#partially thanks to how astral shift has treated fans
requiesticat · 10 months
Somebody needs to tell Goldia to get off her ass and take the other girls back from the strange boy... Sweetie your girlfriends need you /LH
Uh... that was what she did throughout the entire game. I don't know what else to tell you, lol
Considering how all of them treated Goldia horribly, not just Ozzy, it's probably better that they all spend time apart from each other. Do you really want a thirteen year old girl to be further gaslighted and taken advantage of by several people who know that she has amnesia?
And we don't know if she likes her alters that way. With how lgbt people and the mentally ill were treated in the 1800s, maybe that's for the best. Another user brought up how Pocket Mirror's representation of disorders was lacking, but considering how asylums were run in that era... yeah. Be glad we didn't get an exact look into it, unless you want to learn how patients were tortured by doctors using experimental treatments and mistreated by staff. Electroconvulsive therapy was used to "cure" homosexuality, which worked about as well as lobotomies did. Goldia's already been through enough, so it's surprising fans are hard on her for that... especially given that Fleta, Harpae, and Lisette technically don't exist.
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