#passiton wp2020 itsatuesday bethenews brandyou charlescrawshaw queenspeace worldpeaceontuesday15september2020 badgemeup globalceasefire 2020
boldleadership · 4 years
BOLD LEADERSHIP IS AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE : PASS IT ON! YOU’RE IT!                AFTER MY NEAR-DEATH STABBING (queenspeace.com/about) aged 18 , I designed this after Antonio Guterres (UN Secretary) 5 April Declaration: GLOBAL "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE" CEASEFIRE! Pass It On! You're It! ...........56 year old Charles new declaration coming soon! :) . Peace be with you all and the best of health too! Charles Bold Leadership! . . NEWSFLASH: http://laptopmum.com/ JUST SUBMITTED!QUESTION TO YOU? WHERE HAS BOLD LEADERSHIP SHOWN UP FOR YOU IN 2020?
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