#party bus rental in RI
limorentalnyc101 · 2 months
6 Reasons to Choose Buffalo Black Car Service
When it comes to making a statement with your transportation, few options rival the sophistication and comfort of a black car service. Whether you’re attending a business meeting, celebrating a special event, or simply seeking a luxurious ride, Buffalo Black Car Service offers unparalleled quality and convenience. Here are six compelling reasons why you should consider choosing our black car…
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gracehosborn · 3 months
What's the itinerary? 👀
Hi, Anon! Happy to share.
My dream American Revolution trip itinerary, just including my must-sees, and a rough idea of transportation (still working on food stops and slipping in other points of interest):
Day 1:
Early morning flight to Boston, MA
Stay in Boston for 3 nights, 4 days
Rental car for Day 2 and 3
Boston Massacre Site
Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum
Bunker Hill Museum and Monument
Old North Church & Historic Site
Day 2:
Paul Revere House
Lexington Battle Green Tour, Lexington MA
Drive from Boston
Old North Bridge, Concord MA
Drive from Lexington
Day 3:
Adams National Historic Park, Quincy MA
Drive from Boston
General Nathaniel Greene Homestead, Coventry RI
Drive from Adams NHP
Day 4:
Early morning train/bus to Albany, NY
Stay in Albany 2 nights, 3 days
Rental car for Day 4 and 5
Saratoga National Historical Park, Stillwater NY
Drive from Albany
Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga NY
Drive from Saratoga NHP
Day 5:
Schuyler Mansion tour
Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site, Newbrugh NY
Drive from Albany
John Jay Homestead, Katonah NY
Drive from Washington Headquarters Newbrugh
Day 6:
Early morning train from Albany to New York City, NY
Stay in New York City for 4 nights, 5 days
Hamilton Grange National Memorial
Morris-Jumel Mansion
Day 7:
City Hall Park
Federal Hall
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Trinity Church & Cemetary
Day 8:
Museum of the City of New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Day 9:
Van Cortlandt House Museum
Central Park
New York Historical Society Museum & Library
Weehawken Dueling Grounds/Hamilton Park, Weehawken, NJ
Take ferry to and from
Day 10:
Train/bus to Princeton, NJ
Stay in Princeton 2 nights, 3 days
Rental car for Day 11
Princeton Battlefield State Park
Day 11:
Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Manalapan, NJ
Drive from Princeton
Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown NJ (Includes: Ford Mansion/Washington’s Headquarters, Schuyler-Hamilton House, Jockey Hollow)
Drive from Monmouth Battlefield Park
Day 12:
Early train/bus to Trenton, NJ
Old Barracks Museum
Washington Crossing Park, Washington Crossing, PA
Train/bus from Trenton
Train/Bus from Washington Crossing to Philadelphia PA
Stay in Philadelphia 3 nights, 4 days
Rental car for Day 15 and 16
Day 13:
Independence Hall
Liberty Bell Center
First Bank of the United States
Carpenter’s Hall
Day 14:
Museum of the American Revolution
Elfreth’s Alley Museum
Day 15:
Valley Forge National Historical Park
Drive from Philadelphia
Moland House (Washington Headquarters), Warwick Township PA
Drive from Valley Forge NHP
Peter Wentz Farmstead (Washington Headquarters), Lansdale PA
Drive from Moland House
Day 16:
Cliveden of the National Trust (Chew House)
Drive from Philadelphia
Brandywine Battlefield (park), Chadds Ford PA
Drive from Cliveden
Afternoon or evening train from Philadelphia to Alexandria, VA
Stay in Alexandria for 2 nights, 3 days
Rental car for Day 18
Day 17:
George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Train/bus from Alexandria, VA
National Archives Museum, Washington DC
Train/bus from Alexandria, VA
Day 18:
James Madison’s Montpelier, Montpelier Station, VA
Drive from Alexandria, VA
Evening train from Alexandria to Williamsburg, VA
Stay in Williamsburg 2 nights
Day 19:
Colonial Williamsburg
Day 20:
Yorktown Battlefield
American Revolution Museum at Yorktown
Train/bus/taxi from Williamsburg
Day 21:
Fly from Williamsburg to Charleston, SC
Stay in Charleston for 4 nights, 5 days
Rental car for Days 22-24
South Carolina Historical Society Museum
Day 22:
Savannah History Museum, Savannah GA
Battlefield Park Heritage Center, Savannah GA
Drive from Charleston
Day 23:
Cowpens National Battlefield, Cowpens SC
Drive from Charleston
Eutaw Springs Battlefield Park, Eutawville SC
Drive from Cowpens
Day 24:
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Mempkin Abbey (site of Laurens family graves)
Day 25:
Fly home from Charleston SC
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Business Name: Providence Limousine Service
Street Address: 25 Holden Street
City: Providence
State: Rhode Island (RI)
Zip Code: 02908
Country: USA
Business Phone Number: (401) 229-2996
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.providencelimousineservice.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Providence-Limousine-Service/100080091027589/
Description: Providence Limousine Service is a full service limousine and party bus rental company servicing the state of Rhode Island and parts of Massachusetts. We have Rhode Island most diverse fleet of limousines and party buses available.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=973636686510113294
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Services: Party Bus Rentals, Limousine Service
Keywords: limo service providence ri, limo service ri, limousine service ri, limousine service providence, party bus rental ri
Service Areas:
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localizee · 1 year
Providence Limousine Service is a full service limousine and party bus rental company servicing the state of Rhode Island and parts of Massachusetts.
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misneachdalba · 2 years
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’S e bliadhna dhùbhlanach a bh’ againn ann an iomadh dòigh agus Covid-19 a’ toirt buaidh air ar beatha gu ìre ris nach robh duine an dùil. Chunnaic sinn cuideachd foillseachadh an leabhair The Gaelic Crisis in the Vernacular Community, sgrùdadh mionaideach domhain air na sgìrean mu dheireadh far am bruidhnear a’ Ghàidhlig gu ìre shusbainteach sam bith mar chànan coimhearsnachd. Le iomadach staing fa chomhair na Gàidhlig, agus le 2020 cuideachd a’ comharrachadh 15 bliadhna bho Achd na Gàidhlig (2005) agus stèidheachadh Bhòrd na Gàidhlig, tha e a-nis riatanach gun dèan sinn ath-mheasadh farsaing air poileasaidh cànain ann an Alba. Tha an fhianais a chaidh a thaisbeanadh san leabhar Gaelic Crisis, maille ri fianais gach neach don aithne a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-eileanan, a’ dearbhadh gu soilleir gur ann truagh neo-tharbhach a tha gnè nam poileasaidhean a tha an-dràsta, mas fhìor, a’ seasamh còir a’ chànain na coimhearsnachdan dùthchasach fhèin.
Tha Misneachd a’ faicinn taghadh Pàrlamaid Albannach na h-ath-bhliadhna, 2021, mar chothrom, ma dh'fhaodte an cothrom mu dheireadh a bhios againn, gus an dòigh-obrach air poileasaidh cànain a th’ againn ann an Alba atharrachadh mus bi e ro fhadalach. Is ann air a sgàth sin a tha sinne a’ foillseachadh manifesto mar dhùbhlan do phàrtaidhean poilitigeach na h-Alba, agus mar spreigeadh gus gnìomh susbainteach agus brìghmhor a choileanadh mu choinneamh nan iomadach staing a tha ro choimhearsnachdan iomallaichte, dùthchail na Gàidhlig. Brosnaichidh am manifesto againn poileasaidhean a ghluaiseadh a dh’ionnsaigh ‘Coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig Seasmhach’ sinn, an dà chuid ann an coimhearsnachdan dùthchail is dùthchasach agus ann an coimhearsnachdan-lìonra nam bailtean.
Tha ar puingean-gnìomha a' moladh a dhol san eadraiginn air dòigh chuimsichte chànanach le bhith, mar eisimpleir, a’ stèidheachadh Urras na Gàidhlig agus a’ leantail nam molaidhean nas fharsainge a rinneadh san leabhar The Gaelic Crisis, a’ leudachadh na h-obrach aig oifigearan leasachadh cànain agus a’ stèidheachadh thargaidean ionadail airson togail cànain, a bharrachd air a bhith a’ cur phoileasaidhean deatamach, sòiseo-chànanach nas leatha an sàs, leithid smachd air taighean-samhraidh agus air gabhaltasan geàrr-ùine. Iarraidh sinn ath-ghluasad chosnaidhean matha, maireannach, Gàidhlig, chun nan coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig, ath-sgrùdadh air solarachadh foghlaim aig gach ìre, agus leudachadh solarachadh nam meadhanan Gàidhlig. Gabhaidh na poileasaidhean againn cuideachd a-steach ionnsachadh inbheach, mar stèidheachadh chùrsaichean còmhnaidh ann an coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig agus leasachadh ghoireasan cànain. Molaidh sinn cuideachd ath-sgrùdadh air an reachdas agus air na structaran leasachaidh a th’ againn, a’ toirt fa-near an fheuma a dh’fhaodadh a bhith air Achd Gàidhlig ùr.
Rè iomairt an ath thaghaidh, bidh Misneachd a’ brosnachadh a’ chlàir phoileasaidh seo do luchd-poilitigs anns gach pàrtaidh, feuch an urrainn dhuinn an deasbad air a’ Ghàidhlig a ghluasad gu gnìomhan brìoghmhor. Feumaidh buidhnean brosnachaidh agus glèidhidh na Gàidhlig gabhail ri aithneachadh nas leatha den bhuaidh a th’ aig aingidheachd eacanomaigeach agus cion ionmhais ann an sgìrean dùthchail air a’ chànan. Thugadh seo an aire o chionn ghoirid le buidheann de dh’eileanaich òga is iad ag iomairt airson fuasgladh fhaighinn do staing taigheadais nan eilean: staing a tha ceangailte ri cion chothroman cosnaidh, turasachd neo-sheasmhach, agus margaid thaighean neo-riaghlaichte. Chaidh na dearbh dhuilgheadasan seo fhuasgladh gu soirbheachail ann an àitichean eile den RA agus ann an dùthchannan cèin.
Tha mairsinn na Gàidhlig agus an dualchais Ghàidhealaich an crochadh air seasmhachd nan coimhearsnachdan eileanach. Tha am fuadachadh eacanomaigeach a tha an-diugh a’ tighinn air Gàidheil òga nan coimhearsnachdan dùthchail na dhubh-mhasladh. Cha bu chòir gabhail ris, agus ’s ann à neo-ionannachd nas leatha nar comann-sòisealta a tha e ag èirigh. Bidh sinne a’ dèanamh fiughair ri obrachadh còmhla ri luchd-poilitigs às gach pàrtaidh airson fuasglaidhean seasmhach a lorg gus a’ Ghàidhlig a ghlèidheadh mar chànan coimhearsnachd. Tha sinn an dòchas gun lean gnìomhan poileasaidh ar manifesto gu atharrachadh susbainteach agus, mu dheireadh, gu leas cànan dùthchasach na h-Alba. Gheibhear am manifesto againn an seo:  https://bit.ly/3cK2g9I [Beurla] This has been a challenging year in many ways, as Covid-19 continues to affect our lives more than anyone expected. We have also seen the publication of The Gaelic Crisis in the Vernacular Community, a thorough and in-depth analysis of the few remaining areas where Gaelic is spoken to any significant extent as a community language. With the Gaelic language beset by multiple crises, and with 2020 also marking 15 years since the enactment of the Gaelic Language Act (2005) and the establishment of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, it is now essential that we conduct a wide-ranging review of language policy in Scotland. The evidence presented in The Gaelic Crisis, along with the consistent experience of all those familiar with the Highlands and Islands, clearly demonstrates that the current policy approach is woefully ineffectual in reversing language shift in the vernacular community.
Misneachd view next year’s Scottish Parliament election, 2021, as an opportunity, perhaps the last opportunity we will have, to alter our approach to language policy in Scotland before it is too late. We are therefore publishing our manifesto as a challenge to Scotland’s political parties to take meaningful and substantive action in response to the multiple crises facing marginalised, rural, Gaelic speaking communities. The policies outlined in our manifesto would move us towards ‘Sustainable Gaelic Communities’: both traditional Island and rural communities and city-based network communities.
Our policy action points include language-focused interventions such as implementing Urras na Gàidhlig and the broader recommendations made in The Gaelic Crisis, expanding provision of community language development officers and setting local targets for language acquisition, as well as crucial wider socioeconomic policies such as controls on second homes and short-term rentals. We propose the relocation of higher salaried, permanent Gaelic jobs to Gaelic speaking communities, a review of education provision and expansion of Gaelic media provision. Our policies also cover adult learning, including the establishment of residential courses in Gaelic communities and the development of language resources. We propose a review of current legislation and development structures including the potential need for a new Gaelic Language Act.
Over the course of the election campaign, Misneachd will be promoting this policy platform to politicians of all parties in an effort to move the debate around Gaelic forward to meaningful action. The promotion and protection of the language must include wider recognition of the impact which economic iniquities and underinvestment in rural areas have on the language. This has been highlighted recently by young islanders in their campaign to address the islands’ housing crisis, which is itself linked to the lack of employment opportunities, unsustainable tourism, and an unregulated housing market. These are issues which have been addressed successfully elsewhere in the UK and internationally.
The survival of the Gaelic language and culture depends on the establishment of sustainable island communities. The economic clearance of young Gaels from the island communities in which they were raised is unacceptable and is the result of wider inequalities in society. We look forward to engaging constructively with politicians from all parties in finding sustainable solutions for the maintenance of Gaelic as a community language. We hope that the policy actions in our manifesto can lead to substantive change and the survival of Scotland’s indigenous language. Our manifesto can be accessed here:  https://bit.ly/3cK2g9I
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brewerlinda1995 · 4 years
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limorentalnyc101 · 2 months
6 Reasons to Choose Buffalo Black Car Service
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When it comes to making a statement with your transportation, few options rival the sophistication and comfort of a black car service. Whether you’re attending a business meeting, celebrating a special event, or simply seeking a luxurious ride, Buffalo Black Car Service offers unparalleled quality and convenience. Here are six compelling reasons why you should consider choosing our black car service for your next journey, including why it’s a top choice for limo rental NYC.
1. Unmatched Comfort and Elegance
When you opt for Buffalo Car Service, you’re choosing more than just a ride—you’re selecting an experience of luxury and sophistication. Our fleet features high-end vehicles with plush leather seating, advanced climate control, and ample legroom, ensuring that every journey is as comfortable as it is stylish. Whether you’re heading to a high-profile meeting or an elegant event, you’ll arrive in complete comfort and class.
2. Professional and Reliable Chauffeurs
Our team of professional chauffeurs is dedicated to providing a superior level of service. Highly trained and experienced, they are committed to ensuring your ride is smooth and punctual. With a focus on customer satisfaction, our chauffeurs are well-versed in navigating Buffalo and New York City’s streets, ensuring you reach your destination on time and with minimal stress.
3. Seamless Booking and Personalized Service
Buffalo Black Car Service offers an easy and efficient booking process. Whether you prefer to book online or over the phone, our friendly customer service team is here to assist you every step of the way. We also offer personalized services tailored to your needs, from arranging specific pick-up and drop-off times to accommodating special requests. Our goal is to provide a seamless experience from start to finish.
4. Perfect for Any Occasion
Whether you’re in need of limo rental NYC, attending a wedding, or arranging transportation for a corporate event, our black car service is versatile enough to meet any requirement. From elegant black sedans to spacious SUVs, our vehicles are equipped to handle a variety of occasions. Additionally, if you’re considering a party bus rental in RI for a larger group event, we can coordinate with trusted partners to provide a comprehensive transportation solution.
5. Competitive Rates and Transparent Pricing
At Buffalo Black Car Service, we believe that luxury transportation should be accessible and affordable. We offer competitive rates with no hidden fees, ensuring that you receive the best value for your money. Our transparent pricing model means you’ll know exactly what to expect, making it easy to plan your budget without any surprises.
6. Exceptional Safety and Cleanliness Standards
Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. Our vehicles undergo rigorous cleaning and maintenance routines to ensure they meet the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Our chauffeurs are trained in safety protocols, and each vehicle is equipped with modern safety features, so you can travel with peace of mind.
Book Your Buffalo Black Car Service Today
Ready to experience the ultimate in luxury and convenience? Contact Buffalo Black Car Service at (917) 722-1119 to book your ride today. Whether you need limo rental NYC, reliable Buffalo car service, or are considering a party bus rental RI, we’re here to deliver an exceptional transportation experience tailored to your needs. Don’t settle for less—choose Buffalo Black Car Service for your next journey and enjoy the comfort, style, and professionalism you deserve.
SOURCE: https://newyorklimoservice1.blogspot.com/2024/08/6-Reasons-to-Choose-Buffalo-Black-Car-Service.html
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misneachdalba · 4 years
’S e bliadhna dhùbhlanach a bh’ againn ann an iomadh dòigh agus Covid-19 a’ toirt buaidh air ar beatha gu ìre ris nach robh duine an dùil. Chunnaic sinn cuideachd foillseachadh an leabhair The Gaelic Crisis in the Vernacular Community, sgrùdadh mionaideach domhain air na sgìrean mu dheireadh far am bruidhnear a’ Ghàidhlig gu ìre shusbainteach sam bith mar chànan coimhearsnachd. Le iomadach staing fa chomhair na Gàidhlig, agus le 2020 cuideachd a’ comharrachadh 15 bliadhna bho Achd na Gàidhlig (2005) agus stèidheachadh Bhòrd na Gàidhlig, tha e a-nis riatanach gun dèan sinn ath-mheasadh farsaing air poileasaidh cànain ann an Alba. Tha an fhianais a chaidh a thaisbeanadh san leabhar Gaelic Crisis, maille ri fianais gach neach don aithne a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-eileanan, a’ dearbhadh gu soilleir gur ann truagh neo-tharbhach a tha gnè nam poileasaidhean a tha an-dràsta, mas fhìor, a’ seasamh còir a’ chànain na coimhearsnachdan dùthchasach fhèin.
Tha Misneachd a’ faicinn taghadh Pàrlamaid Albannach na h-ath-bhliadhna, 2021, mar chothrom, ma dh'fhaodte an cothrom mu dheireadh a bhios againn, gus an dòigh-obrach air poileasaidh cànain a th’ againn ann an Alba atharrachadh mus bi e ro fhadalach. Is ann air a sgàth sin a tha sinne a’ foillseachadh manifesto mar dhùbhlan do phàrtaidhean poilitigeach na h-Alba, agus mar spreigeadh gus gnìomh susbainteach agus brìghmhor a choileanadh mu choinneamh nan iomadach staing a tha ro choimhearsnachdan iomallaichte, dùthchail na Gàidhlig. Brosnaichidh am manifesto againn poileasaidhean a ghluaiseadh a dh’ionnsaigh ‘Coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig Seasmhach’ sinn, an dà chuid ann an coimhearsnachdan dùthchail is dùthchasach agus ann an coimhearsnachdan-lìonra nam bailtean.
Tha ar puingean-gnìomha a' moladh a dhol san eadraiginn air dòigh chuimsichte chànanach le bhith, mar eisimpleir, a’ stèidheachadh Urras na Gàidhlig agus a’ leantail nam molaidhean nas fharsainge a rinneadh san leabhar The Gaelic Crisis, a’ leudachadh na h-obrach aig oifigearan leasachadh cànain agus a’ stèidheachadh thargaidean ionadail airson togail cànain, a bharrachd air a bhith a’ cur phoileasaidhean deatamach, sòiseo-chànanach nas leatha an sàs, leithid smachd air taighean-samhraidh agus air gabhaltasan geàrr-ùine. Iarraidh sinn ath-ghluasad chosnaidhean matha, maireannach, Gàidhlig, chun nan coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig, ath-sgrùdadh air solarachadh foghlaim aig gach ìre, agus leudachadh solarachadh nam meadhanan Gàidhlig. Gabhaidh na poileasaidhean againn cuideachd a-steach ionnsachadh inbheach, mar stèidheachadh chùrsaichean còmhnaidh ann an coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig agus leasachadh ghoireasan cànain. Molaidh sinn cuideachd ath-sgrùdadh air an reachdas agus air na structaran leasachaidh a th’ againn, a’ toirt fa-near an fheuma a dh’fhaodadh a bhith air Achd Gàidhlig ùr.
Rè iomairt an ath thaghaidh, bidh Misneachd a’ brosnachadh a’ chlàir phoileasaidh seo do luchd-poilitigs anns gach pàrtaidh, feuch an urrainn dhuinn an deasbad air a’ Ghàidhlig a ghluasad gu gnìomhan brìoghmhor. Feumaidh buidhnean brosnachaidh agus glèidhidh na Gàidhlig gabhail ri aithneachadh nas leatha den bhuaidh a th’ aig aingidheachd eacanomaigeach agus cion ionmhais ann an sgìrean dùthchail air a’ chànan. Thugadh seo an aire o chionn ghoirid le buidheann de dh’eileanaich òga is iad ag iomairt airson fuasgladh fhaighinn do staing taigheadais nan eilean: staing a tha ceangailte ri cion chothroman cosnaidh, turasachd neo-sheasmhach, agus margaid thaighean neo-riaghlaichte. Chaidh na dearbh dhuilgheadasan seo fhuasgladh gu soirbheachail ann an àitichean eile den RA agus ann an dùthchannan cèin.
Tha mairsinn na Gàidhlig agus an dualchais Ghàidhealaich an crochadh air seasmhachd nan coimhearsnachdan eileanach. Tha am fuadachadh eacanomaigeach a tha an-diugh a’ tighinn air Gàidheil òga nan coimhearsnachdan dùthchail na dhubh-mhasladh. Cha bu chòir gabhail ris, agus ’s ann à neo-ionannachd nas leatha nar comann-sòisealta a tha e ag èirigh. Bidh sinne a’ dèanamh fiughair ri obrachadh còmhla ri luchd-poilitigs às gach pàrtaidh airson fuasglaidhean seasmhach a lorg gus a’ Ghàidhlig a ghlèidheadh mar chànan coimhearsnachd. Tha sinn an dòchas gun lean gnìomhan poileasaidh ar manifesto gu atharrachadh susbainteach agus, mu dheireadh, gu leas cànan dùthchasach na h-Alba. Gheibhear am manifesto againn an seo:  https://bit.ly/3cK2g9I [Beurla] This has been a challenging year in many ways, as Covid-19 continues to affect our lives more than anyone expected. We have also seen the publication of The Gaelic Crisis in the Vernacular Community, a thorough and in-depth analysis of the few remaining areas where Gaelic is spoken to any significant extent as a community language. With the Gaelic language beset by multiple crises, and with 2020 also marking 15 years since the enactment of the Gaelic Language Act (2005) and the establishment of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, it is now essential that we conduct a wide-ranging review of language policy in Scotland. The evidence presented in The Gaelic Crisis, along with the consistent experience of all those familiar with the Highlands and Islands, clearly demonstrates that the current policy approach is woefully ineffectual in reversing language shift in the vernacular community.
Misneachd view next year’s Scottish Parliament election, 2021, as an opportunity, perhaps the last opportunity we will have, to alter our approach to language policy in Scotland before it is too late. We are therefore publishing our manifesto as a challenge to Scotland’s political parties to take meaningful and substantive action in response to the multiple crises facing marginalised, rural, Gaelic speaking communities. The policies outlined in our manifesto would move us towards ‘Sustainable Gaelic Communities’: both traditional Island and rural communities and city-based network communities.
Our policy action points include language-focused interventions such as implementing Urras na Gàidhlig and the broader recommendations made in The Gaelic Crisis, expanding provision of community language development officers and setting local targets for language acquisition, as well as crucial wider socioeconomic policies such as controls on second homes and short-term rentals. We propose the relocation of higher salaried, permanent Gaelic jobs to Gaelic speaking communities, a review of education provision and expansion of Gaelic media provision. Our policies also cover adult learning, including the establishment of residential courses in Gaelic communities and the development of language resources. We propose a review of current legislation and development structures including the potential need for a new Gaelic Language Act.
Over the course of the election campaign, Misneachd will be promoting this policy platform to politicians of all parties in an effort to move the debate around Gaelic forward to meaningful action. The promotion and protection of the language must include wider recognition of the impact which economic iniquities and underinvestment in rural areas have on the language. This has been highlighted recently by young islanders in their campaign to address the islands’ housing crisis, which is itself linked to the lack of employment opportunities, unsustainable tourism, and an unregulated housing market. These are issues which have been addressed successfully elsewhere in the UK and internationally.
The survival of the Gaelic language and culture depends on the establishment of sustainable island communities. The economic clearance of young Gaels from the island communities in which they were raised is unacceptable and is the result of wider inequalities in society. We look forward to engaging constructively with politicians from all parties in finding sustainable solutions for the maintenance of Gaelic as a community language. We hope that the policy actions in our manifesto can lead to substantive change and the survival of Scotland’s indigenous language. Our manifesto can be accessed here:  https://bit.ly/3cK2g9I
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