#parole de dieu
viecomfoiblog · 1 year
13EME DIMANCHE DU TEMPS ORDINAIRE A PREMIERE LECTURE Lecture du deuxième livre des Rois 4, 8-11.14-16a Un jour, le prophète Élisée passait à Sunam ; une femme riche de ce paysinsista pour qu’il vienne manger chez elle.Depuis, chaque fois qu’il passait par là, il allait manger chez elle.    Elle dit à son mari : « Écoute, je sais que celui qui s’arrête toujours chez nousest un saint homme de…
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aigle-suisse · 2 years
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cryptidm0ths · 11 months
son solo commence avec " avec amour pour toi" bebefille il est non seulment pd mais aussi down bad
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4 Conseils précieux en ce début d'année 2023
4 Conseils précieux en ce début d’année 2023
2023… nous y sommes! Je bénis le Dieu des cieux qui nous fait la grâce de voir une nouvelle année. Dieu a des projets de paix pour nous et je me réjouis par avance pour l’accomplissement de ces projets. Je ne sais pas comment 2022 était pour vous… mais pour beaucoup c’était une année difficile. Jésus a dit: (more…)
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ladivinegrace · 2 months
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Comment Ne Plus Avoir Peur De Rien | STOP vivre dans la peur et l’anxiété permanente téléchargez l'audio DCS: ADIEU LA PEUR https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/no-panico-metodo-dcs/ #j'aipeurdevivre #peur #peurdevivre confiance en soi,peur,j'ai peur de vivre 🟢🇫🇷 1 MONDE MYSTERIEUX TON SUBCONSCIENT…hypnose DCS unique au monde téléchargez l'audio DCS: NON PASSE NEGATIF https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/... #hypnose #secret #mystere SLTP SI TU AS DES SUJETS OU DES ARGUMENTS QUE TU AIME DEVELOPPER, ECRITS LES LA ET LE DR CLAUDIO SARACINO GRATUITEMENT VA DEVELOPPER CE QUI TU DESIRES, D'ACCORD? TU PEUX, SI TU LE DESIRES, INDIQUER MEME DES THEMES OU ARGUMENTS NEFS... MERCI ET SLTS Sltp ecoutes ma pensée et, si tu le desires, poses des commentaires... #hypnose#methodedcs#hyonosedcs #methodedcs#hypnose #hypnosedcs #mp3dcs #drclaudiosaracino #losangeles#beverlihills#californie#usa#etasunit#drssarinabrunini#autohypnosedcs#methodedcs#mp3dcs#audiodcs #hypnosedcs#drclaudiosaracino#hypnose . Une de plus grandes différences par rapport à d’autres disciplines comme le yoga, la méditation, le yoga, le mendfulness, le mantra, le zen etc c’est que toi tu peux aider un de tes chers qui ne veut pas ton aide ou il ne peut pas avoir ton aide Ecoutes ce que j’ai à dire et partagés cette vidéo avec tes amis...IL NE FAUT PAS CROIRE😳IL FAUT SEULEMENT FAIRE ACTION😳il y a ce qui fait et ce qui ne fait pas...😳SEULEMENT A TOI LE CHOIX ⚔ 💪🏿YouTube👇🏿 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNG... 👉🏿Facebook👇🏿 https://www.facebook.com/ipnologiasso... 👉🏿Instagram👇🏿 https://www.instagram.com/benessereip... 👉🏿twitter👇🏿 https://twitter.com/drsaracino 👉🏿Tiktok👇🏿https://vm.tiktok.com/GKxqYj/ 👉🏿sito:👇🏿 https://www.ipnologiassociati.com
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gbministries28 · 11 months
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tommydarlings · 6 months
the sound of the rain | c.l
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
warnings: nothing, just sad!charles
w/c: 0.9k
summary: while charles plays the piano and listens to the rain, he can only think of one thing… you — and how you cannot sit next to him anymore.
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As Charles sat on the small stool in front of his piano and listened to how the droplets crashed almost violently against his windows, he could only think of one thing.
Of one person.
His fingers, that were still decorated with the same, familiar rings, danced along the white and black piano keys with slow and gentle movements, fingertips only grazing the keys while his eyes didn’t leave the wet windows.
His mind was blank — no, it was actually filled, filled with painful emptiness, emptiness that would have never consumed his mind if you would have been here by his side.
If you just would have been sitting on the small leather stool next to him, his mind would be filled with all kinds of things.
Love. Devotion. Passion. Peace. Adoration. And even more love.
But now he had no reason anymore to fill his chaotic mind with those things.
He sniffled, tears streaming down his cheeks, landing either on the keys of his piano or on his fingers, one even gliding down his silver ring.
“G-God, Tu me manques tellement mon amour,” I miss you so much, my love, Charles didn’t let his eyes drift off of the rain outside, his blue with tears-filled eyes matching the big blue sky which was crying as well.
Charles gulped, “you’re crying with me, ma chérie, hmm?” He cried out, slowly letting his head hang low as he let his fingers play a melody that he heard oh so many times before, and he could never get tired of it.
“You loved it when I was playing that… know you did,” he wiped his nose with the back of his hand before he went back to playing with both hands, “Et je t'aimais,” and I loved you, Charles bit his bottom lip as he felt it quivering in pure and utter grief.
His fingers danced along the keys as his eyes blinked fresh tears away to focus more on the loud rain landing on the concrete and the glass of the windows.
He cleared his throat and furrowed his brows, looking at the dark clouds now, “What nonsense am I talking, baby,” he shook his head, “I still love you of course…always did, always will,” he quietly mumbled to himself, salty tears making his top lip shine.
“I will never stop loving you, mon amour,“ he shook his head, sighing before he closed his eyes, fingers still dancing along the keys, “how could I? Any man that carries the ability to stop loving a women like you has for sure never experienced a love like yours, of course he hasn’t when you gave it all to me.”
He looked at the droplets of rain again, lightly furrowing his brows with a sniffle, “Dieu, j'ai de la chance d'être aimé par une femme comme toi,” God am I lucky to be loved by a women like you, Charles whispered into the cold air, glassy eyes staring at the sky before he whined.
The monaguesque shook his head and closed his eyes, trying his best to get lost in the melody he was currently creating with the tips of his fingers.
“This is — once again — is dedicated to you, mon amour,” he wiped his cheek on his T-Shirt and looked next to the empty space on his stool, “Comme toutes les autres mélodies, notes et paroles étaient dédiées à toi, mon amour,” Just like every other melody, note and lyrics was dedicated to you, my love.
He continued playing the familiar melody that you adored so much, each time he played it, you gasped and immediately ran towards his spit on the piano and sat down next to him, lovingly leaning your head against his shoulder.
Unintentionally, Charles tilted his head slightly to the right, almost as if his cheek was desperately craving the touch of your hair that always grazed his face when you sat next to him.
“Oh ce que je donnerais pour vous avoir assise ici à côté de moi une dernière fois, même si c'est des encres pour une seule seconde, ça ne me dérange pas, toute quantité de temps passé avec vous en est une autre,” Oh what I would give to have you sitting here next to me one last time, even if it’s only for one single second, I don’t mind, any amount of time spent with you is another moment in life I’m endlessly greatful for.
He cleared his throat, sniffling again, “I-If you want m-me to continue playing this f-for you, my love…just t-tell me-”
And before he even finished his sentence, a tiny stone hit his window.
Sane people may say that it was simply the storm that threw the stone against the thick glass next to him, but Charles was not convinced, he was sure that his lover threw the tiny stone at his window from above.
Probably with a smile on her face, her perfectly soft, lightly red-shaded lips sending him a tender smile so familiar and warm that it made Charles unintentionally smile, tears hitting his two dimples now.
“A-Alright, mon amour,” he chuckled, wiping his nose again before he started playing again,
“Your wish is my command…as always,” Charles mumbled to himself, — no, to you of course, — smile not being able to leave his tears-stained face now as he watched how his talented fingers danced along the keys in the most familiar but also in the most painful way possible.
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redraw of one of my favorite lines from le chat du rabbin that i think fits these two very well
og under the cut + explanation
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“Je lui demande de me montrer une image de Dieu. Il me dit que Dieu, c’est une parole.”
R. Line justifies her neglect and disdain towards Trey, her own son, by using the Gospel of Three Dimensions, claiming that the Holy Sphere purposefully guided evolution to give Women larger brains than the Isosceles of the village. Women are inherently better, and are above the Isosceles: this is the structure set in stone. Trey, suffering daily under this dogma, questions their religion and the existence of the Holy Sphere. If the Sphere was real, he would have already saved them from the conditions of poverty and suffering their villages are put into. Because of R. Line's overbearing nature and refusal to accept any other point of view other than her own, Trey does not believe that the Third Dimension or an afterlife exist. R. Line is content with sending her son to his own death, under reassurance that their next life in a higher dimension is all that matters.
umm now some very choppy explanation of symbolism in this bc it's hard to put into words:
-The background is yellow to show the idea of the Sphere, specifically R. Line's ideal of the Sun as a holy object that is intertwined with the Holy Sphere: Only R. Line's beliefs are what matter, and are extremely overbearing and searing. R. Line is outlined in yellow, as well as the pupil of her eye being yellow to show this ideal is the lens she views the world through. Trey does not conform to the idea of a Holy Sphere, and has no yellow on him, but he is surrounded by it because it is forced onto him.
-Also relating to their pupil colors: In white, Trey is seeking out an answer grounded in reality and truth. In yellow, R. Line makes up her own answers, and justifies them through saying they are only what the Sphere would want. Similarly to this: Trey has a very solid outline because he wants direct answers that make logical sense and can be proven. R. Line's outline is blurry/indistinct because she is willing to lead her life using blind faith. Trey's limbs are fading because his limbs are the body part that have the most semblance to his mother (very angular + have spikes on the shoulders), and no matter what he does, he is still his mother's son. + it also shows how he does not have much time left before his death
-The black holes on the bottom represent the cross-sections of a Sphere, and the Sun in the back represents R. Line's pendant. These are not concepts that can be translated correctly into 2-Dimensions, and stick out as something that is really not true. These concepts are shadows displayed on a wall in an attempt to mimic the real thing, hence them being black and solid. It is an attempt for them to project the Sphere into their lives, but in the end, it is all false. The idea that R. Line dedicates herself to, an all-powerful and omnipotent Sphere that will bring salvation, is false. But she whole-heartedly believes in them, and willingly allows them to consume her life. It is also why she is fully black: Her life is only a vessel for her belief in the Sphere, and she has no real emotional connection to this plane of existence. This is also why blood is draining into the most prominent cross-section: She allows so much death and suffering, ruins the lives of all that get close to her, watches her son's death without lifting a finger to prevent it. All in the Sphere's name.
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viecomfoiblog · 1 year
MERCREDI, 12EME SEMAINE DU TEMPS ORDINAIRE A Lecture du livre de la Genèse 15, 1-12.17-18a     En ces jours-là, la parole du Seigneur fut adressée à Abram dans une vision :« Ne crains pas, Abram ! Je suis un bouclier pour toi. Ta récompense sera très grande. »    Abram répondit : « Mon Seigneur Dieu, que pourrais-tu donc me donner ?Je m’en vais sans enfant, et l’héritier de ma maison, c’est…
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aigle-suisse · 4 months
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empiredesimparte · 4 months
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Live broadcast of ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon V’ on the national channel Francesim 2, hosted by Stéphane Bernard
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(Stéphane Bernard) The Emperor will become a quasi-sacred figure through the anointing: it is a sort of transfiguration. The imperial canopy conceals this profoundly sacred moment because the rite must remain a mystery to the common mortals. We are witnessing a revival of the triple blessing from the Reims ceremonial of the kings of Francesim. Their Majesties, kneeling before the altar, receive the triple anointing from the Pope: one on the forehead, the others on both hands. First the Emperor, then the Empress.
In his prayer, the Pope asks God to bestow the treasures and graces of His blessings upon the Emperor. He prays that the Emperor will govern with strength, justice, loyalty, foresight, courage, and perseverance. The Emperor must combat Evil and defend the holy Christian Church. The Empress, for her part, receives God's support, and that of Christ, to preserve the Empire and the French people for eternity.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Such a ceremonial highlights the spiritual and mystical dimension of the imperial monarchy. It is a moment steeped in tradition, where every gesture, every word, carries deep symbolism, reminding us of the sacred bonds that unite the sovereign to his people and to God. (Mgr. Morlot) Almighty and eternal God, who have decreed that, following the example of David, Solomon, and Joash, the foreheads of Kings and Emperors should be adorned with a diadem, so that, through the brilliance of their gemstones and the splendor of their ornaments, they might serve as a vivid and striking image of the majesty that surrounds you to the peoples while they reign on earth…
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(Mgr. Morlot) … Pour out, we beseech you, your blessing upon these crowns, so that your servant Napoleon and his spouse, who will wear them on earth, may shine with the radiance of all virtues.
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(Pope) May God encircle your brow with the crown of glory and justice...
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(Pope) ... May He arm you with strength and courage so that, blessed by Heaven through our hands, filled with faith and good works, you may reach the crown of the eternal kingdom…
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(Pope) ... By the grace of Him whose reign and empire extend throughout all ages and ages. Amen.
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(Napoléon V) Amen.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°11 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
While the bells ring out and the cannons roar, the Emperor and Empress of Francesim are crowned at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist for the crowned heads in Francesim.
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⚜ Traduction française
(Stéphane Bernard) L'Empereur va devenir un personnage quasi-sacré grâce à l'onction : c'est une sorte de transfiguration. Le dais impérial cache ce moment tout à fait sacré car le rite doit rester un mystère pour le commun des mortels. Nous assistons à une reprise de la triple bénédiction du cérémonial de Reims des rois de Francesim. Leurs Majestés, agenouillées devant l'autel, reçoivent du Pape la triple onction : une sur le front, les autres sur les deux mains. D'abord l'Empereur, puis l'Impératrice.
Dans son oraison, le Pape demande à Dieu de répandre les trésors et les grâces de Ses bénédictions sur l'Empereur. Il prie pour qu'il gouverne avec force, justice, fidélité, prévoyance, courage et persévérance. L'Empereur doit combattre le Mal et défendre la sainte Église chrétienne. L'Impératrice, quant à elle, reçoit le soutien de Dieu et du Christ, afin de conserver l'Empire et le peuple français dans l'éternité.
Un tel cérémonial met en lumière la dimension spirituelle et mystique de la monarchie impériale. C'est un moment empreint de tradition, où chaque geste, chaque parole, porte un symbolisme profond, rappelant les liens sacrés qui unissent le souverain à son peuple, et à Dieu.
(Monseigneur Morlot) Dieu tout-puissant et éternel, qui avez voulu qu'à l'exemple de David, de Salomon et de Joas, le front des Rois et des Empereurs fût ceint du diadème, afin que, par l'éclat des pierreries et la splendeur de leurs ornements, ils fussent aux des peuples, pendant qu'ils règnent sur la terre, la vive et frappante image de la majesté qui vous environnement...
(Monseigneur Morlot) ... Répandez, nous vous en conjurons, votre bénédiction sur ces couronnes, afin que votre serviteur Napoléon et son épouse, qui les porteront sur la terre brillent de l'éclat de toutes les vertus.
(Pape) Que Dieu ceigne votre front de la couronne de la gloire et de justice ; qu'il vous arme de force et de courage, afin que, bénis du Ciel par nos mains, pleins de foi et de bonnes oeuvres, vous arriviez à la couronne du règne éternel...
(Pape) Par la grâce de celui dont le règne et l'empire s'étendent dans tous les siècles et les siècles. Amen. (Napoléon V) Amen.
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girafeduvexin · 3 months
Je sais que j'ai dit que j'aimais trop Marine Tondelier mais en vrai, faut arrêter de glorifier des personnalités politiques de gauche. C'est comme ça qu'on se retrouve avec des gens qui idolâtrent Mélenchon comme si c'était un Dieu humain. C'est juste des gens qui ont choisi la politique comme métier, dont le travail consiste à porter la parole d'autres et qui sont souvent vaguement charismatiques. Rien de plus !
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Cherche le coeur de Dieu et tu feras des exploits!
Cherche le coeur de Dieu et tu feras des exploits!
Plus de deux semaines déjà que je partage sur la puissance de la louange et en particulier sur l’expérience extraordinaire que Paul et Silas ont vécu au cours de leur voyage missionnaire en Macédoine! J’ai appris tellement de choses! J’espère que les pépites que je t’ai partagé jusqu’ici t’ont fait du bien! Dis-moi ce qui t’a le plus marqué en commentaire! 🙏 Je te partage une dernière leçon…
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ladivinegrace · 3 months
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lisaalmeida · 9 months
À chaque seconde, je brûle de tout mon être
L'amour est à présent, mon seul maître.
Je sens mon Coeur brûlant, prêt à exploser
Je ne peux plus m'échapper,
Mais pourquoi résister, vaut mieux céder.
C'est tellement stupide de décliner.
Mon coeur est tellement brûlant,
Cela veut-il sans doute dire, que l'amour est un titan.
À croire que l'amour est un dieu vivant,
Puisque je me plie à sa volonté,
D'ailleurs comment puis-je dire non, à sa beauté.
Mais grâce à lui, je peux te dire que je t'aime,
Son fluide flamboyant circule dans mes veines.
Tu es tout ce que je souhaitais,
Je loue l'amour, tu es mon rêve le plus fou,
À présent, mon cher, je sens tes doigts,
Caresser ma peau qui ne connaissait pas l'émoi.
Tes lèvres sur les miennes, quelle merveille!
Tes paroles poétiques sont égales au miel,
Ton regard et ton sourire stimulent mon désir!
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