#paul bogle
thechanelmuse · 1 year
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My Book Review
I finished this book a week ago. I’m still struggling to put my thoughts into words because this book jam packs a load of history in 430 pages. Where does one start? 
Bright Boulevards, Bold Dreams travels back in time to the founding of what would be Los Angeles in 1781 by a group of eleven families—forty four Black Spaniards— before building upon the land and establishing what would be the home of the film industry. This book spans six decades within the history of Black actors in Hollywood beginning with Madame Sul-Te-Wan, the first. It even includes those surrounding the Hollywood scene like dancer Carmen de Lavallade and Paul Williams, the foremost trailblazing Black architect who created the blueprint for the eye-catching structures and homes of the stars still standing firm today. 
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Bright Boulevards, Bold Dreams is a lot to take in from the bad to the good. It’s partly because the wealth of info would be more digestible had it been fleshed out further without creating a sweeping effect (like snippets) through moments in time to build the larger framework. After all, we’re talking sixty years. 
I’m a cinephile so I would’ve enjoyed more focus into the actual creation of a number of films, particularly the all-Black productions in those days. As for the gossip scene and the 👀 happenings in their world, here’s a snippet: Duke Ellington had an affair with Freida Washington, whom she felt was the love of her life. Duke wouldn't leave his wife so Freida did work in Paris to keep busy and get over him. When she returned, she ended up marrying a member of Duke’s band 🙃. Also, Lena Horne had an on and off-again affair with heavyweight boxer, Joe Louis. Might be hella messy and pearl-clutching in our world, but you gotta remember Hollywood is its own world. Small. They operate differently and nothing is swept under the rug in their society. Though discreet, everyone knew everyone’s biz.
I can’t even imagine the amount of research that went into making this book. It’s def worth the read. Just know that it may feel a little dense because it’s so many actors, gigs ands so forth spanning decades.
PHOTOSET: Madame Sul-Te-Wan, Ernest “Sunshine Sammy” Morrison, Ethel Waters with Freida Washington, Daniel L. Haynes with Nina Mae McKinney, Mildred Washington, The Nicolas Brothers, Eartha Kitt with Sammy Davis Jr, Joe Louis with Lena Horne, and the Dandridge sisters: Dorothy and Vivian.
SN: Off-topic. The author’s surname, Bogle, caught my attention when I first got this book, which had to be about about 10 years ago now. (Yes, this book has been sitting on my shelf for that long...among the other 600+.) The only Black Americans I’m familiar with with that surname are from Philly dating back to chef Robert Bogle, the creator of catering: 
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Whad'ya know? The author too is from Philly. I’m curious if they’re related. That’s a book in and of itself.
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mariacallous · 10 months
In August, a swarm of hopeless and horny romantics on Reddit disputed the pros and cons of Bumble, the dating app that requires women to make the first move.
“Besides barren wastelands like [Plenty of Fish] crawling with bots, scammers, hookers, and psychos, this app has to be the worst,” one user posted.
Said another, “Lots of fun conversations but ghost city when trying to get a number or plan a date.”
Other Redditors openly shared how they met their partners on the app, but the consensus was unequivocally clear: Bumble, like the majority of dating apps currently on the market, is bad. “If Bumble is the worst dating app, then what’s the best alternative—Tinder, Hinge?” asked one user. “They all suck so which one sucks the least?”
After a decade of swiping left and sliding into DMs, many people are now longing for a simplification of the dating pool. As with so much about the internet, online dating made everything accessible all at once and turned socializing into something of a competitive sport. Waves, swipes, likes, and roses embodied the desires of a generation of users ravenous to find connection however they could.
But the glow has worn off, and there is growing sentiment among young people that dating apps, once considered the future of romantic connection, are broken.
Facebook Dating is all old people. Raya is full of posturing. Hinge, which bills itself as the “dating app designed to be deleted,” conceals its most attractive daters behind a $50 monthly subscription (or, at least, that’s the theory according to a handful of TikTok users). As for Tinder, the app that revolutionized online dating when it launched in 2012, it “has become the dating air, or maybe the pollution, we all breathe,” writer Allison P. Davis observed last year, reflecting on the Olympian level of difficulty modern dating presents for many people thirsty for connection.
Dating app disillusionment is felt most strongly among college students, according to a new study from Axios and research firm Generation Lab. Most are forgoing regular app usage (79 percent) in favor of in-person connection, a fact that seems at odds with Gen Z’s innate gift for virtual expression on platforms like Snapchat and Twitch.
“Dating apps promised a quick fix to the messiness of love,” says Carolina Bandinelli, a professor at the University of Warwick whose research focuses on the digital culture of love. “Their promotional narratives spoke about reducing love to a simple procedure. Dating apps promised a love that ‘works.’ But they do not ‘work’ as they are supposed to, yet they create the expectation of love as an efficient business. Users get frustrated with this.”
That young people in college are choosing to forgo digital connection is not as shocking as the study suggests, says Paul Eastwick, a psychologist at UC Davis who specializes in the nature of attraction. “College students are in the fortunate position of being surrounded by many similarly aged peers, and their social networks are in a constant state of flux. Online dating sites and apps are typically going to be especially useful for folks whose networks feel frozen and who don’t have as many opportunities to meet new people through friends of friends,” he tells me. “So it makes sense.”
The culture of online dating will continue to evolve, as it has over the past decade. Although many young people are taking a more traditional alternative to apps—while also relying on options like Date Me docs—that has not stopped Gen Z from being vocal about the culture that surrounds modern relationships.
Since the publication of her 2008 book, Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus, Kathleen Bogle, a sociologist at LaSalle University in Philadelphia, says the biggest evolution in dating culture was prompted by women, who have brought more transparency to the dating process. “Platforms like TikTok have created space for women to upload videos talking about their issues with the hookup culture, such as not getting what they want relationally, feeling used, the double standard, and, in some cases, the lack of sexual pleasure for women,” Bogle says. “In previous decades, women may have felt this way but only talked about it with their own friendship circle, not online to thousands of followers.”
Online dating is now a multibillion-dollar industry. From 2016 to 2021, global subscription rates for apps increased by 81 percent. Analysts predict that despite market saturation and a current decline in user growth, companies will pivot to monetization by any means, a move that could further spoil what people believe is an already poor user experience.
The current techlash is a byproduct of the environment dating apps have contributed to over the past decade. We are inching toward what Bandinelli refers to as a period of post-romantic love in our digital society, where conveniences such as dating apps play a hand in rewriting “the ethical codes of love with the objective of building a notion of love deprived of pain, loss, and negative emotions.” In this new notion of love, if it should even be called that, the human experience that characterizes dating, its highs and lows, is flattened through machined exchanges.
In a quest to streamline romantic connection, it seems we are losing all that makes it worthy of pursuit. “With new technologies, there is always a period in which they seem to take over what was in place before,” Bandinelli says of then and now. “Then there is a counterforce, and people want to retrieve what seems to have been lost.”
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scotianostra · 6 months
Happy Birthday the Scottish folk singer/songwriter Brian McNeill born on April 6th 1950 in Falkirk.
Brian was a founder member of the Battlefield Band, one of our finest Folk Groups. He also joined several other top Scottish Folk musicians including Dick Gaughan in Clan Alba.
Brian is a multi instrumentalist – chiefly fiddle, bouzouki, mandocello, guitars and concertina – and the importance of his songwriting has long been recognised with such songs as The Yew Tree, The Lads O' The Fair, The Snows of France and Holland, Strong Women Rule Us All With Their Tears, Any Mick'll Do and No Gods and Precious Few Heroes. Many of his songs have been performed and recorded by artists worldwide. He has been described as ‘Scotland’s most meaningful contemporary songwriter’.
​Brian’s audio visual shows, The Back O' The North Wind, about Scottish emigration to America, and the sequel, The Baltic Tae Byzantium, exploring the influence of the Scots in Europe, have won wide critical acclaim. His long connection with America's Lone Star State led to him being created an honorary Texan by the then Governor George W Bush. For six years Brian was Head of Scottish Music at the RSAMD, now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.
Brian is increasingly in demand for his production skills and his album credits include Davey Arthur, The Paul McKenna Band, Lorne MacDougall, Rua Macmillan, Eric Bogle and John Munro, Matt Tighe and Tad Sargent, The John Wright Band, Drones and Bellows and Missouri a cappella quartet The Wee Heavies.
As well as his musical talent Brian has also turned his hand to writing, he pens short stories, crime and mystery fiction involving his hero, busker Alex Fraser and his heroine, private sleuth Sammy Knox.
Brian is currently on the road with the The Feast of Fiddles 30th anniversary tour.
A song Brian wrote is one of my favourite modern folk songs
No Gods And Precious Few Heroes
I was listening to the news the other day Heard a fat politician who had the nerve to say He was proud to be Scottish, by the way With the glories of our past to remember "Here's tae us, wha's like us", listen to the cry No surrender to the truth and here's the reason why The power and the glory's just another bloody lie They use to keep us all in line
For there's no gods and there's precious few heroes But there's plenty on the dole in the land o the leal And it's time now to sweep the future clear Of the lies of a past that we know was never real
So farewell to the heather and the glen They cleared us off once and they'd do it all again For they still prefer sheep to thinking men Ah, but men who think like sheep are even better There's nothing much to choose between the old vain and the new They still don't give a damn for the likes of me and you Just mind you pay your rent to the factor when it's due And mind your bloody manners when you pay
For there's no gods and there's precious few heroes But there's plenty on the dole in the land o' the leal And it's time now to sweep the future clear Of the lies of a past that we know was never real
And tell me will we never hear the end Of puir bluidy Charlie at Culloden yet again? Though he ran like a rabbit down the glen Leavin better folk than him to be butchered Or are you sittin in your Council house, dreamin o'er your clan? Waiting for the Jacobites to come and free the land? Try going down the broo with your claymore in your hand And count all the Princes in the queue
For there's no gods and there's precious few heroes But there's plenty on the dole in the land o' the leal And it's time now to sweep the future clear Of the lies of a past that we know was never real
So don't talk to me of Scotland the Brave For if we don't fight soon there'll be nothing left to save Or would you rather stand and watch them dig your grave While you wait for the Tartan Messiah? He'll lead us to the Promised Land with laughter in his eye We'll all live on the oil and the whisky by and by Free heavy beer! Pie suppers in the sky Will we never have the sense to learn?
That there's no gods and there's precious few heroes But there's plenty on the dole in the land o' the leal And I'm damned sure that there's plenty live in fear Of the day we stand together with our shoulders at the wheel Aye, there's no Gods
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
Please Share.
Row 1 Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Nat Turner, Martin Delany, Amos Wilson, Ida B. Wells
Row 2 Walter Rodney, Eusi Kwayana, Cuffy, Bussa, Sam Sharpe, Marcus Garvey, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba
Row 3 Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara, Steve Biko, Robert Sobukwe, Tavio Amorin, Cetshwayo
Row 4 Joseph Casely Hayford, Nzinga, Yaa Asantewaa, Taitu, Menelik II, Nehanda, Zumbi, Louis Delgrès
Row 5 Jose Correia Leite, Nanny, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Elijah Muhammad, Queen Mother Moore, Harriet Tubman, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Makandal Daaga
Row 6 La Mulâtresse Solitude, Carter G. Woodson, William Leo Hansberry, Joseph Cinqué, Chancellor Williams, Jean Price-Mars, Samory Touré
Row 7 Asa G. Hilliard III, Joshua Nkomo, Julius Nyerere, Nana Olomu, W.E.B. Du Bois, Madison, Funmilayo Kuti, Paul Bogle
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projetojameika · 2 years
Bogle era chamado de "Dancehall Master" e era mais conhecido por sua dança. Ele tinha a habilidade de criar danças aparentemente sem esforço e suas danças se tornaram extremamente populares.
Ele criou mais movimentos de dancehall do que qualquer outra figura, tais como: Willie Bounce (em homenagem ao amigo e membro do Black Roses Crew Willie Haggart ), Wacky Dip, Urkle Dance, Sesame Street, Pelper, LOY, Jerry Springer, Zip It Up, Hotti Hotti, World Dance, Pop Yuh Collar, Row di Boat, Out and Bad, Sweeper, Stuckie, mas ele é mais conhecido por criar a dança Bogle que leva seu nome artístico, qual por sinal é uma referência a Paul Bogle um Herói Nacional da Jamaica.
Na noite de 20 de janeiro de 2005, após entrar em uma briga com Beenie Man e sua comitiva, Bogle e mais quatro pessoas estavam em seu carro em um posto de gasolina, quando dois homens em uma bicicleta passaram, atirando contra o veículo. Eles foram levados às pressas para o Kingston Public Hospital, onde Levy, de 40 anos, foi declarado morto. 
A casa de John Hype, rival criativo de Levy, foi totalmente incendiada poucas horas depois. 
Após o assassinato de Bogle, Beenie Man ofereceu uma recompensa de 1 milhão de dólares jamaicanos pela captura dos assassinos.
O trabalho de Bogle vive ainda hoje em toda a comunidade dancehall como o maior dançarino da Jamaica de todos os tempos.
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 6 months
From April 15th to April 19th, 2024
GORKY'S ZYGOTIC MYNCI “The Blue Trees”; PAUL CHAMBERS “Bass On Top”; MIKE OLDFIELD “Tubular Bells II”; THE CORAL “Coral Island”; JEAN MICHEL JARRE “En Attendant Cousteau”; BILL RYDER-JONES “Yawn”; NOODLES “Ivy”; THE KATHRYN TICKELL BAND “The Kathryn Tickell Band”; THE BREEDERS “Title TK”; DE DANNAN “Anthem”
CAB CALLOWAY & HIS ORCHESTRA “Cab Calloway 1930-1931”; FAIRPORT CONVENTION “Unhalfbricking”; BUCKWHEAT ZYDECO “One For The Road”; R.E.M. “Dead Letter Office”; ERIC BOGLE “Singing The Spirit Home”
THE FALL “Code-Selfish”; THE SHAGGS “Philosophy Of The World”; RICHARD THOMPSON & DANNY THOMPSON “Industry”; U-ROY “Right Time Rockers”; SARAH VAUGHAN “Sarah Vaughan Sings George Gershwin, Volume 2”; GUNS N' ROSES “Appetite For Destruction”; THE JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET “In The Hand Of The Inevitable”; DOC & MERLE WATSON “Doc & Merle Watson's Guitar Album”; SMALL FACES “There Are But Four Small Faces”; BEAUSOLEIL “Bayou Cadillac”; AVENGED SEVENOLD “Avenged Sevenfold”; THE MONKEES “Headquarters”; BUFFALO TOM “Quiet & Peace”
THE BREEDERS “Pod”; ERIC B & RAKIM “Paid In Full”; CARTER THE UNSTOPPABLE SEX MACHINE “101 Damnations”; THE CURE “Faith”; GRATEFUL DEAD “Workingman's Dead”; DOLLY PARTON “In The Good Old Days (When Times Were Bad)”; BIKINI KILL “Pussywhipped”; DAVE SWARBRICK “Rags, Reels & Airs”; THROWING MUSES “Chais Changed”; CAB CALLOWAY & HIS ORCHESTRA “Cab Calloway 1937-1938”; SUDED “Bloodsports”; THE CURE “The Head On The Door”
MARTIN CARTHY & DAVE SWARBRICK “Byker Hill”; SEBADOH “Bubble & Scrape”; CAN “Out Of Reach”; JEAN MICHEL JARRE “Chronologie”; UNDERWORLD “A Hundred Days Off”; THE FALL “Levitate”; TIMBER TIMBRE “Hot Dreams”; ROBYN HITCHCOCK & THE EGYPTIANS “Queen Elvis”
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reggae-vibes-com · 6 months
Cimarons - Paul Bogle
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Cimarons - Paul Bogle. The song pays homage to the iconic Jamaican national hero and social justice advocate. #Cimarons #PaulBogle #NewRelease Read the full article
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silenthistorian · 8 months
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Paul Bogle: Born June 16, 1822, in Stony Gut, St. Thomas, Jamaica, and killed October 24, 1865. Bogle played a significant part in the Morant Bay Rebellion, which occurred in Jamaica, 1865.
Cincinnati, Ohio 📍Jamaica 📍
Publication: The Cincinnati Commercial
Issue Date: November 7, 1865
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thefootydiary · 1 year
We look at this evening's Premier League game between Sheffield United and Manchester United from Bramall Lane #SUFC #MUFC #SHUMNU #PremierLeague
Goals from Scott McTominary and Diogo Dalot saw Manchester United defeat Sheffield United at Bramall Lane this evening in the Premier League despite Oli McBurnie’s first-half penalty. Sheffield United manager Paul Heckingbottom named Wes Foderingham in goal behind a defensive 4 of Jayden Bogle, Auston Trusty, Jack Robinson and Luke Thomas. Vinicius Souza, captain Oliver Norwood and Gustavo Hamer…
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jamaicansdotcom · 1 year
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Descendant of Jamaica’s National Hero Paul Bogle Shares Truth About the Morant Bay Rebellion in Saint Thomas http://dlvr.it/SxJrBg
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itsrattysworld · 1 year
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Put On Record 31 Years Of Systemic Discrimination Of Munchausen By Proxy Is The Legacies I Am Creating To Free Future Windrush Generation From Being Made Criminals Like Nelson Mandela As I Was Cover Miscarriages Of Justice Where Richard Harty MIC At HOC Nursery From 2010 Equality Act Protected Characteristics Became Law I Signed Contract WCS 7/10/2009 LEYF Failed To Update HMCTS Claimed I Made Up Disabilities Read Letter To Dilys Epton Eve Of Mothering Sunday Depressed Dying Slowly Of Torture HCT Group Impact Report 2016 1 In 5 Of All Suicides Associated With Unemployment When I Did Not Commit Suicide We Are 600,000 Older People In UK Say They Leave Home Once Per Week Or Less UK Run By A-Z Career Criminals 11/10/23
Without Prejudice Does Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin Know History Of Westmoreland A Lady Who Got Shot In The Foot At Frome Name B Pie Because Of Sounds From Gun That Hit Her The Boy From Top Mountain Is Cousin Of Of Myna Nembhard Mervelee Myers’ Family Paul Bogle Gave His Life For His People 2023 In UK LEYF Get HMCTS CPS CJS Protection Cover Richard Harty MIC Am A Criminal Need ERT Housing For Women…
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demon-road-musings · 1 year
I'd be really interested in reading a summery of the last book if you could <:
Hi! Here is my chapter by chapter summary of the book! Sorry it took so long, and that it is so long, I just really wanted to do a detailed one, also for my own reference.
I will post a couple paragraph long one later for people who don't wanna read all that garbage and just wanna get the gist of the main plot points lol, but I really wanted a version that covers all the sideplots as well, so this version is more for people who wanted to read the book but cant for whatever reason. Feel free to send in asks if you want any extracts of specific scenes, or if you want something explained more in depth. Spoilers, obviously!!!
Chapter 1 - 3. We meet Amber in a department store, on a mission to collect an offering for the Shining Demon from a man named Paul Axton (as she is now the Shining Demon's representative, following the last book). Axton has dozens of creatures called Bogles as pets, and they tie Amber up and lay eggs on her (leading to the quote in my blog's title). Axton refuses to give his offering. Amber escapes, leads the Bogles to the alcohol section and gets them drunk as they cant resist alcohol, then goes to find Milo, who is tied to a display table.
Chapter 4. Amber brings Axton to Astaroth (the Shining Demon) and asks Astaroth when she will be able to pursue her parents, as Astaroth wants her to hunt them down for him, but he keeps giving her other jobs before she can get close. Astaroth tells her to be patient. She raises her concerns about hallucinations she's been experiencing since consuming the vials of Astaroth's blood that she received from him in Book 2. She drinks the vials for strength and has 2 remaining. Astaroth tells her the blood will drive her crazy, but that it does not bother him as long as she is useful to him. Amber leaves Hell.
Chapter 5. Amber joins Milo in the Charger, he asks her about the conversation with Astaroth and Amber lies and says that Astaroth said the vials are safe. They discuss plans to hunt down Amber's parents and backstab Astaroth. Amber snaps at Milo because she thinks he's lecturing her about being Astaroth's representative and reminds him that she wouldn't be a representative if Milo hadn't gotten himself kidnapped by the Hound in Desolation. Milo asks if Amber regrets saving him, if she thinks he deserves to be in Hell, and Amber softens and tells him no.
They book into a motel, and while they are in the lobby, a young girl comes in and steals Amber's bag.
Chapter 6. Amber chases after the girl and reclaims her bag. The girl's name is Clarissa and she's homeless. She has a very bold, lighthearted personality and manages to somehow convince Amber to buy her a meal. Amber and Clarissa eat together and Clarissa opens up about how she ran away from abusive step parents. While Clarissa is in the bathroom, Amber hallucinates her demon self telling her that Glen's death is her fault. They finish their meal and Clarissa is about to leave when Amber offers to pay for her to have a room for the night.
Chapter 7. In her room, Amber sees vampire Glen on the roof of the motel. She goes onto the roof and tries to reason with him and get him to stop following her, but he doesn't respond to her and eventually steps off the roof and disappears. Amber goes onto her In The Dark Places forum and finds that her friend, Balthazar's Arm Candy, is not online, so she sleeps. She has a nightmare about her dead brother, James, trying to save his girlfriend Molly from Amber's parents. She then dreams about a funeral home named after a man called 'Stromquist' before waking in the motel room. She gets up and searches the room, feeling paranoid, and finds that the mirror is a two way mirror. She throws an ashtray and smashes the mirror to reveal a passageway behind, and then discovers large blood stains on her mattress
Chapter 8. Amber goes through the passageway, finding it connects to every motel room. She finds herself looking into Clarissa's room, and sees Clarissa is awake on her bed. She manages to open the two way mirror and go inside, and explains the situation to Clarissa. She smashes Clarissa's mirror to reveal the passageway and the motel manager is standing in the passageway watching them. He runs off and Clarissa and Amber follow, but Amber gets her leg caught in a bear trap that is laid out in the passageway and is in agony. She hallucinates her demon self telling her that she is going to die. Then, while Clarissa isn't looking, Amber shifts and wrenches the bear trap apart. Her and Clarissa continue and encounter the manager again, this time armed with a chainsaw. Amber punches the manager, he loses control of the chainsaw and slits his own throat with it.
Chapter 9. Amber meets Milo in the diner for breakfast. Clarissa left the motel earlier that morning. Amber tells Milo about the previous night and about her new friendship with Clarissa and they start driving towards Amber's parents. They stop at a restaurant and Amber has a cheesecake slice to celebrate her 17th birthday. Amber falls asleep while driving and dreams about a vampire undertaker. James tells her that he grew claws yesterday, and Amber's demon self tells her that Astaroth's blood is causing her to dream about memories of James from 1914.
Chapter 10. After a few days, they are very close to Amber's parents when Amber gets a gut feeling that she needs to turn around and collect an offering. She tries to resist and begins to feel intense pain.
They go to collect the offering, which happens to be from Elias Mauk, Milo's pre-amnesia friend. Amber uses Elias' own hammers to break his knees and nose as revenge for breaking her fingers and collects his offering. 
Chapter 11. While back on track to catch up to Amber's parents, they stop to get some lunch from a convenience store. Amber hears two FBI agents, Sutton and Byrd, asking the store owner if he has seen a man and a young girl driving a 1970 Dodge Charger and leaves the store quickly. Milo theorises it is due to the dead people they tend to leave in their wake. 
Chapter 12. In the Charger, Amber hallucinates her demon self, who questions why she hasn't confided in Milo about her recent hallucinations. Milo comments on the Peterbilt truck behind them that is tailgating the Charger. The truck turns on its headlights to reveal red beams, just like the Charger's, indicating the truck belongs to a Demoriel demon. The truck rams the Charger and it spins into the fields next to the road. Milo waits to check the truck is gone and returns to the road, concluding that the Hound bringing him to Hell in Desolation allowed Demoriel to access Milo's location again. 
They continue towards Amber's parents, going off of Amber's gut instincts from Astaroth, and eventually arrive at Stromquist's funeral home. They try to enter, but a blood barrier has been put on the door, meaning only Amber can enter. She goes in and meets Stromquist, the undertaker vampire, who informs her that the blood barrier was not to get her alone, but to get Milo alone. She runs outside to find Bill, Betty and Milo pointing guns into each other's backs.
Chapter 13. Amber's parents offer her the chance to work together to defeat Astaroth and get her out of her representative contract, allowing the three of them to be family again. Amber laughs. Milo suddenly shoots Betty and Bill lunges at him. Milo knees him in the face and is shot twice by Betty. Then, dozens of people begin emerging from the trees, firing arrows. Bill and Betty take off. Both Amber and Milo are shot by arrows and they split up and run into the forest to escape the hunters. It turns out Amber's parents have partnered with a cannibal family that live in the forest, and were relying on them to kill Amber if she refused their offer.
Chapter 14 + 15. Amber is caught and tied up by the cannibal family, the Gundersons. The mother explains to her that they intend to use her to replenish their gene pool. One of the Gundersons drinks a vial of Astaroth's blood that Amber dropped and dies. The mother is overcome by grief and attacks Amber, who breaks free and kills her and another son. Amber runs to the Charger, where Milo soon joins her, being chased by the final son. He is about to shoot them with his arrows, when the FBI agents suddenly arrive on the scene and shoot him. As they continue to fight with him, Amber and Milo take off in the Charger.
Chapter 16. Amber has a dream about James and his girlfriend, Molly, running from Bill and Betty. He is caught and eaten. She wakes in a hotel and meets Milo outside by the Charger. He discusses the best course of action with her, and she gets annoyed with him for suggesting that she shouldn't completely shut down the offer to team up with her parents. They talk about what would happen to their friendship if they manage to backstab Astaroth and her parents, and Milo suggests that they might be able to live normal lives and be 'friends' rather than 'a team', which makes Amber extremely happy. They drive all day and Amber collects an offering in the evening.
Chapter 17. Amber suggests to Milo that they stop at the In the Dark Places convention in Montana, as her parents are going by there. Milo suspects it might be a trap, or that it will waste time, and is extremely reluctant but agrees. Amber gets Milo to stop the Charger so that she can pee in a field. She's walking back to the Charger, listening to a tractor get closer, when a pair of red headlights open up behind her – the Peterbilt. Amber runs through the corn until the Charger up in front of her and she scrambles in. Milo turns off the engine, the Charger hidden by the corn, until the Peterbilt drives away, and then follows after it. They drive behind the Peterbilt, a while back, and Amber watches in horror as the demon driver stops the truck to let a hitchhiker on: Clarissa.
Chapter 18. They stop at a motel. Amber hallucinates her demon self blaming her for Clarissa being in danger. The next day, Amber and Milo begin to close in on Amber's parents and Amber realises they are in the In The Dark Places (ITDP) convention building. Milo and Amber split up to search different areas of the con. 
In the convention, Amber bumps into Warrick, who tells them that Kelly, Ronnie, Linda, Two and him are at the convention to investigate reports of a ghost of a ITDP fan called Brewer, who is killing off fanfic writers that have written fics supporting a ship that she doesn't like. She travels through the internet and possesses people, and they are worried that Brewer is going to attack the author of ITDP next. Ronnie and Linda join Warrick and greet Amber, and Linda announces to Warrick that she is leaving their group to lead a more relaxed life. Ronnie tells Amber that Austin and Officer Lucy Thornton from Desolation Hill are doing well.
Chapter 19 - 21. Amber leaves the group and goes to find her parents. She bumps into Kelly, who greets her somewhat coldly, and they discuss Brewer. Kelly thinks Brewer can possess someone if they touch someone who is already possessed. Kelly insults Amber, calling her the 'Devil's lapdog' and they go to the ITDP author's dressing room to stand guard. Amber sneaks into the dressing room as Kelly distracts the guard. She talks with the ITDP author and tells her that she may be in danger. The author becomes extremely agitated and misinterprets this as a threat. Kelly enters the dressing room and, now possessed by Brewer, attacks the author with a pair of scissors. Amber holds her back and the author runs. Brewer starts rambling angrily and gets onto the topic of body image. She mentions how she was fat when she was alive, and shames Kelly for being so thin, and Amber tries to reason with her, relating to her by discussing her own body image problems. Brewer confides in Amber the importance of the ITDP characters to her, how they helped her through loneliness. Then she lets Kelly's body go and goes to the afterlife.
Chapter 22+23. Amber compliments their teamwork and Kelly yet again criticises Amber for being a representative. Amber explains to her again what little choice she had in the decision and her intentions to backstab Astaroth, and Kelly goes silent and then apologises and goes to get the others. Amber logs on to the ITDP forum and Balthazar's Arm Candy tells her that he is at the convention and to come to Corridor 12A.
Amber excitedly goes to Corridor 12A, only to find Betty standing over the corpses of Warrick, Ronnie, Linda and Two the dog.
 Betty reveals that she has been Balthazar's Arm Candy all along, and explains she killed Kelly's friends to show Amber the stakes. She tells Amber that they have kidnapped Kelly, and that they will give her back if she delivers Astaroth to them so they can eat him and gain his powers. Amber has 6 days.
Chapter 24. Amber and Milo are in the Charger. Milo tells Amber that she is not at fault for the deaths. Amber questions if Milo should even help her to kidnap Astaroth or if he should just run, as everyone close to her seems to die or be put in danger. Milo dismisses her concerns. Milo calls Buxton, who advises them to go and see Abigail at the Dark Stair, and get her to set them up with custom chains that could restrain Astaroth. Milo starts driving and Amber has a nightmare about her dead sister, Carolyn, who tells her that Kelly will be dead soon. Molly bursts in and drags Carolyn away to escape Bill and Betty, leaving Amber alone in her dream.
Chapter 25-28. They stop at a motel. Amber is in her room, shifted into her demon form. Milo raises the possibility that Amber is using her demon form to allow her to suppress her emotions about the day, Amber gets extremely defensive, basically calls him a smartass, and storms out of the room without reverting. She goes to a nightclub pretending to be in fancy dress, beats up a couple of guys, and is arrested while still in demon form. 
She breaks out of her cell, knocks a cop out, and is about to leave when one of the prisoners yells at her, calling her a bitch. She almost murders him and then the cop, all while hallucinating her human self watching her. Then, just as she is about to kill the cop, she decides against it and just leaves. She returns to the motel, reverting to human, and apologises to Milo, who tells her to not let her emotions consume her, but to use them as learning tools. Amber decides she wants to abstain from shifting for a while.
Chapter 29-33. The next day, Abigail says she will be able to get the chains to them if they go to a town and defeat a serial killer ghost clown that has been terrorising the townspeople for years. They agree, and go to the town, with Milo mentioning to Amber that he has always had a phobia of clowns. They witness the ghost, Buddy, murder a kid, and eventually manage to trace the reason for his preoccupation with the town to an old lady in a comatose state that they find in the walls of one of the houses. Milo theorizes Abigail is using the old lady to sustain her life force, and that the old lady is attracting Buddy to the town. As they are still in the house, Buddy arrives and attacks them. Milo and Amber are struggling to fend him off, and are quickly losing the fight, when vampire Glen appears and takes on Buddy, saving them. They take the old lady with them back to the Dark Stair.
 Chapter 34. Abigail admits she never even tried to uphold her end of the deal, so does not have the chains. Amber threatens to kill the old lady, which would kill Abigail in the process, and Abigail becomes agitated, but tells Amber there is no way to make the chains within their 6-day time limit. They give up and begin to leave. Abigail, bitter about the power Amber now has over her, tells her that Glen is burning in hell, as all vampires go to hell.
In the Charger, Milo suggests just stealing Kelly back rather than bothering with Astaroth’s kidnapping. Amber, preoccupied by Abigail’s mention of Glen, asks Milo if there is a way to get Glen back from Hell. They discuss the possible existence of Heaven and God. Amber thinks again about all the people she has hurt, specifically Clarissa.
In a motel, Amber prepares to go to Hell. She shares her worries about shifting with Milo, and he reassures her that her demon self is still her.
Chapter 35 + 36. Amber goes to the Blood Dimmed King’s palace, getting directions from BigMouth (Fool’s assistant, previously Edgar Spurrier). In the Blood Dimmed King’s palace, she meets a priest who leads her to the Damned souls. She finds Glen’s soul and leads him out of the palace. On her way out, she sees Kirsty, Grant and Imelda’s souls in a cell. Kirsty begs to be freed and Imelda tells Amber she is proud of her, and does not want to be freed because she wants to pay for her sins. 
Chapter 37. Amber and Glen are captured by creatures of Hell and brought to Astaroth. Astaroth is extremely angry at her disrespect to the Blood Dimmed King, and is about to order Amber and Glen to be put in Hell, when Amber blurts out her parents' plan. Astaroth is very amused and tells Amber that he and her will play along, with Amber delivering him to Betty in chains, and then he will break free of the normal chains and kill Bill and Betty. Amber brings Glen’s soul back with her, and when she arrives in the motel room again, he has vanished. Milo thinks Glen’s soul will have gone to heaven.
Chapter 38-40. In the Charger, Amber and Milo discuss the plan, and how to kill both Astaroth and her parents. Milo notes that if Amber goes along with Astaroth’s plan, she will still be a representative by the end. An unknown number requests to FaceTime Milo’s phone, and it is Bill and Betty. They show Amber Kelly, alive, and Amber hangs up when Bill asks for an update on Astaroth.
Amber has a nightmare about Carolyn being eaten. She wakes in a motel room and goes to a Subway to cure her insomnia. Clarissa walks in and Amber takes her to her motel room hurriedly. Clarissa seems disoriented, in a trance-like state, and is muttering about the Peterbilt truck. Amber questions her repeatedly, and she mumbles something about still being in the truck before stabbing Amber, saying that this is the only way for her to get out. They fight, and Clarissa confirms that the trucker is primarily after Milo. 
Amber knocks her out and goes to Milo’s room to find he has been taken. She jumps into the Charger and finds the Peterbilt, following it to a field. The trucker summons Demoriel, the Demon that Milo cheated, and Amber tries to reason with Demoriel (Milo is knocked out). The trucker attacks Amber, and Glen descends from the sky and kills him, delivering a very edgy speech about his vampiric powers. Ambers tells Demoriel that if he lets Milo go and releases Milo from his demonic contract then Amber will backstab Astaroth, who Demoriel hates. Demoriel agrees, and removes Milo from his contract, taking away Milo’s debt to him, but also his powers and connection to the Charger. 
Chapter 41. Amber takes unconscious Milo back to the motel. Clarissa has vanished and Glen is very excited to be back on Earth, saying he can’t remember much about his afterlife. He vows to only drink blood from bad people, and tells Amber he’d like to stick around and help them, as much as he can being nocturnal.
Amber finds Milo awake in his room and explains to him that his contract has ended. Milo doesn’t talk for a while, but then tells Amber that she has given him his life back, as he doesn’t have to run anymore and can finally grow old. Then, he tells Amber that he has a plan to backstab both Astaroth and the Lamonts.
Chapter 42-43. They make their way back to Orlando, to Amber’s house. Amber hallucinates her demon self while in a gas station bathroom, who mocks her and asks if she thinks she’s going to go insane once she drinks Astaroth’s last vial of blood. Coming out of the gas station, Amber runs into Byrd and Sutton, the FBI agents, again. They talk to her, telling her they’re part of a foundation set up by James’ girlfriend, Molly, to stop monsters like Amber’s parents, and want to help her. Sutton reveals that James is his great grandfather, making them related. Amber tells them she has a plan, and they leave. Milo and Amber go to get Astaroth and then continue the drive to Amber’s house.
Chapter 45. Astaroth is in the Charger’s trunk, chained up. Night falls and Glen climbs into the car. Him and Milo briefly greet each other for the first time and Glen rambles about the weather in Ireland before abruptly bringing up Milo’s loss of powers, noting the irony of Milo now being the only powerless one, while Glen was originally the normal one – Milo does not appreciate this. Glen asks if he will have to use his ‘vampire powers’ on Amber’s parents and Milo tells him to shut up. 
They arrive at Amber’s house to find another blood barrier on the door, allowing only Amber to go in, with Astaroth. Amber reflects on her childhood in this house, and Betty’s lack of maternal actions towards her. 
Chapter 46. Amber finds Bill, Betty and Kelly in the living room. They ask how she captured Astaroth, and she tells them that he agreed to be chained up, thinking the chains were normal chains and intending to trick Bill and Betty. Betty finds this very amusing, but Amber reminds her that she could be lying. Betty dismisses it, and they release Kelly to Amber. Bill and Betty descend on Astaroth and eat him, and Amber goes outside to find Stromquist stopping them from leaving. Amber beats him up and is just about to kill them when Bill and Betty come out of the house, strengthened by Astaroth’s blood, and kill him for her. Amber’s parents demand Amber take over Hell with them. Amber begs them to leave her alone, but they have her travel to the Shining Demon’s palace with them. 
Betty is in the middle of planning out her throne as Duchess of Hell when Astaroth comes storming into the palace. It is revealed that Bill and Betty actually ate Naberius, Astaroth’s estranged brother, not Astaroth. Bill attacks him and, to the surprise of Amber, Astaroth and even Bill, manages to severely injure him. Astaroth reaches up and rips Bill’s head off. Betty is grief-stricken. Then, the priest that helped Amber save Glen enters, revealing himself to be the Blood Dimmed King. Astaroth bows to him. The King sees Astaroth’s injuries and kills him, then tells Amber to leave Hell. Amber does, and Kelly runs into her arms.
Chapter 50 + 51. Just as Amber begins to think everything is over, Betty bursts from a circle of flames and attacks her, screaming. She screams at Amber about how ungrateful she is and smashes Amber into the wall, chasing her up to her childhood bedroom. She breaks Amber’s ribs and jaw and takes her by the horns in an attempt to twist her head off. Instead, one of Amber’s horns break off. Betty is about to kill her when Sutton steps into the room, having passed through the blood barrier due to being Amber’s relative, and empties his gun into Betty. Betty falls but then staggers towards him to kill him. Amber lunges at Betty and drives her severed horn into Betty’s neck, killing her.
Chapter 52. Amber holds Betty’s body and cries. Then, she leaves the house, and Kelly rushes to comfort her. Milo tells her that he never had any doubt that she could do it. Byrd walks up to them with Sutton and they begin to talk about their foundation. Byrd explains that she joined the foundation because her mother and brother were murdered when she was young and she has been searching for the killer since. Then, she shoots Milo in the chest 3 times. Amber drops to her knees beside Milo screaming, and starts frantically telling him that he’s going to be okay, that they’ll get him into the Charger to heal. Glen reminds her that Milo’s contract has ended. Byrd rambles about how Milo ran her family off the road and Amber leans closer to Milo and tells him that he is a good man, and that he has changed. She then sharply orders him to stand up. Glen tells Amber that Milo is dead, but Amber insists on getting him to the Charger. They put him in there and Amber sits outside and cries. In the morning, they open the Charger and Amber begins to sob again. 
Chapter 53. One year later. Amber and Kelly are now travelling America together with the Charger and the help of Glen, tracking down killers.
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hanna-portfolio · 2 years
Sheffield United seal their fourth straight win after beating West Bromwich Albion 2-0
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Sheffield United welcomed Steve Bruce’s West Bromwich Albion to Bramall Lane for a late kick-off in the Championship yesterday.
Sheffield United have won three of their last five games, West Brom on the other hand have dropped a total of 11 points in their five last games.
Manager Paul Heckingbottom made four changes to his team, starting Baldock, McGoldrick, Robinson and Hourihane and dropping Fleck, Berge and Norrington-Davies to the bench. Davies missed out.
In his first match as manager, Steve Bruce also made five changes to his side after their 0-2 defeat against Preston. 
Prior to kick-off, former Sheffield United Mark Duffy, known as the “Bounce Slayer”, was brought out on the pitch in front of 26,541 supporters and received a great reception from the home fans, whilst a clip of his goal in the derby at Hillsborough was shown on the big screen.
It was West Brom who made the stronger start but against the run of play Sheffield United captain and number 10, Billy Sharp, took the lead 22 minutes in, after a lovely bit of build-up play involving McGoldrick and Baldock.
United and Sharp thought they had doubled their lead, after a brilliant pass from central midfielder Conor Hourihane, but the celebration was cut short by an offside decision.
The nightmare continued for West Brom when their central midfielder Jake Livermore was shown a straight red after a scissor tackle on Hourihane five minutes before half-time.
West Brom’s goalkeeper, Johnstone, made two great saves in the first minutes of the second half, keeping West Brom in the game and denying the Blades a second goal to kill the game.
David McGoldrick went down injured in the 67th minute and had to come off shortly after, replaced by Oliver MacBurnie.
Manager Heckingbottom said in the post-match press conference that the striker had: “Done something to his thigh” and that they don’t know the extent of the injury but that it: “looks serious given how he pulled up”.
Billy Sharp doubled United´s lead in the 81st minute with a curled effort into Johnstone´s corner.
After the second goal West Brom created few chances and United were awarded their fourth straight win which puts them right in the play-off mix in 10th place moving above West Brom, with games in hand.
Sheffield United: Foderingham, Baldock, Basham, Sharp (Berge 90”), Egan, Norwood, McGoldrick (McBurnie 68”), Robinson, Bogle, Hourihane, Ndiaye (Gibbs-White 68”)
Unused: Davies, Fleck, Goode, Norrington-Davies
West Brom: Johnstone, Furlong (O´Shean 86”), Townsend, Ajayi, Livermore, Diangana (Mulumby 45”), Carroll, Clarke, Grant, Reach, Mowatt (Robinson 78”)
Unused: Button, Kipre, Tulloch, Gardner-Hickman
Link to the published article.
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nhacaitangtienvip · 2 years
Nhà cái tặng tiền soi kèo Wrexham vs Sheffield United, 23h30 ngày 29/1/2023
Nhà cái tặng tiền soi kèo Wrexham vs Sheffield United, 23h30 ngày 29/1/2023 tại nhà cái tặng free code. Dự đoán tỷ số bóng đá Anh giữa Wrexham vs Sheffield United, 23h30 ngày 29/1/2023.
Lịch thi đấu FA Cup vào Chủ nhật chứng kiến ​​Wrexham đối đầu với Sheffield United.
Dưới đây là toàn bộ dự đoán, thống kê và thăm dò trận đấu của Wrexham v Sheffield United - cùng với tỷ lệ cược trận đấu mới nhất.
Wrexham sẽ muốn tiếp tục từ nơi họ đã bỏ dở lần trước với chiến thắng 0-3 tại National League trước Gateshead.
Đối với Wrexham, những người ghi bàn là Tom O'Connor (61'), Ollie Palmer (67') và Paul Mullin (92').
Các trận đấu với Wrexham thường mang tính giải trí muộn với điểm số cao là tiêu chuẩn. Chỉ riêng trong 6 lần đụng độ đã qua, cả hai đội đã ghi tổng cộng 26 bàn thắng (trung bình 4,33 bàn mỗi trận) với 19 bàn trong số này được công nhận cho Wrexham.
Sheffield United sẽ bước vào cuộc họp sau chiến thắng 1-0 tại Giải vô địch với việc đánh bại Hull City trong trận đấu cuối cùng của họ.
Trong trận đấu đó, Sheffield United có 48% thời gian cầm bóng và 13 lần thực hiện mục tiêu với 5 lần trúng đích. Người ghi bàn cho Sheffield United là Daniel Jebbison (4'). Ở chiều ngược lại, Hull City có 10 lần dứt điểm nhưng 2 trong số đó đi trúng đích.
Trong 6 lần đụng độ gần đây nhất, Sheffield United đã ghi được tổng cộng 12 bàn thắng. Sheffield United cũng không thể không ghi bàn trong những dịp đó. Trong khoảng thời gian đó, các hậu vệ của họ đã phải nhận 4 bàn thua. Tất nhiên, xu hướng đó sẽ không nhất thiết phải tiếp tục trong trò chơi tiếp theo này.
Về những người vắng mặt, chỉ có một mối quan tâm về thể lực mà huấn luyện viên Wrexham Phil Parkinson phải đối mặt với một nhóm cầu thủ gần như hoàn toàn khỏe mạnh. Jordan Davies (Chấn thương đầu gối) sẽ không thi đấu.
Huấn luyện viên của Sheffield United, Paul Heckingbottom, không có đủ đội hình để lựa chọn. Jack O'Connell (Phẫu thuật đầu gối) và Jayden Bogle (Vấn đề đầu gối) sẽ không xuất hiện.
Chúng tôi có cảm giác rằng Wrexham chắc chắn có thể xuyên thủng hàng phòng ngự của đội Sheffield United này, mặc dù một bàn thắng có thể không đủ tốt.
Do đó, chúng tôi nghiêng cả hai đội để ghi bàn mang lại lợi thế 1-2 cho Sheffield United ở cuối trận này. Có vẻ như có rất ít trong cái này.
Nguồn: https://dagatructiep.video/
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madchild-dennis · 2 years
Oh so is really MORE DOGSHIT FI TRUE!!!
I mean I see what they doing NOW. Them guh fareign, like US and Canada and like the order and clean lines and think a "Suh it fi guh". I don't disagree BUT...
You see how BIG that but is. Because it's NECESSARY to negate my prior statement.
You see I've lived in nice nice clean skin proper manaze Canada and STILL disagree. Why?
You're trying to be something you're NOT, the USA and Canada.
That's NOT how it's DONE!
Did you do some research.
You don't see me coming with my Queen plan talking about things like Canada. Because Jamaica is NOT Canada. Jamaica is a complex country with complex issue that were created by the colonizers, the rich/greedy and also he government/who've been in power for centuries. So you cannot slap a strict bandaid without disinfecting and cleaning/cleansing a wound. A centuries long wound that has be festering or constantly provoke won't heal with just a bandaid. Literally walk into a hospital for some perspective. You need research and more.
The difference between you and me is God. I could have been like you but God said that's NOT what Jamaica need. They need a thinker and someone NOT afraid and someone who sees ALL the problems not just the loud ones.
The good the bad and ugly (I might not live the rich life yet but that's easy). You haven't lived the rest.
I didn't live it judging; but with an understanding eye and mind. I didn't live complacently; I lived with my problem solving nature at he forefront of ALL OF IT. I did not live it judging it; I lived it trying to find the source of the problem.
All that living is what Y'ALL need but don't have.
Which is why God made me QUEEN of Jamaica to make sure y'all THINK, put TIME, protect ALL and protect OUR CULTURE.
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We are NOT Americans nor Canadians, you don't even have the systems to protect the citizens like they do theirs. Trust me I KNOW. I am surviving many times because of it. I might be Canadians and few other Jamaicans but ALL in all, THIS IS JAMAICA.
I was going to post this:
Where are the Nanny's, the Paul Bogle's and the fighter's of Jamaica of this generation? Where are the ones READY to protest? Ready to STAND FOR THEIR RIGHT!
(I know the protest that the opposition leader did was performative, like the whole government as it stand. I don't remember his name. Is almost like they just playing the opposition role to just point fingers but do nothing else. Like seriously. The opposition isn't for show. I honestly am disgusted by them. Only one person from that I saw or knew with some plan or future for the country. She resigned. Maybe there's more but that Peter guy...idk his name... just moving like the party is a partayy in my opinion. I want a strong fighting opposition. I want to can't choose at elections not feel like the opposition is worst or a joke.)
The minimum wage is REDICULOUS!!!...
But I guess there are BIGGER issues.
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pippapayne · 2 years
[Download PDF] MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom - Anthony Robbins
Download Or Read PDF MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom - Anthony Robbins Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
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 Tony Robbins turns to the topic that vexes us all: How to secure financial freedom for ourselves and for our families. ?If there were a Pulitzer Prize for investment books, this one would win, hands down? (Forbes).Tony Robbins is one of the most revered writers and thinkers of our time. People from all over the world?from the disadvantaged to the well-heeled, from twenty-somethings to retirees?credit him for giving them the inspiration and the tools for transforming their lives. From diet and fitness, to business and leadership, to relationships and self-respect, Tony Robbins?s books have changed people in profound and lasting ways. Now, for the first time, he has assembled an invaluable ?distillation of just about every good personal finance idea of the last forty years? (The New York Times). Based on extensive research and interviews with some of the most legendary investors at work today (John Bogle, Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones, Ray Dalio, Carl Icahn, and many others), Tony
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