#paul and jer
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fredandginger64 · 3 months ago
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Good morning Tumblr friends
Hope they make your day as bright and wonderful as they do mine!
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jerrylewis-thekid · 7 months ago
For me this is the true story of their meeting. Dean was the guy who would have said that "lick it" and this story says something very important: Dean noticed Jerry first otherwise he wouldn't have noticed that Jerry threw the egg on own shirt. But Jerry protected Dean with the tale that he had seen him first and fallen in love with him. It was exactly the opposite. And anyway they BOTH told the newspapers while they were together that theirs was "love at first sight". And here he says something important, that is that he was sixteen years old and not yet married. And Jerry was famous for his incredible memory!
@fredandginger64 @justquicksshot @starryyide @kinkdaddykinard
@luzzarm @caruso101 @paanya @martinandlewisfanatic @sometimesiamhappy
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sometimesiamhappy · 8 months ago
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Martin and Lewis ❤
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jerrylewis-thekid · 7 months ago
I reblog because it deserves it
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survivalxofxthexfittest · 4 months ago
👥 Charlie
Road trip saga here
JP also calls Charlie, Chucky, after the scary movies. He did it to show her that it wasn't something to be afraid of by making a game of it at first. He figured if she thought it was associated with something funny that she would get over her fear of it. (The therapists he had growing up weren't completely useless. He actually learned a lot from them and it made it easier for him to manipulate a situation - good or bad - when necessary.) And it worked. It was this success that was a confirming factor in their later road trip.
Even though he bitches about it, he secretly loves watching all her rom coms and chick flicks with her. He wouldn't have cared what movie they were watching in all honesty, he just liked having uninhibited, free and happy, time with her. Moments that weren't marred by the tragedies of life.
He also is far sillier with Charlie. Or at least he used to be. His playtime vibe was very much like this. (Or this if that doesn't work. Lol.) She's actually the only one he lets that side out with.
Charlie is his favorite sibling.
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fredandginger64 · 3 months ago
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Article from a newspaper in May of 1956, describing Jerry's illness during the filming of 'Hollywood or Bust'
~"Jerry and Dean have never gotten along better"~
~"There has been no jealousy between the boys filming 'Hollywood or Bust'"~
And Dean and Jeanne were separated yet again! Dean and Jerry got along as long as there was no Jeanne. They always did. It tells me Jeanne had a lot to do with their split.
The Times-Herald, Vallejo, California
May 19, 1956
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fredandginger64 · 6 months ago
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YOU GUYS: color photos of Frank with his JERRY LOGO BADGE!
the mystery deepens. why was he wearing this for Dean’s show? will we ever know?
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jerrylewis-thekid · 7 months ago
They separated them while they were alive, not taking into account what they really wanted to do when their fame was at its highest. They continue to separate them from the dead without taking into consideration, from Dean Martin's family, his years with Jerry, pretending not to understand that those years were the years in which Dean Martin was truly happy. Or rather the first years together when it was just Paul and Jer, without having around the whole machine of the "dirty dream factory" as Nick Tosches defined it. And even in death Dean Martin is still treated (by his own family) like a star of the show and not like the Dino Crocetti person. Nobody tries to understand what Dino Crocetti was like as a person basically because nobody cares. Just like it happened when he was alive.
They just changed their whole story in favor of the hypocritical and puritanical American public and turned Jerry into a monster and Dean into a saint.
For money.
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cosmic60s · 7 months ago
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Here's some material straight from the publicity department at MCA. This would have been intended to craft the "Dean Martin" public persona after his breakup with Jer. From the earliest years after they went solo, we can see the "king of cool" identity beginning to take hold for the mainstream public. I also included a singular color slide of Dean performing solo at the Sands because I think it's a nice perspective from the crowd and makes you feel "in the moment." This would have been roughly around the same time as the attached marketing material.
There are a few quotes from this that stand out to me -
"He is amazingly modest concerning his talents. Of his singing, he says, 'I'm no singer. I can carry a tune and I have an easy style. But a lot of us crooners get by because we're fairly painless.' He's so painless three of his recordings have sold more than a million copies and one, "That's Amore," was well over 3,000,000 at last count."
I find it interesting how often Dean seemingly downplayed his talents and his singing in particular. It certainly plays into his cool, laidback image. However, I think it speaks to some of the insecurity and uncertainty he felt about his career, especially after going solo. Although, even Jerry wrote about how Dean never gave himself the credit he deserved when it came to his singing abilities. It seemed to be a rare spot of vulnerability. I don't think Dean could have ever imagined that his career would have such longevity, long after his passing (not only is he forever cemented in show business legend, but he currently has 6,000,000 monthly listeners on Spotify - that's no small feat).
"His friends call him Dino, and his enthusiasm at encountering old acquaintances is genuine and boyish. He likes people, and the feeling is mutual."
His friends called him Dino but only Jerry called him Paul. I think it's a bit funny that it says he likes people when I think it was very much known how he tended to avoid crowds and parties. It's even been said that he would retire early from parties at his own home to go watch a western film in another room. In this publicity material, we can see these clear distinctions and contradictions between Dean Martin the persona and Dino Crocetti the man.
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fundiepredictions · 2 months ago
My 2024 predictions
What came true and what didn't. If it came true it's bold, if it didn't it's streept out. It's italic when it's still unsure if I was right or wrong
Anna - Stays away from the camera but we will spot her from time to time
John&Abbie - appears to be pregnant with #3
Jana - keeps going like she has been the past years
Jill&Derick - announce #4 after Freddy's 2nd birthday
Jessa&Ben - goes on and off on SM
Jinger&Jeremy - announce #3, another girl
Joseph&Kendra - They will suddenly have a 5th child without us knowing about their pregnancy
Josiah&Lauren - Lauren first shows up pregnant in one of the other siblings video's, later we will find out she had #4, another boy
Joy&Austin - Joy will not make come back on youtube in january. She will start making them again after visiting Carlin
Jed&Katey - announce #3, a boy
Jer&Hannah - have a girl
Jason - announces that he is married
James - announces a courtship/relation
Justin&Claire - announce #1, a girl
Jackson - stays quiet, makes appearances in video's
Johannah - announces a courtship/relationship
Zach&Whitney - Don't announce #6 yet
Michaella&Brandon - move to a house and have a dog
Erin&Chad - endless video's of precious William
Lawson&Tiffany - keep producing weird video's
Nathan&Esther - announce #2, another girl
Alyssa&John - Nothing new, just the same old over and over again
Tori&Bobby - have their 5th, another boy
Trace&Lydia - have another episode of 'help my wife and her family is getting deported'
Carlin&Evan - announce #3, another boy
Josie&Kelton - have their 3th, a boy
Katie&Travis - announce #2, a boy
Jackson&Emmy - announce #1, a girl
Warden - dates Taylor
Isaiah - stays quiet
Addellee - starts courting
Jill&David - announce another miscarriage
Nurie&Nathan - have #3, a girl
Timothy&Heidi - get married with a lot of drama, announce #1
Kaylee&Jonathan - announce #2, a girl
Renee - starts a new courtship, hyped by Jill
Phillip - Stays away from girls
Samuel - starts a courtship, Jill is first super excited, later not so much
Gabriel - goes to a fake college
Rachel&Alan - keep off SM
Ruth&Ryan - announce #6, another boy
Josiah&Abi - nothing happens
Bethany&Dan - announce #6, a boy
Andrew&Kori - nothing happens
Elizabeth - starts dating
Matthias&Michelle - nothing happens
Stephen - nothing happens
Hannah&Jer - have a girl
Susanna&Drew - announce #1, a boy
Alathia - starts dating
Nathanael&Katrina - announce #2, a girl
Charissa - visits all her sisters all the time
Chelsy&John - announce #4, a boy
Mitchell&Bryn - announce #4, a girl
Allison&Jeremiah - announce #3, a boy
Lincoln&Susanna - announce #1, a girl
Elizabeth - starts dating
Hudson - starts dating
Nathan&Melanie - nothing happens
Christopher&Anna - nothing happens
Sarah&Kory - photographers more weddings
Joseph&Elissa - appear to have a 4th child
Chelsy&John - announce #4, a boy
Anna - starts dating
Jesse&Anna - nothing happens
Mary&Samuel - announce #1, a girl
Esther&John - have a girl
Enoch - nothing happens
Alatheia - starts courting
Priscilla&David - announce #7, a boy
Anna - Stays away from the camera but we will spot her from time to time
Nathan&Nurie - have #3, a girl
David&Hannah - announce #2, a boy
Paul&Christina - announce #10, a girl
Kendra&Joseph - They will suddenly have a 5th child without us knowing about their pregnancy
Lauren - appears to have suddenly a man by her side
Micah - nothing happens
Rogers - nothing happens
Young - announce #6 at the end of the year
Ballinger - have #5, a girl
Etbauer - announce #3, a boy
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jerrylewis-thekid · 8 months ago
"Welcome to aboard" variety show, 1948.
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eyes-of-metal · 4 months ago
Read my body
Paul Stanley x OC
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Plot: Gene bets Paul he can't get a girl's number.
“Hmmmm.” Eric sighed, sounding board as he started tapping his fingers on the table's edge before him.
Eric physically can't sit still for more than two minutes or be quiet. It’s what makes him a great drummer but also what makes him annoying to travel with at times. Sometimes, you want to sit and enjoy a moment of silence.
“There are no good-looking women here,” Gene complains beside me.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. He never stops, does he? Since when has that stopped him in the past?
“What about her?” Bruce says, gesturing towards a woman sitting a few booths down.
She has long black hair falling down her back and arms in loose waves. Her make-up is dark and heavy metal-looking. She’s wearing glasses and has a notebook open in front of her. A long with some textbook. She's entirely focused on whatever she's working on.
“Too smart for you?” I tease Gene. I know he’ll go after anything with a pulse; everyone knows that.
“If the girl has a book in front of her in public, she won't be easily convinced,” Gene tells us as if he's dropping some wisdom.
“Are you saying you, Gene Simmons? The man who's slept with over 3000 girls couldn't convince her to sleep with you?” Eric says, clearly trying to get under Gene's skin a bit.
“Yes, but I’ll give $100 to anyone who can get her number.” Gene challenges, looking at me and Eric. We already know Bruce won’t take part, and he never does.
I look over at Eric. He throws his hands up in surrender. For someone who loves to talk, he sure can't talk to women.
“Paul?” Gene says, crossing his arms and looking at me.
I take one more look at her. It can't be that hard, right? I've done this thousands of times before.
“I’ll do it,” I say, “How hard can it be?”
Sure, I'm being a bit cocky, but I’m Paul Stanley of KISS I can get her number.
I walk over to where she's sitting. She doesn't even look up from her notebook. She's either ignoring my presence entirely or so forced on what she's doing that she genuinely has no idea I'm here.
I glance down at her notebook and then the textbook. It looks like some highly complicated math. It has numbers, graphs and bell curves. Things that go way over my head.
“Hello?” I say, trying to catch her attention.
I get nothing. Not even a slight movement or acknowledgement. She's still scribing away at the math in front of her.
Well, she's ignoring me.
This is going to be more complicated than I thought. I figured I could walk up and start a conversation and use my charm, and I'd have her number in no time.
Now, I have to figure out how to get her attention. I need something attention-grabbing and insane enough to make her look up. I don't want to offend her, though.
Then, an idea hits me.
“Read my body, Are the letters big enough? Read my body, do you like the book of my love? Read my body, turn the page, get to the good stuff.”
It's a ridiculous lyric when singed but even more ridiculous when you say it like you're having a regular conversation. If that doesn't get her attention, nothing will.
She stops dead in her tracks, drops her pen and looks up at me with a confused look.
“Well, it worked, didn't it?” I say, crossing my arms and looking at her.
“Yeah, because it's maybe the most insane thing a guy has ever said to me.” She says, rolling her eyes.
“What does that even mean?”
“It’s a lyric.” I tell her, “That I wrote.”
“You wrote that?” She snorts, “Wow, you have a way with words, alright.”
“Not my finest work.” I admit, “But it got you to talk to me.”
“Yeah, it worked. Yay, you now go away.” She says, turning back to her work.
“Not until you give me your number,” I tell her, standing firm. I can't let Gene win now.
“I’ll give you an A+ for creativity, but no.” She says, “I don't give my number to strange guys.”
“Would it help if I introduced myself?” I reply, “I’m Paul.”
“The answer is still no, Paul.” She says, rolling jer eyes again.
“I’m not leaving until you do so,” I tell her, hoping this works; even if it's a fake number, it's still a number, and I still win.
“Fine.” She sighs, rolling her eyes.
“You want to win that 100 dollars, don't you?”
I stop dead in my tracks. Oh fuck.
“You heard that?”
“Yup. That’s why I ignored you so hard, but then you said something ridiculous, and I physically couldn't stop myself.” She looks pretty, assumed in shock. I'm sure it is written all over my face.
“Next time you want to place bets on girls, maybe keep your voices down.” She says, handing me the piece of paper.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I reply, “Why did you give this then?”
“Well, anyone willing to sound that stupid deserves to win a bet. Plus, you weren't going to leave, so.” She shrugs.
“It’s not your number, is it?” I ask her; I strongly feel it's probably not, considering she knows about the whole bet thing.
“No, it is.” She tells me, which is the second shock she’s given me in ten minutes.
“Now, will I pick up if you call?” She shrugs, “You’ll just have to find out.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I laugh, “Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She replies before turning back to her notebook.
I walk back to the table about to have $100 in my pocket and a girl's number. Pretty successful, if I do say so myself.
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ashton-ryder · 4 months ago
👥 + John-Paul
Send ‘👥‘ for 4 hcs about our muses relationship or about your muse @survivalxofxthexfittest
Compared to his slightly more openness with the other two Rose siblings on this particular matter, Ash has never told JP about the Sada problems, he's learnt his lesson on that one. And he really can't afford another telescope mysterious breaking again, literally, emotionally and financially. He knows just how close JP is to Sada, seeing the mess that came from telling Ria, Ashton simply learnt to keep his mouth shut about this, especially with JP. JP only really knows how much Sada hates him, from Sada herself, but that was it, that was harmless enough. Because whichever way the outcome goes, Ash only sees a lose-lose situation. If JP believes him, there might be an anger hard to tame, a mess he wasn't sure they could clean up. And the more likely latter that JP doesn't believe him from a single gaslight of Sada, Ashton wasn't ready to lose JP as a friend, as family. And if he had to keep this from JP forever to hold that delicate peace, he will.
Ash has let JP come to his apartment multiple times, at any time really, to share his problems with him, always a listening ear for him to at least talk through his feelings unfiltered and work things through. Perhaps it was the fact that Ash was kind of family, and yet not really family, there was a small comfort perhaps in that grey area of close enough but not too close. A sweet spot to open up and Ash was always a good listener, not always having the solutions but more often than not JP already knows his answer and just needs a sounding board and Ash was happy to be that for him, secrets spilt never revealed, rants shared and never passed along, JP deserves that much of his privacy, something he's sure he hasn't gotten much of all these years.
He knows that JP knows about certain feelings for a certain brother but Ash continues to deny it even if it's just knowing glances he's seen JP give him all this time. He glazes over them, as if any more of acknowledgment was going to throw JP into an excitement of being right all this time. But in one occasion last year, Ash had gravely talked to him to ask-beg- him to not tell Sada whatever he thinks there is between Ash and Jer, there wasn't-, he'd tell JP, but on the off chance it blabs out to Sada, he's pretty sure he wasn't going to get out of it alive. Probably dead in a ditch the very next day. Good thing he had his will drafted and grave picked out already. And while he loves and trusts JP, this was unfortunately something he just wasn't sure he could trust JP with, not if he valued any form of peace and solace he still had with this pocket of his life, a vulnerability he could protect if he pretended it didn't exist.
Introducing his mother to the Roses, with them pretty much being his first new friends moving here, his mother immediately took a liking to the three of them, empathetic and honestly, pissed off at the fact of what their mother put them through. She made the effort to always ask about them when she gets on video calls with Ashton, insisting on greeting them and saying hi when she could. The middle Rose reminded her a little bit of when young Ash, brash, a bit of a temper, a dash of insecurities. Perhaps if anything it was almost a nostalgic feeling, knowing the marines changed her son forever. She indulges JP in embarrassing stories of Ashton to use to make fun of him, an equivalent exchange between both families and love hearing about the siblings herself and JP was always the one to joke around about those. She wished she could help JP more in his struggles but like mother like son, she didn't always feel like it was her place to butt in on his life, not unless he wanted her to. So instead they focused on the brighter side of life, just wanting to return the love that the siblings have given to Ash all this time, knowing that they deserve it more than anyone else she knew.
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cupidbedsy · 4 days ago
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➪ welcome to the ice bound tour surprise songs! this is a list of all surprise songs and jerseys that chloe wears for her tour
➪ each tour date includes where she's at/the arena, what jersey she's wearing, the original song she sings, the cover song she sings, and any additional information
➪ i am taking suggestions/requests! please read all info below
➪ to view all of them without scrolling for a while and for more in-depth info (arena, date, etc.), click here for the spreadsheet ! (yes i made one, shut up)
➪ the special guest is also the one who originally sang the song. if it doesn't say 'w/ special guest' then the artist is just who sang the song originally
➪ songs that already have something written for them usually means it has significance so feel free to ask what it means !
➪ some dates already have jerseys and/or songs in place so please don't request for those ones! any thing with a ? means it’s open!
➪ you can suggest jerseys (does not have to be a present-day player) for specific days or cities, just know it has to be a player from that team at the time of the tour date
➪ i won't be switching things around (unless it really makes sense) so if a jersey or song is already taken, i won't change it
➪ cover songs will only be played once so once it's used it's used! but og's will be reused :)
➪ like the jerseys, for songs you can request/suggest specific days, cities, or just the song in general
seattle night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
seattle night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
san jose night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
san jose night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
los angeles night 1: jersey - turcotte 15 ; og - ? ; cover - ?
los angeles night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
los angeles night 3: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
anaheim night 1: jersey - zegras 11 ; og - risk (gracie abrams) ; cover - ?
anaheim night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
las vegas night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
las vegas night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
salt lake city night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
salt lake city night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
denver night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
denver night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
dallas night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
dallas night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
st. louis night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
st. louis night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
st. paul night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
st. paul night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
chicago night 1: jersey - bedard 98 ; og - ? ; cover - ?
chicago night 2: jersey - chelios 7 ; og - ? ; cover - ?
chicago night 3: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
detroit night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
detroit night 2: jersey - debrincat 93 ; og - ? ; cover - summertime sadness (lana del rey)
detroit night 3: jersey - zegras 11 ; og - i can see you ; cover - until i found you (stephen sanchez)
columbus night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
columbus night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
nashville night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
nashville night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
tampa night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
tampa night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
sunrise night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
sunrise night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
raleigh night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
raleigh night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
washington dc night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
washington dc night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
pittsburgh night 1: jersey - crosby 87 ; og - ? ; cover - ?
pittsburgh night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
philadelphia night 1: jersey - drysdale 6 ; og - ? ; cover - birds of a feather (billie eilish)
philadelphia night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
buffalo night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
buffalo night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
new york (msg) night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - the show (w/ special guest niall horan)
new york (msg) night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
new york (msg) night 3: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
new york (ubs) night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
new york (ubs) night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
boston night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
boston night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
new jersey night 1: jersey - hischier 13 ; og - ? ; cover - ?
new jersey night 2: jersey - hughes 86 ; og - right now (gracie abrams) ; cover - ?
new jersey night 3: jersey - hughes 43 ; og - ? ; cover - ?
montréal night 1: jersey - caufield 13 ; og - ? ; cover - getaway car (taylor swift)
montréal night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - call your mom (w/ special guest noah kahan)
toronto night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
toronto night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
ottawa night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
ottawa night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
winnipeg night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
winnipeg night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
edmonton night 1: jersey - gretzky 99 ; og - ? ; cover - ?
edmonton night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
calgary night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - tate mcrae song (w/ special guest tate mcrae)
calgary night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
vancouver night 1: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
vancouver night 2: jersey - ? ; og - ? ; cover - ?
vancouver night 3: jersey - hughes 43 ; og - ? ; cover - don't you (forget about me) (simple minds)
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fundieshaderoom · 2 months ago
Fundie and Adjacent Babies and Weddings in 2024
January (3 Weddings, 4 Babies):
Thomas Brooks Collingsworth "Brooks" was born to Phillip Jr. and Sharlanae on Jan 4.
Solomon Anderson and Chloe Miller wed on Jan 6.
Rebecca and Levi Moravek (Noyes) had their baby in January.
Julianna and James Staddon had their baby in January.
Josiah Shrader was born to Esther (Keller) and John Shrader on Jan 17.
Lev Bure and Elliott wed on Jan 27.
Gracie Geisel (Keilen) Gabe Hueber wed in Jan.
February (1 Wedding, 5 Babies):
Ivy Josephine was born to Gabby Barrett and Cade Foehner on Feb 17.
Daniel Carson Cieslak was born to Elli (Perez) and Andy on Feb 19.
Myla Griffith and Ethan Seewald wed on Feb 24.
Brielle Grace was born to Hannah (Wissmann) and Jeremiah Duggar.
Miles Kelton was born to Josie (Bates) and Kelton Balka on Feb 21.
Brooks Michael was born to Emily (Haight) and Justus Stangl on Feb 27.
March (1 Wedding, 3 Babies):
Austin Dakota was born to Anna and Austin Wilson on Mar 22.
Sarah Waller and Brandon Richard Webster wed on Mar 23.
Amelia Sage Coates was born to Jessica (Seewald) and Joseph on Mar 26.
Lila Ann Jerred was born to Susanna (Wissmann) and Drew in March.
April (2 Weddings, 2 Babies):
Carver Bowers and Haley Paul wed on Apr 20.
Elias John was born to Jeanette (Willis) and Cory Piatt in April.
Carley Stone (Robertson) wed Joey Congemi on Apr 22.
Boone Lott was born to Britney and JD in April.
May (1 Wedding, 7 Babies):
Brooks Davis Keyes "Davis" was born to Gracie and Aaron on May 6.
Beckham Blue Labrant was born to Cole and Savannah Labrant.
Mirabella May Roloff was born to Audrey and Jeremy on May 23.
Lily Swanson and Cole Cwenar wed on May 24.
Nadia Star Patrick was born to Isabel (Trewhella) and Jake on May 29.
Weston Slade Smith was born to Tori (Bates) and Bobby on May 29.
Harrison Thomas was born to Julie and Grant in May.
Baby Boy Pelletier was born to Hannah (Paine) and Levi in May.
June (2 Weddings, 5 Babies):
Merritt Robertson and Tyler Metro wed on Jun 5.
Haven Claire Millsap was born to Tannan and Mitchell on Jun 10.
Caroline Marie Clark was born to Kristen (Baird) and Zach on Jun 14.
Hosanna Proell was born to Rochelle (Trewhella) and Nick on Jun 15.
Baby Girl Trego was born to Sophia (Trewhella) and Maxwell on Jun 19.
Baby Trewhella was born to Angellea and Jeremiah on Jun 19.
Georgia Brown and Ryan Williams wed on Jun 25.
July (1 Wedding, 6 Babies):
Judah Love Olligies was born to Morgan and Paul on Jul 1.
Kaptain Klay Kallschmidt was born to Mckayle and Max on Jul 3.
Naomi Christine Keller was born to Nurie (Rodrigues) and Nathan on Jul 14.
Desiree Hope Waller was born to Priscilla (Keller) and David on Jul 17.
William Daniel Bates was born to Tiffany (Espensen) and Lawson Bates on July 19.
Johnny Paine wed Maddie Henry on Jul 23.
Maya Jean Noble Bowers was born to Ahna (Cameron) and Austin on Jul 26.
August (1 Wedding, 7 Babies):
Frances Claudia Robertson was born to Brighton and Reed on Aug 9.
Jana Duggar and Stephen Wissmann wed on Aug 15.
Dietrich Johannes Anderson was born to Arti and Isaac on Aug 17.
Baby Girl Muckerheide was born to Darbs (Trewhella) and Isaiah in Aug.
Arrow Chosen was born to Karissa and Mandrae Collins on Aug 17.
Aurora Lei was born to Laura (Pearl) and Jadon on Aug 18.
Briggs Maverick was born to Sierra and Mark Dominguez on Aug 22.
Amelia Marie Helferich was born to Allison (Bontrager) and Jeremiah on Aug 28.
September (1 Wedding, 2 Babies):
Timothy Rodrigues and Heidi Coverett wed on Sep 14.
Ivy Elizabeth Hill was born to Matthew and Kayla on Sep 14.
Harvey Gray Clark was born to Katie (Bates) and Travis on Sep 30.
October (3 Weddings, 5 Babies):
Maddie Jones and Jason Duggar wed on Oct 3.
Graham Alan Bates was born to Esther (Keyes) and Nathan on Oct 4.
Kiersten Williamson and Austin Teodorovici wed on Oct 12.
Rayna Kay Thatcher was born to Makayla (Landrum) and Jonas on Oct 16.
Kristy Mae Cape was born to Ariana (Balka) and Joel on Oct 22.
Jeremiah Easling (Pearl) and Ashlynn Dixon wed on Oct 27.
Xander Reed Loflin was born to Rebecca (Robertson) and Reed on Oct 30.
Samuel Garcia was born to Maddie (Langdon) and Zach in Oct.
November (3 Weddings, 2 Babies):
Emily Keyes and Ethan Myers wed on Nov 2.
Chaney Kahle and Benjamin Tibbe wed on Nov 3.
Danielle Seewald and Lawson Howard wed on Nov 9.
Jane Aanaya Toto was born to Jennifer (Hartono) and Joshua on Nov 22.
Baby Girl Clayton was born to Emily (Reith) and Alex in Nov.
December (3 Babies):
Watson Joe Maxwell was born to Chelsy (Bontrager) and John on Dec 3.
Ezra Maxwell Silberman was born to Anastasia (Salyer) and James on Dec 6.
Baby Girl Williams was born to Paige and David in December.
Unknown Month (11 Babies):
Edelweiss Miracle Keller was born to Hannah (Reber) and David.
Henry Mershon was born to Laura and Tim (Baird) in Spring.
Baby Girl Noble was born to Hosanna (Plath) and Timothy.
Baby was born to Taylor and Susanna Bontrager.
Baby Girl was born to Brynn and Mitchell Bontrager in the Spring or Summer.
Kyle and Everly Trewell were born to Alexandra and Stephen Trewell in April or May.
Baby Girl Smith was born to Tori (Webster) and Daniel.
Coasten Levi Eisenmann was born to Sutton and Nate in either Aug or Sep.
Baby Girl Driscoll was born to Brisee and Calvin.
Riley Blaise Driscoll was born to Chloe and Zac Driscoll
19 Weddings were held, 63 Babies were born, 54 Families I Follow Grew
By Family:
Robertson- 2 Weddings, 3 Babies
Trewhella- 5 Babies
Bates- 5 Babies
Keller- 4 Babies
Bontrager- 4 Babies
Duggar- 2 Weddings, 1 Baby
Seewald- 2 Weddings, 1 Baby
Wissmann- 1 Wedding, 2 Babies
Noyes/Rodrigues- 1 Wedding, 2 Babies
Keyes- 1 Wedding, 2 Babies
Perez- 3 Babies
Waller- 1 Wedding, 1 Baby
Pearl- 1 Wedding, 1 Baby
Paine- 1 Wedding, 1 Baby
Anderson- 1 Wedding, 1 Baby
Baird- 2 Babies
Balka- 2 Babies
Driscoll- 2 Babies
Keilen- 1 Wedding
Bowers- 1 Wedding
Bure- 1 Wedding
Swanson- 1 Wedding
Coverett- 1 Wedding
Williamson- 1 Wedding
Brown/Williams- 1 Wedding
Kahle- 1 Wedding
Jones- 1 Wedding
Collingsworth- 1 Baby
Langdon- 1 Baby
Millsap- 1 Baby
Willis- 1 Baby
Clark- 1 Baby
Staddon- 1 Baby
Anderson- 1 Baby
Webster- 1 Baby
Hill- 1 Baby
Plath- 1 Baby
Wilson- 1 Baby
Salyer- 1 Baby
Haight- 1 Baby
Roloff- 1 Baby
Reber- 1 Baby
Barrett- 1 Baby
Smith (Bobby)- 1 Baby
Hartono- 1 Baby
Williams- 1 Baby
Cameron- 1 Baby
Landrum- 1 Baby
Collins- 1 Baby
LaBrant- 1 Baby
Lott- 1 Baby
Reith- 1 Baby
Olligies- 1 Baby
Kallschmidt- 1 Baby
Dominguez- 1 Baby
Espensen- 1 Baby
Eisenmann- 1 Baby
By Month:
Unknown Month- 11 Babies
October- 3 Weddings, 5 Babies
June- 2 Weddings, 6 Babies
August- 1 Wedding, 7 Babies
May- 1 Wedding, 7 Babies
January- 3 Weddings, 4 Babies
July- 1 Wedding, 6 Babies
February- 1 Wedding, 5 Babies
November- 3 Weddings, 2 Babies
April- 2 Weddings, 2 Babies
March- 1 Wedding, 3 Babies
September- 1 Wedding, 2 Babies
December- 3 Babies
Families I Follow With No Known Growth:
Andregg (growth projected for '25)
Brown (growth projected for '25)
Dillard (growth projected for '25)
Maples (growth projected for '25)
McMurtry (growth projected for '25)
Nakatsu (growth projected for '25)
Nelson (growth projected for '25)
Prewitt (growth projected for '25)
Romeike (growth projected for '25)
Smith (Logan)
Vuolo (growth projected for '25)
Wikstrom (growth projected for '25)
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fredandginger64 · 6 months ago
One of the most beautiful sounds in the world is Dean Martin making Jerry Lewis laugh. It's beee-autiful!
Dean and Jerry on the MDA telethon, November, 1953
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