#party 3 is gonna be spicyyyy
artificialqueens · 4 years
Call Your Girlfriend (Gigi x Nicky) pt. 2 - Rusty
(I’m going to be continuing this story a bit longer so expect a 3rd part soon)
(Beta’d by opalescent_cheetah. Thank you so much for all your help)
Birds can be heard chirping away happily in the early morning sunshine as rays of golden yellow start to filter through the curtains. Gigi is awoken from her peaceful slumber. She yawns and proceeds to get out of bed to stretch. Sleepily walking over to her washroom to prepare herself for the day, showering, brushing her teeth, getting dressed and lastly putting on a touch of makeup. This was her usual morning routine. Gigi looks into the mirror and smiles at herself. She makes her way to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.
The previous night she had the talk with her ex-girlfriend, who left late that night, taking her things and packing them away in her car. Gigi, of course, helped out, she still wanted to be friends. They said their goodbyes at the car and wished each other the best with their future endeavours. Gigi watched as she drove away, headlights disappearing into the distance. Gigi went back into her now-empty apartment, it hadn’t been this way for a very long time. Considering the length of time that they were in a relationship for, the silence was almost deafening.
Halfway through her cereal Gigi’s phone buzzes. Staring down at the screen she sees a new text message.
Nicky Doll Bonjour~ Hope you slept well.
Gigi lets out a soft giggle and replies to Nicky.
Gigi Goode I slept very well thanks. I hope you have a good day at work, don’t work too hard!
Nicky Doll I’ll try my best chérie. See you tonight,10 pm sharp~
Gigi sets down her phone to finish her breakfast.
The rest of the day is spent relaxing, as Gigi is off work for the weekend. She had a modelling job for a fashion magazine in her town. She really enjoyed it, trying all the latest fashion and getting to show it off to the world. She has a tote full of the magazines she’s in, keeping them to make into portfolios for future opportunities.
Gigi smiles at the thought of her recent days at work, having to model that extremely beautiful sheer dress of lace. Her mind even wandered to how Nicky would have thought she looked in it, almost practically naked in front of her. Gigi snapped out of the enticing thought with a blush on her face as she sat herself down on her couch and turned on the tv. Nothing specifically caught her eye but it was nice to have something drowning out the silence. Gigi was trying to decide what to wear to the bar tonight to meet with Nicky. Butterflies twirled around in her stomach just thinking about it - there were no chains holding her back unlike her last meeting with the beautiful french girl. She was a free woman. She couldn’t sit around any longer, so she walked over to her bedroom to rummage through her closet. She never thought that she would put more thought into an outfit to the bar rather than one for the magazine. She just really wanted to impress Nicky. As the hours ticked by, more clothes got piled on the floor.
“How could I have nothing to wear?” Gigi whispered to herself in frustration. She wanted to pull her hair out from the stress, it was nearly time to start heading to the bar to see Nicky. She set aside three different outfits that she thought were at least moderately acceptable. Eyeing them all for a while and holding them up to herself in the mirror, she finally decided on a pair of white skinny jeans and a black lace top with a matching bra and her knee-high black boots. It was pretty casual for her but she likes how it looked. Gigi fixed up her makeup from this morning, did her hair and got dressed. Looking at her phone it was thirty minutes to 10 o'clock. Grabbing her leather jacket and purse, she left her place.
It was a pleasant walk to the bar, compared to yesterday night. There was no fight, no one leaving the apartment angrily, no one upset to come home to. This was technically the first new step Gigi is taking in her new chapter in life. Gigi smiles to herself, this is the happiest she has ever been in a long time. Here she was walking to the bar not to escape the harsh reality of this world, but to actually engage with someone new that she enjoys the company with. She may be seen as rash for rushing into something like this, but as she said last night she felt as if she has known Nicky for her whole life. By the time she arrived, it was just about 10 o’clock. She sat down at the very same seat as last time. Gigi anxiously checks her phone to see if Nicky has arrived, but she has heard nothing from her as of yet. Minutes start to fly by and Gigi begins to worry that she might be stood up, fingers nervously tapping on the bar countertop. Gigi goes to look at her phone again when two arms wrap around her from behind, nearly scaring her half to death.
“So sorry I’m late,” a French accent whispers in Gigi’s ear. Gigi’s shoulder relaxes knowing it wasn’t just some creep at the bar. She turned around in her seat and met with the gorgeous french girl from last night. Nicky looked expensive, her outfit screamed Vogue. Gigi was in awe, her mouth hanging open ever so slightly.
“I guess you like what you see~” Nicky gave her a little twirl.
“You make me look so plain Nicky.” Gigi retorted. Nicky let out a laugh into her fist.
“You look absolutely gorgeous Gi, I really like your top.” Her fingers slowly travel along with the lace on Gigi’s arm travelling up to her collarbone. Gigi shivers, and Nicky smirks as she pulls her hand away.
Nicky ordered them some drinks and started to chat. Gigi noticed that Nicky is a very touchy person, she always has a hand on her in some way or another. Touching her knee, twirling her hair, little things that Gigi noticed as well as enjoyed. They finally had the chance to get to know each other better, start fresh and have a clean slate. They found out that they have a lot in common with each other, they love fashion, have similar tastes in movies and tv shows. The night was moving along remarkably fast, they were enjoying each other’s company.
Gigi notices how Nicky’s eyes widened when she hears the song that is playing, a wide smile spread across her gorgeous features. “This is my favourite song! Come dance with me Gigi!” Nicky grabbed Gigi’s hand and pulled her to the floor. Gigi starts to feel a little deja vu, this was almost exactly like yesterday night. Dancing closely to each other, barely any space between the two of them. Gigi can’t help but smile, Nicky looks so happy dancing with her. The song takes a turn and slows down, almost sultry in a way, no where near the beat bumping melody a couple seconds ago. Distances close between them, Almost as if the song has them both in a trance. Nicky leans in closer to Gigi as they sway to the music. The seductive lyrics only added fuel to their fire.
Gigi couldn’t take the look she was getting from Nicky any longer, she leaned in and gave her a searing kiss, Nicky reciprocating quickly. Just like last night, they felt like the only ones alive at that bar. Nicky broke away and laughed. “You’re being very bold tonight chérie. I quite enjoy this side of you.” Gigi feels Nicky’s arms grab the belt loops of her pants, pulling her close once again. They shared multiple kisses that night ranging from chaste and playful to quick and heated. Before they knew it the bar was set to close in less than an hour.
“I didn’t realize it was this late already,” Gigi sighed as she checked her phone.
“The night is still young ma belle~” Nicky replied with that same smirk plastered on her face.
“You … You could always come over to my place if you wanted.” Gigi stuttered out shyly, slightly afraid of rejection.
Nicky’s eyes lit up and she nodded in agreement. “I’d love to.”
They both walked back to Gigi’s apartment, continuously chatting along the way. Once Gigi arrived at her door she unlocked it and made way for Nicky to enter. “Your place is so cute Gigi!” Nicky said as she walked around the living room.
“It’s nothing special really.”
Nicky sat down on the sofa, waiting for Gigi to join her. Gigi sat next to her while crossing her legs, slightly nervous. “So what did you want to d-“ not even a second later a dainty hand was placed on her knee once again. Gigi looked over at Nicky, her cheeks starting to get rosey. She was taken into a very gentle kiss. Nicky’s lips ghosted over Gigi’s, it almost didn’t feel real. Nicky looked at Gigi with amusement in her eyes, she got up from the sofa which earned her a confused look from Gigi. The look disappeared though when she felt Nicky’s settle into her lap. Gigi’s mouth was agape once more. A giggle was heard above her, Nicky smirking down at Gigi, lifting her index finger to gently close her mouth.
“We still have a long night ahead of us. If you want to continue, that is.” Nicky tucked some hair behind her ear waiting for Gigi’s response.
“Oh god yes, please.” Gigi replied breathlessly.
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