#patiently waitng for this to happen
mixelation · 1 month
What does training for an insulin pump encompass? Why is it necessary to train for one?
so, i guess to answer this fully, i should clarify what an insulin pump is. it is a wearable medical device that continuously administers insulin. basically it's a very fancy box with a cartridge of insulin attached to me by a tube for the purpose of giving myself insulin, replacing the need for multiple daily injections
for me, training was a two hours one-on-one session. it included learning how to use the actual equipment (loading insulin, inserting the infusion set, how to unhook myself from the pump to take a shower, how to give extra insulin for when i eat, what warnings mean, etc) as well as setting up the pump with settings as suggested by my doctor & syncing it with my cgm, suggestions for how not to break my pump and set my settings so they're actually useful to me and my lifestyle, suggestions for my own safety & what to do in case of emergency, and also let me have one on one time with an expert to ask questions
many of these tasks could probably be self-taught with a few youtube tutorials, and i thought about just slapping it on without training more than once as i just had the pump sitting my my room for almost two months. however administering insulin incorrectly can easily lead to a hospital visit or death, so i held back lmao
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mybelde · 2 years
Helloo, I know it's been a while since I last updated. But a lot of things happened, that's why I wasn't able to update. I got into a minor accident a few days back, (don't worry I'm fine now, only just fractured my arm 😬) so I took the time to recover and get better quickly. During that time, writing the smau wasn't really my priority, so I hope you guys understand 💀 But I'm feeling a lot better now so I'll be updating the smau again! I can't promise that it will be daily updates tho since the holidays are over, but I definitely won't abandon this smau. Damn I haven't even checked my inbox yet haha. But for everyone who's reading my aether smau, thank you for patiently waitng for an update :)
I'll post chapter 25 soon after this and after cheking my inbox lol🧍‍♀️
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wind0wg0blin · 6 years
Can i request Xenomorph soulmate oneshot?
[Ummm…So yeah theres this…] 
[Staring a king Xenomorph kinda?plus space station Au]
You had to admit thatwhen you signed up to leave your life behind to live on a multi species spacestation you had expected to be given a better job seeing as you had a prettyexpensive degree. Though here you were organizing computer files and deliveringmail like you didn’t waste years of your life on earth studying just so youcould get the chance to come out here.
You had been convinced thisspace station was all fun and interspecies romance though every alien you hadmet was either planning on using you or just an asshole. You had made a fewfriends who had alien s/o’s though which was kind of interesting to see them interreact.Especially your one coworker who is engaged to a very important engineer andits rumored their relationship might actually bridge peace between humans andengineers for years to come cause of some fairy tale bullshit.
You honestly were toojealous to listen when they spoke so highly of her as you so desperately wishedthat was you.
With a sigh you madeyour way home shouldering your bag as you sulked past the crowds of people toyour tiny apartment. Punching in your room number you step inside and throwyour bag down flopping down on your futon staring up at the dull ceiling.
Frustrated you slam yourfist into the wall next to you only for the ceiling vent to pop open andsomething to come crashing into your room. You screamed leaping over the backof your futon as you see the large xeno unfurled itself its terrifying headswaying about as it sniffed the air.
You were to say theleast scared shitless as you had heard war stories from some yautja before whohad lost veterans fighting some of these things claiming they were the ultimateprey as they were terrifying hunters.
You knew you had to tellsome body as an infestation of these things would kill the entire station in days.
You glance to the door convincedyou could make it, You took when step and it was upon you looming in your pathas drool leaked from its maw.
It glared down at youseeming to snarl before softening its appearance hunkering down to smell youpressing its face into the crook of your neck.
Too afraid to run youstayed there with the Xeno as it curled around you seeming to purr as itnuzzled into you.
The xeno stayed with youfor the whole night staying right at your side as you sat and tried to get somekind of answers from it. You were shocked to find it understood you and that itwould answer appropriately to questions you asked it. Nodding and shaking theirhead in response.
It was well into thenight and you had work the next morning so you explained as best you could tothem and they understood moving out of the way as you set up your bed andcurled up.
You were almost asleepwhen you felt them curl up at your feet their tail curling around you almostprotectively as you slept the few hours you had left.
When you woke up theXeno was still there sat on the counter to your small cooking area hunched overin the tiny window obviously too small for this room in general.
Seeing the time on the wallyou wasted no time getting ready for work. Just before you ran out the door youstopped looking at your Xeno sat patiently on the couch watching you.
“Stay hidden okay.” Youinstructed and they nodded before you said your farewell and headed out for work.
You had made it all theway to your lunch break until you noticed some of the Yautja were looking atyou funny some even avoiding you when you walked past. You had intitallychalked it up to them being rude that was until one of your co-workers’husbands came in during lunch and snorted as you walked past looking at youwith a shocked expression.
Pausing as he stepped in front of you, youglance up at him as he looked you over with a critical eye.
“Miss have you been to Orikai6 recently?” he asked innocently enough and you shook your head confused.
You flinched when hedragged him finger over your cheek and you were surprised to see the tiniestspec of your Xenos dried drool on his finger.
“Then you have some seriousexplaining to do miss” He growled waving in two security guards as theysurrounded you menacingly.
You looked around panickedas you backed up only to feel your back pressing into something. Looking up youquickly realized it was actually someone as your xeno snarled at the shocked yautja.
“Oh no.” You mumbledrealizing everyone was looking at you horrified as your Xeno was well, clearlyyour xeno.
Pushing hard on yourxenos chest as the yautja began to approach you got some common sense into Xeno’shead as you both turned tail and hauled ass outta there.
You did the only thingyou could think of in a situation like this and ran for the escape podsconvinced you could piolet one back to earth, or any where.
Though with a massiveXenomorph following you, you drew everyones attention, especially the yautjawho looked at you in dumb stuck awe.
You ere panting out ofbreath and your lungs burned as you managed to get to the stair well that ledto the escape pods.
Just as you both burstout of the stair well and onto the launch deck you were met by a group offurious looking humans and yautja. Though there was a lone engineer stood amongstthem who glared at you with an intensity that made you shrivel away in fear.
“If you surrender now wewont kill you. This is the only time this will be offered.” He said sternly hisdeep voice making you shudder as you looked up at xeno who was already hoveringover you protectively,
Seeing no other optionyou turned yourself in letting an officer hand cuff you as Xeno was surroundedto be killed you assumed.
It had been a week sincethen and you had found a new home in the stations holding cells. You were infamousamoung everyone especially some of the other criminals who seemed to actually fearyou knowing something you didn’t.
You were laying in yourcot contemplating your existance in the grand skeem of things when a guard cameand got you leading you away to what looked like an interagation room.
Inside was a few peoplein business suits two yautja guards stood in the corners of the room as you weresat in a chair on the opposite side of the table.
Once the guard whoescorted you had left they turned their attention on you a moment passingbefore the one in the middle sighed and gave you a serious look.
“The King Xenomorph youhad been harboring has escaped our containment and we need you to retrieve it. Inreturn for doing so you will be released from jail and placed on monitored probation.”They explained showing you pictures and video of your Xeno escaping a largecage like cell most likely in the bowels of the station.
“You have hundreds ofyautja on this ship why not ask one of them?”
“Because this specificXeno is smarter than any we have seen before able to hide its trails and creatediversions. It also cannot be tracked by scent alone as it isn’t strong enoughto track long distances. Therefore, we need you to bring it back to us.”
“What if I say no?” Youasked receiving a shocked expression from the negotiator looking to their equallysurprised colleagues before back to you.
“You will rot in jailbefore being sent to earth to serve out the rest of your sentencing along with banishmentfrom returning here ever again.” They said as if it weren’t even an option
You really didn’t knowwhat to do but something made you want to go along with their plan though youknew you wouldn’t let them just catch him without a bit of work.
“Okay, Ill help you.”You said as they nodded leading you from the room and immediately taking you tothe lower decks of the station were all the machinery was and the enginesystems.
Looking around thecrowded area you knew he wouldn’t be here so you started to walk back towardsthe living quarters the group of officers following you closely as you walkedwatching for any sign of the Xeno.
You made it all the wayback to your housing unit when you started to notice signs of them Xeno. Kneelingdown by a floor vent you hit the wall hard twice smiling when you heard afamiliar trill sound out from the floor vent.
“Found him. Now yougotta catch him.” You smirked as Xeno burst out of the floor grate roaring ashe blocked them from approaching you seeming to be almost larger then all thetimes before.
The youngblood guardswere clearly born on the station as they stared at the Xeno in wide eyed shock unableto move as it snarled at the tail whipping around dangerously as it threatened toskewer anything the grew too close.
“This was not part ofthe agreement miss-“
“No where did you say Ihad to catch him and hand him over. I was to lure him out and well. He’s lured.”You snarked really hating these people in charge of the station.
Glancing around you werequickly drawing a crowd of bystanders most of them yautja who were cracking tohave a go at the xeno,
“I have a new deal.Seeing as he has clearly been here a while and he has never hurt any one evenwhen threatened we let him stay and see what happens. Scientists get a firsthandchance at observing a rare xenomorph.” You said seeing the wheels turning inthe main negotiators head.
They discussed briefly beforelooking back to you clearly upset seeing as you had some how gotten the betterhadn dealt in the end.
“Very well come with usand we will. Discuss in detail.” The person said as you patted Xeno’s shoulder invictory the two of you striding after the sulking agents.
It has been some timesince this whole commotion came about and now you were quite the infamous faceon the station as you were the girl who tamed a king xenomorph and convinced thestation to let you keep him none the less.
While the yautja wereequally disgusted and impressed by you for this feat you cared not as nothing madeyou happier than coming home to see your Xeno waitng for you. It was evenbetter when you got out of work to see him sitting there some how holding idleconversation with a curious child.
Walking home with Xenoat your side you realized you could very much get used to this new life ofyours.
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juiceortiz · 6 years
im just patiently waitng to see Angel's bare ass...or Coco's eithers will make me happy at this point in the season
honest to god, I can’t believe we HAVEN’T. We’re 9 episodes in and we haven’t seen one bare ass. what happened to Sutter?
send me your headcanons/AUs/questions about juice ortiz!
send me questions/aus/headcanons about angel reyes!
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lalalilacx · 4 years
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Centuries ago, a droplet of sunlight falls from the sky and lands on Earth. When it touches the ground, a radiant, yellow flower blossoms. They said that the flower have the capability to heal. An old woman discovered the flower and she is Gothel she just need to sing a certain song to bring back her youthness. She hide the flower not until the queen soon falls deathly ill. Upon hearing a rumor that speaks of the legendary sun flower, the king spares no time and dispatches his soldiers to find it. The soldiers found the flower and bring it to the queen.  To everyone's great relief, she recovers and soon gives birth to a beautiful baby girl who, unlike her parents, has shining golden hair. They celebrated the birth of the princess by lighting a paper lantern decorated with the emblem of a sun and release it into the sky.
However, Gothel doesn’t want to lose her powers so she broke into the castle. She recites the old song and the baby's hair glows just as the flower had. Gothel cut just enough hair to keep but the hair turns brown in her hands. Deperate Gothel kidnaps and princess and keep her into forest. As Rapunzel grow older, she wanted to go out of the tower and becomes fascinated by an annual event that seems to happen only on her birthday.
Meanwhile, at the castle, Flynn Rider together with the Stabbington brothers want to snatch the tiara and they did. The thieves make it outside the kingdom and seek refuge in the forest but soon come to a dead end in a ditch. The Stabbington brothers tell Flynn that, if he gives them the satchel with the tiara in it, they'll hoist him up to the high ledge above. Once at the top, they then command that Flynn help them up. But Flynn reveals that he still has the tiara in a second satchel.
Flynn Rider saw the tower and climb into it as he thought he is alone and get the tiara out of the sachel, but Rapunzel knocks him out with a frying pan and lock him to the closet. When Gothel finally arrives at home, Rapunzel ask her if she can go out and see the floating lights. But Gothel said that the outside world is too dangerous for a naive girl like her. That is why when her mother already left, she propose a deal to Flynn asking him to go with her and see the floating lights and she will give the tiara back.
When they finally got out from the tower Rapunzel digs her toes into grass for the first time.  Flynn takes her to the nearby Snuggly Duckling Inn, a tavern which is frequented by an assortment of thugs and bandits. Flynn and asks if any of them have ever had a dream. Her innocence melts their hearts and they all confess their dreams. When the guards arrive at the inn, they stage a distraction to help Rapunzel and Eugine(Flynn’s true name) escape through a secret tunnel and encourage her to live her dream.
Meanwhile, Maximus(palace horse) suddenly jumps out of nowhere in front of Gothel. Gothel got panicked and hurridly went back to the tower and for her surprise Repunzel is now gone and she only found the sachel with tiara on it.  There, she is confronted by the Stabbington brothers, but uses them to her advantage by bargaining their help for the tiara, revenge against Flynn 
That night Rapunzel admitted to Eugine that her hair not just glows it also can heal. Flynn asks her not to spread word of his true name for fear that it would ruin his reputation, explaining that he adopted his current nickname of 'Flynn Rider' as an orphan, inspired by stories of a thief named 'Flynn'. Growing up, he dreamed of having enough money to travel the world and relished the freedom of it all.
The next morning, Eugene wakes to see a soaking wet Maximus glaring angrily down at him. Maximus attempts to carry Eugene off but Rapunzel befriends the horse and convinces him to let Eugene stay with her until after she sees the floating lights. When the night already came she and Eugine got into the boat and watch the floating lanterns.
They were about to kiss but Eugine saw Stabbington brothers. He ask Rapunzel to wait, so she waited. Eugine gave the tiara to the Stabbington brothers but they are no longer interested into it and they knock Eugine off. As Rapunzel patiently waitng for Eugine, Stabbington brothers came and told her that Eugine betrayed her the Stabbington brothers attempt to kidnap her but before thay can do that Mother Gothel appears and knocks both of them unconscious. In tears and promising to never disobey her again, Rapunzel leaves with Mother Gothel back to the tower. As Rapunzel walks up to her room, Rapunzel notices a recurring theme: all around her, painted on the walls and embroidered on her bed sheets, is the same sun emblem that she saw within the kingdom and on the very lantern she pushed skyward. She remembers the baby with golden blonde hair held by her brown-haired parents and suddenly realizes that she is the missing princess. As he is led to the gallows, Eugene sees the Stabbington brothers incarcerated in their own cell. He demands to know what has happened to Rapunzel and they admit that they were acting under the promises of Mother Gothel to get Rapunzel back. Eugene struggles to escape, knowing that Rapunzel is in danger, but is unable to. Maximus then arrives with a few of the thugs from the Snuggly Ducklin.
Beneath the tower, he calls out to Rapunzel and her hair is let down for him to climb. When he reaches the top, however, he finds Rapunzel bound and gagged in a chair. Before she can warn him, Gothel emerges from the shadows and stabs Eugene in the side with her dagger. He reels back, falling against a vanity mirror and breaking the glass. Gothel then tells Rapunzel that she will take her far away where no one will ever find her. Struggling against her gag, Rapunzel promises that she will go with Gothel willingly if she is allowed to heal Eugene. Gothel agrees and Rapunzel goes to the dying Eugene. Before she can begin singing he pulls her close and cuts her hair with shard of glass. With the enchantment broken, Rapunzel's hair turns into its normal brown and Gothel staggers back as her skin begins to wrinkle. Horrified by her reflection, she trips over some of Rapunzel's cut hair and falls out the window. Crying over Eugene, Rapunzel recites her song one last time. A lone tear falls from her eyes into Eugene's and the last bit of magic that remained in her revives him. The two lovers embrace and kiss before traveling together back to the castle where Rapunzel is reunited with her real parents. Eugene, now addressed by his true name, is welcomed into the Royal family. He and Rapunzel are soon married and live happily ever after.
 1. What life lesson can you learn from the movie
- Never lose hope in achieving your dreams. You can chase your dreams you just have to take step and never be afraid of taking risks.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
- It would be the night when Rapunzel and Eugene are at the boat. If you are going to take a look at Rapunzel’s face that night it would be the most precious moment. Because she finally saw the floating lanterns.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
- The queen and king. Because, they never lose hope that someday they will find the lost princess.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that have you seen occur in other?
- Yes, it would be me in the past. Asking for my parents permission to go outside because I wanted to explore too.
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