nedsseveredhead2 · 10 years
17, 22, 40 and 53 please =)
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? I honestly dont think id be able to do that. I mean I talk a lot of shit and I hate a lot of people, but in my heart of hearts I’m a pacifist ya know? I dont think id be able to live with myself if I knew I made someone literally explode.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Not particularly lol I mean I guess im a little good at writing, and I dont write much, so maybe thats a secret??? But my writing ability isnt exactly a talent lol
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets, I much prefer the night time lol
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? Any time I had my hair longer than it is now tbh u shouldve seen it
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historyy · 10 years
partyingwithchilton said: It’s so cute that you are planing everything so well, making a text document about it! (I secretly admire you bc my planning is like just a few notes jotted down in my notebook or even a few videos where I’m talking away, lying on my bed) =) 
well, i try! it takes ages though. (the only reason this particular fic has so much planning is because it’s a sequel and in the first book i didn’t plan ahead what would happen) 
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couturecannibal · 10 years
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I like pink things too!! I just don't like the way people automatically gender it and make it out to be a bad thing. but yes pink foods = 👌 and don't worry you're not creepy ( ˘ ³˘)❤ I love getting messages, and sending others small comments myself as well uvu
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hautjardin · 10 years
partyingwithchilton replied yo your post: First tattoo on the ribs, it was small but d
That’s great! What did you have tatted? (If it’s not too personal)
Yeah i’m so happy, so now i have supercalifragilisticexpialidocious just under my breast to my rib :)
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artigas · 10 years
Magritte, Renoir and Kandinsky please =)
Would you rather fall in love once and have it last forever (while wondering if there was something better) or have many relationships (but never settle)?
wow, i wouldn't really want either. But maybe a mix of both? I think I could lean towards the latter only in the sense that I don't believe in a "one true love" and I think people have an immense capacity to love people in infinitely different ways- so I wouldn't mind loving people, even if we don't spend our entire lives together.
What has influenced you most in regards of your character?
My upbringing, my traumas, and literature. I went through a lot of loss and difficulty when I was very young and I think I'm fortunate in that I try to use my past to just be kinder and more understanding and stuff. obvs, its not always like that- trauma is trauma and sometimes its ugly and difficult, but I try to do what I can to turn it into good.
How far would you travel in order to study your favorite subject?
If I had the money for it, all over the world without a second thought lol
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realrandomsam · 10 years
The Wheel of Fortune and Justice, please =)
The Wheel Of Fortune: Something you wish you could changeA lot of people's opinions about MOGAI people.
Justice: A decision you wish you could do overLeaving my job at Disney World.
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brokebuckkmountain · 10 years
Green and blue, please ! =)
Green: four life goals
1. Get into a university this spring!
2. Get a job as a high school teacher
3. Be open about my sexuality to everyone and comfortable about it
4. Travel a lot
Blue: three things you like
1. Performing- namely, acting and dancing
2. Writing
3. Going out with friends
Thank you friend!
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the-owl-cave · 10 years
I was tagged by somelazypsychiatry, thank you very much dear !
Rules: List 10 books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t overthink it. Tag 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you. Ready? Go!
1. 1984, George Orwell
2. A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
3. The Twenty-Fifth Hour, Virgil Gheorghiu
4. Animal Farm, George Orwell
5. Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee
6. La Princesse de Clèves, Madame de La Fayette
7. La Peste, Albert Camus
8. La Planète des Singes, Pierre Boulle
9. Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
10. all five books of A Song Of Ice And Fire, George R. R. Martin
I tag partyingwithchilton, tornposters, meganmachine, lectersmuse, dreaminshadows, champagnelobstersanalandpicnics, queertheon and domericbolton. Hope you’ll enjoy doing this as much as I did :)
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couturecannibal · 10 years
G, H, M, W, please ? =)
aahhh oh my gosh thanks for sending some letters !! ;A;
G - Grade I hated? mmm middle school was actually okay in a lot of ways;; my sophomore year started out great and then basically it all went to hell at the start of 2014 (bullying, shit with friends, i left school to do online classes, etc)
H - Hometown? I was born in Seattle, WA (lived in Bothel tho). i now live in a sad little town in New Hampshire
M - Milkshake flavour? i like the pink ones. so strawberry uwu
W - Which celebrity i’d marry? MADS MIKKELSEN IF THERE WASNT LIKEA 30+ YEAR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US. or gillian anderson. scully stole my junior high heart
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hautjardin · 10 years
partyingwithchilton replied to your post: "most depressing new years eve ever"
I hope you’ll be alright darling, please treat yourself with kindness and try to be happy this year ! =)
aw you're so nice, thanks, im better now, and i hope you're having a good time and happy new year :D
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hautjardin · 10 years
partyingwithchilton replied to your post: so my english literature teacher told me t...
That’s so great ! You’ll remember the nice things she said far longer than the grade anyway ! =)
Yeah that's true, plus she made my day so everything's great :)
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hautjardin · 10 years
partyingwithchilton replied to your post: OMFG HAVE YOU SEEN THE HELLFEST...
I want to go (again) too but I may have my big scary oral exam at that time !!!!!!!
Ow you've already went out there ? You're so lucky. Shit that's what we call a nightmare, maybe you can try to go the last day at least :/
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brokebuckkmountain · 10 years
Hulk, Luke Cage, Daredevil and Storm, please ! =)
Hulk: How do you feel about being alone?
I’m quite okay with it, actually. I think there’s a big difference between being alone and lonely, and I love my (rare) alone time. As long as I’m not lonely.
Luke Cage: Talk about when you’ve been treated unfairly, on a small or large scale.
I’m not even sure how to answer this one… I mean, I’ve been through some shit, but I don’t know if it’s anything I’d classify as “unfair”, just “fucked up”. I guess when my parents fight, because I feel like a pawn in their arguments. Like, my mom will tell my dad I said stuff I didn’t say, and my relationship with my dad is already bullshit, so telling him I’m going to call the cops on him and get him kicked out of the house doesn’t really help. But I also hate how my dad confronts me for being angry at him when he does something wrong. If I walk past him, but he sees me taking care of my mom, he gets in my face and starts yelling at me. I just feel super trapped then.
Daredevil: What is something others see as a weakness, but you know to be a strength?
I think there is so much strength in staying positive, and seeing the good in people. I used to be like that, but I stopped because I decided it was a weakness. Now, it’s hard for me to get back to the point where I can be the kind of person who refuses to give up on people and ideals. I still feel weak when I do it. And I guess it takes a lot of strength to do something that makes you so vulnerable.
Storm: What do people look up to you for?
God, I hope no one looks up to me. I’m a terrible influence.
Ummmm, I’ve balanced a lot of activities in my life, and I’ve succeeded in all of my endeavors, so they kind of look up to me like some kind of powerhouse genius. And this is gonna sound terrible, but people I know think I’m attractive, so I get called “perfect” and a “triple threat” a lot. But I’m not even very smart (just look at my math scores), and most of my friends are like 10x prettier than me. So.
Yeah, no one should look up to me. At all.
Thank you love!!:)
send me superhero asks!
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brokebuckkmountain · 10 years
Hathor, Arawn, Mars and Morpheus please =)
Hathor: What brings you joy?
Ummm I don’t even know?? It’s not like a continuous thing, but some times I’ll be doing something and then it’ll hit me, like, ‘whoa, i’m really happy right now’. Like the other day, I was at my best friend’s house and we were on his bed doing Disney duets together, and I just kind of went ‘oh hey, this is nice. everything’s all right’.
Arawn: What is the most terrifying thing you’ve ever done?
It’s like the same thing multiple times, but every time I come out to someone, it’s seriously the most nerve-wracking shit.
Mars: Have you ever gotten into a fight?
Idk if this counts, but when I was 6 this girl that was really rude in my class insulted me or something, and I kinda snapped and pinned her to the wall by her throat.
Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what?
I do, but it’s of stupid shit. Mostly I like to think about if Scott came back to California like, permanently, and how awesome that would be.
Thank you!
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hautjardin · 10 years
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oh really ? i feel a bit better now, thanks :)
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brokebuckkmountain · 10 years
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Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive (requested by partyingwithchilton) Sebastian Stan (5/5)
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