, Kevin & Mark
7:01 PM – cam 1
Feeds return.
Paul, Cody and Jess in the lounge.
Paul is explaining why the vote flipped to them. He says it was a last minute decision and he doesn't want them to be upset with him because there were 7 votes to evict Ramses.
Cody says Paul and everyone has been so wishy-washy with him. Jess says everyone was whispering behind her back all week and she feels like a target now.
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Paul keeps explaining why they got rid of Ramses; he had the $25K, he was smart, etc.
Cody says he doesn't want to be an outsider.
Jess says 7 people lied to her face and some of them gave her their word.
Mark comes in and asks if he is in trouble.
Paul says no and they only left them in the dark because of the Josh situation with them and he didn't want the opportunity for them to try to get Josh out.
Cody says they just wanted confirmation that there was some trust in the house.
Paul keeps saying they can talk to all 7 of the voters and see that it wasn't anything against anyone, Ramses just had to go because he was sneaky and a dangerous player.
Mark asks if Paul sees how Josh treats them. Paul says he does but they just need to block it out because this is Big Brother.
Jessica tells Paul to keep his dog (Josh) on a leash.
Paul says Josh isn't his dog, he has no control over him but he sucks at this game. Paul compares Josh to Big Meech.
Cody says he wants to see actions moving forward to show they aren't outsiders.
Paul says they secluded themselves this week upstairs.
Jess and Cody say they didn't. Cody says rooms cleared every time he joined, no one would talk to him.
Paul is going on and on trying to reason with them why he got rid of Ramses. Cody, Jess and Mark are mostly quiet and if they talk Paul interrupts them.
Cody: How am I still looked at as a wildcard and not an asset?
Paul says he doesn't know, he doesn't control the house and he can't control their actions.
Jessica says she has walked in on convos all week so she knows this decision to get Ramses out wasn't a last minute decision and she expected the courtesy of being told what was happening.
Paul says it was a last minute decision.
Mark and Cody leave.
Jess: What's done is done and I'm over it.
Paul says it was unnecessary for Jess to say she has the temptation because she is assuming Paul would target her.
Jess said she made her agenda clear last week and had 2 weeks to build trust with the house and that was now broken.
Paul just keeps trying to explain himself, Jess isn't buying it.
7:01 Cam 3
Josh, Alex, and Christmas in the kitchen
Josh says there is no way Jessica got the temptation… he thinks Christmas or Kevin would have gotten it before Jessica.
 7:03 Cam 3
Matt and Christmas in the kitchen
They’re wondering if Jessica does have safety.
Matt says if Jessica does have safety telling everyone about it was a stupid move.
 7:06 Cam 3
Alex, Jason, Kevin, and Josh in the HN room
Alex says Jessica has to have the temptation because no one else has admitted to having it.
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Josh still isn’t convinced that Jessica has it.
They’re wondering why America didn’t give them the temptation.
 7:16 Cam 3
Mark and Cody in the bathroom
Mark says Elena is mad at him and the whole house left him in the dark this week.
Mark says Elena won’t even look at him.
Cody says he doesn’t want Elena and Mark split up this week.
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Mark says he feels pretty safe with Paul.
Mark: I’ve become an outsider.
Elena comes in… Mark asks if she is going to stay away from him. Elena says she is actively choosing not to speak to anyone right now. She leaves.
Mark says he has Jessica and Cody’s back.
Matt comes in. Mark asks if they’re good.
Matt says Ramses was shady and he was scared Ramses would win HOH. He says evicting Ramses wasn’t a personal attack on Cody.
Matt says the decision was last second and not premeditated.
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 7:22 Cam 3
Josh and Jessica in the front bedroom
Jessica tells him congratulations.
Josh says he only has a problem with Mark.
7:22 PM – cam 1
Paul, Kevin and Jason in the have not room.
He tells them about his convo with Jess/Cody, he did damage control for them.
Paul says he has to figure out if Jess really has the temptation though. They don't think Jess/Cody will both be safe.
Jason says Paul needs to just put both Jess/Cody up to get rid of the temptation.
Paul says he is going to.
7:23 Cam 3
Elena and Paul in the love room
Paul is explaining why they sent Ramses home (he won the 25K, he was gonna win HOH, etc.)
Elena says she is only mad that people she trusted lied to her face.
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Paul says if he told her he thought it would get back to Jessica.
Mark comes in.
Elena says again that her only issue is that she was left out of game talk.
Mark says he understands why Paul didn’t tell him.
Paul is saying that he didn’t tell Josh to attack Mark.
Mark asks if anything is changed with them. Paul says no, he or Elena have nothing to worry about.
Paul says Josh didn’t know he was staying, either.
Elena says she knew Ramses was leaving before the eviction and she is upset she had to figure it out by walking in on conversations and people quit talking. Paul says maybe she is just paranoid.
Paul leaves. (7:33)
Elena says she warned Mark that this was going to happen. She says she is fine to an extent because she wouldn’t have liked to have been a part of sending Ramses home, but she is concerned that people she trusted talked game without her and lied to her.
Mark says he noticed that Paul attached Elena to him, and he knows Elena didn’t want that to happen.
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Mark says he isn’t worried about Paul this week.
Elena says she knew definitely that Ramses was leaving by her conversation with Matt and Raven earlier.
Matt and Raven come in… Raven kisses her on the check.
They leave. Elena is even madder now.
Jessica comes in. (7:40)
Jessica: Every single person lied to our face.
Jess talks about how much she regrets not using the veto.
Jessica says the one person that straight up lied to her face was Raven. She says she can’t believe it. She can’t believe Raven is capable of that.
Elena talks about how mad she is that Raven kissed her on the cheek.
Jessica doesn’t like that Matt and Raven are with Jason and Alex now.
7:26 PM – cam 1
Mark and Josh in the main bedroom.
Mark asks what he has ever done to Josh.
Josh says he threw a drink in his face and disrespected him.
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Josh says Mark can be going through a tough time, but he went through one too and no one spoke to him or reached out to him.
Mark: That's fair.
Josh says he won't touch Mark's bed or him, but he's not going to be nice to him because he doesn't owe that to him after the hot sauce.
Mark: Cool.
7:30 PM  cam 1
Matt, Raven and Christmas in the bathroom.
Matt says when Paul won the HOH Mark celebrated, so now he sees how Mark feels about Matt/Raven and he knows he didn't want them to win.
7:31 PM – cam 1
Jason, Alex and Cody in the kitchen.
Cody says he trusted them.
They are explaining why they wanted Ramses out and that he had to go.
Jason says this all goes back to Mark flipping the vote week 1, if that hadn't happened then they would be in a good spot.
7:34 PM – cam 1
Christmas and Jessica in the bathroom.
Christmas says they are all still on board with Jess/Cody going to jury with them and staying in the house for a long time.
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Jess thanks her.
Christmas says she really enjoyed this week with Jess/Cody and them opening up with her more. She says they were showing who they actually are.
Jess says she gets the reasoning why they voted out Ramses and it is nice to have all the information now.
Christmas says no one ever mentioned Jess/Cody in their reasoning, the vote flip was just an opportunity to get a really good player out.
Christmas says she already told Josh to stop with the antics and that he said he is keeping it cool now.
Jess says that is good, but she still wants to be the one to take Josh out.
Paul, Matt and Raven come in the room. Jess leaves to go eat.
Christmas says it is good that Jess and Cody can be cool.
Paul tells them what he told Jess/Cody and that he didn't throw anyone under the bus, it was just a collective decision. He says they just keep going and don't throw anyone under the bus.
They agree.
Paul says he has a plan and he will tell them later, but step 1 is figuring out what the temptation is exactly.
Paul leaves.
Christmas says Elena is throwing a temper tantrum because she didn't get her way.
Matt agrees and says he loves Elena but she has been so shady this week.
Christmas seems to want to target Elena now.
7:43 PM – cam 1
Jason and Paul in the storage room.
Paul is telling him about the convo with Jess/Cody and to not throw anyone under the bus.
Jason agrees. Jason says he only threw Mark's name out to Cody.
Paul: You can plant the seed about Mark.
Paul says Jason needs to be careful around Cody/Jess though.
Jason says he knows and it is perfect that Paul won HOH this week.
Paul says one of them better win HOH next week and keep him safe.
Jason: We will have to.
Paul says he is about to make a big move and he needs them to back him up.
8:05 PM – cam 1
Kevin and Jason in the lounge.
Kevin says everything went fine for them today, they got exactly what they wanted. Kevin says they don't want to win HOH now and have to do all of that.
Jason agrees, but says he does want to win a HOH.
Kevin leaves and Jason starts cam-talking to his family.
8:07 PM – cam 1
Mark and Raven in the bathroom.
Raven is saying their move to get Ramses out wasn't personal against him or Elena.
Mark says it is just scary to be in the dark on a decision, he says he understands though and he loves her.
They hug and high five.
8:08 Cam 3
Jason and Mark in the parlor room
Mark asks if they’re still good. Jason says a bunch of people were gunning for Mark when Alex was HOH but they didn’t do it.
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Jason says they are still good and no one is bringing Mark’s name up.
Mark is worried people are going to come after him. Jason says it might happen.
8:20 PM – cam 1
Cody and Jess in the love bedroom.
They are talking about how everyone is kissing their butt. Cody says he was just  being nice to everyone and saying BS things.
Jess says she is so happy Julie asked her a question on the live show and she was able to tell about her temptation like that.
Elena comes in.
Jess says she bets Jason/Alex are scared because now they can't point fingers to try to get Jess/Cody nominated.
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Elena leaves and Mark is there now.
Mark says he can see where the house was coming from keeping this from him because he has an anger issue. Mark says he punched the bathroom couch.
Cody says he feels everything Mark is feeling.
Mark says he is happy Paul won HOH and not Matt/Raven and he isn't worried until he has a reason to be. He says he is happy Jess/Cody are safe too.
They discuss Josh. Jess wonders if Paul will take Josh out this week so he won't go to jury.
Mark: I'm nervous because I'm so naive in this game.
Cody says they feel the same way. Cody doesn't want Mark/Elena to get separated before jury.
Elena comes in, she is really annoyed by everyone and ranting about people lying to her. She has caught on to people lying to her when they were studying for the HOH comp because they didn't want her to win.
Cody says the 4 of them have really solidified trust with each other because they were the outsiders.
Elena: I'm going to go sit in the kitchen and make people feel awkward.
8:28 Cam 3
Alex, Jason, and Paul in the parlor room
Paul says he thinks Jessica is bluffing about her power so he is going to nominate her and Cody.
8:48 PM – cam 2
Cody and Mark in the love bedroom.
They are talking about Matt/Raven and that they do nothing but clean and cook and sit around.
Mark says he needs Cody/Jess and Elena to stay safe in this game.
Jess comes in.
Mark says this will be a good week, he is being optimistic. He says he feels good after hitting the couch.
Mark says if he ends up on the block he is terrorizing the whole house, he will be worse than Josh.
8:51 PM – cam 2
Paul and Kevin in the lounge.
Paul says everything Jess said is BS because she was on the block last week after she got the temptation so it doesn't make sense.
Kevin says Jess does have the temptation.
Paul says he is putting Jess/Cody up to see if they are bluffing and if they aren't he will put up Mark/Elena.
Mark comes in. Paul asks if Jess/Cody told him anything about the temptation.
Mark says he asked and Jess wouldn't tell him anything more.
Mark asks if they are looking at him differently because of how much time he spends with Jess/Cody.
Paul says Jess/Cody seclude themselves and the more Mark is up there with them it seems like he is secluding himself also.
Mark says he's not and he has been very open and honest with Paul.
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They talk about how they don't understand why Jess would tell about her temptation on the live show and assume that Paul was nominating her and Cody.
Paul goes back to explaining why they evicted Ramses.
8:53 PM – cam 3
Jess and Cody in the love room.
Jess doesn't think they will end up nominated this week. She says she doesn't want them to win HOH next week so they can compete the following week.
They think Paul will put up Jason/Alex or Josh and a pawn.
Jess says she isn't telling Paul anything more about the temptation. She says Paul won't want to waste his HOH and have no one go home though.
Cody says Paul is a liar. Jessica says Paul keeps saying he is an open book which is a lie.
Elena comes in. She thinks she is going up… Jessica says Paul wouldn’t do that.
 9:03 Cam 1
Paul, Mark, and Kevin in the parlor room
Paul is defending evicting Ramses again.
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Elena comes in.
They’re discussing Jessica’s power again. Paul thinks Jessica said she is safe for 4 weeks… everyone else tells him she didn’t say that. Paul says BB would never give someone protection until jury.
They’re all saying how Jessica’s temptation makes no sense.
Paul wonders why Jessica announced her temptation in front of everybody and assumed he would nominate her when that wasn’t his plan.
Elena is discussing how angry she is about being left out. Paul says it’s not worth being upset over.
Josh talk. Mark says Josh is a coward.
Kevin leaves (9:35)
Paul says he still feels like he could be nominated. He says they didn’t create an alliance last week, they just all decided to evict Ramses.
Mark tells Paul that he has his vote. Elena says he has her vote too.
Mark wonders if Jessica’s power is a reset week… Paul doesn’t think so. Paul says there is no way Jessica would be allowed to protect two people.
Paul leaves.
Mark is trying to cheer Elena up (9:49)
 9:21 Cam 3
Alex, Jason, Christmas, and Josh in the front bedroom
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Josh says Elena looked shocked whenever Julie read the vote.
Josh feels bad for Ramses. They’re all telling him not to feel bad because Ramses played them all.
Christmas says whoever out of Jody and Marlena that doesn’t go home will be gunning for them next week.
Christmas says when Jessica and Cody get HOH next week they will nominate 2 major players.
Josh says he doesn’t think Jessica has the temptation. He says Kevin would get it over Jessica.
Christmas says BB wouldn’t give safety twice, and Paul already got that temptation.
They all aren’t buying Jessica has a temptation that will keep her safe.
 9:55 Cam 1
Mark and Josh in the parlor room
Mark asks if they can be civil. Josh says no. Josh says they can have fun and he wants to torture Mark.
Mark asks if they can have fun like old times. Josh says no.
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Josh says he won’t touch Mark’s bed anymore, though.
 10:00 – Most of the houseguest are gathering in the parlor room to play a game
 11:10 – HOH room reveal
 11:35 Cam 3
Cody and Paul in the HOH
Cody is telling Paul that Mark was never against him (Paul). He says Mark always wanted to protect Paul.
 11:41 Cam 1
Mark and Elena in the love room
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Elena says she misses Ramses. Mark asks if Ramses leaving was hard on her… she says yes.
Elena discussing again how Matt lied to her earlier. She says she has caught Raven in a few lies before today but it didn’t affect her then.
 11:43 Cam 3
Cody and Jessica in the parlor room
Cody is retelling his Paul convo. He says Paul told him he’s going to make some moves but there is a method to his madness. They don’t know what that means.
 11:49 Cam 3
Paul, Matt, and Raven in the HOH
They’re discussing whether or not Jessica has the temptation she says she does. They think she’s lying about it.
Paul wants to expose the temptation by nominating them.
Paul says if he can’t nominated Jody he will nominate Mark and Elena.
Raven says Elena is really mad and won’t even look at her.
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Paul tells them Elena is mad at Matt and Raven for kissing her.
Paul says if they got rid of Mark Elena might bounce back to them (Paul, Raven, etc.) Raven doesn’t think so because Elena is so mad right now.
Paul wants to tell Elena he might use her as a pawn and then get Mark out.
Raven keeps saying that Elena won’t separate herself from Cody and Jessica.
Christmas comes up.
Paul is telling Christmas about maybe nominating Elena/Mark and getting rid of Mark. Christmas thinks that Elena will always play both sides.
More temptation talk.
Alex joins (12:22) and Christmas, Raven, and Matt leave.
Paul says they can trust Christmas, Matt, and Raven 100%. Alex says Jason is also 100%.
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Paul says no one has any idea how close he and Alex are.
Alex is worried about keeping Elena in the game because she’s such a good competitor.
Paul tells Alex his “genius” plan of nominating Elena/Mark. He says he will do that if Cody and Jessica can’t be nominated.
Paul doesn’t think anyone got a better temptation than he did.
Paul says Elena will only go home if Mark is vetoed.
 12:41 Cam 3
Paul and Mark in the HOH
Mark asks if he is going to be a pawn. Paul says possibly but probably not.
Paul says he is going to call Jessica’s bluff because her temptation isn’t real. Mark says if it is real then he will go up… Paul says that isn’t likely.
Paul: I know what I’m doing. I’m a million percent sure [that they’re bluffing].
Elena comes up, Mark goes.
Paul says Elena might be a pawn this week.
 12:50 Cam 1
Jason and Alex in the front bedroom
Alex thinks Mark will start divulging all of his secrets to Jason soon.
Alex tells Jason Paul’s plan. She says he can’t mention the plan to anyone because everyone is going to be tested on who knows what/who is giving up info.
 12:59 Cam 1
Jessica and Cody in the love room
Jessica says they need to figure out who Paul’s real target is because she doesn’t think that it is her or Cody.
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Jessica thinks Paul is going to nominate Cody so he can win veto and Paul can backdoor his target.
Jessica says if Cody is on the block at eviction she will use the hex on him.
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