#part of the reason is that one day i'd like to write a toh au with heavy religious themes and setting
oilith · 2 months
I'd REALLY like to study christianity and the imagery that comes with the different branches. Basically an enormous deep dive. It's something that interests me a lot, although i don't really believe in it myself. I'm already somewhat familiar with evangelical luterism (is that the way it's in english?) but catholic christianity interests me in particular. The extreme cases of religious belief are just something else
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jaekaicx · 2 years
I'm late but I just saw the ask thing you rebloged like yesterday, possibly the day before, so I'm here now. Also it's like 23:20
- Things I want to know about you; What's your favorite color? How do you spell the color you get from mixing black and white? What's your favorite number?
- Why I follow you; I saw you around a lot before I actually followed you. It was mostly when I was into toh, I'd see your posts. Then I got into Amphibia and you posted a doodle set of and incorrect quote I posted. I don't think I followed you then, but I remember my sister joking about not following you bc you weren't following me. I don't really care about that stuff, it's just a vivid part of my memory. But around that time, I think it was after the doodle set, I sent an ask about tansmasc Marshall and i kinda just decided i was gonna stay.
- What’s on my mind/what I'm thinking about; I'm worried I'll never be able to write again. I'm not burnt-out, maybe it's the trade class i'm taking on top of highschool, but I just don't have the energy for creativity.
- Make you choose between two things; Apples or Oranges? Grapes or Olives? Sweet or Unsweet Tea?
- A compliment; Idk what classifies as a compliment but I like your art. It makes me smile. And your au is a huge comfort.
- Ask for advice; idk, What helps you fall asleep at night?
- Tell you a secret; I struggle with a lot a social things but this girl has told me multiple times she likes me and I have no idea if she actually means it or if she even means it in that way, idk if I want her to.
- Things I associate you with; he/they, Marshall wu, for some reason acceptance, your froggos au, ninjago, i can't tell if its dark green or dark red but one of those colors my brain associates w/ you the most
- Anything!!; 4 exclamation points is too many, also, my cat doesn't have a tail.
whoa thanks! i guess its speedrun time
- fav color: red; i usually spell it as "gray"; fav number: uhhhhh 57? for no particular reason
- oh cool!! glad you stuck around! maybe i'll try posting more doodle dumps
- huh the trade class sounds interesting, but yeah sorry, that sucks :( hope your schedule clears up soon sending you good vibes <3
- uhhhh oranges, grapes, and uh neither? honestly im not particularly fond of any of these and ive never rly had tea so idk
- aaaa thank you! im so glad :D
- dude your asking the wrong person i am literally writing this at 00:13 and i start school in the morning kfhksbdksns
- ok honestly i also struggle a lot w social stuff so i do not know what to add, other than i wish you best of luck with that
- hell yes! my life goal is to make people associate me with red so! success!! and idk if i should be, but i feel. proud? to be associated with all of those, thats rly cool !! the acceptance bit is really interesting
- sucks that you cant send pictures in anonymous asks bc otherwise i'd demand some cat pictures >:0 /not forced
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lighthouseas · 2 years
for the fanfic questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26 and 27!
Hiiii thanks so much for sending an ask!! It's much appreciated!
What was the first fandom you got involved in?
It's gotta be Pokemon lol. I've been obsessed with Pokemon for years, starting when I was a little kid, and it was the first real "fandom" that I ever considered myself a part of (even if I didn't know the word "fandom" yet lol)
2. What is your latest fandom?
There's quite a few, but I'd say it'd have to be heartstopper! I recently watched the show and seriously fell in love with every single aspect of it. Nick is my comfort bisexual. I want to buy the comics so bad :/
3. What is the best fandom you've ever been involved in?
This is a great question that I honestly don't have the answer to! Every fandom I've been in/am currently in has been wonderful in their own ways, even with the bad apples, and I can't really decide on which one I like the best!
4. Do you regret not getting involved in any fandoms?
I would say yes, but the main reasoning for not getting involved is because I haven't taken in the media involved with said fandom lol. I really wanted to get involved with TOH fandom but I've never actually seen the show and don't have disney+ (luckily though I found an...alternate way to watch it hehe)
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
As of right now, just Pokemon! Pokemon is what I feel most confident in writing, especially since I have a whole entire fankid AU that I made and am still developing as of right now. Also, Pokemon is like, my entire life so there's that.
11. Who is your current OTP?
Oh no...don't make me choose...too many.../hj I suppose right now I really like DawnxPaul though. Maybe a bit too much because now all the oneshots I write are centered around them lol
13. Any NoTPs?
Honestly, I don't think so, unless it's like incest/pedophilia/just generally wrong or illegal. Otherwise I don't think there's a ship that I'd truly consider a "NoTP".
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
I don't know if it counts as "popular" within the anipoke fandom but I do know people support GohxChloe. Of course, I'm not going to go hating on the ship, it's cute, but I personally don't really like it because I don't think it fits their dynamic very well. But hey, if you support it, all the power to you!
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favorite?
My first OTP (though at the time I didn't know the term) was rocketshipping/jessiexjames/kojimusa/whatever you wanna call it. I still adore the ship to this day and fully believe they are bisexual disasters in love
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
All I'll say is if you've ever played "Frantic Fanfic" like I have, you will come out with far too many stories you regret writing...*shivers*
23. Name a fic you've written that you're especially fond of & explain why you like it.
I really liked the fic that I wrote called "Just Two Hours". It's a little oneshot about my ikarishipping twins, Raye and Isa. I'm fond of it because it was simple and cute and honestly, rereading it now, I still think it captures their personalities pretty perfectly. I actually posted it to tumblr a few months back, so if you wanna read it, read it here.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Some of them just come to mind, some of them I come up with after writing a bit of the story. Some of them are also slightly symbolic! For example, the title "Blue Ribbon" of my amourshipping story that I'm currently writing comes from not only Serena's blue ribbon that Ash gave her, but also the notion that a blue ribbon means getting first place in something- symbolizing how during the story, Ash wants to become the Champion and Serena wants to win the title of Kalos Queen.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Hmm...I'd have to say writing summaries is definitely more challenging for me. A title doesn't have to be long, while a summary is several sentences. Sometimes I struggle with coming up with a summary that will draw potential readers in, which can be pretty frustrating.
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