#pater pio
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#pater pio#Pio von Pietrelcina#Padre Pio#holy#icon#roman catholic#cosmic#Father Pius#Francesco Forgione#Capuchin
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Hl. Pater Pio
Priester, Mönch, Mystiker * 25. Mai 1887 in Pietrelcina bei Benevent in Italien † 23. September 1968 in San Giovanni Rotondo bei Foggia in Italien
Francesco Forgione wurde als Kind einer Bauernfamilie geboren. Er habe weniger als andere Kinder gegessen und kaum geschlafen, schwere Fieberanfälle wie durch ein Wunder überstanden. Bereits im Alter von 16 Jahren trat er als Novize in das Kapuzinerkloster seiner Heimat ein und erhielt den Ordensnamen Pio. Unter Mühen ob seiner angeschlagenen Gesundheit - er litt unter Tuberkulose - hielt er das asketische Leben durch, absolvierte das Theologiestudium und wurde 1910 in der Kathedrale von Benevent zum Priester geweiht. Bis 1915 war er in seinem Heimatort Pietrelcina als Gehilfe des Ortspfarrers tätig, ab 1916 als Mönch im Kapuzinerkloster von San Giovanni Rotondo. 1918 erschienen auf seinem Körper plötzlich die fünf Wundmale Christi, die ihn zum ersten stigmatisierten Priester in der Geschichte der katholischen Kirche machten, und die bis zu seinem Tod sichtbar blieben. Pater Pio litt darunter, nicht nur unter den Schmerzen, sondern auch unter den Verleumdungen, die bald einsetzten, da die Menschen scharenweise zum Kloster strömten, um ihn zu sehen. Seine Oberen verboten ihm zeitweise, sich der Öffentlicheit zu zeigen, auch im Vatikan war man zunächst sehr skeptisch. Es war Paul VI., der ihn zum ersten Mal positiv würdigte. Die Pilger, die zu Padre Pio in sein Kloster nach San Giovanni Rotondo kamen, erlebten ihn bei seinen Messen wie der Wirklichkeit entrückt. Er wurde als Beichtvater zum Apostel des Beichtstuhls, seine prophetische Gabe wurde weithin gerühmt. Die Menschen vertrauten Padre Pio; ab 1940 begann er, Leiden der Pilger durch Handauflegen oder mit Worten zu lindern oder gar zu heilen. In den Armen, Leidenden und Kranken sah er das Bild Christi, besonders ihnen galt sein Werk der Nächstenliebe. Von Spendengeldern ließ Padre Pio 1956 eines der modernsten Krankenhäuser Süditaliens bauen, die Casa del Sollievo della Sofferenza, Haus des Trostes der Leidenden in San Giovanni Rotondo. Dem jungen polnischen Priester Karol Woityla, dem späteren Papst Johannes Paul II., soll er bei einem Besuch im Jahre 1947 sowohl die Wahl zum Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche als auch das Attentat von 1981 vorhergesagt haben. Als Weihbischof von Krakau richtete Karol Woityla in einem Brief an Padre Pio die Bitte, besondere Fürsprache für eine an einem Krebsleiden erkrankte Familienmutter und Ärztin sowie für den Sohn eines Anwalts aus seiner Diözese zu halten. Weitere Briefe schrieb ihm Kardinal Woityla während seines Aufenthaltes beim 2. Vatikanischen Konzil. Auch als Papst brachte er oft seine Wertschätzung gegenüber Pater Pio zum Ausdruck.
Heute gibt es in Italien über 2300 Gebetsgruppen, die sich an der Spiritualität von Pater Pio orientieren, hinzu kommen weitere 400 Gruppen in aller Welt. San Giovanni Rotondo ist heute die meistbesuchte Pilgerstätte für Hilfesuchende aus aller Welt: 7 Millionen Besucher kommen jedes Jahr, fast doppelt so viele wie zur Wallfahrtsstätte von Bernadette Soubirous nach Lourdes. Nach Entwürfen des Architekten Renzo Piano wurde hier 2004 eine große Kirche erbaut.
Pater Pio ist in Italien der mit Abstand beliebteste Heilige, Fernsehfilme über ihn haben Rekord-Zuschauerzahlen. Im Jahr 2008 bekundeten Italiens Katholiken in einer Umfrage, sich in Glaubensdingen zuallererst an Padre Pio zu wenden. Anfang März 2008 wurde der Sarkophag geöffnet, in dem die sterblichen Überreste von Padre Pio verwahrt waren, nun sind sie zur öffentlichen Verehrung ausgestellt.
P. Pio wurde von Johannes Paul II. 1999 selig- und 2002 heiliggesprochen.
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Pochi lo sanno, ma nel 142 d.c., venne istituita, in tutto l'Impero Romano, per ordine di Antonino Pio, la professione del medico municipale, chiamato archiater, ovvero il medico pubblico cittadino, insomma il medico della mutua degli antichi romani. Naturalmente il medico stava in città, per i villaggi invece i cittadini malati dovevano raggiungere la città più prossima, il municipio più vicino. Il medico privato invece era chiamato medicus.
Ne ebbero diritto tutti i cives romani, pertanto esclusi gli schiavi e gli stranieri, ma vigeva per tutto l'impero romano, da occidente all'oriente, dal settentrione europeo al meridione africano. Mai stato fece opera tanto grandiosa. L'architater faceva diagnosi, dava le erbe e le medicine, operava chirurgicamente, curava i denti e le ossa rotte.
I Romani infatti avevano medici, medicine, chirurghi e dentisti, anche se non si conoscevano nè batteri nè virus, scoperti solo nel 1800, per cui erano sconosciuti il contagio e le cause di molte malattie.
Tuttavia i medici romani, anche se non sterilizzavano, tenevano in gran conto la pulizia, tanto che avevano bende pulite e cofanetti e cassette ove tenevano gli attrezzi ben puliti e, se erano di ferro, ben oliati con puro olio di oliva.
Anticamente la medicina proveniva dalle erbe, e la loro ricerca era affidata alle donne. Anche se teoricamente doveva essere il pater familia a prendersi cura della famiglia e pure degli schiavi, in realtà erano le romane a prendersi cura dei familiari con impacchi, decotti, impiastri e tisane dei malati in famiglia, ed erano sempre le donne a fare le levatrici.
Catone si irritò molto per l'uso di valersi dei medici, soprattutto quelli greci che avevano invaso Roma, trascurando i buoni usi antichi e ci ha tramandato che la medicina domestica si basava essenzialmente sull'uso del cavolo, del vino e sul pronunciamento di filastrocche magiche (formule o invocazioni). Egli sintetizza così la cura del pater familiae:
"Forniti di una canna verde, si reciti la formula "motas uaeta daries dardaries, asiadarides una te pes" e si canti ogni giorno "haut haut istasis tarsis ardannabon" e si guarirà così ogni male"
(Marco Porcio Catone, "De agri coltura", 160)
Per fortuna però c'erano le donne della famiglia e poi i medici, e per ciò che riguardava invece le malattie più gravi o la chirurgia, gli uomini che ne avevano possibilità andavano a studiarla nei paesi più progrediti in materia, in Grecia e in Egitto, ma esisteva anche una progredita medicina etrusca.
Nell'ambulatorio veniva attrezzata una piccola farmacia dove le sostanze semplici erano collocate in scatole di legno o vasi di terracotta o di ceramica sigillata (aretina) con l'indicazione del contenuto. Anche nelle case si attrezzarono minuscole farmacie, con cofanetti in metallo, osso o avorio, con diversi scomparti, con bende e medicinali di base per un pronto soccorso.
-Romano Impero
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Valencia: Kirche blieb inmitten der Zerstörung verschont
Hochwasser drang nicht in Gotteshaus ein – Pfarrer erläutert: Das Gotteshaus hatte erst eine Woche zuvor eine Reliquie des Heiligen Pater Pio erhalten, er sieht darin einen wundersamen Schutz der Gemeinde durch den Heiligen weiterlesen: [https://www.kath.net/news/85985
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„Setzt dem Konzil ein schnelles Ende“
katholisches.info: Der heilige Pater Pio von Pietrelcina, ein Kapuziner, der von 1887 bis 1968 lebte, war ein Vorbild an Respekt und Unterwerfung gegenüber seinen Ordens- und Kirchenoberen. Das galt besonders in der langen Zeit, in der er durch allerlei Zweifler, Neider und Kurzsichtige in der Kirche verfolgt wurde. Dennoch, und gerade das macht ihn auch zum ... http://dlvr.it/TFrH53
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Hl. Pater Pio von Pietrelcina https://blog.sakrum.de/meditatio/2024/04/30/Hl-Pater-Pio-von-Pietrelcina/
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Der Wert des Leidens
______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Sie befinden sich in der Gegenwart eines heiligen Menschen, wenn er das Leiden auf sich nimmt. Pater Pio sagte: „Wenn Sie den Wert des Leidens wüssten, würden Sie es niemals aufgeben.“ Leiden hat so viel spirituellen Wert, dass wir es manchmal nicht begreifen. . . Wir…

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Pater Pio: Die Scheidung ist der Passport für die Hölle!
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Papa Pio XII recita il Pater Noster La preghiera del Signore recitata -- naturalmente in latino -- da un degno Vicario di Cristo.
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Dopo il Pater, l'Ave Maria è la preghiera più bella. San Pio https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkmAjFC-wL/?igshid=19gv4cdexsaxy
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The Difficulty of "Unanswered Prayer"
"My eyes are ever towards the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the snare: look Thou upon me, and have mercy on me; for I am alone and poor. "My eyes are forever turned towards the Lord: for He shall release my feet from the snare; look upon me and have mercy on me, for I am abandoned and destitute. " — Psalm 24 (25): 15, 16.
THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT: MARCH 11th, A.D. 2012 THEME: The difficulty of "unanswered prayer".
The following homily was written by Reverend Charles J. Higgins, Pastor Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Parish, 270 Elliot St. Newton, Massachusetts (Published with permission) (He also is our Pastor)
This Introit Psalm which sets the tone for our Lenten Sunday Mass today is the expression of a soul praying to God in the midst of great distress — indeed, it is the prayer of a soul who finds itself without any recourse to ordinary means: only God can help.
One thing we are taught with certainty, and which is reinforced with great emphasis during these days of Lent, is that God will always respond to the humble prayer of faith. Think of it: God commands us to pray so that He might help us. When Christ’s disciples asked of Him, "Lord, teach us how to pray," He taught them that perfect prayer of petition which is the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father (the "Pater Noster" in Latin). To put it simply, through Our Lord Jesus we are both commanded and invited to ask of God every worthy thing — no matter how small and personal to us.
The difficulty is, of course, as every person who struggles with the life of faith knows, prayers do not work like magic with God. We are commanded to pray and yet many of the things we pray for remain seemingly unanswered — and I stress that phrase seemingly unanswered, because, in truth, there is no such thing as an "unanswered prayer".
I want to consider then, how are we to make sense of the difficulty of seemingly unanswered prayer. Why is it that certain prayers seem to be unanswered by God?
First of all, we have to discount prayers which are made with a bad heart and are not reflective of faith. (In St. Luke’s Gospel, Chapter II, for example) there were those who when Jesus delivered a man from a demonic spirit, they attributed it to the power of Satan: "He casteth out devils by beelzebub, the prince of devils. And others, tempting, asked of Him a sign from heaven." At other times and places, such as in his own town of Nazareth, Our Lord could work few miracles on account of their lack of faith.
Why? Because He had not the power? No, because He would not act where he did not find humble hearts. Where He found defiance and a "show me" attitude, He held back. And so God does…
Secondly, God will reject prayers for bad or foolish things, or that betray a fundamentally unreal approach to the duties of life— the prayer to win it big in the lottery for example.
But what about prayers, our prayers, that do come from faith, and with an awareness of our unworthiness, and yet seem to be unanswered? Three things.
1) God may grant it, but not right away. For the sake of a greater good, especially our own, He will require us to pray for an intention a long time, maybe even a very long time. Yes, it is a test. And we just have to accept that.
2) God may refuse it. There was nothing wrong in us asking, but for whatever reason, God’s answer was no.
3) Finally — and this is crucial — God is saying yes, but at first glance it looks to us as if He’s not hearing or He’s not doing good by us.
It’s like this. We can only ask according to what seems best to us. But our viewpoint is so small. We’re limited human creatures and our thinking is often muddled and mistaken about the truth of things. We don’t see what God sees so we never really know what’s best for us. We have to trust in His Goodness and His Mercy. And when it comes to the life of prayer, we have to grasp this saying of Saint Ambrose: "God always gives more that He is asked."
So, do not lose heart in praying to God. He is hearing you and He is answering you. There is no such thing as an unanswered prayer. Pray in the spirit of the opening verses of Psalm 24(25):
"To thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in thee, O My God, I put my trust. Let me never be put to shame."
Lenten Prayers and Meditations
Lord Jesus, help me to walk with You each day of my life, even to Calvary. The sorrow and joy, the pain and healing, the failures and triumphs of my life are truly small deaths and resurrections that lead me closer to You. Give me the faith and trust I need to walk with You always. Amen.
Mary, Mother of our Redeemer and our most Blessed Mother, be with us through life’s journey. As you comforted Jesus on the road to Calvary by your silent and loving presence, as you held his lifeless body close to your Immaculate Heart, as you offered the sadness and suffering that only a mother can feel when she sees the suffering of her child, look upon me as you looked at Jesus.
See His marred image in my frail nature; hold me close to your mother’s heart in my moments of temptation and sin; and pray for me that I may be for God what I was created to be. A LIVING IMAGE OF JESUS. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, you gather your people during this holy season of Lent, and you call us to repent and believe the Gospel. Remove any barriers that keep us from you so that we might live fully the life we received at Baptism and carry our cross each day. You have given us Padre Pio of Pietrelcina as a modern image of the Suffering Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through his intercession and your divine grace, may we turn to you in our need, thank you in our abundance, and share your love with the world around us. Amen. (excerpted from prayers of Padre Pio)
We should all remember that when praying there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer One way or another the Lord does answer our Prayers sometimes we are just too busy to recognize it!
Above story in Pamphlet Form - Click Below:
From: www.pamphletstoinspire.com
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Stinky Passengers, Small Coffees, and Lost on Borgo Pio
That whole ‘moving homes’ is one of the most stressful times in your life thing?
Yeah, well, I think flying has to be added to that list. Or, to be precise, flying with Ryanair. I mean, kudos to them. They’re cheap and budget, and they can’t help that they have idiots for passengers but with their new Priority Boarding rules meaning you can have only one onboard bag and one handbag/purse, people don’t seem to be able to comprehend that the suitcase goes overhead and the purse in front of you at your feet.
I mean, because that’s so difficult to understand, right?
Apparently so, because yup, we departed late. I even watched an air steward get ‘air rage’ at one couple. LOL. He was very polite, but they were being stupid. I’m a witness. Ha!
On my way to my seat, I was unpleasantly surprised to come across a very smelly dude. Now, I’m sure he can’t help it, but I just felt so sorry for his wife. I mean, do these guys think Rexona is for everyone else? There’s a clue in the ‘Nivea for Men’ title. Cue eye roll.

So, after a bus journey, a flight, and a train, I landed at Roma Termini.
Have to admit, the Leonardo Express is BRILLIANT. 14 euros to take you to the center? Cheap as chips. Just be warned, don’t book ahead. You might think you’re being organized, but you’re really not. Just grab a ticket there and then.
I’m staying across the River Tiber which, thanks to arriving late, meant I needed a taxi. 30 euros! I almost had a heart attack. I do love me a bargain, and that’s in my blood because I am from Yorkshire. ;) Still, I had no choice because of the time and commitments, and God, it was so much more comfortable after a pretty long day of traveling.
But everything is better with gelato.

Seeing Rome at night is always special. Things seem to shine more in the dark, which makes zero sense, but it’s the truth. At least, my truth. And the Altar del Pater is even more impressive after dark.
After settling in, I found a Pam Local so that I could buy latte (semicremato ;).) I’m a goddamn Brit! I need my cup of tea. My trip to the store was followed by grabbing a pizza from a nearby pizzeria. I have no idea what I ordered as, cute as always, you couldn’t choose your own pizza but had to select what was premade and they baked it there and then. It tasted like anchovies smell. Yeah. Not sure I’ll be heading back there. Although, I may for their Diavola—spicy salami pizza. Yum.
I ended up doing yoga at 4am after waking up at a crazy time, and headed out at 11 to Piazza Navona. I’ve been here before, but never for this length of time, and it’s crazy how much of the city I still remember. It seems to confirm what I’ve always believed that you should walk everywhere. Seriously. Walk it. Don’t get trains, taxis, the metro etc. Walk it, because you see so much more of the city, you burn a shit ton of calories, but also, you come across crazy ass shit you’d have missed before! :D

Having found the Piazza without a map, these are a few pics from the tourist hot spot. Woot for my internal compass! It’s from here I write today’s blog post. ;)
Thanks for reading!
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Glasfenster der Kirche: Kirche Trhova Hradska - Soós Csilla.
Ich habe die Buntglasfenster für das slowakische Dorf Trhová Hradská Kirche gemacht. Einer zeigt Christus, während der andere Pater Pio darstellt. Padre Pio war italienischer Herkunft und wegen vieler besonderer Ereignisse, die mit seinem Namen verbunden waren, als Miracle Man bekannt.
GLASMALEREI UND BLEIVERGLASUNG - SOÓS CSILLA: • WEB: http://at.sooscsilla.com/ • E-MAIL: [email protected] • MOBIL: 0043 67 64 239 886
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Hl. Pater Pio von Pietrelcina https://blog.sakrum.de/meditatio/2024/01/27/Hl-Pater-Pio-von-Pietrelcina/
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