b2the4thpower · 3 years
New Angry Dad Podcast Episode 518 Life F! Lines (B2the4thpower)
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saltypr1nce-blog · 6 years
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Where do we go from here? #PathsInLife
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“Of all the paths you take in life make sure a few of them are dirt.” - John Muir Background photo by Jeri Rae taken along Route 96 between Cuba and Abiquiu Reservoir in New Mexico. ***************************** #Quote #JohnMuir #RuralNewMexico #DesertedRoad #NM #NewMexico #Route96NM #PathsInLife #RoadLessTraveled #DirtPath #OldBridge #LandOfEnchantment
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aliceainwonderland · 7 years
Something yet Nothing
Lately I have been feeling torn. Torn between two ways of life. Life can be funny in that sense and sometimes I don’t know if it’s normal for me to be experiencing this or normal to be feeling how I do but its inevitable; those feelings are there. It has been months now where I have been feeling like I am missing out on something. I have been feeling a sense of desperation; a crave-like feeling for life and sadly how I was going about life was only surfacing what I really wanted. These feelings can be scary and involve change. These thought can cause one to really question, what is our purpose? Why was I chosen to live life? If you think about it, life could have been given to anyone else but instead I was chosen to walk this life, to breathe this air, to love fearlessly, to just be me. However, I feel like I have not been me lately. Its been that way for a while and as a result I have forgotten whom I am. I still don’t know who I am but I know what I want to be and that is happy. Whether it be on my own or with someone.
So lets cut to the chase, these feelings that I am experiencing are because of a recent change in events in my life. For three years I have relied on someone. That person I have stuck by them through thick and thin…literally through thin. It took so much courage, tears, fears, and thoughts to just decide to leave. Why? I don’t know, I just had a gut feeling that I wasn’t going to do what I was supposed to do, what I was given life for. It was a miracle we met and I don’t doubt that our paths crossed for no reason because I am a guilty believer of that saying, “Everything happens for a reason.” Maybe we met for me to realize that I am so much bigger and greater than I give myself credit for. Perhaps this chapter in my life started because life wanted me to grow more, to learn more, and really figure out what’s best for me, even if I was going to have some hiccups on the way. I am coming to the end of that chapter and what makes it hard is just leaving the “comfortable.” I have molded my life around this person and to just decide to end things is scary. Change is always scary…it’s the hardest thing about growing because you leave your routine for something new and the new is unknown. Will this change be good? Will I find that happiness I am looking for? It honestly just makes me feel so sad, mad, and upset and a lot more other feelings because I spent so much time and energy fixating over someone trying to make it my last and to know that its over just gives me this overwhelming feelings that nothing is forever. People always leave…and I am just stuck.
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